View Full Version : Player Help Dread Necromancer level 7, 19k starting gold, what to get?

2014-06-01, 03:39 PM
Alright, I'm a level 7 human necromancer. I'm going to take Tomb-Tainted Souls, Undead Leadership (with which my DM will allow me to have a slaymate) and Fell Drain. I have 1 regular feat left and possibly 2 (if I take flaws) so I'm open to suggestions (I think I'll get spell focus and metamagic school focus for necromancy). I don't plan on becoming undead. The campaign will go to level 12 max.

As for my stats (I'm not sure if I should switch INT and DEX):
STR 12
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 17

Which items should I get, sticking to core as much as possible? I was thinking to take a cloak of charisma +2, Ring of protection +2, perhaps a circlet of persuasion (I plan to use bluff and intimidate a lot) and a +1 chain shirt (or +1 natural armor), or maybe a hat of disguise.

Also please suggest the relevant feats. Note that I don't plan on becoming undead, nor will the campaign go above level 12.

2014-06-01, 05:30 PM
+1 Chain Shirt, 2,250 gp
+1 Mithral Buckler, 2,015 gp
Ring of Sustenance, 2,500 gp
^ Add a +1 Deflection bonus to AC to that per MIC p234, 2,000 gp
Cloak of Elemental Protection (MIC), 1,000 gp
^ Add a +1 Resistance bonus to saves to that per MIC p234, 1,000 gp
^ Add a +2 Enhancement bonus to Cha to that per MIC p234, 4,000 gp
Anklet of Translocation (MIC), 1,400 gp
Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Wasp (MIC), 800 gp
Heward's Handy Haversack, 2,000 gp
35 gp remaining for a spell component pouch, mundane weapons, and basic supplies and gear.

Take the feat Versatile Spellcaster in Races of the Dragon. This allows you to spend two spell slots of the same level to cast any spell you know of one level higher. If you get Heighten Spell as well, you can spend two of your highest level spell slots to cast a spell of your highest level available that's heightened by one level, which means you have gained access to that level of spells, which means you automatically know every spell of that level on the Dread Necromancer class spell list. So at any given level, you can spend two of your highest level spell slots to cast a spell from the dread necro spell list of one level higher.

On a spontaneous caster, Heighten Spell is excellent for reserve feats in CM and other books, though there aren't many that are very useful for a Dread Necro. The Summon Elemental reserve feat could be useful, since you get access to Summon Undead, and you can take that at 6th level with the above trick.

You could also take the feat Magical Training in PGtF, which gives you a spellbook with a few 0-level spells. You can add more spells to that spellbook just like a Wizard does per the Rules Compendium, and those are considered to be spells you know. Versatile Spellcaster allows you to spend two Dread Necro spell slots of the same level to cast any spell you know of one level higher, including wizard spells you've put into your spellbook, though you'll probably need the book open to the spell to cast it which makes it less useful in combat.

Mercantile Background in PGtF is also quite useful. It allows you to sell loot for 75% of its value instead of the normal 50%, and once per month in-game you can buy an item for 75% of its normal price instead of paying full price. You could say the above set of gear was obtained over a long enough period of time that everything was purchased at 75% cost, which means you'll have about 4,800 gp left over instead of only 35 gp, so you can start with even more gear.

The Corpsecrafter line of feats in Libris Mortis can be useful if you plan to create undead minions. Destruction Retribution makes them explode when destroyed, dealing negative energy damage in an area around them that heals other undead as well as your character if he's nearby. You should also consider a way to gain access to Desecrate, normally Arcane Disciple can do that but not with your Wis score. A Ring of Lesser Desecration (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20021031x) would work, you can get it if you take Mercantile Background, otherwise maybe trade out the Ring of Sustenance and Protection +1 for it and have an extra 105 gp left over. Be sure there's an evil alter present when creating undead minions so your Desecrate effect is doubled.

2014-06-02, 03:55 PM
Hmm, but the DMG states that if you want to add additional enchantments on an already enchanted item, you need to pay 150% of it's cost. Does the MIC overrule this?

2014-06-02, 04:34 PM
Hmm, but the DMG states that if you want to add additional enchantments on an already enchanted item, you need to pay 150% of it's cost. Does the MIC overrule this?

Yes, MIC p234 lists the prices for adding specific properties to existing items in specific item spots. It just so happens that those prices are identical to the cost of a standalone item of the same property.