View Full Version : King of the Kaiju

2014-05-31, 01:12 AM
[Cherry Pond Command Station, Takawa]

"Sir! Sir! Come and look at this!" The Radar Tech waved his arms frantically to the officer several stations down.

"We have a new contact in the West Sea. Heading inland fast." The Tech typed rapidly on his keyboard.

"There's another new contact in the lower atmosphere.. It's going to hit land in less than a minute!" Another Radar Tech called typing frantically at his own station.

"SIR! We have a contact on the Onara Plains!" A woman at a third station shouted.

The lights in the busy Control Room suddenly turned red and air raid sirens began to wail outside.

"Project Paramour has escaped Containment!" A frantic Scientist ran into the room, pursued by two armed guards. Somewhere in the distance of the facility there was an explosion that shook the room.

"Experiment 37 has grown out of control!" A radio operator cried followed by another explosion even closer now.

"Get on the Radio and contact all available units, we have multiple contacts and we need to get response teams out there immediately!" The officer shouted and pointed at the bank of Consoles before rushing over to a red phone mounted on the wall. He picked it up and placed it to his ear.

"Yes Sir. 5 contacts. Recommend you deploy the big guy." The line went dead as another explosion rocked the facility.

The Kaiju had arrived.

[Mohami Beach]
"And we pray to the almighty Norvagahra, who lurks beneath the waves to shelter us! Shelter us from the coming storm!" The priest chanted on the rocky and desolate beach to a small crowd of a dozen people. They all wore dark blue and sea green robes, the fabric whipping back and forth in the cold wind, simulating the crashing waves behind the priest. A Blue Torii had been set up on the beach, with a small Rock Alter behind it, facing the sea.

"Norvagahra! Norvagahra! Norvagahra!" The people chanted, raising their arms and lowering them in tune with the chant.

Behind the priest, far in the distance, the water began to ripple. A massive swell broke the surface and the wind grew even more harsh. Waves beat the shore viciously, the water coming to the worshipers knees now.

" Norvagahra! The Ancient God of the Abyss!"

Strength: 7
Cunning: 3
Agility: 1

HP: 190
Energy: 115 +1 per round
Movement: 1

Slam (Str) 1d4+7 (K)
Bite (Str) 1d8+7 (K)
2x Claw (Str) 1d6+3 (K)
Tsunami 4d6 (K) + 2d6 (E) Cost: 50 Energy

Muscular Jaws (Free)
Tsunami (Free)
Aquatic (Innate)
Claws (-1 MP)
Death Grip (-2 MP)
Bulky (-2 MP)

[Fusarii Research Facility]
Air Raid Sirens wailed in the research facility and Dr. Katanbe sprinted down the hallway. Behind him he heard an awful heart-wrenching scream that ended all too quickly. He forced himself not to look back, to keep running and simply focused on escaping the facility.

He passed the first check point,pushing past the two guards and praying that he wasn't too late. He smashed the emergency seal and turned to watch the heavy doors close. As they sealed and locked shut, he allowed himself to breathe and started laughing at the sheer terror he had just experienced. The two guards looked at hm and than at each other.

Dr. Katanbe's laughter stopped a second later when there was a pounding at the door, putting huge dents with each booming impact. The two guards backed up, raising their rifles to the door. Dr. Katanbe knew better. He turned to run again, rounding a corner just as he heard the sound of tearing metal, gunshots and then screams.

He smacked right into the other one. Blue phosphorescent light rippled across it's chitinous hide, and he saw the spined quills emerge from the tiny pockmarks in it's armor. It eyed him coldly, and Dr.Katanbe began to sob. He had been so close.

A hooked Proboscis emerged from the beasts mandibles and impaled the man.

Origin: Man-Made
Alignment: Parasite

Strength: 1
Cunning: 3
Agility: 3

HP: 105 (or 80, depending on answer to mutations)
Energy: 115 + 6/round(I think?)
Movement: 3
Dodge: 1

Slam(STR) : 1d4+1(Kinetic)
Quills(AGI) : 1d4 quills, 1d6 damage each, range: 5 tiles
Proboscis(AGI) 1 unblockable kinetic damage

Basic Regeneration(free)
Streamlined/Telekinesis(free, waiting on ruling)
Improved Regeneration (3)
Basic Energy Regeneration (1)

[Mojana Dunes]
"Scooter, there ain't nothing out here. Let's go home." Cletus said to his brother. The sun was quickly sinking below the horizon and Cletus wanted to get home and get to drinking.

"I'm tellin' ya Cletus, something out here took ma damn Cousin!" Scooter shouted back and climbed over the next hill. When he reached the top, he froze.

"Cletus.." He said and Cletus froze next to his brother.

The space between this hill and the next was covered in bones and gore. All of it was fresh and reeked of carrion. Flies and vultures worked their way through the stinking pit. Bits of metal and even the remains of a helicopter were scattered about the area as well.

The ground rumbled and Cletus shook his head.

"You're a damn fool Scooter." Cletus said as the ground parted and a hideous wurm emerged from the ground, towering far, far over the two men's head. The two had to crane their necks to see the head of the creature.

"A Damn. Fool." He said.

Origin: Subterranean
Alignment: Enemy of Humanity

Strengh: 8
Agility: 2
Cunning 1

Health: 170
Energy: 105

Kinetic: 5
Energy: 0

World map: 2
Battle map: 2
Burrow: 1


Burrowing (free)
Hardened Hide (free)
Poisonous fumes (free) - whatever they are
Massive form (3 MP)
Thick Skull (2 MP)

Basic Attack(strength)
Damage:1d4 Kinetic damage.+Strength*2 Range 3
Special:When you move over most human units, you make an automatic slam attack on them.

[Koronet Ranch]
"Will you keep it down? Shut up!" Old Man Koronet shouted at the dogs. They'd been raising a ruckus all night and he needed some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and the farmer needed to be up as early as possible.

Except those mutts wouldn't shut up.

He sighed and shook his head as he got dressed. He had no idea why he even kept the things anymore honestly. All they did was bark and eat food. He stopped just as he was about to step onto the porch. Now his Sheep were going mad. And from the pens his Pigs all squealed frantically.

"What in tarnation is going on out there?" He grabbed his shotgun from the fireplace and rushed out onto the porch.

There was something in the sheep pens. It was bigger than the house, and glowed a faint blue. It looked almost like a massive firefly. It's wings beat softly as it stalked amongst the terrified sheep.

It was eating his sheep. He watched in horror as it gripped a sheep in it's mandibles and slowly drained it, dropping a dry husk to the ground.

"Hey!" He shouted at the bug and gave it two solid rounds of buckshot. The creature turned towards him and made a hissing sound. The blue glow grew more intense as the creature turned it's oddly luminous eyes towards him.

"Oh, now you've gone and done it." Were Old Man Koronets last words.

Origin: Extraterrestrial
Alignment: Parasite

Strength: 1
Cunning: 5
Agility: 5

HP: 105
Energy: 175+6 Energy/Round

Energy Armor: 5
Kinetic Armor: 0

World Map: 8
Battle Map: 11
Ignore difficult Terrain

Wings-0 MP
Stinger-0 MP
Energy Attack-3 MP
Basic Energy Regeneration- 1 MP
Keen Senses- 1 MP

When you move over most human units, you make an automatic slam attack on them

Proboscis---Agility---Kinetic---Damage: 1 AP
When you succesfully hit with this attack, you gain that Kaiju’s DNA. This DNA is stored until you mutate. You can only gain MP once per Kaiju, until either you or the opposing Kaiju mutate, in which case you can begin gathering DNA again. If a Kaiju gains a new mutation, you may not gain that mutation until you gather their DNA again.

Wing Attack---Agility---Kinetic---Damage: 1d6+STRENGTH
You may use this Basic attack twice in a turn

Stinger---Agility---Kinetic---Damage: 1d8+CUNNING

Energy Attack---Special Attack---Energy---Range: 10---Cost: 30 Energy---Damage: 3d6+Cunning
You may make an energy attack and one other basic attack a turn.

[Rockfest, Takawa]
The concert had been going on all night, loud rock and metal shaking the air for miles. Rockfest was the biggest concert on Takawa and this year had been a great line-up. The Kings of Takawa, Dino-Osmosis and Roar Roar Roar had all been contracted to play at this, and that meant big money. Thousands of fans had turned out to see this.

It wasn't until 1 AM that anything unusual happened. A Man-sized insect fluttered noisily through the air and landed on the stage next to Jason Morehaz, the guitarist of Dino-Osmosis. The fans thought it was part of the show and let out a huge cheer at the impressive effect. They continued to cheer even as the Insect plunged it's dagger sharp jaws into the guitarists chest, causing him to collapse to the ground as the insect loudly devoured it.

It wasn't until Aaron Smithson swung at the creature with a guitar that anyone realized something was wrong. But by then, more of the insects had shown up, pulling their horrible segmented bodies out of the ground. People were pulled underground or devoured whole on the spot. Hundreds of the creatures spilled out of the ground, chittering and causing havoc.

One survivor described it as the most brutal show he'd ever been to, and that he couldn't wait for next years show.

Origin: Subterranean
Alignment: Law of the Jungle

Strength: 7
Cunning: 5
Agility: 1

Burrowing (free)
Earthquake (free)
Muscular Jaws (free)
Breath Weapon (3)
Regeneration (1)
Venomous Fangs (1)

[Hanger 44, location Classified]
"-almost 10,000 dead so far and counting. Five of them have shown up in Takawa in the last few days and our conventional forces have suffered nothing but defeat at their hands. We can not rule out the possibility that more of these monsters, these... Kaiju may show up in the future. You are our last line of defense. You are the only hope that Takawa now has of salvation." Chief General Amertasu said to the assembled crew, mechanics and support staff of the V-flyer and the V-grounder. "Are there any questions?"

Kai-Oh Cybernetic Defender Of Humanity
Str: 5
Agi: 3
Cun: 6

Health: 175
Energy: 180

Energy Attack
Energy Volley

The Triad
Icarus Smith





"The Hive"



T-The Triad
H-The Hive

Post what action you are taking in your post. E.g. "I'm moving 2 tiles up and 1 tile right" or "I'm going to attack this tile."

Links to rules
Basic Rules

Round 1 will begin now.

roko10, your Kaiju will come in when you are finished with it.

2014-05-31, 01:46 AM
A day after the first encounter, seismology station.

Professor Aozaki had a very relaxed morning. Why wouldn't he - nobody have heard of any seismic activity on the island for thirty years. Somehow, he wondered, why there even is a seismology station here - except for the "honorary exile" for guys, who wasn't liked by the Academy. Little did he know, that this particular station was never about earthquakes.
- Contact. 200 miles to the west. - When the assistant suddenly reported, professor almost chocked on his coffee. He rushed to the monitors and stared with a confusion on his face.
- That doesn't make any sense...it's moving too fast... and it's moving OUR DIRECTION - he then rushed to the communication panel to give the evacuation order and warn nearby dwellings. Somehow he felt it was too late

OOC: move one tile east, then one tile north-east. If encountering any cities or military - attack.

2014-05-31, 03:37 AM
"The V Carrier's ready but there are only two machines operable, the V Filer and the V Grounder."

"Kai Oh Core can be formed with just them."

"We're rushing this sir, V Fire isn't even ready."

"We don't have a choice do we? Put this thing on an intercept course with the closest contact."

".....yes sir,"

The giant machine starts moving east rumbling the surrounding countryside.

-Move left down by 3 squares

2014-05-31, 08:31 AM

After I have finished communion with sheep and pigs, and taken in the human, I begin to make use of his biomass. From his brain I am able to learn that the human identifies as koronet. I welcome him to my covenant, even as his cells struggle and resist. But they are divided and cannot joint against me, becoming quickly subsume; becoming part of me.

I sense the faint vibrations in the air, low frequency and at a great distance. However, this skin has been tuned to better detect the many sensations of earth, and I am able to recognize distinct rhythmic progressions. From the biomass that was koronet, I learn these vibrations are called music, or noise, or that garbage kids listen to these days. I also hear a sound that I recognize, the vocalizations of humans as they express fear, along with a massive humming buzz.

Like a great roaring thunder, my wings spring to life, carrying me skyward as I leave the farm behind and head towards the sound, curious at what it might be.

Moving 4 tiles south east and 2 tiles east, initiating combat with The Hive

2014-05-31, 10:16 AM
After the bloody frenzy that had marked it's emergence, the hive went quiet for much of the night. It was only later that reports of aditional missing people and animals would start trickling in.

I'd like to use a variant of the "Attack a tile" action to start capturing larger animals (including humans) to bring into the hive for further study.

I assume anywhere it starts it's turn counts as it's "territory", especially if it's done feeding or gathering there. If so, the hive won't move this turn as it's defending it's territory. If not, it will creep it's way north 1, following the river.

2014-05-31, 11:12 AM
Koschei was the first to break free of the Fusarii research facility's fenced in perimeter, plowing through the stout metal bars and barbed wire as if they were ticker-tape. Shuku followed a moment later, leaping across a section of fencing after clambering on top of an outer builder. Onatah in last stepped delicately through the hole Koschei had created, a quill thrown languidly from its tail send spiraling through the front of an approaching security vehicle, instantly killing the driver and sending the car tipping into a wall. The Triad were free.

They communed briefly, stretching in the warm sunshine they'd never yet felt. Then they moved, long bounding motions that sent them skipping up the highway.

Moving two tiles east and two tiles north.

2014-05-31, 06:21 PM
Move one tile south and one east.

[Mohami Beach]

Standing on an large rock above the growing waves, the priest looked in awe at the churning sea. The water and sky themselves were darkened, and the wind churned the sea such that the torii seemed about to bend. All the people had likewise climbed to the tops of rocks to escape the beating tide, following the example of their leader. But all eyes were focused on the distance, where a shape like a mountain was then sinking back under the waves.

Suddenly, the wind seemed to come down from the black skies themselves, and the waves began to roll sideways. Before the eyes of the cult, the sea was parted, and in that massive gulf was the pale glow of a god. Norvagahra, the object of their worship, heaved his massive body up, coming to rest on his short, muscular hind legs. Moving in what might be described as a slithering waddle, he slowly made his way to stand behind the torii, and the sea closed in his wake. As he towered over the cultists, they were instantly aware of the symbolism. There they stood, helpless upon their tiny outcropping of land, surrounded entirely by the black waters of the abyss.

"O primeval diety," the priest began with a loud, if quavering, voice, "we pledge our service to you only." The oceanic god seemed then to take notice of the priest, much to his distress. Rearing back, the serpent let out a hollow roar, containing in it all the might of the ocean itself, and a single wave rushed over the altar. As it receded, a horrible, toothy creature from the depths of the sea was deposited on the table. The priest was compelled to approach the altar, and, taking a piece of driftwood, he killed the animal in the sight of his god.

On that day, the eldest god of Takawa made his return, and all the world would soon acknowledge his power.

2014-05-31, 06:52 PM
"-Experts say that over 10,000 people have been injured or killed so far, with an additional one million at danger. THe Takawan experts say that they are mobilizing all military forces available and will meet these 'Kaiju' with everything they've got. Meanwhile, It would appear that people are doing their best to remain calm, and so far no major cities have yet been attacked."

The sea churned and foamed, tossing the tiny fishing boat to and fro. The sailors frantically made for the shore, only a few miles distant and in sight. No amount of fish was worth this, and besides that there had only been sharks and squid present. Hardly worth the trip and the choppiness of the waves was unusual. There was hardly a cloud in the sky, let alone a strong wind or anything resembling a storm.

The sea continued to hiss and foam, and suddenly a whirlpool formed just behind the fishermans ship. The boat was tugged, pulled back and devoured by the sudden whirlpool. Their last sight was that of a cluster of impossibly long tentacles as something monstrous rose from the water.

Origin: Oceanic
Alginement: Monster Hunter

Strength 2
Agility 6
Cunning 1

Tentacles 2x: (2d4)[5]
Grasping Tentacles(2)
Barbed Tentacles(2)

Health: 135
Movement: 6

Gazorah emerged in the south seas!

Shai-Hulud encountered the lakeside town of Vosomos and began to devastate it. There were no military forces present to respond to the attack, and the local police stood no chance.

Vesperiax flew south and passed the city of Mosaso along the way.

The Hive claimed it's present tile as it's territory and began gathering local flora and fauna. +20 hunger. Current Hunger 114/280.

The rest of the Kaiju moved.

The military deployed numerous jets...


2014-05-31, 11:36 PM
[South Takawan Sea]

As the whirlpool ended, Gazorah ascended towords the surface, seemingly as amazed by his awakening as the late fishermen he has crushed.

He noticed a kaiju north of him, and while he normally wants to get familiar with his surrounding, his instincts override his brain.

All kaiju must be destroyed, and this one is no exception.

Moving 6 squares north. If a kaiju is spotted, attack immediately

2014-06-01, 07:41 AM
The Triad

The Triad take their time exploring a world that had only birthed them by proxy. The occasional car is snapped off the highway, its occupants fed on curiously. The threesome delighted in the warmth of the sun, or the cool of the moon once night approached, loping slowly along broad, criss-crossing freeways.

Moving one east, two north.

2014-06-01, 09:16 AM
"We're moving south to intercept the contact before it moves in on a town, get ready to deploy Kai Oh." the commander ordered as the carrier rumbled the surrounding countryside.

As it arrived at the location of the three rampaging creatures, one bay door opened as a another door opened in the roof, lifting up a plane. A large ground vehicle, almost resembling a toy exited the carrier from the bay door, the door closing behind it as the plane lifted off vertically from the roof.

the pilots shouted simultaneously.

"Ready for combination, activating brakes!" the V Grounder pilot said as the V Grounder slowed down, the back of the vehicle folded upwards, the cockpit turning into feet as the body of the vehicle turned into legs.

"Ready connecting!" the V Flier pilot replied as his craft folded up in two, a head exiting the top. The back of the plane connecting with the back of the V Grounder. The wings fly off the back, folding up into a shield as two arms folded out from behind. Catching the shield from the air the machine approached the creatures, ready to fight.

"Kai Oh Core, the heart of the V Program, made from the combination of the V Flier and the V Grounder, it is the pinnacle of human technology." the commander commented as the machine formed.


Move down two and down right another. to chase off the monsters from the highways. Intercept the Triad before it hits a city or damages more roadway.

2014-06-01, 05:05 PM

I continue on, flying swiftly over the land. I keep low, so as to better observe the different formations of biomass as I travel. Plant and animal life sprawl over the ground. At one point, I passed a large city, a sort of macro-scale organ where humans construct artifical wombs called buildings. Their function eludes me, and I will have to return there at some point for further observation. But for now the buzzing continues to inspire my curiosity, and I follow the noise as I approach.

Continuing to move towards the hive. I'll move one east and one south to intercept the hive. If the hive moves, I'll use my remaining 3 squares of movement to follow it. Either way we should end on the same square this turn.

2014-06-01, 06:13 PM
Establish a shrine and move two tiles to the east.

The cultists worked throughout a whole day and night, erecting a small, lighthouse-like tower from the stones on the beach, and, when it was completed, knelt before altar and the sea. A dark silhouette far off the coast was all that could be seen of the ancient kaiju. As a sign of approval, it blew spouts of water, like a whale, but from nine points simultaneously. The god then twisted and swam off to the east, creating choppy waters and vicious waves as it went.

2014-06-01, 11:03 PM
The evacuation order was clearly late. In several hours, the local coastal town felt the approaching quake. And by "felt" I mean "choked on poisonous gases and become crushed" under the massive body of a giant worm. What could locals possibly use to counter the threat of that scale? Bullets? Juri-rigged explosives? They were as effective as paintball markers. Soon the pathetic resistance was over as was the existance of the coastal town.

OOC: devastating the town for my 2 mp's

2014-06-02, 01:12 AM
With a great shudder, the hive began moving again, slowly dragging it's bulk up the river. Additional disappearances came in, with entire families gone missing. Outlying farms also reported raids on their fields as the living mountain crept it way north.

The hive will be moving north along the river. If I read right overland speed is supposed to be a flat 2 base, barring mutations like wings. If that's the case, move 2 north. If it's based on agility, 1 north.
Once moved, it will focus on making the new square it's territory. Gathering will shift to capturing a handful of human families as well foodstuffs.
As an OOC note, the hive is only eating a limited portion of what's currently gathering. At present, the humans and a portion of the food stuffs are being "stored" and not consumed. Larger animals like cattle as well as fruits are being consumed though.

2014-06-02, 10:44 PM
"The town of Vosomos was attacked early this morning by a fearsome Kaiju. Officials have taken to calling this one 'Shai-Hulud.' It ravaged the small lakeside city, leaving carnage and destruction in it's wake. Survivors have trickled out, fleeing the city by car, by boat and even on foot. Officials have vowed to meet this Kaiju with heavy resistance..."

Shai-Hulud has devastated Vosomos and gained 2 MP.

Kai-Oh has joined in battle with the Triad!

Vesperiax has joined in battle with the Hive!

The cult of Norvagahra has built a shrine to their god! Norvagahra gains +1 MP.

Norvagahra has discovered the city of Komiono.

The Triad has discovered the city of Mosoto.



H= Attack Helicopter
Kaiju with the higher Agility act first.
Water and Buildings are difficult Terrain(it costs two points to move through them).
The weather is sunny.


THe Kaiju with the higher agility acts first.
Water is difficult terrain(it costs two movement to move through these squares)
The weather is sunny.

2014-06-03, 10:41 AM

I spot at last the source of the thrumming cachophony. A great mound of earth, dragging its way across the surface. The land around it overflows with life, a swarming hive. Elation fills my thoughts, at perhaps having found at last a being who understands. Many bodies, but a single shared biomass, a single collective conciousness. Perhaps here, I will find one who partakes of communion willingly. I rush forward, anticipation building as I fly over the treetops in my approach.

Move 11 tiles west, towards The Hive

2014-06-03, 03:45 PM
The hive had been strangely unmoving over the past few hours, but at the arrival of Vesperiex small things could be seen skittering across it's surface. As it drew nearing, the hive roused itself. Using it's massive limbs, the hive slowly dragged itseld toward the newcomer. Though it's demeanor was calm, it still uprooted sizable trees in it's wake. As it moved, small winged creatures gathered toward it's forefront.

Advancing 1 square east, toward Vesperiex and arming self with debris should it be neccesary. If we can ready actions, I'd like to send a small fight of fliers to hover around Vesperiex as it comes in range. That's meant as less an attack and more a scouting mission.

2014-06-03, 10:12 PM

Ignore the giant white blobs... I forgot to make a second layer.

2014-06-03, 11:11 PM
I continue my flight, quickly alighting next to the massive bulk of biomass. Its a tad larger than my own current form, and has a strange aroma about it, a fine grained soil with what I believe to be traces of metallic elements and long decomposed organic matter. But smells are a small matter. My jaws open, and quick as a flash, my toung lashes out and jabs into the side of the bulky creature. Sinews eagerly await communion, as I attempt to form the interconnected pathways and cellular bridges needed to exchange genetic information.

The connection is made, and my cells merge with this beings.

Vesperiex moves to the square directly easy of the hive

Attacking with Proboscis. Hive takes 1 damage (bypasses armor) and I believe I recieve 1 MP for successfuly acquiring fresh DNA.

I intend to use the rest of my attacks, but I'd like to see what Shimeran has to say about the DNA I absorbed before I do so, so I can add the appropriate flavor to my actions.

2014-06-04, 06:47 AM
"Open up with a ranged attack, we don't know what we're dealing with here, stay safe."

"Yes sir!"

The robot rumbled as it took its first steps. Stopping some distance from the Kaiju, it raised its shield, readying itself for combat.

move 2 squares down left.


2014-06-04, 12:12 PM
The Triad entered the engagement zone with a shattering of trees and fleeing civilians. Koschei came to a slow halt and rumbled like a backed up diesel engine on steroids, idly spearing a fleeing deer that burst from the trees with a quill. Shuku and Onatah came up beside it as they watched the strange all-metal challenger. Somewhere deep in their hind-brains genetic programming compelled them to start moving, all as one. By the time they reached the end of the field they were eating up the ground in long, loping strides, phosphorescent bodies glimmering. A low, mournful howl from Onatah was quickly picked up from the others as they charged the robotic defender. Halfway to Kai-Oh they shifted, launching themselves at a ninety degree angle at an oblique angle. Their spines whistled and hissed as the 3-metre long projectiles snapped out in a flash.

Moving 4 squares up, one right. Using Quills
To Hit(vs. Agi)
I'll roll damage in OOC thread if I hit

2014-06-04, 01:51 PM
Gazorah continues to swim northwards.

Moving three tiles north.

2014-06-04, 02:05 PM
Kai Oh is pushed back by the attack as sparks flew in the control room. No matter, an response will be launched.

The Shield is raised as it split open. An orb of energy is formed between the halves as it extends into a sabre. It is brought down on the creatures, rapidly followed up with a punch from the other hand.

Energy Attack


To Hit for Drill

Damage: [roll]1d10+5[/roll[

Edit, drill missed anyway.

2014-06-04, 02:41 PM
The Triad scatter beneath the mechanical fighter's drill attack, their sinuous bodies twisting to avoid the dangerous blows of the more ponderous Kai-Oh. While Onatah and Koschei keep the human pilots distracted Shuku darts out at the cybernetic defenders leg, clinging to it while its spined tongue lashes out against the reinforced metal.

Proboscis attack

Current HP: 85

2014-06-04, 04:52 PM
The helicopters circle around the three Kaiju fighting Kai-Oh, decimating the area with a barrage of automatic cannon fire.

Helicopters deal 1 damage on a 2
Helicopters deal 2 damage if they roll a 1


2014-06-04, 05:13 PM
As the Helicopters fill the air with gunfire the Triad leap away from Kai-Oh, Shuku's jaws foaming with spitting, hissing energy. Despite the volatile nature of Kai-Oh's energy burning away her teeth and tongue the beast's body fights back, absorbing it and causing her phosphorescent markings to glow. Next to her, Koschei and Onatah howl at their sister's brief pain as their own coloring glows more intensely, sharing this strange new bounty among themselves. They lope away, dodging the barrage of fire from the helicopters before skidding to a stop. Spines rustle and the sharp chitinous quills whistle through the air back at Kai-Oh yet again, peppering its metal frame.

Moving 5 spaces left and away from Kai-oh, attacking with quills

Current HP: 85
Current energy: 115
to hit
amount of quills
damage if I hit in OOC thread.

2014-06-04, 07:56 PM
The Quills rip into circuitry as Kai Oh's pilots are thrown about by the damage. The Shield Sabre is again brought upwards, cutting through the creature as it is followed up by another strike from Kai Oh's fists.

Another energy attack and drill attack



Energy: 120

2014-06-04, 09:17 PM
The helicopters buzz after the Kaiju, narrowly avoiding the flying quills slicing through the air. Their cannons stop spewing fire at the Kaiju briefly before a rain of missiles descends upop them.

Missiles deal 3 damage if a 1 is rolled.

2014-06-05, 09:20 AM
The hive reals in pain and confusion at the sudden loss of a worker, it's mighty limbs flailing at source of the irritation.

Just going with a slam for now. So [roll0] vs Str 7 to hit and [roll1] damage on a hit.

2014-06-05, 12:50 PM
Onatah gives a screech as Kai-Oh's attack digs into her flank, a gout of phosphorescent blood spraying with a hiss against the fields around them. The golden-hued sister of the Triad limps as she hurries away along with her brethren, a hole in her side leaking blood. The wound already starts to draw shut, muscles re-knitting themselves as her gait normalizing as she spins and launches quills along with her fellow hunters.

Should now be five tiles west of Kai-Oh on map as per last turns move. Firing quills:D
to hit
[roll1] number of quills if hit. Damage to be in OOC like previous.

Hp: 80-11(drill)+5(regen) = 74
Energy: 115

2014-06-08, 05:53 AM
as the beast retreated, Kai Oh raised its shield, firing energy blasts at it.

To Hit


2014-06-08, 08:24 AM
The triad scatter briefly, chunks of shuku and Koschei blown away by the blast. In moments hte wounds start to re-knit themselves as another hail of quills is sent out.

To hit:
number of quills
HP:74+5(regen)= 79-16 = 63

2014-06-08, 08:37 AM
Kai Oh charges through the barrage of quills as they bounce off its armour, throwing a punch at his opponent.

To Hit 5


2014-06-08, 09:26 AM
Koschei leaps up to deflect the attack, snarling as it goes flying through a nearby tree. The tall, mighty plant shatters into kindling, ragdolling as the Triad leap to their feet and fall back before their huge metal foe. Quills lance outwards, peppering Kai-oh's armor again.

move 5 tiles South
To hit
number of quills

HP: 69-6 = 63+5 = 68

2014-06-08, 10:18 AM
This time the metal behemoth easily sidesteps the shots, returning fire with its V Laser and following up with a punch to the gut.

To Hit


To hit


2014-06-08, 10:41 AM
The helicopters pull back, maneuvering around the side of the metal behemoth and it's three targets. They reach opposite sides and spray fire onto the Kaiju just as Koschei goes flying through a tree.

2 damage on a 1
1 damage on a 2


2014-06-08, 01:15 PM
The Triad dodge Kai-Oh's attacks, though the peppering fire from the helicopters slow them somewhat as they return fire at Kai-oh yet again.

If Kai-oh didn't move last round, just fire quills again. If Kai-oh did move again, move five squares east and fire.
Quills to hit
number of spines

Current HP: 68+5-3(copters) = 70
Energy: 115

2014-06-08, 06:43 PM
Halting its movement, Kai Oh opens fire at its opponent as its pilots shout, "STAY STILL!"



2014-06-09, 09:46 AM
I was intrigued by what I found, the communion between myself and this hive. There is something to this, a sense of unity that is familiar. But the soul is still missing. The biomass doesn't respond to my touch. It doesn't forge any link with me, but instead resists. I feel nothing as I subsume the mass into me. The hive itself recoils, appealed by the blessing of our connection, and strikes at me. Despondently, I detach myself and retreat, my wings carrying away.

I depart from the area, sensing another large conglomeration of biomass in the distance, the sounds of great heaving bodies struggling. So upsetting, to see biomass wasted on destructive endevors. Still, I have much to learn about earth, and I sense that my presence will continue to be opposed for the time. I may need to alter my current for to better endure the coming trials, and such a change requires more calories and biomass to work with.

Taking flight, I travel towards the distant battlefield

Flying off the battle map and ending combat with the hive. Traveling southeast to join the fight with Kai-Oh and the Triad

2014-06-10, 05:48 AM
Somewhere else

Coastal guard station was in panic. All of its ships were sending tsunami alert for the las three hours. The station commander was really confused - the tsunami was...a little bit inappropriate in this part of the world. "That's not a tsunami" - he uttered hushly, not to bring panic.
"Indeed, it's not" - suddenly, a man entered the facility with these words. A man in a National Securty uniform. "Agent Johnson, KGB" - he introduced himself. "- Sound the alarm on all posts. Shai-Hulud presence confirmed."
- "Shai-hulud?" - the station commander asked, becoming more and more confused. - "Aren't they, like, afraid of the water?"

OOC: Move 2 squares North-East (diagonally up-right). In case of city or military group, omnomnom

2014-06-10, 11:47 AM

2014-06-10, 05:10 PM
The Triad take the pummeling from Kai-Oh's attacks with hisses of defiance from bloody jaws. Their quills bristle and fire wildly, peppering the metal machine-figure with deadly quills.

move one space up, fire Quills:D
to hit: target 3
number of quills

HP: 70+5=75 -16 = 59

2014-06-10, 05:27 PM
My arrival to the scene brings many fresh sensations. Trace pharamones, screeching cries as four titanic figures do battle. One appears entirely inorganic, and therefore uninteresting. The other three are smaller, and their movements suggest a cooperative effort. My hopes are again raised at forming a meaningful communion with these beings, but I suspect I will once again be left disappointed. More troublesome is the battle itself, which endangers the potentially usable biomass. With ever blow exchanged, cells die off. What knowledge might they have revealed if properly absorbed? I shudder to think that the biomass which might enligten me to the strangeness of this earth, these humans, and this biospheres blasphemous devotion to monomorphism, that the genetic index which would explain how all this went arry might already have been rendered inert. I shall have to be swift.

I bypass the lifeless golem, I doubt it has anything to offer me. The trio of smaller creatures draw my attention. I fly past the helicopters, and alight next to the nearest of the three. Once more, my tongue extends rapidly and seeks to interconnect with the tissue, to form communion and intertwine our bio-forms.

Moving to intercept the triad

Probiscus attack, Agility 5

Does 1 damage to the triad if it hits, and grants Vesperiex 1 MP

2014-06-11, 04:47 PM
"-The battle has been raging for twenty minutes now, with the military helicopters and the unidentified military robot fighting with the three Kaiju, which so far have failed to be defeated. A third Kaiju has joined the battle as well, seemingly ignoring the military and heading straight for the other Kaiju.

Meanwhile, the Kaiju that devastated Vosomos is heading into the mainland! A sizable military force has been assembled to defeat the Kaiju before he can make landfall. Captain Makimura, head of the military forces in the region had this to say-"

The mountain trembled and rocks, snow and trees all began to fall from the mountainside. Small villages at the base of the mountain fled as the mountain trembled again. A sizable cave-in spewed dust and ash into the air, followed by lava flows and a terrible sound that only made the villagers flee faster. Only a few saw the terrible, radiant Kaiju that had emerged from it's mountain prison.


Shai Hulud was attacked by the Takawan Military!


F=Jet Fighter
M=Missile Truck
P=Patrol Boat

2014-06-11, 09:19 PM

"Know I am here! Cower in shame all things of the world. Die and adorn one greater than yourself all that would dare raise its sight to look upon me. Vanish space before me and my prey. Halt time in another era of my resplendent killing..."

2014-06-12, 05:01 AM
The sea boiled and the monstrous worm emerged from the waves with it's seemingly blind head observing the battle-ready humans. The thing hestitated for a minute, made a long screech while revealing its gaping maw and then continued it's journey, ignoring the insignificant insects and their pathetic weapons.

Battle round actions: Well, starting emerged and moving NE 4 squares, without attacking. If the water is difficult terrain, then move 2 squares same direction.
[roll0] to everyone in 3 squares from the Shai-Hulud

2014-06-12, 09:07 PM
[City of Komiono, Beach]

The shores of Komoino's Beach were not crowded. The sun was not shining softly on the golden sands, but the day was a bit overcast, and the sand was littered with typical beach trash: cigarette butts, empty beer cans, and the like. There were almost no people, only a few stragglers, wandering the coast and no doubt wishing for better times. On the whole, everything was grey, the sky, the sea, the dirty sand, and the cityscape beyond.

City officials had recommended that all citizens evacuate into underground shelters in the wake of the recent kaiju appearances, but, given their relative distance and the general success of military engagements, few actually complied. Still, there was a definite tenseness among the populace, and most at least remained indoors.

The stillness was finally broken around noon by a kind of "bump" in the sea, about a mile off. It quickly sped to the shore, growing larger and larger, until a gigantic fin rose through the water. As it cut though the sea, the tide began to draw back quickly and suddenly, before a massive wave ripped out of the sea, and the primeval devil rose out of the water with majesty, despite its apparent awkwardness. The water rushed into the streets before most even realized what was happening, and Norvagahra made his way into the city. Just his wide girth, far exceeding that of the streets, caused him to tear through buildings as he walked. He waded through the western portion of the dirty city, as the water rushed into every crevice, drowning all those unfortunate enough to be in the streets.

The beast took an aimless path through the area, poking into every corner, as if he was looking for something as he went. In any case, his arrival caused unparalleled chaos.

Move south one tile and attack the city! WHEE! In other news, I'd like to get +10 HP from my one shrine, bringing me up to 200.

2014-06-12, 10:41 PM
The hive continued following the river to it's source. In addition to collecting game, there were also unusual reports of break in various building and stores along it's path. Oddly enough, the looters seemed to ignore high value items and focus on food stuffs.

Moving 1 west and 1 north and focusing on feeding along the way. Collecting wild game such as deer in the process. Some gatherers will also be trying to out human food stuffs. The intent is to raid groccery stores, but I imagine there will be some other break ins as they try to learn which stores are which.

2014-06-18, 11:58 AM
Having concluded its thunderous squawking the giant peacock dragged itself towards the ocean.

move 2 towards Gazorah wherever he is

2014-06-20, 07:20 AM
New opponents have been detected, Kai-Oh's pilots acted, moving the machine towards the Triad, trying to take it down.



2014-06-22, 01:16 AM
Gazaroth contunued to move.

Move up two tiles, and move right one tile.