View Full Version : Star Wars: Shadow Flight Episode 1: Nest of Darkness (IC)

Thomas Hunter
2014-06-05, 04:07 PM
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

STAR WARS: Shadow Flight
Episode 1: Nest of Darkness
It is a period of civil war. The GALACTIC EMPIRE, soon after the destruction of its DEATH STAR superweapon, is attempting to regroup. Having learned not to underestimate the REBELLION, the Imperial forces are giving the Alliance a much needed respite - for now.
As the inevitable resumption of the Empire's attack nears, Rebel command is scrambling for new recruits - and positions for them. Encouraged by the Alliance's victory, thousands of supporters are flocking to the Rebellion's banners daily, from all parts of the galaxy. Lt. COLM SLANSON, a young defector with little more than an Imperial diploma and an idea, has hand-picked several of these recruits for a top-secret project.
Unaware of the Rebellion's plans, location, or resources, Imperial Intelligence begins a campaign of surveillance across the galaxy, with hopes of finding an opening in Alliance security. The fate of the galaxy may rest on the success or failure of these operations...

*The camera pans away from the diminishing words and across the Home One, floating in deep space*

Mon Mothma sat alone in the office, reviewing reports from some of her more important cells. Two had already been taken down from security breaches, likely caused by the influx of recruits. Too much growth was easily spotted. She sighed. Victories always come at a cost, she thought to herself.
A knock on the door brought her back to the present. "Come in." The door slid open, revealing a relatively tall man who somehow managed to have both a round face and chiseled features. "Lieutenant Slanson. Please, sit down." The man obeyed. Mothma set her datapad on the desk and folded her hands. "I trust your presence here means you have made your selections?"
"I have." Colm kept his face and voice even as he slid a document across the desk. He watched the leader look it over, noting where on the list her eyebrows raised. "I must say, I'm mildly surprised by some of your choices. I had been under the impression your team would be... mostly human."
"Exactly," Colm replied. "So will the Empire, when they hear of us. They'll assume only humans could do that sort of damage, and won't look twice at the aliens." He watched Mon Mothma, noticing her tired eyes betray the faintest hint of a smile. "Their arrogance will work against them," she mused. A sour grin tugged his lips. "Why do you think I left?"
Mothma passed the sheet back to Colm. "Your requests have been approved. Contact your troops. I expect you to be training them in two weeks. Dismissed."
Colm stood. "Thank you, ma'am." He left without another word, returning directly to his quarters. He pulled up a pre-prepared message, added the recipients, and sent it. Only after he had shut down his console and laid down on the bed did he smile. Watch out, Imps. I'm coming back for you, and this time I've got friends. still smiling, he rolled over and feel asleep. Next week was going to be hectic.

You have passed your background check and have been accepted into the Alliance army. Go to the Gundark's Lair on Nar Shadda. Ask the bartender for Orn. He will point you toward a Twi'lek. Orn may or may not be alone. He will give you further instructions.

2014-06-05, 04:59 PM
Nar Shaddaa. To Nar-Tu-Bonmi, only one word fit the place. After spending much of his life on Tatooine, Shaddaa was crowded. And such a place was difficult to transverse.

"Shalba" he muttered to himself, before turning another corner to try and reach the Gundark's Laver. Or whatever the Cantina was called. Honestly, he needed the work. After the disaster above Rishi, he wasn't too keen on the Empire. But he still needed to make a living. And perhaps take vengeance for his comrades.

Ah, finally. The Cerean slipped in the door, attempting to note the room's contents before approaching the bar.

Spot Check:

2014-06-05, 05:34 PM
Having arrived on Nar Shaddaa having obtained transport from a fairly standard civilian transporter, Ketha followed the instructions given to her, but making sure to keep an eye for anyone obviously following her, but fobbing this off as natural paranoia on a world like this rather than a need to hide.

Finding the Gundak's Lair, and at once not liking it for a minute, she pulls her cloak further around her as she heads inside. Avoiding eyes with any of the locals as she heads straight to the bar staring straight ahead, ordering herself a drink and asking quietly if Orn was around to speak to as she hands over the credits for it with a smile.

2014-06-05, 08:49 PM
Shorkazza was in a mood. Trandoshan Slavers tried to take him in at the spaceport, and despite admittedly sufficient satisfaction from smashing their heads together, it reminded him too much of lost clansmen. Even for a shady place like Nar Shadaa, the albino wookiee was well aware how much he stood out in his white and red padded flight suit and holstered spear, not to mention being a free wookiee in these dark times.

Shorkazza's mangy face was scowling when he entered Gundark's Lair, taking a seat and silent save for ordering a drink with a point and the briefest of growls in his native tongue.

2014-06-05, 09:24 PM
Triko entered the Gundark's Lair cautiously, though for a Gungan that didn't differ much from their usual lanky, fluid movements. Still, her eyestalks were active, keeping a close watch for anything out of the ordinary.

At least it was someplace new! She was still young, and hadn't visited many worlds, but every one she had been to was different. And Nar Shadda even moreso. She found it fascinating.

She still wasn't sure why she'd signed up to join the Rebellion. The Empire had largely left Ohma-D'un alone after the Clone Wars, but Naboo had not been so lucky, and sentiment on the Gungan moon ran strongly against the Empire. But the entire Naboo system was so firmly in the Empire's grip... why rock the boat when there was a colony to re-develop?

Triko, somehow, felt instinctively that that approach was naive. But her fellow Gungans were right that open opposition would just bring the Empire's hammer down on their peaceful colony -- a fate already suffered once before in its short history. So she left. She wanted to see the galaxy, she'd said... and it wasn't untrue. She did want to see the galaxy. But she wanted to see it on her terms, as a free and equal citizen of a democratic Republic, not a reviled alien presence in a dictatorial Empire.

And so she'd found herself seeking out Rebels. It wasn't hard for a non-human. They practically sought her out. The Rebels knew that non-humans were a resource untapped by the Empire that they could exploit, so it didn't take long for a Zabrak with Rebel connections to point her toward the nearest Rebel cell.

So she'd been accepted, according to the message, and told to report to Nar Shadda for some reason. She had no idea why, but at least they'd included some credits to pay a fare.

She walked up to the bar. "Hello dere! Meesa lookin' for a fella called 'Orn'!" she says, a little too loudly.


Thomas Hunter
2014-06-05, 10:23 PM
The cantina is a dark, greasy dive that reeks of alcohol. The Devaronian bartender's seemingly permanent grimace does nothing to add to the dive's charm. Still, there seems to be a sizeable crowd - the place isn't packed, but it's certainly busy.

Nothing about the place sticks out, apart from some crude graffiti scrawled across the wall in a few of the booths. The standard scum of the Moon fill the room, but only a few people seem to be armed. You see ten or fifteen Twi'leks in the place, some of them employed by the cantina (either as entertainment or bouncers) but mostly customers. Most seem to be engaged, but a female with a fairly large blaster on her hip leans against the wall and a male sits alone in a large corner booth.

The bartender raises an eyebrow at Ketha, shifting a black horn on his forehead. He casts a meaningful glance to a lone Twi'lek male sitting alone in a large corner booth. Something seems slightly off about him, but you can't quite put your finger on it. He slides you your drink without a word and moves on to the next customer.

Shorkazza draws more than a few looks when he enters the bar, but nobody lets themselves stare too long. The conversation wavers for a moment but almost immediately picks up again. Your drink arrives almost immediately.

When Triko enters, she draws a couple glances, but nobody seems particularly interested. The Twi'lek stares intently for a few moments, then looks glumly back at his drink.
When you ask your question, both the bartender and the Twi'lek snap to attention. The Devaronian puts one hand under the counter and stands up straight. About half the bar and some of the nearer tables seem to have taken an interest. "Who wants to know?" the bartender growls. The Twi'lek has edged to the end of the booth, and looks ready to make a dash if necessary.

2014-06-05, 11:04 PM
Ah yes, that hit the spot. Shorkazza drank greedily, almost choking when the Gungan so smoothly declared her purpose. It just so happened he was here for the same Twi'lek. Amongst the interested, it was difficult to hide his own intrigue. His insulated gloves protected his fur from the ice cold drink, which he continued to hold up, almost done with it, and waiting to order another depending on how the bartender responded to the Gungan's answer.

2014-06-05, 11:50 PM
Mukha idly sauntered into the cantina. The dusky-skinned man eyed the sabacca game going on in the corner. If the meeting wrapped up quickly enough, he might try to squeeze a game in. Then again, maybe not. Partaking in too many high-risk games of chance is why he was seeking shelter with the Rebellion.

As he slowly made his way towards the bar, he heard a green-skinned Gungan proclaim that she is looking for his contact. He noticed a Twi'lek look panicked and edging towards the door. Since he desperately needed the credits, he couldn't let an amateur blow the job before it even started.

He quickly slid in next to the Gungan. "You misheard, my friend,, Mukha said in an overly-loud voice. She was asking about your horn. She's a bit provential. First time in such a metropolitian mecca like Nar Shadda. Bluff: [roll0]

He turns to Triko. "Isn't the right?" he said with a pointed glare.

2014-06-06, 02:05 AM
The Cerean sighed at Triko's statement, but noted quickly that the lone Twi'lek moved at it. Slowly, he approached the table, trying to avoid any eyes drawn to him if he could. This didn't seem the kind of job to be noticed.

Standing at the side opposite where "Orn" appeared to be reading himself to avoid capture, he asked the man, "A friend told me to meet you here. May I sit?" He didn't want to alarm the man, but he needed to get his point across, and simply saying outright that the Rebellion had sent him wasn't going to end well. For him or the Twi'lek.

2014-06-06, 02:48 AM
Ketha sits at the bar sipping her drink, glancing around the bar casually and giving herself the chance to view the Twi'lek sat in the corner without rushing to, after giving the bartender a little nod and a smile. She bides her time with patience even though the whole environment of the seedy bar is making her skin crawl but she keeps her cool exterior as she waits for the right moment to move.

As she witnesses the chaotic scene unfolding in front of her, the gungan being quite so blunt about the contact and the dusky skinned human slipping casually in to her aid with a smooth reply, Ketha eyes them both with a degree of caution, though neither looking like how she would imagine an imperial spy to appear. But perhaps that was the point. More likely similar recruits to herself she assumed, though it never hurt to be careful.

She carefully glances round to the Twi'lek to gauge their reaction but not making it obvious, and seeing the contact quite so on edge does nothing to reassure her. She doesn't let it phase her though and continues to sip her drink, though one hand casually resting on her leg under her cloak, her blaster within reach should this all go very very wrong.

Noting the Cerean moving over to the contact during this awkward moment and gesture to the seat next to him Ketha cant help but feel this whole situation has danger written all over it, but she was here now and so better be ready in case she needed to be. For now she made no moves other than to keep drinking and looking around the bar, noting the individuals who had made such a good job of getting all the attention.

2014-06-06, 06:35 AM
Transport here was lousy enough, but being on Nar Shaddaa itself was much worse. In more respectable places people have certain expectations on how a droid is to be treated. Anyone that intends to stay on the law's side doesn't easily commit to destroying something worth more than the down payment on a used space transport after all. Here standard social conventions aren't quite the same. If anything expensive droids are at more risk. A thought that had the little droid on edge.

So Abraxis wasn't at one of those respectable places nor a respected creature by any means. Social conventions didn't mean much to him which made tapping all the suspicious people's comlinks a lot easier. Speaking of easy, if these people wanted privacy they might want to buy more than the cheapest comlinks available, not that Abraxis could say anything. He started with Triko, the gungan that declared herself to the entire bar, then started working on Mukha and Nar-Tu-Bonmi. He was half tempted to add the white wookiee to the list, but he hadn't really done anything suspicious besides existing.

Hovering around the entrance the hard to notice droid kept adjusting his lens and moving between the different people as they entered. Once the scene started he knew he was in the right place and sent a signal message to his partner in crime. Eying the Cerean making a move towards who he assumed was Orn he followed after. Making a pass by the entrance door to give the appearance of just entering to anyone that wasn't focused, he swoops in in behind Nar and hovers like a pilot fish to a fin. Trying to stay in his blind spot while passing himself off as his droid. If Orn or Nar questions him he'll declare himself the emissary of Emurr. In the mean time he'll listen in while finishing with people's comlinks.

2014-06-06, 08:15 AM
Stopping outside the cantina for a briefer, Avensis had to calm himself down. It was really happening now.

Finding the rebellion had been hard enough. He hadn't in his wildest dreams considered that he might be found unfit and turned away when he reached them. The waiting had been killing him, but now that he'd been checked in, he really couldn't wait to get started.

Getting off the streets of Nar Shadda was a plus as well; he'd gotten lost no less than three times on the way here. Getting lost on Nar Shadda wasn't a good place to be, as he'd soon found out.

Breathing deeply, he steeped through the door, taking a look at the place. At least it was slightly easier to take in than the rest of Nar Shadda. There were some aliens congregating on a Twi'lekk nestled in a booth in the corner.

Avensis kept some space between them and himself, walking towards the bar. Perching himself on a stool as far from the scowling wookie as possible, he "Ehm, excuse me? Could I get a drink over here?"
While paying, he leaned across the bar and asked in a low voice, "I was told Orn would be here. Could you point me towards him?" Should he bribe the man? He was supposed to be a rebel contact, but Avensis had yet to meet someone who wasn't family whom he didn't have to pay to help him. Just to be safe, he slid a credit chit across the bar.

2014-06-06, 08:37 AM
He turns to Triko. "Isn't the right?" he said with a pointed glare.

"Oh! Um, sure... you got it right, mm-hmm," Triko says, nodding. "Bombad horn you've gotten dere," she agrees.


2014-06-06, 11:13 AM
"Oh! Um, sure... you got it right, mm-hmm," Triko says, nodding. "Bombad horn you've gotten dere," she agrees.


Mukha draped an arm over Triko's shoulder. "How about we leave the nice bartender to get back to doing his job. I think I see our friend. Let's go say hello."

Mukha starts to guide the Gungan towards the booth that he'd seen the Twi'lek sitting in. The skittish Twi'lek seemed to have been joined by a Cerean. He was starting to hope that he hadn't made the wrong decision in taking this job. The sabacc game in the corner was looking more and more appealing.

2014-06-06, 04:02 PM
"Where did that droid go? "Abraxis? your there buddy?"

Emurr was surprised by the uncharacteristic panic of his droid guard. Like it was going to be mugged anytime and speeded ahead. Leaving his college behind, unarmed.
"That was not what we agreed on Abraxis." The young Duros mumbles to himself.

Walking past the Gundark's Lair a few times without noticing, until he finnaly finds it.

With know credits to his person. He walks streight to the bartender and waiting for a bit more then 10 seconds he comes up with a cover story

"Sorry my good man, but could you point me to Orn? I heard he needed some fixing."

With that the Duros exposes his repair kid

"We both know how Twi'leks fancy there little toys"

He quickly escapes eye contact and mumbles "Where did that droid go to?"

2014-06-06, 06:19 PM
That's a familiar voice. Abraxis rotates in place, a minute mechanical movement has his eye focusing in on the duros, and he confirms that has to be his duros. He turns back around and sends a text to Emurr. "Did you get my message? The issue between you two hasn't really been brought up yet. I thought you wanted me to meet him first to see if there were going to be any incidents before you came? I'm not sure how well you guys will get along. If you want to risk it, we're not at the usual spot. We're sitting by a Cerean. It shouldn't be that hard to spot us. His head is huge."

2014-06-06, 07:36 PM
"oh, excuse me i got to take this."

Ignoring the barkeeper altogether Emurr takes out his datapad and returns the messages.

I am more surprised that you where allowed in. I thought we agreed to let me do the talking in bars. Well where both still in one piece no harm done.

The Duro let's out a sigh of relieve as he spots his companion near the alien species he already forgot the name of. Atleast he isn't alone in dealing with these many people.

2014-06-06, 07:58 PM
Texting back. "I didn't ask permission. I haven't talked to any strangers; I didn't mean to worry you. Did you see the white wookiee? :smalleek:"

Thomas Hunter
2014-06-07, 01:20 AM
"You misheard, my friend,She was asking about your horn. She's a bit provential. First time in such a metropolitian mecca like Nar Shadda. (Bluff: 29)"Isn't the right?"

The bartender blinks a couple times, then nods.

"A friend told me to meet you here. May I sit?"

The Twi'lek looks suspiciously at you for a moment, then visibly relaxes. "Please do." He takes a swig of his drink and slides a datapad across the seat toward you. The screen is set to the lowest setting and reads Docking Bay 94 1600 hrs. He nods, then looks out toward the Gungan and her human friend.

"Ehm, excuse me? Could I get a drink over here?"
"I was told Orn would be here. Could you point me towards him?"

The bartender looks blankly at you, then hands you a brandy and nods toward the Twi'lek and the Cerean in the corner booth. He pockets the credit chip.

"Oh! Um, sure... you got it right, mm-hmm,""Bombad horn you've gotten dere,"

He looks back at you. "Thanks," he says dismissively, as he turns to grab more glasses from the back.

"How about we leave the nice bartender to get back to doing his job. I think I see our friend. Let's go say hello."

The bartender hesitates mid-step, but continues almost immediately. Orn looks up, suddenly looking less confident again. The people that were getting interested go back to their drinks.

"Sorry my good man, but could you point me to Orn? I heard he needed some fixing." "We both know how Twi'leks fancy there little toys"

The bartender looks suspiciously at you. Before he can respond, however,

"oh, excuse me i got to take this."

He glares after you for a few moments, then taps something. Orn looks down and his eyes widen. He moves back right the edge of the booth again.

2014-06-07, 01:58 AM
Mukha nonchalantly slipped into the booth with the Twi'lek and Cerean. He casually leaned back as if he didn't have a care in the word. The booth had surprisingly good upholstery. In a dive like this, it's the little things that really stand out.

"Hello friends. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I was wondering if you could help me. My good friend, Colm, recommended this place highly, but I'm finding it a tad boring. Do you know of any other good spots where a person like me could find something a little bit more lively?"

2014-06-07, 01:18 PM
Shorkazza scoffed at the conspicuous strangers throwing Orn's name around like it was candy. The white wookiee growled a little longer when he ordered his next drink, expecting it in a timely manner.

2014-06-07, 04:13 PM
Returing his text once more "That walking snowpelt you mean? That's a wookie? '_- Never expected to see one, specially one without chains".

As he puts his datapad away he takes a deep breath

"Good day.. the name is Emurr Ru..." The Duros speaks as he sweats his arm points to the droid near him "And my partner Abraxis..." not once looking toward the humans or the Gungan on the tabble.
Foccusing more on the Twi'lek and the big brained alien next to him. "Not to boast but i am quite the mechanic... And my partner is even more usefull then he looks......."
He takes deep breath again and as he contues has pace becomes quicker "I heard you could use someone like me and him in these badly economics times, i fix things, what do you need fixing?"

The Duros eyes wander to the Gungan. Distrust is clearly seen in his eyes. Gungans where known to be big friends with the republic-- the empire can they be trusted.

2014-06-07, 06:01 PM
As Emurr introduces himself Abraxis relocates to his true owners side. Noticeable side by side instead of the backward position he stopped at for the Cerean. The droid's lens flickers a couple times at the shot at his looks before speaking in basic, "... Hey! I don't look useless. Even if I did, looking useless has it's own advantages."

2014-06-07, 07:54 PM
Still acting very casual for now, but taking keen interest in those gathered around the Twi'lek and anyone else who seems to be taking interest in them. Though being careful to keep all her actions veiled, Ketha sips more of her drink as she waits for a more opportune moment.

At a lul in conversation she places her drink on the bar, getting off the stool and walks over casually to the table where everyone is gathered with an air of grace as she moves. With a small bow she offers a smile to Orn, though her hood up and cloak around her keeping herself hidden and none descript.

I believe you have further information for me?

She says in a soft clear voice that hints at her aristocratic background, her eyes darting to the others clustered around Orn. She then looks back to the Twi'lek trying to read his body language, his jitteryness not feeling quite right for a contact expecting us.

Were you expecting us to be arriving together, or was this purely by chance?

She adds, seeing if this questioning yields any further information in any subtle tell tale signs.

Sense motive to get a better read on him

2014-06-08, 12:03 PM
Damn. The wookie was growling now. Not actually at him, but Helios suspected that was only a matter of time. He grabbed his drink from where the rather gruff bartender had set it down, and half-fled his stool. Walking over to the group around the Twi'lekk, he plastered a smile on his face. Visibly nervous, he adressed them. "Hey there! I'm glad I found the right place; I almost missed it several times. Looks like we're making quiete the gathering, huh? Scoot over?" He asks Orn, placing his drink on the table.
"Any of the others showing, or are we it?"

Thomas Hunter
2014-06-09, 01:16 AM
"Hello friends. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I was wondering if you could help me. My good friend, Colm, recommended this place highly, but I'm finding it a tad boring. Do you know of any other good spots where a person like me could find something a little bit more lively?"

Orn looks surprised for a moment, then settles. A wide from creeps across his face. "It I knew of any right now, I'd be there. Bit of a party later, though. Got a friend throwing one on his ship." He slides the datapad toward you. The screen reads Docking Bay 94 1600 hours.

The white wookiee growled a little longer when he ordered his next drink, expecting it in a timely manner.

The drink comes quickly, but the bartender stands in front of you for a moment after bringing it.

"Good day.. the name is Emurr Ru..." "And my partner Abraxis..." "Not to boast but i am quite the mechanic... And my partner is even more usefull then he looks.......""I heard you could use someone like me and him in these badly economics times, i fix things, what do you need fixing?"

Orn looks you up and down once, trying to gauge you. After a moment, he seems to remember something and gestures for you to take a seat. "I don't need anything personally, but I've got a buddy who could use ya." He slides the datapad toward you two.

"... Hey! I don't look useless. Even if I did, looking useless has it's own advantages."

This makes Orn smile.

I believe you have further information for me?

Orn looks up at you and nods. He slides the datapad toward you.

Were you expecting us to be arriving together, or was this purely by chance?

Sense motive to get a better read on him

He smiles sweetly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

[He still seems a bit nervous, looking around occasionally, but he's getting more comfortable as more people show up.]

"Hey there! I'm glad I found the right place; I almost missed it several times. Looks like we're making quiete the gathering, huh? Scoot over?"
"Any of the others showing, or are we it?"
He moves to make room for you, then repeats, "I don't know what you mean." He nods toward the datapad.

2014-06-09, 01:47 AM
Mukha's eyes flicker down at the datapad and back to the Twi'lek. "Sounds like it will be an interesting time to be had."

Mukha stood up and gestured to the Gungan. "Shall we be going. We may have some party favors to pick up."

2014-06-09, 02:32 AM
Shorkazza leaves a tip for the bartender, nodding grimly, already half-way done with his drink by the time the white wookiee makes it over to Orn's crowded table. His approach is slow but sure, and he grumbles at the Twi'lik in a brash, blunt manner. "Uughguughhhghghghhhgh uugggh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh huurh raaaaaahhgh" He points at one of the given datapads, expecting to get a good look.

Hello Orn, you know why I'm here.

2014-06-09, 06:55 AM
Ketha takes a glance down at the offered datapad taking note of the time and location. Looking around once more at the others around the table, assuming they were likely to also be aiming for the same rendezvous she gives a polite nod and a half smile.

As she is about to turn to leave the towering white wookie approaches the table as well, blocking her exit somewhat and making her departure more awkward as she shuffles around his large size. Seeing very little friendlessness behind his eyes as she looks up at him, though keeping firm eye contact as she edges round leaving room for him at the table before turning away from them all, pulling her cloak more around her to leave. She exits the bar and tries to find somewhere a little less intimidating to while the remaining time away before the scheduled meeting.

2014-06-09, 10:38 AM
Docking Bay 94 1600 hours.

A sincere smile crosses the small mouth of the Duros.
He liked this Twi'Lek short mouthed and direct to the point.

As he sees more aliens and armed, Emurr Ru stands up no datapad in his hand.
it would be unwise if they all left together.

"Well look at the time. I am of to my next job. Your coming Abraxis?"

2014-06-09, 01:07 PM
The Gungan examines the datapad very carefully, committing its contents to memory and taking a good while to do so. She finally nods up at Mukha. "Mesa wonderin'... How many hours is it now?"

She barely even glances up at the Wookiee as he approaches and speaks, apparently oblivious to his albinism and general coarseness. She leans over and whispers at the Twi'lek. "Hesa sayin' you know why he's here," she helpfully translates. She almost reaches out and shows the datapad to him herself, but thinks better of it.


2014-06-09, 05:27 PM
Following Emurr Ru's moment with his eye, everyone standing up must mean the meetings over. What a meeting, barely any information was exchanged. They learned a contact's name, a code name most likely, plus a location and a time. A bare bones information drop. It made sense given how dangerous these first encounters can be for everyone involved. That's probably why no one wants to meet and greet right now as well. Some of these people might back out and never show for whatever task they've been given. A few no shows wouldn't be surprising since orn's asking for quite the leap of fate; everyone's still in the dark about whatever is going to happen.

Answering Emurr Ru, "Yes.", before turning to the group and giving a casual goodbye. Whenever the duos leaves he makes sure they're not being followed. "Should we do some noninvasive research on our upcoming meeting? The lack of details makes me uncomfortable for so many reasons."

2014-06-09, 06:31 PM
It isn't just me who's a bit on edge here. These people don't want to be seen with each other. I guess the empire really is quite dangerous.

After taking a look at the datapad, Helios hung back over his drink, not wanting to leave at the same moment as everyone else. He took the opportunity to really take in the cantrina around him, now that he wasn't distracted with the prospect of meeting his contact. That had been something of an anticlimax, truth be told. He figured he would get a clearer impression once he got to that dock.

Taking a sip of his drink, he noted the flavour wasn't unpleasant. Like everything else, it wasn't what he was used to. Strange, but perhaps in a good way. Idly keeping tabs on his chronometer, he eventually left the place, once he'd emptied his drink and it seemed enough time had gone by. He was headed for docking bay 94.

Thomas Hunter
2014-06-09, 10:49 PM
"Sounds like it will be an interesting time to be had.""Shall we be going. We may have some party favors to pick up."

Orn watches you leave, a bemused smile tugging the corners of his mouth.

"Uughguughhhghghghhhgh uugggh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh huurh raaaaaahhgh"
Hello Orn, you know why I'm here.

The bartender nods and continues his round. Orn looks up at you, the smile still plastered on his face but a hint of fear behind his eyes. "Indeed," he replies, passing you the datapad that was in front of the two that now seem to be leaving.


The day is warm but, surprisingly, not terribly unpleasant. The spaceport is about half an hour walk away, otherwise, it's a ten minute taxi ride.

"Mesa wonderin'... How many hours is it now?""Hesa sayin' you know why he's here,"

The datapad's display says it's 1400 now - you have two hours to find the docking bay. When you translate, Orn smiles at you condescendingly and says, "Yeah, I got that."

The current time is 1400, give or take a few minutes. The spaceport is about half an hour's walk away, or a ten minute taxi ride. There are plenty of shops between the cantina and the spaceport, getting cleaner and nicer (both relative terms) as you get closer to the port.

2014-06-09, 11:48 PM
He glances over the datapad's contents and nods approvingly, attempting to shift his body and allow the frail human woman past him easier while ignoring the rest of the departing 'party' along with those still at the table. Shorkazza wasn't much of a conversationalist. And his presence tended to put people on edge. So the walking white carpet waited a few minutes in silence, finishing his bittersweet drink and setting it aside before walking out the front door.

Given the walking distance and extra time he had, Shorkazza took his time heading towards the docking bay, unsure what to expect and even more unsure of the others he saw at the bar. Was there a spy amongst them? Or were they simply fresh behind the ears? He suspected the latter, knowing the stench of Imperials all too well not to spot one in his midst.

The grunge of the poor made way for the paved perfection of the rich as Shorkazza crossed a multitude of shops and gawking passerby's, until finally arriving at the Spaceport in an hour, doubling the time it should have taken due to perusing some of the shops along the way, but never buying anything frivolous and unnecessary.

Shorkazza arrived at Docking Bay 94 ahead of the allotted time, preferring to be early rather than late.

2014-06-10, 02:46 AM
Putting the seedy bar behind her gladly, and given the time and distance to the rendezvous Ketha uses the time to take a gradual walk there herself, looking in at the shops as if that was her sole purpose here. Keeping an eye on the time, purely so she isn't early and waiting alone she aims to arrive with 15 minutes or so left until the appointed time, the rest of her time devoted to making her way their gradually and looking in the shops, possibly taking a drink in a more friendly atmosphere. She is cautious though even in the nicer areas keeping an eye out for anyone looking to be getting too close to her.

Ketha arrives at docking bay 94 with about 10 minutes to spare, glancing around to see if there is anyone from the bar waiting already, or anyone else with more dangerous intent.

2014-06-10, 03:39 AM
Shorkazza recognized Ketha as soon as she arrived, offering a friendly nod that probably looked way more grim than he intended. He approached at a casual pace, growling while he walked. "Uughguughhhghghghhhgh huuguughghg awwgggghhh uughguughhhghghghhhgh aarrragghuuhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh wuuh uughghhhgh?"

"Aarrragghuuhw huurh Shorkazza"

*Do you understand the tongue of the tree people?
*I am Shorkazza (Fierce Ghost)

2014-06-10, 06:59 AM
Giving a polite formal bow of her head, throwing the hood of her cloak back Ketha looks back at Shorkazza with a serine expression allowing him a better look at her from that which he saw in the bar. Very pale skinned, and features too gaunt and sickly for a adult her age by far, her long brown hair loosely hanging down to her shoulders. Though its her ice blue eyes that possess a beauty all of their own, watching the wookie with a careful intensity for a moment before she replies softly.

Yes i have studied your language and understand you. though only through holocrons. Today is my first actual meeting with one of your kind, and i must say computer images really do not prepare you at all

She allows a wry smile across her face to offer a friendly approach as she goes on

Ketha Zanedi, of Talus. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

2014-06-10, 11:24 AM
"I fully agree there seem to be a lot of old republic sympathizers in the meeting. I would be wise to watch our back" Emurr whispered to his droid companion

Taking out his Data pad he starts to search for information about Docking Bay 94. What there usual shipment is, and who is in control of it's operations.

Knowledge (Forensics) 1d20+7

"You know i just can't read people, it would be foolish to try. As you sugest where better of knowing about the grounds where to meet."

2014-06-10, 12:01 PM
As Mukha and Triko get up from the table, Mukha grabbed the Gungan's elbow and led her off to one side.

"Look. I don't know you and you don't know me. I'm certain you have special skills, otherwise you wouldn't have been recruited. Obviously, social settings aren't your forte. Fine. I'll cover you there." Mukha sighed and ran his hand through hair.

"My 'skill set' allows me to get myself and others into places they... normally wouldn't be able to get into. I want to get a look at the meeting place before the actual meeting. Can you help me?"

2014-06-10, 12:57 PM
The affable Gungan turns serious. "Yousa right. Yousa don't know meesa. Meesa sorry if da voicen bein' too loud for yousa, but mesa knowen more than yousa think."

She smiles again. "Still, mesa thinken yousa pretty okiday. Mesa sure wesa can getten a looksee at dis place."


2014-06-10, 01:05 PM
It was a pleasant surprise she not only understood him, but didn't flinch at his advance. Shorkazza noted her physical frailty, but also a strength of character he was unaccustomed to, especially amongst humans, regardless of their affiliations. Great bellowing laughter erupted from the white giant, and for a moment he looked almost confused. How long had it been since he last laughed? Even by Wookiee years, it was too long indeed.

"Huurh aaaaahnr huurh awwgggghhh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh aaaaahnr"

A massive gloved hand extended to shake hers in a more formal human greeting.

"Huuguughghg uughghhhgh aaahnruh uughguughhhghghghhhgh aarrragghuuhw huurh uughguughhhghghghhhgh aaaaahnr uuh awwgggghhh aarrragghuuhw raaaaaahhgh huuguughghg uugggh uggguh huurh wrrhwrwwhw hnnnhrrhhh uughguughhhghghghhhgh"

*The pleasure is mine, Ketha Zanedi
*Not many care to know of my people since the Imperials took control. Your understanding is good, I am impressed.

2014-06-10, 04:53 PM
Hming at the thought, and not seeing anyone obviously following them, the duo starts making their way to the meet. Approaching on the location they stop their move forward and start looking for a suitable net connection. "If it looks clear I can do a passby to get a better view of what things look like in person. It's tempting to do something against the rules..." The reward just doesn't seem to be there; however, so he let's the idea go.

Hovering around Emurr as they talk."You don't need to tell me about your bad people skills. Trust me, it's kind of obvious. Half the time you're halfway through a shady dealer's door before I can stop you." Probably exaggerating a little on that last bit. He does what he can to help with the search before dipping in to get a view, not seeing any party members at the time. As it gets closer to 1600 he suggests if they don't find anything they should meet on time.

2014-06-11, 12:48 AM
"Great. Let's move out."

Mukha took them to a quiet and shadowy area. He quickly drafted up some official looking work orders. He wasn't planning on using them to get into an Imperial Outpost, but should pass muster. "Looks good."

They head out to the docking bay about an half hour early. Mukha spotted a bored looking security officer at the gate. He turned to Triko. "Let me do the talking."

Mukha plasters big grin on his face and approached the guard. "Good day, gentlebeing. We're hear to do some routine duct maintenance," he said as he turned over the forged work orders.

Thomas Hunter
2014-06-11, 09:22 AM
Shorkazza and Ketha:
As you shake, a human female walks in, clipboard in hand. Her smile wavers a moment when she sees Shorkazza, and she mutters something under her breath (DC 10 Listen to hear). Almost immediately, though, the smile is back and she continues toward you. "I trust Orn sent you? I'm Dalan. I'll be your pilot to Coravia." She nods toward a YT-1250 freighter in the bay. "And the Morae Star is our ride."

You find the docking bay has a history of being used by smugglers, and that it has automatic takeoff clearance (whoever is there can blast off whenever they want).

Muhka and Triko:
The guard looks at the papers, bored, but then furrows his eyebrows. "If you'll wait here a moment," he says, and he hurries into an office behind him.

2014-06-11, 10:10 AM
"Dis looken nosa good," Triko says quietly. "Yousa knowen what yousa doen?"


2014-06-11, 10:47 AM
"Hmmm, seems like we will be leaving immediately at the appointed time." the Duros mumbles to his friend as he puts his datapad away.

"It would be rude of us to miss our ship don't you think?"

Waiting for his friend to follow he heads toward the docking bay.

2014-06-11, 11:08 AM
"Dis looken nosa good," Triko says quietly. "Yousa knowen what yousa doen?"


"I was in a hurry. You try forging an official document in an hour on a datapad," Mukha whispered back. "Given time, I can make masterpieces. Trust me on this. But don't worry. I'll get us out of this."

2014-06-11, 01:51 PM
"...Yeah. We came all the way here, it'd be a waste to turn tail now." Must not be in a mood for jokes today. He hovers after his companion while looking around. He certainly wasn't unfamiliar with docking yards, but this one had a certain charm to it. Given the nature of the type of business they do here it seems like most of the ships aren't put into storage to allow for more to be docked, but instead they prioritized a quick get away service. Passing by some of the crafts for a second time he got a closer look at the ones he had missed earlier. An entire fleet of mismatched ships with all types of superstructures, designs, and stylistic choices. He could waste so much time here without feeling any guilt.

As they come up on their target dock he sees two humans and the white wookiee. A panel opens on his side and he extends a plain cylindrical rod with a joint in the middle and begins to wave it. "Heelloo. Are we the only ones to show? I thought there would be more."

2014-06-12, 11:11 AM
Ketha's smile grows and becomes even more friendly as the wookie erupts into laughter, the award ice seemingly broken between them. Nodding at his words and taking Shorkazza's hand with confidence to shake it.

My father tried to oppose much of the atrocities that have been hidden in the shadows for too long though his words often falling on deaf ears fear being so rife in the senate, especially towards the end. It is unforgivable what is happening in this galaxy and what is hidden from the populace.

She replies, her smile fading again to a more serious expression for a moment, before she adds.

Let's hope we have the chance ourselves to right some of the wrongs in this galaxy. The empire has been shown to have weakness and is not an invincible force. This is a greater weapon than any battlestation.

Seeing the pilot approach, Ketha turns to look at her, nodding at her question and replying.

Yes, Orn sent us. Ketha Zanedi, and this is Shorkazza.

She gives a momentary glance over the female just to see if there is more here than what appears, though not really expecting trouble but it never hurts to take care.

Listen Check

Sense Motive Check

2014-06-12, 02:00 PM
A friendly smile. It was more than he was used to. Shorkazza nodded, apparently agreeing with everything Ketha spoke of, holding onto the hope that perhaps the Republic might one day return with the eventual fall of the Empire. It was a dangerous hope, but he preferred it to the alternative of despair. He was going to speak when the woman appeared, and not long after more of the strangers from the bar. He tried to listen close to hear what she was saying, but decided to let Ketha do the talking when necessary. With any luck, his expertise wouldn't be needed till after leaving the Docking Bay.


2014-06-12, 03:10 PM
"You got to teach me that trick sometime"

The Duros almost whispers to his droid companion as he was fully ignored.

A few minutes pass until he clears his trout.

"Excuse me but can wait somewhere less open? A albino Wo-whatsyoucalit is on full display here."

the words spoken come out harsher then Emurr Ru ment.

2014-06-12, 04:01 PM
Ketha turns to Emurr Ru and his droid as they approach the docking bay. She gives them a small bow, but winces a fraction at the Duros' utter lack of tact, giving a slight glance to Shorkazza to gauge his reaction but before anything can escalate she interjects

We could wait in the ship if you would be more comfortable. If that is aright with you Dalan? Though we are unlikely to attract any attention here by accident. Any trouble that might come now will already have the measure of us and will be pre meditated

Her keen eyes glancing between those gathered seeing how her assessment of the situation is received.

2014-06-12, 04:31 PM
Shorkazza appeared to be growing more irritated by the minute given the Duros' insult. But he maintained composure for now, though his hands were scrunched into massive fists while meeting Ketha's glance, his moody pink eyes saying everything he felt in one look. He agreed.

2014-06-12, 05:20 PM
As the wookie growls the Duros Leans toward Abraxis, Emurr whispers with a bewildered look "Did i say something wrong?"

2014-06-12, 10:13 PM
"It's a trick I wish I could be without; however, the key to such a thing is bonded in the minds of others."

Ketha notices no physical change in the tiny droid as it hovers during the edgy conversation. In a typical droid voice, "I'm not a gambling man. I have a preference for a zero risk more than an unlikely one when the rewards are the same. Ru's suggestion is not without it's merits." Right, I hope that went well. A Droid's Guide: Being more than a Droid said treat yourself like an organic and eventually organics will have no choice but to do the same. Luckily he didn't have to worry like this when it came to Emurr he thought to himself.

Whispering back to Emurr once again, he let's out a quite "N" sound before he catches himself. He didn't want to offend the unnamed wookiee anymore (and he liked his body the way it was) so he sends a text instead of finishing that sentience. Texting, "No, what you said was fine. All my experiences have lead me to this conclusion. Wookiees are just like any other species in a wide range of circumstances; however, their species as a whole is emotionally underdeveloped. Their emotions are comparable to a traumatized duros child even when fully grown. In the future it would be best to treat them as such and be mindful to what you say, even if it seems like it would be unoffensive to you. Try to think about how they might respond to an overtly true statement. For example: The factual statement you said earlier seems fine to you. But, the wookiee has taken it personally offensive because you didn't know his species name and he was specifically called out as the problem. Try to be more vague about what's causing the problem in the future if you want to be more considerate to the whatever you're calling out. I'll teach everyone's species at a later date. Keep up the good work! Your doing great! :D." Taking a long while to let his duros friend read, after he thinks Emurr is done he takes a slight tip towards the wookiee and says, "Wookiee, we apologize for our offense. Let's get along in the future."

2014-06-13, 01:00 PM
Shorkazza ignored the droid, clearly not in the best of moods. For some reason he doubted the sincerity of the apology, and would have preferred the Duros who insulted him to smooth things over. As it was, he felt not smashing the droid into a funny new shape or his master was enough acceptance.

2014-06-14, 02:32 AM
Scratching is bald head as he read the datapad.
So Whuu-keys are mentally overgrown 3 year olds?
The Duros finds it hard to believe.

As Abraxis is ignored by the walking carpet as he tried to apologize.

"Rude, fine be that way then." Emurr half mumbles to himself and starts to ignore the wookie as a counter measure.

2014-06-14, 03:00 AM
Oh, no. Abraxis didn't imagine apologizing would make the matter worse. Ignoring the conflict might have been the right call. He bobs around trying to think about what to do next.

2014-06-14, 08:11 AM
Ketha looks between Shorkazza, Emurr Ru and Abraxis as the tension between them built up like a dense fog. Thinking quickly on her feet she intervenes before things get even more heated.

Its easy to see we are all a little on edge under the circumstances of this initial meeting, myself included. Perhaps if we go into the Morae Star and give ourselves the chance to relax a little we may find introductions a little easier and less forced, without potential prying eyes around us?

She offers the hint of a friendly smile hoping her actions dissipate the tension enough to get everyone on board without a fight breaking out, though is clearly a little on edge with everyone feeling so aggressive and hostile to each other. Her eyes do however show the sense that this "request" might be worth following before she needs to insist on everyone getting along.

2014-06-14, 01:05 PM
Shorkazza nodded, motioning for Ketha to move towards the ship and following after her. All things considered the white wookiee was having a rough day, and decided impulsively ripping insensitive creature's arms off wouldn't make it any better.

2014-06-14, 03:24 PM
Ketha leads the way up the ramp to the ships entrance, giving a small subtle nod and a smile of thanks to Shorkazza at his willingness to allow the slight to slide. To herself she hopes the rest of the introductions go more smoothly, though her fears have not been eased at this first hurdle.

2014-06-15, 05:03 AM
Mukha looked around. The guard sure was taking a lot time. Generally, not a good thing.

"Okay. I don't know where the guard went, but maybe now is a good time to show another aspect of my skills. When I say the word, follow me." Mukha glanced at the empty guardshack. "Word."

He slips into the shadows.

Thomas Hunter
2014-06-16, 01:47 AM
Shorkazza, Ketha, Emurr, and Abraxis:
Dalan watches the exchange nervously, nodding eagerly at Ketha's suggestion to board the ship. She follows Shorkazza on, motioning for Emurr and Abraxis to follow.
"For most of the ride, you'll have free reign of the ship. Just stay out of my room and my cockpit," she says, pointing out the forbidden areas. "When we get close, we'll have some... special arrangements." She walks into the cargo hold, where large boxes stand in seemingly random positions. They're labeled as frozen foodstuffs. She walks next to one and pries off the lid, then stands back to let you look inside. The box is padded, with food, water and air supplies for passengers. "We're headed to Coravia - we've got a cell there that can get you connected with command. Apparently they have something special for you lot. Unfortunately, some idiot smuggler got himself caught by Imps earlier this week, so they have heightened patrols. These should get us past them without too much trouble. That said, they won't be terribly comfortable." She smiles apologetically at Shorkazza, a tinge of worry in her voice. "Especially for you. I have a few other smuggling compartments on the ship - we could try to hide you in one of those, if you like."

2014-06-16, 03:05 AM
Shorkazza sighed, waving one of his huge hands dismissively. This day was getting better and better.
"Huuguughghg uughghhhgh aguhwwgggghhh aaaaahnr awwgggghhh aarrragghuuhw." He growled, looking down at Dalan. Coravia was unknown to him, as was the wait he would have to endure through Imperial Inspection.

"Anything with a little wiggle room."

2014-06-16, 10:58 AM
Mukha casually walks into the docking bay. "Ah! Long time, no see. So I'm guessing that all of you were chosen as well." He eyes the ragtag group. "Well, we're definitely an eclectic gang, ain't we?."

Looking over his shoulder nervously, Mukha gestures towards the ship. "So, uh, are we leaving or not?"

2014-06-16, 10:59 AM
Triko looks around in confusion. She heard Mukha give the word, but then he utterly disappeared and she's left with no idea where he went.

Instead, she wanders off, intending to return closer to the appointed time.


2014-06-19, 05:41 PM
"Do you remember him?" Emurr looks at his droidfriend as the scoundrell makes his appearance.

After Mukha asked a question about leaving

"We can leave at anytime that our pilot wants, no clearance needed. But i don't think we will leave without the Gungan and the bigheaded one."