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View Full Version : DM Help Templates with CR adjustments

Deepwood Sniper
2014-06-05, 01:48 PM
OK, so i know at this point there is no real formula for figuring out a LA for templates that only list the added CR. Mostly because its completely unrelated. Unseelie Fey is a +0 LA that adds a +1 to CR, yet a vampire template is a +8 LA only adding a +2 to CR. is there a way to relate these together? I'm DMing and one of my friends wants to know what the LA of a Spellstitched template would be. like the Unseelie fey, it gives a CR increase of +1, however, I feel its much much stronger. any advice?

2014-06-05, 01:58 PM
The Spellstitched template has no listed LA slot in any of the locations that it's been posted (MM2 and Complete Arcane only IIRC)

There are two schools of thought about this.

The one most supported by the rules is that any situation in which a trait held by a creature is unmentioned it is considered to be unmodified. If there is no modification to STR, then your STR stays the same. If it says nothing about retaining SU abilities, then you keep them. If it doesn't mention LA at all, it stays unchanged.

The one most supported by the rules as intended is that in the case of a template that has no LA, it's treated as LA - which typically means "unrecommended for player use".

One could argue that Spellstitched is an Undead only template, which typically carries with it hefty entry-methods as well (until Necropolitan happened, of course).

2014-06-05, 02:04 PM
As far as calculating a cross over, that is a very tough question because both the CR system and LA system are borked.

To answer the specific question:
Technically, there is no LA for spellstitched, because it is something the player can do or have done. It's more like a magic item, like a very powerful magic tattoo. IIRC, it requires craft wondrous item and costs gold and xp.

Deepwood Sniper
2014-06-05, 03:17 PM
As far as calculating a cross over, that is a very tough question because both the CR system and LA system are borked.

To answer the specific question:
Technically, there is no LA for spellstitched, because it is something the player can do or have done. It's more like a magic item, like a very powerful magic tattoo. IIRC, it requires craft wondrous item and costs gold and xp.

yea, i with WotC would maybe have a place with their ruling on stuff like this. it would make things simpler, and i don't have to look like a total retard thinking of LA myself :/
Having LA for stuff like this is just easier