View Full Version : Midlevel Truenamer build...

2014-06-03, 08:59 AM
Since I picked up ToM I've had this nagging need to try out this class. I'm fully aware of its 'out of the box' status but optimizing it looks sorta promising. I love extra actions but I don't like managing summons/cohorts/etc... This intrigues me due to the Quicken Utterance feat and the ability to boost Truespeak up quite high and have reliable swift actions. My DM just got a copy of ToM so it'll be open for use in the game soon.

I want a gishy build so, and it'll kick off around lvl 8 as WBL would support the items needed and at 9th Quicken would come into play.

Human w/48 pt buy,18 Int to start, decent Str and Con.

+10 Competence Truespeak item
+10 Enhancement Truespeak item (Amulet of the Silver Tongue iirc)
Item Familiar
+5 Paragonistic Assembly (+10 at some point)
+2 Masterwork Tool
+1 Luck Stone
+5 Universal Aptitued
+3 Skill Focus
Thats +36 to Truespeak and with ranks, Int and Item Familiar at lvl 8 should be +23 for +58 total.

Feats:Two Weapon Fighting, Knowledge Devotion (Flaw), Skill Focus Truespeak (Flaw), Item Familiar, Extend Utterance. This leaves on feat open at 1st level.

Quicken Utterance at 9th level.

Mostly taking Utterances that don't allow savings throws so Cha isn't a big need.

I figure at 9th level I could quicken any one utterance up to 7 times daily without having to even roll. I'd be quickening most everything I could in combat situations.

TWF for a little more damage and quickened Strike of Might, Word of Nurturing, Temporal Twist, reversed Energy Negation, etc...

Skills will be UMD, 6x Knowledges and Truespeak. IIRC swift actions don't provoke attacks of opportunity? Is there a way to maintain Concentration without taking a standard action to do it, Sonorous Hum is there but I'd like to find a way to roll multiple Word of Nurturing reversed without a standard action. Quicken + concentration can do this but Is there a way to Extend and maintain concentration and still have a standard action open?

I'm aware that this will not do tons of damage but it should keep up with the standard Eldritch Blast warlock levels. TWF is there to take advantage of our IC bard and Knowledge Devotion.

Any suggestions on increasing damage output(while sticking with the class) or general build would be appreciated.


2014-06-03, 09:21 AM
First of all, remember the Law of Sequence - you can only have one instance of the same Utterance active at the same time. If you Quicken Reversed Word of Nurturing one guy, you can't do it to his friend until the WoN is over.

All utterances obey the Law of Sequence. If you speak an
utterance with an ongoing duration, you can’t speak that
utterance again until the duration of that utterance ends.
It’s okay to use a different utterance while the first is still
active, however. It’s also okay to use a higher-level version of
an utterance while a lower-level version is active, or vice versa,
because these constitute different utterances. The reverse of
an utterance is treated as the same utterance for the purpose
of the Law of Sequence.
For example, you could speak a 2nd-level lesser word of
nurturing utterance on one ally, then target another ally with
a 1st-level minor word of nurturing utterance. But you could not
use the 2nd-level lesser word of nurturing utterance on an ally,
and while it was still in effect, target an ally with the same
utterance or an enemy with the reverse of that utterance.

If your DM allows it, one extremely cheesy interpretation of that quote (specifically "it’s also okay to use a higher-level version of
an utterance while a lower-level version is active") is that you can Heighten an utterance to get around the Law of Sequence. Heightening is a +4 to the DC, incidentally. Also, a heightened utterance not being the same as the base one means that the Law of Resistance is less relevant, so check with your DM.

Also, you can't concentrate on Word of Nurturing if you're going in melee. Remember that.

By the way, have you read Zaq's excellent handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?214115-In-the-Beginning-Was-the-Word-and-the-Word-Was-Suck-A-Guide-to-Truenamers)? It's worth the read.

2014-06-03, 10:29 AM
A thing you could try is Combat Reflexes and Double Hit.
Maybe pick up Eldritch Attraction and Stand Still and force someone to provoke an AOE from you, use Stand Still, and get rid of all of their movement for the round before they even act.

2014-06-03, 10:53 AM
Could you use a Quickened Word of Nurturing after damage for the 2nd round of the initial was dealt? Does the duration end at the end of your turn or does it end with the resolution of the effect? I'm guessing my DM would drop the Law of Sequence also as most Utterances are not very powerful.

I know there are some methods of fulfilling concentration with Psionics/Psicrystal, Sonorous Hum, some bard stuff.. was just wondering if there were any little tricks out there. If I could find one extended reversed Word of Nurturings becomes more interesting. There's Swift Concentration skill trick... Familiar Concentration feat.. Extraordinary Concentration feat.

Zaq's handbook is what clued me into the classes potential to not totally suck with optimization. Quicken is really what rekindled my interested.

