View Full Version : Stellar Realms (free browser based strategy game)... is back.

2014-06-04, 04:22 AM
If any of you remember this:

It's back. Round started on the 1st, if you join soon you can easily catch up. Tiny player base compared to the last 26 rounds because of the 5 year gap and lack of publicity, but it's back.

Rounds last for 7 weeks, 300 years a round, months are the turn measurement and they last 20 minutes. Projects take about 8 hours or so at the start, so you can play it either casually or 20 minute by 20 minute turn. Small player base, large RP scene (in ye olde days), lots of room to move.

For more information, visit either
or the old thread for 300+ pages of instructions, battle reports and general banter.

Figured I'd drop this here because as a result of interest from this forum back in 2007 multiple alliances developed that went on to win several rounds.

The 27th Galactic Age is beginning in the Stellar Realms. Will you have a place among the stars?

Saithis Bladewing
2014-06-11, 09:37 PM
I've waited six years for this moment.

If anyone is interested, I'd love to get the band back together. Running alone is dark and scary in this game, but forming an alliance with friends and working together to triumph against the odds and make a mark on a galaxy is something else entirely. If anyone is interested in joining the game, I'll gladly offer any teaching I can as a top-tier player, regardless of what kind of time investment you're willing to make on it.

I've sent out messages to everyone who is still active from the old SR alliance, and hopefully we can get some guys back together and rebuild this little subcommunity. I missed you guys, and missed the game!

Planet Roles:
Flyers are planets responsible for deploying a fleet into battle, correctly using it to try and achieve victory over their enemies. The top ten will normally be composed of flyers, though turtlers with specific strategies are also fully capable of making it in. Flying is the most difficult role and requires either careful advance planning or an alliance of supporters to maintain for any length of time due to the massive expense that a fleet costs to maintain.
Ideal Races: Bengathi, Daaken, Sli'Krith, Blothil, T'Chopt'Ka
Good Races: Fane, Sha'Goth, Sa M'Ran, Ki'Ar, Obsydi, Dorune, Prillep
Passable Races: Amikan, Luhtin, Roshan, Terran, Y'Kreen, Rool
Bad Races: Rea'Chi, Moavar

One of the more prestigious roles, foundries are planets dedicated to the construction of ships for their fellow alliance members, or for sale on the common market. As prestige is gained following the construction of a ship, but is not lost on sale, this can be a good way to boost prestige, albeit an expensive one. This role works best with a race that has a particularly good ship(s) unique to their race, such as the Roshan "Goliath" Battleship or the "Dragon" Mobile Assault Platform.
Ideal Races: Daaken, Sli'Krith, Obsydi, Roshan, T'Chopt'Ka, Prillep, Luhtin, Amikan
Decent Races: Blothil, Ki'Ar, Dorune, Moavar
Passable Races: Y'Kreen, Terran, Sa M'Ran, Dorune, Fane, Sha'Goth
Bad Races: Rea'Chi, Bengathi, Rool

Miners specialize in the production of Materials on a large scale, and this role can be used as secondary support for either Merchanting or a Foundry, enabling the planet or alliance to churn out large numbers of ships or generate extra credits by selling to outside sources, especially during periods of scarcity.
Ideal Race Choices: Roshan, Obsydi
Good Race Choices: Amikan, Moavar, Rool
Passable Race Choices:
Bad Race Choices: Blothil, Prillep, Y'Kreen

Ideal Race Choices: Rea'Chi, Terran
Good Race Choices: Bengathi, Moavar, Obsydi, Roshan, Sha'Goth, T'Chopt'Ka
Passable Race Choices: Amikan, Blothil, Dorune, Fane, Ki'Ar, Luhtin, Rool, Sa M'Ran, Y'Kreen
Bad Race Choices: Daaken, Prillep, Sli'Krith

Pop Farm
Ideal Race Choices: Sha'Goth, Luhtin
Good Race Choices: Bengathi, Fane, Moavar, Obsydi, Rool
Passable Race Choices: Amikan, Blothil, Daaken, Dorune, Rea'Chi, Roshan, T'Chopt'Ka, Terran, Y'Kreen
Bad Race Choices: Ki'Ar, Prillep, Sli'Krith, Sa M'Ran

Ideal Race Choices: Sa M'Ran, Bengathi
Good Race Choices: Amikan, Dorune, Fane, Moavar, Rea'Chi, Rool
Passable Race Choices: Blothil, Ki'Ar, Luhtin, Obsydi, Prillep, Roshan, T'Chopt'Ka, Terran, Y'Kreen
Bad Race Choices: Daaken, Sha'Goth, Sli'Krith

Ideal Race Choices: Rea'Chi, Y'Kreen
Good Race Choices: Dorune, Fane, Moavar, Rool, Terran
Passable Race Choices: Amikan, Bengathi, Blothil, Ki'Ar, Prillep, Roshan, Sa M'Ran, T'Chopt'Ka
Bad Race Choices: Daaken, Luhtin, Obsydi, Sha'Goth, Sli'Krith

Now I just hope we get some interest! The presentation is a bit old but it's still one of the most entertaining browser games I've ever played. :smallcool:

2014-06-11, 11:46 PM

Did not think they'd ever bring this back! :smallbiggrin:


Definitely going to need a guide on how to play this if you still happen to have one somewhere :smallsigh:
Been so long...

Archonic Energy
2014-06-12, 11:08 AM
*Is summoned*

Evening all!
So what is the plan?

2014-06-12, 11:51 AM
the round started a long while back, so at this point get in there and get reacquainted :smallsmile:

Saithis Bladewing
2014-06-12, 06:01 PM
Reacquaint ourselves with the game and see if we can find some new blood. The Orion Sector needs recruits if we are to rule the galaxy once again! (Though with just the 4 of us we'd likely do pretty well, given the experience quality.)

I'm writing up a beginner's primer and I'll try to whip up a better post that Xavi can use to entice new readers of the thread in.

I'm also available for any advice, any time, be it here, on Friendstalker or in-game.

Archonic Energy
2014-06-14, 10:01 AM
starting to remember that it's important to get spies before the protection wears off...

2014-06-14, 03:11 PM
And tech is king...

Archonic Energy
2014-06-17, 02:43 AM
watch out for bud and miller. he has been stealing my population. though I'm pretty sure there's not much I can do about it. :smallsigh:

Agency: An attempt was made to subvert our population but was thwarted by our agents.
Their losses were 1 agents.
We were able to use the information extracted to backtrack to the intelligence cell and dismantle it.
Further, we discovered that the operatives were from Bud and Miller.

2014-06-17, 08:43 PM
Sigil is stealing as well...

2014-06-18, 06:35 PM
I should probably actually introduce myself and span the gap between communities!

Hi, I'm DigitalSocrates! I generally hang out in the webcomics forum, and I am also an SR player. If you don't know me, maybe you recognize me as Basalt from the last round!

2014-06-18, 09:18 PM
Hey DS! How are ya!?

2014-06-19, 02:06 AM
I'm pretty good! Was getting pop stolen for a bit, but its under control now. In fact now I'm getting some agents in place to kidnap some slaves for myself!

If anyone wants materials, just ask, I've got them to spare.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-06-21, 10:55 AM
So I've been pretty busy with work lately, just keeping my planet together. All is going well on my front, but I'd like to look at getting my beginner's manual together and trying to actually recruit some people, not even necessarily to our alliance but just to the game (ideally new recruits wouldn't run with the vets anyway, as it'll just attract undue attention to them when they're trying to learn the game).

My bad on not reminding folks to build Intel Agencies soon enough - don't stress it and just try to get more agents out. I tend to aim for 100 per million as a minimum agents-pop ratio, with 200+ being more ideal...

2014-06-24, 11:02 PM
Slooooowly creeping up the leaderboards.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-06-26, 08:52 AM
I have a plan, but I will need your gentlemen's help to execute it...

2014-06-26, 12:34 PM
I'll give it a shot, not sure how much help I will be at this point though...:smallconfused:

2014-06-26, 03:02 PM
Oh good grief. It's Xavios. Who reactivated his shambling corpse and gave it an internet connection ?

And Terran...

Sigil is always stealing stuff. Even I remember that guy.

2014-06-26, 04:35 PM
No one steals my stuff now...I've got Technicians :smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2014-06-26, 11:45 PM
I'm gonna need materials and credits. Lots and lots of credits.

Okay, spoiler alert: the plan might be blowing (expletive deleted) the hell up.

...so the same plan every time we play SR. :smallwink:

I'll let you know when it's actually viable as I'm still playing catchup.

Archonic Energy
2014-06-28, 02:35 AM
just tell me when. I've got the big dig ready when you need it.

2014-06-28, 11:26 AM
Ah screw it, I'm in.

I'll not be active really but I'll start churning out ships when I can and provide resources. I'm High Inquisitor McKenna of Blackwood Keep

Oh yeah, can someone PM the details of any IRC we're using please.

2014-06-28, 02:27 PM
This is relevant to my interests. I'm going to look around the site and see how this works, and then if you guys are okay with taking a total n00b under your wings, I'll sign up.

EDIT: Looking around the (ridiculously huge) help files, and thus far I'm leaning towards a Prillip production-based planet, and getting the rest of you some fleets.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-06-28, 03:49 PM
Everyone is more than welcome to be helped, I am unfortunately not super-helpful myself right now as I'm busy with many things. I think the most important thing for a total n00b joining at this stage of the game (it operates in 7-week rounds and we're fairly deep in now) is to learn and get comfortable with the mechanics. If there's anything I can do to help with that, just let me know (I still haven't finished my beginner's guide).

Hiro Protagonest
2014-06-28, 04:01 PM
So how does this work? Is it download or browser-based? Any way to walk me through the steps (maybe someone with a Steam account can friend me so we can use that Steam chat to communicate quickly?)?

2014-06-28, 06:20 PM
Anybody here know anything about a planet called Ohmm? Just changed their stance with me to allied, and trying to figure out what's up. Maybe he's just spamming it to everyone, hoping that means he doesn't get shot.

EDIT: Scratch that last idea, seeing as he's number 2.

While doing routine mine maintence and exploration, one of your crews falls into a massive underground cavern. One of your sons is with them.

The crew is rescued safely.

You gain 106 prestige.
You recover 7 food.
You recover 7 fuel.
You recover 7 metals.
You recover 7 radioactives.
This mission takes 4 months.

Well, that was brief. Then again, I get the feeling that the longer one ends very badly.

2014-06-29, 04:54 AM
Ohmm is Prince Volvo, a veteran of many rounds, all round harmless and reasonable bloke and pioneer of the "Prince Volvo Defence", which involves allying with everyone he can and building lots of habitats and stuffing them with population in an effort to make bombarding him a waste of time, as it takes out habitats which murders your score. Unfortunately for PV, there's people like the 2 at the bottom of leaderboard that don't care about score.

Every alliance has someone like them who bombard habitats and take the hit so the one people are trying to get to win doesn't have to take a whole load of negative score.

Archonic Energy
2014-06-29, 01:08 PM
anyone need about thirteen thousand fuel... :smalleek:

2014-06-29, 02:15 PM
I just scored a Dragon on a mission.


(If anyone wants it after I can use the market just say, I won't be flying this time)

Hiro Protagonest
2014-06-29, 02:43 PM
Some of these mission descriptions are funny.

"While on your way to a BBQ, your ship happens across..."

And then in one where the only spare ship you can give an ambassador is a nearly-restored old Celeste, you find out she's part of the club dedicated to that ship. :smalltongue:

Anyway, I'm the one that decided to go with the Earthbound series reference. Planet is Mother.

2014-07-03, 01:01 PM
Date: 7/3/2014 4:20:00 PM
Subject: Intelligence Report
Agency: An attempt was made to subvert our population but was thwarted by our agents.
Their losses were 1 agents.
We were able to use the information extracted to backtrack to the intelligence cell and dismantle it.
Further, we discovered that the operatives were from Bud and Miller.

Seriously, the #1 planet in the galaxy is picking on me?

2014-07-03, 04:52 PM
Pretty much. Big Al takes any advantage. Last round, many years ago, we hab bombed him. It took 4 of us. Xavios orbit wiped him, I bombed his planetary defenses with possibly the nastiest bombard fleet wed ever had and the sli krith special effect going, I think digital socrates finished his industry ofc and our hab bomber secured himself last place forever with how many habs he blew up. Big Al is a tough player.

2014-07-03, 11:41 PM
Please tell me somebody still has the combat logs from that.

2014-07-04, 03:38 AM
Pretty much. Big Al takes any advantage. Last round, many years ago, we hab bombed him. It took 4 of us. Xavios orbit wiped him, I bombed his planetary defenses with possibly the nastiest bombard fleet wed ever had and the sli krith special effect going, I think digital socrates finished his industry ofc and our hab bomber secured himself last place forever with how many habs he blew up. Big Al is a tough player.

I don't even remember that xD

The only thing I really remember doing in SR is running my megafleet as Basalt while Saithis and Xavios were still keeping their heads down.

Agency: An attempt was made to subvert our population but was thwarted by our agents.
Their losses were 1 agents.
We were able to use the information extracted to backtrack to the intelligence cell and dismantle it.
Further, we discovered that the operatives were from Bud and Miller.

Seriously, the #1 planet in the galaxy is picking on me?

Just get an intel agency up and running and train spies as fast as you can. He'll stop bothering you as soon as its not worth his time.

I actually built 2 million pop this round stealing from inactives. I justify it since I was a latecomer and also I'm playing amoral slavers :P

So how does this work? Is it download or browser-based? Any way to walk me through the steps (maybe someone with a Steam account can friend me so we can use that Steam chat to communicate quickly?)?

Hit me up on steam. Username is DigitalSocrates. And welcome aboard!

I'm building a Maestrom Siege Platform fleet to bombard, and Xavios had the good idea of chasing down a Colossus Mega Ship to put at the front of the fleet. When you get your special (after 50 years/300 turns of playing) I would certainly give you whatever you want for it :P

2014-07-04, 10:32 AM
I don't even remember that xD

I'm building a Maestrom Siege Platform fleet to bombard, and Xavios had the good idea of chasing down a Colossus Mega Ship to put at the front of the fleet. When you get your special (after 50 years/300 turns of playing) I would certainly give you whatever you want for it :P

No idea Xavios has ever had has been good.

(this is one of the less bad ones.)

It may not have been you but I think it was. Shame the reports went west with the old forum.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-04, 10:52 AM
I actually built 2 million pop this round stealing from inactives. I justify it since I was a latecomer and also I'm playing amoral slavers :P
I'm considering making my way up the food chain by stealing population of weaker players and scouting planets around my score to determine their fleet strength (then attacking them if they're weaker).

Hit me up on steam. Username is DigitalSocrates. And welcome aboard!

I'm building a Maestrom Siege Platform fleet to bombard, and Xavios had the good idea of chasing down a Colossus Mega Ship to put at the front of the fleet. When you get your special (after 50 years/300 turns of playing) I would certainly give you whatever you want for it :P

I can't access Steam chat actually since I'm on vacation, but I think I've figured things out mostly. Planet name? Also, how would I give you the Colossus once it's built?

2014-07-04, 06:12 PM
Planet name? Also, how would I give you the Colossus once it's built?

Tlabaka, and you would do it by putting a private commerce sale to me in exchange for however many credits u want.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-08, 10:48 AM
Okay you better buy this ASAP because the maintenance is killing me.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-11, 11:25 AM
Everybody hold on to their butts.

The old crew, if anyone has spare materials/credits, I'm looking for them now. New guys, I hope you've become acquianted with the system and I'm still working on a tutorial writeup to train beginners up to standard for future rounds!

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-11, 11:30 AM
Anyone know Strana Mechty?

Also, I'd be happy to start working as a foundry planet for a group.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-11, 11:55 AM
Strana Mechty isn't any of ours, though I have a suspicion who they may be - they can be assumed friendly for the time being, I think.

I'm always looking to pick up fighters (especially bombers).

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-11, 12:26 PM
What's your planet?

Started building 20 of each type of basic fighter... not sure how fast I should go along the Offense tree. I'm only researching II now, need III for advanced fighters and IV for Zephyrs, Hurricanes, and other stuff.

Edit: Actually I am on Offense III research. Got 41 turns left on it though, so no shiny special fighters until tomorrow.

2014-07-11, 03:43 PM
Strana Mechty isn't any of ours, though I have a suspicion who they may be - they can be assumed friendly for the time being, I think.

I'm always looking to pick up fighters (especially bombers).

I've got a small fleet, you're welcome to it :smallsmile:

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-11, 06:00 PM
All donations are welcome to be sent to Kaurava, courtesy of the Orion Express

(If any vets reading this hadn't figured that out by now, I'd be disappointed in you.)

2014-07-12, 09:21 AM
Hopefully that helps, if you need anything else, just let me know :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-13, 06:44 AM
What's your planet?

Started building 20 of each type of basic fighter... not sure how fast I should go along the Offense tree. I'm only researching II now, need III for advanced fighters and IV for Zephyrs, Hurricanes, and other stuff.

Edit: Actually I am on Offense III research. Got 41 turns left on it though, so no shiny special fighters until tomorrow.

How long till you get another collosus?

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-13, 12:45 PM
How long till you get another collosus?

Thirteen years.

I'm not really sure it's better than a Dreadnought... but then, I don't know if it's even possible to get a Dreadnought in fifty years.

2014-07-13, 03:09 PM
Said, do you need more fleet?

2014-07-13, 04:33 PM
Thirteen years.

I'm not really sure it's better than a Dreadnought... but then, I don't know if it's even possible to get a Dreadnought in fifty years.

A colossus is ridiculously better than a dreadnought. Just trust me on that.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-13, 04:45 PM
Well given the maintenance costs, it'd be more like two or three dreadnoughts. Colossi have incredibly high maintenance. I guess it's because the Colossus is free.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-14, 01:56 PM
Colossi are definitely worth it, they're very good ships, not just because they're free, and not necessarily because of their powerful guns (you can probably get more firepower against most things with an equal cost in dreads), but because of their ridiculously high defense/durability which makes them perfect point vessels for bombardments or standard deployment attacks.

Edit: I'll never turn down more ships as long as I have more cap, but I have to admit the expenses are getting pretty high. Sitting at 1.7m a day in defense, or 1.3m on the attack. :smallbiggrin:

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-14, 02:09 PM
Timber, did you give me a Crusader? Because I don't remember buying one...

And now I see the durability. A Colossus is slightly less durable than four Dreadnoughts, but three of those Dreadnoughts would be destroyed if they took the hits...

I just started my Improved Airbase this turn, once that's done I can get advanced fighters. And Offense IV takes a long time...

2014-07-14, 07:12 PM
Apparently I got my orbit cleared and I didn't even see it happen...:smallannoyed:

2014-07-15, 08:50 AM
Date: 7/15/2014 11:00:00 AM
From: Me
Subject: Combat Report A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Trade Federation' attempted to bombard military installations at Princemarch.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 1 "Colossus" Megaship(s) 10 Dreadnought(s) 15 Battleship(s) 60 "Fang" Fighter Bomber(s) 6 "Tangler" Defense Barge(s) 32 Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 2 Orbital Shield (Improved)(s) 5 Orbital Defense Platform (Improved)(s) 1 Jumpgate (Improved)(s) 10 Satellites(s) 5 Surface Shield Generator (Improved)(s) 6 Surface Defense Battery (Improved)(s) 1 Airbase (Improved)(s) 1 Airbase(s) 1 Intelligence Agency(s) 1 Barracks(s) 1 Barracks (Veteran)(s) 15 Heavy Bomber(s) .
Attacker's losses were 6 Dreadnought(s) 1 "Colossus" Megaship(s) and 17800 personnel.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost 5 Orbital Defense Platform (Improved)(s) 2 Orbital Shield (Improved)(s) 10 Satellites(s) 1 Jumpgate (Improved)(s) .
Attacker gained 3067 prestige.
Attacker lost 1403 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender gained 1189 prestige.

Date: 7/15/2014 11:00:00 AM
From: Me
Subject: Combat Report A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Trade Federation' attempted to bombard industry at Princemarch.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 5 Dreadnought(s) 10 Battleship(s) 45 Heavy Bomber(s) 60 "Fang" Fighter Bomber(s) 85 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 1 "Sandstorm" Anti-Fighter Platform(s) 5 Light Carrier(s) 6 "Tangler" Defense Barge(s) 14 Deep Recon Scout(s).
The defending force consisted of 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard (Improved)(s) 5 Surface Shield Generator (Improved)(s) 6 Surface Defense Battery (Improved)(s) 2 Warehouse (Small)(s) 3 Mining Facility (Radioactives - Improved)(s) 2 Research Lab(s) 7 Manufacturing Plant (Improved)(s) 1 Manufacturing Plant(s) 7 Mining Facility (Metals - Improved)(s) 3 Refinery (Fuel - Improved)(s) 1 Materials Processing Plant(s) 2 Research Lab (Improved)(s) 6 Warehouse (Medium)(s) .
Attacker's losses were 7 Battleship(s) 5 Dreadnought(s) and 20200 personnel.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost 3 Surface Shield Generator (Improved)(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 1 Orbital Construction Yard (Improved)(s) .
Attacker gained 238 prestige.
Attacker lost 109 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender gained 3382 prestige.

2014-07-15, 04:35 PM
Thirteen years.

I'm not really sure it's better than a Dreadnought... but then, I don't know if it's even possible to get a Dreadnought in fifty years.

As soon as you get your special, use it and post me the collosus :P

Another thing about the collosus is its defense value. It has the durability of 4 dreadnoughts, but it will take far more hits than 4 dreadnoughts will, due to its defense.

2014-07-16, 06:48 AM
Apparently I'm a punching bag...though the last one is my favorite :)

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Ursa Minor Beta' attempted to conduct a normal attack at Princemarch.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 5 Dreadnought(s) 2 Battleship(s) 5 Fire Support Destroyer(s).
The defending force consisted of 30 Advanced Interceptor(s) 25 Heavy Bomber(s) .
Attacker lost nothing.
Defender's losses were 30 Advanced Interceptor(s) 25 Heavy Bomber(s) and 135 personnel.
Defender lost no structures.
Attacker gained 7980 prestige.
Attacker lost 3572 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender lost 3990 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Ursa Minor Beta' attempted to bombard military installations at Princemarch.
The attacking force was able to gain the element of surprise!
The attacking force consisted of 20 Dreadnought(s) 2 Battleship(s) 100 Heavy Bomber(s) 10 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 4 Heavy Carrier(s).
The defending force consisted of 5 Surface Shield Generator (Improved)(s) 7 Surface Defense Battery (Improved)(s) 1 Barracks (Veteran)(s) 1 Airbase (Improved)(s) 1 Airbase(s) 1 Barracks(s) 1 Intelligence Agency(s) .
Attacker's losses were 9 Dreadnought(s) and 16200 personnel.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost 3 Surface Shield Generator (Improved)(s) .
Attacker gained 825 prestige.
Attacker lost 369 prestige due to the difference in planetary status.
Defender gained 2355 prestige.

A fleet of vessels from the planet 'Ursa Minor Beta' attempted to bombard industry at Princemarch.
The attacking force was detected before entering the system!
The attacking force consisted of 10 Dreadnought(s) 10 Fire Support Destroyer(s).
The defending force consisted of 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) 2 Surface Shield Generator (Improved)(s) 7 Surface Defense Battery (Improved)(s) 1 Manufacturing Plant(s) 3 Refinery (Fuel - Improved)(s) 3 Mining Facility (Radioactives - Improved)(s) 2 Research Lab (Improved)(s) 7 Mining Facility (Metals - Improved)(s) 2 Warehouse (Small)(s) 2 Research Lab(s) 7 Manufacturing Plant (Improved)(s) 1 Materials Processing Plant(s) 6 Warehouse (Medium)(s) .
Attacker's losses were 10 Fire Support Destroyer(s) 10 Dreadnought(s) and 19750 personnel.
Defender lost no units.
Defender lost 1 Orbital Construction Yard(s) .
Attacker lost 9200 prestige.
Defender gained 9400 prestige.
Since their fleet was utterly destroyed, it is doubtful they were able to report back to their leader.

2014-07-16, 12:48 PM
Timber, did you give me a Crusader? Because I don't remember buying one...

And now I see the durability. A Colossus is slightly less durable than four Dreadnoughts, but three of those Dreadnoughts would be destroyed if they took the hits...

I just started my Improved Airbase this turn, once that's done I can get advanced fighters. And Offense IV takes a long time...

Oh hey, i didn't realize you had posted it for 700,000 credits >.>

I kind of need money to fly right now. Anyway way I can get some of that back?

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-16, 01:17 PM
Alright, fine, but I had seen someone post a colossus for 1mil earlier so I wanted something in between my original price and that. :smalltongue:

Uh... metals? You could just post 200 metals for 200k or something.

2014-07-16, 07:49 PM
I doubt that they actually sold it for that much ;P

Collosus are a lot better than a dread, but not like 15 times better.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-17, 04:58 PM
I've founded the official Orion Sector alliance, as is standard for the end of a round. May all her sons and daughters reunite!

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-17, 05:03 PM

Because if so then you declared Vendetta on me. :smallconfused:

Unless you're Kaurava, in which case whoever Nova is declared Vendetta on me.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-17, 05:13 PM
I'm Kaurava, and Nova ignored the list of allies I clearly sent around a message to before eagerly WAAAAAAAAAAGHing everything, haha. It doesn't affect much, he won't attack any of us.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-17, 05:15 PM
I'm Kaurava, and Nova ignored the list of allies I clearly sent around a message to before eagerly WAAAAAAAAAAGHing everything, haha. It doesn't affect much, he won't attack any of us.

Yeah I'm sure. It doesn't actually affect trading capabilities or anything.

Archonic Energy
2014-07-17, 05:54 PM
being a dedicated miner/trader is not bad, the only problem is when you undercut everyone.
I may have to be a foundry next time, I think there's a market for daggers...

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-17, 06:42 PM
Damn, next game's going to be a deathmatch. Right after my learning game. :smallannoyed:

Also I need metals. Credits aren't a problem.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-18, 06:35 PM
being a dedicated miner/trader is not bad, the only problem is when you undercut everyone.
I may have to be a foundry next time, I think there's a market for daggers...

There's always a market for Goliaths. As in, I will buy Goliaths as they are goddamn sweet.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-18, 06:46 PM
What's a good non-lategame (so not carriers) unit for sending with Hammers to assault people with? Just Cruisers? What's the technology requirements for Anvils?

I'm planning on being a Daaken Flyer next time and for the next non-deathmatch round... if anyone is willing to rush the construction tech and provide me with light carriers, feel free. :smalltongue: Oh and are Hammers fighters or capital ships? If they're fighters then I'll just be playing defensive until I get carriers.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-18, 07:30 PM
What's a good non-lategame (so not carriers) unit for sending with Hammers to assault people with? Just Cruisers? What's the technology requirements for Anvils?

I'm planning on being a Daaken Flyer next time and for the next non-deathmatch round... if anyone is willing to rush the construction tech and provide me with light carriers, feel free. :smalltongue: Oh and are Hammers fighters or capital ships? If they're fighters then I'll just be playing defensive until I get carriers.

Hammers are capital ships, so they're fully independent. The best accompaniment for Hammers if you can't build or afford Anvils (which MIGHT be ConIV OffV req, but I though they were V/V on Con/Off...) would be standard battleships and maybe some cruisers depending on the time of the round. Heavy ships like Battleships and Dreadnoughts are simply unmatched at engaging and destroying both capital ships and buildings - they just suck at killing fighters, which is where destroyers (and in Daaken's case, Hammers) come in. Cruisers aren't terrible but they suffer once the midgame ends by not being specialized enough - they can kill fighters, but are expensive in that role. They can kill capitals, but aren't nearly as efficient at it as battleships...

Daaken are a fun race, they don't get played enough sadly, because I really enjoy having them around, especially when they're aggressive early.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-18, 09:56 PM
How do I get character accounts on the forums? Do I just create more than one?

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-19, 07:53 AM
You'd have to create a second account, yes, and just switch between them.

Archonic Energy
2014-07-19, 10:08 AM
There's always a market for Goliaths. As in, I will buy Goliaths as they are goddamn sweet.

there is insufficient time left in the round to get to off V.
but I think next round...

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-19, 01:10 PM
there is insufficient time left in the round to get to off V.
but I think next round...

Goliaths are easily my second favourite heavy, with Judicators in first and Anvils in third. I will always buy Goliaths. :smallamused:

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-19, 02:00 PM
Hm... Daaken or Sli'Krith for the deathmatch... I would really like to play Daaken, but I think Sli'Krith are a strictly superior choice. Reproduction is irrelevant and Diplomacy barely matters (well, it still affects mission outcomes, which is basically the only way it matters in standard, I guess...).

It would be really interesting to see someone try Dorune (not as a complete turtle). Stinger Drones and Orbital Bulwark make for a great defense, but to really go on the offensive, I think they'd have to leverage their superior research and jumpgates and perfectly time their attacks so they hit just before their target gets the same tier of ship that they have.

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-19, 03:37 PM
Hm... Daaken or Sli'Krith for the deathmatch... I would really like to play Daaken, but I think Sli'Krith are a strictly superior choice. Reproduction is irrelevant and Diplomacy barely matters (well, it still affects mission outcomes, which is basically the only way it matters in standard, I guess...).

It would be really interesting to see someone try Dorune (not as a complete turtle). Stinger Drones and Orbital Bulwark make for a great defense, but to really go on the offensive, I think they'd have to leverage their superior research and jumpgates and perfectly time their attacks so they hit just before their target gets the same tier of ship that they have.

Sli'krith are superior to Daaken in most respects, although Daaken have the slightly better special ships/structures, Sli'krith have better stats and a better special.

Dorune would be very good in this kind of round, mostly because of their special, IMHO. There's going to hit a point in the round where you've got a sort of oncoming mutual annihilatioin and Dorune can potentially block that as long as they're aware it's coming. If a Dorune makes it to the final two, they probably win. Not to mention, Stinger Drones have no crew and are thus a great form of defense in a round like this, where people will be very cautious with what they put in orbit.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-19, 06:16 PM
Hm... Ki'Ar could also be good for the deathmatch round. Crusader doesn't suffer from the lack of specialization of standard cruisers; is the tech requirements for it more like Cruiser or Battleship?

Also, despite my general dislike of religious factions, I could be kinda like Imperium of Man. :smalltongue: Except more navy-focused.

Archonic Energy
2014-07-21, 02:41 AM
Well, The round is complete.

I wasn't able to get back into 25th. But I did get 4th in materials. Not surprisingly because of the big dig.

How did everyone else fare?

2014-07-21, 08:11 PM
I got dropped at the last second from 4th to 7th prestige because of a single mistake I made, and some last minute hits (or defenses) by two others.

I got 3rd in mats (with no big dig :3), but it seems it just measures who has the most current mats, as opposed to mats produced which seems like kind of a pointless metric. It only really measures warehouse space. But I digress.

I got 3rd in structure castualties which I definately earned. Never lost a single structure, but destroyed 165, most of which was surface shield generators which are the toughest structure to destroy! If it was measuring by structure durability I'm sure i'd be way ahead.

Got 10th in combat record. I'd be 8th if I didn't make that last second ****up and not recall my fleet.

Scored really high in intelligence (3rd in successful mission rate, 4th in agents trained) which is really impressive considering I had 0% stealth - but then I was mostly just farming population from inactive players.

I have no idea what that Region A/B chart is supposed to be.

2014-07-21, 10:03 PM
5th in research, starting two weeks late :smallbiggrin:
11th in Pop...

that's all I got :smallsigh:

Saithis Bladewing
2014-07-22, 12:39 PM
I did pretty well in all...2nd prestige, 1st in pop, largest fleet which I built mostly myself (albeit with purchased/donated materials), built myself a whopping 1753 ships over the course of the last 100 years of the round. Still feel a little disappointed by the round though, I suppose because it was without any real challenge or difficulty - weak opponents, weak round.

Next round will be better, hopefully. (I don't count Deathmatch as the next round because the Deathmatch, I fear, may be woeful.)

Hiro Protagonest
2014-07-26, 09:21 PM
The Round 28 sections of the forums have been unlocked! *desperately waits for the round to start*

2014-08-14, 01:27 PM
Looks like Deathmatch will start very soon.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-08-19, 06:54 PM
Round started!

Edit: Hmm... it appears to be a pre-round setup. You can start production but there are no turns. I haven't recieved any e-mail either.

2014-08-19, 08:59 PM
Round Starts Saturday, but signups are live.