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The Architect
2014-06-05, 04:24 AM

ROLL INITIATIVE! :smallbiggrin:

So you have traveled for about two days and reached the source of the strange pillar of green light, the rest you'll see above.

Moving from one petal to another costs 2 squares of movement rather than one.

May assume that you have already drawn your weapons

The inner bud appears to be accessible, and the source of the pillar, but you'll need squeeze between inner 'leafs' to see if there is a central space, which would be slow and risky given the 'river-men' seem to be less than friendly.

Any questions?

2014-06-05, 07:49 AM

Barring any drastic changes, Chosen will avoid the river-men and will make for G14 straight away, which I believe will use 25 ft of movement... and from there will start spiraling around it counter-clockwise trying to find a way into the inner part.

I don't really envision initiative order changing that around very much, so at least you have my actions posted and can act on them without having to wait for all of the initiative to get through with before posting. I like efficient posting in games.

Chosen quickly looks around at the situation, his eyes going from a hard squint to a wide shock. "Are they... they're hostile, aren't they?" He begins looking for a way to take cover from those that might try to hurt him, leaving the potential fighting to his stronger, more able party members. Gripping his staff, he uses it to help him clamber over these "petal" things around them. They'll make it difficult for the river-men to reach him, and will give himself a better vantage to checking out this pillar, and maybe finding a way inside this flower-thing.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-05, 08:13 AM
Sunflash nocks an arrow and prepares to fire, opening himself to the sun spirit as he entered battled.

Initiative: [roll0]

May I assume that I have some maneuvers prepared?

Time Blossom
2014-06-05, 08:38 AM
"We don't know that..." Gourmand doesn't sound entirely convinced. The way he clutches his spear doesn't help, even if he is just using it as a walking stick for the moment.

"Either way, we shouldn't antagonize them unless they give us a reason," he adds in a low voice, glancing towards Sunflash.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-06-05, 11:49 AM
-Anima looks at the strange....humans...no those were no longer the word for them. oh well she'll classify them latter- Well We best seize the initiative no? -raw magic arcs through her fingers tips as with a flick of her hand and a few words a bolt of force shoots out at the farthest one to the north- these things arnt' human anymore, show no remorse and strike true.

Casting magic missle at the farthest river man,

The Architect
2014-06-06, 01:38 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The creatures make a dash towards the encroaching Five and there is no familiarity in their eyes, no recognition of kinship. Even in their violent rush they are alien, for they bound and jump forward with just reckless abandon that it seems they have no fear of death or danger.

Moments after the 'men' began to slash with their daggers making wild 'yups' and squawking sounds that might be pained mad Venari speech Anima lets off her attack. The magical burst collides into one of the men tearing chunks of over-solid flesh into air along with bright red blood and spurts of magical light. A moment later though the rest of the man's body seems to take on a crystalline shade and the transparency of its form becomes more intense, as if the entirety of its form is adapting to the attack somehow.

See OoC for combat info.

Irys is up in Initiative.

You may want to use Healing/Hero Points.

2014-06-06, 05:08 PM
"Anima speaks truth, I think." Irys calls out as the river-men surge forward to attack. "Go for the two together, cousin." The witch's hand flicks towards the one on her side of the skirmish, unseen power gathering about it as she shapes it in an unconscious replication of power so often used.

Slumber Hex on the River-man in G16. DC 17 Will negates.

The Architect
2014-06-06, 05:31 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The figure in front of Gourmand, who had just been impolite enough to stab him in the abdomen, falls to ground in a heap instantly having lost consciousness under the influence of Irys' hex. As Gourmand looks down on the man he sees the figure of the man change, the veins beneath his skin turning to angular black arcs and lines beneath the man's flesh.

See OoC for combat info.

Gourmand is up in Initiative.

You may want to Coup De Grace this fellow while you have the chance.

Time Blossom
2014-06-08, 05:31 PM
"Wait, I–Aargh!"

Gourmand raises his spear in defense, words of objection dying in his throat as the strange figure slides his knife between the bony plates of his armor and a hot wash of pain and fear sweeps through his body.

He struggles briefly with the creature away, until it falls away in a heap, the knife pulling back out of the wound with a sickening sound.

Clutching the seeping wound, the words of Anima and Irys echoing in his mind, he looks down at the man fallen before him, changed and changing further.

No longer human, she'd said. Can't be...

But the sound and half-glimpsed sight of Sunflash's combat shows there is no time for debate. Grimacing, he tightens his grip on his spear and lowers the point to the awakening river-man's throat.

"Spirits, may this death be swift and purposeful," he whispers, feeling the spear grow sharper and lighter in response.

To the river-man, he adds a sincere "I'm sorry," and thrusts the spear-tip down.

Swift action to call on the spirits and imbue his spear, making it a +1 weapon.

Then, full-round action for a coup de grace. Damage: [roll0]

The Architect
2014-06-08, 06:14 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The spear tip runs through the creature's heart and it twitches violently in response, it's dagger being thrown through the air as it thrashes. As Gourmand yanks his weapon away he sees the wound has turned a sickly silver colour and that the flesh around the wound seems to be turning to a reflective silver material, like a shell of some esoteric mineral. Thankfully, and horrifically, the spurts of spreading in human flesh move only with the creature's last few ragged breaths before halting in change suddenly as the creature's last breath leaves its lips.

Sunflash is up. :smallsmile:

Beowulf DW
2014-06-08, 10:13 PM
Conri the Sunflash staggers from the strikes, but holds firm. Grasping his earthbreaker, he lets out an inhuman bellow and lashes out.

Power Attack+Crushing Blow

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]
Crushing Blow Damage: [roll2]

If this hits the enemy is flat-footed until its next turn.

The Architect
2014-06-08, 11:33 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Conri's attack went wide and there was a fearful moment as the creatures slashed in return with their daggers but lucky Conri the Sunflash took a sudden step back despite the bulk of his armor and weaved outside of the range of one dagger, parrying the other away with the edge of his own blade.

Combat Rolls in OoC.

Conri missed.
'River-Men' missed.

Anima is up.

2014-06-09, 12:05 AM
-Anima sighs, such brutish ways with dealing with enemies. She ran to the side and called forth magical power to her fingers tips, and a cone of dazzling light erupts out at the two remaining men-

Gonna move to the left so I can nail both with a color spray and not hit sunflash, DC 16 will save

The Architect
2014-06-09, 01:20 AM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The fractal beam of sparkling and varied light rays wash over the remaining two figures who collapse in a heap at Conri's feet just moments after the trio had been flailing their weapons at each other, but it is obvious how short that respite will be if something more permanent isn't done.

Also the pair begin to morph again, almost as soon as the spell touches them, with streaks of colored stone forming in their strange hides like horns, or antennas.

Combat Rolls, and info, in OoC.

2014-06-09, 01:23 AM
-Anima smirks and leans on her staff a bit as the exhaustion of using magic sets in- And that my comrades, is the power of the Aether given form...I suggest finishing them off before they awaken.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-09, 08:21 AM
Conri raises his earthbreaker, and finishes the things that were once men. "You mustn't hesitate in battle, Gourmand. Especially when your enemies are not even human."

Damage 1: [roll0]

Damage 2: [roll1]

2014-06-09, 08:37 AM
"They were human once, Conri." Irys responds quietly, almost subdued. "That is one of the tragedies of power." The witch passes a hand across her eyes, half-seen energy rising around them to grant her truer sight. "Now let us see what secrets this power hides, so that we might avoid such tragedy ourselves."

Casting Detect Magic and focusing on the heart of the flower. And for what it's worth:

K. Nature: [roll0]

Not bad at all for my first roll of the game :smallsmile:

Beowulf DW
2014-06-09, 09:04 AM
"There is a great deal of difference between controlling power, and letting that power control you, Irys. Somehow, I doubt these things knew the difference," Conri retorts as he begins to clean off his weapon.

The Architect
2014-06-09, 09:49 AM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The 'River-Men' shatter under the force of the hammer but even the corpse pieces and viscera seem to harden to an impossible density as the strikes come down.

With just a look at the flower like structure Irys can tell that there is no way the formation was natural, at least that she has never heard or seen a similar formation or naturally growing crystal. If it wasn't likely before then it was clear then that the area had been altered by magic. Glancing towards the pit's walls Irys saw striations and remembered a similar, and much smaller, pit Kiana had once led her to. The pit had been formed by a falling star-stone, but here the striations had clearly been left exposed for so long as to have faded, and without her experience with them even she most likely wouldn't have noticed them. It was hard for her to tell how old the pit was, a decade perhaps, two maybe?

Then seeing Chosen's eyes flicker from white to back to normal as he leaves his own trance Irys calls forth her magical senses and glances over the central bud.

She immediately is forced to cover her eyes, feeling as though they are buffeted by wind and heat. She is forced onto the back-foot and stumbles back as she notices no one around her is having the same trouble. She cannot turn to look at the central bud but the others seem unaffected. The bud now, no the whole lotus, seems now to Irys to be like the heart of a hurricane crossed with staring into the brightest sun she could imagine. In that heart of rolling mage-light and spell-flame she saw all shades of magic, all tints of sorcery; this was no bland unflavored arcane energy but a torrent of all magics, all spells, rolling in the deep of the crystal shell.

The strangest thing was that it seemed to be rushing outwards, inexhaustible.

Irys got the feeling that however the men had been changed it was ultimately much stranger and much more intensely than one might assume at first glance; nothing could remain near something anything like this and remain close to human for long.

The Chosen as this was going on was touching the infinite, being flooded with a fraction of the Akashic records of all things.

'The Lotus is a shell for a trans-planar multi-phasic point gate, allowing the transition of energies from an infinite source to the material plane while also allowing the selective remote application of other-dimensional principles and the interaction of multi-dimensional laws to allow for the remote alteration of one plane of reality by its inhabitants. The Point fell into this dimensional harmonic approximately 589,168,000 seconds ago. This incited the application, and possibility of the application of multidimensional interaction between physical and ethereal laws, colloquially dubbed Magic, by indigenous life forms. This cross-application of laws through the Point was summarized in the 5 AF Text, later dubbed 'The First Treatise of Anima', as Anima after its discover and the inventor of many of its applications that came into widespread use starting in the first century. This treatise, partially transcribed from Anima's original cuniform notes on her discoveries, remarked on the Point referring to it as 'The Seed', and at one point 'The Seed of All Magic'.

While her description is both flavorful and in a dialect that would fall out of use she correctly summarizes that the Seed functioned as a power source of the cross application of physical and spiritual laws from parallel planes to the Material plane, for all creatures; and that it allowed the use of such cross application, or magic, by creatures indigenous to the material plane, rather than such being only possible for phenomenon or descendants cross pollinated from other planes.

The crystalline shell was formed by the rapid transmutation of silicone, oxygen and carbon molecules in the crash site as a protective shell for the seed while the energies required for the interaction of multidimensional laws proliferated across the material plane.

It was discovered by Chosen that the method by which to access the interior of the central bud is by having Anima, who possessed, possesses and will possess an usual connection to 'The Seed', to place her open palms upon the exterior of the inner bud forming a circular circuit.'

Combat resolution stuff in the OoC.

Yes, the meditation gives Chosen the magical equivalent of technobabble and how much he can figure it out or how he tries to explain it is up to AngryCyc. :smalltongue:

What do you do?

2014-06-09, 10:23 AM
"Whoa... Umm. Anima? Can you come over here?" he calls out, completely ignoring the battle that had just occurred.

"Just... Just put your hands on this thing. Palms. I think you'll like it......"

2014-06-09, 01:38 PM
-Anima looks at chosen- Just touch the thing of unknown power with my hands.....that sounds like a bad idea -she sighs- But I guess it's probably hte easiest way to find out what it does -She reaches a hand forward but hesitates a moment an inch from the surface, as if she was standing at the threshold of a tent while a hurricane raged, like once she did this there was no going back. It was not lust for power, or a desire to become anything more than she is that caused her to touch it. No it was simply curiosity of what would happen.-

The Architect
2014-06-09, 03:59 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

There is a keening screech of crystal on crystal as Anima's palms rest on the shell of the inner bud and slowly the petals of refractive material begin to pivot and turn on their fulcrum until they are unfurling before the group. Billowing green light speckled with sparkles of myriad hues begins to fill the air as rays of that light begin to twist and turn in the air like ribbons of energy.

Suddenly Anima's eyes begin to glow and burn a bright scarlet, and she realizes she is unable to pull her hands away from the petal. A moment later there is a burst of white light and a cascade of spells and split reality unlike anything Anima had ever seen.

Then, there is only the white light.


Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Irys & Sunflash ~

Irys and Sunflash fall in a heap from about ten feet in the air and if not for the soft landing they received they might have received a more grievous injury than awkwardly having to fumble free from being on top of each other. They clutch the item beneath them that caught their fall and realize it is a formed of a strange too smooth fabric unlike anything they had felt before. They stood and realized they were standing, barely, upon a cushion about the size of a king sized bed of deep scarlet embroidered with beautiful patterns of golden thread. Glancing around the pair saw they were within a cavernous space not unlike a tunnel, a gaping domicile with a veiled exit to either end and draped on every surface with great swaths of multi-coloured embroidered materials of pale and beautiful hues.

Everything seemed, from the tables of carved off-white wood to the cups of strange shining material, to be scaled as if for a figure much larger than any man.

Before anything else of note could be picked out in the space a voice seemed to echo from just beyond one of the veiled exists "Dom'Sa Sa'ra Al'ra Co'rah!"

The voice is booming and clearly not from any normal human.


Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

When the trio awake they are standing at the center of a large green area, bordered on all sides by rose bushes that reach high enough to block the groups vision of beyond. To the north and south of the space are arches in the roses that seem to lead into paths bordered by hedges of rose bushes that curve away into some unknown space. Looking up reveals only trees, hundreds of feet tall with canopies so wide their trunks are hidden behind the surrounding rose bushes. Despite this overhanging veil the space is as brightly lit as the brightest summer day.

As the tree sit up on the grass a figure sweeps over them from the edge of the clearing. He wears a long coat of impossibly impeccable tailoring. It is a deep crimson over a white loose linen shirt and black pants with high crested tight black leather boots. The figure is easily over seven foot tall but the impossibly long and tall nature of his limbs and neck make him appear impossible in his lithe and unnatural movements. His neck is over-long as well and atop it rest a long face with sharp aquiline features. His hair is a flowing black mane that is tied in main places by bright red ribbons and his eyes are solid red orbs resting to either side of a long sharp nose. His smile is a perpetual grin that calls to mind corpses when the rigor mortus has long since set in and his perfectly aligned white teeth seem sharp when seen out of the corner of the eye.

When the creature finally speaks his eyes are dancing over the trio as his body looms and stretches over their sitting forms "Oh, in all the faerie glens and brier patch paths you hath stumbled in all the wrong places, come here with such the wrong faces. Pretty little things, all wrapped up in meat and bones, tell Papa Piccolo where whence you came, where will you go?"

He has a flute in his hands, you never saw him draw it, a piccolo. He blurts out a sudden and disharmonious tune "where whence though came to our, new fair yet my abode? Click click, snicker snack, childen talk back. Snicker. Snack."

The strange creature ended his speech with a tone almost of threat, but returned to his piccolo to blurt out notes at random as if in some strange parody of a musician.

What do you do?

2014-06-09, 04:38 PM
Chosen takes a quick read of the surroundings and the situation, and steps forward just a bit to be visible as he quips:
"From where we come, we have no name.
And to this place which, he pauses for a half second to find the rhyme, "much the same.
Is not yet known to us or ours.
Be this from dirt, or of the stars?

Or has our journey taken us
To that which has awaked-in-us
The powers that we now do lead
By hand forth from the glowing seed?

We are but travelers for now
Who seek to understand just how
We've came to be in this new place
And meet with such a charming face.

So since we have no need for lies
I'll tell you simply with no guise
That, hailing from a land more frozen,
You may simply call me Chosen.

We hope our coming be alright
Lest we be sent into the night.
For much we have to share and learn!
But now, I think, it is your turn!

Where are we?
Who are you?
Do you know about us too?

Or were you simply brought along
To bless this space with charming song?

.......I'm out of rhymes". he ends, quite suddenly and without much charm. His pace had been steadily speeding up the entire time as he fell into the groove of what he spoke but as he finishes, he simply steps back into place and quiets down... Waiting to see what this creature says.

The Architect
2014-06-09, 05:08 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

The creature seems stunned for a moment and his long pointed ears seems to dip ever so slightly as if his whole form is sagging, stunned.

Then he leaps into the air whooping and laughing, even giggling to himself, before cheerfully returning to the trio to shake Chosen's hand with both of his own, long spindly five fingers and a thumb on either of them, before waving to the space with a grin;

"Oh such a joyful mystery of mate,
that I might your acquaintance make,

So lest Piccolo a poor host be,
and answer that you have for me,

see in 'The Kingdom Without Doors' be We,
a place from whence no man may flee

but again back to what I'm called,
with piccolo and rhyme a skald,

for with those fair folk had I dwelt,
among whom I'd set hearts to melt,

but lost I'm now, set beneath these trees,
a pallor of my home, a temporary tease,

for we are not among the stars,
or in my home between the winds ..."

He paused and spun and suddenly his arms rose up and pictures formed in muted shapes and colors over his head

"I am Piccolo Tearbringer, I am Piccolo the priceless, I am Piccolo the wanderer. I have set the Winter Queen to lamenting with but the tune of my flute and a story in seven words. I have sung to stars and danced with moons. I have watched stories grow old and the cave mothers chant naked in the moon light,"

He swings around and points the Piccolo back towards the trio "but then, near eighteen and a half years, but how I know this none can say, I came upon a light in a clearing. An egg, except it was not an egg but a seed, except it was not a seed but a key, except it was not a key but a door. It pulsed with all the eleventy hundred shades of scarlet and in that moment I had a need for it, a need near mighty as the carnal, so I seized upon it and tried with all my strength to bind it in music, to capture it in story, but like and like, and so and so, falls the titan to the sheep. There was a white light and I was hear."

He points to an exit to the clearing, one of the two "through there is a path and if you walk soon you will not see roses but whatever is your way, perhaps tunnels of wood, or paths of stone, and they will wind and wind and wind, ever on, for this is 'The Kingdom Without Doors', the place between all other places, the place from which all magics flow, the Ur-heart of all."

The figure falls back into the grass and starts to writhe, half in a strange anger and half in an unsettling Ecstasy for some unplaceable reason. Suddenly he rises, his arms crossed across his chest and lifting in a straight line like a board on the balls of his feet. His hands brush over Anima's face, then Gourmand's and Chosen's "And yet I know not at all of all of you. Not your peoples or the place from which you hail ... you are such pretty delicious looking things though ..."

What do you do?

2014-06-09, 05:24 PM
"I think I might be bringing a new story to this place, then. So let you my first listener enjoy what I have to say." Chosen says... Taking a deep breath. He then begins "From what I have begun to understand of such things, we are from a place.. A place of existence, which until now has existed completely removed from any other planes. Someone, some how... Some things of happened and now our home is beginning to join with other places. Maybe this place. Maybe more. I... I think things are joining together that wee not joined before. And that someone has touched our home, and has joined to it... I have felt a presence that was not here before. Err. There before. I do not think we are there anymore. But I would very much like to return there. I digress, these places... These planes. It seems these seeds we have both found connect them. Maybe others. Maybe infinite places exist and connect.

You say that way will lead to our own path? Have you known many others to come the same way we have?"

The Architect
2014-06-09, 05:47 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

The figure, Piccolo, shakes his head "people wander in from time to time, from other planes, but none who look like you. A few have wandered through though, men and monsters most. Rare though, but less rare it seems as time goes on, like they're slipping through ever widening cracks."

Beowulf DW
2014-06-09, 07:58 PM
Sunflash rises as quietly as he can and motions for Irys to move toward the other veiled exit. All the while, he faces the exit that the voice came from, and slowly backs away.


2014-06-09, 08:18 PM
Any attempt at a reply to Cori is roughly aborted by the blinding vortex of energy that sears itself into Irys's mind as she raises her perceptions such as to see the currents of energy that lie within all things.

"Sweet starlight..." she whispers, barely registering Chosen's request of Anima as she takes an unconscious backstep away from the radiant hurricane. She hardly notices the movement up towards the inner bud - whited out of her vision by the power pouring outwards. She can't even take a step forward or make a move to dissuade the younger girl from placing her hands on the bud itself, the wind of magic pouring forth far too strong for any attempt to stop its further release.

Then there is light.

And then there is another place.

Yet even as Sunflash gestures for her to hide, she shakes her head, laying a gentle hand upon his sword-arm.

"We are known, cousin. To hide would make us brigands." Then she raises her voice, and calls out as Kiana taught her in years past. The language of the air the raven had called it, a fitting study for one gifted with such a familiar. "Travellers displaced from home, who seek the wisdom to return to it. No intrusion nor imposition was meant."

Might as well try.

K. Planes: [roll0]

The Architect
2014-06-09, 08:34 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Irys & Sunflash ~

A figure fades into existence floating above the duo, a dozen or so feet in height. The figure is rotund man wrapped in a midnight robe that seemed to be formed of some far off night sky, and his head was wrapped in a turban of golden cloth. His facial hair curved in a sword like beard down past his knees with a curl mustache that reached nearly two feet to either side of his large rounded features. His eyes were rolling pits of dust and wind. He wore chains about his neck of gold and silver and his fingers bore obsidian and golden rings.

"Vom mu vay Al Hajeem, Doka del dom soma sor asta. Ic sala nu sem pur la ac ze-" he seems to stop mid sentence and notice the lack of comprehension on Sunflash's face.

The figure claps his hand and there is a shower of greenish light, and a moment later he continues in a booming accented tone sounding as though he spoke fluent Serari "as I was saying, I am Al Hajeem, Lord of the Seventh Shining City of the Winds, and I must say I have never seen a creature of your like. How did you come to speak the mother tongue of my people little ones? And how come you here to the 'Kingdom Without Doors'? And most of all, to whom am I to serve tea?"

With a slight chuckle he claps his hands and several of the fabrics draped over the space are cast aside revealing another table with a brass kettle that begins to heat itself while whistling a tune before floating over to the table nearest the trio.

"Do you like games, just by the by, little ones?"

2014-06-09, 08:35 PM
-anima groans as she sits up rubbing her head.. Her vision slowly returns from the rush of power and she sees piccolo and chosen rhyming. Her brain has to process that for a moment- I'm either hallucinating or dead. Cause that's not possibe.... -with another groan she stands up, she also sees the exit. Without much else to do she walks towards it- Come on imaginary chosen we have to figure out how to get out of here.

2014-06-09, 08:55 PM
"If I understand this... I believe that the way to get "out" of here is to go through it. The central area of this... Region... Will likely contain the seed of, I think, ALL magic. And will return us to our home."
And turning back to the Piccolo creature he says "Charming sir, we desire to return home and will make our way deeper in this... Kingdom to do so. And oh by the stars will you be a legend when we return. Why, one such as you would be the subject of songs and tales for centuries or longer! I can not wait to share with my people all that you are!" He says all this with a slight fear that the creature will not simply let them leave. Too many hints about his desire to see how they taste have been raised... But maybe appealing to his to pride and sense of grandeur will make him want to be "famous" more than "full".

"Is there any guidance you can lend us to helps us advance deeper within this kingdom? If not... I must bid you a fond farewell and I can only hope that the songs we compose of your great and everlasting charm do justice to the pleasure it has been to meet you. May our children's children's children ever remember your song." He finishes with a great bow.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-09, 09:02 PM
Sunflash sighs, thankful to actually be able to have a conversation.

Setting the earthbreaker aside, he smiles and answers, "My name is Conri the Sunflash. As for games...I suppose it depends on the game, really."

The Architect
2014-06-10, 10:37 AM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Irys & Sunflash ~

Al Hajeem rubs his hands together "then I may have a way out of here . . . perhaps. My people can pass between the realms, but since I have arrived here I have been ironically unable to do so, but I have a more powerful magic that may do the trick. Sadly, it has ... conditions."

He motions for a stool to move across the floor to beneath him and falls upon it from the air, turning to the pair "see my magic has rules, I may offer three wishes to those who catch me, but ha, to be caught is a strangely existential concept my people have long since found the nuances of. I of course cannot catch myself, nor offer this magic to others of my kind, so I was trapped here until some like you might arrive."

He swings a table between the trio and motions for Irys and Sunflash to sit "I cannot allow myself to be caught, the magic does not work that way, but I can wager my imprisonment, so listen and listen well new little friends for if you have guile and cunning beyond the sizes of your heads we might all go free of here within the hour."

He motions again between the two of then "I shall challenge each of you to a game, and I will wager my freedom against you both, on the condition you each get one wish, and the third is used to wish us all home. As the challenger I will choose the games, but you may help each other if you choose. First, I shall challenge Conri the Sunflash to a riddle game, we will each ask the other three riddles, one at a time, and whom so ever guesses the most of their opponent's answers wins."

He smiles finally "Any objections, little ones?"


Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

As the trio turn away the figure of Papa Piccolo bounds through the air and takes the form of a large russet haired fox large enough for a man to ride. He shakes his head and sniffs the air "'The Seed' sent me nowhere but here, but perhaps it will be different with you, well spoken one."

He bows his head as if for Chosen to climb aboard his bulk, and when he does he begins to trod along whistling the sound of a piccolo despite the giant fox obviously not having one "we will make best speed if one of the Fair Folk leads a path."

As the group begin to trod along the rose bushes slowly begin to give way to branching paths of white flawless material that is ever so slightly warm to the touch, the capillaries of some vast titan.

Soon though the paths become forest again, and while he does not state it it seems unfamiliar to the fox. Then they see the first figure ...

The figure is rotund and hideous, with melting flesh such that the whole creature looked like a fat short melting wax figure; and it was stone, solid stone, unmoving and unliving, petrified.

There was a great loud squawk in the distance, a cry of some part avian beast.

What do you do?

Knowledge (Nature) to identify the source of the sound.

2014-06-10, 11:25 AM
"I learnt your words by the teaching of my Guide, sent to me by the Aspect Devotion." Irys replies in Serari, a faint blush colouring her cheeks at the praise implicit in Al Hajeem noting of her speech. "She called it the language of the Air, and as herself is a creature of it thought it only fitting that I should learn it as well as my own. I hope I did my words due justice."

"My name is Irys," she continues, "and I do enjoy a good game."

She falls silent as the being before herself and Cori outlines the details of his scheme, eye's widening as she realises exactly what he's offering in exchange for his freedom. Whilst she expects the riddles to be hard - for they would have to be to allow such a granting of power - the risk is all but certainly worth the possible reward even without the promise of freedom.

"I have no objections of my own, for myself I accept your terms." She looks over at Cori. "They are more than fair." It's quite clear that the statement is meant just as much for her cousin as it is for their host.

2014-06-10, 02:28 PM
-Anima looks around, and then at the stone...thing...wow that was ugly, she calls forth the magical essence to her fingers to fling a magic missile at it if it proves hostile.- I find this place wearing on my patience, one danger after another

Knowledge nature

Beowulf DW
2014-06-10, 03:09 PM
Conri glances at Irys, grins briefly, then says, "I'm actually quite partial to riddle games. Let us begin then. Though, if you'd like, I'd be happy to make my first wish to free us all."

The Architect
2014-06-10, 05:06 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Irys & Sunflash ~

With a sad look Al Hajeem shakes his head "Sadly I have to be caught fair and square, and so lose my wager of freedom fairly first, before you can make any wish. So it goes as they say."

He leans back and pauses for a moment thinking.

Finally, after a minute or so he points to each of the pair in turn saying "I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?"


Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

Anima recognizes the sound as the call of one of the fiercer beasts that oft assailed the tribe before the cold came, in the early days of her youth. The cockatrice, a part avian part reptile creature that could turn a man to stone with a bite.

What do you do?

2014-06-10, 05:13 PM
-Cursing under her breath, she looks at the others- There is a damned cockatrice. We best hurry the thing is dangerous and I worry the three of us will be incapable of taking it.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-10, 06:12 PM
"Since we can help each other..." Conri leans in close to Irys and whispers "A shadow, perhaps? Though, I've never heard a shadow described as swimming before."

The Architect
2014-06-10, 07:11 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

The fox that is Piccolo looks up at Anima "What sort of beast could a Cockatrice be that it incites fear in you so?"

The fox seems to almost chuckle at Anima's reaction, only unaware or lacking in care for the danger they are in.

2014-06-10, 07:30 PM
-She looks at piccolo- A beast who's very bite can turn a man to stone.

The Architect
2014-06-10, 07:34 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'
~ Anima, Chosen & Gourmand ~

The fox blinks, surprised, only partially that the woman who had been treating him as a hallucination was replying at "How ... does it eat?"

2014-06-10, 08:38 PM
-She raises an eyebrow- I honestly have no earthly clue, we either kill them before we can find out, or run from them.

2014-06-11, 07:33 PM
"Yes lets hurry out of here as fast as we can. It would appear this creature before is has already been petrified and I am not eager to join him. Lets away."

The Architect
2014-06-11, 08:33 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The trio and the fox that is a fox but is not a fox rush through the tunnels of that strange place, with the constant squawking ringing out shrilly in the distance.

What they find is as peculiar as their arrival as bounding into a chamber of strange and fine patterned fabric of over sized scale they come to see Irys and Conri seated around a large wooden table in silence facing a twelve foot tall blue figure in strange clothing unlike anything the entering trio has ever seen.

The people at the table look over as Conri has just whispered something to Irys. The blue figure looks over all of the new arrivals, the not-fox, Gourmand, Chosen and Anima and then back to the duo at the table;

"friends of yours little ones?"

Planned to have two separate scenes for this mini-venture, but given the slow posting rate I decided to go with one instead in hopes of precipitating an uptick in posting. :smallsmile:

Beowulf DW
2014-06-11, 09:07 PM
Conri is pleasantly surprised at the appearance of his friends, though the opportunity to wish them to safety had damped his worry before now.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Though this does mean I must now think of a new use for that wish. To answer your riddle, I'm pretty sure that the answer is 'a shadow'."

The Architect
2014-06-11, 09:38 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The figure lets out a booming and gleeful laugh "Correct little one, perhaps you have half the mind you need indeed. I await with bated breath your riddle, and remember if you try to cheat, much as I doubt you would, then I won't be able to make those wishes for you if you both win your games, just a warning for the better of us all."

2014-06-11, 09:47 PM
"We get chased by a threatening monster and you lot end up playing riddle games. Of course." he says with a sigh.

"Are we save from harm?" Chosen asks to no one in particular, but while looking at the new figure.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-11, 10:37 PM
Conri ignores Chosen's quip and focuses on coming up with a riddle.

"Precious, I do not glitter.
Beautiful, I have no face.
One man can never catch me,
but two can yet keep pace.
What am I?"

The Architect
2014-06-12, 01:27 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Al Hajeem seems perplexed for a moment, then with intense uncertainty leans forward and whispers "... love?"

He then turns to look over to Chosen "I would guess, few of the beasts in this place move far from their hovels or dare to enter here."

Turning back to the pair at the table "I've never gone but I am to come. I never was there, I am always to be. You have never ever seen me, not ever you will. What am I?"

Beowulf DW
2014-06-12, 03:34 PM
Conri nods, half disappointed and half exhilarated that the game will continue. "Well done, my friend."

He ponders Al Hajeem's new riddle, before having another whispered conference with Irys, "I think it's either time or the future. What do you think?"

2014-06-12, 04:50 PM
Irys spares a wave and smile to the rest of their group, whispering a prayer of thanks to her Aspect for their safety before focusing again on the game in time to catch the next riddle from their host.

"The future seems more likely than time, Cori," she whispers back, "I also have a suggestion for a riddle of your own if you would like it, but only if you wish."

Beowulf DW
2014-06-12, 06:51 PM
"I guess we'll go with 'future' then. And I think it's your turn next, actually. Weren't we both suppose to offer riddles?"

The Architect
2014-06-12, 07:50 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Al Hajeem claps happily then stops himself remembering if he wins his new friends and himself may be trapped here for all eternity "Ah, no, though she can if she may. Remember it's a game each, not a riddle game each. It will not be riddles the young lady will be playing with, though she may now if she likes."

He turns around and faces the rest of the group "and that idea you may join in too! OH, you've just given me the most fantastic idea for it as well!"

He turns back to the duo with his same gleeful grin "right again of course by the way young Sunflash! Not just a sharp sword and a pretty face!"

He winks to Sunflash, ignoring Irys momentarily, and waits for the next riddle.

2014-06-12, 08:09 PM
"So were... Playing games then? That's a thing that's happening now? Right. I think maybe we should be trying to get back home guys....."

Beowulf DW
2014-06-12, 09:53 PM
"Winning this game is the only way we get home, Chosen. So try to be more encouraging, if you don't mind."

Turning to his host, "Thank you for the clarification."

Conri ponders for a moment.

"What herb cures all wounds?"

2014-06-12, 09:58 PM
"Actually, all we need to do to get home is keep moving through this... place, towards the center of it, and get to the middle, seed, thing. Getting to the seed will get us home." he says quietly in response.

The Architect
2014-06-12, 10:36 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Al Hajeem looks confusedly over to Chosen "Hmmm? Who told you that? I've been to that glowing green rock and I'm still here."

He turns back to the duo "time, time heals all wounds," he smirks and clears his throat "or should I say... the herb is thyme, and so is my answer."

He leans forward again "And now for my last riddle ... what is broken in the naming of it?"

Beowulf DW
2014-06-12, 11:06 PM
Conri sighs, though he smiles at his host's cunning.

"Broken in the naming of it...Let me see...Things that can be broken...Vows, bones, hearts...Silence? It's silence!"

It's late here, and I need sleep. Will post a riddle tomorrow.

2014-06-13, 01:08 AM
-Anima watches them throw riddles back and forth, Conri was surprisingly intelligent. She didn't know whether to be pleasantly impressessed or intrigued about that- Honestly I don't think there is much of a rush. We know our destination and if we can exit sooner by this method, I don't see an issue.

The Architect
2014-06-13, 10:19 AM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Al Hajeem looks to Anima "I'm telling you, that glowing rock never sent me home, I can't see why it might send you."

He turns back to the duo "right again, three for three. Which means you'll need me to get your last riddle wrong to win ... did you say Irys here had a riddle for me?"

Beowulf DW
2014-06-13, 10:57 AM
"I hope so, because I'm drawing a complete blank on riddles that might stump you, friend," said Conri, now rubbing his forehead as though he could coax a riddle out.

2014-06-13, 01:09 PM
-Anima rubs her chin in thought- I can think of a couple

2014-06-14, 02:34 PM
"I do indeed." Irys smiles, clearing her throat with a gentle cough.

"At my touch, the world turns
But with my wisdom comes death.
I am an eternal, a force that shall ever be.

A fallen mountain has felt the crushing inevitability of my might,
Yet in every day there are uncounted who celebrate my passing.

What am I?"

The Architect
2014-06-14, 05:29 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

There is a pause, and a hint of sadness, as Al Hajeem seems to believe he has the answer. He glances to the others then back to Irys and says softly with a measure of worry in his tone "Are you time Irys?"

2014-06-14, 06:44 PM
"Very, very close," Irys replies softly, her smile blossoming in the realisation of success. "but no."

"Age, my friend. We hold no celebration for time."

The Architect
2014-06-14, 09:55 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Al Hajeem's eyes went wide at Irys response "I . . . I . . ."

There was a moment where it might seem the trick of it might have angered the Djinn but then a grin spread wide across the large figure's face followed by his booming laugh "It seems I've figured it out, why your people are so little, little ones! You need not great strength, with cunning ten times great!"

He claps and disappears "Sunflash!" shouts the disembodied voice "you've won your game now, Irys must do the same, but we're done with riddles now."

The source of the voice seems to grow distance as if echoing from one of the entrances to either end of the fabric covered space "Irys little one! You'll find me by that Seed, that your friends seem so intent to find. All you need do is make it there and answer one question to win! Good luck, little ones! For all our sakes!"

With that the voice grows distant and silence descends.

What do you do?

2014-06-15, 08:53 AM
-Anima rubs her face- Well that happened, shall we start being productive again?

The Architect
2014-06-15, 12:09 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Piccolo, the fox that is not a fox, speaks up for the first time within view of Irys and Sunflash, turning to Anima "well you are just a bundle of un-niceness, aren't you?"

2014-06-15, 01:23 PM
"That was productive, Anima." Irys nods to Conri. "One game out of two, if I win the second then Hajeem will grant us three wishes, with the last to return us all to our homes. The first and second are Conri's and my own, to use as we will."

The Architect
2014-06-15, 01:44 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Despite still having Chosen on his back the giant fox bounds forward with a sudden look of wild hunger and abandon, nearly knocking Irys over as he barreled towards her and coming to stop as he loomed over the table she sat out "He's . . . he's going to give you a WISH?! A TRUE wish?!"

The fox seemed to pant as if the very concept left him short of breath "AND he will send us all back whence we came?!"

2014-06-15, 02:17 PM
"I'm telling you, wishes are unnecessary to see us home." Chosen starts. "If we can find our way to the seed, we will be able to find our own way home. The seed, this source of all magic, is what is most important. We should hurry there."

2014-06-15, 05:14 PM
-Anima rolls her eyes at the fox- You're not real so shh -She looks at Chosen- It seems this creature will be meeting us there for our wishes, so there seems to be no issue. We can kill two birds with one stone.

The Architect
2014-06-15, 06:15 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The Fox turns to move the way the group came and it takes the arrivals only a moment to remember where they had just come from. The Fox glances back to Anima, Chosen still on his back "speaking of birds, what about that Cockatrice between here and the Seed? Got a plan or shall we just run into?"

2014-06-15, 06:25 PM
"With our full group returned to us, I think facing it (or them) might be a bit manageable."

2014-06-15, 06:59 PM
-Anima nods- It's the bite that turns you to stone, so as long as we keep our distance, we'll be fine.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-15, 09:49 PM
Conri pats Irys on the shoulder by way of thanks, then picks up the earthbreaker he'd put to the side.

"I have a bow, so keeping my distance shouldn't be too difficult. Shall we go then?" says Conri as he makes his way toward the exit.

The Architect
2014-06-16, 03:25 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'


The group entered the statuary area of the tunnel, ringed as it was by pale bone like stone and for the most part an near perfect circular tunnel about twenty feet in diameter. The squawking was still audible in the distance and eventually they were able to pick out the creature's location just around the corner. It had been left unsaid that if they tried to run past it at least some of them would escape, leaving the creature to attack only the stragglers, and it seemed to have been silently agreed they would slay the unusual beast.

Going to skip right to the fight so we can get to Seed lickity-split! :smalltongue:

ROLL INITIATIVE! :smallbiggrin:

We will be using the suggested Semi-block method for initiative.

The Cockatrice is currently unaware of you.

Cockatrice Initiative: [roll0]

Gourmand will be NPCed unless Time Blossom shows back up. :smallsmile:

You and Piccolo will act as one;

- You may use his 50 ft Movement
- You may use his +6 Stealth Skill
- You may use his Claw Attack (+2, 1d4+3) as a Standard Actions
- You may use only one turn of actions between you
- You act on the same initiative using Chosen's Initiative Bonus
- When Adjacent to Irys she gains +1 to attack rolls, +1 to AC, +1 to Damage Rolls & +1 to Caster Level
- You may be targeted separately; (Piccolo is AC 12, 15 HP)

Beowulf DW
2014-06-16, 08:48 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Drawing longbow, activating Running Hunter's stance

2014-06-17, 09:19 AM
-Anima readies her staff and lets out a breath- Perhaps we should create a lot of noise and draw the creature to us, that would let us all attack it as it rounds the corner

Ready action to fire a magic missle at it, if it shows it's face

2014-06-18, 08:25 AM
"A good plan, Anima. Let us draw it out."

Irys darts forward down the passage to the party's left, magic surging visibly from her movement, focusing through swift hand gestures. This is a spell she's never had to use that often, and hardly ever around others - she had never had the time when she had used the Scream before. Ghostly force wraps her body in effortless protection, fully complete by the time she reaches the end of the passage, and she readies herself for the appearance of the creature.

Both move actions going to move to P6.

First standard is used to cast Mage Armour, second is readied to cast Ear Piercing Scream if the cockatrice comes within 20' of her.

1d6 Sonic + Daze. DC 16 Fort negates the daze and halves the damage.

The Architect
2014-06-18, 08:21 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Gourmand runs forwards his spear raised "well if we need this things attention ..."

He runs just past Irys waving his spear, despite the Cockatrice still being out of view, and starts shouting "HERE BIG TERRIBLE BIRD THING! HERE BOY!"

There is a rustling sound in the distance.

For Gourmand's action he will double move to R8.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-18, 08:26 PM
I'll try to flank it. Shout if it starts moving toward Gourmand," says Conri as he sprints down the other hallway.

Double move to G 19. Then listening for signs of movement.

2014-06-18, 08:30 PM
Piccolo saunters blissfully along the wall, getting ready to leap out at the beasty that could come around the corner at any second. He draws a lazy claw up so that he can pounce when it comes around.

Move to Q9 and readies an attack if it comes around.

The Architect
2014-06-18, 09:49 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'


The beast leaps down the tunnel, flying despite the cramped space but Irys screams silently, at least to her allies, and the creature twitches violently in mid air like a riding rik having a fit and falls at Gourmand's feat in an ugly heap of scales and thrashing feathers.

Simultaneously a magical missile shoots through the air like a line of coloured energy while Piccolo, with Chosen atop his back, pounce on the debilitated creature.

This might be a slightly one sided fight it seems.

See OoC thread for Combat info and who needs to roll damage, etc

2014-06-18, 10:01 PM
Piccolo lashes out twice at the creature now within his reach!

attack [roll0]
Confirm crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit damage [roll3]

The Architect
2014-06-18, 10:04 PM
Piccolo lashes out at the creature now within his reach!

attack [roll0]
Confirm crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit damage [roll3]

Do you want to spend a Hero Point to reroll that? :smallredface:

2014-06-18, 10:35 PM
-Anima smirks, good to know intellect triumphs over beasts-


Beowulf DW
2014-06-19, 09:01 AM
Using the run action (4x normal speed and I'm denied my Dex bonus to AC) to get to S18 (I think that's the right one)

2014-06-19, 02:26 PM
Echoes of lethal sound dance like ghostly fingers on the skin of Irys's comrades, but they're secure from the true effects of its presence, and even as the cockatrice falls to the ground in a heap her hands are moving again. She steps forward, drawing deep from the wellspring of power that she feels pouring out of the not-fox carrying Chosen, and signs the same gestures as she had to the river man.

Slumber Hex, GO!

DC 17 will save or (I think it's reasonable safe to say) encounter complete.

The Architect
2014-06-19, 02:41 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

As Sunflash moves forward and the not fox claws at the Cockatrice Irys forces the dazed creature to sleep at the group's feet.

"Ugh . . ." is all Gourmand says as he brings down his spear on the creature, hoping to end the fight here and now before any got hurt.

When Gourmand pulls the spear away the creature is dead and he has an unsettled look on his face, and the battle, such as it was, was over.

Damage: [roll0]
Fort. Save: [roll1] vs. DC 19

2014-06-19, 04:26 PM
"Well that was a blast. Shall we..?" he says while looking around. Checking down the tunnels to figure out which way to go. He remembers the various flights of the birds he observed that morning to help him figure out the way to go.

Using natural divination to find our way with out getting lost and avoiding natural hazards
Survival [roll0]

Beowulf DW
2014-06-19, 04:55 PM
"We need to tend to Gourmand, first," growls Conri, a bit miffed at Chosen's obliviousness.

The Architect
2014-06-19, 05:13 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Gourmand dusts himself off, the blood of his earlier wounds staining his outer coat in places "no need to get snippy Conri, we're all friends here-" suddenly he clutches his side in pain "though yeah Chosen, if I could get a little help here . . . ?" he ends with an apologetic smile.

I forgot Gourmand was at 4/9 HP from earlier. :smalltongue:

2014-06-19, 05:21 PM
"...oh. Huh. Yeah!"

He casts Cure Light Wounds as a glowing light surrounds his hands, and then enters the injuries, sealing them up instantly.


2014-06-19, 07:17 PM
Irys lowers her hands as the cockatrice collapses to the ground - a moment later permanently stilled by a deft spear thrust from her cousin. She kneels down by the corpse, the obsidian dagger of her position cutting deftly for the few moments that it takes for Chosen to be chastised into healing Gourmand. She likes Chosen, she really does, but sometimes he really has problems with awareness. She notes down on a little mental list to talk with him about it sometime soon as she cuts away carefully at the creature below her - these always had a few things that could help with some of her more useful creations.

After a short while, she rises from her bloody work.

"To the Seed, then?"

The Architect
2014-06-19, 07:22 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Gourmand gives a nod of thanks as the sextet peels away "thanks Chosen, but yeah, lets get out of here."

It takes some time and Piccolo leads most of the way, explaining as he went that the Djinn had not known of him, only that the group had only just arrived, and so didn't know that he knew the way to the Seed. It took some time of course, nearly quarter sextet or more, but Piccolo made sure to reassure the group of his knowing of the way, and Chosen got him back on track when he seemed distracted.

When the group emerged from the capillary like tunnels it was onto a void, a deep black space that expanded out beyond a circular platform of white stone. In the distance stars and scattered nebula filled the void impossibly and to either side of the tunnel mouth there was nothing, not even signs of the tunnel system they had come from. Before them, a notable distance from the tunnel terminus and the platform floated a great ball of green rolling flame, a sphere of flame within which hung the silhouette of 'The Seed'.

Suddenly there was a flicker in the air and the tall figure of the Djinn appeared floating over the group "Hmmm, it took you much less time then I had guessed to find this place, but any game fairly won is won fair. So all that remains is the question. . ."

The Djinn descends and floats over Irys, slowly before he speaks his thin pale blue lips twist into a smirk "What . . . is the greatest treasure of all?"

What do you do?

2014-06-19, 07:33 PM
-Anima pokes her staff at the "void " to see if it was solid"

The Architect
2014-06-19, 07:38 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

Anima's staff continues on unburdened by blockade or impediment.

There is but absence.

2014-06-19, 07:51 PM
Chosen scoots over next to Irys and whispers "All. All is the greatest treasure of all... We exist where existence is neither guaranteed nor guardable. The fact that life abounds at all is a treasure entirely unto itself. The universe and all of existence, and the fact that we get to live and experience it all... there is no greater treasure than that." He says all this while staring out at the Seed.

He then enters another Focused Trance, and tries to figure out what they need to do here to get home, and what the Seed can do for them...

Arcana? Probably Arcana. If it's Planes though, add 3. ...who am I kidding, these rolls don't matter when they're all 30+ anyway... lol


Beowulf DW
2014-06-21, 12:13 AM
"You helped me, Irys, so I'd be happy to help you. Not sure how I can do that, though."

2014-06-23, 04:41 PM
Irys's eyes are not on Hazeem as he asks his question, instead they are on everything but the Djinn. And when the question registers with Chosen's whisper to her, she cannot stop the laugh escaping her lips. She looks up at him, eyes sparkling as they flick from side to side, still enraptured by the magnificent vista spread out around them.

"You ask me that here?" She asks. "Here in a place where all that is is laid out before us, you ask me that question?" The witch stretches her arms out in a languid gesture, encompassing all at once everything inside the chamber - living beings included. "There is no treasure, no wonder, no concept or creation that may be bought or stolen, greater than this. Existence, and all that goes with it. Life, and all that is part of it.

"My brother speaks truly in this answer, Hazeem. All is your answer, and mine. Existence itself, this universe, those others beyond it and all things - life, magic and beauty to name but a fraction of them - that lie within."

The Architect
2014-06-23, 05:15 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

There is a pause for a moment and Al Hajeem drifts ever closer, till his shadow falls over the whole group. It seems for a moment he might do something horrible then he shouts with unrestrained joy "IRYS AND SUNFLASH OF THE CLAN AKA'SARARI I DO BEQUEATH UNTO YOU THREE WISHES!"

The not-fox, still trying to pretend to be the fox just in case, seems to shake with joy at that. Al Hajeem drifts back into the space above you all and speaks happily with a hint of caution in his voice "I must warn you first that Wishing is an art, and many study a great deal before they are allowed a chance to wish on the behalf of a noble of the windy cities. Do NOT wish over-large, greed even in the wishes is the folly of men. Do NOT be over-specific, a wish has limits which if you exceed it WILL turn against you, it is easier to wish for great wealth and be happy then to wish for a million gold pieces and find it comes into your possession stolen from an angry monarch. LASTLY, Do NOT wish for more wishes. Ever. Even in jest.

I recommend you wish to send us home last, and be sure you say home, not 'my home', as I do not intend to spend eternity on the mortal plane. Also specify you want whatever you wish for to occur or arrive or what have you, on the material plane. In that it will be safe to be precise.

If you desire a home wish for that, not a city so large it covers a nation, if you desire wealth wish for that, not so much gold as there is in this land, if you desire vengeance wish for what you will need not for someone to be struck dead.

Wishing is an art.

I have seen as many men brought low by them as raised up.


He coughs to clear his throat "Irys, Sunflash, either of you may wish first as you like, then let us get out of this horrid place."

What do you do?

'The Seed' acts as the interconnection between every dimensional harmonic, and each spatial and temporal point there in, as well as acting as an infinite source of cyclical energy, as such it's potential ability to bestow power upon lesser lifeforms is near limitless. In regards returning to the dimensional harmonic known as the Material Plane arriving at 'The Seed' as instructed has led to the location of the Djinn noble known as Al Hajeem who possesses the high-class reality alteration ability required to create a spatial bridge between the 'shell' region of space in which you now reside and the Material Plane.

Effectively his magics is powerful enough to pierce the shell from the inside and escape back to the intended dimensional harmonic.

Warning; this may have serious side effects.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-24, 05:24 PM
Sunflash thinks for a moment, "I wish that this art of mine will be a tool for the protection of peace, not the continuation of war."

2014-06-26, 06:17 PM
Irys thinks for a long moment, one that morphs into several more moments of equal length, as she ponders the power that has been offered to her. She nods her head all but absent-mindedly as she hears Cori speak his wish, but she isn't really there. Thoughts whirl in her mind, images and possibilities sweeping across the lens of her mind's eye in an endless cascade. And she finds herself paralysed; unable to move, speak or do more than the most basic of thinking as the torrent rips into her. She almost struggles to breathe, instinctively squeezing her eyes shut in an attempt to lock out the vision regardless of that it was inside her. And she can't shut those eyes, it just isn't in her.

And yet as the stream reaches a terrifying pitch and continues to grow ever stronger she finds her hand moving without any consent on her part, to the Harrow wrapped in its case at her belt. Her hand flicks the case open easily, a movement born of long practice, and withdraws a single card. That hand rises to eye level, deft fingers flipping the card as it stops, and Irys stares at the image of The Vision.

And just like that, she understands. This isn't something wrong with her, this is a message. Something that she has to know, that will guide her to that which must be said in this moment. Her resistance to the torrent snaps off so quickly that it almost hiccups in its passing, words rising out of it in careful procession to order themselves upon her tongue in the last of the long moments before she speaks her own Wish.

"I wish that what is made of our people will be rich in many things, but most of all in Magic." The words are very calm, almost detached from the power that they shall soon be imbued with, but Irys cannot say that she speaks them alone. Perhaps she never will.

The Architect
2014-06-28, 09:06 PM
Chapter I:
'Once Upon a Lotus Fair'

The world is fire and light as the sun like shape behind the Djinn begins to pulse and beat like a heart. The Djinn rises up and raises his arms into the air with a face of glee. Suddenly the compact with the Djinn seems to take hold of the pair and in unison Irys and Conri shout "We wish we were home!"

Suddenly the sun like shield of light around the Seed turned to a deep crimson and then broke apart into bands of energy, crimson light light that seemed nearly fill the infinite space within which it was contained.

Anima had seen that exact crimson before, though she saw it only in dreams, the comet that had shot through the sky when she was born.

The light seemed to go brighter and brighter till, in a moment, the space was naught but fire and light.


Some Time Later . . .

When the quintet awoke they found themselves in a strange locale. The snow and lotus were gone but within the pit they found a man. Aside from some oddly colored eyes and dark hair he seemed healthy, and much more importantly alive. He was obviously weak though, and leaving the man there would most certainly result in his death, which Gourmand not allow.

When they finally climbed out of the now snowless pit the group found that the snowy plains to the south were now freshly green again, as they were to the west, but sadly the snows to the north remained. In fact the area around the massive pit seemed deserted save for the fresh healthy grasses that seemed to have been hidden under the formerly thick snow. Strapping the man they had found to a make shift snow sled the group dragged him along behind them, taking turns to pull him along.

It would take nearly seven days to make the way back north through the thick snow, if they made good time, to the temporary Aka'Sahari camp to the north.

+ Chapter End +

I'll get the next Chapter's opening post up ASAP. Sorry for the delay. :smallredface:

See the OoC thread for more details soon. :smallsmile:

The Architect
2014-06-28, 10:38 PM

When they return the five look upon their people and see them in despair. What few of their herd remained were sickly and the men and women were not much better. They saw few children playing and none of the riks were outdoors.

The group was not near the camp long when they're arrival began to attract attention. Elri, a daughter of one of the chief's supporters, approached and informed the quintet that Irta, an elderly mystic woman, would look after the man they were pulling behind them. She made no remark on the fact he was obviously not of their tribe.

She motioned to the great tent that had been set up to the other side of the valley and told them to head their as Chief Kor had wanted to see them as soon as they arrived. Even Elri seemed fatigued and worn out, more so even than the group who had just walked a hundred miles or so.

When the group sets down their supplies and enter the great tent they see the typical coterie of the Chief's supporters and advisers have left him be, bar Elri's father, a tall thin man called Morri, who looms over the Chief like a craning bird.

The Chief sits atop a bed of worn pillows and is draped in only a thick fur shall, wearing little beneath. He is a large man but his scruffy voluminous grey beard and even longer and bushier hair suggest his great age. His eyes peer out of deep dark pits. This man is ill and it is evident.

He rasps in a voice worn more by sickness than age "what have you found, have you found a new home for our people?"

Despite his evident infirmity there is still hope in his voice.


In Another Hut . . .

Auron awakes with a start his head burning and his eyes aching painfully. He searches the space around him and finds his clothing and few belongings neatly followed in one corner. He looks around and sees he is a small travelling tent, but unlike those of his own tribe. Aka'Goven maybe? Perhaps Por'Urhu?

Realizing beneath a fur throw he was undressed his scan of the space became more rapid as he continued to regain his senses until finally his eyes set on an elderly woman grinding something into a red paste between two rocks. She noticed his movement and looked up "you're awake then?" she said with a smile in a dialect so distinctly different from his own it took him a moment to parse her meaning.

What do you do?

2014-06-29, 12:06 AM

“Grandpa. I had that dream again.”

The dream where I fly.

Soaring over the world below. The snow of the north, the lush green of the south. The ocean that he’d never been to before. He could see it all so clearly within his dream – the dream he had been having since he could remember.

“It wasn’t a dream this time, my boy.” The older man’s voice said.

“You’re the last,” said the voices of three friends who now lie dead.

Auron awoke with a start, his eyes opening wide and wild. The irises of his eyes were crimson, and darted about the room with startled confusion. This was no tent that he had ever been in before. This was a place strange to him. He began to stand when he felt a draft beneath the blanket. That halted his egress.

A woman spoke to him, and he replied in a language that he’d never heard before.

In Draconic, “Where am I? My friends. Gareth, Joran—where—“ He stopped speaking, recognizing the strange words coming from his mouth. After a moment he stilled his mind, came back to who he was, and then spoke slowly.

In Common, “Who are you? Where am I?”

2014-06-29, 09:36 AM
Life, energy, and the divine all seem to crackle with their own unique power within him. On the entire walk home, Chosen feels everything differently, and spends the journey testing out his (once again) new found powers. Fortunately, the time to experiment had given him a bit of insight into the new things the Seed had enabled him to do, and so when he walked into the village and saw the devastation happening, he immediately sprang into action and knew what to do.

"Oh have we ever found... found... SOMETHING. But first... Chosen moves to the Chief. He calls upon his new powers to open a stronger connection between him and his god, slowly hovering his hands over the failing body of the Chief, trying to ascertain precisely what is causing his, and by extension the other villagers', ailments.

He starts working to help the Chief's body fight off the disease...
Using 1 mythic power to "Inspired Spell" a Diagnose Disease on the chief, followed by regular casting of Remove Sickness to temporarily halt the symptoms and give him a boost on the save against the disease, AND using the heal skill to do the same. Bam, baby!


Having care to the Chief's immediate needs, and having diagnosed the disease that is more than likely hurting many of the other villagers, Chosen turns to his allies and says "You guys can handle story time, I need to take care of all those who are sick, as many as I can anyway, though my powers are fairly limited... Who in the village is the sickest, and who would most need immediate attention?"

The Architect
2014-06-29, 10:30 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Chosen's power has an obvious, if temporary, effect on the Chief's health. His face grows brighter and he is suddenly easily able to sit up without discomfort "thank you healer, the others who have fallen sick . . . most did not survive our journey here, those that did have been sequestered in a large tent to the other side of the valley. Perhaps a dozen remain."

The chief is suffering from Tuberculosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/diseases/urgathoa-s-breath), and going by how weak he already is even with the boost he might not survive the night.


In Another Hut . . .

The old woman blinked confused for a moment before setting down what she was doing and slowly bringing you over your pile of clothes "I am Irta, and you are with the Aka'Sarari. Our people are ending south to escape the endless winter. It seems where we lay our heads now is merely some cold nameless valley."

She gets up from kneeling beside Auron and moves to the corner, politely, and obviously, looking away so he could dress himself "chief Kor asked to see you when awoke. He is within the largest tent, to the far side of the valley. I will look after your other belongings while you meet with him, and you may rest here till we need to move on."

Might want to keep in mind there's no 'common' in this setting, you just happen to be from a tribe that originated close enough to the Aka'Sarari that you can communicate with only a little difficulty.

2014-06-29, 10:40 PM

His chest rose and fell rapidly, the panic from his dreams and recollections not yet faded away. As the woman spoke to him, his strange crimson eyes regarded her. Aka’Sarari. If they sought to escape the winter, then he could not be that far from where he fell. But what of the others?

“I am Auron of the Valyr.” He stops speaking for a moment as the searing pain in his eyes now registers. He winces, bringing his head down, even as he sits up. The blanket falls around him, keeping him modest save for his torso. He’s a strong young man, from good stock. After he grows accustomed to the pain, his eyes open once more and he continues to speak. “My people travel south, as well. I was with three friends, seeking the end of the cold. A red light knocked me out. Are my friends here, too? Please.”

He dresses himself even as he speaks. His clothes are warm, but close-fitting. He believes these people are peaceful. If they had wanted him dead, they would have cut his throat while he slept. He wouldn’t need his weapon here.

The Architect
2014-06-29, 10:47 PM
In Another Hut . . .

Irta shakes her head sadly "the scouts dragged your body for over seven days they say, and you were alone then, at least as I was told. Those scouts are with the chief now, and if anyone knows anything of your friends it will be those-"

The woman pauses and touches her lip "... Valyr..." she whispers "I had thought the Valyr first to go south? We haven't seen them in ... with seasons like they are up here it's hard to tell but I had thought the Valyr had gone south years ago. I hear they were the first to found a permanent settlement just past the snow wastes, Valtys or some such... are you sure your Valyr young man? Are you feeling alright?"

2014-06-29, 10:48 PM
-Anima closes her eyes as she enters the village and calls spear and shield to her. it would be good to see them. As she enters the tent with the others she is flanked by two skeletons, painted over every inch in intricate and detailed rainbow floral designs. She smiles seeing the chieftain, but frowns at his poor health- We were taken to another world. A place of strange oddities and many creatures.

2014-06-29, 10:49 PM
Chosen whispers to his companions as he heads out, "Wrap up anything that he needs finished... he will most likely not last the night. Do NOT breathe the same air as the sick..."

Looking out, he tries to make his way down to the large tent with the sick. Along the way, he tears off some cloth and with a quick casting, creates enough water to soak it before wrapping it around his head to cover his mouth and keep his air clean(ish) as he approaches the tent. He once again uses a Focused Trance to figure out more about this disease ravaging his people, and to see if there's anything more he could do against it.

Entering the tent, he immediately declares "I'm here to help!" He locates the 4 most sick, and casts Remove Sickness on those too, urging them to stay resting though they might feel temporarily better. He spends time with each and every one of them, doing his best to aid their bodies in naturally fighting off the disease...

Knolwedge(nature maybe?) to know more about the disease and anything else like herbs or something that would help [roll0]

Remove Sickness once again gives those 4 a +4 to the saving throw against the disease, while DC18 heal check from me gives another +4! SO!
For the 4 sickest who have Remove Sickness cast on them:
And the rest.

And yes, this does all take like 2 hours to accomplish.....

2014-06-29, 10:59 PM

He blinks in regards to what she says to him. A permanent settlement past the winter? “Years ago?” He asks her, clearly very confused. “We set out on our journey barely two moons ago.” He watches her, to gauge whether she’s lying or appears unsure. She does not. The color begins to drain from his face.

You’re the last.

He shudders as he can almost hear those voices once again, haunting him. He exhales a slow breath, swallows the lump in his throat, and then pulls on his cloak. “Thank you for your kindness,” he says to her with a touching sincerity. “I will speak to your chief.”

He then walks out of the tent, opening the flap and stepping into the cold, the light of day hurts his eyes, so he shields them. He dresses strangely compared to these people, the feathers hanging from his shoulder one of the giveaways. He steels himself and begins to walk through the snow towards the chief’s tent, entering unless someone stops him.

2014-06-29, 11:00 PM
-Anima nods and motions for the skeletons. They follow chosen and look at him waiting orders. they could do simple tasks, bring him something or move an item or patient with care, and most importantly can't get sick-

The Architect
2014-06-29, 11:16 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

In The Chief's Hut . . .

Auron enter's the chief's tent to find a peculiar sight. The chief is abed, a strong healthy looking man, but a thin featured adviser cranes over the man like he might fall to dust at any moment, and the 'scouts' to the side of the entrance are an even stranger bunch. A blonde figure with strange armor formed of animal hides, an auburn haired woman with a black bird with red eyes perched on her shoulder, a spear wielding young man with his hair tied up and lastly a intimidating looking scarcely dressed despite the cold young woman marked by face paint and a strange crown like half-mask.

On his way into the tent Auron passed what appear to be a pair of animate skeletons painted in strange bright colors leaving the tent to follow another man. Given that until the lotus and the 'Seed' Auron had not seen any true magic ... it's an odd site indeed.

The Chief speaks up at his appearance "ah. The man you all saved. I had been hoping you'd awake."


In Yet Another Hut . . .

As Chosen spends time working, nearly through the night, to heal the sick he feels his god working through him. He also sees that most of those still alive are teens and children, with only one very elderly man and no other adults. By the next morning over half of the sick seem miraculously cured, and while incredibly ill none of the others have of yet succumbed to the sickness since Chosen's arrival.

The assistance of the skeletons, while perhaps a little unduly macabre given the situation, is enough that the children rapidly warm to the brightly colored, silent and careful creatures. Anima likely has some new fans in the making here, perhaps apprentices, though Chosen certainly made a great many more fans with his efforts.

Fortitude Save: [roll0] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll1] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll2] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll3] vs. DC 18

Fortitude Save: [roll4] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll5] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll6] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll7] vs. DC 18

Fortitude Save: [roll8] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll9] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll10] vs. DC 18
Fortitude Save: [roll11] vs. DC 18

7/12 Cured, nicely done.

2014-06-29, 11:24 PM

As he enters and witnesses the skeletons, his eyes widen. For a moment he wishes he had his weapon. But as he stands there, and the skeletons stand there (well, walk by him as they go to help Chosen), his instinct to attack subsides. Still, this is a strange bunch if he has ever seen one. It’s completely lost on him that his eyes are so red that they nearly glow. Who’s really the strange one in the room?

The Chief speaks, and Auron bows his head out of respect, as is the custom of his people.

“Thank you for your kindness. I owe you and your people a debt.” He takes a moment, looking between the scouts and the chief. “I’m sorry, I know you have questions. But there were three friends traveling with me when I fell. The woman who was looking after me said that I was brought back alone. Did you see my brothers?”

Not his literal brothers, but close enough.

2014-06-30, 02:28 PM
-Anima shakes her head- There wasn't anyone else, it was odd you were there at all honesty with what transpired within the lotus

2014-06-30, 03:35 PM

He shakes his head in response. He speaks slowly, doing his best to make himself easily understood, due to his strange dialect. “There must have been. We saw a strange light. My cloak was caught on a tree. My friends ran towards the light to see what is was. A red flash came, very bright. And that was when I must have fallen.”

He’s beginning to feel that same panic once again, but he steels himself.

“The old woman, she told me that my people, the Valyr, traveled South years ago. She speaks with such certainty, but it cannot be. We were the scouts heading south, and it was but two moons past."

"Please, tell me what happened."

2014-06-30, 03:43 PM
-Anima stops and looks at him- We were transported to an alternate world...a plane ontop of this one but...intersecting. It is possible you were taken there as well, and when we freed ourselves, we freed you.

Beowulf DW
2014-06-30, 09:01 PM
"We have no other answers for you, warrior. There's no telling what that thing was truly capable of," says Conri, not unkindly.

2014-06-30, 09:22 PM

“A different world? Worlds upon worlds? I don’t remember going to such a place.” He says this in such a way that is not argumentative, but contemplative. Troubling. The young man is silent for a moment before speaking once more. “You went into this lotus, this other world, and found me when you left? Perhaps I have been asleep for years.”

No one has seen his friends or knows their fate. Perhaps they escaped such a cruel treatment. He'd never heard of such a thing happening to anyone before. It may be true.

“I am Auron, son of Javik. Warrior of the Valyr.”

“If what the old woman says is true, and my people have settled in a greener place, then you all could come and join us there. We are a good people. We can live together. You can escape the cold.”

2014-07-01, 07:29 PM
Irys remains mostly quiet on the way back to the camp, trying to understand the vision that had led to the words of her wish. It had come from her Patron, of that there was little doubt, but even though she accepted tentatively its understanding and motives to be beyond her she wondered. Why was magic so important to it? She knows better than to ask Kia, for like as not she would not know either, but it...niggles. It sits in her mind, staring at her with half an eye and waiting to be answered. Yet for now, for now she discounts it.

Power crackles inside her blood now, the river of magic that has always been hers to call upon seemingly widened beyond all measure. She stands at its edge in her mind, with each spell and hex a part of a step that would submerge her foot within that flow of energy. Not even her cards could give an answer to her wondering of what would come if she dived fully into it. Or perhaps they would not. It was sometimes hard to tell. No matter, what would come would be, in the certainty of due time.

Yet on returning to the village, and hearing the questions posed by the strange man who they had rescued; Auron, he called himself, she finds herself conflicted. For she has a guess as to what his friends had become. She does not want to voice it, for the idea even of part of that was horrible indeed, yet in the end what choice does she have? Truth will out, so she has been taught. Truth will always out, in the end. So it must be, so it always has. So it is here, if she guesses truly.

"We met three creatures, all who were the same, when we entered the lotus of crystal. Three not-men, warped beyond all possible chance of sanity or even simple humanity by the power of that place. In truth, I would call it nothing short of a miracle that we were not subjected to an equally unpleasant fate," and who is to say that we haven't been, she carefully does not add, thinking of the power she can feel in herself and has seen in those who passed through the Seed with her. "They attacked us with no attempt at words, Auron son of Javik, Warrior of the Valyr, and we could do nought but defend ourselves, in the end to their deaths." Her eyes turn sad. "If they were once your friends, all that we destroyed was the shell of their being in this world. And if their souls were trapped with those shells, I would hope that we released them. I am sorry, but it is all I can give." She turns to face Kor and a small smile lights her face as she sees him sit straighter after Chosen's aid. Yet it is only a small one, for hardship still remains ahead of them..

"There is land to the south Uncle, where the light we went to see is no longer, land both fresh and green. There is deep snow between us and it, that took us seven days to cross on our return, yet that was with a stretcher. If there are enough well, either now or after Brother has worked his magic upon the disease that ails us, then it should take little more time than that I would hope. And from that place, there is land to the south and west that appears equally kind as our first destination."

2014-07-01, 07:54 PM

As Irys speaks to him, words continue to pound within his still-aching skull.

“You are the last.”

She keeps speaking.

“You are the last.”

And when she finally speaks the words, that they are dead, it is as if a great creature kicked him in the chest. He nearly staggers, still weakened. His crimson eyes fall towards the floor, his mouth slightly agape. Those who observe can witness his grief, but not how deep it goes. Few would ever know how deeply he is wounded at this moment. That wound wouldn’t truly heal for hundreds of years to come.

One might have expected an intense rage, but there is none. Her sincerity shows in her voice. And if true, it is a mercy that his friends no longer suffer that existence. That said, he is now alone. His friends are dead and his tribe has left. Years may have passed as he slumbered, his brothers turning to monsters. Why not him? Or has he changed?

“Thank you,” he says quietly, “for telling me.”

The Architect
2014-07-02, 07:52 AM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

In The Chief's Hut . . .

The chief nods to Irys and then looks sadly to Auron "I am sorry Auron of the Valyr, but we cannot rely on searching out or depending upon the Valyr, much as we might like them, neither knowing them or where they might have settled. Let Chosen to his ministrations. Once he says no more can be done for the others who are ill we will move out of here to just pass the snow drift to the south along the way you came. We'll settle as soon as we find grass our herd can survive on, and scout out from there. Conri ..." he pauses and uses the title of respect he had never used himself before "Sunflash, take your people and prepare them. You'll be leading the Caravan. I'll have riks prepared for you all by morning, we cannot know how quickly Chosen will be ready."

He turns back to Auron "As a warrior of the Valyr I believe Sunflash would be more than happy for you to help his people so long as you stay with us."

Lastly to the group as a whole "if there is anything you need that our people might provide I will ensure it is seen to, is there anything else?"

2014-07-02, 02:12 PM
-Anima takes a breath, it was odd to request such a thing but it needed to be said- Has...anyone expired due to the plague? I can perform rites on their bodies so that they may help us in the coming trials

2014-07-02, 03:30 PM

He can hear what the chief is saying, but Auron is not listening, not really. His eyes and his mind is far away, thinking of what he will say to the families… to Serana. It is only when he is addressed directly does his attention slowly return to the present. His crimson eyes look up at the chief and he gives a soft, sullen nod.

“I will defend your people as they travel into the green lands. But once we are there, I must return to my tribe.”

Beowulf DW
2014-07-02, 08:27 PM
Conri the Sunflash stands a little straighter in appreciation of both the acknowledgement and the responsibility.

"We'll be ready to move whenever you call for it."

Turning towards his fellow warrior, Conri puts his hand on Auron's shoulder.

"Come, my friend. We'll see to the preparations. Busy hands are the best herb for an aching heart. We'll be calling you our battle brother before we reach the green."

Conri keeps his hand on Auron's shoulder, but does not pull. The young warrior knows that the decision to heal must be made for oneself. He waits for Auron's answer.

2014-07-02, 10:21 PM

Auron doesn’t have the opportunity to return to his brooding thoughts as the blonde-haired young man approaches Auron and places his hand upon the warrior’s shoulder. Auron nods to him and speaks softly.

“Yes. Let me know what I can do, and I will do it.”

There will be no healing of his heart, not today. But at the same time, it’s clear that there is an inner strength that will allow him to press on.

The Architect
2014-07-03, 05:53 AM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

In The Chief's Hut . . .

The Chief glanced to Anima then to where her skeletons had been "those creatures of yours Anima . . . they kept many safe when things came in the cold. Hard to kill as a seasoned warrior and not near as blind when the darkness came like a blanket to smother us . . . go to Chosen in the morning. He'll know if any passed. Do what you will with them if you believe the remains if . . . 'animated' will not spread the plague. We have not time for pointless burials in too-deep snow if it also means sacrificing a reliable means of protecting the tribe."

With that and a weak wave, Chosen's divine power already fading, the Chief motions for you all to depart.

Roll another set of heals for the four still living and still sick to represent your work the next day.

Presumably they'll be dead or healed by the next day so will skip 'tomorrow' and begin the journey south once those rolls are up.

If anyone wants to close out this scene they may, and if there's anything they want to do before the Tribe moves out post it in the OoC. :smallsmile:

2014-07-03, 09:32 AM
Chosen continues his work on into the following morning, assisting those who still show symptoms.

Heal [roll0]
Heal [roll1]
Heal [roll2]
Heal [roll3]

+4 for any of those above an 18 on the following checks:
(Also adding in the negative modifier of them all failing the last save and taking con damage)

fort [roll4]
fort [roll5]
fort [roll6]
fort [roll7]

2014-07-03, 11:55 AM
-Anima goes to her tent and rests, preparing all the spells she would need, she reaches and extracts a small bag with several components and several sheets, Heading towards the tent with the sick she sets down her tools and reagants outside and waits for chosen to come out to inform her of how many have passed. Once that is known she waits for everyone else to leave the tent and enters. She sets down her bag and lets out a breath and begins stripping the bodies of flesh. Once that's done and the bones are cleaned, she begins painting them. The actual ritual portion of creating the skeletons was the easiest part after she had finished that. Placing onyx over their eyes she raises her new minions-

The Architect
2014-07-03, 05:33 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

All things die in time, men and mice, chiefs and stars.

So it was with Kor, father of Conri and Gourmand, Uncle of Irys and Anima, Chief of the Aka'Sarari, and Son of Lonri.

He passed in his sleep, like a traveler passing in the night, careful not to wake the dreamers as he passed. He was alone and it was of a sickness but there was no dishonor in it, nor any real time to morn.

When word finally came to his oldest son Conri was saddling the riks and directing caravans. All those too sick for Chosen to heal on his first day of his ministrations had passed peaceful that night and there was little left to be done. Many in the camp noticed that the one known as Anima was now often flanked by a half dozen of the brightly colored creatures, and as many noted that they had assisted Chosen heal those few he arrived soon enough to save.

The riks and caravan's were so loaded with materials and supplies it seemed they might become stuck in the snow and it was during the dis-assembly of the great dent that it had finally been realized that the chief had not been simply resting, at least in so much as he had gone to his final rest. The young boy stood on the balls of his feet now before the 'scouts' waiting for an instruction for those who were working to bring down the great tent.

Any pause would mean they could not leave in time to make their next camp point before they would need a rest, and setting back up camp for any sort of ceremony would take time and mean wasted effort and supplies, a delay they could ill afford.

Most of all what no doubt weighed on Conri's mind, unsaid as it was, was that Conri was now next in line to be chief.

The young boy speaks "sirs, ma'ams, what do you want me to tell the men to do? Finish taking down the tent . . . ?"

What do you do?

2014-07-03, 05:36 PM
-Anima looked grim and hadn't spoken much at all today, simply giving mental commands to the skeletons to assist, she whispers softly to Conri standing next to him- I...can have them prepare a pyre for his body...so...we won't be slowed down. -she looked at him with knowledge, knowing how much it hurt to lose a father-

2014-07-03, 11:29 PM

In the time since he had woken up, Auron had been helping to prepare the great journey south. He helped with manual labor, but also with logistics. He took the Aka’Sarari warriors and hunters and expressed his thoughts for the journey. He proposed that he would lead an advance group ahead of the rest of the people, so that they can spot and react to danger before the noncombatants came through.

In a spare few moments alone, he had taken that massive molten-stone blade of his and began swinging it, making sure he hadn’t grown weak during his slumber. He found that not only had his muscles stayed strong, but that he felt more alive than before.

When it came time to pack up the chief’s tent, he heard the calls that came out. The old man was dead.

Auron stands there with the others, acutely aware of their grief right now. He’s quiet for a long moment. He wants them to pay their respects, but he also realizes the need to leave.

Auron places his hand on Sunflash’s shoulder from the side.

“Do whatever you need. I will move ahead.”

Those strange crimson eyes of his are soft with empathy as he says that. He looks to the others here, Irys, Anima, Gourmand. Auron gives them a quiet nod, then approaches the body, kneeling and whispering.

“Rest well. Your people will be safe. I swear it.”

He stands and heads out.

Beowulf DW
2014-07-06, 06:11 PM
"Thank you, Auron."

Conri breaths deeply for a moment. For some reason, he's not crying, though something is telling him that he should be.

"Anima, I would be grateful if you could have your creations build that pyre, while everyone else begins moving out of this frozen hell. I'll stay a while, and light the pyre myself. I'll catch you up when I'm sure the flames won't falter."

Turning to the others, and to anyone that can hear, the Sunflash says, "It is an awful thing, to see a mighty beast live past its time. To see success at living- at thriving- cost something the very strength that enabled it to live so long. Such are the contradictions in this world. He was able to lead our people almost to the edge of the ice and snow, though he never saw the fruits of his struggles. Let us go on remembering the might that brought us this far, and resolve to bring ourselves ever further."

Conri turns away, and begins to see to the pyre. The tears finally come to him, now.

2014-07-06, 08:54 PM
-Anima gives conri a hug as she commands her minions to start moving materials to build the funeral pyre, they showed care and attention as she mentally put more effort into controlling them, she speaks softly- I can stay back if you want......no one should have to be alone in this -she tries to give him a smile but fails.-

Beowulf DW
2014-07-06, 09:34 PM
Conri returns the hug after a moment of hesitation. "I can't say that I wouldn't appreciate the company, but I won't ask anyone to remain here any longer than is needed."

The Architect
2014-07-07, 05:37 AM

Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Conri stands at the center of a now empty valley, marked by the debris of his people's brief mournful habitation of its land. In places stray tent pieces or refuse remains soaked and frozen stiff by the snow. All there is is debris to mark the place where his father's pyre will burn out into the dark. Conri lifts the torch from the thin cold hands of a near by dead man standing silent sentry and ignites the bed of tinder. Despite the cold the flames lick up the mound of wood with celerity.

Shadows flicker as the plinth becomes a bonfire. A man burns a mid the flames, his fat melting from the flesh. A leader burns, an uncle burns, a father burns. Conri stares into the space that is but fire and flesh, smoke and blood.

In time another dead man approaches, marked in marred bright colors and clutching a spear in one hand and the reins of a rik in the other. His silent mindlessness asks a question. An indeterminate moment of long dark silence passes, then with a nod Chief Conri takes to his rik, a long shadow cast before him into the wastes by the light of the burning corpse of his father.


Eight days later . . .

The tribe makes good time south and while the group is briefly accosted by wildlife the number of the group keeps them safe from any significant encounter. In the end it is only the arrival that is marked by unusual events. The pit at the edge of the snow where the lotus once resided remains but to the south of that a forest of tall black trees has appeared, thick and deep, but just before that between the pit and this new wood is an open field of grass that is nearly improbably flat and suited for farming. As the tribe explores the immediate area things begin to become ... stranger. To the east but still close enough to be visible from the open plain is what at first appears to be a small mountain, and admittedly it is up close technically a mountain, but it is also simply a pile of well stacked perfectly identical unblemished stone cubes, thousands, or even tens of thousands of them. To the west there appears to be a large perfectly circular and incredibly deep lake that most certainly would have been impossible to miss when the 'scouts' had been here just under three weeks ago and more certainly was not there three weeks ago. Even the plain at the center of this menagerie of odd geography is strange in its own way bar its own flatness. When the group had left it had not been so level and the earth was worn and patchy as one might expect of earth so long trapped under the snow but now the grass is some of the greenest the Aka'Sarari have ever seen, including from before the unending winter. It seemed an eerily perfect place for a settlement.

What do you do?

The Tile Counts as Plains/Lake, and has the features Landmark/Resources.

The sheer amount of available resources, accessible wood, clean water, farmland, stone, etc count as 50 BP of materials.

You may describe the tribe setting up camp as you discuss what to do next.

Pretty much we are now at 'found kingdom/first settlement time!' :smallsmile:

Also can someone remind of the last experience total that was mentioned because I believe given the massive amount of experience you get for founding a kingdom or settlement that you should level up when you're finished with that.

Any questions?

2014-07-07, 09:53 AM
Chosen stares in awe at the sheer abundance of resources. By the gods the entire tribe was saved at last! He quickly ran from one blessing to the next, checking first to see if they were even real and not just some illusion. Running his hands across the stones, feeling the trees, splashing the waters of the lake, he looked around with joy.

But there was much to do, so much to do.

"Be this the work of your wish, my god, or some combination, I don't care. This is wonderful! These plains... This forest! We have so much we can do here! I ...I. Maybe we... Hmm...

I need to think about this. I think there are some thing we could do if we just..."

Chosen then wanders off, the familiar glaze over his eyes as he enters a trance, making his way towards the forest. A while later he returns, moving toward the grassy stretch near the lake, he takes some time to dig into the soil with his staff, making a few rows of upturned soil in some of the darker, richer earth.

"I had found some seeds. I believe these will grow quite nicely here, and we won't have to leave to go find good food. We can simply grow it here ourselves. That lake, too. It might provide us with an abundance of fish if we take care of it!

I think I'll try to tend to this, to this food, that we might be fed every day. Can everyone else handle setting up camp? I... I wish to pray now. For thanks. For guidance... There is still so much to be done..."

Chosen walks into the woods while using all four focused trances for the day, walking deep into the forest. First focused on Nature[roll0] for how plants grow. Then Engineering[roll1] for how they might build on this new land. Geography[roll2] for better understanding of the natural resources here, maybe even using the lotus pit as a mine or quarry if he remembers there being anything of use in it. And finally, after walking for [roll3] rounds blindly into the woods, he thinks upon his Religion[roll4], that he might know the proper thanksgiving for such blessings, for an idea of the type of shrine his god might prefer.

After that additional [roll5] round of walking into the woods, he clears his eyes and begins to really look at where he is and what surrounds him, while using his natural divination for the day on Survival[roll6] to find sustainable food sources amongst the plants (which have all now doubled their growth rate and can not disease or get sick or whatever else Plantbringer entails) before heading back out of the woods and starting the farming stuff.

2014-07-07, 02:36 PM
-Anima would stand with Conri until he was ready to leave, not bothered by the cold as she goes to hold his hand standing in silence.-


-Anima laid in her tent twirling her staff, today was a good day. She stood up and stepped out. She'd see her skeletons come to life and at her orders they go around chopping wood, chiseling stone, whatever was needed for today. Though a new thought was on her mind and she walked around looking for any children or teenagers she knew to be smarter than the others, maybe outcasts, and possibly most importantly aren't bothered by her undead minions-

2014-07-09, 03:55 PM
Irys flatly refuses to leave the frozen valley until the pyre of her uncle has been lit and his soul set free, and as the tribe's soothsayer she is more than willing to level all the power of that post against anyone who tries to tell her to leave. Even after Conri turns away from the crackling flames she does not move, standing for all intents and purposes like a statue before the fire as is consumes the last person she ever considered a parent. As Conri prepares to leave though, she reaches out to him with a gentle hand and draws him to her for a moment - somehow still warm even after the long minutes spent in the cold.

"If you need me cousin, whatever the reason, you have but to ask." She whispers in his ear, and when she releases him he is not the only one with tears in his eyes. She had hoped against against all possible hope that she would have been older, maybe more prepared, for this moment when it came, but it was here now. And she knows her duty. As Conri and Anima depart - she will not allow either to stay, for the rites of the soothsayer to the departed are hidden even from a Chief - she kneels before the pyre, ignoring the bitter cold of the snow.

A litany pours from her lips, the first thing she ever learnt in her short apprenticeship to the tribe's Shaman that taught her what she needed to know to fulfil the role, a rite among the oldest of all things remembered by her people. So old, so it was whispered by her teacher, that it was itself the seed for their entire language. She's not sure if she believes that, but as the words flow out of her she feels for the first time the power hidden away inside of them and somewhere a part of herself wonders if maybe it wasn't just a legend spoken to convince her of the solemn importance of those words. And yet it's not just the words, it's something deeper than that. Some power that she can sense now flickering within them that is a twin to the river of might streaming across her soul. These words have been spoken over pyres uncounted and across years beyond measure, every time strengthening them and here and now that power finds its source in the Patron that lies at the end and beginning of Irys's river.

It's a prayer of ancient sacrifice and power, but not until this moment has it ever been recited by one possessed by and of such things. And Irys feels something inside of her push against the walls of her soul, the river of power threatening to burst its banks in joining with another stream. The walls stretch, thin, and a whisper of its purpose slips between river and self. A promise of power so great that nothing could end it, yet so great also that it can never be simply given. For all there is a trade, a balancing toll that is levied against all things. It is not a fair trade demanded here, or might not be at the least for Irys cannot know what her Patron shall demand, yet the words continue to flow and the power pushes steadily on. She sense madness and loss in the ending of the words, the same sacrifice that made them and yet...and yet to prevent again this agony it would be almost worth it.

A hand rises to her throat, to the wooden trinket that Kor had given her many years ago when he took her and her sister into his home. When he became more than an uncle. Slender fingers close into a fist as they tighten around the hand-carved token before a sharp jerk tears it free of its strap. She looks down at the piece with blurry eyes, focusing on the feelings that were wrapped around the fragile anchor. A vision flickered across her mind, of her at play with her uncle in a rare time of peace, running through the camp laughing in a game of hide and seek. She shook her head; she was a child no more, that picture wasn't true. If she had not been a child...if she had not...maybe this never would have happened. She can't know, but the idea lodges in her heart like a poisoned dart. What if, what if...

She is not a child. She will not stand idly by, and if the price of power is her childhood then she will give it freely. The freedom of her people to live and be has no cost that she will not gladly pay. To give this would not only be easy - and a piece of her screams as she affirms that thought - it would be a blessing. Blue eyes stare into the fire for long moments as it dances down towards spark-filled ash, and then look down again at the amulet clenched in her hands. Irys, niece of Kor, squeezes those eyes shut, eyelids pushing away the tears around them, and tosses that amulet into the fire.

It sits there for a moment when she opens them again, untarnished, and for an instant she is possessed of an overwhelming urge to snatch it back. But she doesn't obey it, and moments later the fire crackles as it takes hold upon the last physical piece of her child's self. And just like that, it hits her. The walls around her being shudder, shudder and then tear apart. It is only in a small place, perhaps even the smallest, but it shall be enough. Strange and otherworldly power floods a section of her being, a wave of eldricht might that dissolves all in its path as if the solidity of her soul was nothing but an illusion. She shudders, hair whipping around her on a breeze unfelt by any but her, and then it's simply...over. Memory glosses over, panes of ethereal glass slamming shut around all that was her childhood and the feelings that lay within them. And she knows the words.

"I'm clay in your hands. Wreck me for your glory, whatever it takes." Her body fails, power beyond her wildest dreams flowing through her mind and soul, and she collapses into the snow, dark hair spread around her like a veil of mourning - for far more than any might know.

And when she comes to, she is only Irys.

2014-07-11, 12:25 AM
In a dream…

Auron, son of Javik, stands amidst a great, dark expanse. All is quiet as he stares out into nothingness. He stands there for what seems like eternity, waiting for something he doesn’t even know is coming. That’s what he hears the sounds. The deep, rhythmic sounds. The sound of a great beast breathing calmly, somewhere out in front of him in the darkness.

Then, two serpentine red eyes open in the black. They are closer than Auron had thought they would be. A great maw opens, and light spills out from within that gigantic mouth, the light of a great bonfire. The figure before him begins to grow clear. It is massive, with bright red scales layered upon one another. It appears to be a lizard, but it is unlike any lizard Auron has ever seen before. With wings that could buffet the world itself, teeth the size of terrible weapons. The creature is simply awe inspiring.

Auron stands before it, looking at this godlike reptile. And it looks back at him.

Then suddenly, Auron realizes that he’s not looking at that great creature. He’s looking at himself, standing across from him. Then Auron realizes… those eyes were his all along.


The Waking

Auron awakes with a start. He is within the shelter he had built. It’s still night-time. Auron hears his heart beating within his neck. He stands, casting off the furs and donning his clothing. Then, he steps outside towards the lake. His feet move quietly, one foot in front of the other.

Once he’s there at the edge of the water, he leans down, holding a torch close so that he might see his own reflection. He looks upon his strange eyes. They weren’t like this before he woke up with the Aka’Sarari. Their color resembles the color of the eyes of that beast.

Some part of him knows that he’s tied to whatever that creature is. It’s a part of his destiny. It’s a part of this vigor and power he’s felt welling up within his very blood. Going from sheer instinct, he taps into that previously hidden part of himself.

Reaching out with his left hand, he holds his palm open. He then takes his hand and places it upon his chest, speaking a word in Draconic. “Vaxa.”

Auron feels a force rush through his body. It’s invigorating, elating. He watches the ground as it gets farther and farther away from his sight, yet his feet still remain firmly planted. He breathes more rapidly as he realizes what he’s done. He’s grown to twice his original size. There’s a slight, silent chuckle that comes from his lips.

Magic was at his fingertips.


Later on

Within the next few days, he would continue to test this new power of his. He found that he could easily and reliably grow into the size of a giant, form a protective barrier of force before himself, and do many other things with more effort. A wide variety of powers were possible. He also realized that he could take on aspects of that great lizard, transforming his hands into deadly claws with but a thought.

So confident he was in these newfound gifts that he believed it would be a waste to sit idly. So he gathered a group of able-bodied scouts and approached Conri.

“I believe that we should explore the area, find new places for the people to spread out. The forest should be mastered, for we can have wood to build new things. And we should seek to find new land for Chosen to grow crops. I am ready to go with the scouts. Do you or any others with to come?”

Beowulf DW
2014-07-12, 09:18 AM
Conri has spent most of his time keeping a watch over the tribe, and training some of the younger warriors in his techniques and ideas. Hoping to do away with the wild abandon of previous generations, the Sunflash has been training the warriors to fight like the great pack hunters of their frozen homeland, rather than as individual brawlers. Part of this training has included working with the others to build their new home, to remind the new warriors that they are part of a greater whole.

Nevertheless, he welcomes the opportunity to head out and stretch his legs a bit.

"I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd be more that happy to accompany you, Auron."


The Architect
2014-07-14, 04:32 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Time passes and no one really watches it go by.

Under the direction of those strong in the magiks, the prophet and the Chief the tribe grows until it is a true city state in all but name. The natives in fact have taken to calling the village Central, originally a purely bureaucratic term needed by the tribe's leaders to differentiate it from the smaller settlement established to begin the training of others in the magiks. Anima's flock grows daily and irys herself has a enviable entourage of prospective witches, though only a handful shown any true flair for the craft of yet. Chosen as well has begun the instruction of the seven children he originally healed before the Aka'sarari set out to the south, and a great many more have begun attending the mass congregations Chosen has been leading.

That Chosen's god has been steadily feeding the civilization with geographical, technological and sociological knowledge that has preternaturally accelerated the culture's development has not gone unnoticed.

Even language has advanced impossibly rapidly, with Anima and Auron adapting an alphabet and language he awoke from the snow knowing to be better able to act as a written form of Aka'sarari speech. It has been less than a year since that and Anima's acolyte's have already begun instructing as many as will listen in the use of the strange recording system.

To the Aka'Sarari the rapid advancement of the culture is apparent but if an outsider it would seem without parallel. It is without doubt the beginning of a golden age.

There are also threats to such things.

One morning, just after sunrise a messager arrives in the temple asking for Chosen, while across the long fields in the seed pit similar young messagers arrive in the middle of morning classes asking for Irys, Auron and Anima. Lastly an attendant to the Chief steps into his hut and informs him a messager has arrived and asked for the advisers of the Chief to be gathered.

When the group assembles it is the public garden to the edge of town, a cultural meetings place for deals and discussion, empty at this hour.

A coterie of advisers, guards, and one or two acolytes array themselves around the outer spaces of the park while the quintet enters to meet with the messager. He seems to have made demands above his station but having come from the edges of the lands so far populated by the Aka'Sarari he had traveled days and it was likely of some important to have acted as he had.

She had. As the quintet came upon a clearing at the center of an array of bright pink petaled bushes they saw a woman in black leather armor sitting in the grass with one hand fiddling with a knife. She rose once she saw the quintet and bowed deeply. She wasn't someone the group recognized but given the ever growing nature of the kingdom such was to be expected. She might not even be technically Aka'Sarari given that all those within their lands who had traveled south before the tribe proper or drifted into the lands early in the unrecorded prehistory had accepted their dominion so far without issue. Her hair was near as black as her armor and her eyes were a deep blue, and as imposing as she might look when she spoke her respect for the five before her were evident "I'm sorry to have summoned you Chief, or any of you, out of your beds but I come bearing strange news. My name is Sima, and I worked at your newest mine to the east. I was one among many tasked with keeping those who worked their safe. A few days ago the miners sealed the tunnel from the inside while we were on patrol . . . we've been working to unseal the tunnel but we felt given strange goings on before that occurred and given the tales told of you all, that if we do unseal the mine you should be the ones to investigate what is going on. Or was I wrong to think such?"

20 months have passed since the last post so you guys can add as much narrative fluffery and references into your posts as you need. Ask in the OoC if you need clarifications on anything. :smallsmile:

2014-07-14, 05:08 PM

Over a year and a half ago, the crimson-eyed warrior told a dying chief that he would travel South with his people and then leave. Yet, on this day, in this place, he is still here. It begs an explanation.

The first reason is that Auron has never found his people. They must have traveled further to the south when this area was still an inhospitably cold land. He has asked the different peoples they have encountered in their domain, but none have given him a good answer to where the Valyr have made home.

The second reason is that shortly after arriving, Auron began helping these people make a life here. At first it was dangerous expeditions, but that soon gave way to mastering the land, creating written language. Such prosperity was awe-inspiring. How could he simply leave while the odd place they called Central was giving birth to something truly great? He felt guilty, partially, but the longer he stayed, the more responsibilities he was given. The fighting men now looked up to him as their leader. He had friends among these people. He had even found himself smiling and laughing with others at the tavern and the dance hall.

Life was good, even though this new life began so badly.

Today, the messenger found Auron not within the Lotus Pit (for Auron had found out months ago that the strength of his magic could not be taught), but training the guards at the barracks. Though his leadership was in no means heavily structured, he still demanded excellence from his soldiers. He was in the middle of shouting for another round of sparring when the messenger arrived. Auron quickly agrees, then passes the training off to an experienced warrior before heading towards the nearby park.

Auron’s style of dress has changed in the last year and a half. The colors he wears now more closely follow the color of his eyes. Crimson and black cloth clothing. Some time ago when he discovered that his body generated a second skin of force, he eschewed armor altogether. On his back was the white wooden blade he had found during the first expedition.

Auron’s gaze beheld this woman, Sima. She was not a person he ever recalled meeting before, but he was certainly not offput by her possibly foreign nature. He was in the same boat, even if his dialect was now very closely mirroring the Aka’Sarari. He listened to what she had to say, and gave her a small nod.

“You were not wrong,” Auron says. Regardless of the Chief’s opinion (although they tended to be quite close on their thoughts, I would imagine), Auron was the type to speak his mind. Formalities meant very little to him. “Please, tell us what strange things have happened at the mine.”

2014-07-14, 05:13 PM
Sesi's violent death awoke something new within Chosen. It was painful and heartbreaking, but in retrospect, it really was a pivotal moment for him to learn of the reality that he lived in... And more importantly, that if he wished to change that reality, there would be only one way to do so...

He had been the one to break the news to Sesi's brother, who at first was elated to see his hero return home, only to quickly crash into rage and despair at the passing of his sister. Chosen took the boy under his wing that day. Chosen became a man that day.

"We know something that can only be learned through experience... We know of the pain and suffering this world can bring. This is a knowledge that should not be shared. FOR, knowing how much hurt a tragic loss like this causes, we are in a particularly powerful place to prevent others from having to live through such heartache. Look at me. Tell me: do you desire the power to stop others from being hurt, the knowledge to answer where one goes after death, and the ability to seek out new threats and to put them down before they bring harm to those we love? Can you ale what you have been sorrowfully given, and channel that into a tool to be used? Will you do this, for Sesi?"

"Yes." the boy said, the tears drying from his eyes, his voice ringing out like a gong with pride and desire and passion fueling his every fiber.

"Then I will do my best to bring this power to you. Study with me. Learn what I can teach you. Our god may grant you powers never before seen if you use your energies to bring glory to him and his divine way. And that divinity, that power may shine through you. Remember this always. Please our god and you will have power."

From that day on, Chosen used the boy every chance he could, exhausting the boy through work and labor, study, rigorous practice and training. He taught him songs and chants, made him memorize stories and fables. Twice during the building of the Temple they know both practically lived in, the boy nearly died pushing himself too hard. Chosen had to be reminded quite often that he was, in fact, still just a boy dealing with the loss of his big sister.

"Only for so much longer.."

Given the news, memories awakened in Chosen of the dangers that could be lurking under the dirt and stone. A fire blazed in his eyes as he feared for those who might be in danger. No words were needed, but a fiery glance towards the Chief said it all. I'm ready to be the divine wrath, the Protector. Lead the way.

He had grown so much in such a short time. But more was needed. Chosen had hit a sort of plateau in his divine connection, and he needed to do something to draw his god's attention back to him. His mind flicked to images of giant, mindless vermin living under the tunnels... Snatching up any prey they could devour. They or any other threat to this place he called home would be a blood sacrifice offered up to his deity.

The Architect
2014-07-14, 05:15 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Sima nods and replies as if having been ordered by a superior officer of some sort "it began while we were clearing the area and constructing the mine. People would disappear in the night and never return. At first we thought it might be Ogres come down from the mountains but most of those were slain in the expeditions and there were no signs of struggle. Then groups of the miners started meeting alone, often in secret, and I think they were keeping something from the rest of us. Those of us who patrolled outside the mine started feeling isolated from them and when people disappeared some seemed too scared to speak about what was happening while others seemed either to not care or to actively avoid the topic. It was unsettling to say the least."

2014-07-14, 05:36 PM

“Miners meeting in secret, hiding things from you as their fellows disappear. I don’t want to rush to judgment, but it sounds as if some of them knew what was happening. You say they sealed themselves in the mine?” He asked, to clarify the situation.

Auron was thinking of the Lotus now, of what they told him happened to his friends. How their minds were warped and twisted until they could do nothing but be with the Lotus. Perhaps there were other forces in this world that have a similar effect on the mind.

2014-07-14, 05:52 PM
Anima has been furthering the study of magic and just a general increase in education among the common folk. She would of begun gathering anyone interested in learning magic and testing them for the ability to wield it. Once that is done she would of begun teaching them basic cantrips. Once that is done she would teach them basic magics and finally how to create undead. So by now there is probably at least 1 necromancer who has graduated to being a Weaver, as she calls the magic users of the tribe. If there are more, then yeah we'll go with that, but I''m going with one for now. She's been helping people learn writing and furthering literacy wherever she can. Also She's been trying to get a certain chief alone if she can...prooobably unsuccessfully with how busy everyone has been.

-Anima walks into the meeting rubbing her face, she was soo not a morning person- Well whatever it is, we need to investigate. It could be anything for all we know and guessing in the dark does us no good

The Architect
2014-07-15, 09:55 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Sima remains quiet, listening to people she seems to consider much higher in station than herself before finally speaking when the conversation calms "Yes they sealed themselves in the mine, a death sentence as far as I could tell. If you're leaving myself and my rik are ready to go with you and lead the way immediately. And there's one more thing . . ."

She moves to her pack and rustles around in it for a time before slowly removing a folded bundle of white cloth. she unfolds the cloth to reveal a large pale brown shard of what appears to be old clay pottery. With her free hand she turns it over to reveal on the outer curved side a series of images and lines painted in long faded black. The largest symbol is a septafoil knot surrounded by several smaller symbols cut off by the cracked edges of the piece. Some of the symbols seemed to be humanoid figures, while others are glyphs or more esoteric symbols.

"I stole this from one of the miner's packs just before they sealed the mine. I don't know of its significance but I think they found whatever it's a part of in the mind before everything started getting strange. I've never seen anything quite like it," Sima says as she holds out the shard of pottery for your inspection.

The symbols on the pot are Aka'Sarari, or at least the glyphic alphabet Auron awoke knowing and taught to Anima. Most of the glyphs are too worn to be readable but a series of glyphs under one of the figures reads 'Haliax'. Auron, who awoke with an innate knowledge of the glyphs, knows of no meaning behind this word.

2014-07-15, 10:22 PM

He marvels at the piece of pottery that she reveals. He steps closer to Sima, looking at each character in the artifact. He knows these characters. He has known them for what seems like forever, as if the Lotus merely reminded him of their meaning. Auron looks upon the word “Haliax.” He cants his head, reviewing the possibilities in his mind. Haliax, Haliax… he can place no meaning to it. Why can he place no meaning to this word?

And then it dawns on him. A proper name would confound his knowledge.

“Haliax is a name,” he says quietly.

He may have talked about his dreams before with the others, but he feels that it might be good to mention them again.

“You all know that I woke up at the Lotus Pit knowing this tongue and this writing. I have dreams sometimes, that I gaze upon a great, terrible winged reptile with red scales and eyes that look like my own. In my dreams, as I look upon this creature, I see myself. Somehow, this creature is the source of my body’s changes and the magic within me. I believe it is also the source of this language, from which I cast my magic.”

He points to the shard.

“This Haliax… it could be one of these creatures, or someone else who has used their power.”

Beowulf DW
2014-07-15, 10:24 PM
"Hmm. At best, they're confused and need help; at worst there's something sinister at work here. Please, lead on, Sima," urges Conri as he makes some adjustments to his armor.

Conri will have continued to instruct the tribe's warriors, teaching the more talented ones some of the more advanced techniques and principles of his art, and also taking some of them with him into the wild to observe and learn from the great beasts as he has done.

Whenever time permits, he would have checked in on his friends, especially Auron and Anima.

The Architect
2014-07-16, 07:11 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

They depart, just the six of them and their riks, along with whatever supplies they think they might need for the trek. Typically the journey would have been considered long and hard but the last nearly two years have left roads and people where once there was only untamed wilderness. Now such a journey seems a much more sane proposition.

There are still beasts and dangerous animals of course but none trouble the heroes as they make their way to the edge of their domain. They catch rare glimpses of their people in fields and travelling the roads as they go. They'd never imagine so many of their people settled over so large a region, a region that would no doubt grow only ever larger, but the journey itself reminded them of the nomad days of their youth.

The group got to know Sima as they traveled. She'd been of the Aka'Syba but her father had traveled with several tribes in his youth as a traveling spear, including the Aka'Sarari and when their dominion had fallen over her small hut in the plains she had been more than happy for their potential for work and new companions. She'd been on the expeditions but unlike Anuri or Corvo she hadn't managed to stand out then to the heroes and had drifted east till she settled again as one of the protectors of the mine workers, as well as that had gone.http://s27.postimg.org/t1f724zcz/Chapter2art1.png

When the group finally arrive at the base of the mountain the camp of their protectors is nowhere to be found, but whether they had fled the mine due to it being sealed or met some more grizzly fate was unclear. In silence Sima led the party up the incline to the entrance to the mine and what she found their made her turn away in horror and it was evident she was putting all of her mental focus into not disgorging the dried rik meat they had had for dawnsmeal. As the others see what had caused her so violent reaction they in turn react to varying degrees of horror.

Strapped over the still block entrance of the mine is a man, his skin flayed from his deeper flesh, tied to the entrance by leather straps at his wrists and ankles. Cut into his forehead is a bloody septafoil knot and over the entrance is scrawled in blood a message, threat or warning of some sort in the language of Auron's dream beast.

What do you do?

The scrawled message over the entrance-way reads 'Children Beware'.

2014-07-16, 07:26 PM
-Anima walks up to the body and examines it carefully, looking for any obvious wounds of how he was dispatched and the precision of the flaying- Children...beware....odd thing to write really. Perhaps we dug to deep and awoken some kind of boogeyman

2014-07-16, 07:31 PM

Auron follows not far behind Sima, so he is the first of the group to see the gruesome sight. His face remains stoic, for he has seen death and evil before today, but he’s particularly disgusted by this act. A man flayed for the purpose of sending a message, to who? Auron can’t pry his eyes off of the corpse. There’s a rage burning inside of him right now, as if fire threatened to spill from his nose with each exhale of breath.

“Children Beware,” he says, reading it to himself. What did that mean? He couldn’t fathom it. Why murder a man this way and worry about scaring children? There was some deeper meaning, but Auron didn’t have the knowledge to put it together.

Taking a quiet breath, the Valyrian approaches the body and draws his dagger. After anima examines the body, Auron cuts the straps, taking the body down and moving it off to the side. He takes some leather from his rik and drapes it over the body, to hide the dreadful sight for now.

“Whatever it is,” he says to Anima, “Its time in this world grows short.”

He turns his head to Sima, “Do you know of another way in? Perhaps a cavern or side-tunnel?”

2014-07-16, 07:35 PM
"Careful. Check it first... they may have booby trapped it, or the path. It would appear they expected someone to come check things out at least..." Chosen says, staring deeply at the body, but standing a bit back while everyone else does their various actions.

The Architect
2014-07-16, 07:36 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

As Anima examines the corpse she can tell from striations and stray cuts that the man was flayed by knife, not some supernatural means, and given the signs of copious evidence of blood loss his heart was probably still pumping when they started. It does seem like a little bit of an amateur job though in comparison to the kind of carcasses she had seen skinned by the tribe's hunters. Whoever did this clearly knew how they were meant to do it, but skinning was not something they did for a living.

Sima spoke up but was still looking away from the body "there are some caves to the east but we never fully explored them. They might link up with the mine, they might not. We could clear these rocks but ... it would make a lot of noise ... if anyone is still alive in their."

2014-07-16, 07:43 PM
-Anima kneels down looking at the body- This man wasn't killed by supernatural means, someone took a knife to his flesh while he was still alive and flayed him. Someone with skill did this though, but not with the practice hand of a life built form it.

The Architect
2014-07-16, 07:47 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Sima looks as angry as she is disgusted at Anima's last analyse "while he was still alive? What kind of monster does this to a person."

2014-07-16, 07:47 PM
With a sigh, Chosen states "If I were to take a guess, I'd say something has taken control or manipulated the minds of our workers... Let us head towards those other caves. If their minds are not their own, it'd be best to avoid having to confront them until we've found who or what has turned them against us... that way we can save or reclaim as many of them as possible without dwindling our population."

2014-07-16, 07:48 PM

He nodded in response to Sima. "It would be unwise to enter through this passageway. Who or whatever we are up against expects us to come that way. They will hear us coming and they will prepare with all the force they can muster. Sima, take us to these other caves."

Auron glances to Chosen, the priest of the God. Auron was not himself a religious man. He had never actually been to the temple himself. However, the knowledge and the wisdom of the boy could not be discounted, even by someone still skeptical of worship.

"I believe you are right. We must find and destroy the source of this madness."

With that, Auron took the white wooden blade from his back, resting the blunt end across his shoulders behind his neck as he walked ahead.

The Architect
2014-07-16, 10:01 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The group leave the body and their riks to make the trek around the slight plateau around the mountain. The hike takes only ten minutes or so. The cave entrance is large and lets in the copious light from the now waning sun. Glancing back the sunsets in the usual half minute or so, and so it is pitch black night. Sima rustles in her pack and pulls out a torch, lighting it with difficulty with some flint.

The group make quick headway into the cave but the relatively open mouth means no creature has taken up permanent residence this far out. The party are only a minute or so into the cave when Sima says the protectors had gone no deeper than this. Continuing on in the relative light of the torch the possibility of linking up with the mine seemed more and more remote until the party comes upon a strange sight.http://s30.postimg.org/tzj5loxs1/Chapter2art2.png

A space opens up before them and at one end of it is a tunnel entrance leading deeper into the mountain. The entrance is flanked by nearly identical statues of near impossible craftsmanship. They appear to be a pair of robed and winged women with their hands outstretched to either side.

Sima waving the torch over the figures and looking confused looks back to the party "have any of you ever seen anything like these?" she turns back to the entrance "... and is it just me or do those symbols look like the ones marked in blood over the mine entrance? I have a bad feeling about this."

The space beyond the tunnel entrance was too far from Sima's torch to be visible to the party from their current position.

What do you do?

The engraved message over the passage reads 'Here Lies Axia Slayer of Children'.

2014-07-16, 10:11 PM
-Anima reads that and looks at auron- So a slayer of children....I beleive we've definently stumbled onto something older than we are, an older entity

The Architect
2014-07-16, 10:31 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Sima nods at Anima's statement "seems like a good guess. Wait- Slayer of Children? You can understand those scratches?"

2014-07-16, 10:36 PM
"Well we're on the right track at least... Some kind of bird... Man... Hybrid thing? I'm not sure what use wings would have underground... This is all so bizarre." Chosen says, running his fingers across the statues.

2014-07-16, 10:47 PM
-Anima tilts her head- You guys can't? huh okay, well yeah it says here Lies Axia slayer of children. SO probably the resting place of some kind of entity

2014-07-16, 11:03 PM

He looks to Sima as she asks the question. “Yes. When I awoke at the Lotus, I spoke a strange tongue I had never taken the time to learn. This is written in that same language. The language must be ancient.” Sima must certainly think him a very strange man, and in truth, he is. He’s connected to things ancient and powerful, and can’t quite comprehend it just yet.

He looks upon the women with wings. Auron isn’t certain what to make of it. Who are the children this script speaks of? Axia the Slayer. This was foreboding.

Auron reaches out with his left hand, tracing a character in the air and speaking a word in Draconic. “Ljos.” He touches his clothing and suddenly it begins emitting a bright, clear light. He nods to the others. “Anima, if your servants would move ahead, I’ll follow them in.”

If Anima does so, Auron moves in behind the skeletons. Otherwise, he takes the lead. Whatever Axia the Slayer is, he’s willing to bet that he or she is involved in the control and murder of those under his protection.

I cast the light cantrip on my clothing.

Beowulf DW
2014-07-16, 11:34 PM
Having remained silent so far, lest his fury cause him to say something he'd regret, Conri holds his earthbreaker before him, and makes for the cave.

"I'd prefer to be out in front myself, Auron. It's been years since I was this angry, and I'm eager to come to grips with whatever did this. Anima, would you mind using your servants as a rearguard? Auron, please stay right behind me so I can see."

2014-07-16, 11:42 PM
-She looks at conri and nods- I can leave them all here to watch the tunnel, if they start dying I'll know something is coming after us.

2014-07-16, 11:46 PM

He nods to Conri, but extends his hand to block the way for just a moment. "Don't let your anger get the better of you. Your life is no longer your own. It belongs to your people." His crimson eyes watched Conri, meeting his gaze before he uttered that same magical word and similarly bestowed a light onto Conri's clothing. He then let Conri move ahead and fell in behind him.

Light on Conri's clothes.

The Architect
2014-07-18, 04:01 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The group descends into the tunnel, Sima taking up the rear as they leave the skeletons behind at the Cave entrance.

It becomes apparent quickly that if this place is a tomb of any kind than the architects of its design deigned to leave the natural appearance of the tunnels unaltered. It also becomes rather rapidly apparent that no creatures have taken up permanent residence in at least these areas of the cave, and sadly there are no marks the miners, in any state, have been through here either. http://s3.postimg.org/mxxpttl6r/Chapter2_Art4.png

Sima speaks quietly as the group moves through magically illuminated tunnels "what do we do about the miners, I mean ... if this place doesn't link up with the tunnels? Will we barge in through the front door like you guys said, even if they'd hear us coming a mile off?" Sima glances around the tunnel before continuing "it's just ... with what they must have done to that poor man, it might mean we'd have to hurt a lot of our own, and Chosen said that they might all be innocent, controlled I mean . . . It's just that these people were only out here mining because of you?"

Sima caught herself at the end, perhaps realizing what she had said was both something no one had considered and something a little too dark for anyone to say out loud. After a few minutes of fruitless spelunking the group comes upon a large cavernous space with paths branching off to the left and right. In front of them against the far wall of the space are four statues, nearly identical to the ones at the tunnel's entrance, clutching varied stone weaponry. Here there is no writing or symbols, or any decoration beside the statues at all.


Down the path to the left is the faint sound of running water, down the path to the right is no sound but a noxious smell not unlike the whiff of unusually pungent smoke. Both paths turn to darkness beyond the reach of the light before anything of consequence can be glimpsed.

What do you do?

Please roll Perception.

2014-07-18, 04:10 PM
-Anima gives her a warming smile- I have several spells capable of harmlessly incapacitating them and so does Irys -she looks back around- In hindsight maybe bringing a single skeleton would of been a good idea so it could keep watch in the dark we can't see. Also these statues are starting to get rather unnerving, -She looks at them strangely, She lets out a small whisper in an arcane tongue and casts detect magic -


also casting detect magic on the statues

2014-07-18, 04:43 PM
Chosen looks at the two paths. "Water that way. But... Smell that? Does anyone else think that's the smell of something that's long been down this way? We should head that way... The sooner we find that which has broken our men the better....." he says, peering down the tunnel. His hands tighten around his staff, but he looks at the newer statues and asks "Do those weapons appear to be attached to the holders, or might they be used ourselves..?"

2014-07-18, 04:52 PM

He stalks through the cavern quietly, just behind Conri. His eyes are watching his surroundings for the inevitable ambush. Still, he can hear what she’s saying behind them. Auron speaks quietly, his tone even-tempered as it normally is.

“They are here to make us all thrive and they knew there would be risks. To master this new land, we must sometimes be subject to its dangers.” He is quiet for but a moment, to let that thought sink in. The sense of purpose he felt towards this land, that he hoped everyone else felt as well. Then he added, “They are here because of our decisions. But we will do our best, as Anima said, to break the hold over them and keep them safe.”

They finally come upon the larger cavern. A crossroads in this maze of tunnels. Auron sniffs the air, smelling the smoke to the right. Where there’s fire, it meant someone could be down there. And he should be ready. “I agree, Chosen. To the right… we should see what fire burns.” Stepping off to the side a few feet from everyone, Auron traces a rune into the air. “Vaxa.”

He then begins to grow, taller and taller until he was as tall as an ogre, his blade having grown to match. Conri, Chosen, and Anima had each seen him do this before. But to Sima, such a sight would be the most blatant of magics she’d ever been exposed to. He continues by weaving another spell, "Rond," and forming a ghostly wall of force in front of himself.

I spend a mythic point to use Wild Arcana and freely cast Enlarge Person at +2 CL. Gives me a CL of 4 and 4 minutes of being large and in charge.

Normal cast of the shield spell next.

2014-07-18, 05:15 PM
Irys raises one eyebrow at Anima, almost archly, as she speaks for the witch's own abilities, yet lets it pass as the still young woman speaks for the first time since entering the mine.

"Many means of my own. None as flashy as Anima's, but in their ways often more effective." She confirms, her voice quiet and still possessed of the same edge of disuse that has haunted its tone since leaving Central. "If this is a cult of control, then we will do all we can to take those caught at its edge peacefully. Those closer to the core...there may not be such an easy solution." She shrugged, the motion sending the ghostly light of her armour rippling and shifting around her.

"These statues are strange though, a part of me thinks I know them even when I know I cannot." She passes a hand across her eyes, setting a ring of light burning around her pupils. "But I care little as to which way we go, only that we go."

Detect Magic up, focusing on the statues. If spellcraft as Anima is required:


Perception: [roll2]

How the hell do I have the highest perception modifier of the party?

The Architect
2014-07-18, 08:38 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The statues themselves give off no magical aura.

You all notice nothing.

What do you do?

Is everyone going to turn their backs on this room and head down the tunnel after Auron then? :smallsmile:

You detect two active strong magical auras on each of the weapons, but cannot learn anymore on such inspection except that these auras are not given off by the weapons simply being inherently magical in nature, like Auron's sword or the Chief's armor.

You detect two active strong magical auras on each of the weapons, one of which is a Universal aura but you can't detect what kind of aura the second magical effect has. You cannot learn anymore on such inspection except that these auras are not given off by the weapons simply being inherently magical in nature, like Auron's sword or the Chief's armor.

2014-07-18, 09:37 PM
Chosen reaches for the spear in the statue's hand and tries to give it a firm tug to free it from its grip.

2014-07-18, 09:39 PM
I'd be careful chosen, there is magic here and in those items. -she readies a spell in case something bad happens-

2014-07-18, 09:51 PM
Chosen's hands clasp around the weapon as the warning reaches him. Chosen hears the warning and examines the spear closely. He uses his natural divination for the day to boost Spellcraft[roll0] and uses a Surge to add [roll1] to identify the magic on the spear.

...unless something crazy happened when he grabbed the spear. In which case, we'll change this up as need be.

Beowulf DW
2014-07-18, 10:20 PM
Conri paces around the room, taking it all in as it were.


The Architect
2014-07-20, 12:09 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The group begins to spread out and search the cavernous space, giving Anima and Irys all the time they need to exam the strange statues. As they detect the auras they're left perplexed and unable to discern the exact nature of the enchantment. They're enchanted weapons, but not magical items it seems, at least not of any usual sort. It's more than a little peculiar.

It's during all this that the sniffing and the path choosing occurs and with a shout of Draconic Auron grows to twice his height, lumbering behemoth in the shadowy cramped space.

To this Sima is so stunned she nearly drops the weapon in her hand as she stumbles back looking up at Auron ". . . amazing . . ." is all she's able to manage as she stares up at his figure, open mouthed at the power of those she has sworn herself to.http://s27.postimg.org/sue7byvc3/Chapter2_Art7.png
http://s27.postimg.org/j8kmvo46b/Chapter2_Art6.png Next as Auron shouts "Rond!" into the air a bubble of magic force forms around him and Sima barely as the time to catch her breath before it is taken away again.

"Are all of you capable of such wonders?" Sima's voice doesn't actually sound like it expected an answer, more that her brain had realize her lips were moving and had grabbed for the first series of words that were at least passable as a sentence. Needless to say it was a rhetorical question.

It was now, given he was within the fields of simultaneous waves of magic detection that both Irys and Anima noticed something about Auron. Where Anima took her power from the world, from Ley Lines or nearby ambient life force, really whatever was handy, and Irys drew her power from his ancient distant 'thing', it seemed Auron did not 'draw' his power from anywhere. It came from within him like light shining from a star, pinpricks of arcane power drifted from him as he needed them. It wasn't quite the Anima of Anima, or the Witchcraft of Irys, it was something similar but altogether different at its core.
http://s27.postimg.org/gbxlvdycj/Chapter2_Art5.pngSadly this moment of reflection for the two casters is cut short as Chosen reaches forward, near heedlessly, for the the spear. Anima blurts out a warning "I'd be careful chosen, there is magic here and in those items." but it goes at least half ignored.

*THUNK* goes the spear into flesh as it whips around near as soon as Chosen touches it and embeds itself, without assistance, squarely into Chosen's chest, though not too deeply. As the chaos erupts Sima's scream of "CHOSEN?!" reverberates though the cavern like a shot.http://s27.postimg.org/l1vcpcpb7/Chapter2_Art9.png

Suddenly, in unison, the weapons of the stone statues rise up on their own, drifting up to the ceiling held aloft by no visible force. They drift and angle menacingly and it becomes apparent despite their object nature that their intent is a violent one.



Roll initiative everybody!

Map and Initiative rolls for Sima and the weapons incoming in the OoC thread! :smallsmile:

EDIT (i): Also forgot to mention, 3 Damage to Chosen, rolls in the OoC thread. :smallredface:

2014-07-20, 12:24 PM
Chosen stumbles back, looking at the blood soaking through but aware that the wound is only superficial... He withdraws back away from these strange weapons attacking of their own volition, and seeks cover behind the larger, more combat-trained adventurers in the party.

2014-07-20, 03:13 PM

Auron reacted quickly to Sima’s cry, whirling around towards the implements coming to life without anyone wielding them. His red eyes narrowed and he made a giant step towards the nearest foe, huge arms bringing that white blade of his to the side and up over his head, delivering a powerful slash down onto the shield, looking to cleave it in twain. The air roars with the sound of the slash, the wind itself being split open.

He wastes no words on these items, for items (to his knowledge) cannot think or feel. But they can be destroyed, so that is his focus.

“Anima, get behind me!” He calls out to the wizard, looking to force these things to come through him and his deadly reach to get at any of the less-sturdy party members.

23 to hit the shield.
14 damage.

I have reach at the moment, so I'll attack of opportunity any available creatures. Come at me bro. =P

The Architect
2014-07-20, 04:46 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

http://s15.postimg.org/n2okde9sr/Chapter2_Art13.png http://s30.postimg.org/m80ypj54x/Chapter2_Art12.png

2014-07-21, 06:06 PM
Irys reels back, just short of a call of her own, as the spear plunges into Chosen's chest in the same moment as Anima cries out. The weapons rise above her , dancing lethally above the party with one already crowned in red. Possibilities race across through the witch's mind as she retreats away from the weapons towards the tenuous safety of those who she - at least mostly - knows, but nothing comes to mind. She's already protected, but what else can she...

The power inside of her pulses suddenly, almost as if it's angry at being discounted so quickly. It's a feeling she's never felt before but it gets the point across very easily. She's not like her students, even the gifted ones. The river which to them is so deep that they can only reach a single careful hand into without drowning is one that flows straight through her soul. Its power, and all the incarnations of that power, are hers to call on. She need only ask to receive what is hers.

So she asks (or is it a demand?) and a spell she never knew she could know bursts from her fingertips.

Move back to H12.

Wild Arcana to cast Web Bolt at +2 CL on the hammer. DC 16 Reflex or affected as Web.

The Architect
2014-07-22, 03:31 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Irys web bolt sadly fails to find its mark as the stone hammer shoots forward as the chaos erupts and swings around to collide with her, stone on shoulder.

At the same time the bow fires an arrow that appear from nowhere at Conri, but he deftly dodges the attack just as the bow dodges his own.

Anyone in the party may not act in any order.

The Hammer Charged Irys, hit and she takes 4 damage.

The Bow took a five foot step back and shot at Conri.

Round 0 is now over, round 1 has begun.:smallsmile:

2014-07-22, 03:56 PM
Seeing the hammer charge so close to him, Chosen gets scared and lashes out with his staff, swinging at it wildly (more akin to spastic flailing really) oh an attempt to drive away the living weapon. He strikes out at the weapon twice with both ends of the staff, fear clearly showing on his face.

To hit [roll0]
To hit [roll1]
Confirm crit: To hit [roll2]
To hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Crit Damage [roll6]
Crit Damage [roll7]

2014-07-22, 05:00 PM
-Anima bit her lip and drew a bit of blood as she steps back, she wanted to help conri but chosen was in more danger. She curses under her breath and rolls the blood over her tongue as she speaks enchanted words, throwing as much power into them as she can- Omendai Mendubla MON KOT! -Bolts of force fly from her finger tips at the hammer attacking chosen-

Wild arcana another magic missle

2014-07-22, 05:55 PM

Weapons attacked without owners in a scene that one would only expect from the most bizarre of dreams. Yet this warrior of the Valyr stood at tall as giants while magical webs and spears of light flew across the room. The world was a very different place than he had imagined earlier in life.

Now isn’t the time to reflect, though. Now is the time to kill, before Conri is overwhelmed by numbers.

Following up on the momentum from his last slash, he slashes at the shield again, striking true and dealing another powerful blow to the stone object.

Attack 18
Damage 14

I think it’s a hit, but if it’s not, I’m willing to spend a mythic power.

Beowulf DW
2014-07-22, 11:21 PM
The Sunflash bellows his frustration as he swings once more, only to meet with disappointment.

"I think this is the strangest fight I've ever had!"

2014-07-24, 04:54 PM
Irys almost isn't surprised by the fact that the spell failed - she's never even thought it was something she could do. She steps back from the hammer that had slammed into her, deeply thankful for the protective layer of magic still swirling ghost-like around her. It had at the very least held the blow back a bit. She had gotten lucky.

Hopefully the weapon wouldn't again.

A twisting mess of webs gathers at her fingertips, then lanced out to spread ahead of her.

Step 5' straight back.

Total Defence.

Wild Arcana for Web Bolt. Again.

The Architect
2014-07-24, 06:01 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The fight progresses in earnest from here. Auron is slamming down on the swiftly moving shield as the others move to try to take control of battlefield positioning. To one side Sima charges into clash with the hammer in defense of Irys and Chosen only to be flanked in turn by the spear and hammer which harm her badly. To the other side Conri corners the bow only for it fire at his arm for for the sword to slash at his back flanking him in turn.

http://s27.postimg.org/uw1ouvfjn/Chapter2_Art15.pngAnima takes the moment to fire on the hammer with bolts of force while Irys flings a ball of magic web towards it but both fall short of having any effect on the floating construct. The Shield tries to smash itself against Auron who dodges the attack easily, leaving the party to retaliate brutally as the momentum of the fight swings ever more in their favor http://s27.postimg.org/5ejab9xtf/Chapter2_Art16.png

What do you do?

Conri, could I get an Attack of Opportunity from you at the Bow?

It is now round two and the party may post immediately in any order. :smallsmile:

2014-07-24, 06:09 PM
-She curses under her breath as she has no effect, she digs down for more power and presses a tooth into the cut on her tongue drawing more blood letting it flow into her words- Shreta arnor -as the magic leaves her body she coalesces it into the spell and pours even more magic from her staff and forces it at the sword, hopeing to protect conri before it can strike him-

Casting break with wild arcana, and gonna burn my once per day ability with my arcane bond to cast break again on the sword, DC 16 fort save if it fails the first save it is broken if it fails the second it is destroyed

2014-07-24, 06:41 PM
Chosen uses his flanking position to lash out again!

To hit [roll0]
To hit [roll1]
Confirm crit: To hit [roll2]
To hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Crit Damage [roll6]
Crit Damage [roll7]

2014-07-24, 07:39 PM

The combined barriers of Auron’s force armor and shield spell are simply too much for the shield to overcome. And as soon as the shield was rebuffed a second time, the Valyrian slashes with a mighty blow and cleaves the shield in twain. Before the pieces have even fallen, Auron taps into that roaring power within and flashes across the battlefield in a blur of motion, delivering another powerful upward strike to the spear.

“Sima, back away from these things. Let them come after me.”

His voice is forceful, a deep baritone that remains cool even in the heat of battle. Those who can remain calm during a fight always prevail.

Destroyed the shield (15 damage for the kill) and then fleet charged to attack the spear. I dealt 14 damage to it.

The Architect
2014-07-25, 08:15 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Heading for the greatest threat the whole of the remaining three constructs zero in on Auron carefully and unanimously fail to even land a blow on the jolly sable and crimson giant. Sima in her turn is able to slash at the hammer brutally leaving cracks across its surface.

Bow provokes an AoO from Conri, and one from Auron. You may make them now while everyone takes their third round action.

So everybody, you're up. :smallsmile:

2014-07-25, 08:39 PM
Chosen grows increasingly frustrated at his uselessness in combat. "I HAVE UTILITY OUTSIDE OF YOU!" he yells, seemingly at nobody, with rage as he again flails wildly and with reckless abandon at the weapons. His face flushes with anger, embarrassment, and fear. As the battle rages on around him he seems to have lost a bit of control as he lets out what appears to be much pent up frustration.

Meh. Critical hit check because that's all I can do really [roll0]
Confirm [roll2]

2014-07-25, 09:53 PM

The animated objects finally do what Auron wanted them to do, they all strike at him in unison. That's good, because he knows he can take it. The shield of force alone protects him from the assault, however, he now has too many targets to worry about. As he actively defends himself, his swings go wild, missing both the bow and the spear.

He shows no appearance of frustration, however. He's still as calm as ever, even in the midst of being attacked on almost all sides.

The Architect
2014-07-30, 06:33 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Irys continues to hold back on the fight, keeping a safe distance with Anima, while Sima slashes brutally at the hammer and the Spear and Bow finally find enough purchase on the cracks in Auron's defenses to at least draw blood. The fight has clearly swung in the favor of the giant warrior and his fellows though, that much is clear.

What do you do?

Top of the Round again, so act away.

Beowulf DW and SuperCracker, you guys have AoOs on the Bow to make again. :smallsmile:

2014-07-30, 06:44 PM
Chosen watches once more as he allies smash the weapons to pieces, as he swings ineffectively at them. Out of anger at his inability to damage them, he makes a mad charge at the remaining spear, leaping in the air and tackling at it, trying to wrestle it into his possession.

so i don't know if this is a grapple, or a disarm, or how this works. But.


2014-07-30, 06:52 PM

Finally one of these weapons breaks through Auron’s mystical defenses, causing a small bleeding wound to his side. Apparently that dose of pain is what Auron needs, because as the bow fires, he whirls towards it and slices through stone and string, leaving two pieces of broken rock. The hammer likewise rises up to attack the sorcerer, but an upwards clash shatters its stone head before any blow can be struck.

Having nearly cleared the battlefield, Auron turns towards the spear, the last order of business, only to see Chosen fling himself recklessly at the weapon.

What was that young man doing?

Beowulf DW
2014-07-30, 09:26 PM
Conri watches with a mix of mirth and astonishment.

"Need help, Chosen? Have you tried an arm lock?"

2014-07-30, 09:31 PM

Beowulf DW
2014-07-30, 11:50 PM
"All right, all right. Hold still."

Conri raises his earthbreaker high, is reminded vaguely of the chancy business of holding a nail for another person to hammer, then strikes.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

The Architect
2014-08-03, 11:45 AM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The spear rather than try to force itself free instead strikes at Chosen while swinging and rotating wildly in his hands, causing only minor scratches. The object itself swerves out of the way of Sima's attack only to be all but shattered by that of Conri's weapon. In fact given the cracks and fissures in its surface it seems that any blow of consequence that strikes it now would shatter it to shards.

What do you do?

Top of the Round again, so act away.

The Architect
2014-08-03, 05:14 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Finally Conri brings down his magical wooden blade and shatters the spear's haft ending its magically enforced existence and leaving its remains to fall loosely from Chosen's hands.

Looking around all of the animate weapons seem to have been struck down and no new such attackers have joined the fray.

The battle is done.

You are now out of combat. :smallsmile:

2014-08-03, 05:35 PM
Covered in more wounds than he's ever had, Chosen drops the pieces with a heavy panting of breath, and says "See? Told you... Now I think we have some exploration to do..." He picks his own staff back up and begins leading the way down the tunnel they had originally decided to investigate, a little blood trickling down his side.

2014-08-04, 12:54 AM
-Anima walks over to conri and looks him over for injuries, seeing he's not seriously injured, she lets out a small sigh of relief- There are Magics here even beyond my understanding Chosen. If we are to explore further we will need to do so with the utmost caution. Something isn't right about this place

2014-08-04, 05:11 PM

After delivering the final blow to the spear, Auron swept his massive blade to the side, blocking Chosen’s egress for the moment. The currently giant warrior looked down at the priest and shook his head. “No. I'll go first.” He said simply and calmly. He’d just seen the priest flail in combat against these things. A point man he was not.

“Sima, you’re wounded. Unless Chosen’s god can heal you,” he says glancing at the priest, “You should return to the surface.”

Auron himself had a very minor wound, and he was aware that although his magical powers were still active, they would not last but for minutes longer.

2014-08-04, 05:34 PM
Chosen considers for a second and says "... No, you're right. Yes sorry you should go first. And Sima, you do look rough. I'd hate to see you get killed down here. We can handle this... Go rest."

Beowulf DW
2014-08-04, 09:49 PM
Conri winks at Anima after she looks him over, and moves to join Auron.

"Right behind you. Are you sure you don't want me to go first, though? Your wife would give me an ear-full if we get you back in more than one piece."

2014-08-04, 10:29 PM
-anima smiles at conri a moment and blinks- Oh right, I recall her saying something to the effect, that she would beat all of us with a stick till we forgot our names -she smiles- Such a sweet women

2014-08-04, 11:37 PM

The Valyrian smiles at the mention of his wife. “You are our Chief, and I am your warrior. It means I go first, at least for now.” He began to walk into the tunnel, his blade at the ready. As he walked, he added, “Of course, you all should watch my back, lest you face red-headed retribution.” He had a grin on his lips as he glanced back at the others.

The Architect
2014-08-05, 04:17 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Sima seemed to be deflated by being ordered to the surface but she was not one to refute her obvious injuries and so with a hint of regret she nodded, did a standing bow and simply said "I will wait by the entrance to the cave for your return. May the ancestors watch over you."

With that she grabs the rest of her gear and heads for the path you entered the chamber by.

As the rest of the group collects themselves they follow Auron down the corridor to the source of the burning smell.

Can I get a perception check from you?

The Architect
2014-08-08, 07:03 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Descending into the tunnel Auron is able to catch himself before he stumbles and falls at the terminus of the tunnel. A short cliff ends the path which was nearly unnoticeable in the relative darkness. Below the terminus are stepped platforms of stones all covered in the debris of long forgotten bones in long eroded bones. Along the walls of the cavernous space are strange grey box like devices that are billowing smoke into the darkness above and which are filled with a orange and red internal glow. The floor is carved stones and in places the stone and bone mining equipment of your people have been discarded but no people or bodies join them, at least none bar the skeletons of the past. Carved into the stone flagstones are geometric patterns and grooves, and in places the worn markings of the language Auron taught to Anima, sadly too worn for easy reading.

At the center of the space is the septafoil knot in embedded obsidian, bisected by the carving of the draconic word for 'ruin'.

If there is another exit it is not immediately apparent.

What do you do?

2014-08-08, 07:24 PM
".. huh. Well that's weird. Maybe we should go look down that other path first..? It doesn't seem like there's any other paths down there."

2014-08-08, 07:39 PM

The warrior stops himself in time, grateful for the illumination coming from his magic. His crimson eyes sweep the cavern, mapping a way through to the cavern to that obsidian stone in the center, bearing the septafoil knot. Chosen advocates finding another way, but Auron shakes his head. “No, I can climb down there.”

He reaches into his satchel, producing a rope that he then offers to Conri, most likely. “Hold onto this, secure the rope, then follow me down once I’ve made it. One way or another.”

Auron placed his sword upon his back once more, then the giant began to climb down the cliff, taking his time and being careful. Falling and getting banged up would do no one any good.

Climb check! [roll0]

Beowulf DW
2014-08-08, 09:48 PM
Conri looks for a sturdy stalagmite or rock to tie the rope around. He continues to keep a good grip on it once he's secured it.

Should I make a roll for this?

2014-08-09, 01:47 PM
-Anima rubs her chin peering over the edge, her mind slowly racing with possibilities- This is probably not a good idea, if whatever we find is to strong for us, we'll be unable to escape due to the cliff.

2014-08-11, 07:08 AM
Irys reaches forward to catch Auron before he can start descending. "Let the rope down and pull me back up if I'm in trouble. I don't need rope to get down there." The witch traces a pattern in the air in front of her and her movements take on an all but weightless manner. She reaches down to pick up a small rock, whispering a blessing above it to coax it to light, and then steps over the edge. And whilst she falls, she does so slowly - so very slowly.

Almost like a feather.

Cast Light on a rock.

Use Flight Hex to cast Feather Fall - can only be used on self unless Arch decrees otherwise - and step off of the edge.

Going down!

Beowulf DW
2014-08-11, 07:25 PM
Conri continues to keep a grip on the rope.

"Well, that's useful. Anima, can you teach me a trick like that?" he asks incredulously.

2014-08-11, 07:27 PM
-Anima blinks as she goes to climb down after him- Is what useful? -She asks curiously, and once on the ground she mutters a word and light covers her staff-

2014-08-11, 07:37 PM
Chosen sighs. "Looks like I'm on rope duty..." he says, as he makes sure the rope is secure, and finds himself a good position to hold onto the rope, while bracing his feet steadily against something in case he needs to hastily pull the rope up to lift the others out of danger.

2014-08-12, 12:06 AM

“Anima, Irys, stay behind Conri and I. Your magics are more useful if you can cast without being attacked by the enemy.” He says after everyone, save Chosen, is down at the bottom of the short cliff. Auron turns his inhuman eyes upon the features before him, first and foremost the septafoil knot.

He speaks a word in Draconic and looks upon it with an eye for the supernatural.

Casting detect magic.

Beowulf DW
2014-08-13, 08:06 PM
Conri takes his position.

"That 'float gently to the ground' thing that Irys did," he answers Anima.

The Architect
2014-08-22, 11:42 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The group slowly, or at least one by one and by their own ways, make their way to the floor of the chamber. It is only once at the base that they see that the circle of symbols around the Septafoil knot bisected by 'RUIN' in Draconic is itself a line of Draconic;

'Here Lie The Legion Of Ruin, The Army of The Chosen Betrayer, The Slayers of The Children of Thrazridun.

For Whom's Failure The World Shall Know 10,000 Years of Darkness.'

The general area is giving off a moderate Illusory and Necromatics auras to magical senses.

What do you do?

2014-08-23, 01:08 PM
-Anima's eyes see the magic and she reads the words and she tugs her cloak around her shivering- Army....of the chosen betrayer, slayers of children -she has to grip herself harder, that magic was so cold, not like the necromancy she used this was to hostile, to angry...to.....evil. There is a dark presence here....these words can't mean anything good, and this feeling may be worse.

2014-08-26, 08:25 PM

The Valyrian walked towards that knot, reading the script. Something about those words caused a sinking feeling within the pit of his stomach. The Children. The same thing referenced above the flayed villager above. Although Anima summarized, Auron read the words aloud so that the other leaders of the village would know what it said.

“Here Lie the Legion of Ruin,” He begins, his voice still calm, though he’s unable to completely hide the sense of dread he’s feeling, “the Army of the Chosen Betrayer, the Slayers of the Children of Thrazridun.”

He finally looks back to the others as he delivers the final sentence. “For Whom’s Failure the World Shall Know 10,000 Years of Darkness.”

“It speaks again of the Children, enemies of those entombed here. And what sounds like a great cataclysm. I feel we tread upon things older than we could fathom.”

The Architect
2014-08-28, 05:26 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

As the group surveys the area there is a distant noise, like a crowd moving in the distance.

In the chamber itself there is a distant whisper "she failed us ..."

As these words are spoken there is a shudder in the space and the lights within the space, including magical ones, flicker momentarily.

What do you do?

2014-08-28, 07:33 PM

He hears the distant noise. The crowd could very well be the miners. Auron takes a steady breath and begins to go that way until the voice speaks. His eyes widen, and he replies softly, though he knows not what speaks or if it can even hear.

“Who failed you? How?”

Beowulf DW
2014-08-29, 10:31 AM
"And failed at what, exactly?"

2014-08-29, 11:20 AM
-Anima raises her staff and grips it in both hands, every part of her on edge- Part of me thinks talking to the disembodied voice is a bad idea

The Architect
2014-08-29, 02:22 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The distant sounds clarify into the myriad noises of a group approaching down the tunnel that clearly feels no need to remain quiet, all the while the shifting whisper replies in a slow rhythmic tone "failed to slay ... the Children ... she was of them. The Chosen One. Born to betray the beasts that birthed her ... but she was failed in turn ... 10,000 years of darkness ... while the Children slumbered in the cracks of the old places, waiting ... hungering ..."

A joyous chant emanates from the high up, through the tunnel, still distant;

"So we cut them up, hurrah! Hurrah!
Two by two we cleaved them through, HURRAH! HURRAH!
If you see still skinned heads,
chop 'em up or beat 'em dead,
rip up the flesh or slash 'em red,
'Cause we're all red men NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!"

The unsettling descriptive and boisterous chant continues overhead as it approaches and grows louder.

What do you do?

2014-08-29, 02:30 PM
-Anima's step slows and then she stops- This cave is full of mysteries and now I feel if we press onward turning back will not be an option for us, whether physically...or spiritually.

2014-08-29, 02:58 PM
Chosen acts quickly, taking the rope he was holding and adding quite a few knots to it, securing for himself an easy way to climb/rappel down the drop. He secures the rope as quickly and quietly as he can before readying himself as close to the edge of the cliff as he can be, ready to drop down at a heartbeat's notice.

readying an action to rappel down the cliff as soon as anything, preferably multiple creatures, charge... Hopefully making a few of them fall the long drop down.

Beowulf DW
2014-08-31, 12:07 AM
On hearing the song, Conri's teeth clench, and he says in something between a curse and a growl, "Well that makes things pretty clear. Let's go kill these curs."

2014-09-01, 10:43 AM

He readies himself for what appears to be an impending attack, quickly refreshing whichever spells of his that may have worn off while exploring the room. Conri seems angry, but Auron is quick to caution him.

"Be careful, Conri. These voices may be coming from our own people. We must try to save them if we can."

Auron moves to stand between the others, save Chosen, and the approaching mass.

The Architect
2014-09-04, 05:39 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Suddenly a octet of figures burst from the tunnel entrance and through none charged so fast and so foolishly forward that they followed Chosen over the edge they also moved too slowly to catch chosen before he leaped over the side and repelled to the floor. They came to the edge and looked down on the group and so their group was silhouetted. Their armor and weapons marked them as of the Aka'Sarahi but their appearances were hideous and impossible. To a man their flesh had been skinned and muscle left bare but they showed no hint of agony or infirmity at this horrific affliction. Their boisterous song had stopped abruptly and they seemed as surprised to see those below as those below were to see them.

The men readied their weapon and made for Chosen's rope and the footholds along the edge of the platform of stone, intending to descend.

Their bloody weapons and yelped cheers of glee made their intentions obvious.

Roll Initiative!

Round 0
Party Init. Group (?)

Auron (?):

Irys (?):

Chosen (?):

Conri (?):

Anima (?):

Enemy Init. Group (??)

Skinless Men (??):

Shield - 9 Damage Taken

Initiative (Skinless Men): [roll0]

2014-09-04, 06:55 PM
Chosen, still holding the rope, moves as far from the cliff as he can, pulling the rope Til it's tight. He braces to hold the weight of anyone coming the rope... And starts shaking it when they do.

I dunno man. Seems like a good idea. Strength check maybe? [roll0] to shake folks off the rope.

2014-09-04, 07:34 PM
-Anima lets out a breath, the sight actually hadn't shaken her much, she was used to seeing corpses or bodies without skin after all. Letting out a slow breath she calls upon the ambient energies around her and tries to weave a spell she's never tried before, hopeing this works- Slipressa! -she shouts and thick globs of grease fly from her finger tips onto the rope the men were using, she then focuses her mind and brings a spell she has prepared to her finger tips and waits for targets-

Gonna use 1 mythic power for wild surge to cast Grease on the rope they are using to climb down.And going to ready action a color spray for if they step into range
and init [roll0]

Beowulf DW
2014-09-05, 11:10 PM
"Come on down, madmen!"

Conri places his earthbreaker down at his side, and get his bow out.

Initiative: [roll0]

Dropping earthbreaker as a swift action. Taking out longbow and attacking.

Attack: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

The Architect
2014-09-07, 04:08 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

Conri's arrow goes wide as the attacking group is caught on the absolute backfoot, with the heroes having more than enough time to press the advantage and attack before the skinless men can react.

What do you do?

2014-09-07, 05:22 PM

“Good thinking, Anima.” Auron steps forward, positioning himself close to the rope and the cliff. If the enemy had to come down, they had to come down this way. The still-large warrior raises his white wooden blade, menacing any who dare come close, whether by falling or climbing.

Readying an action to attack the first enemy that comes close. And with my current dex, I have two more attacks of opportunity once they come within reach.

Beowulf DW
2014-09-08, 12:47 PM
Conri curses and aims for the cultist that is closest to ground, putting a little something special behind it this time.

Curving Ray Shot (perception against target's AC, ignores cover): [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-08, 08:19 PM
-anima smiles as the grease works, and then she calls forth her magic again to cover the floor beneath the skinless ones.-

mythic power for another grease, DC 17 reflex save, and it'll be on 19 and 20 J and K for hte 10 by 10 square

The Architect
2014-09-08, 10:47 PM
Chapter II:
'You Can't Go Home Again'

The action atop the cliff becomes a comedy of errors as Irys' magic forces one of the men into a slumber, Conri's arrow goes wide, Anima's magic causes two more to fall over and another two to barely have time to reach the rope. Chosen in turn is shaking the rope almost comically as one skinless man falls to his side, hitting the ground face first, and another barely leaps from the rope without doing the same as Irys nicks him, barely, with her dagger. Chosen's rope shaking is only paused when arrows fall from above, a trio atop the cliff having decided bows are a better choice than the rope, and one arrow lodges itself in the holy man's shoulder.

What do you do?

2014-09-09, 06:19 AM
"WAIT these may be our own people we are killing! Try to incapacitate, but not kill them!" Chosen says urgently, before an arrow thuds into his shoulder wracking him with pain. He rolls out of the way, skirting the cliff to position himself off to the left side where the arrows will not be able to reach him before pulling the arrow shaft out of his shoulder with a light yelp of pain. "TRY TO KNOCK THEM OUT."

2014-09-09, 11:00 AM

As the first Flayed Man comes falling down, Auron swings his mighty blade upwards, striking so true that he cleaves the man in half. Although Chosen begs for Auron not to do it, he strikes the next falling man in the same fashion, cutting the life away from him before he ever hit the ground. Despite the display of prowess, there’s nothing but sorrow in Auron’s eyes.

“They’re flayed, Chosen! Twisted in mind and body. It’s the same as what happened to my friends so long ago. Death is a mercy, here. Now get behind me, Chosen. Let me shield you.”

He readies himself again, determined to stand in between the oncoming assault and the rest of the village leadership.

Real quick, his AC would be 18 right now. When we heard the noises coming, Auron refreshed his worn off spells (which would have been shield). Tank’s gotta tank!

My action this turn it to ready an action to attack the first one that comes closer. I’ll also get to Attack of Opportunity them, probably.