View Full Version : DM Help Sample Divine Spell list for a chameleon (things are getting complicated)

2014-06-01, 12:26 PM
My PCs have a pet NPC that has completed Chameleon and I need a half-decent list of divine spells for her to cast; she has only recently gotten a plot upgrade that gives her enough wisdom to make use of them.

She gets 4/5/5/4/4/3 spells per day, but does not have enough Wisdom to cast her 6th-level spell.

She has enough Turn Undead between Factotum and Chameleon levels to DMM: Persist one spell, and is primarily a melee character--her other Chameleon focus of Combat Focus. I'm thinking Divine Power. This is a fair tactic because the Thrallherd's cohort is using DMM too.

I would do this one on my own, but frankly, I'm going nuts just trying to challenge this now-level-15 party and I don't want to spend the gobs and gobs of time necessary to make a Chameleon spell list, which would just make the PCs harder to kill anyway.

2014-06-01, 01:13 PM
I have a chameleon theurge spell list worked out for one of my high-level characters. The build is such that the arcane spells have much higher DCs, so 99% of the divine spells I selected are saveless. If that still interests you, take a look (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvDPPQoXw7vOdEVERlFZT2lYWTFVUmJRQnJkOEpab 3c&usp=drive_web#gid=2). Divine spells are on the right side. It's currently sorted by level. The character is built to infiltrate enemy strongholds solo, subdue defenders nonlethally, then kill the leaders.

Oh, you can ignore the 7th level spells if your character isn't using extra slot shenanigans.