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View Full Version : DM Help Illithid Savant Help

2014-06-01, 11:23 AM
One thing, I've never grasped about Illithid Savant is when you gain, for example, Acquire Skill each time is it a charge(one time use) of that ability or can you do it on each brain and later addition copies of the ability mean gaining multiple skills off of one brain? Assuming it's the latter would restricting it to the first way make it less broken enough to allow a player to take? I know the second question is somewhat situational, as GM I have the ability to be choosy on what enemies are included to prevent gaining of OP abilities.

2014-06-01, 03:35 PM
Whenever you use acquire skill, you acquire their ranks in that skill and gain it as a class skill. This effect is permanent, and whenever you get another use of the ability, you can get ranks in a different or the same skill. Using it again doesn't get rid of the first use.