View Full Version : Sword of Darkness (Deception): details?

Hiro Quester
2014-05-30, 09:43 PM
Taking a new seventh level spell. Considering SoD (SC p. 217). It works like Sword of Deception, in some ways, but bestows negative levels with each hit.

It looks like you could use it to keep a BBEG busy, by their having to deal with the sword (rathe than party members), and have that sword strip away their best spells, one per hit. No saving throw. And it keeps attacking for CL rounds. Bwahahaha.

However, when I think about the details, it's not clear if this is made of win, or a turkey.

1. "Though it makes regular melee attacks, the sword strikes as a spell, not a weapon (and so can strike incorporeal creatures)" So the sword has to beat the target's AC to strike, instead of a saving throw? But a BBEG can buff his AC through the roof (for some, this is easier than buffing saving throws). Can the sword take advantage of any of the caster's buffs? Are the sword's attack rolls only a base BAB of your caster level, or can it benefit from your bonuses from strength, feats, spells (GMW) you have that might add to its attack rolls?

2. The sword can flank for your allies (not you). Does it get the +2 to hit from an ally flanking the BBEG with it?

3. Is it an "ally"? Would a bard singing Inspire Courage, that adds, say +4, to all her allies' attack rolls, also add to the attacks of the SoD?

4. How long do those negative levels last? Is it safe to assume they last caster level hours (like enervation)?

5. It doesn't seem like BBEG can do anything to stop the sword. The sword can't be attacked or damaged. Can it be outrun? Dimension doored away from? How does the sword move? The description doesn't list a movement speed or means of moving. If the BBEG runs away does the sword chase him? Or does it just reappear (dimension door) where he is on your next turn?

6. "Each round, a sword of deception continues to attack the previous round's target unless you use a standard action to switch it to a new target within range. On any round when the weapon switches targets, it gets one attack as a standard action (as it does in the round when the spell is cast). "

7. If BBEG runs or dimension doors away, but remains with the spell's (medium) range, does the sword stay with him and get the full round of attacks, or is it like switching to a new target where it only gets one attack?

The devil is in so many details here, that it's hard to know whether the spell is worth it. I'd appreciate clarifications, or arguments to make to the DM about how it should work.

2014-05-31, 03:01 AM
1.) The blade attacks, so any buffs and ability scores on you do not matter.

2.) Yes

3.) No. All allies are creatures, but the sword is not.

4.) Barring any explicit rule (like on Enervation) saying otherwise, the general rule for Negative Levels applies
Negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed or until they are removed with a spell, such as restoration. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ draining creature’s racial HD + draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text).

5.) The sword is limited to the spell's range. The rules do not say how the sword has to get in range if its target moves It can be dispelled normally.

6.) And your question is?

7.) It is the same target, so no switching. Otherwise see 5.

Hiro Quester
2014-05-31, 10:28 AM
Thanks, Andezzar.

Re 4. the spell description says the negative levels don't last long enough to become permanent, but it doesn't say how long they do last.

So it seems that it can follow BBEG around, and get full attacks, as long as he stays in range.

Theoretically, the effect is to strip BBEG's highest remaining sell or spell slot, with each hit. So after a few rounds he might have lost all his 9th and 8th revel spells.

But if BBEG has an AC in the 30s (not hard to achieve) then even at CL 18, the sword is still only +18 on its best attack. Best case, even when it gets a full four attacks, only a couple of them have any chance of hitting, unless I roll a 20. so it might have hit once or twice in a couple of rounds.

I guess Greater Magic Weapon or Brilliant Blade could be applied to the Sword. But now we are using two castings to get it working.

In that case, there are probably more useful things to do with a 7th level spell slot.

2014-05-31, 10:37 AM
Re 4. the spell description says the negative levels don't last long enough to become permanent, but it doesn't say how long they do last. Woops, I did not look in the most recent version of the spell (SpC).

I guess Greater Magic Weapon or Brilliant Blade could be applied to the Sword. But now we are using two castings to get it working.Nope. The blade is not a weapon, it is a spell effect.