View Full Version : Antimagic field work against psionics?

2014-05-26, 07:20 PM
This is something i am sure has been answered but i cannot find it.

But does antimagic field, spell resistance, spell turning and all that work against psionic abilities?

and if they do, what is the point of null psionic field, power resistance and those types of things?

2014-05-26, 07:32 PM
Almost all of them work the same way under normal rules (though there is a variant where they don't). The point is to give psionic characters access to the same options.

2014-05-26, 07:46 PM
This is something i am sure has been answered but i cannot find it.

But does antimagic field, spell resistance, spell turning and all that work against psionic abilities?

and if they do, what is the point of null psionic field, power resistance and those types of things?

The answer to all of these depends on the particular game's stance on something called "Magic-Psionics Transparency."

Without transparency, NO Psionics are not stopped by things that stop magic. That means you DO need a null psionics field and are not stopped by Anti-Magic, spell immunity, spell resistance, and so on.

With transparency, YES Psionics is affected by all those things. In this view, Psionics is another branch of the magical tree; Arcane, Divine, and Psionics. So, anything that stops magic, stops Psionics.

From experience and by preference I think Psionics Transparency is the one that makes a little bit more sense and is more balanced. But from a certain stance (especially thinking deeply on the way Psionics seems to be and how it worked in older editions) then I can understand turning that switch off. If you do play without transparency then I find it much harder, you then have to build encounters with that in mind. You can remember to take away the holy symbol, the component pouch, and then cast a special extra spell/psionic... whatever a psionic thing is? (power?).. to block the slight chance that someone can do pseudomagical stuff with their mind. It also allows (IMHO) unfortunate effects when dealing with Golems and similarly immune creatures, and this is where I think it makes more sense to allow transparency because I don't entirely see how "mind power" can affect a golem or skeleton better than a divine spell could, for example.

Also, if you are looking for a proper description of "Psionics-Magic Transparency" check out page 55 of the Expanded Psionics Handbook. I can't find a similar section in the 3.5 book Complete Psionics. But if I'm reading the description in the 3.0 book then I believe that WITH transparency is generally considered true.

Red Fel
2014-05-26, 07:48 PM
It depends.

If you are using the psionics-magic transparency rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#psionicsMagicTransparenc y), then yes, they are identical. Antimagic = null psionic, and vice-versa; SR = PR; and so forth.

If, however, you are not using the psionics-magic transparency rules, then no, antimagic field and spell turning don't work against powers. This is both an asset and a liability; by the same token, PR and a null psionic field won't protect you against spells.

So it depends what's going on at your table.

2014-05-26, 07:50 PM
Just a note, in 3.5 Transparency is the default.

2014-05-26, 08:31 PM
Just a note, in 3.5 Transparency is the default.

For extremely good reason.

2014-05-26, 08:33 PM
For extremely good reason.+1.

Nontransparency is extremely hard to use in a balanced way, even if you don't use arcane and divine casters. Almost no monsters or NPCs have psionics-specific defenses, and so any psion in the campaign will walk all over just about everything.

Protip: Never use nontransparency. Not even then.

2014-05-26, 08:36 PM
Also, IF you do decide to use non-transparency. It should be noted that creatures with SR have PR equal to 1/2 their SR, and vis versa.

2014-05-26, 08:52 PM
Also, IF you do decide to use non-transparency. It should be noted that creatures with SR have PR equal to 1/2 their SR, and vice versa.They might as well not have any, in that case, since only characters far lower in level than the creature's CR will fail such a check, and those characters are likely toast regardless.

Mmmm. Toast...

2014-05-26, 09:52 PM
They might as well not have any, in that case, since only characters far lower in level than the creature's CR will fail such a check, and those characters are likely toast regardless.

Mmmm. Toast...

*drumbeat* "Yeah, Toast!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSgSXkB1I_8&feature=kp)