View Full Version : Assasin's campaign

2014-05-29, 02:22 PM
Am about to DM a campaign on pathfinder where the PC's are gonna be part of an assassin guild and wanted to know if you had any ideas on low, mid and high level quest they might have and things that the guild should hae to be an "special group", such as an oath, their own slang and affiliations with other criminal groups.

Am looking forward to know what can you come up with or if you have a similar group in your campaign.

2014-05-29, 04:12 PM
Look for "Way of the Wicked" its a 100% Pathfinder material for evil characters, a lot of it may work for what you are planning.

Then, do you have any aditonal information? are all the characters "Assassins"? is the guild only focused in assassination contracts? are they evil?

In my group, it was 3.5 tho. we once played a realy short adventure for 4 ECL10 characters, we were a tactical ops team and did quest like assassination inside a castle, steal relics from a sacred tomb, and unite criminal organizations tribes to asemble an army. All evilish quests for not necesary a full assassin/rougish charaters were we all could shine a little.

I was a spellthief/assassin, a friend was a scout, another was a dread comando and the last a bard with subsonic songs and telepaty. We kicked ass.

2014-05-29, 04:45 PM
Look for "Way of the Wicked" its a 100% Pathfinder material for evil characters, a lot of it may work for what you are planning.

Then, do you have any aditonal information? are all the characters "Assassins"? is the guild only focused in assassination contracts? are they evil?

In my group, it was 3.5 tho. we once played a realy short adventure for 4 ECL10 characters, we were a tactical ops team and did quest like assassination inside a castle, steal relics from a sacred tomb, and unite criminal organizations tribes to asemble an army. All evilish quests for not necesary a full assassin/rougish charaters were we all could shine a little.

I was a spellthief/assassin, a friend was a scout, another was a dread comando and the last a bard with subsonic songs and telepaty. We kicked ass.

Thanks, I will look for that book :smallsmile:. they are not all assassins they are a mixed party but they all work together to get the contracts made. The guild is mainly focused on assassinations but it does have an evil agenda around "world domination" from the underground. The guild also has many spies on many organizations and kingdoms, so they have access to a lot of information on everyone.

2014-05-29, 11:43 PM
At low levels it should be things like stealing merchants ledgers, or intimidating people into paying for protection. Maybe even tactical vandalism like lighting some manor or farm on fire. Later on it could move up to actual contracts, but on low level targets like jealous husbands/wives. At high levels you'll move into court and begin assassinating nobles, but not only that. Also infiltrating councils, stealing secrets, blackmail etc.