View Full Version : [IC] The Red Desert of Sapa Shara Shanta

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2014-05-29, 12:35 AM

The Western Badlands are a maze of jagged ravines and imposing cliffs. Once this was a fertile land that saw many a city state prosper but that was before the dark times, before the Prophet-King. Now, a handful of towns struggle to survive in this inhospitable, wind-swept landscape. Many leagues to the north lies the city of Minos Karn, a once mighty minotaur city that lay in the chasms beneath the earth. The serpentfolk used their foul magicks to collapse the chasms, which destroyed the great minotaur bastions of the west and devastated the landscape above. Few survived the collapse, fewer still stayed to rebuild.

You find yourselves in the town of Kremos, which has been built around a particularly tall hoodoo, that stretches up into the heavens like a powerful spear mounted in the earth. Atop this hoodoo is the Temple of Stemma Doxas. In the days of old, Stemma Doxas was dedicated to the goddess Hera and was the site that the leaders of Grothia made pilgrimage to in order to be judged, found worthy and crowned by the Mother Priestess. That was then. Today, the majority of the temple lay in ruin at the bottom of a ravine, just one more victim of the Great Collapse. Only the inner sanctuary remained. It is said Hera outstretched her hand and held the sanctuary up, preventing it from falling with the rest of the temple. Since then, this site has become most holy, with hundreds of pilgrims coming to the temple and praying in front of the statue that had been dubbed in the days of yore as Hera the Decider. Women make up the majority of the pilgrims, all seeking the goddess' blessing for a painless childbirth. Rumor says one in a hundred are deemed worthy of such an honor. The town of Kremos, a product of the brilliant mind of the warrior-architect Myrrine the Builder, was mounted directly onto the cliff face that surrounds the hoodoo. At first the settlement started as nothing more than an inn to house the pilgrims but soon blossomed into a full fledged town as word of Hera's benevolence spread. The Kremos is still rustic and primitive but it has ample room for travelers, many supply stores and a vibrant community of entertainers.

Today is the later eighth day of Poseli in the year Shun the Slaver of Green-Eyed Elven Maidens is High Archon. The streets are alight with activity as a pilgrim, overburdened with child, slowly descends the winding stairway leading down from the Temple above. Her hair is radiantly glowing gold, symbolizing her worthiness to experience a painless childbirth. There has been a dearth of such blessings in weeks past, so much interest is taken by all. Fire breathers and sword swallowers herald her arrival into the town proper. She looks humbled by the experience and does not linger long in the streets before retreating into the Inn of Ivory Swans, the most popular establishment for pilgrims with a bit more coin than most. As she slinks way, the crowd disperses but talk of her shimmering hair lingers in conversation of the common folk.

Street vendors offer fresh fruit, supplies and other trade goods, while many entertainers delight passers by with recitations of famous poems and speeches. It is amongst this vibrant throng that six wanders wade through the mass of people, sights, sounds and smells...

2014-05-29, 02:24 AM
Nephili sits on the edge of a fountain in the middle of marketplace. The slightly cool spray -the reason he had sat there in the first place- was lost on him. He gazed into the crown, looking at nothing in particular, seeing everything but not taking anything in.

He fiddles impatiently with the black carved rod clipped to his belt. It is all that is left of his lives' work. All those star charts, mathematical calculations, observations, predictions - all of them, lost in the fires that destroyed his home. All he had been able to save were a few of his own volumes, which contained his private theories. The most important of them was of the existence of Those Beyond the Stars. That one had thankfully been correct. The Olympians had say back while his home and country were destroyed. They were either unable or unwilling to stop it; either way, they were not worthy of worship. Those Beyond the Stars might not have been worthy of worship, but they had granted him this rod, promising him that it would channel his power enough to defeat his foes. But the blade wasn't enough; he needed to become powerful enough himself to channel its true potential. That is what had brought him to this city, and to this market place. He needed to find allies, and to accumulate more strength for himself.

He was brought rudely back into awareness by a large splash of water from the fountain. A pair of dwarf children has been playing in the water and splashed too aggressively. "Thorry, Thir!" one of them calls out. Nephili doesn't respond. He merely stands up and walks away, hoping to find some way to strengthen himself.

2014-05-29, 05:59 AM
Logan walks through the city gates watching those around him and in the crowds ahead, making sure there are no Serpentfolk guards that might notice him and try to capture him. He wondered about the cities construction and why people had decided to build it on top of the ruins of the old city instead of just making it somewhere else nearby.

Logan begins to wonder if he needs to start strengthening himself so that he can fight for his freedom. He will no longer be able to settle down anywhere again and he can't return to the place he had thought was his home anymore. Power and strength is the only way to live in this world if you are a wanted man like he is.

As he continues thinking to himself he starts walking towards the middle of the marketplace without really noticing his surroundings.

2014-05-29, 07:37 AM
Dewey stands as still as a statue in the middle of the mass of people. Those that had not seen him walk up, or knew of warforged, would think he was just an ill placed decoration of some sort. His mechanical eyes quickly scanned the crowd, looking for the destined being he had been sent to protect. Much like every other time he did this in a large city, or anytime he did it ever, he did not find his target. He did spot a face he recognized. He approached the fountain, and spoke to the Deva.

"Hello, you are the being designated at Nephili, correct? In Tannis, if my memory has not been corrupted. I am designated Dewey X, Divine Servant of the Grey-Eyed Goddess, should your organic brain fail to recall me."

2014-05-29, 08:41 AM

Erevan left the stronghold hastily. He only managed to pack three waterskins and a small portion of food before he left. After ten days, he was out of provisions, and was still four days away from Kremos, the nearest large city to the Stronghold. During the last three days, he didn't find a single drop of water or food, yet, thanks to his military training, he reached the city in a good shape. His horse though was in a much worse state. Even though he shared the water, it was not enough. Erevan was obviously fatigued. His face was covered in dirt and he smelled like a dead rat. He had taken off his leather armor, tied it on the horse. He wore a makeshift turban to protect him from the burning sun.

Entering the city made him feel queasy. All these people. Yelling, trotting around, merchants, storytellers, pilgrims, horses pulling around carts... The rowdiness overcame Erevan. He just tried to block their voices. A sense of dread overtook him thinking of his slain Master and friends from the Order. He swore to avenge them, but for the mean time he had to survive. He kept an eye out for serpentfolk, dismounted and headed out to find the safehouse. He hadn't been in the city in a long time and he didn't remember exactly were it was. The order new how he felt about big cities and solemnly sent him out if it wasn't necessary.

As he was walking around he came across a counter of watermelons. Watermelon was his favorite fruit since the destruction of the land. So cool and refreshing. He bought a quarter of an overpriced melon and continued walking. He took a bite. He felt the refreshing juice fill his mouth. He continued eating. Soon the watermelon was finished, and Erevan was full. He had been searching for the safehouse without success for over an hour, so he decided to head to an inn. He was pointed to small inn behind the central marketplace. There he tied his horse outside, next to the watering post, wore his leather armor, and entered. He ordered a pitcher of water, and a meal so as to not upset the inkeeper, even though he was full. He stayed there and enjoyed the cool water and the cool temperature inside the inn.

2014-05-29, 11:02 AM

It had been a while since Miyu had travelled so much. Kremos wasn't exactly a short walk from Akrepa and her leather armor wasn't exactly the best thing to wear on long journeys. Still, it was better than catching a knife in the back if a certain band of thieves tried to intercept her shipment. Luckily, she made the trip without a hitch and handed off the cart of goods to the Inn of Ivory Swans just that morning.

Alexis had said to take some time to relax once she arrived, and while Miyu hadn't thought to do so at the beginning of her trip, she sure as Hades felt like it now. She took her time in the expensive inn, soaking up the cool atmosphere and praising the blessed mother with the rest of the patrons before steeling herself and going back out into the hot sun. She gave her staff a small flourish before resting an end on the ground to use it as a walking stick and started to navigate her way through the crowd.

She naturally passed by the marketplace, browsing the wares and making mental notes. While watermelon sounded absolutely delicious the moment she saw the stall, she wasn't going to pay that price and didn't really feel like haggling or conning in the baking sun right that moment. She saw someone else buy it and shook her head, only realizing after the man was gone that she recognized him. She'd made a delivery out out in this direction a long while back, to the nearby stronghold and she could have sworn he was one of the men that helped her unload the cart. It was strange how memory worked.

Not a few moments later, she recognized two more faces, ones a bit harder to forget, already conversing. She tried to navigate her way towards the Deva and Warforged as best she could, but collided with another figure. Before she could decide whether to apologize or chastise them, however, she realized she knew him, too. "Wait," She said quickly before she could be interrupted. "Logan, right? You worked at that tavern in Gashner, the one always ordering Cerulean Isle wine?" Four faces she recognized all within ten minutes. While making Kurt's delivery because he got sick, this wasn't just odds, was it?

2014-05-29, 11:17 AM

Sitting next to the fountain, Adran beats out a rhythm on his shield. His food bowl sits before him, with a few coppers people have tossed into it, rather than into the fountain or the hands of the local merchants and food stands. He sings the song "Tu'elkath," which sounds like a perfectly upbeat song in Elven, appropriate to the mood. But he also garners a few dirty looks, and occasionally smirks, from those near him who speak Elven- Tu'elkath is a somewhat inappropriate song describing a Feylord's many exploits, including sleeping with a number of maidens- including one who looks just like the pilgrim, surrounded by the golden glow.

After finishing the song, Adran thanks his crowd and begins impatiently flipping his dagger. He walks over to where Nephili and Dewey are talking.

So, a half-elf, a deva, and a warforged walk into an inn...around this area, sounds like a good joke, right?

2014-05-29, 11:20 AM
"Hello, you are the being designated at Nephili, correct? In Tannis, if my memory has not been corrupted. I am designated Dewey X, Divine Servant of the Grey-Eyed Goddess, should your organic brain fail to recall me."

Nephili looks at the warforged and says absent-mindedly, "Charmed, I'm sure. Now if you'll excuse me I must..." Double-take. "Have we met before, Dewey X? I think ?I would have remembered meeting a warforged before."

2014-05-29, 11:39 AM
"You may have mistaken me for a temple decoration, as many often do who do not see me move. We have spoken, briefly, before." The warforged turns to Adran. "Your designation is Adran, a minstrel who I have seen perform three times. I cannot say your music has moved me, because sound at levels you are capable of producing lacks the force to move 300 pounds of metal, however, if I had emotions I am sure it would manipulate them."

2014-05-29, 11:39 AM
An overdressed bumbling buffoon of a halfling waddles over in the direction of Erevan, Dewey, Logan and Nephili, "Can it be!?" His voice is hoarse and belabored, which is no surprise given his immense weight, "Is it my old friends, all gathered in one place! And over there, I see two more! What a... Momentous day! You remember me! I am the great and powerful Apostol Nikolov!" He strikes a pose, with his hands at his hips and his head cantilevered to the left and pointed upwards. "You must remember me! I am one of the powerful Fruit Barons of the west! Each of you guarded my caravan at some point! What brings such a great collection of... Friends together? I hope you are not guarding my enemies' caravans!" He gives a bit of a chuckle to laugh off the comment but his tone makes him sound deadly serious.

"Ah, I know just the thing to celebrate this meeting!" He pulls off his backpack and reaches deep into its bowls. After rummaging around, he retrieves seven clay mugs and a small jug of wine, "Ah, here we go. Fresh from my own fields! Best wine this side of the King's Plateau!" He pours a bit of drink into each mug. The wine has obviously been diluted but, even still, such beverages are a rarity out here in the frontier. It is sickeningly sweet and quite delicious. If you had purchased this in a tavern, it could have easily cost more than ten Drachma!

2014-05-29, 11:55 AM
"I am incapable of forgetting anyone." Dewey said, staring down at the mug of liquid. "I am programmed to be appreciative of the gesture, however, this drink would be wasted on myself. I recommend giving it to someone with an organic biology." He hands the cup back to Nikolov. "Additionally, I do not have you designated as a friend. You are currently designated as an employer. A change in designation implies you are seeking a favor, but do not wish to pay for the favor."

2014-05-29, 12:06 PM
Apostol wags his finger at Dewey, "Oh you and your big fancy words. I am not seeking to curry favor with no one, no how! Can't seven good friends enjoy some of the finest win on the frontier without devolving into talk of business?"

2014-05-29, 12:35 PM
"I do not understand how my statement invalidates your question. Seven good friends could enjoy the finest wine on the frontier without devolving into the talk of business. Gatherings of seven people are not outlawed by any laws I am aware of. There must be a wine designated as the finest on the frontier, which by definition must also be able to be drunk and enjoyed. Evolution is a process which typically takes many hundreds of years and only rarely reverts, except by magical forces. Since none of those magical forces appear to be present currently, devolution is not likely."

2014-05-29, 01:03 PM
A cunning smirk slithers its way across the face of the portly halfling, "You don't have to pay for your wine! It is a gift, Tin Man! I don't care if you drink it, drain it or give it to the poor. It is a representation of the bounty of my land, freely given to those I choose to call friend."

2014-05-29, 01:24 PM
Miyu rests her hands on her hips and regards the halfling and Adran with an unamused expression. "Does anyone else find it odd that we all happen to be here on this exact day and that we all know Mr. Nikolov?" She gives the merchant a playful tap on the head with her staff, more an affectionate gesture than a sign of disrespect as she nonetheless takes the offered cup of wine. Apostol was a good man, she knew, and working with him was never unpleasant. "You're lucky Ushushner likes you, otherwise I'd be suspicious. I do share Dewey's deduction, though, what do you want?"

2014-05-29, 01:35 PM
Adran takes the proffered beverage. "Selene's sweet serendipity, that's a good wine! Though Adran makes this comment, he takes only a couple of sips. "Come, friend Apostol. I cannot imagine that a merchant of such repute, with such an incredible stock, would be willing to part with such a gift without good reason. What might we do for you?

Diplomacy check to get the above information out of him:

2014-05-29, 02:37 PM
"My composition is primarily steel. I am composed of less than 5% tin." Dewey hands his wine to Adran, who clearly enjoyed it. The warforged was puzzling over Apostol's intentions. If he was not here to hire them, then there must be some other purpose. As Miyu had pointed out, it was an odd coincidence. The odds, given his limited knowledge of his companions, were approximately 5,463,210,023 to 1, particularly given the dangers of the desert environment. His presence here had been a simple matter of deduction. None of the other locations he had visited contained the being he sought, so he moved on to the next town.

Dewey mentally waved away the stray thoughts, and continued on his core objective: Deduce what Apostol's intentions were.

insight check: [roll0]

EDIT: a 20, go go robo sherlock.

2014-05-29, 03:05 PM
Taking note of your inquisitive looks, the halfling holds his arms up in surrender, "You caught me. Fine, I am after something. Something special. Something that... An acquaintance of mine desires. However..." His eyes shift back and forth, looking for eavesdroppers, "We should discuss this inside the inn. We do not want interlopers listening in. Come, come. Let us make more merriment in the Inn of Ivory Swans!"

After a quick journey through the crowds, you find yourselves in a spacious, well lit, well adorned inn. Before you is a haphazard gathering of sofas, arm chairs and couches all placed near tables that have been filled with delicious looking food and drink. Several pregnant patrons recline in their seats enjoying the amenities. Several servants wander around carrying silver pitchers that are overfull of water and wine.

Apostol Nikolov scrambles up a couch, his fat spreading across the seat like melting butter. He grabs a hunk of bread and dips it into a dish of red sauce. Upon gulping down the hunk he continues, "Like I said I have an... Acquaintance who would very much like to acquire something. Nothing difficult to obtain... At least not to seasoned men and women (organic or otherwise) like yourselves. A brief sojourn into the caves, beat off a few cobwebs, that kind of little adventure. Nothing hard, nothing difficult. Simple. Easy. The way I like it." His hands dive into the food once more, this time procuring several pieces of meat, which quickly disappear into his welcoming maw.

2014-05-29, 03:28 PM
Miyu smirked as Apostol finally caved. The confident smile faded as the merchant called for secrecy and ushered them towards the Ivory Swan. Whatever the business he wanted was, it was apparently not for anyone else's ears, and that could mean trouble. She quickly took a seat, crossing her legs and arms as her staff rested beside her chair and listened to the Halfling's proposal critically. "The last time I took a trip into a cobweb ridden cave, the thing that made them was almost as big as I was," She commented as she considered the job.

Eventually she sighed and continued, "Caves are probably a fair bit cooler than the sweltering sun, I suppose. You already know Ushushner's going to want a cut if I get involved, Nikolov. I hope you've factored that into payment." While she didn't mind working for Apostol, doing it for free wasn't exactly her first plan for spending her relaxation time.

2014-05-29, 04:00 PM
"You have requested former associates, whom you feel you can trust, to retrieve this item instead of using your wealth to hire sellswords to do it. This indicates that it is extremely valuable, or you want discretion." Dewey said, leaving the statement hanging in the air. He stood at the end of a couch, his tireless body resembling a statue once again.

2014-05-29, 04:24 PM
With half a mouthful the halfling responds to Miyu, "Indeed. I have a sizable payment for the venture. Nothing too big, mind you, it is a simple mission after all. More akin to a stroll in a garden than anything else. Yes... Simple. Quick. Easy. A merchant's dream." Choking on his food the Apostol takes a moment to compose himself after Dewey's blunt statement, "O-of course you are trusted. I would not send sellswords to go do a mission for me! They are vile and always come with... Complications. Much easier to ask friends. The item is not valuable, not in the least. More sentimental than anything else.

2014-05-29, 04:42 PM
Retroactive: After Erevan spent about half an hour relaxing in the small inn, he asked the innkeeper whether he could have a bath. The innkeeper extended his hand greedily, asking for the appropriate payment. Erevan, not being in the mood for haggling, payed up, and then took a bath. He wore his clothes and armor, and left, taking his horse with him, which, for some reason seemed worse than before.

He decided to go to the central marketplace, just a corner away, to try his luck, about the safehouse. It seems that Tyche smiled upon him. As soon as he entered the marketplace he saw an odd fellowship of people he had met during his life, in the middle, by the fountain. As he walked toward them they started leaving.

"Hey, wait up" The crowd choked his voice, and noone heard him. A bit later he lost sight of them. Asking around he managed to learn that they went into the Inn of Ivory Swans. They weren't exactly a common group, and people noticed them. He headed towards the inn. He tied the horse outside and headed in. He was startled by luxury of the place. He didn't expect such an inn in this city. Then he saw his old friends!

Mind if I join? Sorry to interrupt your conversation. I saw familiar faces and thought I could join you! Although he is much better than when he entered the city, the sunburns, and his cracked lips are obvious.

Perception to keep an eye on the group: 9
Streetwise: 18

2014-05-29, 04:59 PM
Miyu gave a grin as Erevan joined them in the Ivory Swans, "I thought I recognized you earlier. Just in time to earn some extra gold." She turns her attention back to Apostol and relaxes in her chair, "You keep saying how simple this job is going to be, but you haven't told us what we're looking for or where we're going yet."

2014-05-29, 05:15 PM
"I appreciate your eventual honesty. I am willing to perform this task for you."

2014-05-29, 05:44 PM
Logan turned to Miyu After hearing her ask for him "Why yes, I used to work with a couple who really enjoyed that wine and their daughter. Your Miyu right? I remember you. Nice merchant" He said smiling, not just at the fact he was seeing a friendly face, but also because he was feeling a little safer with someone he knew.

Logan sips the wine Apostol has poured. He was never much of s drinker but he thought he would indulge today.

Having followed Apostol around and listening to the conversation for a while Logan finally came forward. "I'm into adventure as much as the next man but what you are saying seems too easy. If it was that easy why haven't you gone in and found it for yourself so you can keep all the money?"

2014-05-29, 05:46 PM
Miyu gave a grin as Erevan joined them in the Ivory Swans, "I thought I recognized you earlier. Just in time to earn some extra gold.""

Well, gold isn't what I had in mind when I got here, but given the emptiness of this *shakes purse*, and the condition of my Order, I'll probably be needing it from now on.

Erevan grabs an empty seat, and listens carefully to the ongoing conversation. He notices the rest of the company, Adran the bard he met during a celebration, Nephili who he met in a monastery dedicated to Athena, Logan the unfortunate Eladrin who Erevan sympathized since he was abused by the orphanage's matron as well. The typical Apostol, ever so plump filling himself with any delicacy he could reach. Then, the akwardly large decorating statue talked! Erevan was stunned... He sat down in awe, for he had never seen such a ...thing before.

2014-05-29, 07:41 PM
After taking a big slurp of his water, the halfling states, "The place that I ask that you travel to is not far from here. Merely a handful of leagues. Less than a day's travel, really. Before the Great Collapse, the minotaur and the drow battled one another for control of the subterranean caverns. One of the minotaur's greatest champions - Karn the Butcher - was killed by drow assassins during the Battle of Vjater. After beating back the drow invasion, the minotaur soldiers hastily constructed a tomb for their fallen hero. They lavished it with gold, gems and weapons." He bites into a hunk of lamb and some bread and continues while chewing, "Upon their return to Minos Fergon, the citizenry unanimously decided to rechristen their polis - Minos Karn - in honor of their glorious war hero. After a few years, the city's kings decided to take Karn the Butcher's body from its resting place and entomb him in a new vault that lay at the center of Minos Karn. Since then, the old tomb has come to be called the Cenotaph of Butchery. Since the Great Collapse, it is all but forgotten. I have heard rumors that though the Karns took most of the precious objects from the Cenotaph, they either left or forgot to acquire the Butcher's battle helm - Wallbreaker. My... Acquaintance, would very much like to add this helm to his collection of memorabilia from the Battle of Vjater. Finally swallowing everything and clearing his throat, he clearly says, "I am willing to give each of you a fifty Drachma and a pint of my wine for your services to acquire this helm."

2014-05-29, 09:50 PM
Adran has been idly tapping out a rhythm while the conversation has been going on.

Sounds like an awful lot of effort, potentially. I mean, if there are any drow around, they might see me, or my Eladrin friend here, and attack on sight. Of course, they might do that anyways.

So if we encounter any...difficulties on the way, I presume we have rights to what they carry in addition to the drachma and this barrel worth of liquid heaven that you're offering us?

2014-05-29, 09:56 PM
The halfling smiles, "What is there's is your's. You should not encounter any drow, or minotaurs, however. The area has been abandoned since the Prophet-King came to power. What use is there protecting an abandoned chunk of a half-forgotten cave? No, this will be easy. Quick, easy and simple. Indeed. Quite painless."

2014-05-29, 10:27 PM
"Should we encounter hostile organics, they will be terminated." Dewey stated. "I am prepared to set out on this mission. I understand organics require sustenance and rest. Are the rest of you sufficiently rested and sustained?"

2014-05-29, 10:32 PM
Well, alright then. So we are just looking for this Helm. What about everything else in the tomb? Logan asks scratching his chin as he looks over the table at the Halfling. Are there any other items we need to look for or is everything else free-game for us?

He then turns to Dewey No, I'm fine right now, anybody else?

2014-05-30, 02:10 AM
"What I dont get is why they would leave the helm behind. It's highly unlikely they forgot such a prized -and named- possession. Something must have stopped them. Maybe some magical wards that where put in place when the first tomb was built, but were kept secret" said Erevan. "From what I know a people would try to acquire everything of their champion."

"On a second note, I'm not in a condition to travel today. I could use some rest, and I think I have to take the horse to some sort of proffesional, because it keeps getting worse since I arrived."

2014-05-30, 02:30 AM
Nephili had never acquired a taste for alcohol, but he drank the wine to be polite. He listened intently to the conversation without contributing. Talk of cobwebs caused him some alarm; he thought maybe it was a figure of speech, but didn't feel the need to reveal his own weaknesses just to clarify. In spite of the risk, this sounded like a good chance to push his limits and put a few coins in his pockets. There could also be forgotten knowledge in those ruins.

He nods and says tersely "I'm in."

2014-05-30, 07:02 AM
Miyu tapped her foot in thought as she considered the offer again. "A helm of a hero doesn't sound so sentimental to me. There's a lot of value in old relics with good history," She mused, "If we encounter any spiders bigger than my hand, I want hazard pay, but... otherwise, we have a deal." She chuckled slightly at Dewey's question before responding, "While I'm not in bad shape, a day's rest would do some good before hitting the road again. I'll take a look at your horse, Erevan. I'm no expert, but I know a thing or two about animals and ailments."

2014-05-30, 09:37 AM
Erevan notices the wine everyone is drinking. "Hey, Apostol, you mind if me help myself to your wine? Haven't had any of this nectar in a long time." he says, as he pours some in a cup. He takes a large gulp, only then noticing that it's more water than wine... Trying to hid a grimace, he takes another gulp to avoid any misunderstandings, and leaves it the cup on the table.

"So, I guess it's a plan. We hit the shops for some items we might need in the cavern, have a good night's rest and start tomorrow when the **** crows! I have no equipment for this purpose."

2014-05-30, 12:01 PM
Apostol takes a bit of lamb and chews while talking, "The helm was left because the Karns were in a rush. The drow would not desecrate the tomb of one of their greatest enemies but they sure as Hades would not hesitate to steal Karn the Butcher's corpse once it had left the tomb. Possessing the corpse of their most glorious foe would be a great boon and more than demoralize their enemies. So, the Karns acted hastily. They probably left more than just the helm but I care not for the other trinkets."

After a fashion the portly halfling grabs his backpack and pulls out six pomegranates and lays them out on the table, "Each of these pomegranates has been enchanted with magic to bathe you in an illusion that will make you look like a drow. The effects are temporary and only disguise your appearance. Now, like I said, I don't expect there to be any drow down there but... Better safe than sorry I always say."

Potion of Drow Shape

Level 2 Common

Consumable: Potion 25 gp
Power Consumable (Minor Action)
After consuming this potion, you alter your appearance through illusion, appearing as an drowof your gender. Your drow guise is not of any particular drow, and it shares some of your general features. Thus, if your nose is particularly long or wide for a member of your race, your guise has an drow nose of greater size as well. If you have a particularly distinctive feature, such as a facial scar or discolored eye, this too is revealed in your drow guise. You retain your attire, mannerisms, voice, and speech patterns. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until you dismiss it (a free action). You gain a +5 power bonus to Bluff checks to pass yourself off as the creature you're imitating, although you do not gain this bonus when speaking.

2014-05-30, 01:46 PM
Adran makes a disgusted face.

It sounds like an interesting mission to me. I could use some excitement here- Seraptis seems to have taken up residence, and I'm tired of being told that inns have more than enough bards, thank you very much. Just one thing- these drow pomegranates don't actually taste like drow, do they?

2014-05-30, 02:41 PM
"Do you happen to know what drow tastes like?" Dewey asked. "If not you are making an assumption that may not be valid. Without first-hand knowledge, Drow could taste like the wine you are drinking, or perhaps all pomegranates taste like drow. Basic biological information indicates that Drow would have a flavor similar to pork as the physiology of most humanoids is similar to porcine creatures."

2014-05-30, 04:21 PM
The halfling practically falls on the ground laughing, "I-i-i-f drow tasted like pomegranates, then I am pretty sure we would have drow farms!"

2014-05-30, 04:47 PM
True, I think I'd always assumed Drow would taste more like fungus, given that there's so much of it in those dark places. At any rate, I'm willing to go on this mission, whether your pomegranates taste like pomegranates or not.

2014-05-30, 05:07 PM
"This conversation has taken an unpleasant turn," Nephili thinks to himself. He speaks to the halfling. "Do you have a map or some directions to guide us to this tomb, or are we to find our way through the ruins ourselves?"

2014-05-30, 05:18 PM
"I will accept the mission to. Although in my experience I think because of them always hiding in the dark, that they would taste moldy" Logan replies taking a small sip from his cup.

2014-05-31, 07:19 AM
"I think I've lost all interest in pork and mushrooms all of a sudden, thank you everyone," Miyu says sarcastically as she picks up one of the pomegranates and weighs it absently in one hand before stashing it in her pack. "I highly doubt any map of those catacombs will be from before the collapse and out of date. Anything more recent than that would make it rather unlikely that the helm is still there."

2014-05-31, 07:19 PM
"I think we've lingered too long on these pomegranates. It's just a couple of bites, it's not that important." Erevan stands up, picks the remaining five, and hands them out, keeping one for himself. "I'll agree with Miyu on the map. What we should do though is get a few chalk sticks, in order to mark our advance through the dungeon. Maybe something heavy attached to a rope to trigger traps. I'm no good at that! I could step on a mousetrap in broad daylight."

"Now, do you fellows have somewhere to stay tonight? I think I could host you all in our safehouse..." says Erevan, "...if only I could find it" and laughs with an amount of shame in his voice.

2014-05-31, 08:08 PM
"The directions are easy - head out of town going west along the southern ridges. You may need to buy/rent some Igsaurs for the travel. Keep heading west for four leagues until you arrive at a large ravine with a charred oak tree at the bottom. Near that tree will be a magical doorway whose entrance is only revealed under starlight. You will then use," He reaches into his pack once more and retrieves a ball-shaped object that has been carefully wrapped in linen, The sound it makes when placed on the table leads you to believe it is made of stone. "This key to gain entrance to the chasms below. Once inside, it will be a league or two down narrow corridors until you arrive in a large cave where the Cenotaph of Butchery is located." He smiles, "Like I said, simple and easy."

2014-06-01, 03:36 PM
Would you like to go get supplies and find an inn to stay the night? says Erevan. He wonders why everyone is so hesitant.

2014-06-01, 03:37 PM
"Like I said, simple and easy."

Nephili doubts this claim. These sorts of things never are simple and easy.

But he has already committed to it, and he trusts the competence of his comrades. With that thought, he stands up.

"If this is done then, I shall get a room and rest up for the journey. Shall we start at sunset tomorrow?"

2014-06-01, 03:40 PM
The little halfling nods and waddles his way out of the Inn, leaving the new found companions to settle the finer points of the adventure by themselves.

2014-06-01, 04:56 PM
"I am set for tomorrow right now. Does anybody else need to go and get anything or shall we just retire for the night?" Logan asks looking at his new found companions and hoping that things will go well in this little 'adventure'.

2014-06-01, 05:36 PM
"I'll go buy myself the essentials. A backpack, a bedroll and the rest. I have to get the horse checked out as I said earlier." says Erevan. "I'll look a bit more for our safehouse. We can meet up at the fountain outside at dusk. If I've found it whoever wants to is welcome to spend the night there. Otherwise we can go to an inn and rent some rooms.

Nephili why do you suggest we start at sunset. If we start at sunrise, given that the distance is correct, we should be there before the day gets too hot. Then, we'll be underground, and from my experience it's far cooler inside a cavern than what it's outside. Then depending on our condition, we can spend the night there or return. Given that we are done be then."

Erevan finishes his wine and is about to leave. "Miyu, would you like to have a look?"

2014-06-01, 05:53 PM
"I say sunset because I'm a scholar, and don't care for the heat of outdoors during the day. I suppose four leagues is, what, three hours' ride? If we intent to leave in the morning, I'd prefer leaving prior to sunrise. I can adapt to whatever the group prefers, though."

2014-06-01, 06:23 PM
"Alright, well I'll take a look around town then, see if there is anything at some of the stores that might help before heading to and waiting at the fountain for you guys this afternoon." Logan says as he begins to stand. "Anyone interested in coming with? I could use the company."

2014-06-01, 08:51 PM
"I will accompany you, Logan, as I have no purchases that I require, but I may find something with a high probability of usefulness along the way. Being non-organic and not requiring food or water is very useful in the desert. Life is so delicate and easy to extinguish."

2014-06-01, 10:45 PM
I'll be back after hiring a igsaur for this. They'd better rent saddles around here too, though- the last time I rode one, that scaly skin...ouch.

2014-06-01, 11:10 PM
There is one Igsaur merchant in town. Goes by the name of Karpos Misthotis. He's a pleasant enough human. Most people have dealt with him at one time or another. He and his band of riders have been up and down the Western Badlands, Karpos is fond of saying there isn't a crevasse that he or his men haven't been to before. His ranch lay across a steep ravine, connected to Kremos via a rope bridge. Igsaurs aren't allowed in town, as their bulk it a bit too much for the town to bare. When you cross the bridge, you find yourselves atop a fairly flat piece of earth. Pens of Nathi (chicken-like lizards) line the walls of a large adobe house. Beside the mud house is the igsaur corral. Several fine looking beasts are being lead around in a circle by a strapping young man who sits atop the largest of the igsaurs. You recognize this man to be Nikon Misthotis, Karpos' eldest son. You quickly notice that the male that Nikon is riding is flush in the face, his scales the color of fresh blood.

A voice from behind you says, "Looks like ole' Fang there is getting a bit hot! Not unlike a camel who gets all foamy at the mouth when he catches a whiff of a female in heat." You look behind you and see the warm bearded face of Karpos. His deep set eyes and thick eyebrows are his most distinctive features. "Igsaurs really aren't that different. He'll have to be left behind... That is if you are looking to rent a few 'saurs for your travels. I have six females ready to go." He chuckles, "They're practically begging to get away from ole' Fang and his advances!"

The merchants all look quite busy as people are prepping for their travels after the suns set. One stand, manned by a dwarf with a shaved beard and missing teeth, looks quite pleased to see that you cannot find another stand, "Koom, koom to Murat's ztand. Uz will like hiz warez, no?" His voice is thick with a dwarven accent. His words are barely intelligible. "Koom kloozer! Murat has everthing you need, no?" Before you is a treasure trove of fine supplies. He has rope, pitons, daggers, jerky, poles, ladders, pots, pans... Just about anything a wanderer could possibly want. "Murat's warez are good. Uz like, no? Murat is niz. Murat likez uz! Murat zell zuppliez ten perzent off. Juzt for uz. Limited time offer though. Murat no fool, no? Uz buy now, get bargeen. Uz buy later, uz pay more. Zimple, eh? We make deal, yez?"

2014-06-01, 11:50 PM
Logan browses the wares before seeing the Jerky and asking "How much for the jerky?"

2014-06-02, 01:45 AM

The dwarf hands a stick to Logan and says, "For uz, free. Enjoy. Want more? Five Obols for one pouch full. Zatizfy hunger for a day Murat guezz, no?" The merchant smiles while he pulls out a well worn wooden chest from under his stall and sets it up on the table. He opens the lid delicately, revealing an ornate golden plate with a handful of thinly cut slices of meat set on top. "Zalted pork. Fresh from the farmz near Minos Karn. Very expenzive but... Murat think uz would like only the best. Three Drachma for the meat."

2014-06-02, 06:22 AM
Logan begins to drool a little as he sees the meat."Uh, sorry, um, how long will that meat last stored?" Logan asks wiping the drool from his mouth and chewing a little on his free jerky.

*Logan was never given meat when he was a slave and had entirely forgotten what it even was till after he escaped and was reintroduced to it. Now it is his favorite food bar none.* <- I've just added this to my backstory, just as a little something more about my character. I like to add more to characters as the story progresses so this may happen every once in a while.

Also Obols is copper I am guessing and Drachma is gold pieces right? Just wanted to double check.

2014-06-02, 08:42 AM
"I will return shortly." Dewey says as Logan begins to haggle with the merchant. He seeks out a vendor that would sell a belt pouch or a backpack, realizing he will have to efficiently carry things during this mission.

2014-06-02, 10:07 AM
Dewey finds such a merchant but the silver haired man has little time to haggle. He confidently declares, "My products' quality exceed those of any other. You may have this red backpack for one drachma and nine obol."

Meanwhile back with Logan, "Murat zay two monthz. More than enuf time to enjoy, no?"

Drachma is Gold
Obol is Silver

2014-06-02, 12:47 PM
Erevan follows Logan to the merchant dragging his horse behind him. We'll need an amount of that. Is there any chance you got anything else besides this dried salty meat? I also need a length of rope, some sticks of chalk, flint and steel and a bedroll. My friends and I will bug plenty of stuff as you have ntoiced. Is there any chance of getting a better price?

As the dwarf starts pulling stuff out and setting them on the counter he realizes he doesn't have a backpack to put everything. "I'll be back in a sec. Logan, could you hold the horse for me for a bit, till I get back? Not that it's going to go anywhere at it's condition" he says being worried about the trusted horse that managed to get him here.

Diplomacy roll: 14 (if you can have -1 to a skil, then it's 13. Not sure about that)

2014-06-02, 12:49 PM
The merchant gathers everything Erevan said he wanted, "Murat haz what uz iz looking for. Murat zell at ten perzent dizcount, no? Uz like, yez?"

2014-06-02, 12:57 PM
"Yes I think the discount is satisfying, what do you say Logan?

As the dwarf starts pulling stuff out and setting them on the counter Erevan realizes he doesn't have a backpack to put everything in. '"I'll be back in a sec. Logan, could you hold the horse for me for a bit, till I get back? Not that it's going to go anywhere at it's condition" he says being worried about the trusted horse that managed to get him here.

2014-06-02, 03:07 PM
Miyu followed the others into the market place, intent on taking a look at Erevan's sickly horse. It didn't take that long of a look to realize the poor thing was on its last leg. As the swordmage stepped away to get a pack, Miyu went with him muttering, "I'm not quite sure how much longer that horse has. It's lucky to still be standing let alone moving around. It may be dead by morning, if not sooner." She gives it another glace over her shoulder before they get too far away from the creature. "It may be a bit uncouth, but it could possibly be of some use as extra rations or feed for the igsaur Adran's renting. That is, barring some miraculous recovery some time before tomorrow."

2014-06-02, 04:08 PM
Erevan's mood changed immediately. He felt terrible. The image of his dying master came to mind. " Very well... I will do what has to be done. I will take the horse outside of the city later. As for the igsaurs, I'd much rather pay." he said, stopping every other word to swallow, which made his throat even more dry than before. He hurried on wanting to finish with these menial tasks, thinking of what was to come for the stallion, who had given his life so he could be saved.

2014-06-02, 04:17 PM
"I am a machine, and I can tell this backpack is hideous." Dewey said. "I question what kind of merchant would carry such an item. I would relieve you of it for one rachma, five obols."

diplomacy if needed: [roll0]

2014-06-02, 04:34 PM
He squints as he eyes Dewey, "You are a swindler and a thief! But I like you! One drachma and six obol it is."

2014-06-02, 05:11 PM
Erevan sees in the distance Dewey, at a stand with backpacks. He turns towards that direction. As soon as the he gets there he says: "One backpack." when the merchant tells him the price he tosses the coins, takes the backpack and heads towards the dwarf. "Add a shovel". Then he leaves his backpack, and gives a handfull of drachma to his new fellows to pay for his expenses.

He takes his horse, fills a waterskin and heads to the exit of the of the city. He then continues an hour in the desert. He starts digging a hole.

A couple of hours later he returns to the city. His sword bloodied, the waterskin empty as tribute, and heads to the fountain to see whether the rest are still there.

2014-06-02, 05:43 PM
"I will agree to your price." Dewey hands the merchant his money, taking the red backpack. "Do you know where I could locate a belt pouch?"

2014-06-02, 06:20 PM
Logan drools a little more before wiping it "Alright, I'll take the meat and a pouch full of the Jerky" He says handing the dwarf the money for the meat that was making him drool so much.

Logan holds the horse till Erevan returns for it, feeling a little guilty about purchasing meat when the mans horse is dying. But he couldn't resist it, it just looked so good. "I'm sorry about your horse Everan" Logan says bowing his head a little in respect.

2014-06-02, 07:47 PM
Adran has followed the others out, to talk with the igsaur renter.

My good sir, I'd like to rent one of your finest female igsaurs- they're steadier than the males, and I don't much think the males would take to being gelded like horses. Also a particularly comfortable saddle. And if you've got those extra waterskins merchants sometimes mount on them, I'll take those, as well.

2014-06-02, 11:11 PM

Karpos Misthotis puts his hand on Adran's shoulder, "We have plenty of females. I think Claw would serve you best. She's tame, calm and loves to have a strapping adventurer on her back! Yeah, Claw will do well by you. As for saddles, well we only have one kind - used. Each comes with two canteens of water though, so you should be set for a few days' worth of travel. Are you expecting to travel with anyone else? Just need to know how many of my boys to send with you. Don't want to lose my mares, after all.

2014-06-03, 07:27 AM
Miyu blinked in confusion as Erevan started choking up and talking about 'doing what has to be done.' "Huh- What- I didn't mea-..." She sputtered as the man moved with determination, left bewildered where she stood and scratched her head. She let out a sigh and shrugged before moving to accompany Dewey while he shopped, smirking slightly as she catches the metal paladin haggling. "Who know a machine could drive such a hard bargain?" She mused aloud. In retrospect, it was a bit odd that everyone else seemed a bit under prepared. Erevan not having supplies made sense, he had to leave hastily. Dewey, however, seemed far too systematic to be lacking such essential gear.

2014-06-03, 01:42 PM
There are six of us, I believe. I cannot claim to be any sort of leader- it's possible someone might wish to buy their igsaur, but I can't speak to that. Myself, I'd like to rent, at least for the moment.

2014-06-03, 11:55 PM
The party gathers its supplies and rents six igsaurs. Karpos Misthotis decides to send two men with you, to guarantee his mares are not harmed, lost or stolen. Both men are tall, well built and equally well armed. Most folk would be very intimidated by such guards but adventurers like yourselves are made of sterner stuff.

As the two suns set, the third lingers in the sky. The heat plummets from well over too hot to just below hot. After you get half a league from town, the dirt path evaporates like a mirage. Your way is clear however as you had been given fairly detailed instructions by your halfling patron (at least as far as vague directions go). Most of the hilltops are narrow and lead down sheer cliffs. One false move and you will find yourselves in Hades' embrace faster than an igsaur devours a fat nathi. The two guards seem to casually guide their beasts like experienced riders however, such beasts are not the easiest to ride, especially if you do not have a bond with your mount. Dewey's mount lags behind the rest, the igsaur clearly winded by the sheer bulk it has been asked to carry. Regardless, it trudges on like a champ.

As you near a sturdily built stone bridge that crosses a thirty foot ravine, you spy a man on the other side. He does not appear to be made of flesh, or even metal. His body looks more like a mass of blackened rocks and boulders glued together in the shape of a man. He, or rather it, bears a very large fashion that rests casually against his shoulder. A single, raggedy piece of tan colored cloth drapes around the being, in a crude approximation of clothing. Its voice is deep, gravely and inhuman, "You have come to Lithos' Bidge. There is a fee to cross this bridge - ten drachma a piece."

Your eyes race up and down the landscape, there does not appear to be another way across (at least from what you can see).

"Trust me, my new friends, the next bridge is not for ten leagues... So unless you wish to scale the cliffs down, then back up, I suggest you pay."

As he says this, a goatskin sack slowly meanders in mid-air across the bridge until it comes to rest in Miyu's hand.

"Fill it up."

The terrain looks like this: http://cdn.allblackhills.com/images/content/4008_5907_Badlands_Park_South_Dakota_md.jpg

It is a mass of seemingly random collection of crags, gorges, ravines and sharply pointed hilltops chiseled into the landscape.

The being on the other side of the bridge looks like this: http://rs289.pbsrc.com/albums/ll236/remaai/BlackShardmind_zps565d363b.png~c200

The bridge looks like this (ignore the surrounding terrain) http://www.daz3d.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/n/e/nerd3d-stone-bridge-large.jpg

The Doc (link in my signature) has been updated to include a map! :smallsmile:

2014-06-04, 03:08 AM
Erevan looks around trying to asses the situation. He tries to recall information he may have read about the being and looks for hidden allies. Could he be so arrogant as to try to stop 8 people alone?

Arcana check: Detect magic 20
Arcana Check: Monster Knowledge 21 (correct check?)
Insight check: the guards' reaction 13
Perception check: hidden beings 12

2014-06-04, 03:21 AM
Nephili too recalls reading about these creatures in his studies.

I'm assuming this creature is a shardmind. Shardminds are immortal creatures, so that makes this a religion check.


2014-06-04, 06:30 AM
Logan tries to figure out what creature it is and if it has any weaknesses with his arcana knowledge as he assess the area for any type of advantages his group might have. There is no way he was going to pay 10 drachma just to cross a bridge just because someone he has never met says so.

Arcana knowledge = [roll0]
Perception for terrain advantages = [roll1]

2014-06-04, 06:35 AM
Miyu looks the bag over curiously, checking for any insignias, judging weight and contents as the others think. Finding nothing interesting on or in the bag, she takes another look at the creature across the bridge. "By who's orders do you collect a toll?" She asks sternly, setting the sack down on the front of her saddle. It was a bit of a longshot, but if she could convince the stone man to stand down, it was worth a shot. Worst case scenario, they had a fight on their hands, but she was confident in her companions. Best case scenario, she could keep them from paying some stupid bandit's fine. "This Satrap doesn't take kindly to bandits and highway robbery. If you don't want to be arrested and sent to the Colosseum of Blood, I suggest you stand down." She flashed Ushushner's badge, which didn't give her any legal rights other than being able to walk freely, that didn't mean a bandit out in the Western Badlands was going to know that.

[roll0] For Bluff and a Prayer

2014-06-04, 07:55 AM
Dewey unmounts his poor dinosaur, the beast clearly relieved from the reduced weight. He attempts to discern the being honesty and real purpose, as well as recall if he has met a being like this before. "How do you expect to collect your toll from the other side of the bridge? We would have crossed it before we reach you."

What would the required check/action be to push him into the ravine without a bull rush? Obviously once he's positioned on the edge.

Well, arcana sucks but [roll0]
insight: [roll1]
religion: [roll2]

Action: move to U20 and enter full defense.

2014-06-04, 12:11 PM
The rock man taps into his vast reservoir of psionic power and speaks inside your minds, "I have no blood, I am useless to your Sperpentfolk masters. I, unlike you slaves, owe allegiance to no man - living or tin! I am Blackboulder the Bandit Baron of the Badlands!"

Blackboulder raises his left hand and shoots streams of cackling black lightning across the battlefield, striking four heaps of unassuming rubble. The heaps begin to shake, rattle and slowly cobble themselves together into a vaguely humanoid shape! Once fully assembled, the new rock-men let out a terrifying mental screech.

"My children are born! PAY NOW OR DIE!"

2014-06-04, 12:43 PM
"I am a divine servant of Grey-Eyed Athena, we are not known for backing down from a fight." In an instant, Dewey's sword is in his hand. "I will claim this bridge if I have to slay every last one of your kind to do it." Dewey slashed out at the creature beside him, staring him down. "I dare you to fight me, little pebble, I will grind you to dust." The blow from the warforged crumbled the rockman to powder, just like his threat. "Your servants are weak, shardmind. How many will I have to kill before you surrender?"

Divine Challenge on S1
Ardent Strike on S1 Str vs AC [roll0] damage: [roll1]

2014-06-04, 01:47 PM
Nephili has a eureka moment. Shardminds, creatures from the Astral Plane.

He had been hoping to find a peaceful solution, but upon hearing the shardmind announce his criminality, Nephili felt less conflicted. Fortunately, the Warforged had opened the combat.

The muscles in Nephili's face tense up as he speaks words in the dark language taught to him by his masters. The shardminds are taken aback for a moment, not commonly hearing others speaking in their native language. At the end of his incantation, the Deva pulls the rod from his belt and holds it forward. A dark purple blade of energy extends from the rod, making a crackling humming noise which sets everyone's teeth on edge. Fully armed, Nephili engages.

He charges onto the bridge, bearing down his blade on the first shardmind he sees. The creature shatters apart, and a flash of deadly right from the impact seers the one next to it.

Free Action: Use Vulnerability

If I succeeded against the hard DC for the knowledge check, I gain a +4 power bonus to defenses until the end of my next turn and +4 bonus to damage.
Minor action: Draw Blade
Standard action: Charge to V19, use Resplendent Blade against S2

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage, and S3 takes 4 radiant damage.
*EDIT* I also gain a +1 bonus to attacks until the end of my next turn, via Dire Fate.

2014-06-04, 04:39 PM
Logan's face turns to rage in a single second. The Shardmind calling him a slave reminding him for the years past brings him into an anger he had not felt in years as he shouts at him "I AM NO ONES SLAVE!". As he runs up behind Nephili and covers his hand in a purple frigid energy which goes hurling towards the final shard.

He looks up as after his attack and smiles seeing it broken "Welp that was fun" before turning the the final foe.

Movement from V24 to V20
Chill Strike attack on S4 vs. REF: [roll0]

2014-06-04, 05:07 PM
"Heh, killing bandits. The first normal thing that has happened in weeks now" Erevan thinks to himself, as he moves up past his allies to face his enemies.

He summons his blade, which with a flash appears straight into his hand, and stand's infront of his last enemy. "How do you feel now that your friends are gravel?" he asks sarcastically. The next instant Blackboulder's eyes light up by an eldritch light, his mind bogled and consumed by King Elidyr's spirit. Erevan then mutters something and curses Blackboulder. He feels a chill run up hiss spine, and a dread starts taking him over. Erevan looks him in the eye letting him know his existance will soon end.

Move action: Move to U17
Minor action: Swordbond
Standard action: Eyes of the Vestige 17vsWill

2014-06-05, 07:05 AM
Her bluff refuted, Miyu shrugs casually and picks the bandit's sack back up before flipping over her Igsaur's head to land in front of it. She watched in amusement as the others made quick work of Blackboulder's children and moved to join them. "Good job, Boys," she praised, pulling one of her woefully underused hand axes from her belt and hurling it at the shardmind over Erevan's shoulder.

[roll0] To attack
[roll1] For Damage If Hit, Because Quarry

2014-06-05, 12:52 PM
Blackboulder screeches angrily, "YOU BUTCHERED MY CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS! Well then... I will simply have to make more!" He raises his hand up once more and jets of red lighting shoot out, this time striking the bridge. Just as with the heaps of rocks before, the bridge begins to shake and rattle. Large chunks break off and form smaller, vaguely humanoid shapes. These new rock-creatures are much smaller than the others, standing no more than four feet tall. The creatures mentally yell and screech like new born babies.

"Ha! You will not defeat this batch so easily!"

2014-06-05, 01:14 PM
"It is advisable to let me in front next time." Dewey said, raising the sword in his massive fist. "It is likely my armor and metal body are more resilient than your flesh ones." He slams his sword down hard against the stone being in front of him. He misses wide, striking the non-living parts of the bridge. "Don't think that means you are safe, stoney." He growls, setting his divine will upon the target he just missed.

Standard: Ardent Strike on S5 (str vs AC) [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Minor: Divine Challenge on S5

2014-06-05, 04:16 PM
"I wasn't really expecting more baby boulders," Miyu replies, giving her staff a graceful flourish before grasping it in both hands and bringing it down with a harsh battle cry at the monster in front of her, only to miss as it weaves aside. She clicks her tongue in frustration and whirls her staff around for a second blow, eager to prove herself after two unconnected attacks in such a short time. The third attack strikes true, slamming into the stone body in front of her with a crack, pleasantly of rock and not the wood of her staff as she brings it back with another flourish, falling into a practiced guard.

[roll0] and [roll1] for Quarry

Also +2 to AC from Shield of Blades for a total AC of 18

2014-06-05, 04:45 PM
Nephili frowns with displeasure as more constructs form around him.

"To kill the ant colony, you might first kill the queen."

He momentarily exposes himself to danger as he moves to the close side of the bridge, and fires off two bolts of black lightning from his conjured blade at the "Baron." The bolts make contact and begin to tear his stony body apart.

Move action: Move to V21
Standard action: Eldritch Blast against SM

Attack vs. Reflex: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Action Point:
Standard action: Eldritch Blast against SM

Attack vs. Reflex: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.

2014-06-05, 05:08 PM
"I concur with Nephili however we do have more immediate problems" Logan says releasing a silvery bolt towards the nearest stone shard Which narrowly misses. "Dammit" Shouts Logan as he prepares for the inevitable counter attack.

INT vs. REF of S5 [roll0]
Magic Missile damage = [roll1]

2014-06-05, 05:54 PM
Blackboulder is pelted by the eldritch onslaught. He stumbles towards the ravine and cries out, "Y-you... Have killed me..." as he plummets down to the bottom of the trench, landing with a thunderous thud. His so-called children contort themselves as if in great pain, then each collapse into a pile of ruble.

2014-06-05, 06:44 PM
Seeing Blackboulder tumble off the cliff, Logan thinks to himself that the bandit must have had a stash somewhere nearby and so scans the area to see if he can find it.

Perception [roll0]

2014-06-05, 06:45 PM
Erevan looks around astonished. He didn't do as much as he wanted. He wonsered why Nephili was in such a hurry to kill Blackbouldee.

2014-06-05, 06:56 PM
Logan looks around and finds a chest hidden behind the pillar that anchors the bridge. The chest is unlocked and not trapped. Upon opening it, Logan finds fifty Drachma, two leather boots, a wrought silver broach and a deed to a house in Kremos.

2014-06-05, 07:01 PM
"We should inquire if any of the local constabularies have a bounty out on his head when we are finished with our mission. In any case, we should continue on it." Dewey looked down into the chasm. "Of course, he could have survived the battle and that fall. Shardminds are resilient. Anyone want to climb down and check?"

2014-06-05, 07:01 PM
Logan looks at the stuff he just found in the chest and considers keeping it to himself for a moment before deciding na. "Hey guys, come and take a look at what I found" He calls to the group holding the wrought silver broach and the Kremos house deed.

He looks at Dewey shaking his head "Not me, I don't climb, not strong enough plus I don't know the fly spell yet. If I did I would probably go and take a look but not without it."

Holy.... I did not expect that much to be the first chest we found. But I shall not argue with the DM and shall accept this gift happily :smallsmile:

2014-06-06, 07:42 AM
Miyu glances over the edge of the bridge and does a quick bit of calculus before securing her staff between her back and pack, retrieving her rope and fastening it to one of the bridge anchors. "It's a bit deep for the rope to reach the whole way, but I should be able to climb back up to it and use it to get back here easily enough," She muses aloud. "Dewey, do me a favor and make sure the rope doesn't come undone on me. The last thing I need is to relive my first climbing fiasco." With that, she deftly worked her way down the rope as far as it goes before carefully dropping the rest of the way, her acrobatic instincts helping soften the fall.

She immediately pulls out her staff again and drapes the bandit's toll sack over one side before bringing it down on the creature's neck unceremoniously, though perhaps a bit poetically. "Your Toll, good bandit," She mutters before calling up, "Should we take the head now, or wait until we come back?!"

Miyu has enough bonuses to take ten on the climb check for a rope, as well as an uneven surface. Since she isn't bothering climbing down the wall the rest of the 10 or 15 feet the rope doesn't reach, taking ten on an acrobatics roll reduces the falling damage from that by 8, which should adequately cushion the damage die roll. Unless the creature is still alive/moving/there's something else I need to worry about, a Coup De Grace from Miyu using Marauder's Rush deals 20 damage to make SURE the thing is dead.

2014-06-06, 08:16 AM
"Acknowledged." Dewey says. He braces himself and tales hold of the rope with both of his massive hands, essentially active as the anchor instead of the bridge itself.

2014-06-06, 12:14 PM
Miyu slides down the rope and deftly jumps the last fifteen feet. She looks around for the corpse and finds a carpet of black, volcanic rocks. After combing the area, she comes across the mangled remains of Blackboulder. He does not appear to be alive but... He is a being made from rock and psionic energy, so better safe than sorry. With three deadly strikes, she dismembers Blackboulder's head, left arm and right leg. The body convulses in what one might assume to be pain but such fidgets are quickly silenced once the deed is done.

Miyu scales the cliff-side back to the rope and, with the aid of Dewey, makes it back topside.

2014-06-06, 06:42 PM
"Well, glad this is done I suggest we continue to our destination" says Erevan, as he wipes a couple of sweat drops that had formed on his forehead. He goes back to the start of the bridge and helps the guards bring over the igsaurs.

"By the way Miyu, that flying axe was a bit too risky, and it alomst shaved off my new beard." exclaimed Erevan while stroking his short, two-week old beard. He never had a beard before. His Eladrin companions didn't grow any significant facial hair, and he and the other humans shaved, both to look more in unison with the rest as well as for hygiene. "Please don't do that again, unless it's really necessary."

Before now, Erevan didn't know Miyu really well. He only met her a couple of times,and not for long. Over the past day though, he started to appreciate her decisiveness and her carefree attitude. Also, Erevan made a mental note about how Logan went mental when he was called "a slave" by a rock.

2014-06-06, 07:24 PM
As no one was coming over to look in the chest Logan takes off his backpack and puts everything from the chest into it. "Later we can divide up the treasure" Logan thought as he filled his bag.

2014-06-06, 10:00 PM
"Agreed." Dewey signals the handlers to bring the mounts over the bridge so they can continue their journey, mounting his when it is finished crossing the bridge.

2014-06-07, 09:09 AM
Miyu laughed at the friendly criticism and gave Erevan a pat on the shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind the next time something needs axing," She replied cheerfully, moving to pick up the projectile in question and giving Logan's freshly filled pack a pat as she passed. "Coincidentally, I'm not a bad barber. If you want a bit of help keeping your new whiskers in check, feel free to ask. Of course, I don't have a razor with me right now, so it might have to wait until we return to Kremos."

The maid gone adventurer climbed back onto her igsaur with a word of thanks to the guards for watching it, even though it was technically theirs. Once firmly mounted, she rode up next to the resident warforged to say, "And Thanks for holding the rope for me, Dewey. I appreciate the added security."

2014-06-07, 02:48 PM
The journey continues on relatively unabated. The group spots several coyotes, feral igsaurs and condors roaming the area but none engage the party. The last sun sets, revealing the bounty of stars above. The constellation of Poseidon is high in the western sky. The group finds a make-shift path that leads from the hilltop down into a ravine. The path is narrow and treacherous but your igsaurs prove experienced enough not to slip. As you meander down, you spot the charred oak tree, or at the very least the only tree, charred or otherwise, within three or four miles. The group dismounts from their igsaurs and scours the various cliff-sides for the hidden entrance.

Eventually Nephili chances upon it, hidden behind a rocky outcropping. As she nears, she hears coughing. No, hacking. No, wet hacking.

She peers around the corner and spies a black-skinned elf with ivory white hair. He is slumped down in front of a rectangular door, which outlined in a shimmering, aquamarine glow. The drow has his hand draped over his stomach, Nephili can just make out the scarlet trails that run down his leg and collect in large pools around him. He coughs for a third time, blood splatters out across the red-brown rocky earth. He sighs. He speaks softly to himself, in a fairly reflective and sad tone, "Waxaan u malaynayaa baan doonayaa hadda u dhintaan. Wayba kuwa soo waca dhintay iyo in ay sixir iyo dhimasho. Ayaan waa in aan marnaba isku hallaysay iyaga ... Taas waxa aan ka helo isagoo damaaci. Un nasiib aan aad u, waxaan ku dhowaa inaan kasbado ku filan si lacag la'aan ah, wuxa uu dhakada Makii..."

I suppose I am going to die now. Damn those dead callers and their death magic. I should never have trusted them... That's what I get for being greedy. Just my luck too, I was about to earn enough to be free of the damned Skull Walkers...


2014-06-07, 04:38 PM
Logan, trying not to alert the Drow to them being there, whispers the the Igsaur handlers "Who are these 'Skull Walkers' that man is talking about?"

2014-06-07, 05:16 PM
"I don't know, I don't speak Elven," Miyu mutters in reply before stepping out into the open, hands held wide, hoping to present herself as non-threatening to the injured Drow. "I hope you speak Common, usv Vs'shtak," She said to the wounded man, inquiring in Draconic as well in hopes that he might know one of the two. If he makes no sign of understanding, she calls back to the others, "Someone tell him I'm gonna patch him up." In either case, she continues to get closer and does her best to examine the warrior and stop the bleeding.

Miyu can make Second Wind and Stabilize checks on a ten, but I'm gonna roll, just in case the drow isn't cooperative.

[roll0] Heal Check

2014-06-07, 05:25 PM
Nephili stands behind Miyu, repeating what she said in Elven, adding

"We mean you no trouble. It sounds like you have enough of that already."

2014-06-07, 06:56 PM
The guard whispers to Logan, "The Skull Walkers are... Scary folk. Assassins for hire. They exercise their duty in the most bloody, violent and cruel ways possible. Some of the older folk say they serve the Keres, those damned vulture spirits that decide men's fate... If this drow is one of the Skull Walkers, then we should kill him! He and his kind are no good and rotten to the core!"

The drow strains his head up and sees the party, "I do not speak common but usv Vs'shtak. After a moment to collect the strengt hrequired he states, "Kuv raug mob. Kuv yuav tsum tau kev kho mob. Pab kuv thiab kuv yuav muab nqe zog rau koj ..."

"I am wounded. I require treatment. Aid me and I shall reward you..."

The drow's ears perk up at the sound of elven. He smiles but groans in pain as he does so, "Magacaygu waa Sagal. Waxaan halkan u imid hawlgal on ... Si aad u hesho ninka kufsaday ah ka baxsaday Karnos iyo ka dhigtay daab qalbigiisa ... Ajar iska ... Waa in aan ka heli isaga, amase haddii kale wuu noolaan doonaa inuu sameeyo oo uu camal oo qudhmay oo mar . Fadlan iga caawin hab kasta oo aad kari karto."

"My name is Sagal. I came here on a mission... To find an escaped rapist from Minos Karn and put my blade in his heart... He got away... I must find him, or else he will live to perform his vile deeds once more. Please help me in any way you can."

2014-06-07, 07:03 PM
Miyu does her best to patch the drow up and performs her task admirably. Sagal has an open wound on his stomach from what looks like a jagged dagger. He also has several other slashes and gouges that do not look like they were made with weapons...

As he watches Miyu work he whispers in a warm tone, "Ua tsaug rau koj kuv tus phooj ywg."

"Thank you my friend. "

2014-06-07, 07:24 PM
Logan walks over to the wounded Drow seeing as the others had done so and not been attacked by him. He kneels down next to him speaking to him in Elven Sir, I wish not to anger or offend you, but are you part of this group known as 'Skull Walkers?'

2014-06-07, 08:05 PM
Nephili reflects of the many lifetimes he spent learning many languages. " Time well spent, it seems." He didn't spend as much time learning to heal, however, and he leaves that to his compatriots. Instead, he racks his memories for for information regarding the Skull Walkers.

History check: [roll0]
I may decide to use Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes. If I do, add [roll1] to the check result. I'll let you know in the OOC.

2014-06-07, 08:13 PM
Seeing his companions helping the drow, Dewey steps up with his holy symbol. "Wise Goddess, heal this wounded soul." He says, touching the drow with the symbol.

Cast Lay on Hands on the drow.

2014-06-07, 08:17 PM
Miyu quickly treats the stab wound, murmuring a comforting, "Coi ui ehis." It is nothing. In her mind, the fact that he was wounded was more important than his dark elven heritage or any affiliations. As such, while she worked on Sagal's other wounds, she spoke aloud to the others, "Skull walker or no, you harm my patient and I'll smack you." She sent a pointed glare at the guard before returning her attention to the injured drow.

2014-06-07, 09:54 PM
He says both that he is grate and that he may reward us. I will translate, as I can.

After waiting a bit for the various ministrations to occur, Adran says in Elvish"Dear sir, we do not wish to see a rapist on the loose. If you would, how came you here? And, for that matter, how came you to be injured?". He repeats this in common for the party.

Diplomacy check:


2014-06-08, 01:33 AM
The Drow smiles at Dewey and nods, "Waxaan mar ogaa nin aad u eg. Wuxuu ahaa Naf nooc, oo ka mid ah likes dunidan ma aragtay in nolosha casriga ah ..."

"I once knew a man like you. He was a kind soul, of the likes this world has not seen in a life age..."

Turning his attention to Adran, the drow whispers, "Oo boqorkii kan Karnos go'aansadeen in ay soo masaafuriyey oo dhan oo ka mid ah dambiilayaasha laga helay isaga oo godxabsiga. Wuxuu iyaga ka fog baxay qaaday galay hawaarinta iyo wuxuu iyaga dhigay lacag la'aan. Maxabiista badankood waxay ahaayeen kuwo la oranayaa iyo Alshabaab laakiin waxaa jiray dad tiro yar oo ah qudhmay ee isugaynta . la i weydiiyey in ay dilaan Xeebta Tylykos, ninka kufsaday argaggixiyay isku raranta ah ee Karnos afartan maalmood. Waxay isna wuxuu ku odhan ... " The drow hangs his head, "Konton iyo dhibanayaasha, malaha ka badan. oo boorkii Sehara Shasata lagu qasbay inay gacanta ku Xeebta in nabad la ilaaliyo, balse uu xil kama saarna inay si xun u ahaa ninkii lagu ciqaabo. Xaqiiqada ah in Shasata sii daayay wasakh karaahiyo ah, sida ku hadla abeesadii ee naxariis-devil. Ayadoon, soo daba socday baxay wilds ee caravan maxbuuska iyo dabagalay aan la dhaco. Marka aan u soo guurtay for dilo, Xeebta Tylykos arkay oo ii soo socda oo naftiisa u difaacay leh xirfad la yaab leh. Wuxuu off orday galay godad hoos ku ka dib markii uu halkan baa iga tegey inay dhintaan. "

"The Satrap who rules Minos Karn decided to exile all of the criminals found in his dungeon. He took them far out into the badlands and set them free. Most of the prisoners were dissidents and rebels but there were a few vile folk in the mix. I was asked to kill Xenon Tylykos, a serial rapist who terrorized the slums of Minos Karn for forty days. They say he..."

"Fifty victims, probably more. Satrap Sehara Shasata was forced to capture Xenon to keep the peace but he was not obliged to severely punish the man. The fact that Shasata released such disgusting filth speaks to the serpent's devious cruelty. Regardless, I followed the prisoner caravan out into the wilds and stalked my prey. When I moved in for the kill, Xenon Tylykos saw me coming and defended himself with surprising skill. He ran off into the caves below after he left me here to die."

2014-06-08, 04:41 AM
Erevan, who has been watching the whole conversation in silence does not trust the drow. They are known to be vile and chaotic in their behaviour. The guards comment only supported his doubts. He looks around, trying to spot hidden drow. This could be a trap...

Insight 13
History 19
Perception 10

2014-06-08, 09:35 AM
"I do not understand your language, but you are welcome." Dewey said, as the Drow addresses him. He steps away from the drow and draws his weapon and equips his shield. "I agree we should be cautious." He looks around, scanning for threats.

2014-06-08, 12:12 PM
Our patient here says that he was tracking a caravan of prisoners released by Shasata, the local satrap. He claims that one of them was Xenon Tylykos, a serial rapist, who he came to kill, and who defended himself and fled into the caves...

2014-06-08, 04:55 PM
"Well, we really only have two choices then, we go in and find the rapist leaving the Drow here. Or we get him to come with us into the caves to look for him. We can't leave such a person free in the world as it would be dangerous for everyone else and putting many lives at risk in the long run." Logan says standing and looking around.

2014-06-08, 05:17 PM
"I agree with Logan. Besides, we're not even sure if he's saying the truth" says Erevan.

I could really use the insight check result ^^

2014-06-08, 06:33 PM
Insight: He is telling the truth, or at least you get that feeling but he may be holding something back.

History: Skull Walkers are an ancient order of assassins founded in days beyond memory. One calls the Skull Walkers to one's presence through a dark ritual that involves the bloody sacrifice of a crow. Once performed, a member of the Skull Walkers will appear to one in a dream, whereupon one tells the assassin who one wishes to see dead and why. If the Skull Walker takes the job, then when one will find a finger missing in the morn...

The Skull Walkers were a powerful force in the world before the rise of the serpentfolk. They killed kings, tyrants, generals, barbarians and even demi-gods. Everyone feared the power of the Skull Walkers. Their power waned once the serpentfolk rose although no one knows why. Some say the Prophet-King destroyed the Skull Walker's secret lair, others say the Walkers made a dark pact with the Prophet-King, still others say the Skull Walkers were not needed in an age of unmitigated brutality. Regardless, they are a very rare sight these days.

Perception: There are more than one set of foot prints heading into doorway...

2014-06-08, 08:39 PM
Miyu gave Sagal one more look before helping him to his feet, Dewey's healing magic making her a bit more comfortable on letting him move. She gives Erevan a look before speaking to the Drow, "Wux geou wiap mrith udoka," you will fly with us. "I'll keep any eye on him. Let's open the door and get inside."

2014-06-08, 09:13 PM
"Wait a second. The drow, by the way I missed your name, might not be lying about him chasing a criminal, but there sure are more than one set of footprints going into the cavern. So either there's a festival here or something is not the way it seems" says Erevan "There is no point in using a language half of us can't understand" he comments in Elven as he kneels down and helps the others distinguish the different sets of footsteps. He stands up and rests his hand on his blade, ready to react with the slightest move of the drow. He lets his intentions be apparent.

2014-06-08, 09:50 PM
Adran notices Erevan pointing out the additional sets of footprints.

He says, in Elven

Just one rapist? Are you sure there aren't a few fellows in there? Friends of yours, maybe? I'm really trying to make things easier for you here, but my friends are a bit distrustful...with good reason?

DM's choice of which is more appropriate:
Diplomacy check:


or Intimidate check


2014-06-08, 10:08 PM
The group sees a hole in the cliff-face where it seems some sort of large object should be interested to open the door.

I do not know who has the key.

2014-06-08, 10:13 PM
The Drow sighs as he slowly stands up. He seems taller than your average drow, by at least a a foot and a half or so. "Dhowr of saaxiibbadiisa / xulafadooda / dambiilayaasha la shaqayn jiray, isaga oo ku soo biiray isagoo hufan galay boholaha. Iyagu ma ay ahaayeen kuwa I ugaadhsado. Inta badan wuxuu guntanaa haylamo ah iyo silsiladaha. Iyagu ma ay ahaayeen xusid mudan."

"A few of his friends/allies/fellow criminals joined him in his decent into the caves. They were not the ones I hunted. Most wore rags and chains. They were not worth mentioning. "

2014-06-08, 10:15 PM
Our friend here says others followed in his quarry, wearing rags and chains. Seems that there may be a whole gang in there. And from what he said earlier, it's not clear whether they're all real criminals, or if some were political prisoners.

2014-06-08, 10:26 PM
"Even if some of them are political prisoners, are we really going to possibly risk our lives not killing them when they could turn around and stab us or something?" Asks Logan looking around at the group. "Killing can be wrong yes but that doesn't change the fact that if we try to get in there we need to defend ourselves more than worry about who we are killing."

2014-06-09, 08:47 AM
"If they attack us, we attack back," Miyu offers, "Until then, we treat them as innocent. That's my two tets." She reaches into her pack and pulls out the key Apostol had given them, setting it into the indentation before stepping aside for some of the others to go first. Dewey had made a good point earlier on the bridge, he was a fair bit tougher than most of the group, her at least. She wanted to be somewhere in the middle with the Drow, both to keep him safe from further harm and to better keep an eye on him, just in case Erevan's distrust was well placed.

2014-06-09, 10:45 AM
Erevan pulls a sunrod out of his backpack, lights it up and steps in with Dewey. He looks around trying to spot anything that might be out of place, but his eyes aren't well adjusted. He's lucky he doesn't trip during his first few steps on something cause he has no idea where he's going.

2014-06-09, 02:12 PM
Dewey takes the lead, carefully looking around as he walks forward.

2014-06-09, 03:10 PM
Miyu unwraps the orb, revealing a crystalline elf skull that is awash in a spectacular radiant blue designs that seem to flow around the skull like hunks of ice floating on fast moving water.


Once the skull has been placed in the socket, it lights aflame and begins to talk, "I am the guardian of door! Only those with pure hearts may pass... If thine heart is not pure - as mine eye tells me thou hearts are - then thou must answer a riddle to pass... "I fasten to walk, and unfasten to stop. What am I?"

2014-06-09, 06:21 PM
Logan thinks about this riddle for a second. "Sandals?" He answers, in a half asking tone. Riddles weren't what he was best at but he had played many games involving them at the tavern he worked at.

I remember something close to this riddle from a while ago when I used to play with them.

2014-06-09, 06:59 PM
The skull's flames burst out, practically singing Logan's eyebrows, "Thou hast answered mine question fairly. Thou may pass into the unknown... However, let it be known that Marada Badan has been awoken by foolhardy treasure seekers from her age long slumber. Thine journey shall be most difficult now... I bid thee farewell for I doubt thou's company of companions shall return..."

The Drow's gaze shoots up to the skull when he hears the name Marada Badan uttered, "Maya .. Waxa lagu tilmaamay kicisay? Sidee iyo kan? Waa in aan ka digtoonow ... Iyadu waa ugu khatarta badan."

"No... She has been awoken!? How and by who!? We must be cautious... She is most dangerous."

The rocky door creeks as it slowly bends inward, revealing a narrow passage way. The walls are chiseled and straight, as if someone took great pains to carve this entry way. No sounds emanate from within the passage but... It is unusually acoustic. Even the faintest breath is magnified and echoed down the corridor... The party treads carefully down the hall until they near a very tight staircase that corkscrews straight down into the earth. Room only for one at a time (and barely that when Dewey tries to descend), the trek downward is slow and treacherous. A mustard-yellow liquid leaks in from the walls of the staircase. It is sticky like sap but smells of burnt bread.

The party has descended the narrow stairs for almost four minutes, they hear skittering coming from below... Rat-like skitters and the sound of teeth gnawing on wet hide...

2014-06-09, 10:43 PM
"Potential hostiles below." Dewey said, and continued down the stairs, sword ready. His eyes, unfortunately, were no better than a human's in the low light, but he kept his wits about him.

perception: [roll0]

2014-06-09, 10:45 PM
Dewey hears the sound of a lot of rats and... Something, or someone, that believes itself well hidden but the strange acoustics make that job too difficult.

2014-06-09, 10:53 PM
I just love walking into deep pits full of scurrying things. The bills for hiring washer women after this..., Adran says, as he holds his dagger and shield.

2014-06-10, 07:07 AM
"You might as well come out. I can hear you quite clearly. I do not wish to kill anyone who I do not have to." Dewey said, his rumbling voice echoing through the area.

Well, here's hoping my bluff roll is good: [roll0]

2014-06-10, 07:46 AM
Hearing Dewey talk to someone in the room Logan raises his hands ready to cast any spell that might be needed while looking and listen to find where he is.


2014-06-10, 11:35 AM
Miyu pats Sagal's shoulder gently and grips her staff in both hands. In the tight corridor, it wouldn't be easy to fight around her companions, but her hands were ready, should she get room, or some threat force her to strike anyway. Either way, the sooner she was able to gain some room, the better.

I put Miyu's location on the map assuming at least two others are in front of her with Sagal behind her.

2014-06-10, 12:18 PM
A black tipped arrow flies out of the corer of the room and slams into the ground near Dewey's right leg. A female voice calls out, "Leave now. The underdark does not need or want your kind! You try to make out the attacker but she seems cloaked somehow.

The rats ears perk up and suddenly become aware of fresh meat. They rush over to their new prey, hoping for a snack...


Hidden Attacker [roll0]
Rat Swarm [roll1]
Giant Rats [roll2]

Sagal [roll3]

N [roll4]
M [roll5]
L [roll6]
D [roll7]
A [roll8]
E [roll9]

2014-06-10, 12:21 PM
You feel the hidden attacker lining up another shot. She yells, "LEAVE!"

She Delays.

Logan is up

2014-06-10, 03:59 PM
Knowing the attackers location Logan decides to attack the head before the rats as he launches several silver bolts at the enemy. The bolts hit their target soon after leaving his hands and Logan smiles at himself for hitting their foe.

Magic Missile Int vs REF [roll0]
Force damage [roll1]

2014-06-11, 01:14 AM
\Oops, I forgot to hit submit on the post. Sorry about that!

The hidden attacker is nailed with a magical force bolt. She lets slip a furious cry, "YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE OTHERS! YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT! YOU ARE FOOLS! I WOULD HAVE LET YOU LEAVE! NOW YOU WILL DIE!" A cloud of darkness slips from her finger, which quickly engulfs the area is complete darkness.

The larger rats rush forward, two of them tackle one another to attack Dewey but only one manages to get close enough to take a bite.

Attack vs. Dewey's AC

a: [roll0]
d: 3 Damage

The other rats look interested but stay behind to nibble on the corpses. The swarm remains behind, hidden in the shadows with the black-leather-clad assailant.

Everyone else is up!

2014-06-11, 05:42 AM
"Something tells me that made this a lot worse," Miyu says as Dewey is rushed by the rats. They were going to have to clear out the rats if they wanted to advance safely, and while Miyu was hoping to talk things through with the Drow woman, that seemed like less of an option now. There was little she could do at this range in such cramped circumstances.

She pulls an axe from her belt and calls, "Dewey, Juke Left!" before hurling it at the rat right in front of him.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2014-06-11, 07:34 AM
Erevan can't go anywhere, so he decides to stay at his position. He mutters a few words and curses the rat infront of dewey. At the same time he's ready to react in case his suspicions where just, and Sagal is working with the other drow.

Minor Action: Warlock's Curse on R1
Standard action: Ready Eldritch Strike: If Sagal acts against us anyone of us, I hit him

P.S. might have some trouble logging in until tomorrow. Don't wait a lot if it's my turn.

2014-06-11, 09:42 AM
Dewey recognizes the value of his defensive position, but also the precariousness it places the entire party at, being pinned into a narrow corridor. He raises his sword, and slams it down hard on the rat that bit him, cutting it in two. He steps forward and deftly slices the second rat to pieces. "I have no desire to kill anyone. Put down your weapons and we can end this peacefully."

So, couple of actions here:
1. Attack R1 with Ardent Strike str vs ac [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Shift to AE27
ACTION POINT: attack R2 ardent strike attack vs AC[roll2] damage [roll3]

2014-06-11, 10:18 AM
Let's see if we can get this post to work this time:

Adran moves adjacent to R3.

"Hey guys, this is how it's done!

Guiding Strike against R3:

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC

If it hits:

Damage: [roll1] damage and target takes a -2 to defense until end of Adran's next turn.

2014-06-11, 09:00 PM
Nephili once again activates his eldritch blade. He steps from the hallway and channels a bolt of dark energy at the remaining rat.

Move action: Move to AC28
Standard action: Eldritch Bolt against R4

Attack vs. Reflex: [roll0]
Hit: it dies

2014-06-12, 12:06 AM
Sagal rushes forward, pulling a net from his belt as he does so. With a spinning, jumping air twirl, he flings the net into the cloud of darkness at a seemingly random destination.

Net Attack vs. Swarm's Ref

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fire

2014-06-12, 12:17 AM
Logan moves forwards 20 feet past Miyu, finding cover behind Sagal and then sends a frigid bolt of energy towards their hidden attacker. However his attack misses hitting the wall behind the attacker.

Chill Strike
INT vs REF [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-06-12, 12:27 AM
A lumbering mass of rats crashes out of the darkness like a collapsing dune. The lunge across the battlefield and slam into Adran, biting and gnawing on his legs.

Rat Attack vs. Adran's AC

a [roll0]
d[roll1] and ongoing 3 damage (save ends)

The hidden assailant, however, moves from her current position and fires off a crossbow bolt at Sagal. The bolt is jet black and has a serrated, obsidian tip that looks to be dripping with poison.

Crossbow Attack v. Sagal

a [roll2]
d [roll3] and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)

2014-06-12, 04:58 AM
Erevan moves up past the entire group and the rat swarm. He enters the darkness trying to find the assailant. He crates an arcane link between himself and the drow wanting to shield his allies.

Double move (rs gets oa on me)
Minor Action: Aegis of shielding (HA is marked and -9 damage)

2014-06-12, 09:13 AM
Dewey recognizes the futility of killing a whole swarm of rats with a sword, but Erevan was already engaging the hidden attacker, and the swarm was the immediate problem.

"Your pets are all but finished. You should surrender to us, we will treat you fairly. You have nothing to fear if you have done nothing wrong."

Dewey's sword misses, but the will of Athena settles on the rat swarm anyway.


Move: AE26, AD25, AC25, AB26
Attack: Ardent Strike against the rats: str vs AC [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Minor: Divine Challenge on rat swarm (at least its a -2 to attacks because they are marked)

2014-06-12, 10:22 AM
Adran shifts back a bit, to clear some space.

Drummer, bartender, dancer...I guess exterminator can be part of my job description. Let's see if we can get all of these rats to slip at once, shall we?


[roll0] vs. Will

If it hits:
1/2 of [roll1] damage, and slides it one (will be indicated on the map), and Nephili can make a melee basic attack against it.

2014-06-12, 10:26 AM
Nephili- care to do the sweeping?


You get to make a free MBA with a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

2014-06-12, 12:58 PM
Nephili hears he offer. "Gladly."

Resplendent Blade (as MBA) against RS

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1]

2014-06-12, 01:51 PM
Miyu moves up with the rest of the group, shifting the grip of her staff towards one end and brings it sweeping across the huge mass of rats in an attempt to chase them off. It probably wasn't the most effective attack strategy against a horde of rats, but she wasn't really well equipped to deal with such things.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] plus [roll2] for Damage

2014-06-12, 02:08 PM
Sagal retrieves another net from his belt and flings it atop the swarm of rats. Small orbs on the ends of the rope burst into flames just as the net pillows down upon the rats. The net catches fire and quickly incinerates itself, burning the swarm with deadly fire.

Attack: 1d20+6)
Damage: [roll0] Fire

2014-06-12, 04:01 PM
Logan moves up in front of Miyu "I don't know if you guys wanna kill this dude but oh well." A vertical column of golden flames erupts from the ground in front of him hurling towards the hidden attacker, striking him on the far side of the room.

Scorching Burst
Int vs REF [roll0]
Fire Damage [roll1]

2014-06-12, 04:18 PM
I hope I'm not skipping someone's turn :|

Erevan yells "Time for you to meet Hades". Some arcane muttering is heard, and the drow feels a chill run up her spine. Then her eyes flash with an eldritch light. Then, Erevan moves into a more advantageous position, and charges the assailant, but misses with the attack.

Minor Action: Warlock's Curse
Standard Action: Eyes of the Vestige (14 vs Will; 16 dmg)
Move Action: Shift to Y25
Action Point: Charge with Eldritch Strike

2014-06-12, 05:58 PM
Everan skipped ahead of the Hidden Assailant. She will take her turn now, then we will apply Erevan 's turn.

Also forgot to have Sagal save: [roll0]

With her rats and her darkness gone, the assailant throws a flurry of daggers at Erevan. The blades are serrated and dripping with a watery, green poison. Before she sees the result of her barrage, she somersaults backwards and lunges for the door leading north. You clearly see her hand reach out and grab the handle but it does not budge. Expecting to fly through a partially opened passageway, the assailant slams into the locked hard wooden door with a thud. The woman falls to one knee. As she slowly gets to her feet, you notice the attacker is favoring her left shoulder (which bore the brunt of the slam).

Without skipping a beat, Erevan lobs a spell at the assailant which wracks her with pain but she remains nimble enough to dodge his furious melee assault.

Attack 1 vs. Erevan's AC

a [roll1]
d [roll2] and ongoing 5 poison

Attack 2 vs. Erevan's AC

a [roll3]
d [roll4] and ongoing 5 poison

2014-06-12, 09:07 PM
"Stop, stop!" Miyu shouts as she watches the Drow female slam into the door uselessly, only to take a spell from Erevan. "Everyone Stop! Your door won't budge, there's seven of us, one of you. Just stop and let's talk!" Not sure if anyone will actually listen to her, or if there will be pulped Drow in a moment, Miyu turns to Sagal and tries to help him fight off the poison in his system.

[roll0] Against a DC15 Heal Check to grant Sagal another save now.

2014-06-12, 09:27 PM
Dewey steps next to the assailant. "I dislike using force, you should heed my friend's advice and surrender before it is too late." Dewey swings his sword at her threateningly, trying to knock her out rather that hurt her. However, his careful attack misses.

(Note: if I "kill" the target, I chose to knock her unconscious).
Minor: if Sagal doesn't make his save, Divine Mettle to allow him another save at a +0 bonus. Else, mark the HA with divine challenge.
Move: Shift to AA25
Standard: Piercing Smite Str vs Reflex damage: [roll]2d8+5 + target and 2 others are marked

2014-06-13, 05:18 PM
Let's see if we can't disorient the lady a bit, shall we?

An odd sound comes out of Adran's dagger as he waves it in HA's direction

Staggering Note:

Attempting to do nonlethal damage if it hits.
[roll0] vs. will

2014-06-13, 05:19 PM
The odd sound is something like a leaky tuba, and doesn't do anything in particular to the HA.

2014-06-13, 05:31 PM
Nephili joins the melee on the other side of the room, trying to get the drow away from the door. She dodges, and his balde buries itself in the door.

Move action: move to Z26
Standard action: Wield the Warp against HA

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage, and the target is teleported to AA27

2014-06-14, 04:19 PM
The assailant grabs a black sash that has been tied around her waist and flings it off with great force, revealing a belt that looks to have over thirty vials of some red-brown liquid. She yells, "I WILL NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO BE TAKEN PRISONER BY THE MARKAASAA ILAALADII HABEEN" Before you have a chance to react, she pulls a string on her chest, which makes a clicking noise. You then see fire appear which quickly spreads down her body like a flaming web... With each strand ending in one of the vials...WE WILL ALL DIE HERE THIS DAY!"

Night Watchers

2014-06-14, 05:32 PM
Logan runs up the the Hidden Attacker pulling out his water-skin and pours it over her to try and put out the fire which he was assuming wasn't magical.

Move from AE/28 to AA/26
Roll to try and put out the fire with my water-skin - [roll0]

2014-06-14, 11:36 PM
Logan rushes up and dumps an entire waterskin's worth of water upon the dark-skinned attacker. As he rushes up, Logan bumbles the delivery quite a bit but still manages to dose the entirety of the flames with the liquid. The woman seethes with an unbridled rage that would make even Lyssa shirk away, "AAD GARAC NIN DUUBEEN! I WILL GUT YOU LIKE A CAVE TROLL AND BURN YOUR ENTRAILS IN SIGHT OF YOUR MOTHER! I WILL KILL YOUR FRIENDS AND EAT YOUR CHILDREN!" She continues her tirade of viciously mean sayings as she draws a dagger and readies herself for melee combat.


2014-06-15, 12:45 AM
Logan draws back a little prepared to fire off a spell at the slightest problem. "Look lady, we aren't a part of these 'Night Watchers' you are talking about so back off!"

2014-06-15, 12:57 AM
She takes up a defensive posture with her dagger held backwards behind her, with her free hand hoisted up in the air, ready to act as a counter balance to a furious swing of her blade. "I do not believe you."


2014-06-15, 01:19 AM
"Of course you don't. I mean, why would you. We seem perfectly reasonable and all." Logan says throwing his hands in the air. "I mean. Ok, yes, I did attack you first and I do apologize for that. But you did try to get us to leave first. For all we knew you could have been planning some evil plot. We are just here to do some stupid quest for a halfling merchant."

2014-06-15, 02:33 AM
"Never met a halfling. Heard they are lying thieves. That must be what you are too. Why come here to the land below?"

2014-06-15, 04:53 AM
"Lying thieves? Really? Halflings are a cheerful people. They may like small tricks to mess with people but they are a barely dangerous group. You might find one in every million that is anywhere near dangerous. And we are here to collect some rare helm for some client of the Halfling which has been here for god knows how long and that nobody will miss that was owned by 'Karn the Butcher'. Some Minotaur Champion although guess the Halfling was wrong because he said we wouldn't find any Drows or anything down here"

2014-06-15, 05:13 AM
Oh, excuse me. You are not thieves. No, you are grave robbers! How silly of me to make that mistake! From the sounds of it, you want to break into that old tomb, kill the beast that lies within and return to your greedy patron for, what, a sack full of coins? Bah! You surface dwellers are all the same - corrupt to the core!

2014-06-15, 05:24 AM
"Oh yes, totally and if we are here to play stereo-types then I guess your down here to do a little fairy dance to appease your evil Drow gods. So now that you know why we are down here why don't you tell us why your down here before I come up with something worse?"

2014-06-15, 11:45 AM
"I was told to watch the door..." She smiles, "And delay whoever came through next." She steps aside and points to the door, "My job is complete. You may pass."

Sagal grabs a knife from his belt and flings it at the woman. She tries to dodge but her wounds slow her reaction time. The knife barrels into her shirt sleeve and embeds itself into the wall behind. "Waxay u maaweeliso ah! Waa in aan u degdegay si aan u ku qaadi our la dhaco."

"She is a distraction! We must hurry if we are to catch our prey."

2014-06-15, 12:32 PM
(assuming she is helpless)

Dewey raises his fist. "Forgive me, but this isnecessary." He brings the fist down, knocking her unconcious.

not sure mechanics but this should be possible if she is helpless. I just want her knocked out.

2014-06-15, 08:14 PM
Logan face turns to that of anger. "Dammit I played right into her trap. I hate when that happens."

2014-06-15, 09:39 PM
In the future, I'd suggest knocking them out, tying them up, and then trying to bargain with them.

2014-06-16, 09:34 AM
Erevan checks both the doors to see if they are locked. He then takes the drow down off the wall and searches her thoroughly looking for some key

2014-06-16, 09:58 AM
Miyu seethes for a long moment, staring at the activity and exchange near the door before rubbing her temples and muttering in Damaran. She takes a deep breath and moves to the door to examine any lock mechanism it might have.

[roll0] to examine lock

2014-06-16, 10:37 AM
"I believe my strength should be sufficient for breaking through this door."

2014-06-16, 05:48 PM
After pushing on the door a few times, Dewy definitely believes it will take two, or perhaps even three, people to heave it open. He also notices that the locking mechanism does not appear to be that complex. Perhaps someone with skills in such areas would be able to accomplish the task of opening the door far easier.

2014-06-16, 09:41 PM
"Stop! Before you jam it," Miyu barked and pulled out a pouch of tools. Carefully choosing two, she went to work on the lock to try and pop it free of the wall.

[roll0] Thievery to open the door with thieves' tools.

2014-06-16, 09:51 PM
Miyu snaps one of her lock picks in half as she tries to finagle it in with a bit too much force. After spending a few minutes fishing the broken off chunk out of the key hole, she tries once more.

This is just to speed things a long.


2014-06-16, 10:05 PM
Practice makes perfect! Miyu is able to deftly pop the lock on the heavy wooden door. After glancing around for any traps, she opens the door, revealing a jagged, gnarled cavern. A blood trail lines the path leading into the dark unknown... As you venture into that dark world, you find many dead rats and bats, all of which have had their heads bitten off (or at the very least violently ripped off). As you follow the path as it snakes its way this way and that, you find two doors. Both are made of metal. One has the symbol of Alpha on it, while the other, the symbol of omega. The bloody trail leads to both of those doors. The blood also continues onward, around a bend, eventually dead-ending into a thick, black lacquered wooden door. This door has two triangular recesses that have been placed about eye level. Both are coated in a thick layer of melted-then-dried wax.

2014-06-16, 10:10 PM
Dewey ponders the Alpha and Omega symbols. Perhaps there is significance there.

Very clearly we found the cult of Jesus. Religion check: [roll0]

2014-06-16, 10:48 PM
As Dewey ponders the concept of Alpha and Omega he is reminded of the story of how the Olympians were birthed. Specifically, the idea that Hestia was the first to be eaten and the last to yielded up again, which made her simultaneously both the oldest and youngest of the Olympians.

2014-06-17, 12:46 AM
Nephili walks past the doors with the letters and examines the door at the end of the hallway. He takes out a small knife and probes at the wax, trying to see if he can determine anything without digging them out.

2014-06-17, 01:05 AM
As Nephili probes the wax, she finds that it has a unique lime-colored hue to it.

2014-06-17, 01:23 AM
Nephili grimaces as he recognizes the wax. He digs in his bag to find a journal with some notes on the subject.

Arcana check: [roll0]
Religion check: [roll1]

2014-06-17, 01:26 AM
You believe the substance is actually congealed ectoplasm left behind for purposes unknown. Pondering the perplexing problem for a time, you surmise that, given the door does not have a handle of any kind, it must require the completion of a ritual involving ectoplasm to open. However, given that there are no ghosts, undead or containers in the hall... The substance you require must be found elsewhere.

2014-06-17, 01:45 AM
The deva frowns and returns to the others. "There is another door ahead, although it seems to be sealed from the inside. We'll need some ectoplasm to open it, so be on the lookout for that." He turns and looks at the symbols on the doors. "Are these doors sealed as well?"

2014-06-17, 02:00 AM
The doors are not sealed but the Omega door is locked.

2014-06-17, 05:32 PM
Miyu eyes the trails of blood curiously as the others explore the caves and doors. Realizing the Omega door is locked, she takes a minute to examine the mechanism, weighing the option of picking it over possibly finding a key behind the Alpha door. After all, the tracks lead through all three doors, either the one making them didn't know which door they needed or they needed all three.

2014-06-17, 07:04 PM
"Since Alpha is the beginning, perhaps we should start there. If not, the unmarked door is probably wise. I feel that these two marked doors are strongly connected through Hestia, the first Olympian born and the last recovered from Chronos's maw."

2014-06-18, 11:58 AM
Well, personally I think that unless we break down the Ω door, we gotta go for the Α. comments Erevan as he sticks his ear on the door trying to listen at anything coming from the other side. He hears nothing. Sword in hand, sunrod in the other, he asks in a low voice everyone to gather together, in order to enter A.

2014-06-18, 01:05 PM
Adran gathers as part of the group to enter Alpha. Is this a tomb or a puzzle? Who designs a tomb with doors that need ectoplasm to open?

2014-06-18, 01:24 PM
Sagal walks up and sighs, "Waan necbahay nagaan lahaa. Waa in aynaan daahin. Dhakhso ah, ha na lagu geynayey galay qolka Alfa iyo qabtaan wax kasta oo hawlaha waa in aanu dhammayn this sidaas loo yaqaan xujo iyo guurto on kula nolosheena."

"I hate ghosts. We must not delay. Quickly, let us barge into the alpha room and perform what ever tasks we must to finish this so called puzzle and move on with our lives."

2014-06-18, 02:27 PM
"Indeed. The woman at the start said she was trying to delay us. We should move as fast as possible." Saying this, Erevan checks the door for any traps, and yells to the rest:"Come, we have got to continue"

In Elven: "Sagal, I never got a chance to thank you before. You seem to be a man of your word. I hope you will keep it and not turn on us later on."

Perception: 9
Insight on Sagal's Reaction to what I said: 17

2014-06-18, 06:23 PM
"Erevan is right, we need to make up for lost time" Logan says standing near the A door.

2014-06-18, 07:06 PM
The door opens with remarkable ease. A wave of fine mist bombards your skin, coating it in thin layer of wetness, the lines of which you rarely experience in the Red Desert. The air inside the Alpha room is dank, heavy and smells of rotten meat. The ground is soppy wet, with the water line wasily coming up to your ankles. The coraking and ribbits of frogs echo through out the room, growing ever more load once the door is opened. As you peer inside, you find the room is littered with frogs of various sizes and shapes. The smallest and most numerous are green-brown and look to be covered in mossy-slime. The largest within sight are covered in three inch long thorns and look to be the side of a coyote. A deep rumbles of an even larger frog can be heard off in the distance but he cannot be seen.

Big Frog [roll0]
Thorny Frog 1 [roll1]
Thorny Frog 2 [roll2]
Thorny Frog 3 [roll3]
Little Forgs [roll4]

Sagal [roll5]

N [roll6]
M [roll7]
L [roll8]
D [roll9]
A [roll10]
E [roll11]

2014-06-18, 07:18 PM
Two of the Thorny Frogs get the drop on the adventurers. The first frog hops forward and shoots his tongue out at Dewey.

Tongue Grab v. Dewey's Red

a [roll0]
hit: Thorny pulls Dewey forward 2 squares to W21

IF Successful...

Bite vs. Dewey's AC
a [roll1]
d [roll2]

The second thorny frog rushes up to join its companion.

Move to U22.

If T3 managed to pull Dewey, then T1 will do the following:

Tongue Grab v. Dewey's Red

a [roll3]
hit: Thorny pulls Dewey forward 2 squares to V22

IF Successful...

Bite vs. Dewey's AC
a [roll4]
d [roll5]

If the T3 failed to pull, then T1 will be content to stay where it moved.

2014-06-18, 10:02 PM
Dewey takes two steps forward, reaching the square the frogs intended to pull him to. He targets the thorny frog, bringing down his sword hard on its flesh, causing a deep gash that weeps amphibian blood. His embedded armor shines with an inner light, daring the frogs to focus on anyone but him. Somehow the thorny frog survives the blow.

Move: To W21 (not sure if this causes OAs since there are walls in the way).
Standard: Piercing Smite str vs Reflex [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Effect: If hit, target and 2 (wis mod) others adjacent to you are marked until end of your next turn. (I don't have the source with me to see if this subjects them to divine sanction or not, but it does mark them for sure, chosing the other two adjacent small frogs).
Minor: Divine Challenge on the thorny frog

2014-06-18, 11:19 PM
Lovely, we've gone from rats to frogs. This is exactly what I wanted.

Adran shifts one over and attempts to get the Thorny Frog in front of Dewey to trip:


[roll0] vs. Will

2014-06-18, 11:20 PM


If it's still alive after that, Dewey gets an MBA against it, with a +2 power bonus to attack roll.

2014-06-18, 11:22 PM
Dewey, smash 'em, and how!

2014-06-18, 11:30 PM
"Acknowledged." Dewey takes the opportunity to spear the frog with his sword, cutting the beast in half. "Which of you is next to test my blade?"

MBA: [roll0] damage:[roll1] (which is saddly enough to hit and kill it)

2014-06-18, 11:36 PM
Seeing no room to rush into combat, Sagal bides his time. Sagal Delays

Thorny Frog 2 was mislabeled as Thorny Frog 3 in the initiative order. Sorry about that.

Like his drow enemy, the other Thorny Frog decides to wait and see what happens next. T2 Delays (there is zero room in the scrum right now).

Logan, Miyu and Evran are now up!

2014-06-19, 12:08 AM
"Frogs? don't see many evil frogs." Logan says raising an eyebrow as he fires off a Scorching Burst at the biggest frog he can see. However his attack misses striking the wall behind the frog.

Attack against T1
INT vs. REF [roll0]
Burst area 1 fire damage [roll1]

2014-06-19, 05:41 AM
"Look more like Thorny Toads to me," Miyu mutters absently to Logan's comment, pulling an axe from her belt and hurling it at the small frog to Dewey's left.

[roll0] To hit L2
[roll1] Damage

2014-06-19, 04:54 PM
Erevan - Pass

2014-06-20, 12:06 AM
A hulking black and gray frog appears from the back of the room. With him, is the stench of rotten flesh and bubbling acid. His thundrous coarks drown out the sound from the smaller animals. The Big Frog lunges forward with surprising dexterity and grace. One, two three hops is all it takes for the wolf-sized amphibean to land next to the warforged. The frog opens his maw, revealing a blackened tongue that can only be described as sticky death. That nasty, slimy tongue shoots out and surrounds Dewey's frame. With great force, the Big Frog pulls his tongue - and the Paladin - into his waiting mouth...

Melee Attack vs. Dewey's AC

a [roll0]
d [roll1] , and if the target is Medium or smaller, it is swallowed. A swallowed target is stunned and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both), and no creature has line of sight or line of effect to the target.

2014-06-20, 12:13 AM
The smaller frogs rush forward to aid and defend their bulky leader. Each of these frogs has nearly iridescent red skin. Their tongues' caress feels like a mixture of fire and acid. They each lash out at the Paladin with surprising accuracy and ferocity.

L1's Bite v. Dewey's AC

a [roll0]
d 4 Damage

L2's Bite v. Dewey's AC

a [roll1]
d 4 Damage

L3's Bite v. Dewey's AC

a [roll2]
d 4 Damage

L5's Bite v. Dewey's AC

a [roll3]
d 4 Damage

Any one who delayed may now go, as well as Nephili.

2014-06-20, 12:43 PM
Nephili tries to enter the room to help with the carnage, but is blocked by the gridlock of enemies. He grates his teeth in frustration for a moment, and then decides that now would be a good time to attempt the spell his otherworldly benefactors taught him.

He closes his eyes and begins chanting. Soon a mist of silver light exudes from his fingertips, reaching out like tendrils. Each one finds a nearby toad and wraps around it and begins to seer its skin.

Move action: Move to W20
Standard action: Star Shackles in close burst 2
Attack vs. Fortitude:
L1: [roll0]
L2: [roll1]
L3: [roll2]
L5: [roll3]
T1: [roll4]
BF: [roll5]
Hit: [roll6] damage, and the target is grabbed. If the creature wishes to escape, it must target my Reflex.

2014-06-21, 01:17 AM
One Thorny Frog leaps high up into the air, almost scraping his prickly back against the ceiling and then pounces down upon the Warforged with the ferocity of a falling boulder.

T1's Pounce v Dewey's Ref

a [roll0]
d [roll1] and the target falls prone

Recharge [roll2]

EDIT: Looks like I shouldn't buy rats OR frogs from the shady dollar store... :smalltongue:

Someone gets an Action Point!

A 1
D 2
L 3
M 4
N 5


2014-06-21, 01:22 AM
With a grimace, the Drow whispers, "Waxaan ahay nin ka xumahay ka sameysan bir, laakiin waa in aanu ka daahin kasta oo dheer." He then pulls out another of his patented flaming nets and hurls it at the mass of amphibians.

"I am sorry man made of metal but we must not delay any longer."

Attack vs Everyone's Ref

Attack: [roll0] v T1
Attack: [roll1] v BF
Attack: [roll2] v L1
Attack: [roll3] v D
Attack: [roll4] v L2
Attack: [roll5] v L3

Damage: [roll6]

2014-06-21, 08:58 AM
"Dewey!" Miyu yelps as the warforged is yanked off his feet and out of sight. Watching the fiery net incinerate the grouped amphibians, she quickly rushes into the room even before the flames die down and swings her staff for the large frog's monstrous body. In a rush of adrenaline, she strikes in a flurry of three attacks, trying to hammer the frog into submission and hopefully free Dewey from it's gullet.

Two Fanged Strike
[roll1] plus two additional damage if both hit
Marauder's Rush

EDIT: Highly doubt using Heroic Effort on the TFS attack with change much, but if MR missed I'll use it on that. Also think I provoked some AoOs from the movement.

Damage in order
[roll3] TFS
[roll4] TFS
[roll5] MR
[roll6] Quarry

2014-06-21, 10:22 PM
"My condition is satisfactory, Miyu." Dewey rumbled. The big frog appeared to be the largest threat. Seeing it was injured, Dewey focused on it, thrusting with the edge of his sword. He makes a second attack to keep the thorny toad's attention on him.

Standard: Attack BF with Ardent Strike Str vs AC: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Action point: Ardent Strike vs T1 Str vs AC: [roll2] damage: [roll3]
Divine Challenge on L3

2014-06-22, 06:47 PM
Logan fires off several bullets of glowing energy at one of the Thorny Frogs after maneuvering into position. The bullets hit the Thorny Frog with force.

Magic Missile which automatically hits now so yeah.
Move from Y/21 - W/18

2014-06-22, 10:00 PM
Adran attempts to get a musical note out of his dagger to trip Thorny Frog 1 up.

Staggering Note:

[roll0] vs Will

2014-06-22, 10:05 PM
This time around, the frog stumbles.

Hey Miyu! Smack that frog in the face!


Make a melee basic attack against the Thorny Frog 1


Adran twirls his dagger and tries to do the same thing to the Big Frog:

Staggering Note

[roll0] vs. Will

2014-06-22, 10:07 PM
The Big Frog is sufficiently shocked by the note that it chokes to death on its own tongue.

2014-06-23, 06:59 AM
"Seems you're doing an alright time of it yourself," Miyu laughs, a bit calmer after her false alarm of panic.

2014-06-23, 09:35 AM
Miyu gave her staff a flourish and brought it down at the thorny frog in front of Dewey, trying to skewer the thing on the blunt tip.

I've been informed I actually still get the attack, thought the free MBA was canceled due to cerebral flatulence.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2014-06-24, 01:52 PM
Nephili grimaces as his spell fizzles. "Oh well..." He ignites his eldritch blade and enters the room. Seeing an untouched foe, he engages.

Move action: move to R20
Standard action: Wield the Warp against T2

Attack vs. Fortitude: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] psychic and radiant damage, and the target is teleported to S21

2014-06-24, 01:54 PM
The blade cuts deeply into the amphibian's flesh as well as its mind. Nephili follows the strike with another, severing the toad in half.

Action point: Resplendent Blade against T2

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage.

2014-06-24, 04:04 PM
With the big frog slain and the thorny frogs all by slaughtered, the party makes quick work of the remaining enemies. As they venture to the back of the swamp-like room, they discover a beautiful marble statue of Hestia, who stands atop an Ionic column. Her left hand clings tightly to a vase, which has been tipped over, water gently cascading out of it. In her right hand is a silver skeleton key.

2014-06-25, 09:16 AM
Dewey summons his inner strength to shake off the worst of his wounds. Then he approaches the statue. "Please search the area for anything valuable, we may not be the first beings to be attacked by these frogs." He ponders the statue, trying to notice anything of significance. He also looks around to see where the blood trail from the door ends.

Spend a healing surge to regain 7 hp (used 2 today of 11)

Perception for blood trail: [roll0]
Religion for statue: [roll1]

2014-06-25, 07:59 PM
Logan enters the room looking around for anything that may be in the room that could be considered valuable in any way or signs that others had been here recently.

Perception for items and dead bodies in the room

2014-06-25, 09:13 PM
The party roots around in the ankle high water and discovers a graveyard's worth of bones. Obviously these frogs were far more effective against other parties than your own. As the group gropes around, they find twelve coin purse, with a total of nearly a hundred drachma inside. They also find an unusually well preserved minotaur skeleton that has a shiny dagger and three vials.

Dewey is unable to follow the blood trail as it disappears once it steps inside the water. There does not seem to be anything deeply religious about the statue, although if one were able to get it back to town... It would be worth a very tidy sum.

2014-06-26, 06:23 PM
Nephili takes ahold of the vials. He holds them up to the light, swirls the liquid inside, then uncorks the top and lightly sniffs. He draws on his knowledge of alchemy and potionmaking.

Don't know if I need a check to examine a magic item, but here goes.


2014-06-26, 06:57 PM
Dewey walks up to the minotaur skeleton and unsheathes his sword. He deftly removes the head from the body, but is careful not to disturb it further. "Forgive the intrusion, Hades, but I would prefer that the beast remains dead." He heads back to the door, and approaches the omega door. "Shall we continue?"

2014-06-26, 06:57 PM
Logan puts the coin purses he finds into his bag. "So, anyone find a way to open either of the other doors outside?"

2014-07-04, 08:46 PM
Nephili gestures to the statue of Hestia. "She holds a key, and the other door is locked. It seems simple to me, which makes me suspicious." He walk around the statue, and examines the hand holding the key, seeing if there could be a spell in place.

Arcana check to identify magical effects around the key. [roll0]

2014-07-04, 11:45 PM
Despite what she may have first believed Nephili realizes that the statue is not magical in the least. In fact, as she gazes at it, she realizes that the water is merely being pumped into the vase. Truly, a wonder from a simpler era. Between Nephili's and Dewey's examinations, the group definitely believes the key has not been booby trapped.

One of the companions takes the key and brings it over to the Omega Door. It is quickly discovered that the key is a perfect match for the door's keyhole.


The smell of brimstone and decomposing bodies wafts out of the cracked open door...

2014-07-05, 01:45 AM
Logan moves into position at the doorway before sending a a bot of purple frigid energy towards the Fire Lizard. However the attack misses hitting the wall behind the lizard.

Chill Strike against the Fire Lizard
Accuracy - [roll0]
Cold damage - [roll1]

2014-07-05, 02:54 AM
The door bursts open as Logan fires off a bean of purple energy at the first enemy he sees - a hulking, flaming lizard. The beam slams into the beast unsuspecting face. It roars thunderously, its moan full of hateful rage. The room is much larger than the one you visited previously but maintains the irregular shape. Three seven foot tall men loiter the area, each of them - like their lizard companion - has been lit aflame. Their obsidian eyes and fiery brows furrow at the mere sight of you. Scattered around the four monsters are dismembered, bloody body parts that have been casually dropped into three distinct piles. The smooth stone floor looks to be slick with blood and guts around the piles. As your gaze rises, you see a balcony that spans three sides of the room. Two spiral staircases are the only means to ascend to the balcony, which is about fifteen feet above the main floor. Next to each staircase is a muscular dwarven statues, each with a great axe hoisted above their heads. If they were real people, you would assume they have readied their attacks to strike any that climb up the stairs. In the middle of the balcony stand three dwarven archer statues, each with a crossbow aimed at the door. Beyond those three, stands a ten foot wide glass cylinder, inside of which is a human, who is banging against the glass, his screams muffled by the cylinder's thickness. A short kobold wearing an ornate blue robe and brandishing a green wand looks positively bewildered by your sudden appearance. After regaining his composure, he calls out, "YOU ARE NOT MY MINOTAUR! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO TARIK!? I WILL KILL YOU FOR KILLING MY SERVANT!" He points his wand at the group and screeches, "KILL THEM YOU FOOLS!"

Two of the fire men conjure bows made from pure, elemental magic, produce an equally magical flame arrow and shoot a jet of fire at Logan.

Fire Man 2's Fire Arrow v. Logan's Ref

a [roll0]
d [roll1]

Fire Man 3's Fire Arrow v. Logan's Ref

a [roll2]
d [roll3]

Meanwhile Sagal rushes headlong into battle. As he rounds the corner, he spots the corpses and yells, "Nimankani, ayaan aqoonsan qaar ka mid ah iyaga. Waxay ka soo band ee maxaabiista aan la socodka yihiin." He then jumps into the air and stabs a third fireman that looks to be a bit slower on the draw than his companions with a viscous looking dagger.

a [roll]1d20+6
d [roll4] + [roll5]

"These men, I recognize some of them. They are from the band of prisoners I was tracking."

2014-07-05, 03:49 PM
Nephili dives into the room. He recognizes the coalsouls, and begins hurling dark magic against their weak points.

Free action: use Vulnerability

+4 to damage against firemen, +4 to defenses against their attacks
Move action: move to Z16
Standard action: Eldritch Blast against Fireman 1

Attack vs. Reflex: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Action Point: Eldritch Blast against Fireman 2

Attack vs. Reflex: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.

2014-07-05, 04:04 PM
Nephili proves his worth by blasting the firemen with impressively powerful eldritch blasts. The Fire Lizard trots up a few steps, whips his head down, letting slip a gout of volcanic lava that sprays Logan, Nephili, Sagal and the slowest Fireman. The Lizard then rears up, opens its horrid flame-toothed maw and bites Sagal viciously.

Fire Breath Attack vs. Logan's Ref

Fire Breath Attack vs. Nephili's Ref

Fire Breath Attack vs. Sagal's Ref

Fire Breath Attack vs. Fireman 3's Ref

Damage: [roll0] AND the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage and is weakened (save ends both).


Bite Attack v. Sagal:


2014-07-06, 01:29 PM
Adran steps into the fray.

Hey Logan- wake up, wake up, wake up, like how you belong.

Minor action: Majestic Word: Logan spends a surge and regains Surge + 4= 9 hp. I'll take care of that on the sheet. Logan is now conscious, still prone, and has 9 hp.

Hey Fire Lizard- what's that at your feet?

Blunder: [roll0] vs. Will

2014-07-06, 01:53 PM
[Sorry- mistook something, so I deleted the previous post]

Blunder's effect:

1d6+4 damage= 8, and Sagal gets an MBA against the Fire Lizard with a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

2014-07-06, 03:31 PM
Sagal flips backwards. As he does, he slashes the lizard's neck with his dagger.

a [roll0]
d [roll1] + [roll2]

2014-07-06, 04:41 PM
Dewey looks badly burned after jumping in the way of the last attack against Logan. His metal plates are singed and dented. His eyes glow green for a moment, and some of those dents begin to repair themselves. The fires burning over him gutter and die. He thunders forward, and drives his sword into the Firey Lizard, causing a spray of ichor to fly. "These foes are strong, we must be wary."

Minor: Warforged Resolve (since I am bloodied I regain 4 HP and gain 4 temporary HP. I also make a saving throw against one ongoing effect. [roll0]
Move: Move to AB15
Standard: Ardent Strike on Fire Lizard STr vs AC: [roll1] damage: [roll2] and subject to divine sanction and marked until end of my next turn.

2014-07-06, 06:30 PM
Logan lines up his attack launches several bolts of energy at the fire lizard hoping to take it down with the low damage attack he used even though he doubted it would.

Magic Missile again the fire lizard
Auto hit
2+4(INT mod) for 6 damage

Only thing I can use bar the fire attack I have and I doubt that would do us any good.

2014-07-06, 06:50 PM
The little Kobold screams, "NOO! NOO! NOOO! THEY ARE KILLING MY COALSOULS! HOW DARE THEY!" He jumps up and down like a petulant little child, "HOW DARE THEY! ARCHERS! KILL THEM! KILL THEM NOW!"

The stone archers suddenly come alive, take aim and shoot at Adran, Dewey and Sagal.

A1 Arrow v. Dewey's AC

5 Damage

A2 Arrow v. Adran's AC

3 Damage

A3 Arrow v. Sagal's AC

5 Damage

After watching his archers the kobold screeches again, "YOU DID NOT KILL THEM YOU USELESS, LOATHSOME, PIECES OF DUNG! WHY DID I BOTHER ENCHANTING YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!?" He scurries up to the statues, points his wand at Sagal and yells, "YOU DIE NOW!" A bolt of shimmering yellow energy strikes the Drow, then with a great roar, the lizard bites the assassin once more.

Zeemock's Attack v. Sagal's Ref

[roll1d8+3 and the target is dazed.

Also... Lizard's Bite v Sagal's AC


And recharge: [roll5]

2014-07-10, 04:27 PM
The three firemen each take their bows and loose flame arrows at Dewey, Adran and Nephili.

Arrow v Dewey
a [roll0]
d [roll1]

Arrow v Adran
a [roll2]
d [roll3]

Arrow v Nephili
a [roll4]
d [roll5]

Meanwhile Sagal slowly bleeds out...
