View Full Version : GoT-Style Campaigns

2014-05-26, 05:14 PM
Hey everyone, I'm running some Pathfinder for a group of friends, and most of them are like hugely into Game of Thrones. I was wondering if there are any good campaigns, modules, or adventure paths out there that are in a similar vein - that is to say, with a lot of focus on politics, intrigue, betrayal, etc. I'm not looking for something that's actually set in Westeros, and I'd prefer something that's either PF or 3.5, to minimize conversion.

2014-05-26, 05:24 PM
Dragon Magazine 307 has a feature on GoT, including suggestions on how to run a campaign in Westeros.

2014-05-26, 06:14 PM
You might need to do some tweaking if the PCs are not in control of their own domain but have a domain as vassals to some higher power, but the Kingdom Building/Running rules in Pathfinder seem like they'd be of interest.

I believe the Kingmaker Advenutre Path for Pathfinder involves some intriguing and has opportunities for further shtuff in that vein along with some warmongering.