View Full Version : Master of many forms - OP ?

2014-05-27, 01:20 AM
So I was playing with someone who was playing master of many forms level 15, and mid fight he straight up turned into a wyrm dragon...
Now for those of you who don't know - wyrm dragon's breath does 22d10 damage(!)
And YES, master of many forms can use extraordinary abilities...
So I'm asking, isn't he ridiculously over powered ?

2014-05-27, 01:24 AM
You can't turn into a form that has more HD than you have wild shape levels. There are no wyrm dragons with 15HD or less (most have 30-40HD), so you can't turn into one at level 15.
So no, it's not overpowered. Your player just misunderstood or ignored the rules.

2014-05-27, 01:26 AM
First of All, HD. Swordsaged, of course.

Second, no straight druid is better. They even have a 4th level spell to get Ex abilities.

2014-05-27, 01:26 AM
Relative to what? A master of many forms is going to be more powerful than most things in the game, but it's significantly weaker than skipping it and going druid 20. Thus, you're likely better off with him having access to it than you would be otherwise, though stopping him from druiding about completely would likely depower him some (unless he shifts off to another tier one caster). However, if he's just using this to fly around and toss out blasts of reasonably large scale, instead of using it to do something actually crazy, then that probably knocks his power level down to just better than a lot of things, rather than better than most things. Tier three, in other words.

2014-05-27, 01:28 AM
22d10 is 121 dmg average. That's really not that much for a round's worth of actions at level 15. A straight rogue with improved twf should have 5 attacks with 8d6 sneak attack on each. That's 40d6, average 140 from sneak attack alone.

some guy
2014-05-27, 01:56 AM
Now for those of you who don't know - wyrm dragon's breath does 22d10 damage(!)
And YES, master of many forms can use extraordinary abilities... ?

Also, a dragon's breath weapon is a Supernatural ability, not an Extraordinary.

2014-05-27, 02:18 AM
Most MoMF builds are high tier 3. If using a small set of abusive forms (with which I am somewhat familiar), it can be pushed up to tier 2 in certain respects. Wyrm Dragon is not one of the forms on this list.

Grim Reader
2014-05-27, 02:39 AM
Master of Many Forms has only 10 levels pre-epic but does have an epic progression. Level 15 is well into Epic, at which point 22d10 damage isn't...really what you'd call overpowered.

2014-05-27, 02:41 AM
Master of Many Forms has only 10 levels pre-epic but does have an epic progression. Level 15 is well into Epic, at which point 22d10 damage isn't...really what you'd call overpowered.
Pretty sure he's talking about a druid or wild shape ranger 5/MoMF 10, rather than some sort of druid 5/MoMF 10/something decent 5/epic MoMF 5.

2014-05-27, 03:51 AM
The MoMFs is one of the most powerful non-full-casters classes out there, and levels 12-15 are pretty near the top of it's power. It get eclipsed by shapechange at 16th/17th level.

There is a feat that allows you to get (su) abilities, and a magic item that gives you +4 hit dice on the maximum hit dice for your forms, but that should still be a limit of 19HD.

Encourage him to turn into a dragon. He could be doing stuff that's a lot more effective.