View Full Version : Player Help Assistance in coming up with an interesting themed sorcerer

2014-05-30, 05:21 PM
So my friend is starting back up a campaign of his. We stopped due to losing a lot of players, but three of us are wanting to reboot it. We're re-tweaking classes to round out the party.

The party comprises a guild in which we own. We're currently level 2. My character was the "head" of the guild, even though everyone was a part owner in it. I was a cleric that spec'd in buffing our bruiser who is now gone.

We are starting at level 2, other party members include a scout and a bard. (the only specifics I know is that the scout wants to specialize in literal scouting, while the bard want's to basically become a spymaster type of character).

I want to build an interesting themed sorcerer, that can compliment the group.

Here's my thought process:

I have wanted to play a sorcerer for some time. I've done lots of wizards and other prepared casters. I also would like to have a theme.
I want a fairly strong theme to the sorcerer. Our table allows spells to be thematic without the spell thematics feat, as long as not actual bonuses are given to the spell and it makes reasonable sense.
I'm thinking about gishing my character out. With a lack of melee, there is a role for it, also I've never got to do this outside of a one-shot campaign. I like the idea of dual cutlasses, but am unsure on how to incorporate this.

Some Ideas I've had so far for themes (sadly cold has been done though it is my favorite):

Blood sorcerer: Go more towards two handed weapons. Pick up blade of blood and other such spells.

Lightning sorcerer:(the one I'm thinking of strongly): get TWF, and specialize in spells that allow you to move around the field at ease. jump into the swiftblade prestige class. Refluff thunderlances to be something more suitable. (because thunderlance? aww yeah)

I'm at a loss of ideas, and am open to any suggestions. I'm having some serious builder's block.

2014-05-30, 07:45 PM
If you are gishing a (especially a themed gish) sorcerer you have several options

1. Battle Sorcerer is a decent option but you give up even more casting than the sorcerer already does but if your bard can pick up the utility slack then it might be ok

2. Go tanky with a high con and mage armor sheild etc. This is what I did with my gish sorcerer Grenthul the Impressive. Go for the Abjurant Champion PrC and you can be a really good defensive caster with free quickened exteneded low level abjurations.

3. Transmutation. Buff yourself to victory.

4. There is also the classic sorcidin. Grab luminous armor and go all justice-y

I'll admit i am still newish to 3.5 but those are some options for you to try. There are some good gish guides out there



As for other flavor just look at some prestige classes like Fiend-Blooded or Argent Savant to base yourself off of.

2014-05-30, 09:49 PM
What sources are available to you?

The lightning theme is pretty easy to do, although I would do it much differently than you are planning. TWF is really bad unless you can get obscene amounts of bonus damage. Go into Stormcaster and pick up the feats Energy Substitution (Electricity), Energy Admixture, Born of the Three Thunders, Empower, Twin Spell, and Arcane Thesis. Grab Orb of Acid and apply Energy Substitution (Electricity) so that it deals 10d6 Acid plus 5d6 Electricity plus 5d6+4 Sonic and has a Fort Save or be Stunned, Fort Save or be Dazed, Ref Save or fall prone, and a Fort Save or be Sickened. With Arcane Thesis (Orb of Acid) you can apply Empower, and later Twin, on top of that for a huge amount of damage with a bunch of status effects tagged on to it.

EDIT: And that's just one of your spells. You'll have plenty of others. Pick up thematic ones like Fly and Lightning Bolt, and grab a custom Runestaff for others that fit but shouldn't be wasting a spell known on like Control Weather.