View Full Version : Pathfinder Your Thoughts? Draft#7 of my Pathfinder Society Level-7 "Sum Sum Noir the Half-Elf"

2014-06-01, 05:18 PM
Your Thoughts? Draft#7 of my Pathfinder Society Level-7 "Sum Sum Noir the Half-Elf"

Draft#7 of my Pathfinder Society Level-7 "Sum Sum Noir the Half-Elf"
and the Eidolon "Commander Red Lioness"

I'm running this up the flagpole to get a final 'sanity' check. Your thoughts, please?


After getting a lot of input, this is what I came up with.

"Commander Red Lioness - the Eidolon" when on the normal plane
is the dominant, with "Sum Sum" willingly being mostly subservient.

Commander does have a saddle, but currently lacks the Mount evolution - intentionally.
She will accept a rider when enlarged and it is clear that speed or manuverability
is required.

So, this is Draft #7 of my 7th Level Battle Eidolon and Control Summoner.

I've got the Initiative Feat and Trait flagged for VL review, to see if I can back
those out due to GM's wanting the Eidolon to go on Players initiative, and it sucks
a lemon to be denied use of your feats.

I did get Haste and Black Tentacles due to grabbing Epanded Arcana, and
taking 2 extra spells since they are both below my maximum spell casting level. #WINNING

Sum Sum Noir the Half-Elf Stat Block

Male Half-Elf Summoner 7
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +1; Senses bond senses, low-light vision; Perception +5

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 52 (7d8+14)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities shield ally; Immune sleep; Resist shield ally

Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +5 (1d4/19-20) and
lance +5 (1d8/×3) and
longspear +5 (1d8/×3) and
quarterstaff +5 (1d6) and
unarmed strike +5 (1d3 nonlethal)
Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +11)
7/day—summon monster
Summoner Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +11):
3rd (2/day)—black tentacles, [battlefield control]
3rd (2/day)—greater invisibility [Help out the folks with Sneak Attack]
2nd (4/day)—bull's strength,
2nd (4/day)-glitterdust (DC 16), [defeat invisible enemies]
2nd (4/day)-haste, [buff]
2nd (4/day)-lesser restore eidolon (DC 16), [Commander Red Lioness support]
2nd (4/day)-see invisibility, [see invisible enemies]
2nd (4/day)-slow (DC 16) [battlefield control]
1st (5/day)—enlarge person (DC 15),
1st (5/day)—grease, [battlefield control, disable enemy held weapons]
1st (5/day)—lesser rejuvenate eidolon, [Commander Red Lioness support]
1st (5/day)—life conduit, [Commander Red Lioness support]
1st (5/day)—mage armor [buff]
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14),
0 (at will)—detect magic,
0 (at will)—guidance,
0 (at will)—light,
0 (at will)—mage hand,
0 (at will)—read magic

Str 10, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 16
Expanded Arcana,
Extra Evolution,
Martial Weapon Proficiency (lance),
Resilient Eidolon,
Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)

ease of faith,
greater link

Diplomacy +15,
Handle Animal +9,
Heal +2,
Knowledge (arcana) +5,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5,
Knowledge (local) +5,
Knowledge (nature) +5,
Knowledge (planes) +5,
Knowledge (religion) +5,
Perception +5,
Ride +5,
Spellcraft +6,
Use Magic Device +17;

Racial Modifiers: +2 Perception


Commander Red Lioness Stat Block

NG Medium outsider
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9

Evolutions 11 of 11
Natural Attacks Allowed: 4 of 4
Limbs (Legs) - Adds 2 Legs
Limbs (Legs) - Adds 2 Legs
2 pts - Limbs (Arms)
1 pts - Claws - Gain 2 claw attacks [on front legs]
1 pts - Slam - Gain a slam attack [with arms, either SLAM / or WEAPONS not both]
1 pts - Pounce (Full attack after a CHARGE]
1 pts - Improved Damage (Claws x2)
1 pts - Improved Damage (Slam)
2 pts - Energy Attacks - Electricity (Natural Attacks deal extra 1d6 additional damage)
2 pts - Weapon Trainng (Simple) [so I can utilize weapons as needed for specific threats]

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 39 (+6)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4 (+4 morale bonus vs. Enchantment spells and effects)
Defensive Abilities evasion

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +12 (1d6 + 6 + 1d6 electricity)
2 claws +12 (1d6 + 6 + 1d6 electricity)
heavy silver mace +1 (b) +12/+7 (1d8 + 6) [with arms, either SLAM / or WEAPONS not both]
mw cold iron longspear (reach) (p) +12/+7 (1d8 +7/×3) [with arms, either SLAM / or WEAPONS not both]
mw cold iron sickle (s) +12/+7 (1d6 + 5) [with arms, either SLAM / or WEAPONS not both]
slam +12 (2d6 + 6 + 1d6 electricity) [with arms, either SLAM / or WEAPONS not both]
unarmed strike +12/+7 (1d3 + 6 nonlethal)
Special Attacks energy attacks

Str 20, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 24 (28 vs. trip)

Feats: Additional Traits [revamp to fix init issue & Summoner only Loyalty across lifetimes in traits]
Feats: Improved Initiative [due to Eidolon going on Summoner init, going to ask VL for free revamp for unusable Init Bonus]
Feats: Iron Will [I like this, think I'd like to keep it]

Traits: Loyalty across lifetimes [Invalid Selection, this trait is for SUMMONERS - as Eidolon not typically take traits]
Traits: Reactionary [due to Eidolon going on Summoner init, going to ask VL for free revamp for unusable Init Bonus]

Skills Acrobatics +8 (+12 jump),
Climb +6,
Escape Artist +7,
Intimidate +8,
Knowledge (planes) +2,
Perception +9,
Sense Motive +4,
Stealth +7,
Use Magic Device +9 [Eidolon has arms, she may want to use wands, heal front line fighters, etc]

Combat Gear:
*wand of cure light wounds in wrist sheath
*wand of enlarge person in wrist sheath
*amulet of mighty fists +1,
*belt of giant strength +2,
*saddlebags [to justify where to put stuff]
*handy haversack, [to justify where to put stuff]
*explorer's outfit, [to justify human portion clothing]
*military saddle, exotic, [Mount Evolution not yet, will get later or just Evolution Surge spell into it]

Red Lioness is a fantastical melding of humanistic head
and torso with a Lion Quadraped form.

Her front legs contain powerful claws, while her arms
provide a devestating slam attack. And her mouth can render a painful bite.

5 feet long, and standing 4 feet high, with a red fur and cinamon skin
mixed to create a beautiful natural armor.

"Commander Red Lioness - the Eidolon" when on the normal plane is the team
dominant, with "Sum Sum" willingly being mostly subservient.

2014-06-02, 10:25 AM
Natural Attacks Allowed: 4 of 4
Limbs (Legs) - Adds 2 Legs
Limbs (Legs) - Adds 2 Legs
2 pts - Limbs (Arms)
1 pts - Claws - Gain 2 claw attacks [on front legs]
1 pts - Slam - Gain a slam attack [with arms, either SLAM / or WEAPONS not both]
1 pts - Pounce (Full attack after a CHARGE]
1 pts - Improved Damage (Claws x2)
1 pts - Improved Damage (Slam)
2 pts - Energy Attacks - Electricity (Natural Attacks deal extra 1d6 additional damage)
2 pts - Weapon Trainng (Simple) [so I can utilize weapons as needed for specific threats]

Looks good so far, the only thing I would suggest is replacing the 2 "Improved Damage" with "Ability Increase > STR".
Since the Eidolon is still Medium, Imp Damage really only gets you +1 damage per specific attack, while +2 STR is +1 damage AND +1 To-Hit on ALL attacks.

Also, do you plan on your 'tool-box' weapons being magical? or just special materials?

2014-06-02, 03:18 PM
Looks good so far, the only thing I would suggest is replacing the 2 "Improved Damage" with "Ability Increase > STR".
Since the Eidolon is still Medium, Imp Damage really only gets you +1 damage per specific attack, while +2 STR is +1 damage AND +1 To-Hit on ALL attacks.

Also, do you plan on your 'tool-box' weapons being magical? or just special materials?

THANK YOU so very much! I made the change in Evolutions as suggested.

Per the Manufactured Weapons - eventually when there is $$$ they will be going magical.
For the short term, if I need to get through Magic, I will count on my Amulet of Mighty Fists + 1 w/ Natural Attacks. At least, I think that should work.

Did you have other thoughts?

2014-06-02, 08:45 PM
Next level, grab one of the Evolution Surge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/evolution-surge) spells (either as a 3rd level spell, or using the "trade-in" option for the 2nd level version).
You won't need to get all 3 versions, but you'll want at least one, as being able to grab the _exact_ right Evolution on the spur of the moment is VERY handy.
The Lesser/2nd level version gives access to things like Energy Immunity, Flight, Shadow Form, or for your case, you could even grab Limbs>Arms and use Slam AND a Weapon.

The 'normal'/3rd level version gives access to anything on the list. Notably, you can keep your Eidolon Medium-size for "travel" purposes, and Surge>Large it when combat comes. Note: be wary of what size your Manufactured weapons are if you do this. Enlarge Person increases the size of carried weapons, making the Eidolon Evo>Large does NOT increase manufactured weapon size.

If being Large isn't going to be a problem (i.e. not many dungeons), then you should probably buy it at level 8. For just 4 Evo points you get a massive +8 STR, and all of your Natural Attacks get a size-damage boost. There's also a CON boost and Nat armor, and a DEX penalty and...overall VERY worth the points spent.
You'll gain 1 Evo for leveling to 8, can drop Ability Increase for another 2 points. Not sure what else to ditch though. Weapon Prof needs to stay (as per previous thread), Natural Weapons are good, Energy Attacks is quite handy...hmm...
I guess drop Energy Attacks or the Slam.