View Full Version : Empire! The Second World's Fair! (CE 408)

2014-05-28, 02:55 AM
In a small land known as Celero, a woman known to her people as Queen Amalia Cordelia, reigning monarch of the royal house of Noth sat contemplating what could be the greatest folly of her reign while gazing out the nearby window of the grandest library in the known world.

Her grandfather, King Andust, had seen it completed over 50 years prior, and had hosted an event such as this one; an event that saw the head of an entire religion assassinated.

In fact, the anniversary of that date would occur again in just 2 short weeks. Her advisers had counseled her against holding the world's fair on the exact date of the prior one. Some of the Fire faith saw it as a holy day; a day when the heretical head of the Faith of the Lord of Fire was righteously struck down. Others saw it as a day of mourning; when a beloved man of peace bridged the gap between an embittered King who had personally suffered due to the actions of sect of the Lord of Fire, and the rest of the Fire Faithful in the world.

Regardless, Amalia knew she would hold a moment of silence during the event. She was just a child when the last fair transpired, and had looked forward to meeting the Blazing Avatar. Alas, it would not be.

She now had a Fair of her own to host, and had the guards throw open the doors to the library, personally welcoming guests inside at the entrance.

The tomes had increased a thousand-fold from her grandfather's time, but opening trade with the Ashenian book merchants had only helped do that. It was only in the last 5 years, that after Celero finally acquired the printing press that the library simply surged with books.

Many of the books had to be cleared away, and placed into storage to host the event, while tents lined the outer walls housing the technology demonstrations that in the inaugural fair were in the once empty alcoves.

Paintings had once adorned the walls as well, but now every wall but one was the home to a bookshelf. That sole wall had only a large bronze plaque, that read:

"Here, a great man was struck down, in a place of peace and learning.
He was a guest of honor, and he was struck down on Celero's watch.
The Celerii people are determined that never again shall this be permitted."

2014-05-28, 06:54 AM
The recent years had not been kind to Shenath of Ashenia. Recurring illnesses and family scandals had taken their toll. His second son had disgraced himself and his family, the wife he had once loved was again ill and his eldest son was off collecting orchids instead of studying the art of statecraft. He had reigned thirteen years and felt he had nothing to show for it.
Jarrland still flaunted their theft and his rebuilt army didn't even manage to save the day from a single demonic amphibian. And worst of all, an illness had taken most of his sight and he could no longer look upon the faces of his beloved grandchildren or the brother he had not seen for so many years.
Hopefully, just hopefully, he'd be able to accomplish something before his death. With this thought in his mind, he steeled himself for the event to come and entered the Great Library, attired in robes of brilliant white and a blindfold of deepest black, led and announced by the son who had disgraced his family.
"Announcing the Sovereign of Ashenia, His Serene Majesty Shenath Toranath, into the presence of the Queen of Celero, Her Royal Majesty Amalia Cordelia Noth. Blessings upon her and may the Spirits smile upon her deeds!"

Meanwhile, a group of Ashenite craftsmen and scholars were setting up a display of a printing press, books, silver jewellery and other trade goods. Though the King would be unlikely to engage with foreign leaders in diplomatic discussions and trade negotiations, his Chancellor, the Lady Imasera and her sheaf of documents was ready to speak with them.

2014-05-28, 09:07 AM
The ocean was quite different from the sea, and the travel over the open ocean provided by a rented Salterri Galleon had been quite an adventure for Councilor Janus Alesius and the young prince, his temporary ward, Gaius Caercia, second son of the Lord Protector Markus Caercia. They were accompanied as well by members of the Caercian Cavalry who were acting as guards during the voyage though who looked rather strange in point of fact without their horses. So too was a small retinue of servants sent to accompany the Councilor and Prince but in truth it was only Janus and Gaius who were here under any form of official capacity and even Gaius had no real power on this trip, being only a decade and one year more in age. Truthfully this was Janus' voyage and his responsibility to negotiate with the northern lands as well as with the Imperium if what the Lord Protector had told him of came to pass.

The ship arrived in the port of Celero in the early morning of the day prior to the day upon which the actual event was to take place and the Councilor and the young Prince made themselves familiar with the various foreign sounds and sights. The riders who had ventured forth nearly fifteen years prior to gather information on the north had said the land of Celero was small but yet so highly dense with magnificent wonders as to dwarf in comparison many of the larger northern states. Janus found himself agreeing with this statement soon after a visit to a war memorial and a magnificent garden which hung from the very skies it so seemed with its brilliance.

When the day of the Fair came the following day the Councilor had expected to feel some amount of nervousness, which he supposed he did, but it was overwhelmed by a sense of excitement and as he roused Gaius from his stupor and prepared the gifts and servants to bear them he couldn't stop thinking about the coming day.

The Caercian delegation arrived at the Great Library without much fanfare, entering to an announcement and suffering through a mispronunciation of Caercia, the northerners had a fondness for soft C's it seemed. Councilor Alesius looked around the grand library, eyes lighting up at the variety of texts covering the walls. He ventured over to one of the larger bookcases, forgetting his manners for a moment as he enthralled himself with reading their spines and pulling those without names on them to look at the covers and see the names of the many tomes.

For those wondering I've decided Caercia is pronounced like Care Kia.

Also, Elemental, we can set up the trade for Dairy Cows for Flax(Linen) whenever you want, I've got it in my actions already)

2014-05-28, 11:16 AM
High Prince Vanya Nisakovich had once again travelled beyond the borders of the Niskovian Steppe. By attending the World Fair he had become the only High Prince in Niskovian history to travel abroad twice in a single decade, though on this trip he would not be formally representing the interests of Niskovia.

'Things are different now.' He mused to himself.

On this occasion he had made the journey with his close personal friend, the Kaiser. The somewhat unique perspective of his old friend had made the journey interesting.

Vanya entered the Great Library of Celero with Branimir at his side - unfortunately Vanya had lost track of the Kaiser in the crowd outside, though he was sure Thui would show up soon enough.
As neither Branimir or Vanya were on official business, both wore high quality casual attire in the Niskan style. Vanya wore an embroidered purple shirt, matching skirt and a dark grey coat. His hair was once again braided with jewels and the Royal Niskovian Crown finished off his outfit.

"The wealth of knowledge here is astounding! I have not seen this many tomes in a single place before now." Branimir said.

"As impressive as they are, we have not come to see books neither of us can read. We are here to see the accomplishments of other nations." Vanya reminded his companion, "I have been looking forward to seeing a showcase of foreign technologies."

The High Prince and his companion decided to seek out the Ashenite display as they waited for Aipiskaupus to show.

2014-05-28, 11:48 AM
Ashenia and Pallas Caercia

As Councillor Alesius browsed the selection of books in the Library, he was approached by a tall woman in robes of red and white, who bowed before speaking.
"Councillor. I would like to take this opportunity to greet you on behalf on My Sovereign. I am Lady Imasera Ranael, Chancellor of Ashenia. My Sovereign is honoured that word of our herds has reached such distant lands."

Let's assume that they've already corresponded. It'll make things go much faster.
Anyways, I shall add it to my actions very shortly, pleasure doing business with you.

The Ashenite display

As the High Prince and Branimir approached, a scholar had just finished mounting a heavy book on a lectern as craftsmen checked that the press was working. Apparently, the Ashenites had gone all out with every piece on display a stunning piece of craftsmanship. A sage stepped forward and bowed.
"Esteemed Lords, might I offer you a drink?"
As he said this, a servant poured a sweet, reddish purple liquid into a pair of gleaming silver and glass goblets and offered it to the Niskans.

Rain Dragon
2014-05-28, 12:24 PM
Aipiskaupus Thuidans Kaiser had not lost sight of the High Prince Vanya of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia once after having to slip away a few times to drag one or the other of the females away from various displays, yet he never quite caught up until Vany and his companion stopped in front of the Ashenite Printing Press.

Well, if this isn't trouble...

Clicking his pincers softly a few times to catch Vany's attention, the Kaiser adjusted a couple of buckles over his chest and pointed toward all of the books with his Scythe. Of course, as was the case the last time he travelled, the Scythe was bound securely in black cloth.

"Did you see all of the books, Vany?" Aipiskaupus' richly accented Niskan came from behind the High Prince as he finally wanders over with all six of the Haljan females in tow.

By now, the Kaiser spoke fluent Niskan and was confident he could read and speak the Trade Tongue far better now. Indeed, he now knows what a rhino is!

((OOC note, last time Aipiskaupus was wearing a fairly normal seeming black coat. This time, he's wearing a plain long-sleeved shirt with shoulder pieces like this (http://backseatmafia.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/angelspit-tp-cover-600.jpg?w=470).))

EDIT - Miswording

2014-05-28, 12:38 PM
Ashenia and Palas Caercia

"Ah, Chancellor! A pleasure to see you in person at last. There is a distinct lack of good cheeses and milks in the south, the herds in Campestrus Pratum being more fit for meat than milk I'm afraid so word of such things catches like fire. The Lord Protector was lucky enough to partake in a small amount of cheese and butter served with potato one night and from there demanded we arrange some way to acquire our own production of the stuff. We were happy to make the arrangement benefiting both our lands."

He smiled politely, "Tell me Chancellor, I have heard news that Ashenia plans to bar travel within their lands from unwanted foreigners after an incident involving stolen property by the Kingdom of Jarrland, I have been sent to this event with purposes not entirely scientific, one of which is to sign an agreement with the Salterri Imperium integrating the land of Palas Caercia as a vassal. Such association would not bar our trade I hope?"

Sounds good to me.
And with you.

2:40 EDIT: Color change

2014-05-28, 06:23 PM
Whatever else might have changed in the south, the Jarrs had clearly not lost their taste for bright colours and fine clothes. King Athelmere looked like a walking Jarrow coat of arms surmounted by a bearded head: a tunic and robe in purple and carmine, with a saffron slash and a black cloak lined with russet fur. Apparently finally having outgrown his desire to mimic his father's appearance in every respect, he had let his beard grow out to a fuller length, and it hung in braids over his chest. Despite some thinning at the temples, the last few years seemed to have taken relatively little toll on his hair, which remained black as ever, though those looking closely might have noticed more lines around the eyes. He was almost ostentatiously unarmed, having divested himself even of a belt knife.

Accompanying him were the queen, herself dressed in silk breeches and vest, with an enormous hat, and a cloak which it seemed she had been persuaded to wear for the sake of modesty; two girls, aged around eleven and apparently identical, even down to the colours of their robes, long black-purple tresses falling over their shoulders; and a tall boy of similar age, his features more classically elfin than the girls or the queen.

Athelmere gave a low, impressed whistle as he saw the volume of books present, and cast his eyes over the assembled dignitaries, searching for a familiar face.

Athelmere and Tempest, obviously; Alfmark, the king's cousin and heir apparent (aged 12), and Ambryn and Eirwynn, the king's twin daughters (both aged 11).

The Jarrland display

In a manner that would doubtless seem familiar to anyone who had visited the kingdom, the display of objects organised by the Jarrs was somewhat haphazard. Examples of illuminated manuscripts and framed colourful maps of the southern ocean sat beside wooden models of the Jarrland navy, every ship hand-carved and decorated with mithril and gold. Next to that, an idealised representation of a thingman's armour, complete with highly-detailed full-face helmet in silver-steel, towering over a scale model of the capital at Horbeach, showcasing the main port and the new Sea Palace (the legend indicates that the port was built through the generosity of the Regina of the Jewelled Cities). Behind that, piles of sheets of papyrus, overshadowed by a life-size carved stone lion - the legend somewhat apologetically noting that the intention had been to bring a real one but the animal had refused to board the ship, and the statue has been brought in its place. And beneath and between, piles of furs of all colours, bright purple, red and saffron cloth, scattered mithril jewellery, busts of past kings and a miniature facsimile of a - perhaps slightly salacious - statue, discreetly positioned to conceal anything that might cause too much of a scandal.


2014-05-29, 02:54 AM
The Ashenite display

As the High Prince and Branimir approached, a scholar had just finished mounting a heavy book on a lectern as craftsmen checked that the press was working. Apparently, the Ashenites had gone all out with every piece on display a stunning piece of craftsmanship. A sage stepped forward and bowed.
"Esteemed Lords, might I offer you a drink?"
As he said this, a servant poured a sweet, reddish purple liquid into a pair of gleaming silver and glass goblets and offered it to the Niskans.

Accepting the proffered drink, Branimir took a sip.

"This is a most interesting beverage, tell me is it a drink native to your lands?" Branimir asked.

Aipiskaupus Thuidans Kaiser had not lost sight of the High Prince Vanya of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia once after having to slip away a few times to drag one or the other of the females away from various displays, yet he never quite caught up until Vany and his companion stopped in front of the Ashenite Printing Press.

Well, if this isn't trouble...

Clicking his pincers softly a few times to catch Vany's attention, the Kaiser adjusted a couple of buckles over his chest and pointed toward all of the books with his Scythe. Of course, as was the case the last time he travelled, the Scythe was bound securely in black cloth.

"Did you see all of the books, Vany?" Aipiskaupus' richly accented Niskan came from behind the High Prince as he finally wanders over with all six of the Haljan females in tow.

By now, the Kaiser spoke fluent Niskan and was confident he could read and speak the Trade Tongue far better now. Indeed, he now knows what a rhino is!

Having heard the Kaiser's attempts to catch his attention Vanya turned to face his friend.

"I did indeed, just imagine what a printing press could do for Niskovia..." Vanya replied to Thui's question in Niskan. "The manuscripts in the library of Kishinev are hardly this numerous."

2014-05-29, 02:06 PM
To the Ashenian Delegation:
"Greetings, my dear Shenath. I do hate to say it, but I do think I picked the right Ashenian Brother. You are far too old!" She said with a wink, her wrinkles clearly showing.

"I do hope you'll stay a bit afterwards, your brother and nephew are currently indisposed this evening and afternoon, and they would be delighted to visit with you."

To the Caercian Delegation:
"Oh my, Chancellor Janus Alesius, I presume? Of Car-see-uh?" Upon seeing the Chancillor's face, Amalia knew at once she had mispronounced the name of his nation.

"Oh drat. I fouled that one up. Caer-key-ah is it? I apologize. I had heard you were coming, and had been told by a few of my counselors how to pronounce your nation's name properly. I hope my ineloquence does not lead to an international incident."

To the Niskovan Delegation:
"High Prince Vanya! I actually wasn't expecting you here!" Amalia said with surprise. "I was under the impression that the people of Niskova were a people that prefer to remain in their own lands, and rarely choose to travel. Regardless, I am please to make your acquaintance." Amalia smiled at the foreign prince, who happened to remind him a touch of her own prince and heir, Rion Hazael.

To the Haljan Delegation

"Lord Aipiskaupus, I do not believe Celero has ever had more than cursory contact with you and your people. As Celero considers ourselves friends to all, this troubles me. We shall have to speak more on this later, don't you think?" The Queen's look of concern was genuine, and she lingered when holding the man's hand*

((OOC: *I don't know if Aipiskaupus is a native Haljan or a near-human, so for the moment, I am leaving this note here to show my uncertainty.))

To the Jarrland Delegation:
Amalia faked her smile for the King of the Jarrs. His bright attire made him seem even more pompous.

A thief is a thief is a thief. She said silently to herself. I certainly hope he and his kind behave themselves here. It would not do to have all these nations here to showcase their technological marvels, only to have them stolen from them at an event held by me.

"Ah, King Athelmere, I presume! You were once the spitting image of your father. And what's this? A beard? Surely you do not think yourself a baby-faced man, do you?" Her tone coy, she revealed no dislike for the Salterri vassal.

2014-05-29, 02:36 PM
"If ineloquence were a high crime in Caercia I should surely be lacking a head, and with the vastly different tongues used in the north I have no doubt I have not butchered a thousand names more than yourself. It was only through happenstance that I discovered through my young lord," he looked down at Gaius who looked up at the Councilor as he was addressed. "That I discovered the pronouncement was 'sell er o' rather than 'kell er o' as I would have foolishly called it. I am indeed, Janus Alesius, though while on the subject of corrections I am a Counselor not Chancellor, and this young man is Prince Gaius Caercia, second son of my Lord Protector."

"It is an honor to be here your grace," he said smiling, his voice still that of a boy not yet a man, "Janie says you have flying lions, is that true? Can I see one?"

The Councilor smiled apologetically, "I'm afraid stories of your griffins, only second hand even to me, were the only thing that kept the boy sitting still during the voyage, I had promised we might see them once we arrived but I understand if such cannot be arranged."

I'm changing colors cause that bright blue hurts my eyes.

2014-05-29, 05:58 PM
To the Jarrland Delegation:
"Ah, King Athelmere, I presume! You were once the spitting image of your father. And what's this? A beard? Surely you do not think yourself a baby-faced man, do you?" Her tone coy, she revealed no dislike for the Salterri vassal.
Athelmere smiles warmly. "My lady! An honour to be here with you, and my thanks for your hospitality. May I congratulate you on your collection of books - quite the finest I have seen."

He strokes his beard ruefully. "It seems that men in my family either grow fulsome beards or none at all. My brother is of the latter sort, and I must do battle with a razor each morning... unless I admit defeat and grow it out. My father preferred to keep his trimmed, but then fashions change, after all.

"Might I introduce my family?" He extends an arm to indicate them."My lady, Queen Tempest, daughter of Amber Regina of the Jewelled Cities-" a slight edge comes into his voice, but he shakes it off and continues - "our daughters Ambryn and Eirwynn, and my cousin Alfmark, the atheling."

Rain Dragon
2014-05-29, 09:52 PM
Having heard the Kaiser's attempts to catch his attention Vanya turned to face his friend.

"I did indeed, just imagine what a printing press could do for Niskovia..." Vanya replied to Thui's question in Niskan. "The manuscripts in the library of Kishinev are hardly this numerous."

Aipiskaupus lowered the ends of his antennae slightly in disappointment, but didn't voice his concerns.

I hope nobody is foolish enough to request a demonstration of the Printing Press due to having missed the demonstration at the Fourth Raaneki Games...

Momentarily distracted by the thought Vany had put in his head, Aipiskaupus replies in Niskan, "Indeed. I think it would also be most helpful for our Fræ Throthjans. The Talzjands could write books, print them en masse and help spread them among the people."

To the Niskovan Delegation:
"High Prince Vanya! I actually wasn't expecting you here!" Amalia said with surprise. "I was under the impression that the people of Niskova were a people that prefer to remain in their own lands, and rarely choose to travel. Regardless, I am please to make your acquaintance." Amalia smiled at the foreign prince, who happened to remind him a touch of her own prince and heir, Rion Hazael.

To the Haljan Delegation
"Lord Aipiskaupus, I do not believe Celero has ever had more than cursory contact with you and your people. As Celero considers ourselves friends to all, this troubles me. We shall have to speak more on this later, don't you think?" The Queen's look of concern was genuine, and she lingered when holding the man's hand*

((OOC: *I don't know if Aipiskaupus is a native Haljan or a near-human, so for the moment, I am leaving this note here to show my uncertainty.))

((I wasn't very clear I suppose, but there are an extremely low number of near-humans in my region and unlike the Haljans they're content to just stay where they are so they don't go to events like this. Aipiskaupus Thuidans Kaiser is my ruler and a Haljan. Haljan hands have claws. He also has six large Haljans around him.

Also, the Kaiser and the High Prince of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia are hanging out together.))

A little surprised Vany was addressed such and he himself was deserving of having one of his hands occupied rather than available were trouble to hit, Aipiskaupus bared his small pointed teeth at the Queen in an attempt to make her feel better while trying to free his hand. The six large Haljans around him had their eyes focussed on the Queen, though they attempted to look like they were simply doing their own thing.

"Ah. Urrr."
What was the word? What was it?
"Yes, we are vanderers, but you should not be troubled by not seeing Haljans in Kellero. Right?"

EDIT - Formatting
EDIT - OOC - ((Just re-read your people thing. Your ruler is probably a little taller than Apiskaupus but the six larger ones are taller than your ruler.))

2014-05-30, 01:55 AM
"If ineloquence were a high crime in Caercia I should surely be lacking a head, and with the vastly different tongues used in the north I have no doubt I have not butchered a thousand names more than yourself. It was only through happenstance that I discovered through my young lord," he looked down at Gaius who looked up at the Councilor as he was addressed. "That I discovered the pronouncement was 'sell er o' rather than 'kell er o' as I would have foolishly called it. I am indeed, Janus Alesius, though while on the subject of corrections I am a Counselor not Chancellor, and this young man is Prince Gaius Caercia, second son of my Lord Protector."

"It is an honor to be here your grace," he said smiling, his voice still that of a boy not yet a man, "Janie says you have flying lions, is that true? Can I see one?"

The Councilor smiled apologetically, "I'm afraid stories of your griffins, only second hand even to me, were the only thing that kept the boy sitting still during the voyage, I had promised we might see them once we arrived but I understand if such cannot be arranged."

I'm changing colors cause that bright blue hurts my eyes.
The Queen smiled at the boy.

"We don't exactly have flying lions, but an animal similar to a lion that flies. We call it the Griffon, as your Councilor has said. As far as we know, they are only native to our lands, in a small and difficult to locate valley. At some point this afternoon we shall have a demonstration to an improved saddle for flying mounts, and I'm sure it will be on the back of one of our national beasts."

Returning to address the Councilor, the queen apologized for overstating his title. "Please enjoy yourself Councilor, and take in all the sights. Perhaps this shall allow you to take home some ideas to your lands to improve the lives of your people."

Athelmere smiles warmly. "My lady! An honour to be here with you, and my thanks for your hospitality. May I congratulate you on your collection of books - quite the finest I have seen."

He strokes his beard ruefully. "It seems that men in my family either grow fulsome beards or none at all. My brother is of the latter sort, and I must do battle with a razor each morning... unless I admit defeat and grow it out. My father preferred to keep his trimmed, but then fashions change, after all.

"Might I introduce my family?" He extends an arm to indicate them."My lady, Queen Tempest, daughter of Amber Regina of the Jewelled Cities-" a slight edge comes into his voice, but he shakes it off and continues - "our daughters Ambryn and Eirwynn, and my cousin Alfmark, the atheling."
The Queen was taken aback. She had forgotten that this man from Jarrland had married an heir to the Jewelled Cities, before Tupelo had butchered their leadership.

"I am so sorry for your loss. Though I considered your parents friendly rivals, I have much hate for any man that would seek murder to further his rise to power." She took the younger woman's hand and held it, never breaking eye contact. Amalia might dislike the Jarrs, but she could empathize with someone that had their parents murdered in a quest for dominance.

Aipiskaupus lowered the ends of his antennae slightly in disappointment, but didn't voice his concerns.

I hope nobody is foolish enough to request a demonstration of the Printing Press due to having missed the demonstration at the Fourth Raaneki Games...

Momentarily distracted by the thought Vany had put in his head, Aipiskaupus replies in Niskan, "Indeed. I think it would also be most helpful for our Fræ Throthjans. The Talzjands could write books, print them en masse and help spread them among the people."

((I wasn't very clear I suppose, but there are an extremely low number of near-humans in my region and unlike the Haljans they're content to just stay where they are so they don't go to events like this. Aipiskaupus Thuidans Kaiser is my ruler and a Haljan. Haljan hands have claws. He also has six large Haljans around him.

Also, the Kaiser and the High Prince of the Sovereign Principality of Niskovia are hanging out together.))

A little surprised Vany was addressed such and he himself was deserving of having one of his hands occupied rather than available were trouble to hit, Aipiskaupus bared his small pointed teeth at the Queen in an attempt to make her feel better while trying to free his hand. The six large Haljans around him had their eyes focussed on the Queen, though they attempted to look like they were simply doing their own thing.

"Ah. Urrr."
What was the word? What was it?
"Yes, we are vanderers, but you should not be troubled by not seeing Haljans in Kellero. Right?"

EDIT - Formatting
EDIT - OOC - ((Just re-read your people thing. Your ruler is probably a little taller than Apiskaupus but the six larger ones are taller than your ruler.))

"Unfortunately for those curious about the printing press, Celero has an agreement with Ashenia that it has no intention of breaking. A demonstration of the printing press to foreigners without the express permission of the King of Ashenia is explicitly stated in a treaty that I personally signed with my brother-in-law. I certainly hope people are sympathetic to honoring agreements made with family.

"But if anyone wishes to press the issue, the man is in attendance, right over there." She pointed to Shenath "He may in fact, be in a good enough mood to agree." Amalia's last sentence was so sarcastic, it was practically dripping with irony.

The queen noticed the taller Haljans eying her. "Your guards, my lord, I suspect you may need to train them in the art of subtlety. While I am sure they are fine protectors, they leave something to be desired in being unobtrusive or ambiguous in their role." The Queen raised and eyebrow, and surveyed the seemingly perturbed sextet of Haljan escorts.

2014-05-30, 03:00 AM
Aipiskaupus lowered the ends of his antennae slightly in disappointment, but didn't voice his concerns.

I hope nobody is foolish enough to request a demonstration of the Printing Press due to having missed the demonstration at the Fourth Raaneki Games...

Momentarily distracted by the thought Vany had put in his head, Aipiskaupus replies in Niskan, "Indeed. I think it would also be most helpful for our Fræ Throthjans. The Talzjands could write books, print them en masse and help spread them among the people."

A little surprised Vany was addressed such and he himself was deserving of having one of his hands occupied rather than available were trouble to hit, Aipiskaupus bared his small pointed teeth at the Queen in an attempt to make her feel better while trying to free his hand. The six large Haljans around him had their eyes focussed on the Queen, though they attempted to look like they were simply doing their own thing.

"Ah. Urrr."
What was the word? What was it?
"Yes, we are vanderers, but you should not be troubled by not seeing Haljans in Kellero. Right?"

To the Niskovan Delegation:
"High Prince Vanya! I actually wasn't expecting you here!" Amalia said with surprise. "I was under the impression that the people of Niskova were a people that prefer to remain in their own lands, and rarely choose to travel. Regardless, I am please to make your acquaintance." Amalia smiled at the foreign prince, who happened to remind him a touch of her own prince and heir, Rion Hazael.

As Vanya was about to continue his conversation with the Kaiser, the Celerii Queen approached. Surprised at the interruption and casual greeting - at least so far as a Niskan is concerned - especially for a first meeting, Vanya did not immediately reply.
He then listened in secret amusement to the conversation between his friend Thui and the Queen.

'It seems the Queen has some issue with the Ashenites, I had always assumed that Ashenia and Celero had a good relationship.' Vanya thought to himself.

At the first convenient lull in conversation, Vanya replied to the Queen.

"I had not expected to meet you in such casual circumstances during my visit here. I personally could not miss the chance to see an Ashenite printing press, even in Niskovia we have heard of the recent tensions surrounding this technology."

Rain Dragon
2014-05-30, 03:20 AM
"Unfortunately for those curious about the printing press, Celero has an agreement with Ashenia that it has no intention of breaking. A demonstration of the printing press to foreigners without the express permission of the King of Ashenia is explicitly stated in a treaty that I personally signed with my brother-in-law. I certainly hope people are sympathetic to honoring agreements made with family.

"But if anyone wishes to press the issue, the man is in attendance, right over there." She pointed to Shenath "He may in fact, be in a good enough mood to agree." Amalia's last sentence was so sarcastic, it was practically dripping with irony.

The queen noticed the taller Haljans eying her. "Your guards, my lord, I suspect you may need to train them in the art of subtlety. While I am sure they are fine protectors, they leave something to be desired in being unobtrusive or ambiguous in their role." The Queen raised and eyebrow, and surveyed the seemingly perturbed sextet of Haljan escorts.

As Vanya was about to continue his conversation with the Kaiser, the Celerii Queen approached. Surprised at the interruption and casual greeting - at least so far as a Niskan is concerned - especially for a first meeting, Vanya did not immediately reply.
He then listened in secret amusement to the conversation between his friend Thui and the Queen.

'It seems the Queen has some issue with the Ashenites, I had always assumed that Ashenia and Celero had a good relationship.' Vanya thought to himself.

At the first convenient lull in conversation, Vanya replied to the Queen.

"I had not expected to meet you in such casual circumstances during my visit here. I personally could not miss the chance to see an Ashenite printing press, even in Niskovia we have heard of the recent tensions surrounding this technology."

Annoyed at the fact the Queen had held his hand, Aipiskaupus moved out of arms' reach of the Queen. Nonetheless, she likely had no idea what sort of body language and etiquette is typical of a Haljan so Aipiskaupus tried to continue the conversation pleasantly regardless of how quickly the topic appeared to have changed.

"Guards? Why would I need guards? These are the females who survived various Festivals of Virux with me."
Little did the Kaiser realize, humans are not like Haljans and a human might assume his words were a little too defensive.

EDIT - Miswording
EDIT - Makes more sense this way

2014-05-30, 07:48 AM
The Queen smiled at the boy.

"We don't exactly have flying lions, but an animal similar to a lion that flies. We call it the Griffon, as your Councilor has said. As far as we know, they are only native to our lands, in a small and difficult to locate valley. At some point this afternoon we shall have a demonstration to an improved saddle for flying mounts, and I'm sure it will be on the back of one of our national beasts."

Returning to address the Councilor, the queen apologized for overstating his title. "Please enjoy yourself Councilor, and take in all the sights. Perhaps this shall allow you to take home some ideas to your lands to improve the lives of your people."

"Thank you Your Grace, I'm certain I shall," he smiled and took the boy's hand, guiding the two of them away after a bow to their host Queen.

"Did you hear that Uncle Janie? They're going to fly their griffons later!"

"Yes my prince, I did hear, it shall be good for both of us to see such creatures, you for the spectacle and me that I might see their saddlework that the relevant bits might be adopted for our horses down south."

The boy prince seemed to be paying him no mind, enraptured with the thought of the griffons and Councilor Alesius looked around at the various booths and set up throughout the grand library. He noticed the Jarrland delegation, fellow vassals in arms, and after their detachment from the Celero Queen he approached them smiling, bowing to the royal couple once they were close enough for such formalities.

"Your Grace, King of Jarrland, My Lady Queen Tempest, it is a pleasure to meet you in person. Councilor Vulpis writes kindly of you and your people and even informs me we in Palas Caercia may yet hear wedding bells chime?"

2014-05-30, 08:00 AM
The Queen was taken aback. She had forgotten that this man from Jarrland had married an heir to the Jewelled Cities, before Tupelo had butchered their leadership.

"I am so sorry for your loss. Though I considered your parents friendly rivals, I have much hate for any man that would seek murder to further his rise to power." She took the younger woman's hand and held it, never breaking eye contact. Amalia might dislike the Jarrs, but she could empathize with someone that had their parents murdered in a quest for dominance.
Tempest smiled. "Thank you. I'm very grateful for the support we have received from the international community," she said, taking hold of Athelmere's hand with her free one. "Islander politics are cut-throat at the best of times, but Tupelo's actions were despicable."

"He had the temerity to write to me claiming all life was precious," Athelmere growled. "Considering the deaths he must take responsibility for, not just the councillors in the Cities-" he kissed Tempest's hand- "but their families, and Queen Anguri..." he shook his head, and caught Tempest's eye for a moment. "Enough talk of the Usurper for now, I think. How fares Propinlonge, my lady? I hope it was not affected by the undead incursions into the archipelago? And have you heard from your brother Lord Andust recently? I have fond memories of our sparring at the last Raaneki Games."

Mention of Propinlonge seems to have stirred some recollection in the king's family, and one of the girls steps forward. "Forgive me, my lady, but is it true that in Propinlonge and Galomyr you are able to grow tropical fruits? Since our relations with the Jewelled Cities were suspended, we have been subsisting mostly on grain, and we do so miss the fruit. Meanwhile we have great stacks of dyes sitting idle and not being traded with anybody. Perhaps you would like to take some of our bright dyes in exchange for fruit, if you have it?"

"Are you a princess, or a merchant?" the king asks, smiling.

"Perhaps I can be both," she replies, trying to strike a haughty pose, albeit it looks slightly ridiculous on a girl of her age.

The boy prince seemed to be paying him no mind, enraptured with the thought of the griffons and Councilor Alesius looked around at the various booths and set up throughout the grand library. He noticed the Jarrland delegation, fellow vassals in arms, and after their detachment from the Celero Queen he approached them smiling, bowing to the royal couple once they were close enough for such formalities.

"Your Grace, King of Jarrland, My Lady Queen Tempest, it is a pleasure to meet you in person. Councilor Vulpis writes kindly of you and your people and even informs me we in Palas Caercia may yet hear wedding bells chime?"
"Councillor, likewise," the king smiled. "Wedding bells may be some years hence, I think, but that is certainly the intention. I am afraid Atheldynn is back in Vennland experiencing military life at the moment, otherwise you might have been able to meet him for yourself. My daughters, though, are here, as is my cousin and heir, Alfmark." He indicated them with a wave of his arm, and they bowed or curtseyed as appropriate.

The appearance of the girls might be enough to allay any worries the Caercians had about the physiology of the prince, assuming his appearance was similar: tall, slim and good-looking, albeit slightly less tall and elfin than their cousin, and apparently normally-shaped in most respects. Their fingers were indeed slightly webbed, though rather less noticeably than their mother's. One of the girls could hardly disguise her wonder at the sights on display, gazing around the room, while the other seemed to be watching her parents rather more closely. Glancing in their direction, the king waved at the exhibits.

"If you'd like to see the sights, by all means go ahead," he said to them, and waved them off. Alfmark and one of the girls hurried off as quickly as was half-dignified to look around, although the other of the twins stayed roughly put, apparently preferring to stay closer to her parents.

2014-05-30, 01:27 PM
"Councillor, likewise," the king smiled. "Wedding bells may be some years hence, I think, but that is certainly the intention. I am afraid Atheldynn is back in Vennland experiencing military life at the moment, otherwise you might have been able to meet him for yourself. My daughters, though, are here, as is my cousin and heir, Alfmark." He indicated them with a wave of his arm, and they bowed or curtseyed as appropriate.

The appearance of the girls might be enough to allay any worries the Caercians had about the physiology of the prince, assuming his appearance was similar: tall, slim and good-looking, albeit slightly less tall and elfin than their cousin, and apparently normally-shaped in most respects. Their fingers were indeed slightly webbed, though rather less noticeably than their mother's. One of the girls could hardly disguise her wonder at the sights on display, gazing around the room, while the other seemed to be watching her parents rather more closely. Glancing in their direction, the king waved at the exhibits.

"If you'd like to see the sights, by all means go ahead," he said to them, and waved them off. Alfmark and one of the girls hurried off as quickly as was half-dignified to look around, although the other of the twins stayed roughly put, apparently preferring to stay closer to her parents.

"It is just as well, Adrianna decided to travel with Councilor Stein to Raaneka for the games and I doubt whether she and my fellow Councilor have yet returned so busy were they with the various meetings and visits they had planned throughout the north and the Imperium." Janus looked the Jarrland party up and down appraisingly as they were introduced, noting the various kinks that marked them as not entirely human, but seeming to deduce a satisfactory acceptance overall.

Gaius tugged at his sleeve imploringly, seemingly desperate to be released to roam as the Jarrland children had just been given reprieve to do.

"Go ahead then young lord," Janus said releasing the boy's hand.

This Fair seemed relatively safe. He had heard rumors of a murder taking place at the last one, but it seemed such an event had only seen to intensify security at this newest incarnation.

"According to my liege, the Lord Protector, the Qzare plans to bequeath to Palas Caercia the Printing Press technology, it is my understanding however that the only way to utilize the machine is with some sort of sheet fit for writing and binding and that the papyrus of your newly acquired region is capable of making such sheets, tell me your Grace, have you ever tasted a potato? They're marvelous things, and easy as weeds to grow, could I interest your Grace in trading potatoes enough to feed the region of Vennland in exchange for papyrus enough to print books in Palas Caercia?"

2014-05-30, 01:45 PM
"According to my liege, the Lord Protector, the Qzare plans to bequeath to Palas Caercia the Printing Press technology, it is my understanding however that the only way to utilize the machine is with some sort of sheet fit for writing and binding and that the papyrus of your newly acquired region is capable of making such sheets, tell me your Grace, have you ever tasted a potato? They're marvelous things, and easy as weeds to grow, could I interest your Grace in trading potatoes enough to feed the region of Vennland in exchange for papyrus enough to print books in Palas Caercia?"
Athelmere nodded. "All of this is true, at least as far as I can vouch for. Obviously I cannot speak for the Qzare's intentions. I understand the press rather less well than my brother, but I believe that to get best use from it some sort of paper or papyrus is needed. Trade of the papyrus with several realms has already been agreed, but I believe we can spare enough to send some to Palas Caercia.

"As to the potatoes, I have never tasted one, but if they're better than bread I'm all for it. Since our fruit imports were suspended our diet has been shockingly dull. I shall have to order construction of more fishing vessels, I think, but there is always so much to do, and such little time..."

2014-05-30, 02:21 PM
The Ashenite Display

As the Haljan lord approached and spoke to the High Prince of Niskovia in a Western tongue, many of the craftsmen and scholars who had helped set up took their leave. The Haljans were a strange site, and many preferred not to face them. Alas, the sage speaking with the Niskans did not notice his arrival.
"It originates from Angan Anvale. The primary ingredients are fruit juice, syrup produced from sugar cane and pure water to dilute it. There it is a common beverage enjoyed by all, and it is rapidly gaining popularity at Court."
The servant at the sage's side began to pour drinks for the Kaiser and his attendants. His eyesight was much more keen than the sage.

Ashenia and Palas Caercia

"That is indeed a shame. You must consider a programme of breeding the two stocks together. I am certain that it can only result in an animal far superior to both."
At the mention of the treaty benefiting both, the Chancellor bowed her head politely and smiled. But when the Councillor mentioned the theft, her smile faded.
"The actions of the Kingdom of Jarrland were a blow to My Sovereign and to his mother before him. Now that so many states we once considered honourable have chosen to illegally profit from their deceit, My Sovereign finds it very difficult to trust foreigners. He can count the foreign lords he can trust on but one hand. Fortunately, we believe the Qzare to be an honourable man. But that is another matter, your association with the Salterri in no way impacts our agreement."

The King and His Sister-In-Law, the Queen of Celero

"Has Tansan been lying about his age again? I'm only three years older."
He bowed politely before continuing.
"Still, it is wonderful to see you. And your invitation to stay longer is much appreciated."

2014-05-30, 09:36 PM
Athelmere nodded. "All of this is true, at least as far as I can vouch for. Obviously I cannot speak for the Qzare's intentions. I understand the press rather less well than my brother, but I believe that to get best use from it some sort of paper or papyrus is needed. Trade of the papyrus with several realms has already been agreed, but I believe we can spare enough to send some to Palas Caercia.

"As to the potatoes, I have never tasted one, but if they're better than bread I'm all for it. Since our fruit imports were suspended our diet has been shockingly dull. I shall have to order construction of more fishing vessels, I think, but there is always so much to do, and such little time..."

"I cannot speak well for their taste I'm afraid, at least not alone, but they pair well with practically anything and add much to stews and soups. As for overwork, I am certain my Lord would agree with you, since assembling the Council and beginning in earnest interactions outside our borders we have found the demands to be more than we might have ever expected."

Ashenia and Palas Caercia

"That is indeed a shame. You must consider a programme of breeding the two stocks together. I am certain that it can only result in an animal far superior to both."
At the mention of the treaty benefiting both, the Chancellor bowed her head politely and smiled. But when the Councillor mentioned the theft, her smile faded.
"The actions of the Kingdom of Jarrland were a blow to My Sovereign and to his mother before him. Now that so many states we once considered honourable have chosen to illegally profit from their deceit, My Sovereign finds it very difficult to trust foreigners. He can count the foreign lords he can trust on but one hand. Fortunately, we believe the Qzare to be an honourable man. But that is another matter, your association with the Salterri in no way impacts our agreement."

"You'll forgive me for bringing up a subject so sore, but I am pleased our deal shall not be affected by Palas Caercia's interaction with the Imperium and it's fellow vassals." Janus said, bowing respectfully, "If you'll excuse my Chancellor," he pardoned himself and wandered away to mingle amongst the rest of the Fair attendants.

2014-05-31, 09:54 AM
As Vanya was about to continue his conversation with the Kaiser, the Celerii Queen approached. Surprised at the interruption and casual greeting - at least so far as a Niskan is concerned - especially for a first meeting, Vanya did not immediately reply.
He then listened in secret amusement to the conversation between his friend Thui and the Queen.

'It seems the Queen has some issue with the Ashenites, I had always assumed that Ashenia and Celero had a good relationship.' Vanya thought to himself.

At the first convenient lull in conversation, Vanya replied to the Queen.

"I had not expected to meet you in such casual circumstances during my visit here. I personally could not miss the chance to see an Ashenite printing press, even in Niskovia we have heard of the recent tensions surrounding this technology."

Noticing that his friend Thui seemed uncomfortable in the Queen's presence, Vanya decided to tactfully withdraw from further conversation.

"Majesty," Vanya began, hoping that this was the proper address to use with the Celerii sovereign, "Though I would like to open dialogue between our people, there are customary formalities that would need to be observed before I may converse with you in more depth. The Ashenite King has informed me that the Celerii would be most understanding of any obscure cultural reasons that would dictate my actions here during my informal visit to your nation. And so I must take leave from your presence."

Hoping that he had not offended the Queen, Vanya sketched a sigil of Niskan respect as he went to see how Branimir was faring with his appraisal of Ashenite wares.

The Ashenite Display

As the Haljan lord approached and spoke to the High Prince of Niskovia in a Western tongue, many of the craftsmen and scholars who had helped set up took their leave. The Haljans were a strange site, and many preferred not to face them. Alas, the sage speaking with the Niskans did not notice his arrival.
"It originates from Angan Anvale. The primary ingredients are fruit juice, syrup produced from sugar cane and pure water to dilute it. There it is a common beverage enjoyed by all, and it is rapidly gaining popularity at Court."
The servant at the sage's side began to pour drinks for the Kaiser and his attendants. His eyesight was much more keen than the sage.

Branimir eyed his drink suspiciously. "You say this drink is derived from sugar cane? No wonder it is so sweet."

Branimir would have to warn the High Prince about this drink...

Rain Dragon
2014-05-31, 10:24 AM
Noticing that his friend Thui seemed uncomfortable in the Queen's presence, Vanya decided to tactfully withdraw from further conversation.

"Majesty," Vanya began, hoping that this was the proper address to use with the Celerii sovereign, "Though I would like to open dialogue between our people, there are customary formalities that would need to be observed before I may converse with you in more depth. The Ashenite King has informed me that the Celerii would be most understanding of any obscure cultural reasons that would dictate my actions here during my informal visit to your nation. And so I must take leave from your presence."

Hoping that he had not offended the Queen, Vanya sketched a sigil of Niskan respect as he went to see how Branimir was faring with his appraisal of Ashenite wares.
The Kaiser reveals his teeth again in an attempt to be friendly before also excusing himself and scuttling after the High Prince, hoping the Queen would not feel threatened by the Haljan females. Thankfully, most of them were similarly intrigued by the Ashenite display and used the opportunity to follow the prince while a couple slipped away to examine the other displays.

The Ashenite Display

As the Haljan lord approached and spoke to the High Prince of Niskovia in a Western tongue, many of the craftsmen and scholars who had helped set up took their leave. The Haljans were a strange sight, and many preferred not to face them. Alas, the sage speaking with the Niskans did not notice his arrival.
"It originates from Angan Anvale. The primary ingredients are fruit juice, syrup produced from sugar cane and pure water to dilute it. There it is a common beverage enjoyed by all, and it is rapidly gaining popularity at Court."
The servant at the sage's side began to pour drinks for the Kaiser and his attendants. His eyesight was much more keen than the sage.
Aipiskaupus clicked his pincers slowly and thoughtfully as he scanned the Ashenite display while watching the craftsmen and scholars leaving for some reason or other.

Perhaps I should ask the Ashenite King for the best places for Haljans who wish to explore the Ashenite Empire to visit. Despite them being too far away for us to consider trade with or forge a strong formal alliance, I would like to think Fera and Ashenia could stand on neutral ground. For that to happen however, Ashenians should perhaps become used to Haljans.

Aipiskaupus examines a claw as he listens to the explanation of the drink before noticing Branimir held a drink in his hand. Quite happily, Aipiskaupus produces a flask which seemed to be made of some rough, dark stone with a round, clear crystal top which Aipiskaupus pulled off quickly. The four Haljans around Aipiskaupus each pulled out a flask of their own and waited for Branimir to take a drink.

Aipiskaupus notes Branimir looking blankly at his drink before making his statement. ((See post above.))

Some of the Haljan females around Aipiskaupus were unsure how to proceed while the others simply drunk from their flasks anyway. None of them seemed to have noticed the Ashenian servant pouring them some drinks as well. Aipiskaupus noticed both these things and was somewhat amused, but unsure how to proceed.

"Ahh, it sounds very good for humans, but Haljans eat no fruit. I would try it, but would not want to offend."

Aipiskaupus looked carefully at some of the mithril on display. He sorely wanted to try running his claw along it, but did not want to risk scratching it. He didn't particularly wish to upset the Ashenians so soon after they had announced those from Fera were allowed on their soil.

EDIT - Derp!

Morph Bark
2014-06-01, 07:44 AM
"No no no! You need to squeeze it out, not lick it from the source. You might not only end up with too strong a taste, but needles in your tongue as well!" Lord Wyrmar was known for his wide and erratic gestures and fondness for cactus juice, which he had sent along to the World's Fair in Celero. He had not counted on being dragged off to the nation himself, but was shanghaied into it when the Crown Prince of the Salterri had found him in bed with a tiger. It was bad enough that Tailong had decided not to go by ship but by land. He'd frozen his buttocks in the Heartwaste tundra, praised the Lady when the Kasumori refused to transport them by mantid, and fallen into a second drunken coma after Tailong had challenged a pair of Dusk Knights in Nyroth. Luckily, this time he had only woken up next to a woman of delicate manners in the Celerese capital--though he was kind of suprised that she was Nyrothian. Tailong hadn't given him a chance to ask for explanations with regards to everything and had told him to get dressed and get to the World's Fair. They had arrived just in time by the day.

And now the Crown Prince was defying the warnings and straight up licking the split center of a ball cactus.

Tailong laughed heartily at the man, his vision shaking a bit like a ship at sea. "It's fine, old man! You southern cousins need to take a risk or two sometime!" He put the cactus down again and looked around. "Ah, the Caercians!" He gave a little salute to the Lord Wyrmar, Bai Liu, and stepped towards their southern friends' booth, his step swerving a little. "Avé, Palas! What do we have here?"

2014-06-01, 08:11 AM
Having finished wandering around all the exhibits, he slowly walked back to the refreshments, pouring himself a good cup of the flagon of Sublime Scotch he was carrying with him. He was a strange sight, an old man with a long, grey beard, dressed in long robes, but with a large empty sheath upon his back, made of a strange, white-silverish material. Despite his appearent age, he still walked straight up and with pride, every step careful and his eyes clear and vigilant. Turning around to scan his eyes over the crowd, he once again saw the creatures who called themselves Haljans. Most people seemed to be weirded out by them, but he thought them to be as alien as some of the stranger residents of Hurosha, especially the Menhîrîn. Smiling, he sipped from his cup. If he would have been younger, he would have certainly challenged one of them to a duel. However, his strenght was fading, slowely but surely. Without knowing that their strenghts and weaknesses were, he couldn't risk a duel, even a friendly one. Putting down the cup, she moved his shoulder to adjust the huge sword on his back. He sighed. Oh how he missed duels on these rather boring social gatherings. At least Dyamus knew how to rile such a meeting up, making it less boring. All of these technologies were fun and all, but what was the use if you couldn't even test them out against one another on the spot? But alas, if this was the way Celero wanted their Fair to go, who was he to object. He was just a relic of the past, from a time long gone, when hostilities were still aplenty and wars were fought over intigue and Prowess, not faith. Seeing a familiar face passing by, walked up to her. If his memory still served him well, she was the granddaughter of Dyamus, called Syana Ignato. Stepping towards her, he said with a small bow:

"Good day, miss Syana. I just wanted to convey my regards from my da..I mean my Empress of Hurosha. Also, I just wanted to say that you are doing very well for yourself, as Dyamus also would have wanted. Unless you were planning on wearing a pink dress that is, he would turn over in his grave I would imagine. I bid you good day, may Prowess illuminate your path forever."

Walking towards the exit, he looked to the crowd one last time. Content with the things he saw, he headed east, towards the Hurosha Empire. Its was high time that he returned to his homeland and to see how his wife and daughter were doing. He took up his Kasumori Basketsword when he walked out and returned it into its sheath. With a brisk, fast pace, Marius set off into the sunset once again and walked out of sight into the forests.

2014-06-01, 11:48 AM
Having finished wandering around all the exhibits, he slowly walked back to the refreshments, pouring himself a good cup of the flagon of Sublime Scotch he was carrying with him. He was a strange sight, an old man with a long, grey beard, dressed in long robes, but with a large empty sheath upon his back, made of a strange, white-silverish material. Despite his appearent age, he still walked straight up and with pride, every step careful and his eyes clear and vigilant. Turning around to scan his eyes over the crowd, he once again saw the creatures who called themselves Haljans. Most people seemed to be weirded out by them, but he thought them to be as alien as some of the stranger residents of Hurosha, especially the Menhîrîn. Smiling, he sipped from his cup. If he would have been younger, he would have certainly challenged one of them to a duel. However, his strenght was fading, slowely but surely. Without knowing that their strenghts and weaknesses were, he couldn't risk a duel, even a friendly one. Putting down the cup, she moved his shoulder to adjust the huge sword on his back. He sighed. Oh how he missed duels on these rather boring social gatherings. At least Dyamus knew how to rile such a meeting up, making it less boring. All of these technologies were fun and all, but what was the use if you couldn't even test them out against one another on the spot? But alas, if this was the way Celero wanted their Fair to go, who was he to object. He was just a relic of the past, from a time long gone, when hostilities were still aplenty and wars were fought over intigue and Prowess, not faith. Seeing a familiar face passing by, walked up to her. If his memory still served him well, she was the granddaughter of Dyamus, called Syana Ignato. Stepping towards her, he said with a small bow:

"Good day, miss Syana. I just wanted to convey my regards from my da..I mean my Empress of Hurosha. Also, I just wanted to say that you are doing very well for yourself, as Dyamus also would have wanted. Unless you were planning on wearing a pink dress that is, he would turn over in his grave I would imagine. I bid you good day, may Prowess illuminate your path forever."

Walking towards the exit, he looked to the crowd one last time. Content with the things he saw, he headed east, towards the Hurosha Empire. Its was high time that he returned to his homeland and to see how his wife and daughter were doing. He took up his Kasumori Basketsword when he walked out and returned it into its sheath. With a brisk, fast pace, Marius set off into the sunset once again and walked out of sight into the forests.

The Empress had been rather distracted throughout her arrival and attendance of the Fair. Avoiding Ashenites, blocking her brother from Bordeusi, and generally trying to appear as if she were enjoying herself when she was stressed to her maximum capacity. She was on her way to see what the new southern nation of Caercia was doing when she was stopped by a strange old man.

She said nothing as he talked, growing confused as he spoke of her grandfather, the ever feared Doomkhan, as if he knew him. In an instant of recognition, connecting legends to flesh, she realized who he might be. Could it be? Marius Earthguard? As her mind was catching up to her mouth to say something the old man had disappeared, leaving as fast as he had arrived. She closed her mouth, realizing it was hanging open. It was almost as if she'd seen a ghost with how she stared at the spot where he had just been. She shook herself from her reverie and looked back around. She felt a strange sense of pride at the man's words, that Dyamus might be proud of her. She knew he was known as a violent man but that he had a keen eye for diplomacy as well, something she had always imagined she had inherited from him. She moved again, pushing the strange occurrence from her mind with a note she would need to speak with Nyllana about it, surely if the man had visited her he would visit his daughter as well.

Perhaps it was a sign as well of her own reign coming to an end, she would need to think on it, but first she would need to get through this Fair.