View Full Version : Remade: Coolest Template

Dr. Azkur
2014-06-03, 10:52 AM
So as some of you may know, I'm a sucker for templates. I just love the way the work, and not only does each one multiply the number of creatures on any DM's repertoire, they're great for players too!
And recently, having randomly picked up an issue of Dragon to browse for a while, I found myself gasping at the sight of the most awesome-looking template... ever: The Remade (Dragon #352).

This template is one of the simplest ones ever, it only modifies two sections of a creature, here's the summary:

Remaking a Creature:
-Inherited template. Can be added to any living corporeal creature.
-Special Qualities: You add 1d3 Enhancements from the list, and as many Defects.

Gills: Breathe Underwater. +4 on Saves against poison. +10 to swim speed.
Plating:+1 Natural Armor
Google Glasses:+4 to Search and Spot checks.
Spy Gear: Gain or expand Darkvision by 60 ft.
"Metaclockwork": Get 3 cantrips/orisons, each using the same pool of 3 charges.
Replacing your face with a dog's: Gain Scent.
Go Go Gadget Springs:+4 on Balance and Jump checks.
Supernumerary Arms: Get a new awkward arm, cannot wield or throw weapons, can lift up to 5 lbs. and +2 to Climb checks.
Extra lower limb::+5 to base speed and +4 against being bullrushed or tripped.
Chainsaw: Get a natural weapon awesome chainsaw growing from you back. Damage as dagger.
Engine: Never get tired but must pick up the first Defect.


Boiler: Replace most of your metabolism by a car engine. Fuel costs 2gp per day.
Clumsy: Dexterity drops 2 points.
Get Crippled: Lose an arm.
Deaf and Blind or just Really Blind: Choose 2; -4 on Listen, -4 on Search, -4 on Spot.
Ugly: -4 on Diplomacy and Gather information.
Glitchy Memories: %25 chance a skill check gets 1/2 bonus from ranks.
Robots don't heal so cyborgs kind of do: 1/4 of natural healing.
Robocop Speed: -10 on base speed.
Robocop Atheltics: -4 on Balance, Jump and Tumble.
Wheels: As opposed to legs. It may seem awesome, but trust me, adventuring in a wheel chair is not cool.

-Level Adjustment: +1

Then I read it more thoroughly and realised it's not that amazing in terms of optimising (although in flavour it just scored a 10), specially because the Defects are clearly more intense than the Enhancements (Except for the Engine one, which is pretty cool. Specially for your mount) and in top of that the LA.
Anyway, the main point of this thread was to list uses for the Supernumerary Arms enhancement, which requires some imagination to use, but anything remotely related is fine.

The only use I can think of for the extra limb is being able to reload dual-wielded hand crossbows. It specifically says that it aids in mundane tasks, and only bans wielding and throwing. If that doesn't work (and it should) try arguing that passing a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action, therefore you can hold one crossbow with the extra limb and reload the other one with your main hands, then swapping and doing it again with the other one.
One of my fellow players decided to pursue archery, so as soon as I found this I showed it to him. Now I'm trying to convince our DM to remove the LA.