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View Full Version : Hero Lab help. Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition.

2014-05-25, 03:29 PM
So, I applied for a M&M 3rd E campaign some time back, and built a magic user. Didn't get accepted due to overwhelming interest. Liked the character, hung on too it, and now another game were with a couple of minor tweaks to fit setting (old game was DCU, new game is not.) story wise, he should fit in well. Just one problem. The old game was gonna be PL 10, this new one is gonna be PL 8.

Is there a way I can go into hero lab once the characters already been built and saved and adjust it down to a PL 8 character? Or do I just need to print a copy of the characters build, delete it, and then start from scratch at PL 8?