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View Full Version : [Traveller Conversion] Odd choices - BRP or Wild Talents?

2014-05-31, 10:38 AM
(Wrote this over on RPGnet too, but interested in forum comments here as well)

I'm a big Traveller fan, but I've an itch to see how "Traveller" runs without using the two actual systems I have for it (Classic and Mongoose). As part of a sort of personal experiment, I'm interested in converting the game to either Basic Roleplaying (using the Big Gold Book) or Wild Talents (using the 2nd edition hardback).

Assume, for this experiment, that I'm mostly concerned with how characters will look and feel. I've an idea to use, say, cybernetics and psionics in my game (psionics is an old Traveller thing, and Mongoose gave us the idea of cybernetics for the game, though I don't have either supplement). Also, as part of the experiement, assume I'm not terribly concerned with stating ships; I'd be happy to use the Traveller "real world" stats and give them game stats only if my players are interested in duelling spaceships. Otherwise, it'll remain a "get-the-players-to-the-next-adventure" or "plot-device-that-moves." However, if you have any particular comments about how either system might handle space combat, I'd be interested to hear.

Naturally, I'd be using whatever equipment, weapons, and combat systems the games individually have. And social rules for that matter. And wealth rules, and any social status rules/add-on/weirdnesses that might be had.

So, commentary and ideas?