View Full Version : Player Help Slaying a Vampiric Silver Dragon

2014-06-03, 07:51 AM
Hi guys, I.ve a couple of questions about the tittle topic.

Me and my party are going to face a vampiric dragon, old one, really cunning, passed as an ally before and now betrayed us so I got this grudge against her and my character took this betrayal as something really personal since he.s a cleric devoted to hunt down and slaying any undeads on sight [cleric 10 / kemelmvor.s doomguide 10 / Hierophant 1] (that means, full cleric casting + bonus stuff from doomguid + divine reach) and i went for dmm: persist

the rest of the party consists on a [fighter 1 / barbarian 14 / Frenzied Berserker 6] we didnt knew by that time about lion totem so he doesnt have punce but went for jump attack and shock trooper + rage + fury + pa for tons of dmg on charge a [wizard 18 / archmage 3]balting one, most used spells are: orb of force, fireball, disintegrate and prismatic eye, so is not that "good" altough her spells are half picked by me (she asks for help) so spell selection is kind of good and a [rogue / spellthief] (with a couple of dips but not sure where) i know he.s craven and deals half sneak attack dmg to undead so he might be just ok

So, here comes the actual tactic but I.m unsure it will work/develop as i think...
We know her for good, she tricked us a few times and she got us to do some of her dirty work so I.m expecting that when we confront her, she might be in elf form or we can convince her to take her form "1 last time, to see that beauty again" or to "lets talk about why before we try to kill each other"...
Anyway i just want her to be in elf form so the wizard and i can pull this:
Storing ring with greater celerity + miracle for celerity + divine reach + chain spell so all the party gets celerity (unsure about this, i.ve a b plan i case i cant do this)

With celerity on all the members what goes next is:
1º barbarian jump attack her
2º rogue dd behind her and sneak attack her
3º wizard forcecage the 3 of them
4º divine reach + Amf centered on her

with this comes the questions about amf:

What happends to her if in elf form, gets inside a amf?
Does she revert back to dragon? or stays in elf form and cant revert back to dragon because her magic doesnt work?
In case she can revert back to dragon because the amf doesnt prevent it, will she be able to do it or, she cant because she doesnt fit inside the forcecage and she.s stuck in elf form?

And in case i cant divine reach + chain spell + celerity

1º Rogue uses ring with greater celerity, hold barbarian and dd by her
2º Wizard uses celerity and forcecage them in
3º I use a dmm: quickened + divine reach amf centered on her

In case we can dd INSIDE amf
1º celerity + forcecage
2º Ring with celerity + divine reach amf
3º dd in

Disclaimer: We are entering the BBEG tower, big ass full of enemies BBEG tower, we are in such a hurry our dm told us we cannot rest, otherwise, we fail stopping the spell BBEG is readying to take over the world, this vampiric silver dragon IS NOT the BBEG even though is somewhere between old and wyrm.... so i want to take it with just a couple of spells because i think the barbarian and the rogue wont have any trouble at all killing her in elf form inside an amf (no casting, no magic items) with some orbs of force trew in (orbs of line of spells are conjurations so they work inside of it)

If none of this works, how can you kill a vampiric silver dragon whom at least is old, without expendin a lot of resources on it because you might have to face the bbeg right after?

Dm doesnt optimizes at all and i bet he wont ever see this comming until we pull it out...
He banned already frostburn (shivering touch main reason) and fobbiden me to use gate at all the moment i said i would nuke the bastard down (vampiric dragon) by gating a solar and dmm: quicken mass heal + mass heal + mass heal from solar + quickened heal via metamagic rod from solar (bead of karma brings me up to cl 25 so that means 500hp dmg from me + 350 hp dmg from the solar in case it worked) and he got mad, said it wasnt fair and told me not to do that....

2014-06-03, 08:15 AM
You've got an Epic Spellcasting capable wizard (Limited Wish/Miracle into PsiRef to get access to the feat, if you can't locate a Psion capable of getting it). You've got a DMM Persist Cleric with 9ths as well.

You're up against a Dragon that's barely pushing your CR. Even with Loredrake Spellcasting (which costs its access to Cleric spells), it's only got 6th level spells. The Rogue and the Barbarian are complete liabilities in this fight.

2014-06-03, 08:20 AM
I think I know what Adventure Path you are part of . . .

Sounds like the last chapter of the Age of Worms when everything hits the fan.

2014-06-03, 08:24 AM
You've got an Epic Spellcasting capable wizard (Limited Wish/Miracle into PsiRef to get access to the feat, if you can't locate a Psion capable of getting it). You've got a DMM Persist Cleric with 9ths as well.

You're up against a Dragon that's barely pushing your CR. Even with Loredrake Spellcasting (which costs its access to Cleric spells), it's only got 6th level spells. The Rogue and the Barbarian are complete liabilities in this fight.

No epic spellcasting at all and no psions, all banned, actually, no epic anything at all, was banned right away the moment i mentioned our dm the posibility of us reach epic...

anyway, you just mean we shouldnt worry at all about this combat? Because you know, Im a bit worried about this +2000 years old vampiric silver dragon we have to face...

I think I know what Adventure Path you are part of . . .
Age of worms is called

2014-06-03, 09:32 AM
You have two 9th level spell casters. There should be very little the dragon can throw at you that can hurt you. It's breath weapon, despite cuing off Charisma isn't that high of a DC (unless it's got the Evolved Template). Talking of which, what are your Archmage levels?

Control Undead is a Will Save based spell - but if you have some form of getting rid of the opponents will save, but you can command it to help you defeat the BBEG. A Maximised Touch of Idiocy, or some other way of reducing saves (causing Negative levels say) can help with that.

Is your Cleric good or evil? If Evil, he can Command it as well.

2014-06-03, 09:43 AM
I agree with Vaz. Lashonna should not be too much of a hassle for your party.

You have two T1 casters each with the ability to get her to follow your commands and help against (you know who).

Why not let her do some of the work for you?

2014-06-03, 10:10 AM
I would like to do that but my character and the wizard (necromancy & undead hater) wont even consider anything but destroying her...
So it seems i was overworried about confronting her and all the plans i had in mind are a bit over the top :)

If thats the case and you guys think wont be that hard, we might just go scry & die on her because we a) know her b) have 1 scale from her and c) we have one ring from her so that should be a -19 on the save :)

As for the archmage, Mastery of Elements, Mastery of Shaping and Spell Power i think
The cleric (me) is neutral channeling good energy so no control

2014-06-03, 10:37 AM
Stick a pointy stick in its chest and burn down its home. Take it to the desert with twenty-four miles of rope, tie one end to the stake. Leave carrying the rope until it pulls out the stake. The Vampire'll be dead before it has a chance to get to cover.