View Full Version : Computer Neverwinter Nights 2: Shadows of Undrentide Module?

2014-05-27, 10:26 PM
Alright, I loved Neverwinter Nights' Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansions, but playing NWN after getting used to NWN2 is kind of nerve-wracking (I like the extra control I have over my companions, for example). So I was wondering, does anybody know if there are Neverwinter Nights 2 modules based off of either or both expansions?

2014-05-27, 10:45 PM
Alright, I loved Neverwinter Nights' Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansions, but playing NWN after getting used to NWN2 is kind of nerve-wracking (I like the extra control I have over my companions, for example). So I was wondering, does anybody know if there are Neverwinter Nights 2 modules based off of either or both expansions?

I'm the exact opposite. I Just can't get into NWN2, I don't like the camera style for it(even with a ton of fiddling around I can't get it to work like NWNs did), and it's a pain to get all the patches installed now that the game no longer auto-updates. For NWN you can just download patch 1.69 and you're good to go, but the last time I tried to install NWN2 I had to download an installer, and then download each an every patch separately, then install them one by one via the installer. Major PITA imo.

Anyways, on topic, I would say go to the nwnvault, that is the largest repository for NWN and NWN2 patches around as far as I know. Just search Shadows of Undertide(which, btw, I agree was completely awesome! Though HoTU is probably a bit better over-all) and see what comes up :)

2014-05-27, 11:53 PM
Yeah, I looked there, but if it existed, it was nowhere to be found...le sigh. :smallfrown:

2014-05-28, 03:25 PM
used to NWN2

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

2014-05-28, 06:13 PM
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Why? I like NWN1, but I preferred the look of 2, so I stuck with it.

2014-05-28, 07:19 PM
Why? I like NWN1, but I preferred the look of 2, so I stuck with it.

I preferred the look of NWN 2 when it was called Baldur's Gate.

Graphically they're both terrible but I found NWN 2 unplayable.

2014-05-28, 07:28 PM
I preferred the look of NWN 2 when it was called Baldur's Gate.

Graphically they're both terrible but I found NWN 2 unplayable.

To each his own, I suppose.

2014-05-28, 09:23 PM
To each his own, I suppose.

Agreed. While I didn't enjoy NWN2, a good portion of my distaste for it is founded in the simple fact that I pre-ordered it, and installed it the moment I got my pre-order, and NWN2 was virtually unplayable until around patch 1.04, and wasn't truly playable until 1.13. Black screen of death until like 1.02. So by the time I decided to give it another try, there were the issues I mentioned in my first post.

It still seemed like it would be a good game, if I could just get past those other problems. And anyone who thinks NWN1 was bad, well, I guess I'll just have to repeat that "To each their own". I LOVED Neverwinter Nights 1, and both expansions, and all the official modules. I played on a persistent world for a while(World of Caenyr), and it was even better. Apparently, WoC is still around, even though Gamespy is/has shut down the servers, from what I can tell they got their own servers, because they sent me an email since I'm a former Caenyrite, notifying me of the new forums and servers and stuff.

Honestly, I've never understood the massive praise of Baldurs Gate and Baldurs Gate 2. I installed BG1 on my last computer(doubt I could even get it to install on Win7), fired it up, and was just completely let down with how awful it seemed. So bad that BG2 is still within it's box, buried under my desk, almost certainly to never see the light of day :-(

2014-05-28, 10:07 PM
The original Baldur's Gate hasn't aged too well on its own (BG tutorial and the NPC project help a lot, though), although the narrative does get better further on. BG2 is the one people really praise.

2014-05-28, 11:53 PM
The original Baldur's Gate is extraodrinarily punishing. The game doesn't take off its kiddy gloves, it forgot to bring them. Even if you are intimately familiar with the system, it isn't uncommon to find yourself at the game over screen when you walk into the first wolf/real encounter of the game. God help you if you play a wizard, then even the weakest of the mobs can one shot you on a good roll. Despite the punishing difficulty and aging, the narrative is still one of the best stories I've had the pleasure of enjoying to date... and I still haven't even managed to beat it.

Baldur's Gate 2 is far less punishing, at least early on, as you start around level 8 and actually have some class features/spells/hp under your belt and are immediately dropped into a well supplied city with untold amounts of quests to wander off and do after a Not-so) shortish intro dungeon. The engine was overhauled, refined and spit-polished for the second game and it really shows. The kits give many options to play with (even if some are inherently useless) and the interparty banter and romances combined with the continued narrative make it hands down the second best overall story I've dealt with. I only rate it lower than Planescape... because I've never actually managed to finish it without getting hopelessly confused and lost at some point.

To the topic at hand, I greatly enjoyed the feel of NWN 1's engine to NWN 2... I liked the large party of 2. The first game felt clunky simply because of how unpolished the engine was, whereas the 2nd was almost unplayable due to extreme issues with video cards, bugs, and complete game breaking errors that riddled it. Neither game really won me on story, as the intro to the first dragged on for all of eternity, and the 2nd was so unremarkable and boring... I literally can't remember any of it save wandering into a swamp after something. My real want is a true to the ground remake of the original Baldur's Gate series in a 3D 3.5 edition system. As long as they copy-pasted Irenicus' voice to the new game.... no one could do it better.

2014-05-29, 06:40 AM
NWN 2 is a frustrating game that you can (supposedly) get used to but didn't feel worth it to me, but its main problems is that its a terrible sequel. It 'improved' the graphics (while being worse stylisticly) at the expense of what actually made NWN good in the first place (and unlike with KotOR 2 didn't do anything interesting at the same time as mixing things up from the original).

Extra party control is pointless since NWN was always a better multiplayer game and NWN had bad graphics for a very good reason, it made the toolset a lot more accessible. We had two copies of NWN and all the expansions in my house because it could play on all our computers so my brother and I could both play multiplayer at once. Buying two computers capable of playing NWN2 wasn't in our ability.

There was something unique about NWN's community that the sequel couldn't really capture.

My real want is a true to the ground remake of the original Baldur's Gate series in a 3D 3.5 edition system.

Why? BG is a strategy game combat wise (as is every RPG where you control a whole party) and even the newest strategy games all have what is essentially 2d gameplay. 3d RPGs like Elder Scrolls don't have party control for a reason (NWN wasn't true 3d because objects couldn't stack). I'll always love Baldur's Gate's party more than the cast of any Bethesda game but trying to do a 3d Baldur's Gate is part of what ruined NWN2 for me.

I wouldn't be surprised if frustration with how many times they had to mess with NWN2's controls and camera in expansions contributed to the decision to want to go back to 2d with Pillars of Eternity.

2014-06-02, 12:43 AM
Ya know what really sucks? Apparently losing your Neverwinter Nights 2 book that contains your CD key >< I've looked all over and can't find it anywhere. I have Mask of the Betrayer Book and Storms of Zehir book, but no original NWN2 book.

2014-06-02, 06:00 AM
Ya know what really sucks? Apparently losing your Neverwinter Nights 2 book that contains your CD key >< I've looked all over and can't find it anywhere. I have Mask of the Betrayer Book and Storms of Zehir book, but no original NWN2 book.

If you still have the game installed, you can find your key in the ini file. If you registered the game with BioWare, you can log into your account and find it.

2014-06-02, 08:03 AM
Or just get NWN2 Complete on GoG for $20, with all the patches and a great support community.

2014-06-02, 12:35 PM
Heh, the funny part is: When people talk about how great the Baldur's Gate series is, they really only mean BG2 (and maybe its Throne of Bhaal addon.).
BG1 can be safely skipped entirely. It's kinda crap by today's standards and the story can be gotten from flashbacks and conversations in BG2.
2 I can't quite judge, due to nostalgia goggles, but on a basic level it should still hold up.

Oh, and for the original question: No, I don't think either of these exist. :/
(Say... wasn't there a Baldur's Gate module for NWN or NWN2? Or was that a Icewind Dale module?)

2014-06-02, 12:37 PM
(Say... wasn't there a Baldur's Gate module for NWN or NWN2? Or was that a Icewind Dale module?)


2014-06-02, 12:42 PM
This person of uncertain gender does not speak for me.

2014-06-02, 04:42 PM
If you still have the game installed, you can find your key in the ini file. If you registered the game with BioWare, you can log into your account and find it.

If I had the game installed, I wouldn't need the CD key :) I last installed it on my old computer, which went belly-up due to the motherboard failing. It's currently out in storage, not sure if it's worth digging out just to get the harddrive and put it in this comp and find the cd key. Might though.

It was registered, on the old Bioware forums, but those no longer exist, and I apparently never registered it on the newer forums, just Dragon Age.(I know, that was my initial thought last night, to go to the forums and get it, but again, old ones are kaput, and new one doesn't have it).

Or just get NWN2 Complete on GoG for $20, with all the patches and a great support community.

Yeah, no. I have a 5gb Data cap :) I can't download a game, any game. It's going to be hell enough just trying to download the patches for the game, probably going to take at least 1/5th, and probably closer to 1/4 of my cap, and I still have 12 days until it flips over :-(.

Major Edit:Well, dug out the old comps harddrive, plugged it in, no go. I forgot that I had been having troubles with the MOBO on it before I decided to get a new one, but hadn't realized that right away, so I had resorted to wiping everything off of my Harddrive. It has NWN on it, but not NWN 2 >< So I guess I'm officially screwed on ever playing NWN2 again.

2014-06-03, 02:45 AM
Hmm, I don't like to double post, but I kind of feel this warrants it.

So, I decided I was going to entirely tear apart my desk, pulling out each and every one of my computer games(considerably more then I thought, let me tell you that) to look for the missing NWN2 manual. I go through all of them, Nadda. So, I go underneath my desk(and let me tell you, my back feels like it's been pushed through a meat grinder now, I'll be taking extra pain meds shortly) and pull out every single box underneath there, because I know my wife has a tendency to stick old game books and stuff into old computer hardware boxes. Pulled out every single one of them, and nothing. I was ticked, I had really pinned my hopes on that. So, I pulled out every single Game INformer magazine in the wicker basket underneath my desk. Nadda again. So, I was done. I stuck everything back in it's place, when I had this sudden urge to look at the old anime VHS tapes stored underneath my desk. Don't know why, because they are piled almost level with the underside of the desk, but there was one pile that wasn't. I looked at it, and I saw a page sticking up. I was like "Nah, there's no freaking way that's it. I grabbed it, and I instantly said "Well, it's the right shape and size for it", so I continued to pull it out, and lo and freaking behold, it was in fact the missing NWN2 manual.

I truly have zero clue how in the hell my NWN2 manual got stuck on top of a bunch of ancient anime VHS tapes. There isn't even a crack in my desk where it could have fallen through and landed on top, it would have had to been deliberately placed there. I'm such at a complete loss as to how it ended up there, but in the end, I'm very thankful that my gut instinct said "Look on top of the Anime tapes". Such a weird ending to my search... LOL

Edit: Well, the hit to my cap sucked, but I have to say, the difference between downloading the patches manually because you're on a 26.4k dial-up connection, and having to install them in terribly specific order, and downloading them using the built in auto-updater is literally the difference between night and day. The last time I tried to play I was stuck on my old dial-up modem(just 2 years ago!) and had to download the patches one by one at a friends house, then download an installer and then follow very specific instructions on how to install them right so you don't screw up your game. Tonight, while I hated burning through my cap so fast, I Just clicked "update" and 15 minutes later I was done. YAY!

2014-06-03, 07:57 AM
Don't you have any friends with better internet you can visit? I seem to remember from previous conversations that you're out in the boonies somewhere on a satellite connection (No 4G signal either I take it? It would even be faster tethering with a cellphone than that...) and every time I read about your internet woes I cringe.

2014-06-03, 08:28 AM
Don't you have any friends with better internet you can visit? I seem to remember from previous conversations that you're out in the boonies somewhere on a satellite connection (No 4G signal either I take it? It would even be faster tethering with a cellphone than that...) and every time I read about your internet woes I cringe.

Not anymore, last closest friend just moved even further away. He was 15 miles away, now he's a solid 35 miles away, I'd waste more gas then I'd save in data cap overages. And no, I have 4G LTE Mobile Hot-spot from AT&T. 5gb Data cap, $10 per 1 gig over, the overage starts the moment you hit .01 into the next(So 5.01, 6.01, 7.01), doesn't matter if you use anymore past that .01, it's $10 >< I've looked and looked for better, I could get Satellite but I like to play D3 and Path of Exile, and sometimes Guild Wars 2, and the ping from Satellite would be so horrendous any of those would be horrendously unplayable. I even tried to start a petition for Comcast or Verizon to come out here, but just not enough people on the mountain to get them to come out anytime soon.

2014-06-03, 08:34 AM
Oh my bad, when you mentioned the 26.4k I was thinking that was your satellite rather than a legacy dial-up.

Well, at least you have... fresh air? :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-03, 06:06 PM
Oh my bad, when you mentioned the 26.4k I was thinking that was your satellite rather than a legacy dial-up.

Well, at least you have... fresh air? :smallbiggrin:

And privacy :) Which is what I value the most honestly. It's why I deal with having fast, but extremely limited, internet. I'm an extremely private person, I rarely leave the mountain except to go grocery shopping and once in a while visit friends, I have no smartphone, no texting, no facebook/social media. I have a small handful of friends I visit once in a while and that's about it :) I'll still continue to complain about my internet though, I mean, if South Korea has 100% high-speed internet access, and hell, if the majority of the world has access to high-speed, then the entire U.S. should be covered from head to toe in it, it's a crying shame it's not.

Anyways, I'll hopefully get to start my first real playthrough of NWN2 tonight, hopefully this one lasts longer then 20 minutes, which is the longest I've ever gone before, LOL. In the past though I was playing other games at the same time, this time there are no other games to distract me. I would have started last night, but by the time everything was installed and fully updated, it was less then 45 minutes before I had to get my daughters up and put them on the bus, and after that was bedtime for me.

2014-06-04, 12:27 AM
Sad that you can't just get a GOG.com copy of NWN2 Complete. But it'd destroy your data cap nearly twice over. On the other hand, it's got CD keys three different ways to keep safe just in case, and the installer gives you the latest fully patched game including all expansions and Mystery of Westgate without having to do all that manual patching. You would lose access to MoW if you requested and used multiplayer CD keys, though. Good ol' copy-paste can be a kind of workaround to that if you're into multiplayer..

Being verbose about that is my pettiness for being so suggestible that I see things like a NWN2 thread and decide to reinstall it (and BG2, and Icewind Dale 2:smallsigh:) because I needed to just completely shake up the games I had installed.:smallwink: In fairness to NWN2, once you get past the prologue the OC isn't so bad, although I find the most enjoyable part for me is the beginning of Act III (which you can't skip to because it's not a separate module unlike the chapters of NWN 1).

2014-06-04, 12:46 AM
Sad that you can't just get a GOG.com copy of NWN2 Complete. But it'd destroy your data cap nearly twice over. On the other hand, it's got CD keys three different ways to keep safe just in case, and the installer gives you the latest fully patched game including all expansions and Mystery of Westgate without having to do all that manual patching. You would lose access to MoW if you requested and used multiplayer CD keys, though. Good ol' copy-paste can be a kind of workaround to that if you're into multiplayer..

Being verbose about that is my pettiness for being so suggestible that I see things like a NWN2 thread and decide to reinstall it (and BG2, and Icewind Dale 2:smallsigh:) because I needed to just completely shake up the games I had installed.:smallwink: In fairness to NWN2, once you get past the prologue the OC isn't so bad, although I find the most enjoyable part for me is the beginning of Act III (which you can't skip to because it's not a separate module unlike the chapters of NWN 1).

If I had access to better internet I'd probably take advantage of the ToEE and Planescape Torment bundle that they had on sale not to long ago(I think it was them. if it was steam I'd ignore it, I would never support steam for any reason, ever). I wouldn't re-buy NWN or NWN2 or any of the xpacs though, since I do have the hard copies of them. I'd probably prefer hard copies of Planescape and ToEE, but getting them to work on Win7 would be more hassle then it's worth so I'd probably be willing to break my dislike of digital media to get them. Alas, internet. :smallsigh:

Enjoy the playthroughs of the games you re-installed :) I'll be loading up NWN2 shortly.

2014-06-04, 01:00 AM
I lucked into an absurdly good package deal where I got 10 D&D games for $20 USD. Absurdly good, and even though I had hard copies of several of the games. My discs weren't exactly in pristine condition despite my best efforts. Someday I'll get around to ToEE and finishing Planescape.

2014-06-04, 01:32 AM
I lucked into an absurdly good package deal where I got 10 D&D games for $20 USD. Absurdly good, and even though I had hard copies of several of the games. My discs weren't exactly in pristine condition despite my best efforts. Someday I'll get around to ToEE and finishing Planescape.

If I happened to find/be notified of a deal like that, I'd buy it, then haul my computer the 35 miles to my buddies new place and download all the games there. That would be an incredible deal and well worth the trip.

Edit: The uhh, be notified bit, that's a subtle hint that if anyone around here ever happens to see a deal of similar quality, I'd love a heads-up, I really would happily drag my computer 35 miles if meant snagging several top notch games like ToEE and Planescape Torment, even if I had some of the others in hard-copy version.

2014-06-04, 07:17 AM
I'm sure you may already know this, but you're gonna want to get the Circle of Eight modpack for ToEE. It's the only way I got it to work on my Windows 7 computer.

2014-06-04, 09:06 PM
(Say... wasn't there a Baldur's Gate module for NWN or NWN2? Or was that a Icewind Dale module?)

There's a BG1 mod for NWN2. While the amount of effort that went into it is remarkable, I honestly can't recommend it. The early game difficult is completely borked (the Ogre in the woods south of the Friendly Arm Inn is now an Ogre Mage; Gibberlings have damage reduction; Tarnesh's magic missile will one-shot anyone in your party and he casts it multiple times) and even more wildly prone to RNG swings than Baldur's Gate was. Also the engine just doesn't handle the kind of party control harder fights in Baldur's Gate required terribly well. It also comes with built-in mod that adds some ridiculous number of prestige classes, which is just odd considering that Baldur's Gate is a fairly low-level game.

2014-06-04, 09:13 PM
Speaking of prestige classes, did Obsidian add a few more classes and/or races, gods, and other stuff in the final patches outside of the expansion packs? I mean, I had both expansions the last time I installed the game, and I don't remember half the options I have now for making a character. Ended up rolling a Druid, just because I've always wanted to play one in NWN but never got around to it(I am a monk addict in NWN. You are literally unstoppable past like..level 10. I was taking on "Impossible" rated enemies with the difficulty cranked to max and walking out of the fights with nary a scratch on me. Just spam improved knockdown and the enemy never even gets a chance to hit you. Even the BIG enemies, like the big...Baator? Man, I can't remember the names of D&D monsters at all. Big Red Demon with wings! in act 3 in the original NWN, or the one that is a merchant in HoTU once you get thrown into the Abyss or whatever. I slaughtered both with my monk, something I barely accomplished with my Wizard). Hopefully the druid plays well in NWN2.

2014-06-05, 12:41 AM
Speaking of prestige classes, did Obsidian add a few more classes and/or races, gods, and other stuff in the final patches outside of the expansion packs? I mean, I had both expansions the last time I installed the game, and I don't remember half the options I have now for making a character. Ended up rolling a Druid, just because I've always wanted to play one in NWN but never got around to it(I am a monk addict in NWN. You are literally unstoppable past like..level 10. I was taking on "Impossible" rated enemies with the difficulty cranked to max and walking out of the fights with nary a scratch on me. Just spam improved knockdown and the enemy never even gets a chance to hit you. Even the BIG enemies, like the big...Baator? Man, I can't remember the names of D&D monsters at all. Big Red Demon with wings! in act 3 in the original NWN, or the one that is a merchant in HoTU once you get thrown into the Abyss or whatever. I slaughtered both with my monk, something I barely accomplished with my Wizard). Hopefully the druid plays well in NWN2.

The final boss for Hordes was Mephistopheles, Lord of the 8th Layer of Baator.

2014-06-05, 12:47 AM
The final boss for Hordes was Mephistopheles, Lord of the 8th Layer of Baator.

Yeah, that wasn't who I was referring to though. When you make it out of act 2 of HoTU, you get thrown into one of the 9 layers of tartarus or whatever, and the main merchant is this giant Baatezu? Or something..oh wait! Balor!!! Yeah, he's a giant Balor, and was rated as "impossible", but my monk still waylaid him. Of course, I made sure I had whatever I needed from him first, since Bioware didn't add the ability to loot the merchants you can kill ^^ Or at least, I think he was a merchant? Maybe he was just the welcoming committee or something. All I know is he wasn't hostile until I started swinging on him :)

2014-06-05, 02:44 AM
Yeah, that wasn't who I was referring to though. When you make it out of act 2 of HoTU, you get thrown into one of the 9 layers of tartarus or whatever, and the main merchant is this giant Baatezu? Or something..oh wait! Balor!!! Yeah, he's a giant Balor, and was rated as "impossible", but my monk still waylaid him. Of course, I made sure I had whatever I needed from him first, since Bioware didn't add the ability to loot the merchants you can kill ^^ Or at least, I think he was a merchant? Maybe he was just the welcoming committee or something. All I know is he wasn't hostile until I started swinging on him :)

Oh, yeah, now I now what you're talking about. It's called a Pit Fiend (http://nwn.wikia.com/wiki/Pit_fiend), I believe. Balors have the skull faces.

2014-06-05, 03:06 AM
Oh, yeah, now I now what you're talking about. It's called a Pit Fiend (http://nwn.wikia.com/wiki/Pit_fiend), I believe. Balors have the skull faces.

Might be it ^^

Anyone know if there were any official NWN2 modules released by Obsidian? I know NWN had several(I have them all on disc), but can't recall if Obsidian ever released any.

2014-06-05, 01:01 PM
Might be it ^^

Anyone know if there were any official NWN2 modules released by Obsidian? I know NWN had several(I have them all on disc), but can't recall if Obsidian ever released any.

The only official module I know of for NWN2 is Mysteries of Westgate, and I don't believe that was Obsidian. I can't be sure though. It did not much care for my system and I started lagging and stuttering as my laptop tried to avoid exploding into a fiery mess. Otherwise I think that because of early version problems and design choices it got little enough public support that they just stopped doing things for the NWN2 line. (Read: the muckity mucks with the money didn't think the ROI was worth pursuing that avenue.)

2014-06-05, 11:26 PM
Alright, since the original purpose of the thread seems to have been fulfilled, I have a new question: Are there any decent Eberron-based modules out there? My Google-Fu only managed to turn up a few mentions of a dead website and an image of a rather nice model for a Warforged head.

Heck, even some existing Eberron assets to make my own module would be great.

2014-06-12, 05:36 PM
Here's a question for NWN2 involving mods! Are there any bug fixes by the community, and more specifically, any that fix the atrocious AI? I mean, I'm fully patched and everything with all expansions, and yet I've died half a dozen times because my party members will all of a sudden just zoom off to chase some enemy that's all the way across the screen, despite the fact that the enemy they were fighting is still alive and swinging on them, and now gaining Attacks of Opportunity on them because they are running all over the place >< Most annoying thing ever!! I can't remember if this happened in NWN1, but if it did, it didn't matter, because I never took NPCs with me, I preferred to play by myself. Can't really do that too well in NWN2 thus far, I'd have been dead a zillion times over if I was soloing with the mass of enemies that I come across.

2014-06-12, 06:33 PM
I suggest you check the GoG forums first despite not getting your copy there since they are probably the most active for the game after all this time.

2014-06-12, 07:55 PM
Are there any bug fixes by the community, and more specifically, any that fix the atrocious AI?

TonyK's AI (http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=nwn2hakpaksoriginal.detail&id=141). Part of it was eventually incorporated into the game by a later patch, but the mod itself is more extensive.

He also made an AI mod for NWN1 (http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=hakpaks.detail&id=4510).

2014-06-14, 01:11 PM
Here's a question for NWN2 involving mods! Are there any bug fixes by the community, and more specifically, any that fix the atrocious AI? I mean, I'm fully patched and everything with all expansions, and yet I've died half a dozen times because my party members will all of a sudden just zoom off to chase some enemy that's all the way across the screen, despite the fact that the enemy they were fighting is still alive and swinging on them, and now gaining Attacks of Opportunity on them because they are running all over the place >< Most annoying thing ever!! I can't remember if this happened in NWN1, but if it did, it didn't matter, because I never took NPCs with me, I preferred to play by myself. Can't really do that too well in NWN2 thus far, I'd have been dead a zillion times over if I was soloing with the mass of enemies that I come across.

Probably you've done this, but in case you haven't, there's a tab in the character screen where you can set several parameters for AI of characters you are not actively controlling (I think even including your main character). It's pretty primitive, but it does offer a little help. Personally I'm thinking of taking as few NPCs with me as required by plot this time, I used to use the debug console to change the max roster to take as many NPCs as possible with me, but that turned out poorly since the banter is repetitive with many of them and they tend to box in the main character after every area transition. GoG forums are great, I'll second going there to see what people say.

2014-06-20, 10:22 PM
So, my thoughts(sorry for hijacking this thread, just don't see the point in making an entirely new NWN2 thread), of NWN2 thus far: It's fun! Not quite as much as the first, and it's a lot more party dependent then the first one, which sucks, but still, fun. It still has the same annoying failing that the first had, and that is, that if you play a spellcasting class, it feels like you are gaming the system by resting after every encounter, but if you don't, you're dead. When I played as a Wizard in NWN, I had to rest, all the time, to get my spells back. Same with my Druid in NWN2. But when I played my Monk or Fighter in NWN2, I NEVER rested, unless I was entirely out of healing potions, which was pretty much never, since I didn't really have much else to spend my gold on. I hate having to rest so often because, as I said, I feel like I'm abusing the system. I guess that stems from having played pen & paper style D&D, which now that I think about it, doesn't actually have nearly as many enemy encounters as NWN does....hmm, maybe I should re-evaluate how guilty I feel about resting when I look at it in that respect.

Don't like I how can't attack people as often as I could in NWN. In NWN you could attack almost everyone, without fail, as long as they weren't absolutely crucial to the story. Not so in NWN2, and it's quite irritating, because there are more then a few people who have ticked me off that I'd like to show the bludgeoning end of my Warmace ><

Anyways, I think I'm about halfway to 2/3rds the way through act 1, heading to the Old Well to find some missing diplomat, and I imagine after that I'll FINALLY get into The Blacklake District, which I'm guessing when I'm done with that It'll be the end of act 1.

2014-06-22, 11:54 PM
Anyways, I think I'm about halfway to 2/3rds the way through act 1, heading to the Old Well to find some missing diplomat, and I imagine after that I'll FINALLY get into The Blacklake District, which I'm guessing when I'm done with that It'll be the end of act 1.

Well, if you've kept your enthusiasm up that far, you're probably fine. The stretch of the game where you're kept out of Blacklake and have to go do largely-irrelevant-to-the-plot quests comprising almost half of the first act to get around the broken bridge really annoys some people, surprisingly.

IMO, Old Owl Well is the first point after the Shadow Priest in Highcliff that feels like you might actually be relevant to the plot somehow. Also, whoever designed the Eyegouger lair is an evil bastard because the layout is seemingly designed to frustrate completionists, the game spawns Orcs in rooms and hallways that you've already cleared just to flank you, and also the difficulty spikes just for good measure.

2014-06-23, 12:00 AM
Well, if you've kept your enthusiasm up that far, you're probably fine. The stretch of the game where you're kept out of Blacklake and have to go do largely-irrelevant-to-the-plot quests comprising almost half of the first act to get around the broken bridge really annoys some people, surprisingly.

IMO, Old Owl Well is the first point after the Shadow Priest in Highcliff that feels like you might actually be relevant to the plot somehow. Also, whoever designed the Eyegouger lair is an evil bastard because the layout is seemingly designed to frustrate completionists, the game spawns Orcs in rooms and hallways that you've already cleared just to flank you, and also the difficulty spikes just for good measure.

Hehe, I've played so many RPGs that had so many irrelevant fetch quests to keep you busy in between main parts of the storyline that I"m pretty much immune to it nowadays :)

Yeah, the Orc lair is pretty gnarly, went from just common orcs to orc priests summoning freaking skeletons in full plate armor and huge dire boars and stuff. I was like "Whoa". LOL.

Oh, two other complaints: You don't enter into an area via the same exit you left. I hate that. I leave the docks district via the exit right next to the Sunken Flagon, but when I get brung back in, I'm all the way back up by the gnome merchant above "The Watch" building >< Literally all the way across the map from where I want to be. Second complaint: No stone of recall like from NWN. It is so irritating to have to run back n forth from fetch quest to fetch quest, so much time could be saved if they'd added a stone of recall again. I mean, it's not like we aren't still in Neverwinter, what happened to it? Did the old Hero mysteriously disappear with ALL of them? Bah ><

Other then that, still having fun :) Things are picking up more, pretty sure I'll be finishing act 1 tonight, so huzzah huzzah!

2014-06-23, 01:41 AM
I never used the stone of recall in NWN 1 anyway. Mostly just because I forgot I had it. I feel you on the weird spawn sites on a lot of those area transitions. And although NWN2 really doesn't need it, using The Complete Craftsman mods changes up crafting magical gear a bit. Admittedly I never tried crafting most of the horribly broken stuff (100% reduction bags of holding!) but it's nice that I could if for some reason I really wanted to. My favorite bit is the beginning of Act 3, but since I know it's coming it kind of makes it annoying that I can't skip acts one or two to get to it.

Seriously, though, if you can stomach your party hedging your character in every time you area transition, console commanding a larger group roster can be fun. It jacks up the difficulty curve to be sure, but the whole OC has a wonky level up system for any of your inactives anyway. Put it on hardcore difficulty and allies can damage each other, and you've got the makings of a glorious catastrophe. Especially if you take along Qara and leave her to her own devices with the magic. She'll try her best to kill the whole party just to gank a single enemy with her highest level, highest damage area spells. You can also choose options to alienate the maximum number of NPCs efficiently by choosing those conversation options. :smallbiggrin:

It's kind of refreshing that some of the NPCs are just so irritating that even if it gives me evil alignment shift, I can't feel bad about screwing with them. Like that harpy* in early act one.

*not a literal harpy.

2014-06-23, 01:45 AM
Admittedly I never tried crafting most of the horribly broken stuff (100% reduction bags of holding!) but it's nice that I could if for some reason I really wanted to.

Crafting? The game gives you one for free in mid-Act II. o_o

2014-06-23, 02:21 AM
Crafting? The game gives you one for free in mid-Act II. o_o
You could theoretically make five if it suited your fancy. I never bothered because there were enough magic bags that it was never an issue. Then again it is completely doable to equip every party member with alchemical silver holy axiomatic weapons +3/+4 without TCC mod. And mithril full plate resistant to fire, and at least one or two belts of giant strength. No XP cost for crafting means no actual drawbacks to making your own crazy stuff. 'Course Obsidian had the "foresight" to make all the NPC casters really suck at crafting magic gear.

2014-06-23, 02:46 AM
You could theoretically make five if it suited your fancy. I never bothered because there were enough magic bags that it was never an issue. Then again it is completely doable to equip every party member with alchemical silver holy axiomatic weapons +3/+4 without TCC mod. And mithril full plate resistant to fire, and at least one or two belts of giant strength. No XP cost for crafting means no actual drawbacks to making your own crazy stuff. 'Course Obsidian had the "foresight" to make all the NPC casters really suck at crafting magic gear.

Haha. My endgame Fighter 2/Barbarian 4/Frenzied Berserker 5/Cleric 9 ended up using a crafted +5 Holy Adamantine Halberd of Disruption, which was actually rather effective despite having only a DC 14 save. Why? Because NWN2's Slay Racial Group effect uses a Fortitude save, which Undead are horrible at in the corner cases where they're not immune. That gal picked up her polearm and pretty much mowed through the entirety of the King of Shadows' Zombie Horde on her own. :smallwink:

(Also, the NPCs can craft stuff just fine. If you happen to have MotB installed, the Warlock companion in particular has Imbue Item and can craft literally anything in the game so long as you pick up the feats. If you don't, or just don't want to wait that long, Sand and Zhaeve can craft anything except amulets of natural armor between them.)

2014-06-24, 04:43 AM
Hmm, I don't remember, did NWN merchants have the ability to actually run out of money? Sand, whom is the merchant that apparently favors me the most, ran out of money, so I now have to go to one of the other merchants, who offer me significantly less for my items, which kind of sucks :-(.

On another note, Eyegouger lair complete! For some reason, I thought I had already done it, but that was the Bonegnasher lair. I now see what you were talking about Blade, when you talked about respawning orcs out of nowhere. Quite irritating! The most annoying part were my idiot party members running halfway across the map chasing an orc archer, garnering the attention of every mob in between ><

Ahh well, On to(hopefully) The Blacklake District!

2014-06-24, 12:16 PM
I thought they only capped prices in NWN1, but never got bankrupted. I never ran into the situation of bankrupting nwn2 merchants before, though. That is kind of impressive, but what were you selling to manage that?

2014-06-24, 05:13 PM
I thought they only capped prices in NWN1, but never got bankrupted. I never ran into the situation of bankrupting nwn2 merchants before, though. That is kind of impressive, but what were you selling to manage that?

Apparently it is literally only Sand that can run out of money >< Which honestly sucks as he offers triple the gold that anyone else offers for my stuff.

2014-06-24, 05:21 PM
On another note, Eyegouger lair complete! For some reason, I thought I had already done it, but that was the Bonegnasher lair. I now see what you were talking about Blade, when you talked about respawning orcs out of nowhere. Quite irritating! The most annoying part were my idiot party members running halfway across the map chasing an orc archer, garnering the attention of every mob in between.

Yeeeeaaaaah...fun, right? You might consider TonyK's AI mod if it bothers you much. It makes your party members much, much smarter, though it does the same for your enemies.

Apparently it is literally only Sand that can run out of money >< Which honestly sucks as he offers triple the gold that anyone else offers for my stuff.

Nah, it's more than just him. I've managed to bankrupt Deekin before for sure.

2014-06-24, 07:33 PM
Yeeeeaaaaah...fun, right? You might consider TonyK's AI mod if it bothers you much. It makes your party members much, much smarter, though it does the same for your enemies.

Nah, it's more than just him. I've managed to bankrupt Deekin before for sure.

I was considering that AI mod, but I wasn't sure which one to actually download, LOL. The link provided here on the thread takes to a page with about 7 different downloads and no idea which one to actually download ^^

Oh, I was just doing off of what I researched last night, I was trying to figure out why Sand had run out of money and if there was a way to restore it, and a couple of threads I found said he was the only one(but, that's hardly extensive research ^^).

Either way, I peeked and I'm one step away from act 2, I just finished Blacklake and Shandra got abudcted and me and Bishop are off to get her, sooo.....cool :) Act 2 here I come! I ended up playing for like 4 hours last night, which is the most amount of time I've dedicated to playing any single game in a single sitting in over a year. Maybe NWN2 is going to be the game that finally fully renews my enthusiasm for gaming(well, for PC/Console gaming. I've been steadily playing ALL of my handheld gaming, be it DS, PSP, or Vita), which has been flagging for quite a while.

Edit: Act 2 reached! Also, I spent all my money and then some >< LOL. I realized I've really been slacking on outfitting my peeps, and honestly, myself a bit as well, so I sold off everything that wasn't particularly useful to me, and then went on a buying spree! Just finished up in "The Collectors" Home, hehehe, I massaged the womans feet until she agreed to be my hostage, that was awesome. Now I'm going to run through the crypt and get that girls older sister real quick, then it's off to become a squire!

2014-06-25, 06:30 PM
Continual Flame = unlimited money in NWN1 anyway. Buy mundane item, add glow, sell back, repeat until Bill Gates.

2014-06-25, 06:44 PM
Apparently it is literally only Sand that can run out of money >< Which honestly sucks as he offers triple the gold that anyone else offers for my stuff.
So apparently, if you buy things for three times as much as your competitors do, you go bankrupt. Who knew?

2014-06-25, 07:01 PM
So apparently, if you buy things for three times as much as your competitors do, you go bankrupt. Who knew?

roflwaffles! How true :) Never really looked at it like that before.

2014-08-01, 07:40 PM
If I happened to find/be notified of a deal like that, I'd buy it, then haul my computer the 35 miles to my buddies new place and download all the games there. That would be an incredible deal and well worth the trip.

Edit: The uhh, be notified bit, that's a subtle hint that if anyone around here ever happens to see a deal of similar quality, I'd love a heads-up, I really would happily drag my computer 35 miles if meant snagging several top notch games like ToEE and Planescape Torment, even if I had some of the others in hard-copy version.

Just stumbled across this thread while looking for something unrelated. I know this is a bump, but the deal in question is regularly offered on GOG.com during its Summer and Christmas sales. At this point, the Summer sale has happened, so the next time it's likely to be on offer is shortly before Christmas. The big discounts each run for a day, so I'd check every day from, say, early December? There tend to be two days when they do all the discounts at once, too: once just before Steam starts its sale, and once on the last day of GOG's. This is of course assuming they don't change how they do things, but they haven't since I discovered GOG a few years ago.