View Full Version : Leadership and Undead Leadership???

2014-05-28, 02:29 PM
Do they stack or are they separate? Do you get basically double everything? Does the -4 from undead apply to the living for regular leadership?

2014-05-28, 08:50 PM
Do they stack or are they separate? Do you get basically double everything? Does the -4 from undead apply to the living for regular leadership?

i would assume that you can take both leaderships. and the leadership score will be different between the two because of the different leadership modifiers they have.

the -4 would apply to all living creatures on leadership and the +2 would apply to all undead from undead leadership.

(then again this is speculation because it does not give a clear answer anywhere that i have seen)

2014-05-28, 09:03 PM
I believe it's entirely up to your DM.

2014-05-28, 09:40 PM
I believe it's entirely up to your DM.

Neither feat works without a DM willing to play ball and design npcs, since the feats essentially give you access to a bunch of resources that must be adjudicated by the DM (and possibly role played by the DM as well).

Thus, the answer is only relevant to a specific campaign. Many a DM is likely to rule against stacking, due to likely bad interaction between the two groups of followers (one group is food at the banquet of the other), or due to problematic exploits, or due to the fact that either feat can involve some serious DM-headspace that might be better devoted to other issues.

2014-05-29, 01:28 AM
Of course you can! How else can you feed your undead horde?

2014-05-29, 08:11 AM
Of course you can! How else can you feed your undead horde?

if your DM allows you to be a thrall herder and take undead leadership. since you cannot take normal leadership.

normal leadership requires time to re acquire your people. thralls come back the next day without fail.