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2014-05-31, 04:04 PM
Does anyone here play? Of so, is there a good rp fleet I might be able to join up with?

Just hit LCD fifty in Starfleet. Looking pretty good in my chair aboard the USS Celedonia. But well, it's about as far as I can go as a solo player.

A solo player who by the way is horrible at combat.

2014-05-31, 08:58 PM
I do. I have a level 50 Vulcan science officer, a level 50 Klingon tactical officer, and a level 30 Romulan engineering officer. I am currently piloting the USS Seleya, a Trident-class science vessel.

Can't help you with finding a rp fleet, as I haven't been able to locate one myself yet. I've been playing since around December.

Really looking forward to the Risa event coming up. Sandcastle building and hover boards!

I'm not great at combat, either. Whenever I try PvP, I explode immediately, even with full shields and hull. :smalleek:

Mando Knight
2014-05-31, 11:29 PM
I can't recommend any RP fleets, but the official recruitment forums (Starfleet (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=79), KDF (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=80), and Romulan (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=361)... the latter use their allies' fleets) might help.

As far as play time... it's my most-played game by almost a factor of five.

2014-06-01, 05:53 AM
I recently picked it up as well and recently hit lvl 50.

I can't really recommend any rp fleets though since I haven't encountered any, indeed... I haven't encountered any roleplaying to speak of at all. Which is a pity.

Brother Oni
2014-06-01, 08:02 AM
Picked it up and tried it a long time ago. PVP in a cloaking Bird of Prey was the most fun I had in a long time, just wish they had bigger guns.

Main thing that made me put the game down was the general player shorthand of 'klinks' for 'Klingon' being too uncomfortably close to a real life slur.

Mando Knight
2014-06-01, 09:16 AM
I recently picked it up as well and recently hit lvl 50.

I can't really recommend any rp fleets though since I haven't encountered any, indeed... I haven't encountered any roleplaying to speak of at all. Which is a pity.

Most RP occurs in private channels and/or private instances, to prevent other people from interrupting their RP sessions.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2014-06-01, 10:54 AM
I've got a level 50 Bolian captain, and a level 22 Romulan captain. I play solo, though. Honestly I'm mostly in it for the ships and space combat. It's the MMO I've spent the most time in by far.

Captain Hala of the (rather doofy looking admittedly) Deep Space Science Vessel Agamemnon.

Y'know, the Admiral-ranked science vessel that looks like a shoe with a dangly bit on underside. I'm not sure why all the highest ranked Fed ships lose the neck. I like the neck.

Mando Knight
2014-06-01, 11:51 AM
Y'know, the Admiral-ranked science vessel that looks like a shoe with a dangly bit on underside. I'm not sure why all the highest ranked Fed ships lose the neck. I like the neck.

They lose the neck because most of the ships after the Galaxy lost the neck.

...Actually, now that I think of it, basically only the various Enterprises actually have the full "Enterprise" shape (distinct saucer, neck, and secondary hull), though even then, the Sovereign class has the blended hull structure like the Intrepid and Nova classes... and the NX-01 doesn't count. :smalltongue:

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2014-06-01, 12:00 PM
I know. It's stupid. Bring back the neck. The neck is a sexy part of a sexy Federation ship.

STO's devs have been making up their own ships, too, though. The only ones with necks are Klingon. Maybe I'm just being someone who hates change or something, but I miss the Federation Neck. I mean, I'm not against the Defiant or the Intrepid or anything, but for the larger vessels it'd be nice.

2014-06-01, 12:07 PM
I know. It's stupid. Bring back the neck. The neck is a sexy part of a sexy Federation ship.

STO's devs have been making up their own ships, too, though. The only ones with necks are Klingon. Maybe I'm just being someone who hates change or something, but I miss the Federation Neck. I mean, I'm not against the Defiant or the Intrepid or anything, but for the larger vessels it'd be nice.

I know I'm odd, but I wish they'd make a Fleet version of the Miranda. STII was my favourite Trek. That said, I've long since given up on STO, the cash extraction engine just kills the fun.

2014-06-01, 12:59 PM
Most RP occurs in private channels and/or private instances, to prevent other people from interrupting their RP sessions.

I figured, but good to have it confirmed. I understand why, though it does increase the difficulty of getting a foot into the rp community.

2014-06-01, 07:30 PM
I tried it because, hey, free.

It didn't really grab me though, I tried a Romulan, hoping to be Captain Sneaky McBackstab but it turns out that you're special snowflake hero Romulans, not like those sneaky backstabbing other Romulans at all.


Also the first quest was shooting space bugs on a space farm.

I mean really.

This is Star Trek and they can't get away from the same damn starting quest as every other bloody MMO ever?

The space combat is fun, but not really fun enough to justify the levelling experience IMO, especially since I know the endgame is just infinite grind for higher tier versions of the same thing due to knowing people who play at endgame.

The second planet was quite good though, what with the Reapers attacking and all. But not good enough to actually make me want to persist. If there'd been a better flavour to being a Romulan as the Romulans had existed at all points in Star Trek up to this game, then maybe.

Mando Knight
2014-06-01, 10:16 PM
The Tal Shiar would not have worked at all for the end game, however, nor for retrofitting the existing featured episodes for Romulan play, since the Tal Shiar were an established enemy for both the Klingons and the Federation at that point.

At least the Romulan Republic wasn't completely pulled out of a hat: its proconsul, D'Tan, was part of Spock's reunification group in "Unification II (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Unification_II_%28episode%29)" ...and the Romulan state was in disarray because of the hand JJ Abrams dealt Cryptic. Also Nemesis.

The Klingon tutorial is more distinctly Klingon, though.

2014-06-02, 06:10 PM
I tried it because, hey, free.

It didn't really grab me though, I tried a Romulan, hoping to be Captain Sneaky McBackstab but it turns out that you're special snowflake hero Romulans, not like those sneaky backstabbing other Romulans at all.


Also the first quest was shooting space bugs on a space farm.

I mean really.

This is Star Trek and they can't get away from the same damn starting quest as every other bloody MMO ever?

The space combat is fun, but not really fun enough to justify the levelling experience IMO, especially since I know the endgame is just infinite grind for higher tier versions of the same thing due to knowing people who play at endgame.

The second planet was quite good though, what with the Reapers attacking and all. But not good enough to actually make me want to persist. If there'd been a better flavour to being a Romulan as the Romulans had existed at all points in Star Trek up to this game, then maybe.

Try rolling a Starfleet character. The Starfleet intro is pretty fantastic since it was redone last year and the game is really built for Feds first with most of the KDF's content being retrofitted from that. Romulan PCs are a 'mini faction', having to ally with one of the other factions after their lvl10 mission. Really, they are an excuse to fly warbirds as Starfleet or KDF.

Does anyone here play? Of so, is there a good rp fleet I might be able to join up with?

Just hit LCD fifty in Starfleet. Looking pretty good in my chair aboard the USS Celedonia. But well, it's about as far as I can go as a solo player.

A solo player who by the way is horrible at combat.

I play, I rolled a new character after season 9 launched, and I fly a Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer (a Vesta-type), since I got both it and the Zen on sale. I also got a LTS when that was on sale, so I'm captain Nine of Twenty-Four of the U.S.S. Graeme Clark. I'm not part of any fleet. I'm currently doing the rep grinds. I've been away from the game for a few days, but I'm about to finish the Task Force Omega rep.

2014-06-03, 06:25 AM
Yeah, I just started doing the Task Force Omega missions.

And I cannot believe how many people have invited me to fleets. I don't even know any of them. They don't even message me about it, just send the invite, usually when I am fiddling with assignments and such.

And right now, I think probably the only thing I would want to spend money on in game right now, would be a Multi Vector Assault Console for my ship.

2014-06-03, 03:59 PM
Invite spam is common to MMOs.

I personally wouldn't join a guild unless you know a little about it first (anyone who's anyone would have a recruitment thread on the main forums)

2014-06-03, 07:44 PM
Speaking of fleets, I'd recommend everyone here join an existing one instead of forming a GitP fleet. Trust me, you do NOT want to start grinding up a starbase from scratch.

2014-06-03, 07:46 PM
Oh, man, I hate that, too. Constant blind invites. Not even a hello. I don't care if you're part of the most awesome fleet ever, if you send me a blind invite, I'm going to decline.

That's something I like about FF14, is that if someone invites you to a free company (guild), you can pull up a little pop up that shows details, like what the guild stands for, how many people are in it, and what they focus on (roleplay, hardcore, casual, etc.).

Mando Knight
2014-06-03, 08:07 PM
Speaking of fleets, I'd recommend everyone here join an existing one instead of forming a GitP fleet. Trust me, you do NOT want to start grinding up a starbase from scratch.

For reference, these (sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=620201) are the calculated costs on the first three holdings (Starbase, Embassy, Mine). The Spire costs are similar to the Embassy and Mine costs.

I can invite people to a social/PvE fleet with access to T5 Federation base (T4 KDF), but it's not an RP fleet by any measure.

2014-06-04, 11:13 AM
Tomorrow begins the Risa summer event (http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online/detail/5006193). I've been looking forward to it for awhile now. Hopefully none of my crew are kidnapped, though.

2014-06-08, 02:09 AM
Speaking of fleets, I'd recommend everyone here join an existing one instead of forming a GitP fleet. Trust me, you do NOT want to start grinding up a starbase from scratch.

That really depends on what you're looking for in a fleet. If the people here wanted to set up a GiTP fleet I'd be up for it.

2014-06-11, 07:23 PM
Just finished my MACO space set :-)

2014-06-13, 02:33 PM
I have yet to finish a set of gear for anything yet.

STO is probably the first MMO I've played that I actually care about, so maybe I will do some grinding for something.

2014-06-21, 12:00 AM

I actually used to really enjoy this game. Back before PVP was ships zooming around like fighters from Wing Commander, spewing gas everwhere and launching fighters of their own. Back in the days before Aux2Bat made ships nigh invulnerable with little effort unless you caught them at *just* the right time.

For a while, I would hop in my Alpha Fleet-BoP and disintegrate an unsuspecting Fed before I log off for another week.

Game has gone to crap for PVP, which wasn't great to begin with. Now I just hop on when there is a new featured episode to play.

2014-06-24, 05:05 PM
I'm apparently awful at PvP. Even with full health and shields, I tend to explode in the first volley that anyone shoots at me.

Well, in other news, I should have my Risian Luxury Cruiser by Sunday. I've managed to acquire two of the purple Risian duty officers, and am working on earning enough favor to acquire the third (I've already collected the three blue ones).

I heard they are revamping the crafting system (http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online/detail/6001543) soon, too. It should be interesting to see how that goes.

2014-06-29, 03:20 PM
Well, I got all of the Risian duty officers and my Risian Luxury Cruiser. I'd do a little dance to celebrate, but I'm pretty danced out at this point. :smallwink: