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2014-06-03, 04:57 PM
A school nature hike, up in the mountains. Early afternoon.

Utterly boring for some, interesting for others.

Behind you, an argument has just been broken up by one of the chaperones. The <insult redacted> girl who started it passes you, moving at pace that you doubt she can keep up.

Her name is Jenanne. She is your stereotypical nasty cheerleader.

"Just stay away from me you doofus!" she calls over her shoulder at said chaperone.

At least one of you is gathering their words (and possibly breath) to add something to this exchange, when suddenly your worlds' turn into a cloth's drier filled with dirt, rocks, and set on "TURBO AIR FLUFF". Many terrifying seconds later, you find yourself sliding to a stop in an underground cavern. You all stand up and dust yourself off. All of you have some pretty bad bruises and scrapes (By average highschool student standards), but you are fully functional.

In the dim lighting that filters down the hole behind you, you notice the girl, buried up to her legs in loose debris.

The NPC girl seems to be unconscious.

You notice a faint blue glow further into the cave.

If you made this check, you have a signal whistle and a small first aid kit with you... some band-aids(tm) a packet or two of antiseptic ointment, tweezers, 2 doses of over the counter painkillers, packet with pre-wetted alcohol pads in it, 1 chemical light-stick etc.

If you hit at least a DC 23, then you have something... better. Including but not limited to: Space-blanket, matches, 2 packets containing sutures (yes, these ARE availible over the counter), compass, 1 pint of extra water, and a telescoping and locking rod suitable for use as a crude splint.

If you hit a DC 27 then you have a topological map of the area and a flare-gun.
((OOC: You all have cell-phones, with screens that light up. If you need a light source, I suggest those or the lightsticks if you have those.))

2014-06-03, 06:54 PM
Mads mutters to himself. He hates nature and while he have nothing against doing sports and physical excercise he hates the monotone feeling walking gives him. Fortunately he managed to sneak some headphones with on the trip so he could use his phone for music. People glorifies nature too much He thinks to himself Dust and dirt is natural, dying when you are 30 is natural, heck even aids and cancer is natural. There is a reason humans have been trying to fight nature for the last 1000 years he continues and is about to mention more reasons to why he despises nature-enthuthiasts when he is pushed over the side. Hey watch out Jen.. he manages to say before his world turns upside down.

After the landing he lies completely still for a couple of seconds before noticing that nothing is hurting badly. The situation reminds him when he was biking and got hit by a red car. Overwhelmed with fear he slowly moves the individual parts of his body and is releaved by finding out that nothing was broken. He did have a habit of gettin strains so he double-checks as he moves to a standing position.

He then is overwhelmed by a surge of joy and excitement as the song on his phone switches to one of his new favorites (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM). He is tempted to laugh up loud but bitter experience has taught him that other people have different definitions of joy than he has. This is the way I like to enjoy nature he thinks recalling a trip to a lime mine with small pools of water and a pleasantly cold temperature. He waits for his eyes to adjust themself while trying to find a side of the cave. He is planning on following a wall into deeper into the cave. He hopes that the teachers will take some time finding them so he has some time to explore. If you have your right hand on the wall all the time you won't get lost he says remembering a tip someone once told him about getting out of a pyramid

He notices Jenanne being partly burried but sorta out that information as irrelevant and returns his focus on staring into the darkness. If she needed help she would probably yell it soon enough. The girl had some problems with the family and always sought attention, usually in a loud way.

2014-06-03, 08:58 PM
Marcus keeps his eyes focussed purely on the sky, watching the clouds as he slowly walks forward. His whole world was slowed down, sensory notifications and stimuli were deemed irrelevant compared to the grand glory of staring at the aerial ocean above him. Full of mighty, huge white whales, drifting about slowly and occasionally dispersing into strands and wisps of white. It was almost like he was swimming through water himself, so engrossed was he in his vacant sight seeing that time itself was seemingly filtered through a heavy load of jello, forced to move at a snails pace. He didn't care much for this field trip, any excuse to not do trigonometry was a good excuse in his book, and it gave him an opportune time to indulge in his favorite past time of looking at inanimate objects. Sadly, his joy of isolation was horribly mangled by the introduction of his fellow class mates in this trip, and so he had to narrow his vision, putting on mental blinders so that he could pretend as if he were truly alone. Cast out in a flying sea, with the blazing sum within arms reach, and a swarm of white whales circling about him.

This practice in imagination was swiftly shattered as he found himself picked up and thrown about. His eyes almost bulged out of his head as he flailed his arms about frantically and cried out. His screaming and waving only continued as he hit the ground, and found himself pretty roughly bruised. Grumbling every profanity he could think of under his breath, Marcus pushed up with his hands first, and then promptly stood as the rest of his body followed suit.

"No one said anything about a detour in this damn trip! If I broke something I'm suing your asses! Especially you Mrs. Trowfield!"

Looking around, the anger boiling within himself, which had wrenched his face into a scowl, was slowly dying as realization fell upon him. He was most likely lost. His eyes darted back and forth, bouncing from wall to wall as he began to take short and light breathes over and over again. He'd never been in the woods before, let alone lost in a cave. What if a bear found him? Or a cobra? What if he walked into a massive nest of black widows, became entangled in their webs, and was poisoned? Pulling out his crappy flip-phone, he used the screen light to get a slightly better grip on his surroundings. He needed a sign, anything that would help lead him out of this dank potential death trap. Gazing out into the darkness, Marcus picks up on a light, and begins to slowly move towards it.

"Hello?..... Anywhere there?"

He called out hesitantly, turning his head back as he noticed the other students with him. Oh, right, he had these guys to figure out too. Well, the buried kid wasn't going anywhere fast, and it's not like Marcus even liked her....... But, he didn't want her to get eaten by a bear or anything. Walking over to her (A process which hurt more then he thought it would, though the bruises on his legs did him no favors) he reached his two hands down and grabbed her right arm. Pulling, he yanked her out eventually and leaned her against his shoulder. Phone still in hand, he grimaced slightly at the sight of this random girl so close to him, who was probably just some rutting bimbo anyway. Dragging her along, he proceeded towards the light, though he atleast had the decency to call back to the others.

"Yo! I think I see something further down there. I think it's a light or something, might be the surface....."


If this fails, Marcus will just take 20 anyway, not like he's going to leave some random chick lying around for cave animals to tear into, or bats to poop on.

2014-06-04, 12:12 PM
Clyde was energetic as ever, at least much more so then he'd ever be during a school day. His movement was somewhere in between running a jogging, each step raising his knee high enough to be horizontally in line with his hips. He casually jumped over rocks and swung from low-hanging branches. In short he was having quite the time.

As the sudden change in scenery happens, he does scream, not in terror, but rather from the sheer adrenaline rush. Once erratic tumbling finally grinds to a halt, he rolls over onto his back before bouncing back onto his feet. "Whoo, let's go again!" He shouted out, more like he had just come of a roller coastr rather than having just been in the midst of a landslide. After the initial rush died down, he stumbled ever so slightly as a dull ache became more obvious, and he finally seemed to realize his footing to be less than stable. The situation, at least what he could make of it, finally began to sink in as he pulled out his phone. It was one of those old phones, with proper buttons and a frame that could probably break an anvil, and perhaps the most interesting featrue of it was a tiny LED on top that could shed a rather bright light. Fanning the cone of light about, he tried to get a rough idea of his whereabouts.

"Is anyone hurt?" He called out to his classmates.

2014-06-06, 06:14 PM
You should probably Jenanne instead, she was the one who pushed you.. Or the rocks for not stopping your fall. Mads comments on Marcus' outlet of anger.

When he hears Marcus talking about a light he will look in the direction he is looking. Does he see it?

I'm fine. What about you? Mads says to Clyde

2014-06-06, 06:59 PM
Mads notices light.

2014-06-07, 10:55 AM
"Just some bumps and scratches, and I'll probably need a new shirt, but I've lived through worse." He replies to Mads, somewhat joking with his tone.

He then turns his attention to the rest of the cave, in particular trying to notice the light Marcus mentioned "Light? What light?"

2014-06-07, 11:03 AM
I think he means the one over there. Mads says pointing. Hello? Anybody there? Mads yells towards the light.

Assuming he doesn't recieve an answer he will look around for possible ways to go that doesn't include getting closer to the light.

2014-06-07, 01:06 PM
The blue-ish light comes more strongly into view, now clear enough that anyone who takes a few seconds staring in that direction can see it, but there is no sound from that direction. Some may, however, hear faint voices from up above.

2014-06-08, 01:44 PM
Mathew looked around and took in a nice breath of fresh air, Too long had he been used to walking through a city, nature walks where some of the few times he felt he could just forget about his responsibilities and just, be...that and his Foot ball games of course. The walk was no problem for him, he had been used to strenuous exercise day after day so he walked with a spring on his step as he looked around at his fellow classmates. he hears the arguments from the girl as she strides past and lets out a soft sigh, name calling is not one of your favorite pastimes but one needs to learn that sometimes bringing attention to it could be just as problematic, it was at that moment that the world turned into a Lavalamp of chaos he saw the ground open near his classmates, instinct took over as he dashed forward and pulled one of the students out of harms way, the pivot of his movements however, rushed, caused him to tilt over and into the hole himself, He remembered taking a moment to curse his kindness before plummeting below.

As soon ashe awoke he looked around, a dull headache throbbing as he took inventory. "Is every one ok?" he would ask as his eyes squinted softly, trying to see who was around, he would dig into his pack and pull out a small first aid kit. "I got a first aid kit, any one injured and need some attention?" he would ask, more concern for the well being of others as to where he is at this very moment. sure some one else would deal with that.

2014-06-08, 06:35 PM
Mads notices that Marcus is working on the cheerleaders body. Is everything good over there?

Heh yeah I probably need a new shirt as well. Fortunately my music is still working. he says to clyde in an equal light tone.

To Mathew he repliesI'm good. Only a few scratches.

Mads is becomming increasingly more unsettles when the light becomes stronger. If horror movies has taught him anything then a light in the middle of nowhere is a bad thing. Also he recalls that multiple animals use lightning to draw prey close and.. He forces the silly thoughts out of his head. How clearly is the illumination down here? If Mads suspects that there is a hole or a pool of water(which isn't unlikely) he will pick up a couple of stones and throw them towards the light.

2014-06-09, 04:06 PM
Amelia paced herself carefully as the group made its way through the trails, keeping up a light chatter with her friends as the group traveled across the wild lands. It was a nice sunny day, and she was certain she'd be able to fine some enjoyment in the outing; even if camping wasn't exactly her thing...or at least she did before the ground beneath her came apart. The sturdy firmament giving way to a yawning abyss as her voice soon joined the panicked chorus of her fellows amid the falling gravel and soil. Thankfully her journey is cut short well before her mind can dwell on the experience for too long.

It takes a few moments for the young brunette to rouse herself, as he be comes all to aware of the movement around her and her own aches and pains. "I'm okay," she chimed in as she tried to find her bearings, searching the cavern in the hopes of divining how far they had strayed from their fellows only for her eyes to fall upon the half buried girl straining under Marcus' administrations.

"Stop that! You're going to hurt her," she exclaimed as she rushed over to the fallen girl's side, We need to dig her out first, otherwise we might end up hurting her worse," she added as she started pulling some of the rubble away, hoping the other's might follow her example. Lord new the other boys around her would be able to do much more than she could if only they'd focus on the task.

Her administrations continue unimpeded until a glimmering blue light emanating from further into the cave catches her eye, "Is that a way out?" she inquired aloud as her attention divided itself between the girl astride her and the sliver of hope at the other end.

2014-06-09, 04:41 PM
Mads suddenly realizes that Jenanne hasn't uttered a word since they arrived. He had been so busy enjoying the silence that he didn't notice something was wrong. He moves to Amalie's side. He remembers what he learned about first-aid from his time as a life-guard, he hold her head so that her throat is clear and puts his ear to her mouth.

If he doesn't feel/hear breathing he will use his phone as a lightning source and try to see if he can find a rock or something in her mouth.
If he does feel/hear breathing he will help removing rocks and if they manage to free her he will put her in recovery position.

When Mads is holding his phone he will check if there is any signal.

2014-06-09, 05:00 PM
Clyde, only now seemingly having noticed the buried girl, does not think twice before rushing to help in attempting to dislodge her.

2014-06-09, 05:36 PM
The clearing away of the rubble to free her legs is proceeding quickly, although you have a ways to go.

Mads notes that she is breathing fine, although he feels some blood on one side of her head. He shines his phone on the bleeding, it seems minor enough that letting it run to clear out the dirt is superior to trying to bandage it for right now, especially with a shirt or something. Might help to rinse it off with water from a canteen, but not while people are tossing dirt around in a hurried effort to get at her legs.

You don't seem to have any cell signal at this time.

2014-06-09, 05:49 PM
When they are done releasing her from her stone-chains
She's bleeding. Mads ascertain. Mathew can your kit do something about this?. Mads has no knowledge with this kind of stuff. People usually didn't start to bleed in a pool and he was hoping that Mathew knew how to do it.

2014-06-10, 07:14 AM
Marcus had his eyes focused on the task of yanking the trapped girl out, not turning to address his fellow classmates even as they asked pertinent questions in regards to what he was doing.

"Yeah I think she'll be fine... I dunno, I'm not a doctor or anything. Just think she needs to walk it of-"

When suddenly Marcus found himself being berated and intercepted by the powers of Amelia. His eyebrows raised slightly as he heard her response to him trying to help, his hands rapidly releasing Jenane's so that he could hold them up defensively.

"God damn, didn't know you were some kind of a rutting expert or something. Jeez, my bad. Try to help someone and this is the thanks I get."

He began to grumble incoherently, rambling slightly as he helped remove a rock or two before deciding he'd contributed, and been yelled at, enough. Jamming his hands into his pockets, Marcus skulked away towards the light, throwing his head back as he did so.

"If that light's a way out, I'll be sure to tell you when I find it...... Probably...."

2014-06-10, 09:51 PM
Open these spoilers when you deem that approximately 30 seconds have passed after Marcus starts walking.
Marcus notices something very odd about the light. For one thing it seems to be moving, for another its form is very odd for a light coming through a natural rock formation... He clearly hears words, but not in an language he has ever heard before. They fill him with terror as of the stern but loving father he lacks. With this additional stimulus his brain resolves the glow into the silloute of a figure... a head at the top, two legs down below, and six spread wings in between. Distance and other factors you aren't quite sure of prevent you from making out the details.

You MIGHT have heard a faint whisper in the distance. Then, it seems you have gone deaf or something... a quiet deeper than any of you have experienced before. Not even the sound of the blood rushing through your ears can be detected.

2014-06-11, 03:46 AM
Can Mads hear his own voice? If not he will scream some gibberish and looks at Amelia with scared eyes.

Mads will turn his head towards the whisper.

2014-06-11, 02:30 PM
Mads still hears nothing. He looks around, trying to pin-point where the distant sounds of speech came from. Process of elimination gives only two directions: up the rubble to where you fell in, and towards the light.

2014-06-11, 02:46 PM
Mads looks at his phone that was supposed to be playing music. After seeing that it is still working he shakes his head and looks confused at the others.

2014-06-11, 03:23 PM
Clyde attempted to give Marcus a somewhat late reply, only to realize he couldn't hear his own words, or those of the others for that matter. Right about then is when panic starts creeping in. He looks frantically at the others, seemingly trying to shout something, but he at least could not hear his own voice.

2014-06-15, 01:19 PM
"Look, I wasn't trying to insult you anything," she retorted as Marcus turned away, raising her voice slightly so the boy could still hear her as he walked away "It's just that we don't know if she broke anything when she fell, or when this stuff fell on her. We're not angry at you, it's just we're better off playing at safe than tak..." she explained, her eyes widening slightly in fear as her voice seemed to cut out in mid-sentence as even the urgent sounds coming from above them seemed to fade away. The girl experimentally uttered several words, only to be greeted by deafening silence, and by the expressions of the others she wasn't the only one suffering from this ailment.

Trying hard not to panic, the girl labored to keep her breaths slow and steady as she put her hands in front of herself, palms facing the other teens as she repeatedly gestured for them all to keep calm. After taking a breath or two to arrest her own nerves Amelia attempted to gesture to one of the boys to go over to Marcus and keep him from leaving in case the boy hadn't noticed what was happening. As soon as they had managed to dig out enough of the rubble to free Jeanne, she'd gesture for one of the boys to try and gently carry her if they could. Plagued by a terrible feeling regarding whatever was happening, be it some kind of gas leak screwing with their hearing or something else, Amelia felt it best they get ready to move before it could get any worse.

2014-06-15, 01:37 PM
Mathew observed the range of emotions Amelia portrayed with interest, he had always found her to be a source of rationality in moments of crises, he quickly fell into the motions of helping who he could before offering himself to carry to the unconscious one. If no one objected he would walk over and examine her carefully before picking her up in his arms. before turning back to Amelia and nodding. it was only when he noticed her voice suddenly vanish that he turned to her and eyebrows raised ask. "Are you ok Amelia." His eyes widening once only silence greeted him.

2014-06-17, 11:16 PM
The figure moves towards Marcus, half flying, half simply floating through the air. The three sets of wings appear to be mismatched, the upper pair is feathered, the middle dragon-fly like, and the lowest are clearly those of some variety of bat... said lowest set suddenly snaps around the creatures waist, sparing Marcus the sight of the unclothed individual before it becomes distinct. This somehow works, despite the glowing figure being translucent.

"Greetings." calls the figure, currently about 40 feet away from Marcus.

2014-06-18, 04:09 AM
Mads had always been convinced that if he ever encountered something supernatural, he would say something cool, and somehow impress it enough that it would allow him to become supernatural as well. Now in this very situation he wasn't able to talk but even if he was he wouldn't have been able to say anything impressive. He glares at the creature with wide open mouth for a couple of seconds before getting a grip and taking a step back.

He then calmed himself and evaluated his chances. He did have a couple years of jui-jitsu training but he doubted that any of the nerves, he was trained in abusing, would have any influence on this thing. He didn't know anything about dragonflies but since the other pair of wings looked like those of a bat, he assumed that the creature could sense them like a bat could, which would give it a superior advantage, if he was to run away from the light-giving crack in the roof. I would also rather die standing than lying helpless after I tripped. Mads silently curses the school for not allowing them to bring weapons.

Mads looks around after something to use against the creature. Assuming nothing better he will pick up a stone that fits his hand. Having a delusional idea about chivalry he will place himself somewhere between the unconscious cheerleader and Amelia, read to throw the rock if the creature attacks them.

2014-06-18, 11:43 AM
Mads picks up a likely looking rock. He actually had quite the fastball when he would play baseball in around the neighborhood and/or in PE, and wasn't bad at freethrows in basketball either*. His subconscious tries to figure out a compromise between a pitchers stance and a jui-jitsu stance as he readies himself to defend. As a result, one of his feet slips ever so slightly in the loose soil covering this part of the cave. Since nothing really changes about the tactical situation in that split second, this would be of no consequence were it not for the fact that it causes him to start to inch his way forward in search of better footing.

Suddenly, sound returns to Mad... albeit mostly the sound of his own breathing.

Oddly enough, the bit about fastballs and free-throws applies to all of you. Basically, you have weapon proficiency with throwing rocks, tossing wads of paper into a trashcan from across the room, and so on and so forth.

Yes, this will be a plot point.

2014-06-18, 01:35 PM
Clyde turns his attention towards the light, tilting his head ever so slightly as his brain was trying to decipher what his eyes could make out from amidst the brightness.

He couldn't recognize this thing, but something in the back of his head said that something what appeared humanoid enough shouldn't have that many limbs.

He brought himself back to his feet, as his gaze whipped back and forth, occasionally focusing on the light as he tried keep an eye on the light while at the same time trying to find a stick or branch of some description, preferably about arm-length and relatively straight.

2014-06-19, 08:37 AM
Mads holds the hand with the rock ready to throw but moves the other to his ear when he suddenly am able to hear again. He considered pointing it out to the others but decides that a 6-winged glowing creature is more important. He awaits it's attack.

2014-06-20, 02:01 AM
Marcus didn't really expect to find anything special on this school field trip.

Of course Marcus had to be horribly horribly wrong.

His eyes began to bulge out of his head, his pale caucasian hand slowly rising up to his face as he stared at the being of light before him. Slowly, he slapped his cheek once, twice, three times, and upon finishing he lowered his hand. He was completely dumb founded, nose twitching slightly at how improbable of an encounter this was, which was only made worse by the being of sheer light suddenly having wings and talking. Tilting his head to the right, Marcus scanned the being of light cautiously, rubbing his eyes in the process as he mutters to himself.

"Great, somebody probably drugged me on the ride here. F****** pricks are probably drawing on my face right now, or laughing at me hallucinating.... Well, if I'm hallucinating, I might aswell get through this cave and to a better setting for my imagination,"

Marcus began to walk forward, putting his hands into his pockets as he rolled his neck.

"Yo, Mr. Lightbulb Wingsman, mind moving out of the way? I'm walking here."

2014-06-20, 04:21 PM
Clyde starts playing the light from his phone over the rubble, looking for a tree root. He finds one, and spends a few seconds pulling it out. It is pretty flexible, which is only partially countered by the fact that it is about 1.5 inches in diameter, but beggars can't be choosers.

The figure effortlessly reverses direction and starts flying backwards, maintaining a distance of about 25' in front Marcus. It now speaks loudly enough that anyone who can hear anything can hear him.

The figure seems to be human, Except for the wings... which incidentally sometimes pass THROUGH the walls of the natural tunnel.

"Oh, I'm hardly here to impede your progress, although there may be a slight pause while we discuss your destination. Allow me to demonstrate. CATCH!"

A NON-glowing, NON-translucent object suddenly appears its hand, and it tosses it underhand towards Marcus. It doesn't look dangerous in any obvious way (then again, neither does a hand-grenade with the pin out).

((Catch, block, dodge, or ignore?))

2014-06-20, 05:06 PM
Shrugging, Marcus decides to merely ignore his hallucination and keep walking. He'd experienced bad trips before, most of the time they just fizzled away when he ignored them. Unimpeded by the thought of the object approaching him, Marcus continued walking and talking casually.

"I've never really been one for sports, or catching things."

2014-06-20, 05:47 PM
"Man, what the ^&#$#$^!!!" comes down the tunnel to those that can hear as Marcus starts jerking his hands at his front-side.
Whatever it was (it is your morpher) turns into an 8 inch long enormous Fire-Ant the instant it makes contact with your torso, and, despite your attempt to bat it away, and several other factors that would normally prevent this, scurries (jumps?) with lightning speed to where-ever your morpher usually is going to be when you transform. (You start an extra-long transformation, at the end of which you will be holding/wearing your morpher as you usually would be.. or it will have disappeared if that would normally be the case.)

You feel blinding fury such as you have never known... but directed at some unknown person or persons. Everyone else? Is simply irrelevant except if they can somehow aid you in your search for this hated foe... note that this indifference INCLUDES the glowing figure.

You are lost in flames, both inner and outer for a seeming eternity, but their is no pain. (You may add enraged dialogue or wordless growling if you like).
Mads hurls his rock, but can't tell if he hit or not, since Marcus, who is now floating about 6 inches off the ground, is now ON FIRE. The flames burst forth, forming a sphere around him that more than fills the tunnel (and stays that way).

Everyone notices the increase in the light levels and turns to look. Marcus's silhouette is just visible within the inferno.
((Flames will last about 20 seconds. What, if anything, you hear from Marcus (assuming you can hear anything) I'll leave up to Tychris1.))

2014-06-21, 04:23 AM
WOAH! Mads shouts seing his classmate burning and floating. Maybe fighting this things is a poor idea. He walks a few steps back and look at the crack in the roof for an escape route. Can you describe it in more details?

2014-06-21, 07:49 PM
Mad's quickly backs away from the flames, re-entering the silent area. He tries to scamper up one side of the mounded material towards the dim sliver of daylight, but slides back, starting a minor dirt-slide in the process. He quickly glances over and notes that the dirt has re-buried an inch or two worth of the progress they had made in unburying the unconscious girl's legs.

((Going to give a lot of info here. Restrict what your character actually knows based on what seems reasonable for the individual.))
Mads is far from a professional geologist*, but he thinks the word "Sinkhole" might be applicable... maybe? In any case, it seems that part of the trail the school group was hiking on just so happened to pick that moment to collapse. The empty space below was sharply sloped at the bottom, such that rather than a drop with a sudden stop at the end, the dirt (and a few rocks) swept them along quite a far distance before it stopped as the natural-looking tunnel became more level. It is actually VERY odd that you arrived both unburied (with one partial exception) AND in front of most of the material. The tunnel on both your side and (presumably) the far side of the debris-plug appears to be some sort of grey stone, with enough dirt on the bottom to render the footing not TOO treacherous, but the material is mostly very loose dirt, with a few roots and rocks mixed in. The rocks appear to be the same material as the walls and ceiling of the tunnel.

The gap at the top is too small for you to fit through. Some of you might need to dig at it more or less than others.

((VERY rough sketch, and I don't promise that there EXISTS a specific geometry that can make this work unless we assume that the Silence is a larger radius than standard. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1p4dbxpi9eCn-migoVHugRgOCnqIQgQTKgjoGrI4Nogk ))

*And probably not even an amateur geologist.

((What exactly is Mads trying to determine?))

(One thing that you all DON'T actually feel is much of a rising temperature, although anyone thinking that you are now in the process of being cooked to death due to only having a tiny hole to let the heat out could be forgiven for not paying attention to the actual way the flames feel, rather than just drawing conclusions from false data.)

2014-06-22, 12:59 PM
Marcus begins twitching violently, his body rocking back and forth slowly as his eyes squint. His lips, quivering as they are, pull back to fully expose his teeth in an almost manic smile. Clenching his fist, his slight field of vision begins to move around slowly before focussing on the black fingerless glove, newly formed and blazing hiy. Yet his birth in flames did no hurt upon him, even as each ragged breathe was like his lungs being filled with coals.

"MAHAHAHA! MY MIND IS ON FIIIIIIRE! BLAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm gonna kill you ALL! I'm gonna kill your FRIENDS and then your FAMILIES AND DOG! I'M GONNA TRACK DOWN YOUR GRANDPARENTS AND TURN THEM INSIDE-OUT! Nobody can stop the blood train that will turn your loved ones into a red splatter across the FACE OF THE WORLD! RAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"

His body began to take more and more rapid breathes, his spine tingling with the sheer sensation of it all even as his legs began to feel like they were made of stone. Jerking his left leg forward, Marcus begins to slowly walk away from the glowing winged man, intent on finding some hole or exit to the surface, so that he may properly unleash his anger.

Something was going to have to pay.

Someone was going to hurt.

2014-06-22, 01:05 PM
Mads knows that he is unlikely to be able to get out and in the back of his head he knows that him trying might hurt Jennane. However after one of his classmates flying and burning his rational thoughts have lost him and he starts crawling up towards the hole with the intention to dig himself through.

2014-06-22, 01:56 PM
After several tries, Mads manages to look through the hole while digging at it... he has a hard time seeing anything much past where he is working in the first second or so, but after that the fire disappears rendering the balance of lighting better. He sees more tunnel, mostly filled with dirt, and perhaps a hint of direct sunlight at the far end.

2014-06-22, 03:15 PM
Clyde at first pockets his phone and lifts his makeshift club in front of, keeping both hands on it, positioning himself between the floating... thing, and the unconscious student.

Then when he Marcus seemingly go up in a conflagaration, he froze in horror. it wasn't until whatever Marcus had become had run off when, suddenly, Clyde seemed to simply snap. He let go with one hand, and seemingly screaming something, although no voice could be heard, charged forward, toward the glowing entity. He only hoped that he could keep his balance as he rushed forward with little heed for his own safety.

2014-06-22, 06:07 PM
Clyde's voice leaps to life after only a few steps. His charge is a thing of martial beauty, totally belying his (relative?) lack of training.

His feet find purchase on the ground without fail, driving him forward.

His battle-cry fades out, in a perfectly timed psychological gambit to lull his enemy into a split second relaxation before it surges forth to new heights, even as he focuses an impressive fraction of his forward momentum into his swing.

His charge is a thing of beauty... even in its total failure.

The figure stops flapping as Clyde starts to move towards him. It floats in mid-air, its arms, legs, and wings (including, briefly, the bottom-most pair), spread wide.

Given this stance, and the lack of motion, a mere young child would be hard pressed to NOT cause an attack to intersect the strange creatures body, much less the nacent warrior moving towards him.

Clyde's aim is true.

It is a testament to the perfection of the attack that Clyde doesn't fall flat on his face as the root passes through the figure without so much as a ripple.

Recovering his balance, Clyde stumbles through the figure, whirling around to face his foes back. It turns just slightly, and looks at him over its shoulder.

"Well," says the figure with a smirk and a cocked eyebrow, "y'all certainly don't lack for spunk."

2014-06-23, 12:33 AM
Amelia watched it all unfurl with a mixture of fascination and horror. The boy she had been speaking to know now floated several feet off the ground and was alight with flames. She wasn't sure if she hadn't called out for help due to shock, the knowledge the act would amount to little if anything with her voice gone, or the mesmerizing surrealness of it her that made her doubt just enough whether or not this was actually happening or was the product of some blow to the head she'd received on the way down. The frightened girl gave the skylight a furtive look in the hopes that something, anything really, might come down to help them but the act gave little fruit.

Briefly the lass turned her panicked attention towards her phone hoping to send a message to the others when she noticed the boy attempting to defend her rush towards the thing that had just set their college on fire. Forgetting about the SOS for the moment, the lass gives chase trying to stop Clyde from reaching whatever had just attacked Marcus. Alas it was all for naught for her fellow student manages to outpace her with his charge, worst of all as she was poorly prepared for what awaited for her beyond the silent womb that had embraced her and the others for so long.

The sudden explosion of sound as it renterred her world once more was disorienting enough, yet what could only be considered as half-mad gibbering from Marcus' flame wreath form is what truly brings about her horror filled pause as she gazes upon his tortured form. For a long moment the young lasses mind reels at the sheer impossibility of the sight before her, missing the result of Clyde's awe inspiring charge, though the being's words manage to stir her from her stupor; rousing a strange mixture of indignation and concern.

"W-What did you do to him?!" she calls out to the english-speaking figure; her concern for Marcus' well being, and indignation at the beings amusement eclipsing her growing shock and fear as Marcus' wapred figure begins to stumble towards the entity in a half dazed state.

2014-06-23, 01:10 AM
((Clarification: Marcus is at least 30 feet past Clyde, and still making tracks away from everyone.))

The figure turns to Amelia, the bird-like and dragon-fly-like wings resume their flapping. He speaks seriously, yet calmly.

"I equipped him for the fight against the Evil* that is coming. I didn't know he would be QUITE so much of a berserk though. He'll be fine once he realizes that he has no idea where to find said evil. You are Amelia, and that [jerks his thumb over his shoulder] is Clyde. The one who burns with the fires of judgement is Marcus and my name is Zordon."

*(Yes, you somehow can hear the implied capital here).

2014-06-23, 12:52 PM
Well he certainly wasn't expecting that, passed therough Clyde's mind as he stumbled to bring himself to a halt, preferably without having to stop all that kinetic energy with his face. Feeling how one of his feet momentarily loose traction, he tossed himself into an ukemi that allowed his fruitless charge to come to an end, and even allowing him to land with one foot firmly planted on the ground, with the rest of his weight resting on his other knee. The adrenaline still pumping, Clyde jolts back up, turning to face this thing, even bringing his useless root in front of him. His postrue relaxes, if only evr so slightly, when the thing starts tallking. "Wait, you know us? Who..." He begins a question, before realizing a different wording could perhaps help. "WHAT are you? And what on gods green earth happened to Marcus, he looks like something out of a computer game."

2014-06-23, 06:15 PM
The figure looks a bit apologetic, but speaks with great authority.

"I am what humans call a Sentai-Sensei among other things.

Short version? You've been picked to defend this geographic area by becoming Sentai*.

Marcus was convinced I was a hallucination, so I took the direct approach and triggered his first transformation directly. Granted, it didn't turn out to make him more conversational in the short run, but at least he will take the situation seriously now. I knew his powers would be those of righteous wrath, but I didn't guess how intensely they would effect him.

We are missing at least one who should have been here in this cave... and that unconscious girl ISN'T a recruit."

*Yes, you all know that Sentai exist... they are mentioned on the national news about once a month, although the footage of them is extremely sparse. Your plot mandated cluelessness on that subject is more that have never considered why they work the way they do in certain specific regards. You will continue to miss this particular 'obvious' point until you have it explicitly explained to you at some point after "BIG TWIST!".

It is very understandable that you would not make the connection in the heat of the moment.

FWIW, villain/monster attacks are somewhere between terrorist attacks and natural disasters in how people see them.

2014-06-24, 03:52 PM
"Wait, weren't sentai those super-hero types that would show up on the media once in a while? And they often look like something out of a computer game. Then that means Marcus..." Clyde began, before shortly trailing off as the proverbial pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. He shook his head, mostly in disbelief, before finally lowering his club. If this "Zordon" wanted to harm them, then he(/she/it?) would have done so by now.

"I suppose it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say you were responsible for this sinkhole?" Clyde ask, flicking toward the top of the hole "Or is this just what you'd call a convinient accident?"

2014-06-24, 06:26 PM
"Wait, weren't sentai those super-hero types that would show up on the media once in a while? And they often look like something out of a computer game. Then that means Marcus..." Clyde began, before shortly trailing off as the proverbial pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. He shook his head, mostly in disbelief, before finally lowering his club. If this "Zordon" wanted to harm them, then he(/she/it?) would have done so by now.

"I suppose it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say you were responsible for this sinkhole?" Clyde ask, flicking toward the top of the hole "Or is this just what you'd call a convinient accident?"
"The sink hole, and the cave as a whole, are part of the resources provided for you recruitment, yes, although I wasn't personally involved in them."

2014-06-27, 10:56 PM
"Why us? I mean, we're just kids; if their's a big Evil coming shouldn't you be recruiting cops, or firefighters, or soldiers? I mean, people who actually know how to fight?" Amelia asked in disbelief, grasping at what little she could to understand this surreal scenario, "I mean, sure Matthew and Marcus probably know a thing or two about fighting but..."

2014-06-28, 02:21 AM
"Why us? I mean, we're just kids; if their's a big Evil coming shouldn't you be recruiting cops, or firefighters, or soldiers? I mean, people who actually know how to fight?" Amelia asked in disbelief, grasping at what little she could to understand this surreal scenario, "I mean, sure Matthew and Marcus probably know a thing or two about fighting but..."
"Several reasons, all of which I will be glad to explain. But your friend over there seems like he might start mentioning me to people who do not... how do you humans say it? Ah yes.. they do not have 'Need to know'. Could you please retrieve him before he causes you a problem? Most Sentai prefer to keep their identities a secret, and I feel you all should at least have the option."

It is important to the plot that he NOT get the time to fully answer the question you just asked before teleporting y'all off to the missile base. There are basically two reasons, and one of them your characters can know, and the other would relate to that critical piece of information that they must not, under any circumstances suspect until after BIG TWIST.

Please assist me in helping this to work out. Perhaps there should be other questions you get derailed into.

2014-06-29, 03:37 PM
"I have a feeling you won't be taking a "no" too lightly for an answer. Mind at least telling what comes with the territory beyond running around and fighting... Things." Clyde asks, seemingly at a bit of a loss as to how to his question into words.

2014-06-29, 05:54 PM
"I have a feeling you won't be taking a "no" too lightly for an answer. Mind at least telling what comes with the territory beyond running around and fighting... Things." Clyde asks, seemingly at a bit of a loss as to how to his question into words.
"You would be correct that I will do my best to persuade you if you should try to decline. In the end though, it will be a matter of your own conscience. I can give you the power, at least for a little while, but it would be your choice to fight, and if you truly rejected the power it would pass from you after a time.

As for your question, running around and fighting things is pretty much the core of it.

I'll have to teach you how to make excuses so you don't give away your secret. Fortunately the police and such have procedures in place to help with that... I believe summons as a key witness in a fictitious, and year-spanning trial are popular, combined with after-school clubs, dying relatives, and obscure medical conditions will have you covered. Not to mention that... well, I suppose you could call it 'fate' if you insist... anyway, something will be looking out for you, and that includes providing opportunities to get away when you are needed.

The danger is very real, you could be killed... although the other Sentai around the world might be able to revive you even from death. Naturally, your enemies will take precautions against this if possible, destroying your body and equipment if given the chance.

On the plus side, when it isn't terrifying, it will actually be a good bit of fun. I'm no drill sergeant, because you will see combat so soon you won't need much motivation from me to train hard. Your friend there? Once he learns a tiny bit (and I do mean a tiny bit) of control, won't need to ever turn on his stove again if he draws the blinds and only has people he trusts around. Sure it might get sort of boring standing there with flames spilling from the hand he holds under the frying pan, but there is a certain novelty to it.

You personally will be as strong as a national-level athlete, if not Olympian. A powerlifter could probably out-lift you, but their strength would only go in one direction, one specific task 'Get this barbell off the ground in a few very specific ways'. Yours? Will go in every direction equally. You will be agile beyond your wildest dreams, each maneuver you perform in close sequence only heightening your focus and ability for the next maneuver. Think how much fun you could have treating an entire forest as your jungle-gym... or just change your own tires without bothering with that pesky jack.

And one of you? If I am not mistaken, one of you will be able to save the lives of medical patients that human medicine alone can not help. I could be wrong on that count though.**"

*(He really seems to feel that "playing around" is perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn't endanger the secret, isn't harming anyone, and is vaguely safe).

**((Did anyone take Sentai Saint? I thought someone did, but I can't find it.))

2014-07-02, 10:49 AM
"I would be lying if I said you don't make a persuasive argument." Clyde replies, nodding slowly. "But I would also be lying if I said that all of this wasn't just a taaaaaad sudden. I am just about ready to say yes, but there is just one thing I'd like to request." He continues, grinning ever so slightly.

[color="GoldenRod"]"Do to me whatever it is you did to Human Torch over there, and you will have convinced me."[/color ] He finishes after a pause, pointing to where Marcus had run off to.

2014-07-02, 10:58 AM
"I would be lying if I said you don't make a persuasive argument." Clyde replies, nodding slowly. "But I would also be lying if I said that all of this wasn't just a taaaaaad sudden. I am just about ready to say yes, but there is just one thing I'd like to request." He continues, grinning ever so slightly.

"Do to me whatever it is you did to Human Torch over there, and you will have convinced me." He finishes after a pause, pointing to where Marcus had run off to.
"What, force your initial transformation? I can do that, but since your powers will be different, the results would hardly be the same. Which I would consider fortunate.

In any case, I'm just making sure we are on the same page here."

"Very well then!"
Zordon materializes Clyde's morpher and tosses it to/at him.
It activates ((Catch-phrase optional, you just know your catch phrase)) regardless of if you normally hold your morpher in your hand when you transform.

It turns into an six-inch long enormous beetle the instant it makes contact with your fore-arm, and, despite any attempts to bat it away, scurries (jumps?) with lightning speed to where-ever your morpher usually is going to be when you transform.

It misses, but, unseen by you, suddenly reverses direction, and strikes you in the middle of the back ALMOST hard enough to hurt. It turns into a six-inch long beetle and scurries with lightning speed to where-ever your morpher usually is going to be when you transform.

It turns into an six-inch long enormous beetle the instant it makes contact with your torso, and, despite any attempts to bat it away, scurries (jumps?) with lightning speed to where-ever your morpher usually is going to be when you transform.

((Specify what you do, and I'll reply with how it turns out.))
Clyde floats up until his head is almost touching the roof of the tunnel (rather than being in the middle like Marcus was) and transforms with the normal duration and asthetics. ((Catch-phrase optional, you just know your catch phrase)).

Clyde drops straight down as his transformation into henshin form ends. His feet barely touch the ground before he is away, leaping down the corridor, ricocheting from wall to wall. When he next deans to touch the ground he is barely visible to the rest of you standing nearby through the translucent form of Zordon. He leaps backwards towards you, his body rotating through half a back flip in the air, but with his hands near his hips instead of extended. The horn growing out of the top of his helmet spikes into the ground a few inches, and he balances casually in that position.

Knowledge floods into his mind. He knows some of his enemies. He knows how they think, what atrocities each variety is most like. They are vile, and but he knows their strengths and weaknesses.

2014-07-06, 02:12 PM
I choose "other"
Clyde nods slowly, a flame of determination shining in his eyes.

As the strange device flies toward him, the youth lift his left hand forward, palm facing up. The device turns into a beetle mid-flight before landing on his palm. He stares at the large insect for a moment, before raising his right hand staright out, palm down, with all fingers save for the index- and middle fingers curled up tightly, the two other fingers held out straight, tightly pressed together. He brings the beetle closer to his chest, before bringing it down to his waist, feeling as the bug latches on. He slowly removes his left hand away from the bug, staring down at the bug, and then, seemingly channelling some past hero, his lips part.


With that, he swings his right hand in a wide arc toward the beetle on his waist, striking it's shell with a firm tap that seems to resonate through his very being. He the loosely swung his arms out, roughly at waist-heinght, palms lazilly facing up.

2014-07-06, 04:45 PM
After what feels like an eternity of getting dirt in the eyes Mads arms becomes sore and the pain forces him to take a break. In the back of his head a voice reminds him how he has always hated manual work. He turns his head just in time to see the Clyde catching a giant before disappearing. Mads focussed his staring at the spot where the guy he had been going to class since the start of the previous semester just stood and eventually realise that something is still there.
He evaluates his options of actually not get turned into a monster. Alright so digging my way our isn't an option.

I'm not entirely sure how wide the tunnel/cave is but if it's possible to get past the clyde and the sentai Mads will make a run for it, since that seem to be the only way.
If there isn't room he will find the darkest spot and hide there, hoping that the weird monster might be satisfied by transforming his classmates and forget about him

2014-07-06, 10:12 PM
Mads evaluates his chances of getting past them... there is actually a socially comfortable distance to squeeze past them... well, the strange creature's six spreading wings might be a bit of an issue, plus the fact that it (and others?) are in the MIDDLE of the tunnel. Still enough room to move squeeze past without touch...

Enough room to rush past before they can react without touching them? Perhaps.

Enough to get past without them making at least some sort of physical contact if he doesn't catch them by surprise? Very unlikely.

Enough to move past without being noticed? Not a chance. Not with the glow from the monster lighting up the area.

EDIT: He looks around for a place to hide. The rubble is too even of a slope to offer any cover, although the darkness itself might... nah. The tunnel, as it existed before the sinkhole is VERY devoid of cover.

Then he spots it... about a third of the way from the base of the main body of the rubble is a single reasonably sized boulder, all by itself. He moves behind it, stopping only for a split second when sound returns to him before curling up into a ball to fit within the concealment he hopes the boulder will offer.

2014-07-08, 05:58 PM
A bit overwhelmed by everything that's happening, Amelia nods before slowly making her way back to Mads; keenly aware of the sudden flash of light and cry behind her, though somewhat thankful for the chance to think clearly now that she didn't have to face this insanity infront of her. The small layer of seperation from what she was witnessing helping her get her thoughts in order, yet no matter how much she would like it to be otherwise Amelia could not deny it; this was actually happening. For better or worse she had to adapt, lives were potentially on the line after all.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Amelia asked as she searched for Mads, concern surging through her at the apparent disappearance of her fellow student.

2014-07-09, 06:30 AM
Mads press his arms towards his knee trying to appear as small as possible.

Hide [roll0]

2014-07-11, 01:38 PM
Amelia plays the light from her cellphone around, moving past Mads at first, and examining the pile of rubble as silence falls around her again.
This gives Mads about 15 seconds before he would be discovered (it is a really poor hiding place, even if it is the best available).

2014-07-11, 04:05 PM
Mads sees an opportunity as Amelia passes by him. He graps her arm and pulls her down beside him now hiding both of them from the creatures.What's going on! What happened to Clyde and Marcus? And why did it let you go? Mads keeps his voice as low as possible but it cracks midways clearly showing how afraid he is.

2014-07-13, 03:33 PM
Amelia practically squeaks as she's suddenly yanked to the ground by a cowering Mads, the lass taking a moment to recompose herself before addressing her frantic companions concerns, "Well it's, it's a bit of a story," she jests poorly in a feeble attempt to break the ice as she tents her hands on her lap to focus here thoughts, "Now, it's going to seem a bit out there I know, but this is the best way to say it I guess. It goes like this. The big winged naked glowy guy is named Zordon; he's kinda odd, but he's a Sentai-sensei. He's the one who made the sinkhole that brought us down here, and he did it because he wanted to talk to us all; except for Jess, she was just standing too close to us when it happened. A-apparently we've being chosen to help stop something really bad from happening. He was hoping to have big chat with all of us, but well; things got a bit out of hand and Marcus told him to prove he was the real deal. So Zordon give him his transformation device, and his transformation sort of involved a lot of fire...you with me so far?" she asked in concern, pausing her explanation for a moment before continuing uneasily.

"Okay, well, after that Clyde managed to chat him up for a bit to figure out more about'em and what was happening; and asked for Zordon to do to him what he did to Marcus, so now he's transforming too. So in short, this all just a huge misunderstanding. Clyde's okay. Marcus got a bit... too psyched up from getting his powers but I'm assured he's fine. And well; we've all been picked to be super heroes, and the bad guys are already here so every moment we spend over thinking things ism ore time the bad guys have to setup up their evil plan," Amelia explains hurriedly with an uneasy smile.

"Oh, and I'm over here so I could tell you all this so you'd know he wasn't trying to eat us or anything before you did something that might end up blowing are new cover; questions?" she asked apologetically, clearly aware of how insane her synopsis of recent events might sound.

2014-07-14, 02:10 AM
Mads listened with wide eyes, staring at her mouth moving. Staring at her teeth, god those pretty straight teeth.
I'm with you he answers.

So we've been picked to be superheroes? He thinks. It all made sense! Mads had felt different since he was just a small kid getting bullied in elementary school. His ability to frequently look into the future (what some would call deja vu) must have been a sign of the great powers sleeping within him. The same must have been the case with the feeling that he sometimes more remembered than learned the knowledge his teachers was trying to give him. He needed only to know one thing.Only one: How do we access the sentai power? he asks with a genuine smile .

2014-07-14, 08:49 AM
Surprised by Mads change in attitude, Amelia attempts to answer with a small smile of her own in relief, "Well, we need to speak with Zordon. Then he'll do his thing," she explained, pleased that the boy was talking this better than she was.

With a breath to steel herself the young lass stood up, and extended a hand to her untransformed companion, "Let's see where this white rabbit takes us then," she quips as she extends a hand to help Mads stand, before hopefully leading him back to Zordon.

2014-07-14, 10:40 AM
Mads's eyes follows Amelia when she gets to her feet . He takes the hand and follows her to the strange creature. Don't show it that you are afraid

2014-07-14, 11:51 AM
Amelia smiles encouragingly to Mads despite her own trepidation, "Okay Zordon...we're ready," she says affectating confidence as she squeezes Mads hand slightly tighter.

2014-07-14, 04:59 PM
Zordon smiles and extents a hand out towards Amelia, palm up. Her morpher fades into existence in it.

"Here you go."

2014-07-15, 07:03 AM
Mads sends Melia a smile and squezes back.

That thing is the one that can give us superpowers? Mads stares at the thing. He is split between curiosity and respect.

2014-07-15, 08:45 AM
"Well, it is the last piece to the puzzle, yes. It wouldn't work for just anyone. In fact they very rarely work for more than one specific person ever."

If there is more to be said before you transform, that is fine, but when we get there, please feel free to narrate your own extra-cool/long transformation sequence.

2014-07-15, 10:19 AM
Mads wonders what would happen if he took Amalie's morpher while waiting for the strange being to give him his piece.
That will prove interesting.

2014-07-16, 04:00 AM
Marcus was pissed.

Now, Marcus had been angry before, but it had always been an emotion, a facet of him that would come out and be colored by his other feelings and the situation he was in. It was maleable and a piece of the greater puzzle that was Marcus' personality. Mybe sometimes it took a more dominant role, but it never had center stage. What Marcus was feeling right now? Wasn't a feeling at all, his every fiber, every blood cell coursing through his veins was filled with anger. Blood curdling wrath that took a sledgehammer and shattered the before mentioned puzzle. His anger became the puppet master behind his whole form, at first completely dominating him and sending him into a bloodlusting frenzy, but now it began to ebb and flow, waning in its obviousness as it now took a more passive role. It was no less overbearing, but now it was more like a tumor in the back of his mind, an all encompassing taint or filter through which he experienced everything else.

Back and forth his mind battled with the frenzying persona that claimed to walk within his skin. A bloody mad man whom Marcus deemed so familiar, writhing within the confines of his mind.

"Shut up!"
"Make them pay, make them buuurn! Feel their skin wilt and tear away from the sheer heat of our violence!"

Marcus clenched his armored black fist and slammed it into the cave wall, causing his surrounding environment to shake from the force of his blow. He felt slightly drained from the action yet... A certain level of control was gained. He felt better, at the very least. Gripping his helmet, he scratched at his crimson red visor and black mandibles, confused by what had latched onto him and grown like a parasite with him. Through his red tainted view, he looked down at his armored body, taking in the gruesome and fear inspiring sight of his spikes and claws. He looked like the stuff of bedtime terrors, a foul creature pulled from the inky blackness and given life in this world.

It was pretty badass.

Gripping the side of the cave, Marcus began to slowly stumble back to where he came. He was angry, confused, and was still trying to hold that homocidal urge in place in his mind. Despite his best efforts, Marcus could not resist it completely, and it urged him to go forward to his compatriots. Not out of a sense of comraderie, there were no friends or allies to be had in this mad world, only enemies who have yet to be killed. That was all that mattered, and despite the simplistic nature of his inner ferocity, it held enough cunning to realise that the sprawling and empty cave complex lacked the prey that he seeked. And he NEEDED his prey.

2014-07-18, 10:51 PM
Amelia watched in enraptured by the forming object, Mads returning touch distant to her like a voice at the end of a tunnel; for that moment the world around her seem to slow and fade away as it spoke to her, and she knew it as if they were old friends reunited after an eternity apart. Speechlessly she reached out to the device that had so fascinated her; pulling her hand from Mads secure embrace as it seemed to unfold with gossamer wings akin to a flower blossoming before her reaching hand. The moment the ephemeral wonder came to rest upon the side of her fingers she spoke softly, like a child whispering the words from a half forgotten dream; soon being wreathed in tempest of swirling wind and rose colored lighting which obscured her from sight.

The crackling energy flowed over her body like water and sheathing it in its majesty before pooling around her arms, legs, and torso; first forging leggings and tunic, as the crackling energy coalesced into sapphire and rose vambracers upon arms and greaves upon her legs. In short order a reinforced vest crackling to existent over her midsection as her arms which descended to her waist along a sharp gale, before splashing upon the gathered lightning bringing an armored skirt into existence held by a brilliant sash bearing the imagery of rolling thunder and gales; which folded into a butterfly knot at her back, allowing the the ends trail just slightly behind her like ribbons. As the gossamer lightning began to settle, one last wave rose forth; raising through her hair to settle atop her head as it the shape of helm baring rose tinted visors, its top baring a design not unlike a butterflies antennae.

With a single sweeping hand the maiden seemed to cut through the short lived tempest around her, revealing her new self to the world in a brilliant flash of light; the fading embers of her transformation filling her body with vim and vigor as all her previous doubts and fears faded away with the wind.

2014-07-19, 08:16 AM
When Amelia makes contact with the small weird thing, Mads is filled with an unsetyling feeling. The same feeling he has when he is trying to hit on a girl but then is opt not to of fear of failure.
He stumbles a couple of step back, partly caused by a slight fear and partly by the strong winds. When Amelia's transformation is over he looks at her questioning. Amelia?
He is eager for his own morpher.

2014-07-19, 08:40 AM
An airy giggle escaped the transformed maiden's lips as she came out of her trance as she marveled at her new state, her body yet tingling in the wake of her transformation. She felt so light on her feet as new found energy bubbled within her, so alive at that moment; even the once gloomy cave seemed to come to life in a wave of colors as her world seemed a thousand fold more vibrant, alomst as if it too had become something greater along with her.

With a smile on her face, the maiden turned to her compatriot and uttered a simple word as she rode her high, "Yes?" she chirped merrily at the lad.

2014-07-19, 08:54 AM
Mads stares at the new Amelia. It didn't look like her at all but it certainly sounded like her.erh. Are you alright? Did it hurt? he asks making sure to keep some distance from her.

2014-07-19, 11:12 AM
The youth stood motionless for brief moment before the transformation began to set in. A light emanating from his giant-beetle-turned-belt-buckle pulses, slowly going from white, to violet, to blue, going through all colors of the visible spectrum. The pulses became faster, repeating the cycle of color, until finally it stopped at yellow, simultaneously as the belt released a high-pitched keening shrill. Thin strings of light shot out across his body from the henshin device, twisting and intertwining, as they first formed a skin-tight suit covering every inch of his body from the neck down in brilliant light. The light died down momentarily as the light shifted from a bright white and a shiny black.

The black light seemed to materialize into physical form at the same time as his belt buckle spewed out about two dozen beads of yellow light, each about the size of a golf ball, which flew a few orbits around him, before they began hitting his body. Each bead burst into what appeared to be an extremely viscose liquid that began molding itself around the point of impact. The beads impacted on his shoulders, lower arms, several spots on the legs and hips, several impacted the chest together, and finally eight in total slowly floated just above his head. The liquid on his body shaped and hardened into thick plates colored a dirty gold.

Five of the remaining beads distanced themselves from the rest, before striking against his back and forming a thick shell. Of the three remaining beads, two floated right beside his ears and burst in midair, forming two yellow halves of a helmet, starting from the nape of his neck, travelling up along the side of his head up to his temples, before sliding back down and uniting just above his chin. The final bead above his head burst, fitting itself in between the two yellow pieces, leaving only a large space around his eyes uncovered. His arms fell loosely to his side, and all the colors on his suit seemed to turn duller. A moment passed before another pulse of light emanated from his buckle, and what appeared to be arcs of electricity traveled out along his body, forming thin cracks as they went, these arcs culminating around his eyes, before flashing out of existence, leaving behind a dull gold visor across his eyes.

Clyde exhaled loudly as his visor flashed, before he brought his hands together, and with a sound akin to a thunderclap, a large horn emerged from the forehead of his helmet, and the outermost layer of his suit, not much more than a thin film, shot outward. The previously dulled colors were no more, replaced now by a shiny blacks and and rich orangy-yellows. The previously flat visor seemed the glow a dim light of it's own, highlighting a pattern akin to compound eyes running across it.

He turned around, turning his attention to Mads and Amelia. He didn't say anything to them, instead looking over to Zordon. "Shall I retrieve Marcus?"

2014-07-19, 06:48 PM
"I believe it would be best to wait a moment on that. He may need more time to cool down both literally and figuratively, and having you all in your transformed states might be helpful if he does take offense to you for some reason. I can do somewhat to protect you within this cave, but it never hurts to be careful when time allows. On the flip side I suspect that one of you DROPPING your transformation for a few moments might help your reluctant friend feel at ease about taking this."

He produces Mads morpher.

2014-07-20, 05:08 AM
After seing both Clyde's and Amelia's amazing transformation Mads is more eager to get his hand on the little device than he has ever been. He uses every last bit of his willpower to only slowly reach for the morpher and not show how much he wants it.

He graps the morpher and is suprised by the warmth comming from it. He is equally suprised when a stream of feelings is comming from the metallic object. Happyness, a bit of fear, curiowity and complete and total trust and a question of accept. Without a doubt in his mind Mads accept the thing and suddenly it changes. 8 black long legs sprout from the bottom and the metalic survace sort of boils into itself and becomes a hairy hide. A black spider the size of a housecat crawl from Mads hand up his arm to his face. Mads follows it with his eyes with a big smile on his face.

The spider bites Mads in the forehead before it starts creating web covering Mads entire body. When the venom makes contact with Mads head images start to flicker before his eyes. Images of terrifying monster, images of marvelous places, him talking to Zorgon on the top of a cliff, dusty tomes in ancient libraries, men in weird costumes fighting each other. He feels like he somehow recognize the images even though he is certain he has never seen it.

From within the cocoon of web one word is heard: (in orange) Henshin!. The cocoon burst to pieces as electric rays pierce throw, surrounding Mads. He is covered in some kind of black uniform with what looks like web-string forming fancy patterns all over his body. His eyes looks like something from spiderman and he is carrying a great spear of some weird material. (In orange) I see it. Everything is connected he says as he reaching out for something in the air in front of him that appearently only he can see.

He turns his head to Clyde and Amelia and stumble a step back while shocked saying (In orange) You are sparkling!. He walks closer the two and reaches out to touch them. You notice that as he moves closer small black tentacles spread from him, seemingly devouring the lightning. If given the chance they will completely surround you.

Mads is reaching out for the string he will be able to weave. I don't assume the tapestry is already woven?
The shadowy tentacles spread 35 ft from Mads. If you allow them to surround you, you gain Deatchwatch. What does deathwatch tell about Zorgon? Zorgon is affected as well.
I figured it would make sense if Mads prior life was a sentai as well.
I assume spells are prepared.
How does the spells feel? Do he have a vague feeling about what they does or how detailed is his knowledge of his new powers?
Edit: changed the number of spiderlegs to the correct number

2014-07-20, 11:27 AM
Zordon allows the tendrils to surround him.

2014-07-20, 08:38 PM
At Mads question Amelia excitedly nodded her head, "Never been better!" Amelia chirped full of mirth in reply, hardly containing the giddiness she was experiencing; though the cold demeanor with which Clyde had glanced them over served well to take some of the wind out of her sails. It made her wonder if the boy was alright after his transformation. Her own had been exhilarating, yet it was obvious that Marcus' transformation had been an entirely different beast from what she'd gone through; it brought into question the nature of each of their transformations, and why it was affecting them each so differently. Alas before the lass could voice her query the last of their number began his own metamorphosis, soon arising from his cradle of lightning in awe; at what she couldn't be sure, but it seemed to enrapture the young boy.

When black coils begin to spread out from the lad it was only Zordon's cool acceptance of the act that allowed Amelia to avoid freaking out, after all the entity had warn them of Marcus' own...agitated nature; surely if what Mads was doing now was dangerous he would have warn them.

"Mads...a-are you sure you're alright?" she inquired with new found trepidation as she allowed the coils to approach her.

2014-07-21, 04:05 AM
The darkness feels a bit chilly as it embraces Amelia's body. She feels a tingling feeling around her eyes and suddenly Mads looks like he is glowing. (In orange) Amazing isn't it? The light you see is the life force. The ability is called deathwatch, though I have no idea why, I would probably have called it lifewatch. And for some reason some people regard it as evil, can you imagine that? Mads shares his knowledge in a euphoric voice.
He looks at Amelia's frightened face for a second before moving his hands in a strange pattern. [b]aflæs tanker [/] he says as his hands connects with his head thus calling upon one of the bobles of energy lying dormant in the back of his head. He stares concentrated at Amelia, then Clyde and then Zorgon. If Marcus comes back he will look at him the same way.
detect thoughts. People can decide whether they make the save or don't since it's freeform. I think failing would be more interesting though. Only surface thoughts.

2014-07-23, 05:03 PM
I hope there aren't any further problems with getting them on-board with smiting the <psychic equivalent of static>. I never expected that proving my good-will would be an issue.

"Feels good, doesn't it? Don't get TOO cocky though. Remember, your enemies aren't going to be pushovers! Tactics and not taking unnecessary risks will be necessary."

2014-07-23, 05:58 PM
"N-Now that you mention it, who are we suppose to stop anyway?" she inquired, trying to maintain her focus as she fought off a shiver from the tendrils, becoming more at ease once they had faded from sight. They'd been gathered for a reason after all, it wouldn't due to forget there was one.

Gosh this things cold! Oh wow, this...this is is gonna take some getting used to. Hmm...I don't hear any explosions or screams coming from outside so no one's attacking here yet; which is good. I really hope we have a chance to get used to all...this. The more comfortable we can get with this mess the better.

2014-07-23, 09:18 PM
"You mean who is the leader of the ones I expect to be attacking this geographic area? Well, I can show you what his physical form will look like..."

Zordon raises his hands and opens his mouth... then pauses, his fingers twitching nervously. He c 0cks his head to one side and looks up to the ceiling obviously considering some thought. What this thought is becomes obvious to even those without mind-reading abilities shortly.

"Err... right then... perhaps best not to conjure a full-sized or very real-looking image, lest your fiery friend return and get all the wrong ideas. This will have to do."

He waves his hands and speaks some magic words. A flickering and sometimes grainy figure appears in front of him, about eighteen inches tall. The skin is dingy yellow, and without hair... anywhere. In leiu of arms, six tentacles sprout form each shoulder. Only one pair has suckers. While powerfully muscled, it does not appear to technically be male... nor female for that matter. In fact, you can say this with some degree of certainty given the lack of clothing. A second pair of eyes sprouts from slug-like stalks on the creatures chin, and he has three mouths, one above the other above the other vertically. Naturally this elongates his head.

"This is Baron Fulminar. I am told he commands powers of lightning, and has spent a long time as an intangible spirit exploring the Earth. This may mean that he will be a more canny foe than most of his ilk.

If he follows the usual patterns of his kind, he will not seek battle with you personally for some time, if ever, but will prefer to send forth lesser monsters to attempt to convince the inhabitants of the area to depart so he may create a strong foothold in this realm. This is fortunate for you, since while you might win against him if all of you were to fight him and him alone after I have completely your initial training, it would be very unlikely that all of you would survive. Even if you were to lure him to this cave, beyond which I may not travel, I would not have the strength to tip the balance in your favor very strongly. In all likelihood you will have to build up your strength in the forge of righteous combat against his minions for a long while before you might find a way to the pocket dimension from which he assaults this area. Once slain, his realm will PROBABLY be destroyed, and no such evil will trouble this area for many decades I should think... if that soon."

He gestures again, and a powder-blue silhouette appears next to the image of Baron Fulminar. "For scale,"

(It would appear that Baron Fulminar stands about 8 feet tall, 4 feet wide at the shoulders, and so outweighs most football linebackers by a non-trivial amount.)

I should probably hold off on telling them that there powers will fade when the war is won.

2014-07-24, 02:28 AM
Does it feel good? This is beyond good. It's amazing! mads say as lightning jumps from one hand to another. He has never felt anything like it before. The energy! And this lightning. It felt like the laws of physics was merely a suggestion. And I can read minds! A wave of displeasement comes from his shoulder. yeah and you too buddy he says while moving a hand to the spider on his shoulder to pet it.

Mads felt a little pity with Amelia. To him this felt like he was finally how he was supposed to be all along but she appearently felt otherwise. god I love mindreading He smiles reassuring to her and gives her shoulder a squeze.

Mads didn't think the baron looked much more frigtning than Zordon (notice the proper spelling). Why is he called baron He was a little shocked when told that he might die and decided to stay away from that guy.
He considers different options but his train of thought stops promptly. If people are paying close attention they will notice pale (or well more pale since he spends most of his time inside). He is silent for some time before asking what happens after we stop him?

2014-07-24, 05:14 PM
"He is called 'Baron' because he is a commander of potentially very many vile persons, and because it sounds intimidating so that is what he decided to call himself.

As for your other question, well, to be honest..." He trails off, suddenly horrorstruck.

Burning Marcus! I have found your prey, and shall shortly be opening the way to them.

Oh dear... remember what I said about him not risking a direct confrontation very soon if ever? It seems he has decided that a blitzkrieg before you all are ready would work. He's breaking into the Missile Base about a hundred miles south of here. At best I would think he merely means to slay as many of the personnel there as possible. At worst, I fear he means to use his magical powers to over-ride the computers and force the launch of all of the missiles.

No time to train or explain much further, you must stop him! Your weapons... I can't recommend actually using them. Your foes will expect that. On the other hand I sense that they were relying on a very specific sort of illusion and mind control to defeat the guards, rather than any particular resistance to small bits of metal moving at very fast speeds. In other words I believe that directing your powers through MORTAL weapons will prove more effective in this case. If the guards have driven the foe off, well enough, if they have not, then I would suggest taking whatever you can find from them and trusting to the mental resilience granted by your transformations, the PARTICULAR powers they are using should prove weak against that variety of defenses."

2014-07-28, 07:00 AM
assuming it is either knowledge arcane or planes to "remember" the barons true name [roll0]

Mads keeps his cool and casually asks: So what is his real name?

Mads wasn't confused because he has no idea of what a blitzkreig was. It wasn't because the baron used magic against sentai weapons to attack a base using only firearms. He was confused because wait! Didn't you just say that we would die if we confronted him right now

2014-07-29, 10:14 AM
"Weapons..." Clyde uttered, his attention almost instinctively drawn to a large y-shaped spur emerging from forward from the left forearm of his armor, easilly long enough to wrap two hands around it with room on both ends to spare. He grasped onto the spur with his right hand, and began pulling. The armored plate around the spur cracked, a slivers of radiant light leaaked forth. He continued extracting the tool, pulling out a glowing amber-colred gelatinous substance that seemed to congeal and harden into a shiny black material as it was exposed to air. After a few seconds, he had pulled out about three feet of material, when he gave the tool a sudden, violent tug, pulling it out the rest of the way.

In his hand, he held a sword, easily several inches longer than he was tall, the blade was almost six inches wide, but less than two inches thick. It had very little in ways of a true hand guard, and in place of a pommel the handle terminated in a forked y-shape. Even under the weight of the massive tool, his single-handed grip did not buckle, the youths enhanced strength keeping his hold on the handle firm. He swung the weapon a few times, with a measure of control and grace that should defy all expectations. "Yes, this will do." Clyde uttered once again, as he turned arond to face Zordon, lifting the sword up high before driving about a third of the blades length into the ground He then casually hopped onto, balancing atop the thin hand guard, relaxing his right hand atop what consituted as a pommel.

"Surely this would be Baron has some weakness. we could just use that if we truely must face him now, right? Right?"

2014-07-29, 11:14 PM
"Well, yes, in fact he does have several weaknesses, and I even have some reasonable guesses as to some of..." replies Zordon, then stops suddenly.

"It is actually rather hard for me to explain properly. Not because I don't understand the situation well enough, it is just that too much explanation would interfere with your ability to follow the path I can see to victory. Sorta like the dilemma of the centipede who could walk perfectly fine until the minute he stopped to wonder how he was doing it precisely. Basically comes down to using the guns and grenades and such.

If it helps sticking around to do battle with him isn't necessarily required, you only need to distract him and neutralize enough of his minions that the army can arrive with overwhelming force and hopefully not end up all getting their minds defeated in the same way as the guards who were on-site. Your individual chances of survival are quite good given those conditions, and your chances of victory even better than that. Incidentally, your Sentai weapons will work fine in theory... it is just that there is a REASON why most modern persons of serious violence, whether for right and justice, or for personal gain or pure selfish power prefer guns to swords. Guns are a lot simplier to use for one thing. Your abilities with the Sentai weapons would take mere tens of hours to awaken to levels on a par with persons who have spent years mastering such arms... unfortunately we hardly have those tens of hours."

"As for his name, he picked that name, and so it is his name."

Yep, if Zordon says that is his name because that is what he picked, then that really is his name... of course, if you need his magically potent True Name, that would be something else again. Just as much as the name on your birth certificate isn't your True Name.

2014-07-30, 09:25 AM
The answers leaves Mads slightly more confused than he was before but he somewhat trusts this weird person. Why would someone give you powers like these and then just send you to die? right? Then I am ready

He scratches the stomach of the giant(or at least giant by spider size) spider on his shoulder. The waves of warm trust flows from it and he smiles. In a quite voice he tells it We need to find a name for you buddy.

2014-07-30, 04:17 PM
"so the less we know, the better? Not sure how I feel about that." The normally layed back youth said in a very serious tone. "Although I suppose that hardly matters at this point"

The boy then stood up, balncing almost precariously atop his swords handguard, before leaping back in a backwards somersault, dropping him within arms reach of his sword. "Seeing as snatching up a gun is the suggested plan of action, I guess I won't be needing this for now." Clyde then says in a somewhat absent tone as he grabs his large sword by the handle, swiftly extratcing it from the ground with a sharp tug. He then begins lining up the tip of the blade with the forearm from which the blade had been drawn. As the tip approached the crevace in the armor left behind by the drawing of the blade, it once again turned into amber-colored goo, easilly slipping inside, vanishing underneath the armor.

"It would probably be best to get moving, if Baron what's-his-face is after a missile base,c we can't be having that."

2014-07-31, 02:27 PM
"Yes, time is indeed of the essence."

Zordon starts to cast just as Marcus comes up behind him. The spectral personage seems to be laboring greatly and towards the end of the spell is obviously in severe pain.

You find yourselves on a wide road carved out of inhospitable mountains. The dead bodies of six soldiers are here, just outside the entrance to a moderately sized building, while a inhumanly beautiful woman lies several yards away, a green fluid leaking from her lifeless body. Even shot dead, and sporting goats horns from her forehead, she still retains her allure. Nothing living is in sight except a bird or two soaring above. Only rocks*. A razor wire topped fence is visible in the distance and the particularly sharp-eyed will note the heavy electrical cables connected to it.

*You would guess that there was some blasting done to reduce the amount of cover available.

2014-07-31, 04:10 PM
Yeah I feel the same way Mads wonders why he is suprised by Clyde appearing this serious all things considered.
When Marcus comes close the shadowy tentacles expands to cover him as well before disappearing from sight.
He sneaks a glance at the sword wondering if he can do the same or if that is something for Clyde exclusively. He raises his arm and looks down his sleeve to see if there is a weapon there when he is suddenly teleported.


Mads stops looking after a weapon as a snowflake hits his face and instead looks up. His gaze follows an invisible line and ends at the birds. B-ea-utiful he whispers in amusement as his hand reaches out to touch something in the air. Wait what is.. He continues, as he turns from the bird and to one of the dead bodies. His sentence stops aruptly as his hands covers his mouth. No. He stands for a moment before taking two big steps. With one hand he graps something at the tie of the dead man and with the other something at his head. His pulls his hands together starts moving them in odd patterns. Drops of water flows down Mads chins and leave small marks in the snow.

I assume that the people are actually dead since we all are have deathwatch running.
Mads is trying to weave the dissolving strings of life force that he can see through the war weaver together. This obviously isn't going to work but he doesn't know that, and even if he knew he would try to do it anyway.

2014-08-02, 12:50 PM
Yes, they are all dead, and that is good RP on trying to weave the strands.

2014-08-02, 01:36 PM
Clyde looks around slowly, trying to get an idea of his bearings. All too quickly, his gaze drifts onto the dead bodies, sending a shiver through his body. He steps forward, his movement stiff as he approaches he soldiers, picking up a firearm if any are lying around. He lifts his head up, staring toward the building trying to listen if he can hear any sounds of ongoing conflict.
He then looks over at Mads, wanting to say something to comfort him, but unfortunately the new and sudden situation made him unable to find the words to do so. after a short pause, he spoke. "We need to hurry, before anyone else can get... Hurt." His tone is stiff, forced to stay calm, and even then he needs to pause for a moment to pull himself together before finishing the sentence.

2014-08-03, 05:41 AM
But I can still save him! no.. no! Mads moves his hands desperately and then stops. I couldn't do it, I couldn't save him. When he gets to his feets his hands and legs are covered in snow but he barely sense the cold. You are right He agrees and follows Clyde through the entrance. On the way he takes a long glance at the beautiful woman and the green fluid, almost stopping. He feels like he have seen something like this before.

Assuming the changed succubus is still an outsider: Knowledge(planes) [roll0]. Not trying to learn something in particular but figured it would make sense to do it.
Edit: I forgot tome of worldly knowledge that I got for situations like this. The above roll get's a +5 bringing it to a 39
I'm not sure if you want another another knowledge roll for dark knowledge(tactics) from the archivist?
In case you do here it is[roll1]

2014-08-03, 09:27 PM
Marcus gripped his helmet, thrashing about wildly as he finally stumbled into the area of the cave where the rest of his compatriots were stored. All of his mental willpower was being used to hold back the uncontrollable levels of bile that were building up in his throat. It almost felt like it was choking his veins, clogging his arteries and rushing it all into his eyes so that all he could see was red. That tentacular foe, an abominable creature with 6 tentacles who went by the title of "Baron Fulminar". Just the name seemed to grind against Marcus' being, slashing at his brain so that his memories grew fuzzy and focussed on that creature. Through the crimson haze, parting the mush and wreckage that was his mind, came an almost manic clarity. A cold, hateful, cruel, and determined sense of purpose that gave his unstable body structure. Marcus wasn't sure why, but he merely started giggling. Repressed at first, the laughter grew and grew, until it transformed into fullblown maniacal laughter. His new found structure held him together, but it couldn't prevent him from falling to the ground in a fit of insane laughter, just as the Sentai party was teleported into the array of mountain.

Marcus suddenly stopped laughing, laid out flat on his back, his breathe caught in his chest as the first flakes of snow landed on his helmet. He began taking long and deep breathes in, as if he was recovering from some intense exercise. He extended his hand out to the sky, his body still shaking and laughing slightly, and grabbed a falling snowflake.

It melted in his hand.

Opening his armored gauntlet, Marcus saw that the heat radiating from his armor was so intense that the water was evaporating in his hand aswell. It was real. This was real. His thoughts and actions were all completely real. Marcus gulped slightly, His eyes soon moved around to note the dead bodies surrounding him, and the more armored figurees like himself. This was insane, completely insane. Marcus fell back down on his back, making a snow angel, his laughter once again picking up in intensity, and eventually culminating in him rolling over to one of the corpses and grabbing a hold of it. Crawling ontop of it, he looked down at the deceased man.

"Oh poor poor broken thing, hush now. Everything will be fine. Mighty Magnificent Marvelous Masculine Marcus Maintains Meticulous Metallic Manners Measuring Metalloid Machines Making Marked Minutes Minutely Mashing Moronic Mega Milk Mavens. Hehehehehehehehehehehe."

Pushing off of the corpse, Marcus stands fully erect. Bouncing on the balls of his feet from side to side, he rolled his shoulders forward as if to prepare for a fight, and soon stalked behind Mads. His head lurched forward, causing his form to hunch like a beastial hunter, and yet despite this Marcus' sight didn't go lower, in fact it seemed to be getting higher. His arms and legs grew in size, his armor growing thicker and spikier as his muscles intensified. Glancing down, Marcus noticed a new addition to his suit, an almost reflexive addition that grew in response to his feral demeanor. A belt was wrapped around his waist, one that looked like pieces of barbwire entwined together into a long rope, with a double sided axe head for a buckle.


2014-08-03, 11:34 PM
Nothing can be heard from inside the base, but Mads has information flooding through his brain about the creature.
Assume they are CR 2 and 1 HD for purposes of Dark Knowledge.

2014-08-06, 04:29 AM
Clyde turns to face Marcus, giving him a good long stare. His visor hid an experssion of equal parts confusion and disgust. "Marcus, man, everything okay? Try not to fly off the handle, please." Was all he could say, his voice all too serious.

2014-08-06, 04:13 PM
Marcus shook his head as Clyde talked to him, his body straightening out as he looked around briefly.

"Wha-..... Where are we? Weren't we just in a cave?....... And why are we dressed up in these ridiculous outfits?"

The cave.... Marcus tried to remember what happened, his mind summoning forth vague images and sounds, but soon they were wrapped in fire and his head started pounding. His mind recoiled from the pain, leaving that time as a burning hole in his memory.

2014-08-07, 11:28 AM
The whole scenario is unreal and Mads tries to distance himself from the all the horrible stuff. As if through a mist memories hit his mind and attracts his attention. He walks closer to the beautiful lady. His voice sounds distant They are called Succubas, they are physically weak but have the ability to make people fall asleep and then he move the woman's red lips aside and press on teo muscles in the mouth causing a row of razor-sharp sharklike teeth to spring from the jaw and cpver their perfect human teeth. they finish their target with these. We don't have to worry as much though, the sleep power though, our suit should protect us. . He pauses and moves to one of the dead bodies Can any of you see if their wounds are bite wounds? If they are we could only be up against succabas.
He will also loot the body he stands with for weapons. When he raises he has a fierce expression that is so not like Mads.

We were teleported by zorgon, the four of us have for some yet to be determined reason been chosen to fight evil and your redicilous suit is an expression of your soul. Mads analyse in a flat tone trying to keep his amusement from teasing the big guy hidden, he then adds worried Marcus did you injest something on the field trip?

2014-08-08, 11:44 AM
"Okay, quick rundown. There's this thing, Baron Fulminar, tall, tentacles for arms, ugly as heck, who is attacking this here military base right there." Clyde begins, pausing for a moment to point toward the missile base. "And from what I understood he is trying to establish a foothold on this planet. and while this is speculation on my part, he... she... whatever the hell it is, is probably trying to secure some military hrdware for whatever plans he has up his... sleeve." He pauses again to mentally facepalm at just how clunky that sounded.

"So while I normally would not be one to rush things. Might I suggest we get a move on before the Baron gets his girmy tentacles on any serious pieces of equipment. Or heavens forbid, a missile." He says, before making sure he has a good grip of his firearm (assuming he had picked one up at this point), before turning to leave for the base, but pauses momentarily to look over his shoulder towards his fellow sentai.

2014-08-10, 12:49 AM
Marcus looks down at his ebony claws, flexing them slightly as he tests them out and scratches at the air. Clenching his fist, seemingly satisfied by the answer, Marcus turns to face Clyde.

".....So we're super heroes......Heh... Noice."

And with that he snapped his fingers in excitement, causing sparks to fly and for the tip of his encased finger to burn like a tiny lighter. Seemingly fascinated by it, Marcus quickly fell in line behind Clyde.

"Hehehehe.... Alright, lead the way bro. Let's go kill this Baron Fulminar...."

Marcus scratched at the back of his head, growling slightly as he said the name. Why did that name give him such a headache?

2014-08-10, 10:40 AM
​Nice explanation Clyde Mads complimented.

Alright, remember to take weaponry from the dead guys. He adviced before following his beetle-dressed fellow superhero. On the way he pad Amelia on the shoulder and added with a worried look in the eyes How are you feeling?

Mads was slightly worried about Marcus eagerness to spill blood but decides not to comment, after all this was what they were here for, right?

2014-08-16, 07:06 PM
Let's get em boys Mads feels like some figure from an action movie as he checks how much ammunition there is left in the gun. The feeling doesn't last long though. At his first meeting with a succaba he projects lightning into the bullet, spins the gun arround and fires.. or rathee completely misfires. Instead of hitting the creature it hits a surveilance camera in a small explotion. At the loud noice Mads jumps back, arms held protective in front of him. He then quickly takes his arms down and with a big fake smile proclaims I ment to do that
He then explodes the succaba.

2014-09-03, 04:18 PM

You tear through the psuedo-succubae link a red-hot chain-saw through butter until you come in hearing range of the launch console. You hear a loud, three-part chant coming from ahead, the most stealthy one of you moves ahead and carefully peeks around the corner. It seems that it is three voices, yes, but only one chanter. The baron stands before you, fortunately with his back to you, and at least 50 feet away. Thread-thin tendrils of lightning arc from his gesturing fingers to the launch console as he focuses his very being on delicately overcoming the security measures, almost certainly for the purposes of turning several major cities into glowing piles of rubble.

A few terrified and hurried gestures and whispers and you have your plan.

In careful and wordless synchronization you step around the corner, rocket-launchers already raised to your shoulders. As one you fire. The resulting back-blast of flame and shrapnel knocks at least one of you down, and none of you escape at least mild injury, but you are all conscious and alive. The Baron... would probably be those yellow splotches that are visible down the corrdor, dotting the rest of the shredded remains of the launch room. One of you approaches.

The floor is uncomfortably hot beneath your feet (or just noticeably hot if you have fire resistance), but the inhuman blood isn't moving. It would seem there will be no T-1000-like regeneration here.

Ding dong, the Baron is dead.

2014-09-04, 08:09 AM
This is the best field trip ever! Mads loudly proclaims after recovering from falling backwards. His enthusiasm decreases a bit when he remembers that they are on a mountain in the middle of a place he has no idea of where. So what now? He asks out loud

Assuming Zorgon doesn't teleport them back he will walk around and examine the electronic equiptment to try to figure out where the misiles are aimed at.

2014-09-05, 02:36 AM
Mads walks forward into the room. The control panels are trashed. There isn't so much as a single screen that hasn't been shattered(Most don't even have shards of glass still hanging in their original locations), and the keyboards are nowhere to be seen.

2014-09-05, 03:56 AM
[sorry for absence, school started up, and has been slowly gnawing away at my time and sanity]

Clyde exhales loudly under his helmet as he simply lets the rocket launcher drop from his shoulders, the heavy weapon hitting the floor with several resounding klangs before it finally came to rest. Though he was honestly relieved at just how seemigly easy it had been, based on what Zordon had said before, he couldn't help but be just a bit suspicious. He drew forth his sword from his forearms, ad held it on his shoulder as he stepped further into the room to inspect the it... or at least what was left. "... Well, I do suppose that is one way of solving a problem." He then speaks, his voice seemingly cheerful, but he still manages to sound a bit clunky. He then turns to Mads "Honestly, no clue what we should be doing now, but I imagine getting out of here wouldn't be a bad idea. You would imagine they'd make these places as sturdy as possible, but with blast like that, I wouldn't be surprised if it knocked something important loose, like say the roof." He replies, keeping an eye on the roof just in case it did decide to cave in.

2014-09-10, 08:40 AM
Mads touches the screen of a computer and mumbles some words which causes a few glass pieces fly from the floor and form a glass window. I doesn't work, I don't know how to fix the whole thing!

Nah no worries Clyde Mads says and points on the wall in the end of the room. That one is the carrying wall and as long as it stands we are in no d... He stops as a crack starts moving from one side of the wall towards the other. He stands in silence for a long second before turning around RUN!

So I wouldn't control the world like this in normal play but it is my impression that I am allowed to do it until the big twist correct?

2014-09-10, 09:50 PM
Marcus walked into the room, his burning hatred and clouded judgement clearing as he stared at the yellow splotches splattered around the environment. It was for some odd reason, unknowably beautiful to Marcus, and when he tried to drum up an explanation for why he felt the way he felt all he could think of was rain pouring in a rain forest. The sun covered by the mass of clouds, trees drooped over from the weight of the onpouring weather, and a predatory animal lurking in the shadows over its fresh kill. It was a strange and savage beauty, almost... Serene. Shaking his head, he continued to look around the room, now flicking his thumb again to make his finger lighter for amusement. Experimenting a bit, Marcus dropped his weapon upon the floor and focussed on his palm, watching a larger flame appear in the center of it as Clyde questions the sturdiness of the room.

"Well, budget cuts have to happen somewhere I imagine. Not the best place to save money but st-"

Mads may have tried to reassure Clyde's fears, but there was no assaugjng Marcus' terror, as his eyes grew wide in fear as they watched the flame on his palm spread across his arm, and then to his other arm. Flipping out, Marcus couldn't hear Mads over the sound of the fires and his own panicked words.


Falling to the ground, he began to flail about wildly, trying to extinguish the fire that engulfed his limbs. So great was his panick that he barely had time to recognize the massive chunk of roof that was falling on him.

"Oh F-"

And like that, Marcus was gone.

Or atleast, appeared to be. Seconds later, grunting could be heard underneath the chunk of debris, and soon after Marcus' burning body could be seen underneath it, steadily standing upward, and supporting the partially collapsed in roof with his shaking arms and trembling knees.

"A little.... Urgh.... Help?"

Marcus grunted between gritted teeth.

2014-09-11, 09:51 AM
Mads have barely passed the entrance to the room when heat hits his back. What the.. He manages to think before he turns around and watches his classmate bursting into flames. Again. Only this time it seemed to actually harm him. Calm down Marcus He pointlessly says.
What to do what to do He helplessly stares at Marcus trying to stop the flames by rolling. Suddenly however a memory pops up in his mind. He moves his ways in a strange pattern, extracting the water from this thin air. Skab vand he shouts as he throws about 2 gallons of pure water at the rolling guy. The flames however seem too strong and the water turns to mist.

Mads doesn't have time to shout a warning as the big chunk of roof falls down. He jumps back and manages only to get hit on the arm. Marcus no!

He relaxes a bit when he sees that Marcus is well enough to stand and even support the colapsing roof but he could still see cracks forming on the sidewalls. He looks around to see if anything can help and suddenly an idea strikes him. He run left towards one of the dead Succabas. A little closert He says as he drags it roughly 10 feet toward Marcus. He then takes it's right hand with his as if he wants to pull it to standing. This is going to feel really weird
He points towards the Succaba and draws an invisible line to Marcus and then jerks his hand back Gunstig ombytning. Marcus feels like someone just turning his guts inside out and the world sideways and someone pulls in his hand. He is now lying on the ground with Mads trying to pull the big guy to his feet. Now let's get out of here.
Mads starts to feel like his brain is being stretched and to get a little headache but he ignores it.

2014-09-14, 09:19 PM
Pushing himself up, Marcus throws his massive weight onto Mads for support, trailing his gauntlet along the scorched parts of his breastplate and finding it largely unaffected by the flames despite how he felt from the fires. Grumbling to himself, he holds his head in his hand before audibly muttering,

"I'm going to have to get used to this fast.......HYURGH"

...... And then vomitting inside his Sentai suit. Shaking his body, he shivers slightly while still walking, looking around somewhat aimlessly.

"Where's the exit to this place again? I think I need to get this dry cleaned...."

2014-09-14, 11:21 PM
There is a sudden flash of light and deafening sound from in front of you as a flash-bang grenade goes off. This, combined with the natural human reluctance to do violence against another human being is all that prevents at least one of you from taking a shot at the soldiers who pile around the corner.

"FREEZE! MOVE AND YOU! ARE! DEAD!!" shouts one of the figures.

The soldiers fan out, one of them keying his throat-mic to relay the tactical situation back. "Possible Rainbows detected, gamma squad proceeding past, epsilon securing situation."

Several of the soldiers rush past you, seemingly heedless of their own safety.

"Ok, listen real good." says the same guy who was shouting before. "If this is what it looks like, then you just saved approximately one metric f***-ton of lives. You are heroes, and are going to get rewarded like it. If this ISN'T what it looks like, I will PERSONALLY flipping introduce you to levels of pain you never imagined even in the depths of Hell where you crawled out of until you have told us EVERYTHING, and then, and ONLY then will I grant you the privilege of being vivisected by the finest medical minds this great country has."

Gun-fire can be heard a few rooms away.

"Gamma squad, report!" says the one using his radio. You can't hear the response, but he relaxes somewhat, but seconds later, despite not becoming more tense he still manages to look MORE scared, as if a real and present threat just turned into a lurking horror that his training gives him no means of coping with.

"Where is your commanding officer? The person who recruited you? Probably see-through, like a ghost or something?"

2014-09-15, 10:38 AM
Mads takes a step forward to regain balance as Marcus starts pulling back. Man that guy is big.

UW Mads are holding his arms as if he to shield the sound from reaching his ears. And in the suit!
He then remember that he could actually help Marcus and starts to cast a spell. However immediately his headache gets stronger and he decides against it. He gives himself a brief head massage to dulm the pain, or at least starts doing so when he suddenly looses his sight. He jumps back(perhaps into someone) while pointing the gun forward in a random direction, dark shadows swimming around it.

When he hear a human voice he realises that they instructions had been.. lacking. He have no idea what to do now, where there evil humans here too? He decides to give the benefit of doubt and lowers his gun. When he see how many soldiers there are he is pretty happy about his decision

Is that what we have been degenerated into? Possible rainbows? Do I look like a unicorn to you? He comments to either Clyde or Marcus, whoever is closest.

Now the question is what this looks like to him. Mads readies himself to teleport in front of the shouting man if someone starts shooting after him. When the man begins being more tense Mads matches his tension. He looks at the man with suspecion and imprints his facial features Not here, why?

2014-09-15, 12:58 PM
Clyde did his best to get out of the way of the collapsing roof, and while his efforts to not get turned into a red stain were successful enough to leave him with just some bruises, it had brought him away from his comrades. A little disoriented, it took him a long moment to realize Marcus was in trouble. He turned to run over and help when sudden bang and flash temporarily blinded him.

A split second knee-jerk reaction was to simply swing his sword in the presumed direction of the threat, yet he achieved little more the drawing a few relatively wide cuts into the floor and nearby wall. But when he heard the order to freeze, he did so. Unfortunately, the thirty pounds of metal in his hand had already built up considerable momentum, and the sudden stop, combined with a slight panic, wrenched the sword from his grasp. The weapon flew up at an angle, before embedding itself about six inches deep into what remained of the roof.

Clyde raised his hands slowly above his head as his vision returned, and he tried to make sense of the situation. Although his helmet hid his expression, the boy was quite clearly so shocked by the situation that he couldn't even bring himself to speak.

2014-09-17, 12:28 AM
The soldier looks like he is going to respond harshly to Mads's question, but calms himself and takes a few deep breaths before speaking.

"We have a VERY limited window of opportunity to prevent something like this from happening again later on down the road. In order to accomplish that it is VITAL that we liaise with your commanding officer immediately."

2014-09-17, 02:02 AM
Under the mask Mads is intiidated by the soldier and he takes a moment to calm down. This gives his allies time to talk if they should feel the urge to do so.

If noone says anything he will with a calm voice say That was a lot of words that didn't answer my question. What is it you need Zorgon for? He can feel his stomach muscles flex of nerveusness as the words come out of his mouth.

2014-09-17, 02:19 AM
"We need to talk to him about certain matters that I'm not at liberty to discuss with you. If he wishes to inform you of these matters, then that would be his prerogative."

2014-09-17, 02:36 AM
Mads isn't entirely convinced by the argument. He looks at the weaponless and the scorched classmate for their oppinion.

2014-09-23, 12:23 PM
Marcus flails about as the military suddenly storms upon them, the very first few sparks of anger rising up in self defense before he squelches them furiously. Listening to the officers reasoning, Marcus grumbles and looks at Mads.

"I'm pretty sure this is a violation of atleast like 4 of my rights. If he wants to find flying lightshow man, he can go look himself."

2014-09-24, 02:48 AM
Mads suddenly feels something in the back of his head, wanting to get out. He concentrates and releases the energy as his fingers move in complicated patterns. He closes his eyes, knowing that when he opens them again he will be able to see the presense of evil. His vision starts out blurry but graduately it becomes clear whether or not there is any evil present. He is suprised when he uses the magic. It almost feels as if he is using an entirely different part of the brain than when he previously used magic

Assuming nobody nearby is evil he says No worries Marcus, my magic reveals that he isn't evil. If nobody protect he will assist the soldier in finding Zorgon although he has no idea where he is himself.

Wauw this sentai thing is awesome! He says to Marcus when the opportunity is present.

Detect evil.

2014-09-25, 01:04 PM
"Ummm... Assuming you mean Zordon. He's ummm...." Clyde begins to reply, but then looks around a bit. "Where exactly is here, because that could help me give you what information. Assuming you want the location compared to where we are right now." He continues, slowly, being careful with how he articulates his words. Still keeping his hands above his head, he then takes a moment to ask, in a slightly snarky fashion. "Would it earn me a bullet in my skull if I brought my hands down?"

2014-09-27, 10:13 PM
-Time Skip-
You are all smuggled in as part of the "rescue operation" for the Army Corps of Engineers, who "just happened to be in the neighborhood" after your tour group stands back "a safe distance" (AKA out of LoS to see you all being smuggled in).

Zordon seems pleased to see all of you alive, and anxious to talk to the highest ranking officer on-site (NOT the anyone you have met prior to this time-skip). They go off a good ways, but are both back within 10 minutes, the military officers withdraw for a bit, and Zordon speaks with you privately.

"Naturally the mortal authorities will want to learn everything you saw on-site, so as to figure out what they can do so this doesn't happen again. That being said... there are certain limits on who you should talk to. Within the limits of sense and security, you can TELL anyone who needs to know what they need to know. However, anyone MacGreggor doesn't vouch for IN PERSON you do not have a dialogue with. You can give them statements, but you don't allow yourself to hear one word they have to say. This goes up to and including Congress. You have certain legal rights that you can leverage in that direction."

-After the military officer's return-

"Yes, the cover story will be that we medivaced you to <insert name of military base here>, and we are having some difficulties with the fine points of your diagnosis... or some such. The doctors will work that out with the intelligence officers. In any case, your family and friends will be welcome to visit. Does that work for everyone?" asks the officer.

2014-09-28, 12:04 PM
Mads isn't totally happy with his identity being known by the military but seing there is no other way he accepts it. He will explain how they fought off the Succuba and exploded the evil guy, who's name he already have forgotten.

Hearing the cover story he fears for his mother's reaction but he doesn't want to cause more troubles so he says It works

2014-10-01, 03:11 PM
The debriefing is... intense.

Mads parents are very happy to see him when they arrive. ((Feel free to insert details, or even ask me to play one or more of them, but quite frankly I think we need to speed this up or we are never going to get anywhere.))

The debriefing continues to be intense afterward.

2014-10-02, 01:36 AM
Mads is confused under the debriefing. First off he was worried that it involved his briefs but when it started he felt like he had almost nothing to tell them.

His mother looks at him with a gaze that makes him feel guilty. It is as if her eyes are saying Why weren't you more careful. As usual Mads feels guilty for no reason.

When he is alone in his room he will try to see if he can recharge his phone with his electrical sentai power by using as little as possible power.

What does the debriefing involve?
His dad is in Europe so it is unlikely that he will show up or even know.
Speeding up sounds good.

2014-10-03, 05:55 PM
Ten days later you are all sent home from the base. It is a Friday evening, and many options before you.

2014-10-04, 12:47 PM
Mads will use the time to spam as many spells as possible and aside from testing how the magic works he will explore the interaction with mundane equiptment.

How did the lightning interact with hiw phone? Is he able to recharge it?
What does sense weakness and detect thoughts reveal about random people on the street?

2014-10-04, 06:00 PM
Mads fries his phone. Zordon and/or his military contact assure suggest that "practice makes perfect" and that a suitable training rig can be arranged in good time. Unlike with the weapons, the experience doesn't feel uncomfortable in the same way... more like a football linebacker trying out needle-point for the first time.

Detect Thoughts leads to all of the following at various times ((giving a few weeks worth at 4/day here, but don't feel like you need to advance the clock that far)):

Many day to day thoughts, two of which he actually decides to report to his contact on the chance that "I'm going to KILL that <expletive deleted>!" might be a precursor to attempted homocide, rather than something that will pass before it reaches the level of actions. His contact asks questions, but assures him that everything is almost certainly fine but that he will pass the information along to the police just to set Mad's mind at ease.
One very confused and VERY VERY awkward lunch with a man whose thoughts were so dark that Mads felt that spending half an hour and twenty dollars cash at the nearest Starbucks might save him from suicide.
Some very confused people the few times he fails to penetrate their minds and they feel the completely novel sensation of a failed mental intrusion.
A few irate responses from people whom he is not able to sufficiently satisfy as to why he is casting (yes, some people can recognize spellcasting...).
One blush inducing incident from a rather over-made-up young lady who apparently is taken with the idea of what super-human physical abilities and great willpower might work out to between the sheets.

Experiments with Resist Energy go well, holding his hand above a lit can of Sterno, and touching bare 120 Volt electrical wires (this one done with a spotter) both produce interesting sensations.

A pesky Chihuahua barking at him through a fence proves no match for Sleep.

Attempts at artistic patterns with Web show next to no promise. Zordon says it would probably be a matter of altering the fundamental properties of the spell, rather than learning better control in this case ((IE spell research)).

((Feel free to suggest more experiments, or questions for Zordon about things you COULD test, but it might not be wise.))

2014-10-05, 05:41 AM
Mads blames the frying of his phone on his fall in the cave. Must have hit a rock or something.
On Facebook he posts: "Hey guys. I fell into a whole and my phone is broke. I got a new one but the sim thingy is also new so I don't have any numbers."
He is eager to try to practice. He is pretty disappointed when he can't start the training rig immediately and secretly practices letting electricity pass through blades of grass without setting it on fire.

(I don't mind advancing the clock that far).
Mads is so suprised that people can recognize magic. He will go to somewhere discrete, use invisiblity and track them to try to found out how they knew.

At some point he will travel to the local national park and test some of his abilities in hiding. He will use aspect of the wolf(SC, pg16) and run around like that. Spider climb will be used to run up alongside a waterfall and lightning speed(sentai ability) will increase his wolf speed to 70 ft.

He'll also use chain of eyes(SC, pg45) on one of the girls before she enters the girls dressing room. He's 17 after all.

He will start cleaning his room. After he carelessly used embrace the wild(complete adventurer, pg 147), gained scent and almost puked his view on how disgusting things were allowed to be in there changed.

Asking Zorgon if he is going to practice using his powers through modern weapons. Assuming Zorgon says no he'll ask why and be fairly persistent for an answer.(assuming it's not conflicting with the secret thing).

2014-10-05, 05:03 PM
Zordon informs the Sentai that using your powers through objects they weren't designed for can permanently impair said powers and insists that such exercises be conducted in very strict moderation. The military trainers (when you get them) also make a big deal about how it is much easier to harm civilians with a missed shot when using modern weapons as compared to Sentai weapons.
The first part is true, but it is not the full truth. The bit about hurting civilians is only TECHNICALLY true.

You fall for it.

((I did say your spells only worked in Sentai form, right?))
The spellcasting thing eventually turns out to just be "Yeah, when you see a Sentai waving his hands around and saying words you don't recognize, it is spellcasting.". Mads realizes just how little he knows about being a Sentai and resolves to pay (even closer) attention to Zordon's more cerebral instruction as well as the more directly practical matters.

2014-10-06, 05:27 PM
(Forgot that part, can a sentai just walk around in the streets?)

(Could you describe some of the training?)

Over the course of the first two weeks does Mads make any progress in not frying stuff when he lets his electricity run through it?

2014-10-06, 08:54 PM
(Forgot that part, can a sentai just walk around in the streets?)
Depends on how good they are at acrobatically avoiding reporters and fans, like their mentor instructed them to... Of course, this may or may not apply in the case of Sentai that aren't part of THIS team.

(Could you describe some of the training?)
The training with modern weapons is like stuff one would get towards the end of boot camp... minus the yelling and disrespect from the instructor... although he doesn't seem to think much of your shooting abilities. He mentions that sometimes Sentai have bursts of ability when they are most needed and which fade the moment the crisis has passed.
Again, you are being misled. You are ever bit as skilled as your BAB and Dexterity would indicate. Not really proficient (yet), but that will change in time.

Your pre-parachute/swimming/rappling/climbing stuff you are apparently doing pretty good at. There is talk of getting you some flight training (as in piloting an aircraft), but that apparently is a pretty low priority.

The Sentai training from Zordon is <insert whatever a Power Ranger's Training Montage looks like here>.

Over the course of the first two weeks does Mads make any progress in not frying stuff when he lets his electricity run through it?
Mads can not notice any progress based on the feel and look and such... but again "practice makes perfect" and "patience is a virtue".

2014-10-07, 06:47 AM
Mads is annoyed that he is incapable of mastering something as simple as using less power. From time to time his annoyance takes over and the straw explodes in an peal of thunder, shaking the earth and sounding like well thunder.

He is happy with the successes he makes though. He isn't particularly interested in flying a jet plane because he have tried flying as a bird.

(I see why multiple people in the group is a good idea. Not many ideas for stuff to do. Ready to move on)

2014-10-16, 04:45 PM
PING! Mads heard the voice of the small pop-up in the right corner of the launcher telling him ADMIRAL BAYLIFE HAS INVITED YOU TO PLAY A GAME. He was sitting in his room in front of the glowing screen with a mouse in one hand and the other above the keyboard. The table he was sitting at had a pile of apples very unusual compared to hs usual eaing habbits. It was a new addition after he discovered that he could use his sentai powers to change the taste of things. For example change the taste of apples to that of chocolate. His mother approved his new eating habbit although she didn't understand what had caused it.

He leaned back and rubbed his forehead. The ping used to be a good thing and not this kind of uncomfortable choice. Before he chose to really become good at the game he loved the sound of that small ping, it told him that his friends wanted to spent their time on him, which felt both pleasant and comfortable. The sound started to annoy him as he got progressively better. Not because the sound changed but because what the sound implied had changed. You see to become really good at something you need to dedicate yourself to it. And dedicating yourself to something means that you gotta spend hell of a lot time doing it. This especially applied to Esport because your body, as opposed to traditional sports, didn't need to rebuild it's muscles, meaning that e-sport pros typically played about 12 hours a day.

Now when this ping pop up came up it forced Mads into a choice he was really uncomfortable with. Either he could accept and thus waste valueable time not becoming better or he could accept and waste time not reaching his dream of becoming a professional e-athlete. And the problem was that one match lead to another and a whole day could be "wasted" on making his friend happy. He stood up in indecisive frustration and looking around for something else to switch his concentration to. Noticing the basket with apples he closed the door and after some quick transformation he enjoyed a chocolate-tasting apple.

He gleaned out the window out into the air while eating the apple. He was a bit disappointed that he was unable to find any magic this far that improved his computer playing skills but fortunately all the hard work he had put into it before becoming a sentai had allowed him to reach top 200 out of the over one million people playing competetive on the american server. Something he was quite proud of. Remembering back the feelig of being really good at something was one of the few he still enjoyed. However he couldn't help but wonder "was this really worth it?" Was it worth it to not spend time with friends and cut down on the partying just to be excessively good at something. Worth it to occationally stay home from school just to be that little bit better. He couldn't find a clear answer.

2014-10-16, 07:11 PM
((big twist!!!))

Simply stated:
Between 10 and 30 years pass without any monsters.

In more detail:
You are still the "unquenchable fire of JUSTICE in the spirit" warriors, and the fact that you have been in "Stand Always Ready" mode as far as combat has gone* has done nothing to diminish that. You have rescued cats from trees, you have saved people from burning buildings and industrial accidents, you have stood strong against the despair of your occasional failures to save people, you have (probably) inspired those younger than you to be better people (despite their lack of powers), you have trained hard, at least one of you has wooed a woman**, wed her, and been a loving, faithful husband and father.
*As I said, if you really insist on doing S.W.A.T. type work, then you can have done some of that.
**Pretty please? It make the plot a lot smoother. Perhaps this should be a recruiting requirement. And yes, it has to be a guy wooing a girl, not the reverse for the idea I have, although only ONE character has to do that.

The cave in the mountains now has a minor military outpost 10 miles to the west of it, connected to the same high-speed subterranean recumbent-passenger rail as connects your houses to the cave. Of course, only the LEAST important stuff is in the surface buildings (well, except for the helicopter hangers, landing pads, S.A.M. launchers, barbed wire, pill-boxes... ok, so there is a lot of stuff that matters, but only because it HAS to be on the surface). Most of the important stuff is below the original cave. It turns out that there are obscure laws of nature that govern expanding the area that Zordon can go to... he can roam the entire base, both above and below ground, although not too far down the tunnels leading to your homes.

Added skills (Distribute 2+Int. SCORE ranks among the ones marked with asterisks):
Proficiency with a wide variety of military weapons.
Demolitions [Int]* (Note that you will NOT be getting any explosives to start with... it is complicated).
Pilot(Helicopter) [Dex]* (You will be provided a pilot, but... being able to fly yourself in would help).
Pilot(Fixed-Wing Drone)* (Again, you could have someone else do it, but this has its advantages. Probably even more advantageous than the above.)
Crisis Management [Int or Wis depending on situation]* (For example: knowing which exact way to tell the innocent civilians to run... actually convincing them to do it would be a Diplomacy check.. or Intimidate if you really have to)
Anti-Monster Tactics (No, you CAN'T put ranks in this... you HAVE an undefined number of ranks in it, but so much of what you know is misleading that I'm not going to bother with it. Besides, I want y'all to actually PLAY the game, rather than just regurgitating what I tell you after you roll a skill-check)
Knowledge(True Local) (Represents how much of the town and surrounding area you have details memorized on).
(Suggestions for more welcome)

Six tubes of 100+mm artillery (will have limited TYPES of ammo in actual practice, although the supplies of each type on the base are basically unlimited... although initially they are going to be very reluctant to use these... and perhaps not just 'initially'... it really depends on how the mechanical game-play works out. Whatever makes the best game in my sole judgement will be how it will go.)

Smoke (IR Transparent)
Smoke (IR opaque)
Parachute Illumination

There are also armor piercing and high explosive rounds, but how sure they have to be of not hitting innocent civilians pales in comparison to how sure they will have to be not to hit the bad-guys... to expand on that: injuring the bad-guys with artillery is usually a court-martial offense that carries a life sentence for the military personel... and won't be a picnic for the Sentai involved either.
2+ Blackhawk helicopters WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS, complete with crews.
(Suggestions for more welcome)

Equipment(Most can be manually added or removed from your suits so it materializes with it until it is removed by hand, note that you THOUGHT that if any monsters showed up you wouldn't have any restrictions on guns, rocket-launchers, explosive charges, grenades, etc... this will never be true for actual combats):
Kelvar Body Armor you can manually add or remove from your suits.
Encrypted Tactical Radios (Keep in mind, the penetration on these is ONLY "much better" than that on cell phones)
15 lb field radios (for talking to Zordon and military experts, and calling in artillery... ditto on not always working inside buildings and such)
GPS with street and topological maps of the area (From personal experience with civilian GPS... which is better than the standard issue military stuff sometimes: Signal may be an issue in areas with tall buildings)
IR/Nightvision Goggles
Laser Target Designators (For if you need the smoke round to fly in through a window on the side of the building facing the base).
Grenades(Limit 1 carried at a time in the entire party... yes, this is ridiculous based on the information you had both IC and OOC, until you learn the full consequences of "crossing the streams". See above about Artillery Rounds)

Smoke (IR Transparent)
Smoke (IR opaque)
Rappelling and climbing gear
First Aid Kits
Field-Medic Kits for anyone with at least 5 ranks in Heal.
Unarmed Aerial Drones with Control Units (the Control Unit can be part of your transformation, the drone itself is way too bulky)
Fiber-optic cameras (for peeking under doors, etc).
(Please tell me what you want, especially stuff that ISN'T listed above.)

2014-10-17, 06:02 AM
HOLY CRAP. This is definitely a big twist but it's pretty cool.

How does the scientists or zorgon explain the lack of monsters?

How well did Mads gaming career go? Did he manage to win an e-sport championship (https://www.google.dk/search?q=league+of+legends+championship&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1097&bih=541&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=U_ZAVOLcMOvnygO72oCYBQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=-iNEqVJT0jQ_7M%253A%3BHVWsYlknBSXsNM%3Bhttp%253A%25 2F%252Fna.leagueoflegends.com%252Fsites%252Fdefaul t%252Ffiles%252Fstyles%252Fscale_xlarge%252Fpublic %252Fupload%252F2014_wc_banner_2.jpg%253Fitok%253D 6kTPSmbB%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.newsoflegends.co m%252Findex.php%252F2014-world-championship-groups-revealed-25313%252F%3B1280%3B720)?

Any progress in finetuning the electrical power? Say being able to manipulate computer detailed by small electric impulses? Any level increase?

I can take the wooeing the woman. Will probably have told the wife after much internal struggle.

2014-10-17, 08:12 AM
Well, sounds a bit like the lovechild of Power Rangers S.P.D. and Power Rangers Lightspeed rescue.

I can also take the wooing a woman part, hell I even have an NPC/romantic interest as an established NPC. I'll need to do a bit on what Clyde did between now and after our first mission.

So... Intersting twist. I have a few questions relating to all of this:

For the skills: does this mean that we can now put 2+int in the ones marked with an asterisk, and points in the other ones later? Was kinda hoping that I could have put the points into Parachuting.

The artillery: Is this as in long-range bombardemnt? are we talking a solid mount, on vehicle mount?

The Radios: with tactical radio, is this like a walkie-talkie, or a headset to be worn under the helmet? And the field radio is one of theso backpack thing-a-ma-bobs?

Gonna have to put a bit of thought into what I pick, but I can probably help with carrying some of the heavier gear.

2014-11-30, 09:05 AM
Practice break. The 19th of november, 10 years into the future

Ahh said Mads as he placed his butt firmly in the chair in the small dining/break room they had just beside the training facility. Holding a hand on his shoulder and pretending to be in pain he cried I'm getting too old for this. Admitted, not a new joke. He said it the first time last year after getting smashed into a pillar and had sorta enjoyed the ring to it, so he started to use it frequently. Possibly so frequently that it stopped being funny.
In front of him he had a cup of coffee and a magazine. Even after 10 years he still hadn't managed to teach himself to drink coffee without getting a sour expression on his face but that wasn't going to stop him from keep trying. The magazine had the text Mathematics Magazine in addition to some weird looking signs written on it. Even though Mads still had to spend a lot of time practicing or perhaps of that Mads had been really proud of getting his applied math major and were actively trying to improve his skills in that area.
Are you guys sure that you don't want to join me for the winter dance week between christmas and new year? It'll be fun! There are going to be lots of pretty women and you know what they say about dancers He says with a wink before turning to Clyde I know I know CJ, but even a married man are allowed to enjoy the view right? Besides the contra dancing is great even if you just do it for the dancing.

2014-11-30, 10:37 AM
Rex groaned as Mads made the same joke for the umpteenth time. Sure, it was funny the first time, and the second time, and the third time, and so on, but after the fifth time, it was kind of getting old. Still, he was too tired to respond to his repetitive joke,, and he sat down with his glass of orange juice.
So, it has been ten years since I became a Sentai, he thought, smiling. Grandpa would be proud.

2014-12-01, 02:46 AM
Kate stretches her arms above her head and absentmindedly runs her fingers along the top of the door. Over the years, her normal shape has grown closer and closer to the tall and glamorous sentai version of herself. She's spent most of today working on her leaping cirque-du-soleil-style, "combat," gymnastics without transforming. How she manages to keep her big black glasses on in the process is anyone's guess.

"Ha, what's that they say about dancers?" she laughs. She also secretly wonders what contra dancing is, but it's probably just another word for, like, regular dancing? Kate never put much thought into actual, proper dancing. Maybe she'll ask later if she can't figure it out from context.

2014-12-01, 03:36 PM
He was supposed to be filling out an Excel chart to help get up to date with his financial situation, but instead Clyde was hucnched forward in his chair, elbows upported against his knees as he occasionally tapped on his tablet computer. Bird-like squaks, shrills, and beeps could be heard, along with oinks, crashes, and the occasional explosion. The game he was playing "Moderately Inconvinienced Avians" had taken the mobile game market by storm. He still in good a shape as ever, if not better, his well-kept body covered by a white tank top and dark green cargo pants that were so worn and covered in stains that wouldn't come out, they might as well had gotten run over by a freeways worth of afternoon traffic. Hearing Mads speak, he taps the tablet one more time and then lifts his head up from the screen. "Between Christmas and new years? Can't say for sure, grandma and grandpa are coming over to celebrate to holidays, and I've promised to drive them home, but I don't know when they'll want to be leaving." He replie, before setting down the tablet on the table.

He then stands up from his seat and stretches his back a bit, before walking over to the refridgirator, and takes out a can of ice tea. "I'll ask what Naomi thinks about the matter, but she'll probably want me to drive her all over after all those after-christmas sales. That or she'll want me to stay home." he then continued.

2014-12-01, 04:10 PM
Mads misunderstand Rex's smile and absentminded look: Laughly he says The mental image is good right before turning to Kate.
That they know how to move their body He says with an innocent smile. When I was doing gymnastics I remember rythmic gymnastics being a hit for the girls, what kind of gymnastics was it you were doing?

He gave the cup a long gaze. Sigh. Slowly he grapped it and forced it to his mouth. A sour expression spreads across his face but he tries again, this time holding his nose with the other hand. Briefly surrendering he puts the cup back on the table with a dissatisfied look.

I still can't understand what you like about that game. I mean it's just a spinoff from angry birds, remember that game? That was awesome He has a distant look on his face at the memory of the game he wasted too much of his youth on.
Ugh are they going to stay there all holiday? If you have the time their new-years party is awesome. Lots of dancing and fireworks. My dad is comming too actually. Can you believe it, man's 80 years and you still can't get him off the dance floor.

Hearing Clyde speaking about his wife(it's wife right?) he burst into laugh. With dripping sarcasm he teases Alas, all the advantages of having a wife, I should hurry up.

2014-12-02, 01:29 AM
Mads comment snapped Rex back to reality. "What? No. Mads, you know I can't even dance.", he responded. I'm probably going to embarass myself anyway."

"As for my Christmas and New Year plans?I don't know, there's probably some paperwork around that needs to be filled, so....", he continued. He then turned to Clyde: "....speaking of paperwork, aren't you going to fill in that financial situation chart?"

2014-12-02, 03:21 AM
But that's the great thing about contra-dance, the learning curve is so great for beginnners. Like there is one step that I can teach you and the rest is just walking in patterns that the guy with the microphone calls. He says with a grin.

2014-12-02, 02:25 PM
"Heh. With all those horror stories of women dragging their husbands out on brain-numbing multi-hour trips going around, would you believe me if I told you that last year we spent more time picking out a new snowboard for her, then we did looking for new purses, new shoes, or her trying on dresses and asking me if it made her butt look big, combined." He replied to mads before chuckling a bit. He then popped the open the can and took a long sip of the contents. He then walked over to his chair, setting down his drink on the table, and picking up the tablet again. "as for the grandparents, they usually come around the week before christmas eve, and leave before all the new years celebrations start, usually, three-four days after christmas eve, but it changes from year to year."

He then takes a more comfortable pose in his seat, beore looking over his shoulder. "Just... One more level." He replied to Rex.

((OOC: Sorry for the short post, been feeling a little down today, hard to get into character))

2014-12-03, 01:59 PM
"Oh, that kind of dancing,", Rex answered. "Well, in that case, the paperwork could wait."
He took a sip of his orange juice. "By the way, Kate, how is Sara?"

2014-12-03, 02:41 PM
Nope, not believing you. He said looking up from his cofee cup. Oh lord, how can people drink this kind of stuff? He left his chair to go fetch some sugar. Hopefully that would help.
Then you can join after they leave, can problably talk to someone about getting you a discount. He says with his head into the shelf.

Yeah. It looks sorta like this He picks up his phone and starts playing some irish jreel while conjuring a silent moving picture on the table to show how it looks.

2014-12-03, 11:04 PM
"What kind of gymnastics?" Kate repeats aloud as she wonders herself. "...huh, I don't know! The flashy Circus kind, I guess. Like, doing a backflip off of a wall onto a tightrope with a hula hoop."

She also lets out a brief chuckle of relief when she and Rex discover that oh, it's that kind of contra dancing.

"Hey, don't look at me, Mads. Tea, greater than coffee, every time." She retrieves her mug from the cupboard and fills it from the big steampunk-themed dispenser on the counter, covered with tubes and dials and gauges. The craft was supposedly a present from her to the team, but of course she's still the one who uses it the most.

"Anyway, Sara's alright! I told you they had her on Desert Bus, right? Aaaand we had Thanksgiving at her aunt's again. That's about it, not sure what we're doing about Christmas yet. I think she's just doing a Hearthstone stream today. I'll see what's going on with us during the dance thing, maybe I can talk her into it."

2014-12-05, 02:13 PM
((OOC: Sorry, been busy and accidentally forgot to post. Correcting that now))

An ominous organ melody began emanating from the tablet, as Clyde tap the device for a moment. "... And boom." He mutters in a satisfied tone, the device in his hands seemingly responding with the sound of several explosions, followed by victorious squaking. He hummed in a satisfied manner before closing the game, and opening up a few excel graphs.

"So are these dances something that happen over several days?" He asks, driecting the question to mads, although he doesn't lift his gaze from the screen as he taps in numbers and mutters to himself, going through the individual cells to check the numbers match.

2014-12-06, 08:07 AM
"Oh, come on, Mads, you know I would never tell a lie.", Rex said, laughing. He then turned his attention to the dancing illusion. "Yep, I'm all in. I'd need to ask you though, when are the dances?"

2014-12-06, 10:38 AM
Sounds cool, so sorta like parkour? Mads responds to Kate I used to do a bit of tumbling when I was younger.

Mads pours way too much sugar into the cofee and carefully tries a sip.

Yeah, I think it was from the 26th to the 1st but I'll doublecheck it for you.

2014-12-07, 09:44 PM
"'Sorta like parkour' might be an okay way of putting it, yeah," Kate laughs. "I never knew you were into that stuff, though! It's interesting, you seemed like the type who'd consider it a waste of time. I mean, I'd never even have considered taking up tumbling before all of this..." A gesture to the crystal clip in her dark curly hair underscores her point. Kate used to wear her morpher on a necklace, but tucking it under her tight leotard was really uncomfortable. "Ha, of course, I guess I wasn't exactly athletic back then."

She sips at her tea, a hot earl grey labeled, 'The Picard.'

2014-12-10, 03:18 PM
"Okay, I'll come.", Rex said after hearing the date of the contra-dancing event. "The question is who I'll would bring with me to the event."

2014-12-11, 11:22 AM
A waste of time? never, I've always loved doing sports. I just don't like to watch it. It's just that in E-sport your body don't get exhausted so you gotta spend must of the day practicing if you want to compete with the best.
Mads is done with his coffe with sugar, or rather his sugar-filled cup with cofee. He walks over to the monitor on the wall and orders a glutenfree pizza from the cafeteria.(if we have something like that).

Sweet! Sure you can bring anyone you want but I'll remind you that n contra dance you swap partner basicly after every song so you don't have to bring a partner.

2014-12-23, 03:54 PM
Clyde took a sip of his iced teea, before setting down his tablet on the table, seemingly a bit frustrated. He then reached into his suitcase, and pulled out a keyboard dock for his tablet, along with a small bluetooth mouse. He slipped the tabled onto the keyboard, and plugged in the bluetooth receiver.

"Alright, cool. You think you could hook me up with a phone number or something for whoever was organzing the dances? And I'll see how things turn out." He replies to Mads, before turning his attention to Kate. "Speaking of tumbling, I used to do that a lot before this all happened, I used to do courier work among other things, and sometimes I'd do deliveries on foot. One would be amazed at how handy being able to run through three blocks without needing to stop once can be when you haave a parcel that needs to get somewhere. But now, thanks to this thing..." He says, motioning at his morpher-beetle set on the table. "I'm suddenly running up walls like it was nothing."

"Just goes to show how much things have changed since we first met Zordon." He said, chcukling slightly. He then pulled his seat up closer to he table, and began tapping away at Excel charts again.

((OOC: not my best offering, but I suppose I can be happy that I got something done.))

2015-01-01, 05:01 PM
A child is being born (s)he* isn't having an easy time of it. Clyde, the anxious father, has(n't)* been here before and he knows that medically... this is bad but not horrible. He waits outside the delivery room, knowing that if he goes inside the temptation to DO something might prove too much for his hot-blooded nature. His closest friends are gathered near for moral, and perhaps a last-ditch magical support.

Suddenly the lights shatter, every bulb failing as if from a massive electrical overload. The plastic covers over the flourencent bulbs retain most of the shards of glass. The emergency lights come on but even those flicker.

*((player's pick))

((Do any RP you like for the scene before the lights start malfunctioning. Next, place yourselves on the battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AicFR8jpZrGHdGNPdkMxbkZOQUozZXNiWkRDMFRkd UE#gid=0) in the marked starting area, and then I will place the monster(s). Also, roll for initiative.))

2015-01-02, 02:26 PM
Clyde pressed himself against the wall, as if attempting to keep himself from running inside, but every little sound he heard from within the room just made him want to rush in. The occasional scream, though expected, still made him cringe every time. "You can do it baby, you can do it." He uttered to himself over and over again, in between deep breaths.

When the first lamps blew, he seemed to kinda confused for a moment, before looking around a bit. "What's going on?" He asked.

((Starting in U19))
((Initiative: [roll0]))

2015-01-03, 04:31 PM
Mads has his arm placed solidly on Clyde's shoulder Hang in there man, she's going to be fine He says not entirely trusting his own words. I'd offer you a shot of piece but we aren't in uniform He continues apologizing. He does a gooddecent job consealing his fear that he at one day could end up with the same pain that Clyde have a small chance of experiencing, or even worse get the responsibility that Clyde will have if he avoids the pain.

After the fifth scream he makes a poor joke to try to light the mood but it's obvious that his mind isn't really at it's peak.

((Standing at V19))

2015-01-05, 12:27 AM
Leaning against the wall, opposite the new father and the active delivery room, another visitor in a jogging suit keeps checking on her fancy new phone, watching for more congratulations and well-wishes from the rest of Clyde's extended family and relaying them to the happy couple. Really, it's the only thing keeping her from being bored out of her mind right now; she had tried to stay in the delivery room to see what was happening, but the doctors had shooed her out.

Kate considers making a joke about substituting some whiskey for a, 'shot of peace,' but thinks the better of it; her friends clearly aren't in the mood. Still, she can't help but laugh. "Ha! Come on, you guys, haven't you ever watched any movies? Childbirth's always like this, right? I mean, yeah, it hurts, but that's normal. Besides-"

She's interrupted by a very foreboding fizzling noise as the lights flicker and go dim.

"...well, this part's a little different..." The words are apparently a joke, but her tone is as serious as ever. Kate quickly flips through the menus on her phone to look for weather or news reports that might explain this.

It's not often that a whole hospital losing power to a freak storm is the best thing you can hope for.

2015-01-06, 02:16 PM
Rex instinctively gripped his morpher as the lights around him fell out. "What the *&@#? The weather forecast never predicted this, and it isn't likely that there was grid failure anywhere else, so that means-". He hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he should say. "-terrorists," he continued. "I'd better scout forward."

Either terrorists, or one of Fulimar's lackeys. Hopefully, it's the former.

Here's Rex's sheet. Needs meneuvres and spells, but other than that, it's good to go. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1069992)

2015-01-09, 01:38 AM
Kate eyes the buzzing, flickering emergency lights with concern. "Hnn... I don't want to get too excited, but it is weird; a power surge shouldn't hit the emergency lights unless someone tampered with them or something." She nods toward the delivery room as she pockets her phone. "Is everyone okay in there?"

Before she can check on the room herself, much less head downstairs to ask if anyone there knows what's going on, something describable as a, 'sickly yellow flash,' catches everyone's attention from one direction or the other.

"What...?" Kate squints to see what the source of the new weirdness might be, but it's officially getting creepy.

Spot! [roll0]

Listen? [roll1]

2015-01-10, 03:08 PM
Clyde bangs open the door and talks a look at his wife and the people tending to her.
The lighting in the delivery suite is the same flickering emergency lighting... but you can also clearly see the NOT flickering lights of the indicators and display panels of the monitoring equipment.
Clyde closes the door.
((Very tempted to not wait for Rex's maneuvers and spells to be confirmed to be ready and just get this thing started... especially since I already rolled his initiative and he is the only one going after the monster does.))

2015-01-10, 06:04 PM
"Damnit, what's going on?" He cursed after the lights went out. Looking around quickly, he too catches sight of the flash. His well of patience having run dry, he opened the door into the room. His gaze avoids looking too directly at the delivery itself, rather focusing on Naomi's eyes.

"You okay, Naomi?" He asked her. The pained expression was obvious on her face, and at first she opened her mouth to reply, but bit down on her teeth as another contraction hit, so instead she resorted to simply nodding. Clyde gulped, taking a moment before speaking. "We're gonna go check on the emergency generato. Just stay strong, baby, I'll be right back. Everythings... gonna be alright." The momentary pause at the end was something he tired to keep as subtle as possible, but it was quite noticable, as was the tone of doubt he tried to conceal.

Closing the door as he stepped away from it, he took a few steps back as he produced his morpher from his pocket. The device,akin to a large metallic beetle, latched on s he lowered it his belt. Stretching out his right hand to initiate the transformation, he seemed to hesitate for a moment.


The transformation was about as subtle as a pink elephant carrying a dozen strobe lights. The loud shrill and lights flashing in all colors of the visible spectrum left little to the imagination for those who had seen it. Not even bothering to let the process finish, he grasped the "horn" emerging from the armor on his left forearms, giving it a sharp pull, extracting about a foot of gelatinous substance. Just as his helmet finished forming, a single violent tug was all it took to finish extracting the sword, producing what sounded like a thunderclap. A large horn emerged from his forehead, and a thin film was expelled from his body, removing the matte black and dull gold, replacing the with shiny black and vibrant yellow.

"Anyone have a plan as to what to do?" He then proceeded to ask.

[Activating Henshin. Also drawing my weapon with my Quick Draw feat]
[For the other players: I sort of skimped out on the description for the henshin sequence, so for those who might be interested, I'll add the description of my first henshin in spoilers]

With that, he swings his right hand in a wide arc toward the beetle on his waist, striking it's shell with a firm tap that seems to resonate through his very being. He the loosely swung his arms out, roughly at waist-heinght, palms lazilly facing up.

The youth stood motionless for brief moment before the transformation began to set in. A light emanating from his giant-beetle-turned-belt-buckle pulses, slowly going from white, to violet, to blue, going through all colors of the visible spectrum. The pulses became faster, repeating the cycle of color, until finally it stopped at yellow, simultaneously as the belt released a high-pitched keening shrill. Thin strings of light shot out across his body from the henshin device, twisting and intertwining, as they first formed a skin-tight suit covering every inch of his body from the neck down in brilliant light. The light died down momentarily as the light shifted from a bright white and a shiny black.

The black light seemed to materialize into physical form at the same time as his belt buckle spewed out about two dozen beads of yellow light, each about the size of a golf ball, which flew a few orbits around him, before they began hitting his body. Each bead burst into what appeared to be an extremely viscose liquid that began molding itself around the point of impact. The beads impacted on his shoulders, lower arms, several spots on the legs and hips, several impacted the chest together, and finally eight in total slowly floated just above his head. The liquid on his body shaped and hardened into thick plates colored a dirty gold.

Five of the remaining beads distanced themselves from the rest, before striking against his back and forming a thick shell. Of the three remaining beads, two floated right beside his ears and burst in midair, forming two yellow halves of a helmet, starting from the nape of his neck, travelling up along the side of his head up to his temples, before sliding back down and uniting just above his chin. The final bead above his head burst, fitting itself in between the two yellow pieces, leaving only a large space around his eyes uncovered. His arms fell loosely to his side, and all the colors on his suit seemed to turn duller. A moment passed before another pulse of light emanated from his buckle, and what appeared to be arcs of electricity traveled out along his body, forming thin cracks as they went, these arcs culminating around his eyes, before flashing out of existence, leaving behind a dull gold visor across his eyes.

Clyde exhaled loudly as his visor flashed, before he brought his hands together, and with a sound akin to a thunderclap, a large horn emerged from the forehead of his helmet, and the outermost layer of his suit, not much more than a thin film, shot outward. The previously dulled colors were no more, replaced now by a shiny blacks and and rich orangy-yellows. The previously flat visor seemed the glow a dim light of it's own, highlighting a pattern akin to compound eyes running across it.

2015-01-11, 07:46 AM
Mads almost jumped as the light went out flickered wildly. Per reflex he reached for his morpher but managed to stop himself before his hand reached the pocket. This part is indeed a little different.

When Rex starts talking about terrorists he responds It might just be a power-failure. However if he were honest with himself he probably didn't believe it, since all of the emergency lights malfunctioning.

Mads makes a mental note to school Clyde at a later point for morphing so close to civilians and for saying what they were going to do to a group of civilians.

2015-01-11, 02:45 PM
Hey! I didn't know all those monitors were battery-powered! I guess that's good, huh?

...wait, what?

Kate's eyes quickly shift to the floor of the delivery room as the door closes, just in time to note the cords connecting the equipment to the power outlets before Clyde's Henshin sequence practically makes her go blind.

Someone or something is messing with the lights. Specifically.

Kate shakes her head and picks Navi out of her hair. "This isn't just a power outage - it might actually be magic. We need to check out whatever that yellow stuff was."

And, as long as Clyde's done it already... Kate throws her morpher downward at an angle, and rather than shattering on the ground as it logically should, it swirls around her feet and spirals upward, transforming her and her outfit in a shower of red, white and green sparkles. Her hair lengthens and twists into a single braid, and the crystal reattaches itself to the end before shooting out a set of iridescent wings.


2015-01-11, 06:18 PM
With a disturbing squelching noise, a creature like an enormous octopus pulls itself around the corner the light came from, dragging itself forwards with all eight of its tentacles.

The "body/head" is a single enormous bag, without eyes but with what looks like the tattered ends of blood vessels hanging from it in two or four places leading into the network of vessels that covers it. The tentacles are composed of hundreds of short strands, woven together without pattern or sense, the slippery strands should slide apart at the slightest tension, and yet you see them continuing to fold an IV stand it picked up somewhere along the way as if it were limp pasta.

Then the smell hits you... an odor you smelled early today actually, coming from one of the delivery rooms. The smell of a very particular sort of dead flesh, which was accompanied by loud weeping, which almost drowned out the repeated words "It's OK honey, she's in heaven, and we agreed when we found out that we were going to make her a little sibling." That was only a faint scent though... this is a much stronger odor, as befits the creature's massive size.

It would appear that this creature is a huge womb, with umbilacle cords comprising the individual strands of the tentacles...

I rolled a Knowledge(Religion) check for you off-site, since even telling you what catagory of knowledge skills would be necessary to recognize the monster would clue you in to its creature type. Obviously, since I am saying this, you made it....

You recognize this creature from your training in the field recognition of "undead" class threats.

It is a Wombstrangler, a creature made out of a single womb, and 1,000 umbilical cords from stillborn babies. There is a small amount of debate among those who study the supernatural threats the world faces as to whether your foes would have conjured these from thin air rather than the disposal units at various hospitals around the world. The latter seems more likely however.

It likes to grab creatures and stuff them into its womb, where their physical life force is rapidly drained in a reversal of how a living womb allows great vital growth (AKA Fort save or take Con damage). Anybody who dies from this manner becomes... some sort of undead. You can't remember what sort.

I rolled off-site for its initiative. It got a total of 5. I've also rolled for Rex just to move things along.

So that gives us:
Clyde AND Kate AND Mads (but NOT Rex)
ALL Goodguys
ALL Goodguys
ALL Goodguys

There is no surprise round.

The flickering lights will impose a 20% miss chance on anyone without either low-light or darkvision. Providing a continuous light source would negate this. You all have flashlights as part of the gear that materializes when you henshin. Still would have to use a standard action to turn them on...

2015-01-12, 01:00 AM
Damnit, it is a Kaiju, Rex thought as he reached to the morpher. But how the hell did it-

A thought clicked in his head. "Dammit, Fulimar!", he muttered out. "From all the days you could've resurfaced, you had to chose this one."

Screw this, he thought , If there is an Kaiju walking around here....

As he grabbed on the morpher, he pressed on the top, covering his entire right arm with interlocking plates. Soon, his entire body is covered in those plates, and bulky-looking armor formed out of those plates.


2015-01-12, 05:52 PM
You all note a faint 'fuzziness' to the creature, as if your eyes can't bring it quite into focus. This indicates that it was teleported in hastily, and is suffering some ill effects that could go away at any second, or persist for multiple minutes.

This thing's reach looks to be about 10'.

2015-01-12, 10:04 PM
Mads' mouth drops half-open when he sees the creature. That.. that.. that's so disgusting! You do not wan.. He then stops himself and remembers his training. Enemy class 3, will try to swallow you, doesn't breathe, soft spot just below the mouth and same place on the back. As Mads speaks he focuses his energy and sprouts shadowy tendrils that after quickly engulfing his allies allows them to see or rather see the lack of the creature's life force. He regrets being too lazy to prepare arcane spells for today.

He then casts a shielding charm through the life-link that he has earlier formed.

Move: Dark knowledge [roll0] This bonus resembles the "soft spot". This gives +1 to hit.
Mads gives +6 AC to adjusting allies and
+6 temp HP per hit and deathwatch to allies within 35 ft.

Standard: Casting Protection from evil through the tapestry. giving +2 AC and saves vs evil(which I assumes this one is) in addition to immunity from mental control. Now I'm not sure if this counts as a summoned creature but if it does there is an additional effect.

2015-01-13, 06:51 AM
Not being one to beat around the bush, Clyde takes grip of his blade with both hands, before charging straight at the enemy before attempting to deliver a powerful slash.

Swift: Initiate the Powerful Grip stance
I designate the death octopus as the target of my Dodge feat
Full-round:Clyde charges the enemy, moving to L20(his Step, Step, Cut excellency gives him a reach of 10 ft.). Attack is made taking a -3 penalty from Power Attack
Attack roll, threatens critical on a die roll of 18 or higher: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
Critical Confirm: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]
This also activates Undeniable Impact Style, meaning if the attack connects, and the enemy has any worn armor, it must make a DC 18 reflex save or it's armor takes as much damage as the attack dealt.
Clyde AC is reduced to 20 until the start of his next turn, but bacuse of dodge it is 21 against the "death octopus"

2015-01-13, 04:54 PM
Do you have low-light or darkvision? There is a 20% miss chance if you don't. I already rolled it this time around, and you didn't miss.

Also Sond's bonus is to "adjacent" allies I think, not "adjusting".
Clyde's strike is true, cutting a large gash in the "body" of the creature. The area around the hole puckers together. It isn't healing up as far as anyone can tell so far, but where there was a hole for a split second, now there is only an elongated pucker.

2015-01-15, 12:43 AM
"Eww... I actually feel sorry for it..."

Kate conjures her glitter-encrusted spirit longbow into her outstretched hand as Mads gives his dry appraisal. "So, undead, you think? I guess that makes sense."

She gestures with her other hand and conjures a shimmering arrow of sound for her first test shot against a real monster.

Last Round: Default to Hawk's Eye stance because there's no reason not to. (Granted, her other stance might even be more logical, but Kate likes to overextend.)
Move action: Retrieve bow from sentai hammerspace.
Swift action: Use the Thunderbolt boost for some sonic damage. This should raise the alarm. :smalltongue:
Attack: Use Phasing Arrow Strike to make a touch attack that ignores DR.

Attack roll: [roll0], vs a big monster's touch AC.

Miss chance ("Don't roll under 20"): [roll1]

Damage potential:
[roll2]+8 piercing +[roll3]+6 sonic = 5+6+7+8 = 26

She's not quite sure how to feel about putting all of this into practice yet, but Kate's always had an aesthetic appreciation for a good Phasing Sonic Arrow.

2015-01-16, 03:24 PM
The sight granted by Mads reveals that this is, indeed an undead.

Kate's arrow strikes true. Good so far.

Then things start to go wrong. The puckered gash that Clyde gave the monstrosity gets a little shorter. Okay, so this thing can heal. Not good, but not terrible. Secondly the blurriness of an imperfect summoning fades away leaving the monster stronger in virtually every respect.

Then six of its limbs lash out at Clyde. Three connect, what they lack in technique made up for in shear brutal power. Clyde becomes trapped in the powerful coils, struggling.
Fast healing or Regeneration 3. That means it is down 55 hitpoints right now.

Six attacks, with Improved Grab.
Rolled to-hit and damage off-site. Three hits. Total of 38 damage bludgeoning damage. He doesn't get any temporary hitpoints because he wasn't within 35' of Mads when he hit the creature... right?

Going to roll the paired Grapple Checks here just because it is easier.
"Death Octopus" 1st: [roll0]
Clyde 1st: [roll1] (Please tell me if this is in error due to some special ability or something)

"Death Octopus" 2nd: [roll2]
Clyde 2nd: [roll3] (Please tell me if this is in error due to some special ability or something)

"Death Octopus" 3rd: [roll4]
Clyde 3rd: [roll5] (Please tell me if this is in error due to some special ability or something)

So that leaves us with:
Death Octopus: X-55 out of X hitpoints. GRAPPLING
Clyde: 8/46 hitpoints (14/46 if the temporary hitpoints turn out to apply after all). GRAPPLING
Kate: 6 Temporary Hitpoints.

All Goodguys and Civilians: Protection from Evil for all.
Goodguys and Civilians within 35' of Mads: 6 temp hitpoints per hit they make on an enemy, and Deathwatch.

((All Sentai go!))

2015-01-16, 04:19 PM
Mads barely catches a "NO CLYDE" and swallows the shout according to their training. He tries to keep his head calm and moves closer to clyde. He curses himself for not being prepared well enough. Drawing his spear he run to P19 and throws a lightning bolt at the creature.

Move: to
Swift: Instant of power(+4 damage)
Standard Galvatic arc(spellshape attack): to hit [roll0] vs touch ac, [roll1] electricity damage

I'm assuming that nobody traded their "team player" feature away. This gives a +4 morale to damage
Henshin gives +3 to hit and damage.

2015-01-17, 01:56 PM
"Urgh, let go of me, you ugly piece of...." He shouted at the creautre, but the last of his sentence was lost amidst the noises of his. He wriggles one hand loose enough to reach to his belt, seemingly pulling a small card bearing the picture of a shield on it from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Well, might as well try this." He grunted to himslef as he swiped the card across his belt. The belt flashed momentarily as he card appeared to vanish, and his armor seemed to grow slightly bulkier, the blacks taking on a metallic sheen and the yellows growing much duller. "Now if I could just.... Reach." He thought to himself as he strgulled to get free and get some solid footing.

FREE ACTION: activating Sentai Knight Henshin booster(the whole card thing was purely flavor), due to Booster Amp, the booster will remain in effect for the rest of the encounter, and only uses up one round of duration from the booster.
Duration remainging in Henshin booster(Sentai Knight): 4 rounds
AC increases to 22 (I realized just a moment ago I had a typo in my equipment, I had accidently put a +6 armor bonus under my sentai outfit, when it should have ben +5)
I designate the death octopus as the target of my Dodge feat, increasing AC to 23 if I'm not denied an AC bonus.
FULL ROUND: try to break the grapple.
1st Grapple check: [roll0]
2nd Grapple check: [roll1]
if Clyde manages to break free, then SWIFT ACTION: initiate God Slash boost Kishuu, moving to R19 without provoking attacks of opportunity
if Clyde does not manage to break free, then SWIFT ACTION: initiate Hero's Edge boost Absurdly Sharp Blade, making his jovar into a Cold Iron weapon for 6 rounds.

2015-01-17, 07:27 PM
Clyde employs superior technique (and not a little muscle of his own!) and twists the tentacles around eachother, forcing them to unspool over the course of a few seconds. He darts away from his foe.

2015-01-18, 12:02 AM


Huh? Right! Secret identities. Code names. Herp derp.

"Aaa! Beetle! Are you okay? Someone, make sure he gets some space!" Kate... ah, Dragonfly conjures another volley of arrows to cover the yellow warrior as he heals or whatever.

Using Fire Arrow / Strike of Justice / Full Attack with Rapid Shot (Swift, Free, Full is a totally valid action combination apparently.)

Fire 1!
[roll0] vs. AC
[roll1] vs. Miss Chance
[roll2] piercing plus [roll3] fire plus [roll4] acid

*Twang!* A burning red-and-green arrow flies through the halls at the monster. It goes right into the cart in front of it, though. Stupid flickering shadows.

Navi, I need to focus on this. Get into my purse and call the base. We need to get the hospital on evacuation procedure.


Fire 2!
[roll5] vs. AC
[roll6] vs. Miss Chance
[roll7] piercing plus [roll8] fire plus [roll9] acid

*Twang!* A flashy vapor trail gives a clear indication of the shot's path: right past the monster. At least the trail itself doesn't seem to be toxic.

The crystal in Dragonfly's hair disengages from her braid, leaving the wings behind. Apparently those were really just a ribbon. It climbs down from her shoulder into the pack on her hip and starts poking around until her phone lights up.

Fire 3!
[roll10] vs. AC
[roll11] vs. Miss Chance
[roll12] piercing plus [roll13] fire plus [roll14] acid

*Twang!* The last shot finally manages to get to the monster's hit box, but in the end it probably just bounces off of its scabrous tentacle for lack of momentum.

You'd think these acidic flares would stick to the walls or eat through the floor or something, but they just disappear harmlessly when they miss. That probably makes sense, really. Real napalm certainly wouldn't count as a Sentai weapon for monster-killing purposes.

2015-01-18, 03:47 PM
The third arrow strikes true, although it doesn't sink in quite as far as it should have. The wombstrangler seems to be in pretty bad shape.

Navi turns on the cell phone (hospital, remember?) and anxiously waits as it tries to connect to a cell tower.
5 points of DR apply, 27 points of damage gets through.

While calling the front office to get the hospital evacuated could be good, you COULD just try shouting. As Sentai, you have AT LEAST as much authority in an emergency as a highest-ranking-guy-in-the-average-firestation firefighter, or a police officer.
Of course, having stretchers with women in labor wheeled into the halls right now would probably just give the wombstrangler soft targets.

2015-01-19, 03:17 PM
Rex let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Clyde managed to free himself from the Kaiju. All things considered, the battle was seemingly in their favor. He hustled to (N, 20), weapon at the ready.

"Engaging Kaiju," he said.

2015-01-19, 11:21 PM
The creature moves towards Rex, but most of its tentacles are too busy moving i forward. It swings with a single tentacle, and connects solidly... a bit TOO solidly as Rex goes flying to one side a little, stumbling jut enought that he is able to mightily parry it over his head, foiling the attempt to grab.
Confirmed Critical for 24 points of damage. Rex wins the grapple check.

I'll just tell you it is at 23/102 hitpoints, has an AC 18, Fort +4, Reflex +5, Will +9. I fully expect you will kill it this round, but we will see how it plays out. As soon as it dies the electrical problems will go away. This is still a large building, and so both your field radio (if any) and cell phones are iffy at best. Fortunately, there is a land line at the nurses station, and you can totally just walk in there and use it.. if you are feeling somewhat polite you will actually bother saying "Official business, need to use your phone", or you could be actually polite and phrase it as a request.

2015-01-20, 07:34 AM
Mads runs forward now with both his hands on his spear. He placed one foot on the janitor's cart and uses it to jump high into the air. Electricity surges around his spear as they pierces through the air and (holefully) bolt into the disgusting creature.
Attack [roll0] with [roll1] piercing damage and [roll2] electricity damage.

2015-01-20, 02:53 PM
"Kill it, Mads, kill the damn thing." The pained Clyde uttered under his breath, deciding that instead of fighting this monster it would be better just tap into the healing energies within his belt.

Clyde does not move
Standard action: use two charges of three from my Belt of Healing, restoring [roll0] HP
new HP total: 22
Belt of Healing has one daily charge left.

(Will edit my sheet later)

2015-01-20, 04:07 PM
If the cart has a brake it isn't set. Despite the unstable footing, Mads gets up into the air and strikes a firm blow.
DC 15 Reflex save passed.

Clyde 22/??

Mads 6 temp HP.

9/102 hp.

Sidenote: Don't rely on me always doing these updates except after the badguys turn... might even skimp on those sometimes if my performance in my other game is any indication. As in not listing out all the statuses and hitpoints, just like I didn't bother doing in this post.

2015-01-20, 07:29 PM
Without much fanfare, Kate re-readies her sonic arrows and fires another volley to finish the stupid thing.

Sentai get to recharge a maneuver or two every other round, right? The sonic damage comes from that, and the acid damage comes from the strike of justice class feature which has no limit on uses that I can see.

Fire 1!
[roll0] vs. AC
[roll1] vs. Miss Chance
[roll2] piercing plus [roll3] sonic plus [roll4] acid

Fire 2!
[roll5] vs. AC
[roll6] vs. Miss Chance
[roll7] piercing plus [roll8] sonic plus [roll9] acid

Fire 3!
[roll10] vs. AC
[roll11] vs. Miss Chance
[roll12] piercing plus [roll13] sonic plus [roll14] acid

With a series of satisfying, almost musical sonic claps, the arrows land in the creature's undead flesh and rattle it apart.

2015-01-20, 11:57 PM
The foul creature flops limp destroyed. As the lights come back on it starts to dissolve into nothingness. One or more of you rush forward drawing telescoping sensor spikes and stabbing them into the creature to gather what could be precious data that will aid future encounters by sentai everywhere against this variety of creature... or could be as redundant as an elementary school math class is to a PhD mathematician.

2015-01-21, 04:38 AM
Mads takes one look at the disolving baby-leftovers. He has the self-control to stumble to the nearest bathroom before emptying his stomach. That's so terrible he mumbles in a shaky voice. Reading about it was one thing, seing the umbilical cords in flesh and blood was something completely different.

2015-01-23, 01:46 AM
Dragonfly-Kate sniffs the air trying to make sure the babomination's remains aren't up to anything sneaky. This is a dumb idea.

"Ugh! Gross, grossgrossgross..."

She hesitantly picks up a piece of the monster's tentacle, but it dissolves in seconds flat. There's no time to focus her good seer powers on any given part of this thing.

There's no service here!

What? Oh, right. Forgot. She looks around at the carts. If only I had a little vial or something...

Hey! How about your little chemistry-sample-gathering thing? I think it's still in here somewhere... yeah! Here it is!

"...Really?" Kate opens up her satchel and digs through it, producing a little device with some red and green accents painted on it and a slot for a glass vacutainer. "Huh. Why do I even still have this?"

Navi hops out of the bag and re-takes its spot in Kate's hair. "Who cares? Just hurry, it's fading away!!"

Dragonfly follows the prescribed course of action and gets the sample just as the last of the monster's creepy eyeless organ-head vanishes into nothingness.

"Ugh. Okay." She puts the device away for later as she tries to remember everyone's code names, but quickly gives up. In truth, nobody ever really used them in the first place. "I'm going downstairs to do a quick spot-check of the building. Rex, make sure Mads is okay in the bathroom there and then start checking the upper floors. Clyde..." she sighs and smiles. "Ha, you should stay here with your family! ...are you doing okay, actually? That thing was kind of all over you there."

2015-01-23, 01:55 AM
((For the record this thing is made out of an enlarged womb and 1,000 umbilical cords and nothing else... it has no face.))

((My mistake. Fixed it. :smalltongue:))

2015-01-23, 02:01 AM
A staff member comes out of one of the other rooms (not the one that Clyde's wife is in).

"Err... Oh dear." Apparently even several years of applied obstetrics doesn't really prepare you for looking at undead mockeries of the most tragic part of your job, even when they are rapidly shrinking, withering, and turning transparent second by second.

But... she is a professional.

"Should I call someone to help you down to the ER, or can you all heal yourselves well enough that it would be a waste?... Is it even safe around here?"

2015-01-23, 01:58 PM
Clyde sheathes his weapon inside his gauntlet, and the extra bulk of his armor fades away, leaving just his regular suit behind. He groans underneath his helm as the initial surge of adrenaline runs dry, leaving a strong pain in it's wake. He shivered slightly before replying to Kate and the staff member. "I think I might have some cracked ribs, but I'll probably live until we get back to base. Some painkillers wouldn't hurt right now though." He then walks over back to the door of the room his wife was in, but didn't open the door.

2015-01-23, 06:11 PM
"Uh... right!" She pulls her head back in through the door which flaps back and forth in the manner of a door made to allow stretcher to be pushed through it from either direction without bothering with a door-knob.

"Wallace! There is a sentai out in the hall who needs some morphine. I think he just saved our lives from some sorta tentacled... you don't even want to know.

Brenda, you don't think about any of that, all you need to think about is pushing. The sentai will do their jobs, and you will do your's. Push!"

A nurse who both from context and name-tag is named Wallace, comes out about thirty seconds later with a syringe in his hand. By this time the creature is completely gone.

"Right, got your morphine here. Where does it hurt the most?"

Clyde gestures or whatever and he pokes the needle at Clyde's shirt.

"Hmmm... its tougher than it looks. Normally I'd be getting a pair of scissors to cut away the clothing of an individual, but the resources to repair this could be a bigger deal than those to replace a mink coat or what-have you. Should I try to push through, you want to risk rolling it up, or can y'all fix it? It is probably going to have to come off in the E.R. anyway."

One of you needs to correct this guy on that last point. ERs are for people who might get worse. You are sentai, and follow the D&D rules for hitpoints and such, rather than medical science. The E.R. would be a good start on a long-term care check, but, even ignoring the fact that long-term care via the heal skill* STINKS compared to magical healing for speed (but perhaps , that is better managed at the base where you can de-morph without risking your secret identity further... of course, you might want to demorph so you can talk to your wife better... your choice.

Granted, a surgeon can do things a bit beyond the PHB use of the heal skill, such as curing certain misshapings of the body, blindness (cornea transplant), ability drain, etc... none of which is relevant to this situation.

Of course, the recovery rates of sentai are just plain faster than most people, which means that long-term care actually works super fast as the PHB version, rather than broken bones and six inch long gashes taking weeks or months to heal up.

2015-01-24, 12:43 AM
"Oh, ah... thank you, but I wouldn't worry about the ER. Medicine works kind of differently for Sentai; the best place for him to go is probably back to base, or maybe just home to rest once we've wrapped up here."

Hey! Isn't morphine kind of extreme in the first place?


"Anyway, this floor should be safe for now, save for the mess. We'll make sure the rest of the hospital is clear before we leave." Kate nods to her fellow sentai before proceeding to the stairwell.

2015-01-24, 02:09 AM
We are going to assume that for being half way to "dead" that morphine is not, in fact, extreme... or if it is, pretend I said whatever is appropriate. Certainly nothing oral given that that isn't the sort of thing you give in to either someone who was JUST severely injured, nor to a woman in labor. Relief is desired rapidly, and I seem to remember women in labor having trouble keeping food down? I could be wrong about that too...

Actually, I'm pretty sure that morphine isn't used in the usual cases for deliveries but... whatever.

2015-01-24, 07:54 PM
The sound of more food hitting water comes from the bathroom. Appearently Mads ate a lot for lunch.

2015-01-25, 01:53 PM
"Just stab it through, the sooner... Ghhh... The better." Clyde grunts in response.

2015-01-25, 02:03 PM
Rex somehow managed not to puke his guts out from seeing the corpse of the horrible creature, although the fact that he was slightly suffering from a pretty nasty bruise from the encounter probably has something to do with that.

"Well, at least the baby is-", he said, just before his realization that nobody wants to joke about the baby-corpse right now. "-....nevermind that, but do we have any plans for later?"

2015-01-25, 02:29 PM
Nurse Wallace manages to give Clyde his injection without breaking the needle, and in a few seconds the pain starts to fade.

2015-01-25, 04:01 PM
Mads raises his head from the toilet. Oh lord that's terrible. I mean I found it distasteful when I read it but the cord had at least 1000 strings. 1000 STILL BORN BABIES. When rex mentions babies he feels more content comming up and he decides that the others don't need to know.

2015-02-02, 08:12 AM
Clyde hisses undeneath his helemt as his is given the injection, but moments later sighs in relief. "Thank you, that helps greatly." He said to the nurse. He then walks over to Mads, and crouched down by his side, flinching ever so slightly despite the morphine. "Hey, you holding out over here? Need Help? he asks

[OOC: I admit, not my best offering, but probably the best I can do in my current, slightly sleep-deprived state]

2015-02-02, 08:39 PM
Kate closes her eyes for a moment and takes a brief glimpse at the hodgepodge of possible near-future timelines. She only gets a vague idea of what the vision means, but the timeline seems pretty stable, up to a point.

On the way to the stairs, she notices the phone by the nurse's station and calls security, assuring them that the weird undead has been defeated and directing them to search the hospital for any other monstrous activity. Anything suspicious is to be reported back to her.

Navi sits by the phone to receive any such reports as Kate rejoins the party.

Casting Precognition to look at the next hour or so. It doesn't really give any coherent information; just enough of a hint for a +2 bonus to the first roll where it matters.

Crisis Management for security effectiveness: [roll0]

2015-02-02, 09:21 PM
Kate's interaction with the head of security goes well. He didn't actually know that anything was wrong, but says he will contact the base for the Sentai. Kate gives him the month's password for such situations so that he will not be dismissed as a crank caller.

She draws on her psionic power and it answers so strongly that she stumbles a little the next moment she is fine but... If peering into the future is normally like drawing water from a well, this is like the first thin spray of water coming through a leak in a rusty water-main. It could stay a thin stream, or the whole thing could burst hard enough to send pieces of pipe flying yards away.

Just setting up something I may need later, so there are no specific changes to the effect yet although if you try to trigger the +2 bonus I MAY decide it doesn't go off, so keep it listed to the side rather than adding it in to the original roll.

"Oh! Excuse me! Is everything alright?" asks another nurse sticking her head out of the room where Clyde's wife is.

((After being assured that the situation is under control.))

"Where is Mr Romero? He isn't hurt is he?" she asks.

2015-02-03, 10:22 AM
Mads is grateful for the help, however it puts him in a dilemma. Obviously Clyde means well but he can't tell him what's really bothering him. I can't put him through this. Can't let him know what it was that we just killed. He stiffens himself and forced his voice to be calm, for his friends.
Sorry. Thanks.. That thing was disgusting but I think I'm fine now. He says as he slowly gets to his feets. Seing his worried face he clunches his fist and promises that he will do something permanent about these monsters. I will stop this!

He walks a bit before seing Kate: Hey! do you need help?

2015-02-06, 12:23 AM
Kate rubs her temple. It's hard to know what she really expects out of that first-level power, but that sure wasn't it.

"Hm? Oh, it's okay, I've got hospital security on it. They're starting the floor check and using the land line to get in touch with base, but we are still going to have to give our own report."

Suddenly, nurse!

Kate nods to the concerned citizen. "Yes, I believe the situation is under control now. Hospital security should make an announcement when they're sure. He's... well, if you're looking for... one of the people who were waiting in the hallway when the attack started... I think some of them took cover in the bathrooms. Let me check."

Bluff??? [roll0]

It wasn't technically a lie, but neither version of Kate has a very good poker face.

EDIT: Oh man, a natural 1??? I've never been so happy to get such a bad result. :smallbiggrin:

She walks over to the men's restroom knocks on the door with the back of her gloved hand, and starts grinning for no apparent reason. "Hello-oo? Is a Mr. Romero in there? I believe a nurse is looking for you. Hehe~"

Kate can barely contain herself; she just finds this weird secret-identity situation to be hilarious.

2015-02-06, 08:47 AM
Rex just stood there for a while, not knowing what he could do to help.

Then he realized he could provide magical healing to Clyde, who was obviously heavily wounded from after the encounter with the Wombstrangler.

Why didn't I think of that earlier?, he thought. Oh well, better late than never.

"Beetle, do you need healing right now?", Rex then said to Clyde. I could provide some, if you need it.

2015-02-06, 11:14 AM
A weak but genuine smill emerges on Mads' face when he hears the teasing from Kate.

2015-02-07, 07:09 AM
"I don't think that will be necessary for now. I'm returning to base to get "Z" up to date on the situation." He replied to Rex, not wanting to mention Zordon driectly in public. It was of course a lie, but it was what the situation called for. He stepped into empty stall, just for some extras cover, before pulling off the mechanical beetle from his belt, undoing his transformation.

He waited for a while before stepping over to the restroom door, carefully opening it. "Is... Is that thing gone." He tried at least to make his voice sound a bit different from before.

2015-02-08, 11:51 AM
Mads conseals his smile behind a seriuos expression. No worries citizen, everything is under control

2015-02-09, 05:30 PM
"A... Alright." Clyde says, feigning fear in his voice, before stepping outside. He looks around quickly, before turning his attention to the nurse. "Naomi... How is Naomi? Is she okay?"

2015-02-09, 05:47 PM
((This advances the time-line a few minutes BEFORE the nurse asked for Clyde. Please speak up in the OOC thread if that is a problem.))

"She and the baby are fine for the moment. She's asked you to come in."

In contrast to this statement, you can hear the doctor, apparently talking to someone not in the room, and he seems to be emphasizing how delicate the situation is. He is using some pretty technical language as if speaking more to a peer than a layman.
The situation actually seems to be about the same as the last y'all heard, it is just that the doctor was putting a positive or neutral "spin" on it when talking to y'all, and a negative "spin" on it in this case.

2015-02-15, 01:12 AM
Rex heard something from the door, hearing the doctor explaining to somebody that the situation is.... "delicate", at best. Still, he assumes that the staff could deal with the situation.

Listen: [roll0]
Heal: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

2015-02-15, 10:38 AM
Mads starts tapping with his foot, impatiently waiting for the hospital's own security to arrive.

2015-02-20, 09:06 AM
Clyde and his wife reassure eachother that they are both "Fine, just fine, you just worry about yourself, I'll be fine. Really!"

Meanwhile the obstetrician in attendance is busy on the phone* explaining in very technical detail to someone on the other end just how NOT fine Clyde's wife is.

*(occasionally darting back to check on his patient).

Then the doctor calls Clyde over and hands him the phone. The ensueing brief conversation has an obvious impact on Clyde, although it is very hard for anyone else to make out what the subject of the conversation is... until, perhaps, the very end.

Its one of your teams dispatchers from the base. The guys who pass along where you need to go and what you need to do in case of a combat situation... which has never actually happened for your team outside of training exercises until today.

This being an unsecured line, and you not being in Henshin, you are both, of course, pretending to have never heard of eachother before...

After getting the "introductions" out of the way, she gets down to business.

"Clyde, I need you to be strong for me. The attack that just happened? Our preliminary analysis indicates there were two targets. Primary was the Sentai. That was their major focus. The Gold Medal for them would have been to kill even one of those brave men and women. The wasn't any silver medal, because that gold medal was so important to the beasts.

But... the bronze medal? There is just no good way to say this. The bronze medal was your wife and/or child. For some reason the enemy seems to think that killing her would demoralize the sentai greatly. Sir, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm going to have to recommend that you allow the sentai to escort you and the sentai to the hospital's medivac chopper. One of them is a highly skilled chopper pilot, and we have already called up some Apache Gunships from another base... those are helicopters with... well, lots of guns sir, we've got them coming in, ready, willing, and able to escort the medivac chopper to the base her where your wife, child, and you will be safe.

The doctor spoke with one of our medics, and you already know the score. Her delivery is not going as well as it could. There is a small chance it will go bad, but the odds are everything will be just fine... but here's the thing: the chances of something going worse with the medical situation because you took this flight is very very small. The chances of another monster appearing to attack if you and the sentai remain on site? Not quite so small.

Now, I know those sentai. They would never abandon you or your wife. So sir, it is your call, but I'm asking you to do the right thing, I'm asking you to talk to your wife, and then get all the targets to safety, and away from the five other women who are also in labor or recovering after delivery. From the hundreds of other patients in that hospital. Please sir... make the brave choice."

2015-02-21, 03:58 PM
One could see Clyde was worried about the call at first, but as call carried on, that worry only grew. He couldn't let it show, not here, not in front of Naomi... Even though he tried to keep it all in, there were still some minor signs that everything was not okay, his hands were trembling, he swallowed loudly several times as the dispatcher continued. On the inside however, was a maelstrom of emotions waiting for an excuse to break all hell loose. He was scared, he was sad, but above all, he was angry. He didn't want to believe what the enemy motives behind the attack had been. He ws at first about to answer, but then had to take a deep breath, before once again swallowing loudly. "Alright, make it so. Just... let me talk to Naomi about it." He finally replies, his voice nearly crumbling by the end of the sentence.

"Alright, make it so. Just... let me talk to Naomi about it."

2015-02-21, 04:55 PM
"Certainly sir. I'll be waiting on this line if you need me for anything."

2015-02-22, 01:19 AM
Kate! Listen!!!


We got a call back from base! It's Lindsay, from dispatch.

Good. Let me talk to her.

Uh... actually, it's for Clyde, and he already picked up. I don't think they know I'm listening.


She says Sentai were the main targets for the attack. Getting rid of you is all Fulimar really cares about.

Well, this would be a pretty big coincidence otherwise.

Except for one alternative target, apparently...? Gasp! Kate! She says that the monsters are also going after Naomi!

Oh? Oh! That... is actually really bad.

To demoralize you, they think!

I guess it's not that surprising... from what I can tell, Fulimar's always had a weird idea of how we'll react to things.

They also think that more monsters can appear in the hospital any minute now... They're asking Clyde to take her off-site via helicopter, but the doctors have a problem with it because the delivery is having complications. Apparently her pubic symphysis is -

Navi goes ahead and relays all of the details of the complication that she can remember by rote, but psychic communication doesn't work very well when you don't understand what words mean. Kate tunes it out as she thinks of how to act on this distressing development. The main point is that the SSSSS Squad needs to keep a close watch on Naomi. Kate doesn't want to intrude on Clyde and Naomi's personal medical matters, so she'll wait for them to come to a decision on the helicopter thing.

Meanwhile, she approaches Rex and Mads. "Hey, guys," she says quietly, "are you holding up okay? We need to stay sharp. Base says that the monsters are after us more than the civilians, so if any more are coming they'll probably pop out nearby, like the last one."

The phrase, 'like the last one,' probably doesn't sit well with the guy who puked his guts out just from the sight of the thing. Kate straightens up and adjusts her crystal glasses. "Just remember, we can handle whatever they throw at us as long as we stick together!"

2015-02-23, 11:17 AM
I'm alive Mads says with a fake grin that turns to straight line hearing the news. He looks around and get an idea: If they're after us we should get to a place without civilians?

2015-02-25, 03:43 PM
"Alright, I'll keep the line open, but I'm gonna set the phone down for a moment. Just... Give a shout and I'll hopefully hear it if there is something important." He spoke, trying at least to keep his voice steady, before walking over to his wife, setting the phone, speaker up, onto the table with slightly shaky hands.

He then sits onto the the bed besides Naomi, and takes one her hands in his own. He needs to take a few seconds, just to gather some courage. "Listen honey, I don't know how much, if anything, the doctors have told you. There was... Some sort of monster, that just attacked. Some heroes, one of those sentai groups, showed up and killed it. But... They just called, from some military base, and they wanted me... To tell you..." He began speaking, trying to go slow and steady, wanting to maintain the charade that he supposedly had nothing to do with the sentai, but his voice once again began to crumble. He gently wrapped his arms around Naomi, before pulling her closer, not only to embrace here, but to whisper to her. "The monster wasn't only after us, but it was after you, and the baby. Supposedly, if the couldn't have gotten us, they would at least have wanted you or the baby dead..." Clydes whispering voice trembles, before body body shivers, just from the thought of what kind of danger his wife and unborn child might be in. He then let go of her slightly, before continuing in a normal voice again. "Which is why, they wanted to move you... to the base. I already gave them the go ahead, And I... I hope you're okay with that."

"Alright, I'll keep the line open, but I'm gonna set the phone down for a moment. Just... Give a shout and I'll hopefully hear it if there is something important."

"Listen honey, I don't know how much, if anything, the doctors have told you. There was... Some sort of monster, that just attacked. Some heroes, one of those sentai groups, showed up and killed it. But... They just called, from some military base, and they wanted me... To tell you..."

"The monster wasn't only after us, but it was after you, and the baby. Supposedly, if the couldn't have gotten us, they would at least have wanted you or the baby dead..."
"Which is why, they wanted to move you... to the base. I already gave them the go ahead, And I... I hope you're okay with that."

2015-02-25, 07:32 PM
"I've got *pant* one job here you said... don't worry about the doctors, don't worry about *AARRRGHHH* the *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* the house. Just do what I gotta do... I'm not worried. You are here and I know that counts for more than anything else could. We'll do what we have to, and later on you can... ((Catches herself just in time)) I just hope the sentai give them back a tenth of how scared I am *pant* *pant* and the pain, don't forget the pain. Give 'em back some of that too."

2015-02-27, 01:55 PM
"You're doing fine baby. No need to be scared, we can make it through this. I believe in you." Clyde said to Naomi before standing up. He then picked up the phone from the table and lifted it to his ear.

"I'm ready and seems like Naomi is as well. Do your thing." He spoke to the dispatcher.

2015-02-27, 06:12 PM
((On tablet, excuse errors.))

The obstetrician hears this and turns to one of the nurses.

"Michelson pull up the load out for an emergency transfer of a woman in labor. Samson go get Darvis, she's going to be assisting me during the transfer."

"Darvis? Why her? Her shift ended ten minutes ago and she's not-"

"Not up to speed on the case. Get her up to speed stat. She can be back hear on that crotch-rocket of her's before the chopper is loaded and she weighs the least of anyone available."

When nurse Samson continues to look confused, the obstetrician adds:"I want every ounce for equipment and every remaining ounce for speed. We duel Death from time to time here but this time his buddy War decided to drop in and join the party. When two out of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are chasing you run your tail off! Comprende?"

((More to come but I think that is enough on this tablet and I should give y'all a chance to get in on the "talking is a free action" stuff.))

2015-03-03, 05:37 PM
((People should feel free to insert RP at any point during this.))
Another of you is called in to the phone and the people in Henshin are told that they should evacuate Clyde and Naomi (with included baby!) to the ranger-base.

Soon the hospital's life-flight helicopter (bought with the funds allocated to the town's emergency services by the federal government to beef the town up against monster attack), is loaded (including with the doctor, nurse, and stretcher with Naomi), pre-flighted, and ready to go. Mads is in the pilot's seat, and Clyde makes an excuse about not wanting to be too close, lest he succumb to temptation and DO something... basically the same reasons he was staying out in the hall when this whole awful mess started.*
*OR he could have figured out a way to Henshin back without being noticed and be in the pilot's seat....

In any case, right before lift-off the hospital's pilot knocks on the window and says something to the pilot... (s)he nods and makes a few presses on the iPod plugged into an audio-jack in the console. "Ride of the Valkyries" starts to play from the helicopter's speakers (headphones for all?) , just soft enough to not cause problems with communication between the two medical personel on board.

Someone asks Naomi if she would prefer something more soothing. She responds with "Don't you dare! Years from now when (s)he has a moment of doubting their self-worth, I'm going to tell them about this part. Best. Delivery. Story. Ever."

You are barely ten miles out from the hospital when the Apache's arive. You form up to "draft" off of one of the attack helicopters (with a slight bit of difficulty if Kate is the one doing the flying), and squeeze a few more knots out of the rescue chopper.

Nothing of particular note happens for the rest of the trip.

Naomi, Clyde, the doctor and the nurse go to the medical facilities of the base, grabbing a few guards to carry the equipment the doctor brought along.

The rest of the Sentai are taken off for debreifing on the attacks. Zordon casts a quick divination on the vial that Kate took a sample into and declares it "Near perfect purity"... which seems to have a special significance to the non-sentai present, causing them to relax slightly. The sensor spikes are also delivered to the labs by a soldier. The meeting ends with the sentai present being told that they are on-call until further notice... sleeping is fine, drinking alcohol is not.

The henshin rejoin with Clyde, and shortly after meet up with their own families (including anyone Clyde might have told about his Henshin status, plus any previous children of his)... apparently everyone was evacuated via the recumbent rail systems to the base, just to be on the safe side.

Clyde gets debriefed as he is waiting... or not depending on his preference.

The baby is born (gender? name?) and both mother and child are just fine.

Twelve hours later you are called in for a briefing. Zordon and the commander look very grim.

2015-03-04, 12:50 AM
Kate's relieved to have something to do besides waiting for another monster to show up.

When she was first informed of the decision to move out, she offered to just keep the team on-guard until the baby was delivered if the doctors thought it was necessary. However, the general opinion seemed to be that it wasn't much more than an inconvenience, especially compared to the whole monster attack thing. She didn't question the decision any further than that; she just scooped up Navi, made a quick announcement to the rest of the hospital via mass missive, and focused on keeping a close guard on Naomi on the way to the helipad.

Suffice it to say that the elevator was crowded. Had a monster decided to attack there, nobody involved would have had a very good time.

Her first impression of the helicopter is that it's surprisingly huge for an air ambulance. Of course, it probably has to do with the fact that this one is technically a military APC. Kate doesn't know much about that stuff despite her training, much less how to drive one of these things. It's hard enough to resist the temptation to cling to the outside of the medivac dramatically with that music playing.

"Okay... perfect purity what, exactly?"

The debriefing didn't shine as much light on the situation as Kate would have liked. She also wondered aloud whether they could somehow track where the monster came from, or do some sort of investigation into the source of the problem so they can put a stop to it. The answer to all of her questions and ideas amount, essentially, to, 'We'll look into it and get back to you. Now go to bed.' Unsatisfied, she asks to examine the vial with her Object Reading power to see if it turns up anything useful.

(I'm going to assume that Object Reading (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/objectReading.htm) doesn't trigger anything important when she uses it. There are a lot of ways this could be; perhaps the goo is untargetable, or perhaps the monster itself was technically its only previous owner, or perhaps it vaporizes too quickly for her to touch it long enough to get the information we need. But, it could unleash the stuff DD was talking about in the OOC, too.)

Still somewhat on edge, she changes back into Normal Kate in an effort to chill out until the next plot point. The regular military staff went ahead and brought in the man everyone knows as Kate's Dad and the woman everyone knows as Kate's Girlfriend. While Kate's Sister is on the short list of people who know Dragonfly's identity, she still lives on the East coast, presumably under the jurisdiction of another Sentai operation. Whether the Boston chapter takes her into custody themselves, sends her back out here, or just leaves her alone with some surveillance is ultimately up to them.

"Would it kill you to call me once in a while?"

"Dad, we only live like five blocks apart. We see each other all the time."

"Well, still! It's, like, the principle of the matter. I can't even email you now, my email doesn't work."

"What happened to it?"

"I don't know! I used to be able to use email, but now I can't. Windows did something and now it's all different and I don't know how to use it."


"Heh. I love you, you know that."

"Yeah. Love you too."


"Kate! You're still alive!"

"Yes I am!"

"Come here, help me with this."

Sara is in the process of setting up what appears to be a miniature streaming office in the bottom bunk of one of the beds in the sort-of barracks/lounge area. She tucked a blue sheet into the top bunk and draped it against the wall to help conceal her location, and a series of cables connect her laptop and microphone to the nearest power outlet. Convincing the feds to let her bring all this stuff probably counts as her human bonus feat.

But, she's still willing to take a break from it to give Kate a big hug. "Mwa! I'm so glad you're okay!" They don't actually kiss right there; Sara literally just says the word 'mwa' to some point in space behind Kate's neck. "I saw Naomi's cute baby, too. I heard you were ambushed by some kind of... undead afterbirth thing?"

"Oh, ugghhh, yeah... it was like, one of those surgery photos of a uterus, blown up and walking on umbilical cords like tentacles. Mads actually threw up afterwards, but I think we all wanted to."

"Aye-yi-yi... that is creepy, was it literally some kind of stitched-together uterine golem, or..."

"Well, no, it was too big for that. The tentacles were like this big around. Like, beefy-arm sized."

"Well, maybe they just collected a ton of them from the trash and cut them apart..."

"Guh! Ew, that's so much work, though! And what would you even fill them with?"

They then launch into a long conversation making light of the horror that Kate was just put through. Usually, this would be somewhere between misguided and unhelpful to downright offensive. Luckily, these two are pretty much on the same wavelength; for Kate, this kind of weird, silly breakdown of her situation puts it in a different perspective and makes it seem less dire. That's Sara's other bonus feat.

2015-03-04, 02:42 PM
Mads almost jumps into the copter, Hell yeah! he loved being the driver.

He swipes over the Ipad and taps play without looking at the display expecting a "
Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga" to come through the headsets. He is about to jack the helicopter into the air when he hears the music and stops.
That's crap music He says before turning partly in the seat to face Kate: Dragonfly you used the copter the last time right? He then turns to the Ipad and makes a few swipes before "Hooked on a feeling" by blue sweedes replaces the previous classical music.

Nope, the driver decides the music.

He then leaves quickly before anyone can try to replace him in the pilot seat. "I'm high on beliving, that you're in love with meee" is heard as the helicopter leaves the ground and heads to the headquarters.

Hearing that they're supposed to be debriefed, a big smile shows on his face. Despite 10 years at this place he still thought that the word debriefing was funny, the idea that they would de his briefs.

After it's over he hangs around until everyone except Zorgon have left the room.
I didn't tell the others about this, he says, don't want them to realise it. It was horrible. I mean I have read about it but I... he trails off but he knows that he can't keep this to himself and can't tell it to the others. It had 1000 chords. One thousand! ONE THOUSAND DEAD BABIES he can't help but raise his voice as he verbalizes his horror.

2015-03-05, 12:29 PM
Whilst Rex himself was happy seeing Naomi and Clyde's baby being born save, as he has been worried sick the whole ride back to the base ("Miss, are you okay? Are you sure you need anything? No? "), he had other things to worry about.

Namely, his overconcerned father*.

"Rex, are you okay? Nothing harmed?"
"Yes, dad, everything is alright here. Nothing to worry about. I only got a bruise, but-"
"A bruise? Rex, now I'm really worried. I thought Sentai armorthingamigajins are able to stop a bullet, and if that... thing could just penetrate it..."
"Dad, I will be fine. Remeber, magical Sentai healing powers?"
"Still, Rex, the kind of things you face... I shudder to think about what might happen. You may end up dead, or worse!"
[COLOR="#A9A9A9"][smiling] "So, I assume you do not want to hear about the encounter itself? Just a hint; it will take your breath away."
"...no, please. Just no."

[Skip to debriefing(snicker)]

Rex glumly sat through the debriefing itself, which was nothing special. Except for the fact that as soon as he leaved, Mads screamed from the top of his lungs "ONE THOUSAND DEAD BABIES AAAARRRRRGHH", which startled and slightly nauseated Rex.

Yes, father. Rex's mom is pretty cool with him being a Sentai when he spilled the beans, but his dad... well, see the phone call.

By the way, I assume that guns are normal weapons with higher damage die, but still need to hit AC.

Also, I didn't know what I was supposed to say between the ride to the base, so Rex did go into "silent NPC" mode for a while. He's usually like this, then he cracks an wholly inappropriate pun.

2015-03-09, 11:39 AM
Under most instances, Clyde would have stepped away for a moment, only to return in Henshin form to take the controls of the chopper. However, this particular instance was far from the ordinary, as him just suddenly vanishing at a time like this would probably have put his hidden identity in jeopardy, that, and he just wanted to be close to Naomi. When the question of music during the flight comes, Clyde doesn't answer, merely nodding to what Naomi said.

Following the landing at the base, Clyde stayed with Naomi as long as the doctors simply allowed, more or less straight up refusing to be immediately debriefed.

[After the baby is born]

Clyde stared at the little girl wrapped in blankets that Naomi held to her chest, breastfeeding the child. His gaze showed awe, but one could see a few tears of joy that had run down his cheeks moments earlier. He gently stroked the child's black hair, clearly a bit scared at doing anything with something that in his eyes seemed oh so fragile. Meredith and Brandon were also in the room with him, Meredith going on and on about how proud she was, while Brandon was on the phone. After a while Clyde got up, but Meredith immediately went in for a closer look at her granddaughter.

"So, how was everyone?" Clyde asked as he walked over to his father.

"Seemed overjoyed, asked me to congratulate you. Your auntie Penny said she wanted to throw a party to celebrate." Brandom replied, setting his phone down.

"Yeah... For some reason I think that might have to wait. At the very least we'll probably need to talk to the higher ups to allow you and mom back home any time soon. And since you brought up Penny, that reminded me, did you try calling Grant?"

"I did, but..."

"He didn't answer?" Clyde finished for him, clearly a bit distraught.

Though Clyde would never open his mouth about the burden he still carried over his and Grants broken relationship, Brandon could see right through him. Stepping closer, he placed his hand on Clyde's shoulder before speaking. "Son, I don't know what it was that happened between you and Grant that day, but today is not the day to think about it. You're a superhero, and Naomi brought your child into the world today, you should be glad."

Clyde looked at his father for a moment, before nodding. "The higher ups are probably waiting outside by now to get me debriefed over the whole hosptial debaucle, so I'm gonna go get that done. If anything, ANYTHING comes up, you give me a call." He said before stepping outside.

Stepping out of the room Naomi was in before heading off to get debriefed, and even then he only stayed there long enough as was absolutely necessary.

2015-03-13, 03:05 PM
((OOC Disclaimer: Moral/Ethical views of the Player Characters (and one in particular) do not reflect those of the Game Master. I believe we have agreed to disagree for the sake of the campaign.))

Guns probably go against touch AC, with armor acting as DR. Haven't made any firm decision since it isn't likely to come up any time soon as far as sentai getting shot with a gun and monsters getting shot with a gun is going to remain more of a plot-point than anything else. There might be some rolls involved but usually not.

First off, that odd feeling you had with your precognition went away some time during the helicopter flight.

So, you get the following for the monster (mostly boring):
Making the power work on a body part is a huge challenge, and you almost don't manage it. ((OOC: Translation: Don't expect this to necessarily work ever again.))
Race: Wombstrangler (doesn't tell you anything more than you could tell by looking at it)
Gender: Female
Age: Ok, this one might be interesting... somewhere between 2 minutes and 2 hours.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
How last owner gained and lost the object: Not Applicable/"Reply Hazy, don't bother trying again"

Second-To-Last Owner:
The impressions scatter. It is like trying to trace a wire cable with a single finger without reversing direction or lifting the finger... you followed the rope for a little while, and then then you got to the part where it unwound, with each strand going in a different direction. The power doesn't let you pick from multiple choices, even randomly. It would be like, in a more typical D&D game, trying to get the owner of a golden statuette BEFORE the one who had made it themselves by melting down a hundred gold coins, each of which they had been paid for some service or another by a different person.

Zordon starts very gentle.
"I know this is going to be scant comfort, but as far as those who study these things can figure out, the worst case is that those cords came from hospital trashcans around the globe. So... remnants of tragedies that were already ongoing, not something that happened because of... your foe's need of a weapon against you.

The source of the womb is harder to prove, but even there... I wouldn't worry about it. We can have the police check for women missing in ways that could be extra-dimensional abduction.

Monsters try to kill people. It is what they do."

He switches to a more "commanding officer" mode:
"If you want to actually do something about it, I strongly suggest you set your eyes on the future rather than the past and get your head in the game."

2015-03-15, 08:43 AM
Mads relaxes a bit at Zorgon's obvious calm. A nagging little voice tells him that Zorgon doesn't know what it's like to be human but he banishes it to a dark corner. What do they want? Why are they doing this? And why haven't anyone tried to stop it for good? he asks, feeling his panic turn towards anger

2015-03-15, 12:34 PM
"As you know there are certain matters that I am fundamentally incapable of speaking on*. I can no more provide original insight than I can leave the area of this base allotted to me by my nature, and expanded by the efforts of human excavators. So for the first two of your questions I can only parrot back what humans believe.

The monsters wish either the destruction or conquest of all mankind. Which it is is a matter of great debate.

Why... there are many theories. Some have been captured and forced with magic to speak or been tricked into speaking on the subject. In other times and places than your present America torture has even had some tiny degree of success. The answers reveal frustratingly little. They seem to view it as something so obvious that there can be no questioning of it. If you stretch out your hand and release an object, you think it falls to your feet. But science will tell you that this is actually only true in a vanishingly small fraction of the universe. Microgravity and freefall take up most of the volume of the universe. To bring a monster around to understanding that there is, even in theory, another way to behave is as difficult as it would be to explain what I said about gravity to a ancient Roman catapult-builder. Even then they reject the concept of actual change, and no known method has managed to extract from them the reason for this. Spells fail, tricks fail, torture fails. There is a theory is may be related to the very fact that I can not even tell you if I know a better answer than this, but I can't even confirm or deny that theory.

In answer to your final question, you are mistaken. People have tried to stop it for good, but nothing has yet succeeded. The threat can and has been ended in specific places for a certain time... just as you hope to end this latest incursion. Grow strong. Lure out the leader of this incursion or find the power to enter his realm. In either case, kill him, her, or it. That will end the danger. A longer term solution... again, there are hard limits on what I can say. I can't even confirm or deny that there is a solution, or if there is that it lies within the reach of mankind and we Sentai Sensei."

*This is a separate matter from the big secret that will be revealed shortly. The restrictions he is talking about are something that applies to all Sentai Sensei, and are "known unknowns" to you, where-as the big secret is an "unknown unknown" to your team specifically.

2015-03-15, 04:09 PM
But that's not good enough Mads says with an unusual sternness in his voice and he makes a sharp movement with his arm as if to push something aside. How do we stop them permanently? And not just the monsters in our area, the monsters in all areas!

2015-03-15, 08:51 PM
"Same way you make cancer a minor inconvenience, same way you extend the average human lifespan to two hundred years, same way you bring about world peace. You give it your best. Maybe pray." he seems frustrated, but not with you.

"I will say that... well, there is some wisdom in idea that the Chinese symbol for 'crisis' is formed of the symbols for 'danger' and 'opportunity'. Your current situation has plenty of danger, and not a little opportunity. And that I will willingly explain to you all... but not tonight. You will all need a level head when we discuss our strategy. Your team will have to make a choice, and the easy one will almost certainly get a lot of people needlessly killed.

If you must know more, I will give you a useful question to ponder. A riddle, such as sensei's from your fiction are fond of giving to their student. It contains a grain of truth wrapped up in a shell of parable...

If your team could end this incursion immediately, simply by remaining without anger, however justified, towards the monsters for a year and a day, could you do it? Even if a single harsh thought during that time would bring them back, ten times more powerful?"

2015-03-16, 09:42 AM
And what's that supposed to mean? Mads asks, obviously frustrated with the riddle.

2015-03-16, 03:36 PM
"It means you are supposed to think about it, calmly and logically. If nothing else it will help pass the time."

2015-03-16, 03:43 PM
Mads face turns red and he's obviously angry, then suddenly he realises that Zorgon won't give him more specific answers and that punctures the baloon. You're really enjoying this aren't you he says with a smile before leaving.

He'll look up the other members of the crew and saying with a fake smile So how are you guys doing?

2015-03-16, 09:37 PM
"Not in the least."

2015-03-17, 12:45 AM
"Hey, Mads!" Kate closes the door to the bunks behind her. "We're pretty good. Sara's running her gaming stream in there for the next few hours, and my dad's asleep over in the guys' bunks. I think Clyde is off trying to figure out what's going on with his brother, and I was going to go ask what the Boston chapter is doing about my sister out there before calling her. And also, I'm getting really hungry. How about you? Did you get in trouble with Sensei for some reason?"

2015-03-17, 10:46 AM
Rex walked in behind Kate, just in time before she closes the doors. "And I have been checking on my brother again. Hey, Mads, you okay? You look, well, mad."

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2015-03-17, 11:17 AM
That's nice. Which game was it she was playing again? he asks neutrally not eager to share his oppinion on female streamers. Not trouble, it's just that he gave me this stupid riddle instead of answering my question. He takes a stoic pose and does his best to mimic sensei's voice: "If your team could end this incursion immediately, simply by remaining without anger, however justified, towards the monsters for a year and a day, could you do it? Even if a single harsh thought during that time would bring them back, ten times more powerful?"

2015-03-18, 04:04 AM
"Ah, yeah, the 'give a cryptic riddle instead of just answering the question' cliché. I could see why you would be annoyed by that.", Rex said. "But yeah, I think that he means that we may not angst, rage or otherwise portray negative emotion for about a year, lest those..... things" will become stronger. I think I can manage that. The question is, can you?"

2015-03-18, 04:39 AM
Probably not, I'm already displaying negative emotions right? He says with a grin. Probably would require some sort of drug to do but I can live with that.

2015-03-18, 10:18 PM
"Haha! I don't know, Mads," Kate chimes in, "even if they put us in a coma, there's nothing stopping us from getting cheesed off at our nightmares. But, yeah, it sounds like it's probably our regular Jedi stuff. A doom greater than a thousand monsters, the Dark Side is."

2015-03-19, 09:38 PM
Control you must have Mads says in his best immitation on yoda, starting to feel more light Fear leads to anger, anger leads to more monsters and more work for us.

2015-03-20, 03:00 AM
"The power of your modern weaponary are insifigant compared to the Creepy Monster-spawning Power! ", Rex said in his best Darth Vader voice. "But seriously, how are we even going to track those monsters down? Do we get notified by the military as soon as some tentacle beast rolls down downtown or something?"

2015-03-20, 10:19 PM
"Well, the same way we've been practicing since high school, right? Just watch the phones and deal with the monsters as they appear. I think that's all we really can do right now. I can try to keep my precognition up, too, but... hmm..." Kate turns more serious and seems to be lost in thought for a moment.

"There is something else. Back at the hospital, when I was using my Seer powers, I had a sort of... weird feeling. Like an ocean outside my mind, just waiting for the chance to rush in. It passed before I really thought to pursue it, so I kind of forgot about it until now. Do you think it might mean something? I should probably ask Zordon about it."

2015-03-21, 03:15 AM
I'd like to know about the monsters before they kill anyone Mads says and the adds, do you think it's possible to enter their realm?

2015-03-21, 09:43 PM
Kate can only shrug.

"I don't know. I mean, what do you even mean by realm? A parallel universe? Space? A dungeon in some undersea volcano? I wouldn't even know where to start looking!" She closes her eyes as she gets more worked up. "If I could just see a little more clearly... find something in my visions that could help us get to an attack just a little sooner..."

Kate! Food! Get!

Kate sighs. "...bluh. After dinner! Then I'll change back and get in some practice before bed."

2015-03-23, 03:17 PM
Remember that there's a meeting sometime later today. Mads reminds, but food sounds good.

Reading for the meeting.

2015-03-25, 04:52 PM
Oddly enough, the "meeting" starts out in large cavern mined out of the rock. A large space has two sides of 3-story building sticking out of it (square as viewed from above, cut along one of the diagonals). The back of the "building" joins into a network of tunnels carved into the rock. The network spreads out like an ant mound, with entrances in other parts of the cavern as well. A single tunnel, several hundred yards long that does NOT connect to the rest of the network connects the cavern to the rest of the underground portions of the base.

This is one of your main training areas. Here you have honed your skills at "sweep and clear", hostage rescue, and other mission-types that might take you into buildings or other enclosed areas. Armor plated shutters can be cranked open or closed to change the lay out, or plywood partition added when the exercise is designed to test overpenetration.

Your training officer addresses you as you stand geared up in kelvar armor and M.I.L.E.S.* gear over your Sentai equipment.
"We've thought long and hard about how best to present the unique challenge that you face. It is our conclusion that a practical demonstration of a certain matter would be the best place to start.

Some of our boys are going to be running through the 'Full Court Press' drill. You will be taking the roles of some of the hostages and innocent bystanders. As usual, you will not be restrained, and the LAN nodes will be active for webbrowsing or text-chatting on your mobile devices.

In the case of creatures with regeneration that can't be overcome without magic, the troops will be required to maintain sustained fire on the creature for 10 minutes after the end of the exercise or the time doesn't count.

As is standard for this drill the troops will have no advanced information on the randomized elements of the drill."

*The "professional soldier" equivalent of "laser tag"... uses actual lasers in conjunction with blank ammunition.
Sitting in as one of the "No Shoot Injure" targets is something you have all done on a fairly regular basis when the rest of you are practicing. It adds a note of verisimilitude, and emphasizes the value of the lives of the people you are supposed to be protecting. You use live ammo and sharp edges/points. Some of the targets return fire or "execute" hostages via M.I.L.E.S. gear.

"Full Court Press" is the drill that takes the longest to run:
-The positions of walls, both penetrable and non-penetrable is randomized.
-The locations, durabilities, and material types (to simulate some energy resistances, and immunities), and special flags (for things that can't be simulated with using a real person or special material) of targets to be destroyed is also all randomized.
-The positions of the "No Shoot" targets (including the ones that light up to signal a shapeshifter capable of imitating a civilian taking on a combat form) is also randomized.
-The full area of the training area is used.

Your best time as a team for this drill is 17 minutes, 36 seconds.

2015-03-25, 11:09 PM
"Yeah, okay. This should be interesting; I was starting to think that most of you guys didn't even do anti-monster training."

Hey! What do you think she meant by, 'Unique Challenge?'

It's probably about how regeneration is such a pain without magic and/or convenient rockets. I still feel silly going in full Dragonfly mode just to play a civilian, though.

Well, as long as you already have Henshin, maybe you can try precognitating the exercise anyway?

Precognitate is not a word.

That wouldn't really be in-character...

We'll be able to see more! That means a more comprehensive analysis of the demonstration!

Unable to think of a reason not to, Kate goes ahead and turns on Precognition for the exercise, if only for practice.

2015-03-26, 01:14 AM
Kate then remembers that this is a live-fire drill by personnel who may not have ever practiced in this particular location before and grazing hits and bullet/stone/concrete-fragments coming off the walls can happen, and feels a good deal less silly about the two different types of armor she is wearing. ((I'm taking this from a somewhat realistic TV show I watched.))

Goes off normally.

2015-03-27, 02:50 PM
Clyde wriggled somewhat restlessly in all the gear, as if it wasn't sitting right. Not that it was actually weighing him down in any note-worthy manner, but wearing his sentai suit, even the thicker booster-conjured carapace, felt like a second skin to him. But not so with the Kevlar and M.I.L.E.S. gear, as even though he had done this who knows how many times, it never felt quite right. He ceases the futile wriggling after a moment, before pulling out a card bearing a shield emblem on it, before addressing the training officer. "Sir, would additional protection that our transformed state might be capable of providing be considered to be a against the spirit of this particular exercise?"

So sorry it took this long. life decided to throw me a curveball and have all the things happening at once. hopefully instances like this won't repeat on my behalf in the future.