View Full Version : Unto the Last, Victory. (W:TA)

2014-05-29, 08:15 PM
The year is twenty fourteen, and New York has not changed much at all. The streets are still paved with the dead and the dying, monsters hunt monsters in its foul smelling gutters, and all the while the powers that be twist the city and it's people to more and more terrible deeds.

It was not often that a young pack is called to the High Mountain, the nature preserve one of the few places that had been left untouched by the developmental complex of Pentex. No caern adorned the park, but none the less it was used as a meeting ground for the local Garou population, sparse though it may be.

The meeting spot was a small plateau in the northern section of the park, only a single trail leading up to the top, which held only a small circle of fire blackened stones in the center of the rocky uprising. A single man sits on his knees across from the trail's opening, his eyes closed as he seems to not notice your arrival. He is a pale, thin man, with a strange glyph on his right forearm, a symbol that no one among you recognizes. He makes no move, to speak or otherwise, as the rest of the pack gatherers around.

At last he looks up, and his eyes are cat's eyes, slit and golden as he nods to the group. "Welcome. My name is Rides-the-Current, and I have information for you, and the elders permission to give it. Come, sit, and listen well."



2014-05-29, 09:30 PM
"Perhaps we should all introduce ourselves first," Kiran suggests, deliberately making his voice as calm and soothing as possible.

2014-05-29, 11:23 PM
A tall skinny girl all in denim seems to have been dreading Kiran's suggestion. Sitting near Yu, the other Stargazer, she clutches at a well worn guitar in her arms protectively, looking at the instrument's neck, then the others across from her, then the guitar again...this goes on. Ultimately, she'll string a few notes together into a quick, sharp ditty. It doesn't take a crystal ball to assume she's a Galliard, and an awkward one at that.

"Carie. But, um, I guess it's more proper to call me Lost Song when Gaia calls us to work. ...Or we call upon Gaia; I suppose both events tend to happen."

2014-05-29, 11:32 PM
Lockheed shuffled forward from the group of strangers he'd met at the park entrance. He'd been told by Chases-Boxcars that he'd be helping out a new pack with their first quest, but hadn't been expecting to be brought to an elder so soon. A new pack is a tricky thing. At best, we're in for major culture shock. At worst, vying for dominance could permanently sour relations that might otherwise be quite fruitful. The expectant eyes that were now falling on him from his new companions reminded him of how unprepared he felt. A proper philodox would have the local customs researched and memorized and a place to gather in peace to settle pack business already picked out. Instead, these bright-looking young people had gotten him. The long drive from Reno had left him cramped and surly, and a flat in Pennsylvania had taken hours to fix. All in all he was thoroughly missing the days that he'd been able to look to his partner for introductions with unknown garou.
Still, he wasn't entirely useless. Thinking quickly and suddenly placing the symbol in his memory of spirit signs he spoke. "I am Lockheed of the Glass-Walker tribe. My companions and I have come to heed the summons from our elders, and pay due respects before formally dedicating our new pack."
Lockheed sat crosslegged before the strange man, hoping easy manner might put his new friends at ease. "The mark on your arm is the sign of Raven the Clever, I believe. I pray a bit of his smarts might rub off on us so our first task might go smoothly. My companions and I have only just come together. Names and tribes is about all I know of them so I'll let them introduce themselves."

2014-05-29, 11:39 PM
"Kiran Walker. Ahroun of the Silver Fangs. I am pleased to meet you." Kiran bows fluidly. The way his righthand sleeve hangs limp is a clue that he's a metis, but not proof by itself.

2014-05-30, 12:03 AM
Mara sits in the stillness of the shadows, her legs folded neatly beneath her as she appears to examine the dry, packed earth. The grass is brown and dead, and it rustles as the warm wind shakes through it. Stray wisps of blond hair cling uncomfortably to the back of her neck. Idly she breaks off a brittle stem, rolling it between her fingertips as she listens and waits.

She does not know the man seated opposite them, nor the many strangers gathered around her. From time to time she glances upwards, acknowledging their words. The girl closest to her, Carrie, is younger than Mara would have expected, or perhaps simply seems that way. The anxious twine of guitar strings is as clear as a Lupus's faint whimper; the girl is nervous. Mara thinks she must be new, and spares her the briefest flash of speculation before turning to the two men.

They in any case, seem to present a stranger case. The wounded- deformed?- Ahroun, and the Glasswalker who is at least ten years their senior. He is not the oldest in the circle- the scarred and thus far silent woman sitting opposite Mara might hold that honor- but he is old enough for her to wonder at his presence among the new and, presumably, untested Garou.

Words fall silent around the campsite, each of the wolves, waiting on the other to speak. After a moment, Mara raises her voice, eyes flicking from the Rides-the-Current to the awkward girl at her side and back again.

"My name is Mara," the young woman says, her voice low and still, "a daughter of the Black Furies." She does not give her deed name, or the name of her family. She fiddles with the crescent moon hung from her throat, which is answer enough for those wishing to know her birth-moon.

2014-05-30, 12:42 AM
Standing a bit outside of the group, Anqa shifts self-consciously from one foot to the other. She wears sunglasses over her eyes, though by now most of them have seen the scars over the remnants of her left eye.

She is a bit surprised by the level of anxiety she now feels, having assumed the meeting would be of little concern to her.

Now she listens to the others as they introduce themselves. She has met most of them by now, but can't remember their names yet. Her new pack mates, and she can't remember their names.

She groans and resists the urge to shift back down to lupine form.

2014-05-30, 04:58 AM
A little bit of distance away from the others, Silver Eyes was slowly walking into the area with the others. Her fur was much reminicient to a regular grey wolf, but anyone knowledgable about Pure-Breeds would know that She is very well bred indeed. on her back is a discolored patch of fur in the shape of the clawmarks of a Crinos, although it is only an off-coloring of the fur, not actual clawmarks. Her eyes are a near-luminiscent Silver, which is rather off-putting but also strangely appealing. Silver Eyes is of a robust yet slender and athletic build, which denotes to her being of a Wild-Breed of Lupus.

About ten meters away, Silver Eyes craned her neck back and let out a long howl: The Howl of Introduction, Detailing her Breed as Lupus, Being a Children of Gaia and a Galliard. She also called herself Daugter of 'Sibilis of the hills' which would most likely be the name of her birth-mother. She also included a pledge of Trust and Non-violence just to be even more respectful.

Then she finally approached fully and lay down just a few meters from the others, her head up and at attention, staring at each person present.

2014-05-30, 10:45 AM
A tallish, handsome young Homid hesitates for a moment. Just call me Yu. Stargazer. Then he returns to the small block of wood he is fiddling with.

2014-05-30, 12:50 PM
Rides-The-Current gave a small nod to each of them, then reached forward and tapped one of the blackened stones in the ring. A moment later, all around the group, runes burst into a faint green light, and from them came a heat haze that mirrored that of blacktop in summer. The heat ripples rose higher and higher until they towered a full thirty feet above the group, then coalesced into a dome. "Close your eyes." Rides warned.

A moment later, brilliant golden light filled the inner dome, then after a full five seconds, vanished.

"To deter any unwanted listeners." Rides quietly stated. "Vampires especially would find such a light...painful." For the first time a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Now, to business." He reached behind himself and pulled out a tablet, it's light illuminating his face and cat eyes. Tapping at it for a moment, he spun it around to show it's face to you all. "Your mission is to investigate the town of Blue Harbor in Ontario. We sent in a investigator a month ago, a Ragabash by the name of Listens-to-Whispers, to Blue Harbor. She has missed her last two scheduled rendezvous, and you have been selected to find out why. As you are still young, Lockheed," He nods to the scruffy older man, "Has been assigned to help in this case."

Rides makes sure to meet everyone's gaze as he speaks. "Let me be clear. Your mission is recon and, if possible, a stealthful retrieval of Whispers. Information is what we need, not dead bodies, nor open fighting in the streets. Now, what questions do you require answers to?"

2014-05-30, 01:44 PM
Now this is more like it. Something in my wheelhouse. I wonder if the youngbloods will be disappointed at the lack of open battle? Lord knows I'm not. Lockheed cleared his throat and opened his briefcase, pulling out a worn mechanical pencil and a smudged notepad. As he spoke, he scribbled rapidly, a businesslike demeanor settling over him as he relaxed into a familiar role.
"Why was Listens-to-Whispers sent to Blue harbor to begin with? Why a single agent and not a small pack? Obviously something or someone may have hurt her, so can we expect opposition from any supernatural force? You seem concerned with Leeches, are they involved in this at all? If she was making regular reports, what was she reporting on? Did she give any indication of what may have befallen her in her previous reports? Are there any other packs in the area we should be careful to not offend? And lastly, if violence does become necessary, are we to flee? or keep it explainable for the humans?"
Lockheed's gaze snapped back to the elder, his pencil poised to continue the onslaught.

2014-05-30, 05:24 PM
"If I may ask, who are you, sir?" Kiran asks the man who introduced himself as Rides-the-Current.

2014-05-30, 05:36 PM
Mara pauses, standing in one smooth motion. She reaches into her pocket, and withdraws a smooth round stone with a bit of blue ribbon hung from the hole in its center. She turns the questing stone over in her palm, rubbing the ribbon between her finger and thumb.

The older man, Lockheed, is doing a decent job gathering information, but she does have one question of her own.

"And where, specifically should we begin? Where was the Ragabash dwelling? Was she investigating any specific area of the town? The more precisely we begin our search, the more accurate our results will be, and the less attention we will draw.

Still, she frowns a bit as she waits for the man's reply. After all, while she has gifts and rites that might aid their pursuit, she has never been particularly gifted at stealth. As her mother used to say, she has a.. direct nature.

2014-05-30, 08:34 PM
Carie attempted to stumble through an explanation that she too is a Stargazer only to gaze--rather blatantly-- across the fire pit at Mara once the older woman identifies herself. Not in an accusation of wrong doing; her stare is more of wonder or shock, as if this is the first time she's seen any of the warrior women tribe in the flesh. Which may be possible, but there is something more to her scrutiny.

Whatever it is, it's to wait as the meeting begins in earnest. Carie bobs her head in remembrance of conduct instructions from before and the mission explanations of the now. She has to put the guitar away in fear of errant fingers strumming. Ultimately with her hands steepled together under her chin, the errant Galliard asks a few questions:

"Are there any allies, any kinfolk nearby that would be able to help us? What does Whispers look like and did she have any other contacts? Um... oh dear, if things escalate do we come back immediately?"

2014-05-30, 09:50 PM
Rides sat and listened until the questions ended, then began answering them, his eyes once again closed. "To begin with Lockheed. She was initially sent to look into a man named Billy Sullivan in Crawton, a town just down the coast from Blue Harbour. He is a kinfolk, and had asked for our aid in uncovering a string of missing persons cases, cases he felt were connected going back five years. He was unable to send us the reports in person, and all contact with him was soon cut off. Whispers was sent in to establish contact and verify his story."

He leaned back to straighten out his spine, a faint pop coming from the settling bones. "As for why she went alone, it was her way. She had not been part of a pack for several years, and had apparently never needed one. As for supernatural foes, there is a very high likelihood of them appearing. Of what sort however, is unknown." A faint grin tugged at his lips. "The vampires are a possibility, but not a certainty. As for her reports, the only two she made gave details of a high level of Bane activity in Harbour, but no clear source of them. Also that she was looking into a man named Sam Reid, who is a suspect in the missing persons cases."

He shook his head once. "After that, she has gone missing. And there is a small gathering of our people in Crawton, but they are divided. Fianna mostly, with a smattering of Talons and a few Children. The Fianna lay claim to the caern, but share with the rest. Offending will depend on your actions, so be polite." The grin grew a fraction more. "Unless of course, you feel it would aid you to punch a few teeth out."

"As for the humans, keep it non-violent if possible, but fight to win if it comes to blows. Your survival and intelligence are more important then the humans nightmares."

That said, he looked to the Silver Fang, his eyes flicking to the missing arm before snapping up to meet the man's eyes. "As I said, I am Rides-The-Current. A bearer of tidings, both ill and gay."

To the Amazon warrior, he gave a small nod. "The Furies run with you, young one. As to your questions, I do not know where Whispers lay her head, nor did she mention any specific part of town. She did say that the kinfolk she met with often seemed to drink away his days in a local tavern, the Trail's End. More then that was not given to me."

Lastly he looked to the shy Stargazer, his eyes softening just a fraction. "Yes, the local garou in Crawton might aid you, depending on their personal inclinations. Kinfolk are also abundant, but they will likely prove less willing to aid then the garou, as they lack our powers. Still, do not discount them. Better little aid than none at all. Whispers contacts were hers and hers alone, save what she passed along. As for her appearance, she is a black haired woman with bright red streaks through it, and heavily tanned skin."

He looked to each of you again, an eyebrow rising. "More still I presume? If so, be aware that I have little left to tell."

2014-05-30, 10:09 PM
Carie looks not to Rides, but to the others, once more Mara gets a glance of attention.

"Well, one who hesitates is lost," she begins, trying not to go for her guitar again. "Though it may sound unseemly, I admit to my...inexperience. So forgive my impertinence she seems to be addressing both her pack and her elder, "But is it a bad idea if we all just show up at once in Ontario?"

2014-05-30, 10:50 PM
Mara raises an eyebrow, her mind scattering down the multitude of possible trails presented to her. Rides-the-Current is evading the Ahroun's question, at best, but she pushes that matter away for another time. He is forthcoming about the mission, and for now that is all she requires. Personal curiosity can wait.

The younger girl keeps glancing at her, though Mara isn't sure whether her interest is the result of curiosity or wariness. It might well be both- Mara knows her tribes' reputation, after all- but she doesn't know the younger Galliard well enough to discern the difference. In any case, it too is incidental in the face of the mission. Still, she gives a thin smile when she answers the girl, or attempts to.

"I've never been outside of the country before, but if we enter as a group of young students enjoying the break from the school term under the guardianship of our-" here she glanced at Anqa and Lockheed- "beleaguered guardians, then I cannot see how we would draw too much undue attention from the mortals, provided we are discreet in our investigation. As for the whether we will attract the attention of our enemies..." she shrugged, unsure of the answer herself, before looking at the Children of Gaia Galliard, "though perhaps your human form might draw less attention, Silver-Eyes?"

Her mind is still focused on the image Rides-the-Current has presented them, of a lone Ragabash lost in territory unknown to any of them, and of the kinfolk man she had pursued.

The tavern sounds as good as place as any to begin, but some of their members are young enough to cause trouble should the mortals see them wandering too close.

2014-05-31, 01:16 AM
"I would think any Garou there would find the appearance of--even one packless Garou, much less any number detached from their packs--odder than a pack showing up, and I'm sure the humans have enough immigration not to be overly suspicious by half a dozen strangers in town for a little while, as long as we decide on a story and don't stutter if they ask us why we're there." Kiran nods at Mara's words and says, "If we travel into anywhere inhabited by humans, we should probably all try to be in the Homid form..." He turns his attention back to Rides-the-Current. It could be deadly to take orders without being clear on where they're coming from. Well, being pushy probably is part of my role... "May I ask which tribe you are from, sir, and who you represent?" he addresses Rides-the-Current. Those eyes...I doubt he's an enemy, but I wonder if he's something other than Garou.

2014-05-31, 04:52 AM
Silver Eyes

At the question she recieved, she just growled a disapproving growl in return, clearly not psyched about the idea of prancing around on two legs like some Ape. "Oh please, you think i will cause less of an incident by being in human form? I don't own clothes, so unless you want me to prance around naked, then i think it's a bad idea..." She said in Perfect Garou-speech, rolling her eyes after having answered.

"In any case, how will we get there? through a moon bridge? because that would be the easiest, fastest and least suspicious entrance, since we'll already be inside the borders instead of walking in from the sunset." She asked Rides-The-Current.
By now, she was up on all fours and pacing back a forth, looking a bit impatient.

2014-05-31, 12:08 PM
Well this is going well. At least no one's peeing on my leg to assert dominance yet. Lockheed smiled weakly and said "My dear, even the Canadians don't have wolves roaming the streets. Clearly, the indignity of pretending to be a wolfhound is beneath you, let alone the leash laws. I have some money at my disposal to outfit us for the task. Clothing of whatever type you desire will be yours." Seeing bared teeth, Lockheed quickly held up his hands defensively, "Only when investigating among humans of course. Every one of us is free to wear whatever form we like when off-duty, as it were. But if Listens-To-Whispers is in danger, we'll need all the help we can get, inside the domain of man." He chuckled weakly, then cleared his throat before addressing the group. "Perhaps students heading across the border to get away from school for the weekend? The drinking age is lower in Canada, so it wouldn't be that out-of-place. The moongate idea would be best I think for avoiding the border crossing altogether." Lockheed turned to Rides-The-Current. "If a moon gate is available, it might be the most expedient path, but if that's not possible, we can go the old-fashioned way. And I must admit, you do rouse my curiosity sir. A servant of Raven, with the eyes of a cat, dispensing the will of Werewolf elders? There's a joke in there somewhere, I'm sure."

2014-05-31, 02:26 PM
Silver Eyes

With another growl, Silver Eyes rolled her eyes once again. "Well i CAN make it so i can walk amonst man without being noticed, even in my Breed Form. So thanks for no thanks, I'd rather be free from being a monkey whenever i can." She replied with a slightly challenging tone. Not anything major, just enough to show that she's not a little cub anymore.... although she technically have only lived for about 4 years.

2014-05-31, 02:51 PM
"Could all of you identify your auspices?" Kiran addresses the rest of the pack. "If we are to be a pack, it's important."

2014-05-31, 05:23 PM
"Certainly sir, though I would have done so in due time once we were alone. I am a half-moon. Although many philodox are wise leaders, my talents and inclination are more towards supporting the pack and facilitating our goals in the realm of man."

2014-05-31, 11:45 PM
There's the twang of those strings again. Carie looks up from them to face Silver Eyes with a surprising lack of trepidation, apart from her somewhat meek posture about her instrument. "This will be a delicate situation, you know, a delicate situation amidst humans. Not the wilderness. If we're to be a pack, you need to be able to tolerate walking on two legs and stand with us, just as we'd rely on you if we were to take to the forest and the hills on all fours. We have five forms for a reason, after all..." she breaks eye contact once or twice, but she really is trying, one gets the feeling.

"At the very least, during the daylight... I'm sure the night will be more accommodating to us all."

2014-06-01, 12:47 PM
Anqa stands aside from the others, hidden behind her dark glasses and watching the interaction with interest––and maybe growing concern. The volatility of the silver-eyed one especially seems to bother her.

She then looks to the elder as he speaks and there is no small measure of doubt as to whether or not this new pack would be able to function appropriately.

Finally she takes a step closer to the group, and as she moves, the others become more aware of her, as if she is shedding anonymity itself.

"How long do we have to complete these tasks? And is the timeline flexible enough that we ought to spend a few weeks or a few days in reconnaissance, or do we need to press forward quicker?"

2014-06-02, 06:16 PM
Rides-The-Current grinned, showing a full set of white teeth as he clapped his hands once and unfurled them towards the pack. "Ah! Paranoia, at last. I was wondering when you would get around to it. But," He held up a finger to forstall them. "Answers first. Yes, a moon bridge is available, it will take you directly to Crawton. Simply go to the South Mountain preserve and ask for the Theurge there, one by the name of 'Light-Bearer', she'll set you on the way."

He glanced at the young woman standing behind them all. "As for your completion time, you have a few days obviously, just in case the bridge was untenable, or in case some of you wanted to take more normal routes. Your mission will take as long as needed until you find the information, or until you miss two of your drop-offs."

"Now," He leaned back, stroking his chin in thought. "Most of you are fairly new, so I'll make it an easy one. Answer this riddle and you'll get the answers you seek, okay?" He was silent for a moment, contemplating the riddle before speaking. "Forward it is hard to say, backwards even worse. Black, yet also blue I am, with a love of seeing dead men's last sight. What am I?"

2014-06-02, 07:51 PM
"Riddles," Kiran grumbles. Some parts of it might sound familiar, but... "Let me ask more directly, then. A question that you'd best answer without games if you want us to do anything you tell us to do. What proof do you offer that this assignment comes from one who honors Gaia, rather than coming from the Wyrm? I've heard far too many stories that started with idealistic young packs setting out to follow orders from an elder they'd never met before."

2014-06-03, 03:57 AM
Silver Eyes

Silver Eyes was in full agreement with Kiran, how could we trust someone we've never met or heard of before?
And all those riddles!? She had no patients for that right now, which made her pacing back and forth even more erratic and tense. She was in no way being threatning or anything like that, only very impatient and unable to just sit down and relax right now.

2014-06-03, 01:46 PM
If the stranger doesn't respond fairly quickly, Kiran continues, "Part of the answer to your riddle is that you're a Corax, a wereraven. I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with Corax groups to figure out the black and blue part; some reference to the sky? But we still need proof that you don't actually serve the Wyrm."

2014-06-03, 07:05 PM
"Well, he doesn't look or more importantly smell like a buzzard..." Carie says with flushed cheeks, having apparently also guessed correctly part of the riddle. "...Tainted corax tend to go that way, so I'm told by Friend of the Family."

She doesn't know if that name has any bearing, but to her it certainly holds import.

2014-06-03, 08:50 PM
Lockheed smiled as he continued to write on his pad, jotting down notes and possible problems they might encounter. Better to let the Corax deal with the cubs. I highly doubt he serves the Wyrm. Anyone promising us access to a Caern occupied by other Garou had better be serving Gaia. Worse case, we show up and find out he's full of **** and the Lupus rips his wings off. Still, If we're going to be traveling through the umbra...Hmmm...better go get my discreet weapon if we're going to have to remain undetected. Lockheed tucked away his notebook and dropped his wallet into his briefcase, before snapping it shut. He rose and spoke, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Friends, I've learned all I need to from this. My compliments to the Children of Raven for the speedy deliverance of our orders. I am going to head back to the parking lot and prepare myself for the journey. The Caern with the moon bridge is about a thirty-minute drive from here. Any and all of you are welcome to ride with me. Either way, we should talk before heading out. Good evening ladies and gentlemen."
And with a bow, Lockheed headed back down the path, lighting a cigarette as he went.

2014-06-03, 10:40 PM
"Some say that ravens like to eat the eyes of those they wish to learn from..."

2014-06-04, 08:55 PM
Mara waits quietly, watching. She'll admit readily enough- to herself, at least- that she is uncertain what exactly is unfolding. She has no proof that the other is a Corax, only the words of her would-be pack, nor does she feel prepared to answer the quest-giver's question. As she has learned, with great difficulty, sometimes it is best when facing a lack of knowledge simply to hold one's tongue.

However, that does not mean there is nothing to be learned or gained here. So she stays silent, but she watches. The Corax's face, of course, looking for signs -or scents, or sounds- of confirmation or denial- but also of the other Cliath. Carie's attempt at boldness is ...unexpected, if weakened by the wild flight of her eyes. As for the Ahroun and the Lupus... she is interested to see the quest-giver's reaction to such defiance, and she admits Silver-Eyes' stubbornness is already making her wary.

2014-06-05, 12:04 AM
Rides-the-Current grinned. "Close. I am corax, not hard to guess from the clues. But I'm still waiting on what 'tribe'", he held up air quotes at that. "I am. And as for your fears of me being a spy, I would have to say that I am apparently quite the poor Bond. Telling you about a missing garou, telling you to go to the local caern, whereupon you could discuss it with others of your race, and generally gather more information. The only danger you are in is losing pride if I am lying, or," His eyes finally carried a glint of steel, the pupils dilating just a hair. "Or you leave someone to possibly die alone, and a town to suffer for it."

"As for evidence, I have none, none that could not easily be replicated by a few gifts of shapechanging or masking. But again, consider where you are going. You're not revealing the caern, as I directed you to it, and since you would be going to another fifteen plus members of the local scept, an attack would be foolhardy at best." He waved a hand, the haze that flowed from the runes fading away. "Believe or do not, my task is done."

2014-06-05, 09:59 AM
He's probably telling the truth. Hm, should I be embarrassed? Kiran ponders the question before deciding, No, we should still be cautious--though there's certainly no question of not going. "Is there anything else we should know before we set out?" he asks calmly.

2014-06-05, 10:37 PM
Anqa watches Lockheed go and turns to the corax, "Thanks."

Then she turns after Lockheed and jogs to catch up, "Wait! Can I ride with you?" her accent is strange, not quite Mideastern, not quite Egyptian, not quite American. But her smile is friendly, and she seems excited by the prospect of a mission.

2014-06-06, 12:27 AM
Lockheed paused and waited until the young woman caught up to him, puffing on his cigarette and spinning his lighter between his thumb and forefinger. As she drew abreast he continued to walk, matching her pace as they walked towards the parking lot.
"Sure, I'd like to wait once we get to the lot though. Got some equipment I'd like to bring too and I need to make sure its ready for field use."
Lockheed shifted his briefcase to his other hand and smiled nervously.
"I don't believe I caught your name. I'd like to know whatever your willing to share about yourself. If we're going to be packmates, I'd like to know what you've done and what you can do."
He silently offered his lit cigarette as he waited for her reply.

2014-06-06, 07:27 AM
Yu follows Lockheed silently.

2014-06-06, 03:11 PM
Silver Eyes

Having nothing else to say, Silver Eyes followed the others away from the Corax.

2014-06-06, 09:36 PM
Mara watches the others begin their retreat. The two older wolves retreat first, not quite together- she isn't surprised though, that they group together, two adults trapped in the company of much younger children. Then the stubborn one, silent now, and the Stargazer of little words.

"Is there anything else we should know?" The ahroun asks, but she feels they have likely heard as much from the Corax as he is willing to tell. She nods politely to the Corax, then turns instead to the Stargazer Galliard, leaving the Ahroun to his conversation.

"We should leave. I doubt there's much to be gained by lingering here."

Shoving her hands in her jeans pockets, the blond girl stalks away down the path, farther behind the rest of the pack.

2014-06-06, 10:37 PM
Rides-the-Current shook his head, the black locks of hair swaying slightly with each movement. "Nothing that I know of. Just watch your back. That paranoia may be misplaced here, but in that town? It might just keep you and the others alive. And remember, whoever did this now knows that the garou are looking into the town. They will be watching."

With a final nod, he leapt into the air, his body twisting and compacting into a much smaller frame. In the span of a few heartbeats, even before he had reached the apex of the jump, a large raven flapped it's wings. "See ya later kids!" He spoke, the beak somehow perfectly forming the words before he flew around the circle of runes once, then headed east, back to Manhattan.


(Okay, go ahead and work out what you guys want to do, and make any rolls you need, as well as get any equipment you have or can steal.)

2014-06-07, 09:26 AM
With some clamor as she struggles to stand, thank the Corax for his time and presence, slip her guitar over her back, and rush after Mara, Carie attempts all these things at once. She comes at the Black Fury in a stumbling gait that swishes into a more gliding stride after enough steps, a composure reached. Poor kid, though 'kid' may be a misnomer as Carie reveals while standing she's ungainly tall and lank. Even more with her hair, which swishes into a long curtain that seems to add to her height.

"W-wait up!" she says with a hint of a plea, "Um, my bike has a side car; would you care to ride with me? I.. I think it'll be up to us two to have something for Silver Eyes to wear; she's going to stand out too much, um, otherwise...

"I, um, dunno if we can convince her to come with us, though..." she says, looking at her feet for a moment. Another moment later, she gives Mara a rueful smile, actually making eye contact for a brief moment.

My actions are as follows: Get clothes for Silver eyes, find a place to stash the bike, and then head over to join the others, but there may be some Rp'n in between. Are there any parking garages, long term ones, near where we need to go?

2014-06-07, 10:39 AM
"I am Anqa." She extends her hand, a little awkwardly. But her grip is strong and firm, "I am a cliath ragabash of the Silent Striders. Born of four legs.

"I am honestly not really sure what I can do yet. I feel as clumsy and useless at times in a pack as I do in this human form. But I'm trying to get better." She says this with a purposeful nod down at the human body that she chooses to wear currently.

"The Striders have long been at the fringes of garou society, only joining packs, and even septs, for short periods of time. As much as that freedom calls to my wandering spirit, I believe that it is one of our weaknesses. I intend to remedy that. Somehow."

She hesitates, then sighs, carefully removing her sunglasses. The scars on the left side of her face were already visible around the glasses, mottling her cheek and temple, but now the missing eye is revealed, the socket crushed and warped, the flesh an angry red color.

"I have some experience with ghosts and banes, and can sometimes trick them into thinking I am one of their own. This comes in handy more often than I would like, since I also possess the knowledge to enter the Dark Umbra. An ability that perhaps will be of much use in our current mission, I should suspect.

"What of yourself?"

2014-06-07, 11:13 AM
Kiran makes no real efforts to either avoid or catch anyone else as he leaves. Assuming no one approaches him, he goes home and packs several different outfits so that he can fit in with different human groups if need be, and makes sure he has $100 in cash in his wallet as well as his debit card, then he heads to the local caern to use the Moon Bridge, taking standard precautions to avoid being trailed to the caern.

2014-06-07, 08:34 PM
Lockheed tried not to stare at the vicious-looking wound, but his gaze seemed drawn to it. He licked his lips nervously and stammered out. "I've never met a Quiet Strider before. Ummm..." He trailed off, then obviously got a hold of himself, continuing as he met her one remaining eye. "Well. Truth be told, I don't have much experience outside of my tribe's business with urban septs here in the states. I think though, that your talent may be of much use."

He took a contemplative puff on his cigarette and began walking with Anqa down the path. "If there is bane activity in the area, looking like a native could be very useful. We might end up luring out some enemy agents in the town, especially if some of us go in half-cocked or too...eager. We'll see what the rest of the pack thinks when we meet up at the Caern, but it may be worth it to have you tail us into town. Keep your distance and watch from the shadows. If we get lucky, you might even find anyone looking out for werewolves." As they reached the parking lot, Lockheed stubbed out his smoke and flicked it into a nearby trashcan. "That would certainly be something to do your auspice proud eh? Offer to join up with our enemies to take down the nasty lupines? Hilarious. Anyway, you asked about me. I'm good with people, and I'm good with tools. I make weapons for the tribe and talens to ease our tasks. Here."

Lockheed stopped next to a beat-up, but durable old brown van and reached into one of his many interior pockets, withdrawing a small metallic object which he tossed to Anqa. The object was a life-sized metallic bumblebee, fashioned from copper wire and nickel plates, with delicate wings of microfiber and aluminum. "You can keep that if you like. If you dedicate it to yourself, it can come to life and carry messages or spy for you. Handy thing to have in a pinch." He opened up the back doors and the smells of cigarettes and travel assaulted their noses. The clutter inside barely left room for sitting, and his bed (a pile of musty blankets and a sleeping bag) took up most of the available floor. He glanced at Anqa sheepishly and snatched up a can of febreeze, which he used to liberally douse the interior. "I'm just going to wait here and see if anyone else needs a lift, I could have sworn I saw the others on the path behind us."

He climbed into the van, amongst the clutter of loose tools and bits of metal and carved wood. He kicked his sleeping bad under his workbench and pulled a case from a concealed spot under a stack of hobby magazines and old surveillance binders. He opened it up to reveal a disassembled MP5 sub-machine gun which he began to examine and clean. He looked up at Anqa as he worked, his fingers already greasy from the oilcloth. "You have any experience with these? I'm afraid i prefer them to the embarrassment of trying to win a fight with my natural talents.."

2014-06-08, 09:38 PM
Mara considers this for a moment. Margaret had offered to pick her up- the Nissan was in the shop yet again- but long car rides with Aunt were something Mara tried to avoid. The other option would be to literally run home as a Lupus, but she doubted she'd make it through the city with out notice. Plus it would be a long run, even with four legs rather than two. She nods once.

"That would be... welcome. Thank you."

As for the matter of clothing the Lupus... she crosses her arms.

"You're likely correct." As she's too stubborn to take the initiative herself. "Though guessing the appropriate sizing might be difficult." Admittedly, better she supposes, then Silver-Eyes attempting to procure anything in human form before being given something to wear. Mara has seen one too many naked homid form Lupus as it is. "We shall make do, I suppose. It will be an interesting mission nonetheless."

2014-06-09, 10:24 AM
Silver Eyes

Silver Eyes never had a big love for human vehicles and so she waited a bit away from them and was very unsure about actually going in a car there... but if it was a unanimous agreement, she would of course oblige.

2014-06-09, 12:27 PM
If Kiran sees Silver Eyes hanging away from the others, he'll approach her. "You can come in my car instead, if you want," he offers. "It'll be less crowded--still be a car, though."

2014-06-09, 04:17 PM
Silver Eyes

As kiran Approached her, Silver Eyes looked a bit uneasy at the thought of taking a car. "I do appreciate the offer, but I guess I'd rather follow by foot... Cars smell strange and so does the pollutive smoke it makes... and is it really such a good idea to help kill Gaia by driving a car when all of you could easily turn wolf and run there? i could easily get there fast that all of you would take by tin-can." She said and was visibly wrinkling her nose at the thought of all those nasty exhaust fumes bellowing out of the cars... ew.

2014-06-12, 10:00 AM
Along the arduous (and probably thankless) tasks of hunting down clothes for an unwilling Lupus, Carie takes her time saying much of anything. In part, it's due to the loud winds buffeting her an her side car on the roads, but it's only after they're secluded away in some retail hell, selecting sweat pants and shirts guestimated to fit Silver Eyes that something important is spilled:

"My sister joined the Black Furies years ago."

Up until that point, she'd stammered odd utterances or hummed tunes, barely saying a few lines or suggestions. This statement is blurted as she holds up an olive hoodie that can half cover her face.

"Friend of the Family told me I'd be working with people from other...'groups', and while I didn't hold on on the hope that I'd run into her so suddenly but... Well, perhaps you have?"

I assume it doesn't take a set of rolls to find Wrym-Mart or a Goodwill store with clothes. I figure between two sets of medium and large sweatsuits we'd have a basic ensemble for Silver eyes (worrying about shoes later) and after that, a long term parking garage. Is any of this not cool?

2014-06-12, 10:20 PM
Mara looks up, her own distracted quiet momentarily broken. A navy blue t-shirt is slung haphazardly over her arm, and she has been eyeing the pricetag of another.

Ah. There it is.

It certainly explains all the extra tension.

She takes another long look at the Galliard- well, as much as she can see of the girl behind the protective shield of clothing- obligingly thinking back for a moment. She certainly didn't remember anyone who looked much like Carie from her brief time at the rural sept or with her mother's pack. Nor anyone by the last name Miles. But then, sisters didn't always look or act alike. Rebekah was proof enough of that.

"I don't know. I doubt it." she says bluntly, "The time when I changed was... complicated. I didn't meet very many others who were both of my tribe and my age where I lived before, and have met even fewer since my sister and I moved here. I don't know your sister's deed name, but I don't remember having met anyone with your surname. Or anyone who looked much like you."

She turns back to the clothing rack, examining a similar t-shirt before trading it for the one she's holding. Clearly, Carie is anxious about the question. It does no good to give the girl hope where there is none, whatever the story behind her missing sister is.

Still, after a moment she speaks again, nodding in indication that Carie should follow her towards the check out lines.

"It has been.... difficult, recently, to contact my mother's old packmates. However," she arches one eyebrow, her face blank, "if you were to tell me your sister's deed name, should I talk to them again... I could ask after her. If you wished."

2014-06-12, 10:40 PM
Anqa smiles with a nervous chuckle at the mention of "quiet striders," and then listens to the rest of his analysis of her own abilities. "I do hope that I can be of some use as a representative of my tribe and my auspice. Other than that, I don't really have much to put on the table."

Then she listens as he tells about himself. She reflexively catches the bumblebee and spends a long minute admiring the craftmanship. "That is amazing."

When he opens the door to his van, she smiles again at his discomfort, then backs away as he sprays the febreeze, her nose wrinkled a bit. "Sorry. Chemical odors still get to me sometimes."

When Lockheed reveals the firearm, Anqa's eyes widen and she swallows a lump in her throat. "No. I don't use guns much… Don't use a lot of human things still. I did start to learn how to ride a motor scooter last week though. My friend, Dillon––a Bone Gnawer kinfolk I know through the caern––was teaching me. But all of the rules that I would have to learn to ride one without getting in trouble constantly. It will take me a while…"

She stops, realizing she was deflecting from the original question, "I haven't done much fighting. And when I do, it ends up being a kind of desperate scratching and biting routine that doesn't really do our people any justice."

Then she chuckles and points to her bad eye, "I owe this to a human with a gun. One of my earliest memories, actually."

By this time, Anqa can see some of the others heading their way. She smiles and waves to them, urging them to join the group. She does self-consciously put her sunglasses back on though, and then moves a little closer to Lockheed, seeming not to mind the cigarette as much as the febreeze.

2014-06-12, 11:09 PM
Lockheed sat transfixed with embarassed horror. "Ah. Well I'm sorry about the..uh..eye thing. I mean I didn't do it or anything I just want you to know that I treat guns with respect cause they aren't toys, not that i think it was a toy gun or-" He paused to spit out his foot. "What I mean to say is that I am sorry that the tools of man caused you such pain."
Lockheed finished cleaning the gun and examined the parking lot. Mara and Carie seemed to have gone and Kiran seemed to have his own vehicle. He gestured for Yu and Silver eyes to get into the van and then with mock ceremony bowed to Anqa and gestured to the front passenger seat. "My lady, please accept my offer of a humble means of conveyance. To wit-a seat at the head of the carriage." He helped Yu into the back, leaving room for Silver eyes if she decided to climb in, then hopped into the front seat, starting up the old van with a rattling hum. "Are we ready to get this show on the road!?" The last song he had been listening too from his partner's old CD collection came into blaring life. "I'M A BITCH, I'M A LOVER, I'M A CHILD, I'M A LOVER, I'M A-" Lockheed frantically hit buttons until the CD player reluctantly ground to a halt. Lockheed leaned back into his seat and sighed. "I'm just going to drive to the Caern now and pretend that I have balls." He drove the old van out of the parking lot and onto the freeway, heading towards their date with destiny.

2014-06-12, 11:10 PM
Kiran returns Anqa's wave with his (sole) left arm and smiles back at her, but he doesn't approach her (or rather, Lockheed) too closely.

After the rest of the pack leaves, he heads home to pack and then to the caern.

2014-06-12, 11:34 PM
Clutching the olive hoodie a little too tightly for a moment, a flushed in the face Carie shakes her head. "Friend of the Family," she must mean her mentor,wouldn't tell me what it is, but Erica and I don't look too much alike apart from the eyes. She has rich brown hair that curls at the tips and ...Well, we're fraternal. But I was told we both ended up as Galliards." She lets out a little sigh: an aggravated, almost out of character hint of frustration. "When the time is right" is hardly a satisfying response, especially after the sixth time, but Mara doesn't get this tidbit verbally.

"She was always very vivacious, and strong willed. Honestly, knowing what I know now, even though we're sixteen, you couldn't surprise me if you said she was a beta or even an Alpha somewhere."

2014-06-13, 05:34 PM
Mara makes a small "hmph" noise. "Pegasus calls many strong-willed women," she shrugs in mild disagreement before shaking her head. "She doesn't sound familiar though, no. I could still ask, if you wish, even with out the deed name."

She is, admittedly, curious about the circumstances that had severed the two so completely that one Garou sister knew nothing of the other's name. However, she isn't curious enough to ask. Carie's past is her own, and Mara's offer one of good faith towards a potential packmate. She would not wish to discuss her own problems with Rebekah, after all.Best afford Carie that same choice.

2014-06-13, 06:49 PM
Carie seems to interpret Mara's silence as an urge to continue, though looking into her wallet, she hopes the Black Fury can cover the clothes.

"Erica left for the Black Furies a couple years before I...erm... You know. Kin folk were a bit scarce and we weren't left in the loop, so if you could ask around...I'd owe you one."

2014-06-13, 08:58 PM
Anqa shrugs, "Not a big deal. I just don't feel too competent around human tools, especially guns. One day I might learn to appreciate them more. It would be irony for sure if one day it is a firearm that saves my life."

She waits quietly for a few more minutes and then accepts Lockheed's invitation to ride in the front seat. The music intrigues her, and so does his embarrassed reaction to it. As they enter the freeway, she seems less at ease, though at the same time impressed, as traffic rushes past them at breakneck speed. "I would like to learn to drive one of these machines one day. All of the rules of the road too, I mean. It would make my travels through some parts of the world so much easier and quicker."

Then, for the rest of the trip, she makes small talk, describing the desert she grew up in, the wild dogs, jackals and desert wolves that shared her sand dunes and wadis, and asks him about his childhood and his current life.

2014-06-13, 10:03 PM
Mara peers into her own wallet, then after a moment removes the low-limit credit card provided to her for "emergencies". The card is in Margaret's name, but Mara is fairly certain she'll understand the need to clothe a reluctant Lupus. She'd been an Ahroun's wife, after all.

"I'll see what I can find, then," she tells Carie as the bored-looking clerk rings them up. "It might take some time though. As I said, my mother's... old friends"her mother's pack, in other words "have become difficult for me to contact. Should I mention you, if they ask?"


Following her excursion with Carie, Mara eventually returns home. She lets herself into a small red brick house in an aging neighborhood. Her aunt is still up, sitting at the table with a mug of chamomile tea and a battered copy of Frankenstein.

Margaret Weir is tall woman with greying auburn hair. She wears the respectable blouse of a private school teacher, but her rolled sleeves reveal a stylized mandala tattoo on the inside of her right arm. She looks up expectantly at her niece, sliding her reading glasses to the top of her head. Mara frowns.

"You didn't have to wait around for me," she tells Margaret, who only marks her page before waving vaguely in the direction of the other kitchen chair.

"Sit." Margaret orders, removing her feet from said chair.

Mara obeys, but looks around her wearily. "Is Rebekah home?"

Her aunt frowns, but shakes her head. Rebekah doesn't much care for Mara's "wolf-y business", nor for Margaret's involvement."Out with a friend, apparently. Tell me how it went, then. Or as much as you can."

"I had to use your card," Mara admits, the proceeds to tell her aunt as much as she can about their forthcoming trip.

She'd stopped to pick up little things- toiletries, spare batteries for the flashlight living in the bottom of her traveling backpack, a two-dollar pair of shades- at the little store just on the edge of their neighborhood, and there's not much else to pack. She keeps her knives and her dagger on her person, and it's easy enough to throw spare clothing into her backpack for later. Maybe a book for the car rides, provided it's light weight.

"I'll take care of the charges," Margaret says easily when Mara finishes. "You think you'll be away a while then?"

Mara shrugs noncommittally. "For however long it takes, I suppose."

Margaret sips at her tea. "And your ...pack? Or, the people you think you might you might form a pack with? Meet anyone...nice? Anyone interesting?" The school teacher tilts her head just so, the way Mara's father used to do.

Despite herself, Mara feels the brief prick of annoyance. There she goes again. Have you made any friends yet dear? You've been awfully quiet lately.

The Theurge holds her tongue, but her shoulders shrink inwards, and she studies the grain of the table. Her aunt is only trying to be a good parent, she knows, but sometimes that's half the problem.

"There's a girl. She thinks her sister might follow Pegasus. I offered to ask Mama's old pack. They might or might not have word, but it hardly hurts to ask."

Margaret's eyes narrow. "I thought you hadn't had much word...?"

Mara thinks of the handful of hastily scribbled notes, the warnings, and the silence that has followed them since. Keep your eyes open. Take care of your sister. We mean to find the truth...

"I might still try.They have been....occupied, is all. Hunting."

Margaret's face softens, and she reaches across the table, placing her hand atop her niece's for the briefest moment.

"Mara... you know... if you wanted to talk..."

Mara pulls her hand away, standing up.

"I should go pack. The others will be waiting."

Margaret's frown deepens, but she doesn't press. "All right. I brought the Nissan home already. It's yours if you need it."

Mara nods, turns, and flees. Soon enough, she, too, is driving towards the caern.

Er, sorry, that ended up a bit longer than expected. Got the feeling we're meant to be getting on with it already, though, so I left Carie a spot to reply, but assuming Mara, as seen above, has already gone home for her things and informed her guardian she's going to be away for a while.

2014-06-14, 10:51 PM
As you arrive at the caern, either in groups or one by one, you can feel the eyes watching you from the woods, large furred shapes mirroring you as you approach. The small open meadow of the caern is empty, save for a single figure sitting by a small pile of stones. As you approach however, a tingle runs down your spine, the air growing heavier with the sense of power, distant, but strong, the underlying current of the ocean breaking upon the shore.

The wolves never approach, but maintain their vigil. She glances over her shoulder to eye you as you approach, a strand of her greying blonde hair slipping loose from the braid she wore. "You the pups the feather head is sending?" Her voice is raspy, dry and worn, akin to the lines in her face as she shuffles around to fully face you.

2014-06-14, 11:33 PM
"That's us." Kiran bows to the woman. "Kiran Walker."

2014-06-15, 10:47 AM
Silver Eyes

With a low, annoyed growl, Silver Eyes took eye on the lone figure. She already disliked the person for grouping Her and the others into the 'pup' grouping... they were all full-grown Cliath after all, Although Silver Eye DID keep any sour remarks to herself, except for that general dissatisfaction of being called a child.

2014-06-15, 12:07 PM
Carie keeps comments towards Silver Eyes to herself, for the moment, though she does try to hide her satchel from view. Apart from her now encased guitar she has an overnight bag with a yellow pony patch sewn onto the side, and though there's no way for the lupus to know it contains clothes for her human guise, Carie's probably worried that somehow it is blatantly obvious.

Still, better to not focus on that for now. She politely bows her head, "Yes, ma'am, we are prepared for our mission," she manages. Now is not the time to appear like a shrinking violet, in front of elder wolves, but apart from showing due respect, Carie tries to maintain a background presence more than anything...

I'm going to assume that Mara was willing to pay for a parking garage for the bike as well as the clothing. ...If that's okay. Also, yes, please mention Carie by name.

2014-06-16, 02:20 AM
Lockheed readjusted the heavy canvas duffel bag he had slung over his back, his briefcase gripped tightly in his other hand. Why do other tribes always have to be creepy about things? Just once I'd like to visit a new sept without getting the creepy heebie-jeebies. I mean, nothing wrong with coming out and saying hello is there?
He cautiously stepped up alongside Kiran and spoke.
"I greet you as well. I am Lockheed Sells-False-Silver of the Glass Walker Tribe. On behalf of the elders who sent us here, I ask for passage for my friends and I. We have been ordered to go with all speed to Blue Harbor, Ontario in search of a missing member of our race. We must make haste I fear. The trail of our lost sister may have already gone cold."
And if I can get out of here a little sooner, so much the better. I don't like hidden watchers surrounding me and measuring me for a coffin. He mentally appended, Actually they probably wouldn't bother with a coffin. Odds are, I'll just get ripped apart and whatever's left will get peed on and buried in a ditch.

2014-06-16, 09:41 AM
Yeah, you can call me Yu.
His tone of voice makes you think that if he was Lupus, he would be wagging his tail.

2014-06-16, 06:06 PM
Mara does shoot a glance at Silver Eyes upon hearing the low growl, and again at Lockheed when he gives his deed name, but otherwise holds her peace while her comrades speak. A small backpack rests uneasily on her shoulder, heavy with the weight of her weaponry and traveling gear.

"Mara of the Black Furies," she says, almost to herself. She doubts that this older woman cares so much for their names. They must mean very little to this foreign sept, who sent no hunter even for the vanished local woman. But form demands the introduction. She does not object to description, though she supposes Anqa or Lockheed might have the right to.

She looks briefly to Carie, who is glancing at Silver Eyes and fidgeting, and crosses her arms. No good shaking her head; the situation is what it is. Though she's not exactly eager to attempt that explanation with the Lupus yet again.

Mostly Mara wonders about the woman before them, and her role in the sept. Why should she alone claim a human face, when the rest of the sept welcomes them with claws and fangs? Her age speaks well of her, however, given this time of war.

Fine by me

2014-06-20, 02:23 AM
The old woman just nods at you all, a gleam in her eyes as she stands, limbs shaking just slightly as she leans on the small walking stick that had been laying in front of her. "Alright, Crawton was it, then onto Blue Harbor? Short trip by bridge, but," She turned halfway round to see you all fully in her sight. "For the ones of your group that havent used a moon bridge before, a word of advice." A smile tugged at her lips. "Don't fall off, or you're walkin the rest of the way."

With that, she reached out with the stick and smacked the small pile of stones.

The crack of it rang across the clearing, and after a few seconds the earth began to rumble, cracks forming in the stone around you as the sharp snap of roots, wood and shattering rock filled the air. A arm emerged from the dirt, clods falling away from the grass covered limb, fingers the size of a human torso digging into the ground and pulled, a shoulder, neck and finally a head came into view.

The head was blank, save for a wide slash of a mouth filled with jagged tree roots and black stones, a trio of gemstones set above it that turned to the woman. From its massive maw expelled a gust of wind, carrying with it the scent of old, stale air, dust and echoes. It spoke then, it's voice the deep rumble of grinding stones in a resonating warren below the surface. To those of you who spoke it's language, the words were clear, but to those without the gift, it's words were naught but gibberish, incomprehensible noise.

"Child of earth and fire, why have you summoned me?"

The old woman smacked the supporting arm once more as she advanced on the twenty foot spirit. "Oi, old bastard, got a couple a pups that need transport. Need to get to the Seagull's View sept, you remember it?"

For a moment the spirit is silent, then it nods, great cracks running through the stone of its neck and shoulders, more flecks falling away as it moved. "I do. Don't like working with the spirit there. Arrogant. Too flighty. But I shall keep to the Word."

That said, it lay back down, the earth fusing seamlessly back into place, save for the mouth of the creature. A noise began to grow in the air, the faint groaning of moving stone as the old woman gestured to the gaping maw. "Well? What are ya waitin for, a engraved invitation? Get goin!"

Welp, I gave Sty a week. If he shows up we'll just have to say he came along and was quiet the whole time, ok?

2014-06-20, 05:36 PM
"Thank you," Kiran tells her politely. He shifts into his Lupus form and lopes forward onto the moon bridge.

2014-06-21, 10:43 AM
Anqa has been quiet more or less the entire walk into the caern. She does not seem intimidated by the lack of hospitality so much as just distracted and preoccupied by her thoughts. She stares at the ground a lot as they move past the bawn. Her gaze comes up as the strange woman speaks to them.

But then Silver Eyes growls at their host, and Anqa's one good eye widens and she frowns at her new pack mate, "Is your lack of respect so overwhelming that you need the pack's ragabash to remind you of your place, pup?" The emphasis on the last word is deliberate.

Then the woman calls the earth elemental, and now Anqa is distracted again, this time with awe and enjoyment at the spirit's presence.

2014-06-21, 10:02 PM
Mara bows her head, echoing Kiran's thanks, but her attention is caught on the Ragabash's sudden comment to their stubborn Lupus. She frowns at them both, sensing the hint of challenge in the Lupus's voice. She doesn't disagree with Anqa, actually, and perhaps it might not be so ill-advised to let the Silent Strider make her point. The Lupus must come to learn, after all.

But now, when they must present themselves as a unified force, when they cannot allow themselves to founder through dissent, is not the appropriate time for such a teaching. It must come later. And that means it would be unwise to allow a fight, or even bickering, in the face of this strange sept and their foreign spirit.

"Come," she says, not quite commanding but certainly no-nonsense as she steps deliberately between the two, meaning to head off any problems before they begin. "The moon bridge awaits us, as does our quarry."

She shifts her bag higher on her shoulder and steps forward.

2014-06-21, 11:39 PM
Oh jeez, are we going to have an intra-pack fight right here? Kiran nods thankfully at Mara after she speaks.

2014-06-22, 01:22 AM
I should be intervening right now. It is my place. I just don't think I can do it in front of all these judging eyes. Lockheed tried to speak but his mouth was suddenly dry and his tongue felt like wet rubber in his mouth. So this is it. Time for you to show some backbone, but you'll back down like you always do when the real werewolf stuff comes down. They might fight right here and all you can do is sit there and watch because you're too afraid to step up and fill Dagon's shoes. Lockheed swallowed nervously and tried not to let his trepidation show. "Perhaps we might settle this amongst ourselves, once we get there?" His voice had lost its earlier confidant tone, filled now with an almost pleading edge. Any observer paying attention would notice the clenched knuckles around his briefcase handle and the instinctive way he patted his pistol holster to remind himself of its presence.

2014-06-22, 08:57 AM
Yu walks up to the other stargazer.

"Um, is this sort of thing common?" he whispers

2014-06-23, 12:08 AM
Anqa takes a step back as she sees the reactions of the others. "Sorry. I get a little ahead of myself sometimes. It wasn't meant so much as a challenge or an insult. More as a reminder of our place. We are all young.

"Either way, let's go before the mouth-bridge closes."

She slips her sunglasses back on, a little self-conscious again, and then heads for the elemental.

2014-06-25, 10:21 PM
(OOC: Im going to assume people go into the bridge.)

The still open maw of the spirit was dark, a swirling vortex of rock and grass and wood that, strangely enough, made so little sound it was almost entirely silent. At it's center was a pinprick of light, and once you descended into the spirit's gateway, the point grew larger and larger until you passed through, a rush of energy washing over your body as you do so.

The blinding light gives way to a solid walkway of silver light beneath your feet, the area around you a whirl of green and blue light, refracted and scattered into a vapor that slowly spun. Through it you can see vague shapes, some simple, others complex, with too many limbs or geometric bodies that defy physical laws.

To those of you who have traveled the moonlight roads before, you know the swirl of light is a thin barrier, keeping out the weak Banes that might spy upon you, or worse, obstruct your path, but offers no defense against the more powerful spirits that dwell within the Umbral realm.

The road stretches out before you far into the distance before it curls and vanishes into the vapor cloud.

2014-06-25, 10:42 PM
Kiran moves forward steadily, paying enough attention to his pack to be sure no one's gotten lost or fallen behind.

2014-06-25, 11:11 PM
After seeing that the Ahroun has set himself to shepherd any stragglers forward, Mara puts herself willingly forward onto the road. She still keeps an eye on her packmates, Silver Eyes and Carie especially, though for different reasons. But knowing someone else is also watching, she doesn't hesitate to move forward.

2014-06-26, 03:48 AM
Silver Eyes

Without a single word or sound, Silver Eyes followed alongside the others into the Umbral. She had traveled via a Moonbridge once before, and it was then that she first found out that she was a literal spirit magnet... and that is any and all kinds of spirits in the nearby viscinity who might come by~

She did catch the odd stare in her direction from the rest of her pack, from time to time, but she didn't really care as to why they did so, she just wanted to get going.

2014-06-26, 05:45 PM
As he entered the familiar realm of the umbra, Lockheed turned to make sure that no one had followed them through and that he was safe from their hostile gazes. He sighed with relief to be away from the Caern and slipped his pack over his back. He swiveled to face the path ahead and closed his eyes to begin the change. "I've never been very good at this" he murmured wistfully. "Bear with me." Lockheed steadied his breathing and focused inward for a time until his form began to change. His clothes and gear became subsumed by the fur that sprouted from his twisting physique and his pelvis audibly cracked as it shifted to a new alignment. When the metamorphosis was complete, Lockheed rolled back onto his paws and sat up in Lupus form. His tongue lolled slightly and he spoke in Garou-speech. "Sorry, don't spend much time without opposable thumbs." He quickly set off after his pack mates in the lead.

2014-06-27, 12:14 PM
It was Yu's first time doing this, so he followed hesitantly. He watched those who seemed to have more experience, hoping to glean any information possible.

2014-06-29, 09:04 PM
Carie lets out a startled gasp as she passes, her body not only growing even taller, to her chagrin, but broader in the shoulders, and her hair seems moe bristly, wild. She doesn't offer much, but while following the others she hopes no one picks up that that was involuntary of her.

2014-07-01, 03:02 PM
Your passage through the umbral realm is uninterrupted, and the road finally comes to a end at another point of light, which expands into a entrance to a open field. The scent of seaweed and saltwater assaults your senses, with the faint roar of a waterfall crashing into the distance reaching your ears. A dozen or so people have stopped to stare at the gate, eyes narrowed with hands on weapon handles as you step through, a few glancing at the large white furred wolf laying down at the edge of a small pond.

The area around you is actually a seaside cliff, with the moonbridge opening up just a dozen feet from the edge, the ocean waves crashing down below, a waterfall feeding into it from the river that cut through the center of the field. A small pond, obviously man-made, sits at the center of the field, around which are only four log cabins that are the only obvious buildings in the area.

From the edges of the treeline you can see more shapes, wolves this time, that study your group for a moment before turning and leaving, only the white wolf staying behind. It turns to look to each of you before chuffing at a young man, his features still carrying the pimples of youth as he hustles over to greet you all.

"Ah, um, welcome travelers. Before you enter, please state your pack and purpose." While he has the nervous energy of a young man trying to do a good job, the others of the clan have not relaxed their grips any.

2014-07-01, 04:21 PM
Silver Eyes

As it was tradition, Silver Eyes craned back her neck and let loose the Howl of introduction, since she was unsure as to which of them was the eldest, she decided to just show him the honor by howling/introducing herself first.

2014-07-01, 07:54 PM
Anqa takes a few moments to appreciate the scenery as they emerge into the physical world again. She peers down the cliff into the crashing ocean waves below. Then Silver Eyes gives a howl of introduction and Anqa returns her attention to the present. She waits for one of the galliards or Lockheed, their philodox, to address their attendant, but gives the kid a respectful nod anyway.

While waiting, she does what any good ragabash does: she snoops around, eying the treeline in the hopes of catching a glimspe of the caern's protectors, sniffing at the air and wishing she had stayed in lupus form earlier on. Even in homid form though, her senses are refined.

2014-07-01, 10:21 PM
We're a newly formed pack, with no name as of yet. Kiran restrains himself from answering first; that, he admonishes himself, is not an Ahroun's role.

2014-07-03, 09:01 PM
Mara sniffs at the sea air, investigating quietly as Silver Eyes howls. Her child hood had been one spent far from any large bodies of water, and her delicate wolf's senses twitch to life under the assault of new smells and sounds. It's as different from a chlorine-filled swimming pool as can be imagined, and she glances the water curiously even as she tries to watch the strange pack.

The smell of salt and brine is powerful, but not quite unpleasant. She lets it hit the tip of her tongue, the back of her throat, letting it become familiar. Few things induce a memory so strongly as scent.

After Silver Eyes finishes, she waits a moment, but the Ragabash is watching, guarding against the other pack perhaps, and the Ahroun, surprisingly, seems to be waiting on social niceties. She waits another moment for their Philidox or their second Galliard, then speaks.

With a formal lowering of her eyes she addresses the young man with her human tongue, leaving the howling tongue for the Lupus and Metis.

"We are a new-formed pack, unnamed and untried. We come seeking our sister in Gaia who is lost to us, to aid her if need be, and should all else fail, to discover that which must come to light. We thank you for the use of your spirit-way, and ask your forgiveness at our intrusion."

2014-07-05, 08:35 PM
Lockheed comes last through the gate after a brief delay, already returned to human form. He rubs his scalp and scratches his ears before realizing their current situation. "Ah, Hello. Greetings and Salutations from your brethren south of the border. My name is Lockheed Sells-False-Silver and we have come to search for a missing garou in the town of Blue Harbor on behalf of Light-Bearer of the South Mountain Sept. We beg your permission to pass through your territory to seek out our missing sister."
Lockheed stepped forward and shook the hand of the young man vigorously. "If our mission proceeds as planned we should only be here for a short time. We will leave your hunting grounds undisturbed and respect your kinfolk and customs as though they were our own." Lockheed grinned over at Mara. "Sorry, took me a bit you get back in my own skin. Wanted to be presentable for the formalities."

2014-07-07, 06:17 AM
Silver Eyes

Silver Eyes Glanced over at Lockheed when he commented that he needed to look presentable for the whole ordeal... Which made her a bit annoyed, seeing that she was born with the form Lockheed indirectly said was unpresentable and lesser compared to Human-form.

She couldn't stop herself from letting out a low growl of annoyance, although she did keep any further utterings to herself.

2014-07-07, 07:08 PM
Carie seems to open her mouth just as Silver Eyes beats her to the punch, quickly re-asserting her meek stature even in her 'dire human' form until she shifts back to homid. Standing a few steps behind and to the side of Lockheed, she bobs her head in agreement with his assertion. "It's as they said. Though, if it is not imposing, may we ask to the quickest, inconspicuous way into Blue Harbor?"

2014-07-08, 12:20 AM
Anqa grins at Lockheed, "Welcome to the party, Lockheed." Then she turns to the young man, though her gaze is over his shoulder at the dark shapes moving in the woods, "How are things around here lately? Is there any news, or any petitions for aid that we can bring from your caern to our own?"

2014-07-08, 04:07 PM
The large white wolf finally rouses himself and stands, soft footfalls bringing him over to your group. Even on all fours he is a big beast, but he gently bumps the young man with a shoulder. "Enough Colin. I shall speak to our visitors." The pre-teen nods and bows awkwardly, new muscles and lengthening bones making his movements akin to a scarecrow puppet.

The wolf looks to each of you in turn, then speaks directly to Mara. "A new pack you said? Then do you speak as the Alpha?" He then looked to Lockheed. "Or is it you?"

Behind him, you can see the other garou returning to their normal routines, hands drifting from blade and gun handles, the wolves dispersing back into the woods, the faint hum of background noise as the people begin speaking once again.

2014-07-09, 09:14 AM
"Actually, we have yet to determine that." Lockheed mumbled. "We've only just met this evening, and we were going to settle the pack business once we were nearer to our destination and without an audience."

2014-07-09, 09:21 AM
Kiran speaks up, "Our mission was not something that we thought should wait on pack politics. Can you tell us how to get to Blue Harbor? We would appreciate any directions you could give us."

2014-07-09, 07:54 PM
Mara keeps her hands in her pockets and keeps quiet. Lockheed has answered well enough for both of them, and she's itching to get started.

She's spoken thus far because others have hesitated, and she's not afraid to prod their group into moving. She has no desire to be Alpha, however. That would involve more patience and more talk than she wants to consider; she's short on both. Nor does she want to be held responsible for the every mistake of the pack. She has the feeling there will be many. Mara will do what is needed to further the interests of Gaia and the pack, of course, but she's content to let Lockheed wrestle her new packmates into obedience. He is the Philidox, after all; it's his role.

2014-07-15, 12:28 AM
By the way Carie is suddenly standing close by Mara's side (within arms reach and a step behind), the shy muse may have other ideas of her ability to lead, but thankfully she doesn't voice anything akin to 'I think she'd be a good boss.'

Instead she stands stock still thereafter, trying not to look the big wolf in the eyes or do anything that might seem like upstart defiance...

2014-07-16, 04:12 AM
The white wolf gives out a low growl as he replies. "No leader?" His eyes close for a moment as he seemes to deliberate internally. "A moment." He turns from you all and moves to the side of another man, this one sharing enough resemblance to be family to the young boy who first greeted you.

They speak in low tones for a few minutes, both looking back to appraise each of you in turn before the wolf returns to stand before you. "Very well." He replies as he jerks his head to the left. "Mile and a half down the coast will lead you to a boat. Take it across the water to the town where the she-wolf traveled. One man, Sam Reid, is suspect. Find him, learn. We have man in town, friend of Billy named Franco. Speak to him if you need to contact us."

White wolf speaks first to the homid garou, and while you can only catch snatches of the conversation, you can piece it together.

"What idiot sends a pack of pups into a bane nest like that town without a leader, without a totem, without a guide? I don't know what game the southern packs are pulling, but watch this group. Something's not right." The rest is hidden, their voices dropping too low to be heard.

OOC: Sorry, Percep is usually Alertness + Perception to my knowledge. I just say Percep for shorthand.

2014-07-16, 10:11 AM
"Thank you," Kiran says. "Can you give us any more information about how to track either Sam or Franco down? Does Franco have a last name?"
I have no chance of making three successes on a straight Perception roll, so I'm not bothering to roll.

2014-07-18, 02:43 PM
Anqa watches the approach of the white wolf with curiosity, but just listens quietly. As the wolf becomes agitated and moves off to confer with his associates, Anqa strains her ears to hear what they are saying, and watches both of the garou for clues that their words might not betray.

She leans in closer to her new packmates and whispers, "We're not making a good impression. They think we're either incompetent or up to no good."

Then, as the white wolf returns, she smiles innocently and listens to what he says so that she can memorize it.

2014-07-19, 12:38 AM
Lockheed eyed his new acquaintances with interest. While he had no stake in leadership of the pack, he desired to make sure it went to the most worthy candidate. As a Glass Walker and by temperament, he was unsuited to embrace the role of a leader amongst the often savage and violent Garou. He smiled at Anqa's words and considered her for a moment. She was not afraid to show her fighting spirit, or stand up to perceived disrespect, but he wondered if her strength ran deeper. Often young Garou would bluster and crow only to tremble with fear when things got rough. Though he didn't think she'd quail in the face of danger, he needed more time to be sure.
Kiran, as a warrior of a respectable tribe with pure lineage, was a natural fit for leadership. Yet he too had yet to prove himself capable of earning the respect his bloodline was due. Still, with barely any time under their belts as a pack, Lockheed knew his time would come.
Mara intrigued Lockheed too. Intelligent and clearly no one's fool, he saw potential for greatness in her as well. He wondered for a moment if his opinion was swayed by her human natural form, and cautioned himself not to hold his own values more closely than others just as important in upholding the Litany.
Yu was almost a complete mystery to Lockheed and Carie was simply too shy to lead a pack into battle or hostile territory. Silver Eyes seemed coarse and standoffish to him, but he wondered how much that would fade with time. Still, they needed a leader sooner rather than later, so someone would have to temporarily take the position at least. Of one thing Lockheed was absolutely certain. A pack going into a potential battle couldn't second-guess or hesitate. Someone needed to call the shots where the chips were down. he continued to ponder as he awaited the answer to Kiran's question.

2014-07-22, 06:41 PM
(Hey guys, just heard from Talon. He's currently experiencing internet difficulties, so while he didn't abandon us, it may be a bit before he's back to post.)

2014-07-25, 07:29 PM
"Franco is his last name." The wolf replied. "As for Reid, we only know he lives in Blue Harbor, not where. The town is...wrong." His face twists into a snarl as he spits out the word, the fur along his back rising before he calms down. "Banes run thick in the spirit there, so be wary of using the other side to escape notice. As for Franco, his first name is Mark, and he lives on the outskirts of the town, five miles down the main road. Tell him Tide-Runner sent you, and that 'the Autumn wind begins to warm'. He will know what it means and give what aid he can."

He glances at the pack once more, doubt obvious in his mind, but he holds his tongue. "Ask what else you must, and be warned: The waters are patrolled by armed men, and they seem to be of the Wyrm, and your time to slip into the town undetected draws to a close."

2014-07-27, 11:39 AM
"Can you tell us anything more about these armed men, and what the indications are that they serve the Wyrm?" Kiran appears slightly disturbed now at the scope of what the strange Garou has indicated.

2014-07-28, 09:53 PM
Mara tugs thoughtfully at the end of her pony-tail. This is quickly becoming more complicated than she anticipated. She frowns especially at the mention of the spirits, knowing that it will be the her duty, and that of the Stargazer Theurge, to deal with them.

2014-07-29, 07:38 AM
Silver Eyes finally had TOO much about this sluggish talk and let out an inpatient groan-growl and began pacing back and forth behind the others.

2014-08-02, 03:08 AM
Tide-Runner arched a eyebrow. "Aside from the scent of the Wyrm upon them, their captains also openly display mutations. Every single boat has at least one large combat type, and all carry weapons, loaded with silver." He glanced up at the moon, studying it for a moment. "Your time runs short. You must go soon or you will run a greater risk of discovery."

2014-08-02, 09:31 AM
"Thank you again," Kiran says, before turning to start hurrying in the direction the Garou indicated earlier. He'll stop and look back if any of the pack don't go with him, but it appears to him that no one has any further questions here, and Tide-Runner seems to be implying that even seconds count.

2014-08-03, 08:27 PM
Anqa does not like the description of their destination, but they don't have many other options besides going forward with it. Maybe they can pause when they get closer and see to some recon.

She smiles in appreciation to their host sept, and heads off after Kiran.

2014-08-06, 08:13 PM
'Whew,' Yu thought as he followed his pack, 'I hope that none of that was too important.'

2014-08-10, 03:07 PM
Impatient with the slow progress of her pack, Anqa urges them all forward, "If we move in lupus form, we can be to the boat in under six minutes."