View Full Version : Good LA+1 template for a human druid going into Planar Shepherd and Hathran?

2014-06-01, 11:35 AM
I've got LA buyoff here and am rolling up a new character, and I think I can fit in a +1 template without hurting myself too badly, what with the XP bonus from being behind the party and the possibility of an item familiar.

Any you guys can think of that would fit the bill nicely?

Planning Druid into Planar Shepherd into a Hathran dip and then finishing Planar Shepherd, not sure what afterward (might finish out in Hathran for circle magic, I dunno).

2014-06-01, 11:48 AM
there is not many that gives anything useful.
The only la +1 template that gives wis sux for druid (Feral, savage species)

But there is anthropomorphic owl, which is la1
nice boost to wis and dex, penalty to cha
natural flightspeed
small size
+8 listen, +14 ms, +8 spot on shadow illu

2014-06-01, 12:04 PM
there is not many that gives anything useful.
The only la +1 template that gives wis sux for druid (Feral, savage species)

But there is anthropomorphic owl, which is la1
nice boost to wis and dex, penalty to cha
natural flightspeed
small size
+8 listen, +14 ms, +8 spot on shadow illu

Non-human is a no-go because I want to dip Hathran and that has very specific race (and gender) requirements.

2014-06-01, 12:08 PM
Not a template but a human subrace:
Athasian human 2 +2s, misc psi abilities...

2014-06-01, 12:18 PM
Quasilycanthrope (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a), gain DR 10/Silver even when wild shaped, and even when you're not wild shaped you can walk around with animal ears/tail if you want!

Dark Creature from Tome of Magic, get Hide in Plain Sight, resist cold 10, darkvision 60, superior low-light vision, +8 hide, and +6 move silently even when wild shaped, and +10 ft. to all your movement modes when not wild shaped.

2014-06-01, 11:37 PM
Non-human is a no-go because I want to dip Hathran and that has very specific race (and gender) requirements.

What level are you starting at so we know WBL? Reason I ask is, start out as a anthomorphic animal ( bat or owl ), getting reincarnated into human ( so start off minus the money for reincarnate ) with a higher wis and wind up with human bonus feat.

@sidenote: I think we found another partial solution for monk class.

2014-06-01, 11:51 PM
Let's see...

Feral +1 LA, gain 1d8 Claws, +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis, Fast Healing 2, Dark Vision 60; Those become Fast Healing 5 and Dark Vision 120 by level 12 I believe. In addition depending on who you ask they can also get special attacks like Improved Grab, Pounce, etc.

Arctic +0 LA is a powerful template from Dragon Magazine 306 p47 which grants you +2 Con, -2 Cha; +1 saves vs cold, -1 saves vs fire. +2 racial bonus on survival checks. They can cast Ray of Frost 1/day at CL1.

Divine Minion +1 LA is a powerful template from a Web Enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a)

Unseelie Fey +0 LA is a powerful template from the Dragon Magazine Compendium and gives random benefits or penalties based on a d% roll.

Half-Minotaur +1 LA is found in Dragon Magazine 313 gain 10ft to all speeds, +2 Nat armor, gain gore attack for 1d6+str mod, darkvision 60, +4 bonus to escape maze. can tell what direction is true north innately, has scent and can track by scent, +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 on spot, search, and listen, gain track as a bonus feat.

I'd say best bet would be Feral Arctic Unseelie Human Druid.

Haha. There's no requirement that you be 'humanoid' just that you base race is 'human'.

2014-06-02, 12:40 AM
Shadow Walker UE +1

Draconic +1

Telthor UE +2; worth mentioning if you were planning on abusing Acorn of Far Travel