View Full Version : Anthems (national or otherwise)

2007-02-19, 06:44 PM
What is your favourite anthem, and what's special about the anthems you love? I myself like the dutch anthem, not only because I'm dutch but also because it's the oldest national anthem in the world. (Text translated to english inside of spoiler)

William of Nassau, scion
Of a Dutch and ancient line,
I dedicate undying
Faith to this land of mine.
A prince I am, undaunted,
Of Orange, ever free,
To the king of Spain I've granted
A lifelong loyalty.

I've ever tried to live in
The fear of God's command
And therefore I've been driven,
From people, home, and land,
But God, I trust, will rate me
His willing instrument
And one day reinstate me
Into my government.

Let no despair betray you,
My subjects true and good.
The Lord will surely stay you
Though now you are pursued.
He who would live devoutly
Must pray God day and night
To throw His power about me
As champion of your right.

Life and my all for others
I sacrificed, for you!
And my illustrious brothers
Proved their devotion too.
Count Adolf, more's the pity,
Fell in the Frisian fray,
And in the eternal city
Awaits the judgement day.

I, nobly born, descended
From an imperial stock.
An empire's prince, defended
(Braving the battle's shock
Heroically and fearless
As pious Christian ought)
With my life's blood the peerless
Gospel of God our Lord.

A shield and my reliance,
O God, Thou ever wert.
I'll trust unto Thy guidance.
O leave me not ungirt.
That I may stay a pious
Servant of Thine for aye
And drive the plagues that try us
And tyranny away.

My God, I pray thee, save me
From all who do pursue
And threaten to enslave me,
Thy trusted servant true.
O Father, do not sanction
Their wicked, foul design,
Don't let them wash their hands in
This guiltless blood of mine.

O David, thou soughtest shelter
From King Saul's tyranny.
Even so I fled this welter
And many a lord with me.
But God the Lord did save me
From exile and its hell
And, in His mercy, gave him
A realm in Israel.

Fear not 't will rain sans ceasing
The clouds are bound to part.
I bide that sight so pleasing
Unto my princely heart,
Which is that I with honor
Encounter death in war,
And meet in heaven my Donor,
His faithful warrior.

Nothing so moves my pity
As seeing through these lands,
Field, village, town and city
Pillaged by roving hands.
O that the Spaniards rape thee,
My Netherlands so sweet,
The thought of that does grip me
Causing my heart to bleed.

A stride on steed of mettle
I've waited with my host
The tyrant's call to battle,
Who durst not do his boast.
For, near Maastricht ensconced,
He feared the force I wield.
My horsemen saw one bounce it
Bravely across the field.

Surely, if God had willed it,
When that fierce tempest blew,
My power would have stilled it,
Or turned its blast from you
But He who dwells in heaven,
Whence all our blessings flow,
For which aye praise be given,
Did not desire it so.

Steadfast my heart remaineth
In my adversity
My princely courage straineth
All nerves to live and be.
I've prayed the Lord my Master
With fervid heart and tense
To save me from disaster
And prove my innocence.

Alas! my flock. To sever
Is hard on us. Farewell.
Your Shepherd wakes, wherever
Dispersed you may dwell,
Pray God that He may ease you.
His Gospel be your cure.
Walk in the steps of Jesus
This life will not endure.

Unto the Lord His power
I do confession make
That ne'er at any hour
Ill of the King I spake.
But unto God, the greatest
Of Majesties I owe
Obedience first and latest,
For Justice wills it so.

2007-02-19, 07:12 PM
As for the Tunes-The German and Russian National Anthems take the cake in my opinion. Words I'm not so sure about since many times tranlation is even harder in songs...

...As for the American one (as a yank, sorta).... It's a poem to a English drinking song tune....quite frankly the ending "free" makes more sense to be that high pitched if everyone is tippsy....Nobody knows the other parts/verses (besides the famous first one) and I think that is okay....As for not knowing your anthem I think the British do pretty well...valient victoreous and God save the Queen being the two parts people all seem to know....Funny but I think the words for Battle Hymn of the Republic fit the tune better....

2007-02-19, 10:59 PM
It should also be said of the American national anthem that it's really stupid thematically. I mean, it's basically saying, "Yeah, we were loosing the battle, but we lost with much awsomeness." "Charge of the Light Brigade" anyone? I mean, there are much better songs praising America's greatness, and for much relevant reasons than because we loose battles heroically.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-02-19, 11:22 PM
I like "La Marseillaise."

By the way, lyrics-wise Russian national anthem sais pretty much the same thing as "Oh Canada!"

2007-02-19, 11:59 PM
Sung by a men's choir, the Russian national anthem sounds damn cool.

On another note (ha!), I've thought America the Beautiful was a much better candidate for the national anthem of the US.

Wippit Guud
2007-02-20, 12:10 AM
Canadian Kilted Yaksmen?

2007-02-20, 12:10 AM
On another note (ha!), I've thought America the Beautiful was a much better candidate for the national anthem of the US.

That's pretty much the one I was thinking of.

2007-02-20, 12:21 AM
I dig...

Red Army Choir - National Anthem

Radiohead - National Anthem

Postal Service - National Anthem

Sufjan Steven - National Anthem

2007-02-20, 12:48 AM
Smells like teens spirit
National Anthem by Less Than Jake

:smallwink: :smallbiggrin:

"Oh, Canada" is nice.
I like america's aswell. I suppose I'm alone in this?

Don Julio Anejo
2007-02-20, 01:29 AM
Nope, you're not. I like "Oh, Canada!" too. Probably because it's pretty much the only thing I can sing :smile:

2007-02-20, 04:26 AM
Hehe...Ours has 4 verses...No one knows the thrid or fourth...And essentially no one knows the second.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-02-20, 05:40 AM
You guys should play your national anthem before every rugby game.

2007-02-20, 05:46 AM
You guys should play your national anthem before every rugby game.
At that kind of occasion we play the 1st and 6th verse, I've never heard it in it's complete form, and Only know the text of the first verse on the top of my head. (Some mistakes may follow, dutch version)

Wilhelmus van nassouwe
Ben ik, van duitsen bloed.
Den vaderland getrouwe
blijf ik tot in den dood.
Een prinse van Oranje
Ben ik vrij onverveerd.
Den koning van hispanje
Heb ik altijd geëerd.


2007-02-20, 06:55 AM
I know that it's the unofficial anthem of Scotland, but i like 'Flower of Scotland' as a national anthem.
Always good to hear before a rugby game, or a football game to get the crowds going a bit.

Of course, I'm going to also mention the Swedish national anthem since it's the anthem of my home country.
It's basically a tribute to the entire Nordic region (including Norway, Finland and Denmark) but since both Norway and Finland has at some point been part of Sweden, I figure the song works anyways.

Renegade Paladin
2007-02-20, 07:13 AM
It should also be said of the American national anthem that it's really stupid thematically. I mean, it's basically saying, "Yeah, we were loosing the battle, but we lost with much awsomeness." "Charge of the Light Brigade" anyone? I mean, there are much better songs praising America's greatness, and for much relevant reasons than because we loose battles heroically.
Erm... The United States repelled the British from Baltimore at Fort McHenry, which is what the song's about. What's this about losing? :smallconfused:

And the Soviet Union had the best national anthem I've ever heard, hands down. 1977 version owns.

Totally Guy
2007-02-20, 07:25 AM
I like The Lovely National anthem.

Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-CFz9kYBJI)

A chap called Danny decided he'd start his own country and it was Lovely, it was pretty funny.

2007-02-20, 08:08 AM
God Save the Queen is pretty rubbish, although I like the verse

Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush,
And like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the Queen!

Jerusalem would be a far better national anthem IMO. It's actually got a tune, and the words are to the effect that this place is a mess and we're going to kick some righteous ass if we want to make it better...

2007-02-21, 12:06 AM
I'm tossing my hat in with 'National Anthem of the Soviet Union', as sung by the Red Army Choir. Maybe it's because people keep calling me a commie...

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-02-21, 12:24 AM
Can't say as I've heard more than a few.


Thats about it.

However, I agree, the US's anthem ain't that hot. I'd personally vote for God Bless the USA (which is not a religious song, get a grip).

2007-02-21, 05:26 AM
I generally dislike anthems, but I suppose I can get sort of nostalgic about the Danish one... I prefer the old Soviet one, if I had to pick, though. L'Internationale is sort of beautiful in Russian with all that pompous music, hehe.

2007-02-21, 05:40 AM
L'Internationale is sort of beautiful in Russian with all that pompous music, hehe.
I'mm currently listening to L'internationale's dutch translation, and I think that should become our national anthem. But then again, I'm a commie.

2007-02-21, 06:30 AM
Hmm, I like the German one because it is the one of my home country and because the verse that is sung as the anthem has no fighting and no glory and no we are the kings of the world, but rather unity and law and freedom.
Due to our difficult (to say the least) history, the other verses, although not officilay forbidden, are not sung and should not be sung, because that's where the blood and the natinalism lies.
But I like national anthems in general, they mostly sound great and you get a lot of people to sing.

2007-02-21, 06:48 AM
I like the fact of out national anthem because it doesn't speak of being the best, in fact there's even a hint of loyalty to spain in it (De koning van Hispanje heb ik altijd geëerd (The king of spain I've always honoured)) and that's in the 1st verse which is the verse that's sung the most.

2007-02-21, 09:11 AM
In order:

Hymn of the Soviet Union
La Marseillaise
The Soldier's Song

2007-02-21, 01:06 PM
Heh, we just had this conversation over in RB a couple of days back ("But then what is not jabbered about in RB...?").

I came out in support of "Die Wacht am Rhein" (far more rousing than "Deutschland Uber Alles"), "The Marseillaise" (coz of "Casablanca"), "Jerusalem" (coz it's classic Blake mentalism wiv a chooooon), "America the Beautiful" and "Canadian Kilted Yaksmen".

The Russian National Anthem I seem to be alone in being a bit *meh* about (preferred "God Save the Tsar" myself), and "God Save the Queen" is just a dirge. We need a better anthem than that, like "Rule Britannia", or "I Vow to Thee My Country", or even "Jerusalem"?

2007-02-21, 02:27 PM
I really love my country's very own "Ja vi elsker" (yes we love), however my favourite is actually Norway's national anthem for children. "Vi ere en nasjon vi med" (We are a nation too). I am also fond of "Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått." (Norway in red, white and blue). Yes, I might be a bit nationalistic, but I really enjoy those songs. I just wish that they reflected our country a bit more, or rather, that our country reflected the songs a bit more.

2007-02-21, 04:16 PM
One of the things about the modern Russian national anthem - a couple of years ago they ditched the one they got when the USSR broke up and brought back the music to the Soviet anthem - with new words. Frankly I don't think it works quite as well but damn close. Something that comfuses the issue more is that other songs cn be used in the place of that national anthem in certain times.....

2007-02-21, 06:53 PM
"God Save the Queen" is just a dirge. We need a better anthem than that, like "Rule Britannia", or "I Vow to Thee My Country", or even "Jerusalem"?
Definitely Jerusalem. It's pretty much the only English / British nationalist song whose message isn't "aren't we all glad that we're British and therefore much better than everyone else" so much as "right, we're British, now what have we got to do to make this place worth living in?"

2007-02-21, 07:27 PM
At the Commonwealth Games, Northern Ireland has the Londonderry Air/Danny Boy as their anthem. I love that tune, and those words to it.

My other favourites would be The Soldiers Song, and O Canada!

God Save the Queen is rubbish. Its only entertaining when England play Lichenstein at football because all the fans gets confused. Lichenstein's national anthem has the same tune.

2007-02-21, 08:02 PM
I'm tossing my hat in with 'National Anthem of the Soviet Union', as sung by the Red Army Choir. Maybe it's because people keep calling me a commie...

Very much seconded. Anybody unfamiliar with this musical phenomenon should go here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpKRd2xQeq8).

I do like "O Canada," but I must say I like the French words better than the English ones.

2007-02-21, 09:35 PM
I vote for "The Star Spangled Banner". I love to hear it sung because it really weeds out the people who can't sing. Lots of people crash and burn on "the land of the Free". Maybe I'm a big meanie-head but I always wait to hear whether or not the singer is going to blow it. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-22, 12:23 AM
Any fans of the American National Anthem should check out Marvin Gaye's rendition of it. Beautiful.

2007-02-23, 08:45 AM
As far as Canada goes, "The Maple Leaf Forever" is vastly superior to "Oh Canada" in every way, except that it's about how the English conquered Quebec.

If someone would put the french lyrics of Oh Canada to The Maple leaf Forever's tune (except keep the original lyrics for the last verse), then we would have a national anthem actually worth singing. Now that I'm in university, I really don't miss all that standing up in the morning as some crappy version came piping through the PA system.

2007-02-23, 08:53 AM
Being as I'm English, God Save the Queen has to be my favourite although it is slightly outdated...

I would have to agree with Jorkens that Jerusalem is a better anthem.

2007-02-23, 09:17 AM
I really love my country's very own "Ja vi elsker" (yes we love), however my favourite is actually Norway's national anthem for children. "Vi ere en nasjon vi med" (We are a nation too). I am also fond of "Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått." (Norway in red, white and blue). Yes, I might be a bit nationalistic, but I really enjoy those songs. I just wish that they reflected our country a bit more, or rather, that our country reflected the songs a bit more.

I like Ja vi elsker, nice national anthem. Though personally I prefer West-Norway's anthem: Mellom Bakkar og Berg. That's a man's song.

Oh, and, heia braaaaaan.

2007-02-23, 09:36 AM
As a British Citizen, an English man, and as Norfolk Bred and born, I have three national Anthems:

God save the Queen, Britains national anthem, all well and good, but droney, the alternate verses written for it over the years can be quite fun.

Jerusalem, the most brilliant song, Englands national anthem. If scotland and wales can have their personal anthem, why shouldn't we? (I might have Flanders and Swans The English are Best, as the secondry Anthem).

An the Kipper Famileys, We are the Boys who are Norfolk and good as my county Anthem.

2007-02-23, 09:39 AM
"God Save the Queen: Why would we evoke this non-specific deity to bail out these unelected spongers?"
- Bill Bailey

Also, it's just not a nice tune. At all. And nobody knows the second verse.

I think all of the other British anthems are better (even that Irish one that's banned in England).

I also like 'Oh, Canada'.

Oh, and I'm also rather fond of La Marseillaise.

Jerusalem, the most brilliant song, Englands national anthem. If scotland and wales can have their personal anthem, why shouldn't we? (I might have Flanders and Swans The English are Best, as the secondry Anthem).

God Save the Queen is the English national anthem. Have you ever tried telling a Welshman or a Scot that it's their national anthem? I wouldn't advise it.

2007-02-23, 10:27 AM
God Save the Queen is the English national anthem. Have you ever tried telling a Welshman or a Scot that it's their national anthem? I wouldn't advise it.

True. It'd mean you'd have to talk to some incoherent grouchy Celt with a chip on his shoulder; hardly a pleasant way of passing the time. :smallbiggrin: :smallwink:

Anthems are in the news (http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/opinion/article2298275.ece) in the UK atm, mainly because of the tasteless fuss the Irish are making over playing "God save the Queen" before this weekend's England-Ireland 6 Nations match at Croke Park, Dublin. They claim it's 'provocative'. Some ropey old song saying how we'd like God to look out for our Queen is a provocation to the free people of a prosperous and relatively enlightened country? Riiiiiight. :smallconfused:

Oh, here's something I didn't know. Napoleon banned the French from singing "La Marseilles", deeming it a bloodthirsty relic of The Terror.

2007-02-23, 11:04 AM
Anthems are in the news (http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/opinion/article2298275.ece) in the UK atm, mainly because of the tasteless fuss the Irish are making over playing "God save the Queen" before this weekend's England-Ireland 6 Nations match at Croke Park, Dublin. They claim it's 'provocative'. Some ropey old song saying how we'd like God to look out for our Queen is a provocation to the free people of a prosperous and relatively enlightened country? Riiiiiight. :smallconfused: Keep in mind that the last time the English visited Croke Park they left 13 bodies behind them. Including two children and the man who would give his name to one of the stands that currently... eh stands today. Hill 16 is named after the Easter Rising of 1916 and it is rumoured that this original terrace was built from the rumble of O'Connell Street following the British bombardment. Croke Park is the embodiment of Irish independence and nationalism. British persecution is etched into the GAA's collective memory.

So, yes, there is some controversy over Englishmen singing their anthem in Croke Park. And it goes much, much deeper than "tasteless fuss". But despite this the game will go ahead and the anthems will be sung. Tomorrow's game will be something of a milestone in Irish history. This is something that the RFU, and English fans in general, have generally been most understanding about.

2007-02-23, 11:12 AM
What is your favourite anthem, and what's special about the anthems you love? I myself like the dutch anthem, not only because I'm dutch but also because it's the oldest national anthem in the world. (Text translated to english inside of spoiler)

William of Nassau, scion
Of a Dutch and ancient line,
I dedicate undying
Faith to this land of mine.
A prince I am, undaunted,
Of Orange, ever free,
To the king of Spain I've granted
A lifelong loyalty.

I've ever tried to live in
The fear of God's command
And therefore I've been driven,
From people, home, and land,
But God, I trust, will rate me
His willing instrument
And one day reinstate me
Into my government.

Let no despair betray you,
My subjects true and good.
The Lord will surely stay you
Though now you are pursued.
He who would live devoutly
Must pray God day and night
To throw His power about me
As champion of your right.

Life and my all for others
I sacrificed, for you!
And my illustrious brothers
Proved their devotion too.
Count Adolf, more's the pity,
Fell in the Frisian fray,
And in the eternal city
Awaits the judgement day.

I, nobly born, descended
From an imperial stock.
An empire's prince, defended
(Braving the battle's shock
Heroically and fearless
As pious Christian ought)
With my life's blood the peerless
Gospel of God our Lord.

A shield and my reliance,
O God, Thou ever wert.
I'll trust unto Thy guidance.
O leave me not ungirt.
That I may stay a pious
Servant of Thine for aye
And drive the plagues that try us
And tyranny away.

My God, I pray thee, save me
From all who do pursue
And threaten to enslave me,
Thy trusted servant true.
O Father, do not sanction
Their wicked, foul design,
Don't let them wash their hands in
This guiltless blood of mine.

O David, thou soughtest shelter
From King Saul's tyranny.
Even so I fled this welter
And many a lord with me.
But God the Lord did save me
From exile and its hell
And, in His mercy, gave him
A realm in Israel.

Fear not 't will rain sans ceasing
The clouds are bound to part.
I bide that sight so pleasing
Unto my princely heart,
Which is that I with honor
Encounter death in war,
And meet in heaven my Donor,
His faithful warrior.

Nothing so moves my pity
As seeing through these lands,
Field, village, town and city
Pillaged by roving hands.
O that the Spaniards rape thee,
My Netherlands so sweet,
The thought of that does grip me
Causing my heart to bleed.

A stride on steed of mettle
I've waited with my host
The tyrant's call to battle,
Who durst not do his boast.
For, near Maastricht ensconced,
He feared the force I wield.
My horsemen saw one bounce it
Bravely across the field.

Surely, if God had willed it,
When that fierce tempest blew,
My power would have stilled it,
Or turned its blast from you
But He who dwells in heaven,
Whence all our blessings flow,
For which aye praise be given,
Did not desire it so.

Steadfast my heart remaineth
In my adversity
My princely courage straineth
All nerves to live and be.
I've prayed the Lord my Master
With fervid heart and tense
To save me from disaster
And prove my innocence.

Alas! my flock. To sever
Is hard on us. Farewell.
Your Shepherd wakes, wherever
Dispersed you may dwell,
Pray God that He may ease you.
His Gospel be your cure.
Walk in the steps of Jesus
This life will not endure.

Unto the Lord His power
I do confession make
That ne'er at any hour
Ill of the King I spake.
But unto God, the greatest
Of Majesties I owe
Obedience first and latest,
For Justice wills it so.

You're Dutch as well? Jeej, that doesn't make me the only one!
I have to admit het Wilhelmus sounds a lot better in English when I look upon the lyrics right now.

I like the American Anthem as well to be honest.

Worst anthem possible to me is the brazilian, I can't stand the drums and whistles.

2007-02-23, 11:16 AM
You're Dutch as well? Jeej, that doesn't make me the only one!
There are lots of us here, really: Deus mortus, Simius and lord Herman are three of which I know they are currently active. Then there's chris the pontifex. And there are lots more.

2007-02-23, 11:17 AM
Definitely Jerusalem. It's pretty much the only English / British nationalist song whose message isn't "aren't we all glad that we're British and therefore much better than everyone else" so much as "right, we're British, now what have we got to do to make this place worth living in?"

Jerusalem, isn't that the poem by William Blake? If not, what are the lyrics?

2007-02-23, 12:36 PM
Jerusalem, isn't that the poem by William Blake? If not, what are the lyrics?

Yep, it's his "...weird British Israelite hymn" (as Jeremy Paxman once put it) put to music by Charles Herbert Hastings Parry in 1916. It seems to have been used as a Suffragette anthem originally, but became wildly popular in the interwar years.

Keep in mind that the last time the English visited Croke Park they left 13 bodies behind them.Including two children and the man who would give his name to one of the stands that currently... eh stands today. Hill 16 is named after the Easter Rising of 1916 and it is rumoured that this original terrace was built from the rumble of O'Connell Street following the British bombardment. Croke Park is the embodiment of Irish independence and nationalism. British persecution is etched into the GAA's collective memory.

So, yes, there is some controversy over Englishmen singing their anthem in Croke Park. And it goes much, much deeper than "tasteless fuss". But despite this the game will go ahead and the anthems will be sung. Tomorrow's game will be something of a milestone in Irish history. This is something that the RFU, and English fans in general, have generally been most understanding about.

Ah, I begin to see where the objections arise. Please accept my apology for flying off half-cocked. I was under the misapprehension some politician was making a point-scoring exercise of this, but what you've told me kind of puts the situation on a par with a bunch of rowdy visitors singing "Deutschland uber Alles" in Coventry Cathedral: no offence intended perhaps, but still really awkward... :smalleek:

Hopefully the matter will be resolved without fuss or violence. This time the English are only in Dublin to drink the bars dry and watch a hard-fought England win (Irish Milage May Vary :smallbiggrin: ) that does credit to both teams.

2007-02-23, 03:33 PM
Ah, I begin to see where the objections arise. Please accept my apology for flying off half-cocked. I was under the misapprehension some politician was making a point-scoring exercise of this, but what you've told me kind of puts the situation on a par with a bunch of rowdy visitors singing "Deutschland uber Alles" in Coventry Cathedral: no offence intended perhaps, but still really awkward... :smalleek: If you didn't know then that's no problem. I can see how it might look in England but it is important to understand that this is a hugely historic occasion in Ireland. Its dominated the news for the past week and I expect this to be a massive cultural milestone for the country.

As I said, the RFU and English fans have been very understanding about the whole affair, which is on par with the generally excellent history of rugby between the two nations.

2007-02-23, 03:49 PM
"America the Beautiful" would have made a much better national anthem for us. The only time I like "The Star-Spangled Banner" is when Jimmy Hendrix is playing it.

2007-02-23, 04:06 PM
Jimi. And yes, that made the song for me. Steve Vai's version is cool but no one can beat Jimi at it. I still hear it now.

2007-02-23, 05:19 PM
An the Kipper Famileys, We are the Boys who are Norfolk and good as my county Anthem.
Ooh, that reminds me - how about On Ilkley Moor Baht'at? Preferrably including "where the ducks play football" at the ends of the verses...

2007-02-23, 06:19 PM
Yep, it's his "...weird British Israelite hymn" (as Jeremy Paxman once put it) put to music by Charles Herbert Hastings Parry in 1916. It seems to have been used as a Suffragette anthem originally, but became wildly popular in the interwar years.

Hmm, I never knew that, I only know the version of Bruce Dickinson from his 1998 solo album 'The Chemical Wedding' (which is a great version in my opinion). I also love Wiliam Blake's work, The Book Of Thel and The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell are also wonderful (no anthems though).

2007-02-23, 06:40 PM
"Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" is my favourite.

2007-02-23, 08:16 PM
I like Wayne Messmer's rendition of O, Canada. Whenever the Expos would come to Wrigley Field I'd try to catch the start of those games to hear him sing it.

2007-02-24, 08:18 AM
On God Save the queen being England's National Anthem. It's NOT.

It is the National Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland.

As a british citizen, I'm perfectly proud to sing God save the queen. It's fine. I quite like the seperation between show and name of power and exercise of that power. (Not the way i'd set it up from the begining, and If I was alive during Cromwells day, well, sign me up with the Lord of the Fens please).

But as an Englishman, I want a song about my country. And I know jerusalem can be a bit odd, as a forigen city is named in it, and some may not like the religious content (as an Atheist I have no problem with it), but I love it.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-24, 08:31 AM
As an Australian, I have to say that I hate our anthem. I am patriotic, but I would much prefer something different- the current one is just odd. And no one knows the second and third verses. I would much prefer I am Australian, to me it speaks a lot more about how we are one of the largest melting pots in the world. And it sounds so much better. I love it.

2007-02-26, 04:48 AM
As an Australian, I have to say that I hate our anthem. I am patriotic, but I would much prefer something different- the current one is just odd. And no one knows the second and third verses. I would much prefer I am Australian, to me it speaks a lot more about how we are one of the largest melting pots in the world. And it sounds so much better. I love it.

I still think walzting matilda would be a better one. That's a good song, one that I wouldn't mind remembering. Although, I am Australian, is a good song too.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-26, 08:27 AM
I don't like Waltzing Matilda either. I am Australian just speaks to me the most out of any patriotic song that an Australian has written

2007-02-28, 05:26 AM
The actual anthem is still the worst...I hate it...Much!

The Dirge
2007-02-28, 05:40 AM
Isreali anthem has a good tune. French Anthem is good if you translate it (I think one of the lines is 'we will fallow [which means to water] our crops with the blood of our enemies or something like that)

Aussi anthem is good, but I prefer 'I am Australian'

General Leitmann
2007-02-28, 08:32 AM
As far as National Anthems go, I am never more proud than when I hear "O Canada", but I don't like it in only one language, the best version is one I heard during a Habs home game against the 'Canes last year in the playoffs, where it was sung in both official languages, was quite good.

O Canada!
Our home and native land
True patriot love,
In all thy sons command

Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits!

God keep our land,
Glorious and free!
O Canada we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada we stand on guard for thee!

Though I am compelled to agree with ZRS and agree that "The Maple Leaf Forever" would be better, but that might not sit well in Québec...

2007-03-02, 03:34 PM
I'll just join the chorus and say the Red Army Choir's rendition of the Soviet National Anthem is awesome. The Star-Spangled Banner is good when sung by a soloist who knows what he/she is doing, but not so great for choral renditions.

I like the French national anthem too (but don't spread that around. >.>)

2007-03-02, 04:12 PM
I used to think that "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" ("His truth is marching on") should be the national anthem of the United States, even in spite of the strong religious theme and the unapolegetically Christian content. But then I realized it doesn't even mention America once. Good lyrics though. Grim and bloody, but not self-agrandizing.

As for the current national anthem, I think it's decent but not outstanding for the most part. However, I think "The bombs bursting in air" may be the worst line in all poetry surviving to the modern day, and it sounds especially bad placed right after "And the rockets' red glare," a rather good line of poetry. This doesn't annoy me, though; it just cracks me up.

2007-03-02, 04:31 PM
But then I realized it doesn't even mention America once.I heard a good comment on another forum to the effect that England gets more mention in The Soldier's Song and Flower of Scotland (Ireland and Scotland respectively) than it does in God Save the Queen :smallbiggrin:

Duke Malagigi
2007-03-03, 12:09 AM
I used to think that "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" ("His truth is marching on") should be the national anthem of the United States, even in spite of the strong religious theme and the unapolegetically Christian content. But then I realized it doesn't even mention America once. Good lyrics though. Grim and bloody, but not self-agrandizing.

As for the current national anthem, I think it's decent but not outstanding for the most part. However, I think "The bombs bursting in air" may be the worst line in all poetry surviving to the modern day, and it sounds especially bad placed right after "And the rockets' red glare," a rather good line of poetry. This doesn't annoy me, though; it just cracks me up.

Just to give you a bit of a back a story on The Star Spangled Banner it was the first (and probably only) national anthem commemorating one of its country's most spectacular military defeats. It comes from the War of 1812 and the burning of Washington D.C. by British forces.

2007-03-03, 12:34 AM
Just to give you a bit of a back a story on The Star Spangled Banner it was the first (and probably only) national anthem commemorating one of its country's most spectacular military defeats. It comes from the War of 1812 and the burning of Washington D.C. by British forces.

As has been stated before, the Star Spangled Banner refers to the defence of Fort McHenry, which held successfully against British bombardment during the battle in question. Furthermore, Fort McHenry is located in Baltimore, not Washington. So, no, it is a song about an American victory, not an American defeat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_McHenry

2007-03-03, 02:30 AM
Hence that talking about the "flag was still (being) there".