View Full Version : What will be the major outcomes of the Battle of Azure City?

2007-02-20, 05:14 PM
I thought this would be a good topic: what do you primarily think will happen after the Battle of Azure City is "done" either way?

I know the poll options are constrained (hopefully I did the poll thing right), but hopefully they will focus the conversation.

Edit: Making this a little clearer, since the poll options only allow 25 characters:

1. Xykon defeated, Escapes: Xykon loses overall, though like at the Dungeon of Dorukan, he escapes, either via phylactery, or that he is never "killed" either. Unfortunately due to # of poll options, this option also encompasses the idea that Redcloak destroys Xykon, but escapes, thus meaning there is still a threat to the gates.
2. Xykon loses & destroyed: Xykon's phylactery is destroyed, and so is he. As with #1, Redcloak must die here too. This option basically means the strip is over, since they saved the world (more or less)
3. Xykon wins, Order dead: Another strip-ending option. Doesn't matter so much who else wins/loses/dies, but if the whole Order is perma-dead, the strip's over.
4. Xykon wins, gate gone: The option where Xykon conquers Azure City, but before ultimate victory, the Order (or somebody else) succeeds in destroying the Gate to thwart Xykon's final victory.
5. Xykon wins, gate intact: This is where The Order escapes from Azure City, but the gate is still intact. It is already stated that he needs time to do whatever evil he does to harness The Snarl, so there's lag time for heroics before disaster happens, but not a whole lot.

2007-02-21, 01:04 AM
I think Xykon will escape after the gate has been destroyed.

2007-02-21, 01:34 AM
Yeah, I'm going with the "Xykon loses, but gate/city totally destroyed" option, so that they have an excuse to go to the other gates.

2007-02-21, 12:17 PM
Ya, I agree with majority opinion here, but I didn't put that option first, or voice it in my original post (or even vote until later), because I didn't want to taint it too much. The other plausable option, that Xykon loses and escapes, is also possible I'll admit, though I see it as less likely.

2007-02-21, 12:29 PM
I also agree that Xykon loses but escapes after the gate is destroyed. Since the gate is destroyed

There would be no reason for the sapphire guard freeing Hinjo to join the OotS in protecting the other gates. This of course means Miko will be joining the LG to offset Hinjo.

2007-02-21, 01:20 PM
Xykon's army loses the battle for Azure City or it's a draw. The gate is destroyed (by the Order? by Redcloak? by Xykon? by a bumbling MitD?), and Xykon escapes.

2007-02-21, 04:26 PM
Um death is so very inpermanent in the oots world -- if the party were to actually be defeated and all die -- unless redcloak or xykon decide to trap their souls or something (which is a very expensive solution) it is very likely that SOMEONE would ressurrect them -- even lord tyrannus would be a candidate for that as if haley dies, who is going to pay him his gold? And Haley seems resourceful enough to get it eventually. Plus that would pad the bill just that much more. Celia is another candidate -- for the love of Roy... Even Hilgya might bring back her beloved thinking it would give her a chance with Durkon.

All that said I went with the simple xykon wins gate destroyed.

2007-02-21, 04:53 PM
with 2 gates down, a third would probably destroy dimenisional reality, even if its small.

I bet a wild card will get played that we won't expect that will interrupt the situation, bringing in new possibilities.

2007-02-21, 05:00 PM
Maybe the Gods'll intervene? After all, they are both
A) Active in the world they govern (i.e. taking Miko's power. Even if they should have done it sooner)
and B) They have a vested interest in the outcome of the battle. The Snarl is, after all, a daemonic, god-killing behemoth. That doesn't bode well for, you know, gods.

Anywho, that's my 2 cents. Hope it helps.

2007-02-21, 05:39 PM
They didn't get involved to protect Lirian's Gate or Dorukan's. I get the feeling that the most intervention they're likely to give is the powers they already give under normal circumstances- such as the Paladins or Clerics.

Besides, it feels a bit too much like deus ex machina to me. :wink:

2007-02-21, 05:47 PM
Maybe the exercise of direct deific power within a certain radius of the gates has the potential to allow the snarl to absorb it (and possibly escape as a result)? The whole point of the prison was to trap the snarl and cut it off from divine power, right? "In that demiplane, its divine energy was nulled, leaving it weakened." That would certainly make some sense.

2007-02-21, 06:05 PM
It's quite obvious (to me) that Xykon wins or at least the gate is destroyed, which will make the adventures of the OotS more interesting because they somehow have to rescue the other gates. Or the gate just is damaged and therefore useless for Xykon so he will go to the next gate, as foreseen by the oracle.

2007-02-21, 11:47 PM
Xykon will escape after the gate gets wrecked.

What if the Snarl kills Xykon when he attempts to move the Gate? Intriguing thought.

2007-02-22, 12:37 AM
What i can tell is that the strip wont end, these options of GG Xykon or GG order wont happen at all, we all know this..
In my opinion is kinda obvious that whatever happens, either xykon winning or losing his plan wont be done, the gate will be destroyed, successful protected, somehow messed up so xykon couldnt use it or something like that.. there are still alot of more plot points to get resolved, alot more history to get told, and also, the oracle already said that xykon IS going to the other gate, why would he go there if he get his plan done now?

Lizard Lord
2007-02-22, 01:05 AM
Option 3 will never happen for 3 reasons. 1.Fans like a happy ending. 2.The oracle said Elan will have a happy ending. 3.Kind of a lame way to tie up lose ends. (:haley: 's father not to mention :miko: and the LG.)

2007-02-22, 06:05 AM
Does Xykon actually know the real effect of destroying the gates?

2007-02-22, 06:05 PM
Based on the last panel of 417, I'm expecting an Elan/Halry centric strip about 9 months from now; Order of the Stick 500: From Here to Maternity

2007-02-22, 06:31 PM
Recall http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0331.html

The oracle's answer implies that Xykon _will_ go to Girard's gate, which rules out 2 and probably 3.

2007-02-22, 06:49 PM
Right. But Roy prefaced his question with an "If", so it's not certain that Xykon will go to Girard's Gate, just that IF he goes to a gate after AC, it will be Girard's.

2007-02-22, 06:56 PM
with 2 gates down, a third would probably destroy dimenisional reality, even if its small.
According to Shojo (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0278.html) (and presumably based on what the Order of the Scribble were able to piece together during the original search for the rifts and construction of the gates), the destruction of all five gates would release the Snarl.

Dramatically, it makes sense -- the story established the existence of five rifts/gates, so presumably each of them will come into play and the grand finale will revolve around the fate of the last one.

2007-02-22, 06:58 PM
Does Xykon actually know the real effect of destroying the gates?
Good question. It's possible that, if he did gain control of one, he would end up like the Sorcerer's Apprentice....

basilisk 89
2007-02-24, 08:10 PM
Maybe the MitD is a gate himself? Maybe he is the Snarl? Maybe Redcloak will betray Xykon? Maybe the evil villainous plot will succeed, and the OotS is doomed? Saty tuned, and find out!

I hate cliff hangers. Especially 3-day long cliff hangers.

2007-02-25, 06:15 AM
Well, since no one's mentioned it so far: the major outcome of the battle of Azure City is...

more junk jokes than I ever wanted to hear in my entire life.

2007-02-25, 05:12 PM
I think that whatever happens, Azure City is screwed. I put down "Xykon loses, escapes" since I figure that the Order will succeed in defending the gate, but Xykon will reduce most of Azure City to a smoldering ruin in the process.

My theory: Xykon reaches the gate. However, unknown to everyone, Shojo had installed a secret weapon of last resort - a booby trap spell on the gate itself. The spell has enough power to reduce Azure City to a smoldering crater, Xykon included. Xykon sets off the spell, and it destroys him, the gate, Azure City, and most of Xykon's army. OotS and Hinjo are out of the blast radius at the time. Redcloak, MitD, & Xykon's phylactery are at base camp, and survive along with a single unit of hobgoblins. Miko, Belkar, and the LG survive because they are in the antimagic cell block, and are not affected.

Guildorn Tanaleth
2007-02-25, 05:34 PM
Pyrrhic victory for Azure City, gate destroyed, Xykon escapes

basilisk 89
2007-02-25, 10:43 PM
I think that whatever happens, Azure City is screwed. I put down "Xykon loses, escapes" since I figure that the Order will succeed in defending the gate, but Xykon will reduce most of Azure City to a smoldering ruin in the process.

My theory: Xykon reaches the gate. However, unknown to everyone, Shojo had installed a secret weapon of last resort - a booby trap spell on the gate itself. The spell has enough power to reduce Azure City to a smoldering crater, Xykon included. Xykon sets off the spell, and it destroys him, the gate, Azure City, and most of Xykon's army. OotS and Hinjo are out of the blast radius at the time. Redcloak, MitD, & Xykon's phylactery are at base camp, and survive along with a single unit of hobgoblins. Miko, Belkar, and the LG survive because they are in the antimagic cell block, and are not affected.
Sounds like the best theory so far.

2007-02-26, 06:36 AM
I think that whatever happens, Azure City is screwed. I put down "Xykon loses, escapes" since I figure that the Order will succeed in defending the gate, but Xykon will reduce most of Azure City to a smoldering ruin in the process.

My theory: Xykon reaches the gate. However, unknown to everyone, Shojo had installed a secret weapon of last resort - a booby trap spell on the gate itself. The spell has enough power to reduce Azure City to a smoldering crater, Xykon included. Xykon sets off the spell, and it destroys him, the gate, Azure City, and most of Xykon's army. OotS and Hinjo are out of the blast radius at the time. Redcloak, MitD, & Xykon's phylactery are at base camp, and survive along with a single unit of hobgoblins. Miko, Belkar, and the LG survive because they are in the antimagic cell block, and are not affected.
...but according to the Oracle, Xykon will be, at some future point in time, at Girard's Gate, so I expect he won't be destoyed at Azure City.

2007-02-26, 06:48 AM
Meshakhad mentioned that Xykon will regenerate back, like earlier.
His theory is a good one, copies the previous endgame and makes sense considering there are still more gates.
The question is just how the oots will escape, the anti-magic cells are full.

Hmm, unless the blimp turns back?

2007-02-26, 03:55 PM
They either telepot at the last second, or they board hinjo's junk and take a bumpy ride out of azure city.
I voted Xykon Wins/Gate Gone.I predict that Xykon will probably reach the gate, after carving a blody and zombie filled swath through AC, to find the gate get destroyed by a bumbling MitD.

2007-02-26, 04:37 PM
to find the gate get destroyed by a bumbling MitD.
Oh you just gave me an idea:
MitD is always so hungry, and has eaten a purse at the very least. Who says that he doesn't like Sapphires? It's not like there haven't been other fantasy beings that liked gemstones. I can think of two just off the top of my head.

2007-02-26, 04:45 PM
Soon's Gate is destroyed, Azure city is destroyed, Hinjo lives. Hinjo stays behind to help his people rebuild the city while the OotS head to Girard's Gate. We still don't see the MitD. The jails are destroyed in the fighting, leading to Belkar, Miko, and the Linear Guild escaping. LG takes off, Belkar runs into a fleeing OotS, and Miko swears vengeance on the party (again) for having to watch her beloved city be destroyed.