View Full Version : Help me make Bender

2014-05-31, 09:54 PM
Bender from futurama at level 10. I have a thrallherd named Brapp Zannigan, and another pc is playing his faithful sidekick Fik. Fik has the leadership feat, and his sidekick is Bake. We've already made what is essentially Farnsworth, and there's an NPC that we've dubbed Lela (a half-orc butch princess).

We're playing good npc's in another party at the same time as well, where eventually the good and evil pc's will meet and fight to the death (or for the evil npcs fight until their death, or our oh no they nearly got close to us in which it is now time to escape).

2014-05-31, 09:57 PM
Warforged, maybe drunken master.

Other than that, I can't really think of anything better, I blame it all on Hedonism Bot.

2014-05-31, 10:04 PM
Why not Zoidberg?

Warforged Dungeoncrasher Fighter.

2014-05-31, 10:07 PM
Hedonism Bot is clearly a tauric warforged sensate...

But Bender:
Mithral body: cause mithral is shiny
He needs to get a breath weapon (fire) that does low damage.
high str (for all the str checks he makes to bend/break things)
v. high sleight of hand
high bluff

Rogue is probably a good starter

he has a cammouflaged compartment component (Dr 352)

A human cohort for flanking

2014-05-31, 10:25 PM
Bender: Add one level of DFA for the Fire breath maybe ?
Beguiling Influence would be a reasonable choice of Invocation.

There were a couple of Cyclops races in DR323 p92 — though I'm not sure that they fit with Leyla otherwise.

2014-05-31, 10:28 PM
Why not Zoidberg?

Warforged Dungeoncrasher Fighter.

what would you do for zoidberg?

2014-05-31, 10:37 PM
Mindflayer via the SS class
horribly underpowered, but that IS zoidberg

refluff mindblast to inkjet or doing something terribly gross, give him the amphibious template, and put ranks into heal, Kn Nature (but none to Kn Local... a penalty to Kn Local would be good)

2014-05-31, 10:52 PM
I feel like Bender might have unarmored body, since his casing is hardly optimized for protection.

I recall there being some way to make a spaceship in D&D, involving the stronghold rules probably.

I feel like we ought to stat up the Hypnotoad and brain-slugs too. Maybe give a will DC 25 or be totally dominated as long as the slug is attached, or as long as one looks at the hypnotoad? I'd bet that dnd (especially the early editions) would something similar to them which I'm not familiar with.

what would you do for zoidberg?

My first thought is some kind of Illithid, although he lacks mind-powers. Zoidberg is really weak though, so it's safe to say he isn't very well-optimized.

Also, mandatory picture:

2014-05-31, 10:59 PM
bender needs the metal casing though, otherwise his catchphrase lacks its usual ring.
I'd go for Rogue 1/ Sneak-attack Thug X ... or straight Rogue
He does have an affinity for lockpicking.

Dr. Farnsworth is probably Venerable Human Artificer with probably 8-6 Wis (maybe instead of human he is Aelfborn? Dark Chaos shuffled the oodles of bonus feats)

Nibbler: A beguiler psion with an eyestalk symbiont.

2014-05-31, 11:08 PM
I recall there being some way to make a spaceship in D&D, involving the stronghold rules probably.


2014-05-31, 11:32 PM
Warforged is the obvious choice.

Dungeoncrasher Fighter gets a +10 to Strength checks to break or bend objects. Throw on the Dead Levels (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a) bonuses and he gets an additional +1 at 3rd and every odd-numbered Fighter level after that, for a total of +14 at 10th level without even counting strength.

He's a bit of a jerk and a bully, so use the Zhentarim Soldier (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a) substitution levels to make opponents tremble in fear of him. Max out Intimidate, give him Imperious Command from DotU and the Never Outnumbered skill trick, and he'll be amazing at crowd controlling opponents and still get to full attack every round.

I would actually make the build Fighter 9/ Warblade 10/ Fighter 1, if it gets that far. Enchant his composite/mithral plating to be +1 Fearsome, from DotU, so he can intimidate as a move action in the same round as he intimidates as a swift action, and he can still attack with his standard action. Have him focus on his natural slam attack, it only does 1d4 damage but adds 1.5x his Str bonus and he can still use a shield. The above build can actually get Weapon Supremacy in PH2 at 20th level with that Fighter 10 bonus feat. I'd give him mostly Stone Dragon and Iron Heart maneuvers from Warblade, particularly Charging Minotaur to use with Dungeoncrasher.

2014-06-01, 01:08 AM
I think that's the one I'll go with, appreciate the help. It seems to fit pretty nicely with that I had in mind.

2014-06-01, 01:23 AM
Though pure martial doesn't fit well with bender. He is quite a roguish (not in the class sense but almost) character: fond of lying (bluff), stealing (sleight of hand, open lock, disable device), underhanded combat (sneak attack or better yet: the PF improved dirty trick feat/combat maneuver), and he is a cook (profession)

Pure fighter-classes represents the general robot traits, as well as bender's capacity to, well, bend items; but combat prowess isn't his forte.

2014-06-01, 05:13 AM
Pure fighter-classes represents the general robot traits, as well as bender's capacity to, well, bend items; but combat prowess isn't his forte.

Yes I was wondering about this — how do we give Bender his eponymous ability ? Is it just high strength ?
In earlier editions we would just give him a bonus to Bend Bars — but in 3.5 ?

One Step Two
2014-06-01, 05:40 AM
As a construct, Warforged are immune to poisons, ask if that can count as a pre-req for the Poison Healer Feat. Since you Auto-save vs poisons, Bender can drink alcohol to power his fuel cells!

2014-06-01, 09:52 AM
Yes I was wondering about this — how do we give Bender his eponymous ability ? Is it just high strength ?
In earlier editions we would just give him a bonus to Bend Bars — but in 3.5 ?

High strength or a bonus to STR checks made to bend objects

Also he prolly has a flaw along these lines:
Roundbacked: It takes a full-round action to get up from prone

2014-06-01, 10:12 AM
I could do 6 levels of fighter for dungeon crasher (i think it just fits too well), and then 4 levels in something else. Bard might fit, since he's got an ok amount of charisma, and it would give him things like bluff?

2014-06-01, 10:38 AM
Yes I was wondering about this — how do we give Bender his eponymous ability ? Is it just high strength ?
In earlier editions we would just give him a bonus to Bend Bars — but in 3.5 ?

Rogue is a better fit (sneak attack reflects all sort of 'low blows') and gives him open lock which is prolly one of his main skills (also sleight of hand)

2014-06-01, 12:27 PM
Since Dungeoncrasher is an ACF that replaces your 2nd and 4th level Fighter bonus feats, you could possibly use Feat Rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) 6 with Dungeoncrasher instead, but it would be up to your DM whether to allow that.

Maybe something like (Unarmed) Swordsage 1/ Swashbuckler 2/ Feat Rogue 4/ Swordsage 1/ Feat Rogue 2, with Assassin's Stance and Daring Outlaw. That gives him the sneak attack of a Rogue of his (Rogue + Swashbuckler) levels, so you trade the sneak attack for fighter feats and dungeoncrasher then daring outlaw gives you back the sneak attack dice. That would have +6d6 sneak attack starting out in Assassin's Stance, or +4d6 in Island of Blades. Maybe trade the Swashbuckler's free Weapon Finesse for TWF or similar, since he'll almost certainly have a higher Str than Dex. He'll still have two fighter feats at the 1st and 4th Rogue levels as well.

Edit: Definitely include the Spell Reflection ACF in CM with that, so ranged touch spells that miss him are reflected back on the attacker by his shiny exterior!

Piggy Knowles
2014-06-01, 05:55 PM
It's worth mentioning that the Thug fighter gets Sleight of Hand as a class skill, as well as Bluff and Intimidate. I'd go with a Zhentarim Dungeoncrasher Thug with maxed out Intimidate, Bluff and Sleight of Hand.

2014-06-01, 06:45 PM
what would you do for zoidberg?

Zoidberg would be a Healer. With a WIS of 6 and no ranks in Heal.

2014-06-01, 06:55 PM
Zoidberg would be a Healer. With a WIS of 6 and no ranks in Heal.

He must have ranks in Perform (Dance) since his Cha is 6 as well.

2014-06-01, 07:13 PM
Bender needs extendable and detachable limbs. Oddly enough, there are the Detach and Extended Reach feats in Savage Species.

Dr. Azkur
2014-06-01, 11:12 PM
Add that Vow of Poverty to Zoidberg.

2014-06-02, 03:41 AM
Bender needs extendable and detachable limbs. Oddly enough, there are the Detach and Extended Reach feats in Savage Species.

Does this cover his detachable head ?

Add that Vow of Poverty to Zoidberg.

But his dream is to be rich. Rich, I tell you, Rich.

He's just not very good at this — or anything else really.

So no VoP.

2014-06-02, 04:00 AM
Does this cover his detachable head ?

Only if he does not use it to make bite attacks. Slam attacks are technically OK. Keep in mind that the only way you can get this feat is with Rogue bonus feats, and only then if you play the "bonus feats ignore prerequisites" card. Bender does not play by the rules though, so I think it'll fly.

Dr. Azkur
2014-06-02, 09:05 AM
But his dream is to be rich. Rich, I tell you, Rich.

He's just not very good at this — or anything else really.

So no VoP.

So refluff it into PooP (Punishment of... of Poverty).

2014-06-02, 11:38 AM
I would be tempted to throw some Warforged Juggernaut into the mix as Bender has no desire to be more human-like and is always pointing out how robots are superior.

You could potentially rework an Iron golem and convert its breathweapon to fire and change it to be more warforged-like in playability