View Full Version : Need help building a Pathfinder PC

2014-06-03, 02:41 AM
I have a specific character in my mind but I am new to this world of character building and I just do not know how to make it come to life. I want to make a bard (now let me explain lol I know Bards are not popular in some groups) I want the Bard to have a acute excellence in bows. To excel in performing and to evolve into a Gypsy that can stop you with the sling of a whip, that can heal and crowd control just as well as a cleric or a bard. Lullaby, Charm, Sleep disguise, stealth, Fortune teller very spiritual, loyal to faith. Could someone help me figure this out. Its driving me crazy.

Firest Kathon
2014-06-03, 04:07 AM
Hmm... unfortunately I don't have the time to think of a complete build as I'm at work, but I'd try an Elf (bow proficiency) Bard (Arcane Duelist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/arcane-duelist)) going into Harrower (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/e-h/harrower) after level 7 for the fortune teller stuff. To make the whip useful I'd say you need at least the Whip Mastery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/whip-mastery-combat) feat and possibly the Improved (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/improved-whip-mastery-combat) and Greater (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/greater-whip-mastery-combat) versions. For archery though you're looking at Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot and Deadly Aim in feats, so if I were you I'd focus on one of the two combat styles.

If you are not too fixed on Bard, you could also try to manage with an Oracle (more versatility at buffing, healing and crowd control, but less skills).

Edited to add: Also, the Sandman (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/sandman) bard archetype seems to fit your character idea.

2014-06-03, 08:32 AM
Try asking in the Pathfinder forum?

2014-06-03, 11:51 AM
In general, focusing on multiple weapons doesn't work that well, since typically you'll have access to whichever weapon you're better at. Would you rather be focused on bows, or whips?

2014-06-03, 01:09 PM
In general, focusing on multiple weapons doesn't work that well, since typically you'll have access to whichever weapon you're better at. Would you rather be focused on bows, or whips?
Honestly The whip is for show. The character in my head has it and usually uses it outta battle.

Try asking in the Pathfinder forum?

And yes I plan on asking in the pathfinder forum. I was sure I simply went to the roleplaying forums. I was sure this was home to roleplayers, that rawked. I was sure this was where rpg gamers hung out. I had no idea there was a difference. (If this is in the wrong spot feel free to place it where it belong.) but I am of the belief there is no real separation it don't matter what game you play you likely are kick arse at making a character on the fly for any setting. I trust Gamers. Rpgers to be able to help me achieve what I need. And thus I asked everywhere. No one has said much except giving me advice

2014-06-03, 01:37 PM
Take this one (http://www.optibuilds.com/pathfinder-optimized-bard-build-archer-god/).
It's quite good, you've got the build planned out, loyalty to faith, Gypsy-ness and spirituality are pure roleplaying.

2014-06-03, 01:39 PM
Take this one (http://www.optibuilds.com/pathfinder-optimized-bard-build-archer-god/).
It's quite good, you've got the build planned out, loyalty to faith, Gypsy-ness and spirituality are pure roleplaying.

Thanks so much