View Full Version : Demon Possesion/Transformation

2014-06-01, 12:20 AM
Hello, so I was looking through Fiendish Codex I today for information on possession and demons I could use for my summoner when I noticed the rule for Transformation. Now I love classes and feats and what not that make you something else over time and I got to thinking about how it could be used like a druid with natural spell.

So I searched the internet and couldn't find hide nor hair of this Idea or much of anything else for that matter on possession in 3.5. Basically I want to use Greater Planar Binding to summon and pay of a Marillith for approximately 5 days of absolute service, then have her possess me and fail 3 out of 4 saves to have 75% of my body turned into a Marillith so hypothetically I don't see why this couldn't grant me Str, Dex, Con, NA, multiple arms with bonuses to weilding weapons among other things.

How ever I can't find any example or straight written rule if this is possible, The Fiendish codex I gives very general guide lines on how the power could work but thats it; now my last three points, the book says if I fail 4 saving throws the demon takes over so thats why I didn't go all 4, the book also states that demons are "loathe" to leave or be expelled from a host once transformation has begun but it doesn't say they can't leave of be made to leave. Finally theres a paragraph that says if a demon is forced out that you have to make a save or die success means you return to normal how ever just before that it talks about full transformation and exorcism of the demon, so maybe its to much to interpret going through the change on purpose and making the demon leave gently because of the binding would bypass the save and let me keep the form.

So thoughts from the Playground, is this an awesome Idea or my fantastical pipe dream?

2014-06-01, 01:30 AM
On Possession:
the Book of Vile Darkness, Ghostwalk, and The Eberron Campaign Setting both have info on possession. albeit a different type of entity for Ghostwalk

On Becoming Possessed:
Remember the Marilith is under DM control. Full transformation turns your PC into an NPC... unless you want to crunch is as gaining the Half-Fiend template or as getting A LOT of demonic grafts. But before the full transformation is complete there are no mechanical benefits to the form.

now, for a not-quite-the-same feel you could try the Tome of Magic class Binder deals with getting possessed to get cool abilities.