View Full Version : Thog jokes?

2007-02-20, 12:38 PM
If I started cracking Thog jokes a la Chuck Norris jokes, would I be killed horribly?

If not, let the fun begin!

(I also couldn't decide whether this would be more appropriate for the Silly Games board or here...)

2007-02-20, 12:43 PM
You would be killed. Then Ressurected. The killed again. For Ever.

2007-02-20, 12:44 PM
You make me sad. :(

2007-02-20, 12:47 PM
Thog walks into a bar and flops a half dead halfling on the table.
"Thog want ale." he says to the bartender.
"Wahat about the Halfling?" The bartender replies.
"Nah, saving littleman for desert."

2007-02-20, 12:48 PM
*Smites dutchie*

2007-02-20, 11:13 PM
*Gasp* WHY?????????????????? WHY???????????????????????????????????????????? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????????

(Clear enough?)

2007-02-21, 01:09 AM
Thog is only afraid of three things, and he's already killed the first two.

The only thing that can defeat Thog is another Thog, with a laser.

There is no tongue behind Thog's tusks. There is only another axe.

Thog's favorite flavor of ice cream is pain.

Thog's second favorite flavor of ice cream is the screams of the dying.

I post here because Thog will kill me if I don't. :thog:

2007-02-21, 02:51 AM
*casts heavy smiting of banjo*

2007-02-21, 04:54 AM
thog never dies. He simply forgets to breathe.

thog rolls natural twenties on twelve-sided die.

thog was created when Pun-Pun collapsed an entire evil plane into a black hole, then cast Dispel Hate, Mass.

thog isn't evil-aligned. Evil is thog-aligned.

Every time thog's name is capitalized, a clown chokes to death on a puppy.

The shortest sentence in the bible was originally "thog raged." It was also the only sentence.

2007-02-21, 06:31 AM
♫Ice cream ♫
♫Thog Scream ♫
♫For Ice cream ♫

2007-02-21, 09:51 AM
Wait, I just did too...

Mr Teufel
2007-02-21, 10:17 AM
When thog does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up - he's pushing the Earth down.

Superman owns a pair of thog pyjamas.

Thog sleeps with a night light. Not because thog is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of thog.

Once a cobra bit thog's leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

Xylin Nialo
2007-02-22, 01:16 AM
thog no get wet water gets thoged

when thog give blood thog say "give thog bucket" and procedes to hack thog

thog loves me yes i know cause the......

2007-02-22, 07:22 PM
thog's tears can Cure Serious Wounds... too bad he's never cried.

2007-02-22, 07:45 PM
thog's tears can Cure Serious Wounds... too bad he's never cried.

:thog: thog cries on the inside...

2007-02-22, 09:10 PM
thog has two speeds; Eat ice cream, and rocket skates.

thog once power attacked vanilla ice cream into fudge ripple.

thog's win-lose record is 103848 to 1. He only lost once to a tellytubby. No one beats a Tellytubby.

2007-02-22, 09:16 PM
thog has two speeds: Kill and Puppies!

Most melee characters can Power Attack. thog can Power Kill.

The number one cause of death for NPCs is seeing thog. The number two is failing to see him.

Barbarians rage to get stronger. thog rages to cool off after rampaging.

thog can always take ten on his skill-checks, as nothing in the universe can 'threaten' thog.

thog doesn't "roll to attack", because that implies the possibility of failure. thog rolls to kill.

2007-02-23, 01:28 AM
This makes me happier than it should...

2007-02-23, 01:35 AM
Really? 'cause I'm getting some horrible war flashbacks.

Oh, wait, never mind, these were worse: flashbacks to being Horde in The Barrens. ... *shudder* .. No man should ever have to see that. Ever.

2007-02-23, 05:21 AM
A pack of hungry thogs can strip a freshly killed carcass of a water buffalo in a matter of minutes.

Contrary to popular belief, the Titanic was not sunk by hitting an iceberg. It ran into thog while he was swimming laps... around the world.

Death does not occur naturally; if it did there would be no need for thog.

V Junior
2007-02-23, 05:39 AM
Orc god is not thog's god. thog is orc god's god.

If you kill a puppy, even with reason, you will be sentenced to Death By thog.

Every barbarian is a varient of thog; yes, even Belkar. :smalleek:

2007-02-23, 06:20 AM
thog's hands can cure wounds. Too bad he always uses an axe.

thog already killed a god. Twice.

When kids go to sleep at night they check their closets for thog.

thog is the reason Waldo is hiding.

2007-02-23, 10:49 AM
When thog was checked for steroids, the test came up positive. when the testers asked him why, thog said "where do testers think steroids come from?"

Woot Spitum
2007-02-23, 11:12 AM
There is no situation or predicament thog cannot get out of. No matter how impossible things seem, no matter how many contingiencies have been made, never mind the fact that thog can no longer take any actions thog is normally capable of, thog can simply come out on top with just two words::thog: "thog improvise!"

2007-02-23, 03:26 PM
Pushups don't train thog, thog trains pushups.

2007-02-23, 07:58 PM
Things were quiet in the peaceful little country village... until a farmer came running down the main (and only) street shouting, "Thog's coming! Thog's coming!"

Immediately, mothers snatched up their children and menfolk hitched up their wagons, as a hasty mass exodus began. Unfortunately, the barkeep at the tavern tarried to hide some gold coins where he hoped they might escape notice, and was consequently still behind the counter when a muscular half-orc with a huge greataxe strapped to his back and an array of scalps streaming from his belt rode up before the tavern on a wild dire bear, which he stopped by the simple expedient of braining it with a clenched fist.

Leaping from his dazed mount, the half-orc strode through the swinging doors of the tavern -- tearing them off with his casual push -- and up the bar, fixing the trembling barkeep with a ferocious scowl as he snarled in a voice garbled by his tusks: "want ale."

Terrified, praying to his gods that he might survive this experience, the barkeep obediently produced a botte of his best ale, proferring it with shaking hands. Rather to his surprise, when the half-orc took it from him, he turned about and began hurrying towards the doorway. Fear momentarily overriden by surprise, he blurted, "You aren't going to drink it here?"

The half-orc did not slow his pace as he called over one brawny shoulder, "no. leave now. thog coming!" :thog: