View Full Version : Help Finding a Prestige Class.

2014-05-24, 10:28 PM
So, awhile back I recall reading about some prestige class that was apparently in a modal form when those were still being put out by Wizards for 3.5 that could be entered with no serious difficulty at like 2nd level and gave you shadow pounce for a 1 level dip. For quite some time I remembered this class to be the telflammar shadowlord, but then recently when I started looking into it for a member of my group who expressed interest in all things shadow themed for her character in a campaign were in were she just tool a shadow hand heavy dip into swordsage and is too take that shadow creature Template form Tome of Magic, I found that apparently the Telflammer Shadowlord was, in fact, another PrC form Unapproachable East that would be a lot harder for her to get into having not planned it from level 1, and didn't grant shadow pounce till level 4.

Sooo, my question to the playground is, is there a class, published in a pre-fab adventure from wizards 3.5 run, that a character could fairly easily qualify for at level 2, and that grants shadow pounce at it's first level? Or did I simply imagine this class existing?

2014-05-24, 10:49 PM
I think you imagined it.
Now you could let your PC retrain some to be able to qualify

Now: there is the Crinti Shadow Marauder, the only other class I know that gives Shadow Pounce... but it is at level 5

There is the Jaunter (Ex. to the Demonweb pits) which grants a lot of teleportyness and has v. easy reqs (maybe as early as lvl 2 if you aim for it)

Blade of Orien has easy prereqs, but needs lesser dragonmark (which needs 9 ranks)
and gives lotsa teleporty bonuses

2014-05-24, 11:07 PM
Blade of Orien has easy prereqs, but needs lesser dragonmark (which needs 9 ranks)
and gives lotsa teleporty bonuses

Bah, I'm not waiting for 6th level. As your 5th level, grab the Dragonmarked Heir PrC (Eberron Campaign Setting) and get it as a bonus feat, so you can enter it early.

2014-05-25, 12:50 AM
Bah, I'm not waiting for 6th level. As your 5th level, grab the Dragonmarked Heir PrC (Eberron Campaign Setting) and get it as a bonus feat, so you can enter it early.


You'd still be entering it at the same level. And unless you already wanted the Favored in House feat for another reason, you're spending the same amount of feats.

Unless you already wanted Favored in House, because then, yes, getting Lesser D-mark as a bonus feat is good. But you're still entering it at level 7, which you would anyway...