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Avilan the Grey
2014-06-06, 05:13 AM
...Is it worth 20 euros? I know all about the extra special fan made patch.

2014-06-06, 05:30 AM
Dunno how loose your budget is, but it's a suprisingly good game full of interesting and creative levels (and that damn sewer level :smallfurious: ), and it seems to have a lot of versatility in how you can build your character. It definitely has its flaws, even after the unofficial patch, but there's a lot of good content in it.

Science Officer
2014-06-06, 06:24 AM
If you're thinking of getting it on steam, it does go on sale for about 50-75% off from time to time, so if you're willing to wait you could get it for a lot cheaper.

Kaptin Keen
2014-06-06, 06:49 AM
It is incredibly buggy.

It does not actually crash much, tho - and it is quite simply one of the best story-based games ever made. Just ... when you get to the sewer section - cheat.

2014-06-06, 07:37 AM
Sewers become much easier when you play the game a second time. In my re-playthrough, it took me all twenty minutes and no cheats to get through them.

Cristo Meyers
2014-06-06, 07:40 AM
Is it a good game? Yes, surprisingly so, in fact.

But it isn't 20 euro good. Wesp's patch is almost a complete must, if only because it allows you to use modern-day screen resolutions.

I believe I spent 20$US on it. While I do think the game was pretty good, I also found it very overhyped for what it delivered.

2014-06-06, 07:40 AM
...Is it worth 20 euros? I know all about the extra special fan made patch.

Redemption? No. Bloodlines? Yes.

In regards to the patch, just make sure you get the version that just patches things, rather than the one that crams in a whole load of new stuff.

Avilan the Grey
2014-06-06, 07:41 AM
Redemption? No. Bloodlines? Yes.

In regards to the patch, just make sure you get the version that just patches things, rather than the one that crams in a whole load of new stuff.

HUh. Everywhere else I have head the opposite.

Cristo Meyers
2014-06-06, 07:45 AM
HUh. Everywhere else I have head the opposite.

The one you want was done by someone of the username Wesp. It actually asks you how much extra content and such you want to put in. There's a barebones 'just fix things' version.

Avilan the Grey
2014-06-06, 07:53 AM
The one you want was done by someone of the username Wesp. It actually asks you how much extra content and such you want to put in. There's a barebones 'just fix things' version.

I know. My point is that most places online says "don't bother with the 'just fix it version', go all out".

Cristo Meyers
2014-06-06, 07:59 AM
I know. My point is that most places online says "don't bother with the 'just fix it version', go all out".

Ah! I misunderstood.

I never found the added content to be all that intriguing, and some of it just didn't work anyway. The game stands well enough on it's own, it's just overhyped.

2014-06-06, 09:14 AM
I know. My point is that most places online says "don't bother with the 'just fix it version', go all out".

I think that advice would have been fair a couple of years back, when it was mostly just restoring cut content, but by this point the 'plus patch' has crossed into fanfic territory of changes, to the point where it's almost a different game. Not a bad game, but not the one it was intended to be. There's also the fact that these changes are so extensive they render a lot of the manual useless, which can make the learning curve a bit steeper.

2014-06-06, 09:19 AM
What sewer part is everyone talking about being so hard? The main sewer bit I remember is fighting the little head monsters on the way to deal with the Tzimisce. Is that it?

Divayth Fyr
2014-06-06, 09:43 AM
What sewer part is everyone talking about being so hard? The main sewer bit I remember is fighting the little head monsters on the way to deal with the Tzimisce. Is that it?
I believe they're talking about the sewers leading to the Nosferatu lair.

I'd pick the game up during a Steam sale (or look through offers on steamtrades.com - you can get it for the equivalent of less than 4 euro). The game had the potential to be a true masterpiece, alas, the closer to the end, the weaker the game gets.

2014-06-06, 09:44 AM
It's a great game. With the restored content and fixes yeah, I'd actually say it's worth the 20 euros. I believe it was on sale recently, so it may be a while before it is again.

2014-06-06, 10:03 AM
I believe they're talking about the sewers leading to the Nosferatu lair.

I'd pick the game up during a Steam sale (or look through offers on steamtrades.com - you can get it for the equivalent of less than 4 euro). The game had the potential to be a true masterpiece, alas, the closer to the end, the weaker the game gets.

Oh... huh. I really don't remember that being hard. Guess I should reinstall. It's been a while.:smalltongue:

Cristo Meyers
2014-06-06, 10:10 AM
Oh... huh. I really don't remember that being hard. Guess I should reinstall. It's been a while.:smalltongue:

I didn't either. It was more tedious for me.

It can really be a problem for, say, Ventrue characters though. The limited supplies are the real danger and it bites them twice as hard.

2014-06-06, 10:23 AM
I didn't either. It was more tedious for me.

It can really be a problem for, say, Ventrue characters though. The limited supplies are the real danger and it bites them twice as hard.

I do remember a lot of jump scares before I finally stopped and thought "wait a minute. I'm a f'n vampire. I'm the scariest thing here." Then I stopped being so jumpy.

But yeah I can definitely see it being obnoxious as a Ventrue. I mostly played malkavians and nosferatu.

2014-06-06, 10:29 AM
The trouble was how the little buggers instantly saw through your obfuscate and could hurl themselves at you from absolutely absurd distances, all while screaming bloody murder.

Playing a sneaky character who uses firearms was absolutely maddening.

2014-06-06, 10:48 AM
You could always look at it like this.

Sure, it's not as artful as the Mona Lisa.

But it's waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.

My logic is flawless. :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-06, 10:55 AM
...Is it worth 20 euros? I know all about the extra special fan made patch.

Get it. It's by far one of the best WRPGs ever made and a must play. It wasn't a commercial success just because Activision is a terrible company.
It has its flaws - what game doesn't? - but its amazingly replayable.
Like others said, get the Wesp's Unofficial Patch.
If you liked Deus Ex, Bloodlines feels like a very similar game.
And it's very often on a sale. Steam Summer Sale is coming, so wait until then.
Don't open it.

2014-06-06, 11:55 AM
The trouble was how the little buggers instantly saw through your obfuscate and could hurl themselves at you from absolutely absurd distances, all while screaming bloody murder.

Playing a sneaky character who uses firearms was absolutely maddening.

I was playing as a malkavian, so I got this... precog discipline in addition to obsuscate, so I've seen every jump scare from a mile away and shot (or whacked with my baseball bat) a bugger the moment he was about to appear from the doorway I've just opened. It quickly turned into from a horror into a comedy.

Speaking of malkavians. OP, your game experience will be incomplete - even horribly lacking, if you don't have an additional malkavian playthrough after you've played it as whatever clan you chose. Actually, no, nevermind it - the experience will be much richer if you play malkavian first and whatever clan you chose second. Trust me, it will be worth it.

2014-06-06, 12:25 PM
The sewer can be hard or not depending on your build, the problem is that its a long combat section in a game that doesn't really have any other ones. It feels kind of like every other dungeon the game was supposed to have was cut so it stands out as being of a descent length.

Most of the cut content is a pointless fetch quest, so its not that worth it.

2014-06-06, 12:43 PM
- the experience will be much richer if you play malkavian first and whatever clan you chose second. Trust me, it will be worth it.

Don't actually do this.
Malkavian schtick is that they are absolutely insane and random things talk to them and they hear voices in their head all the time.
Malkavian is like Bloodlines on LSD and also the voices in your head actually spoil the future events of the game if you listen closely.
Pick anything that's not Malkavian or Nosferatu on your first playthrough - it's heavily recommended.

2014-06-06, 12:50 PM
Don't actually do this.
Malkavian schtick is that they are absolutely insane and random things talk to them and they hear voices in their head all the time.
Malkavian is like Bloodlines on LSD and also the voices in your head actually spoil the future events of the game if you listen closely.
Pick anything that's not Malkavian or Nosferatu on your first playthrough - it's heavily recommended.

Most the Malkavian dialogue is just vague enough that it won't make sense until after things are revealed on your first play through. On a second play through it's so obvious you wonder how you could have missed it.

2014-06-06, 12:54 PM
Whispers are impossibly hard to understand if you don't already know what they are saying, and they don't actually spoil anything. And malkavians are not insane, they are just more insightful then your average Joe Dracula. And really, they manner of talking is both unqiue and easy to understand in the context.

“I'm looking for the astral light that will set the skies on fire."

2014-06-06, 01:57 PM
I didn't either. It was more tedious for me.

It can really be a problem for, say, Ventrue characters though. The limited supplies are the real danger and it bites them twice as hard.

I remember that midway through the Sewers, there was an exit door that required some hefty lockpick stats to use. But it allowed you to get out of the level to ressuply.

Which, for a Ventrue, is a must.

2014-06-07, 09:16 AM
Whispers are impossibly hard to understand if you don't already know what they are saying, and they don't actually spoil anything. And malkavians are not insane, they are just more insightful then your average Joe Dracula. And really, they manner of talking is both unqiue and easy to understand in the context.Having played the actual P&P game, let me assure you, Malkavians are insane.

The Fledgling in this game, in addition to seeming to have an inability to speak with any sort of clarity, has conversations with stop signs and TV anchormen (on the TV).

I thought it was pretty humorous that if you opened the console and noclipped up some, you could actually find said TV anchor on the roof of your haven.

2014-06-07, 04:02 PM
It's not like we're wading chest deep in RPGs with good storylines, atmosphere and setting.

Just get it, flaws be damned.

Cristo Meyers
2014-06-07, 04:26 PM
I remember that midway through the Sewers, there was an exit door that required some hefty lockpick stats to use. But it allowed you to get out of the level to ressuply.

Which, for a Ventrue, is a must.

I remember that door. Walked right by it without even noticing the first time. Though unless you've been buffing your lockpicking skill way above what you'd usually need elsewhere it's beyond your abilities at that point.

Having played the actual P&P game, let me assure you, Malkavians are insane.

The Fledgling in this game, in addition to seeming to have an inability to speak with any sort of clarity, has conversations with stop signs and TV anchormen (on the TV).

I thought it was pretty humorous that if you opened the console and noclipped up some, you could actually find said TV anchor on the roof of your haven.

Malkavians are great for a second playthrough. Not so much for a first. Playing one on your first playthrough leaves a very real risk of not being able to fully get the jokes.

It is a hilarious ride nonetheless, though.

No, you stop!

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2014-06-07, 06:45 PM
I really need to get this game, I played it a little bit but I didn't get very far, didn't actually have a copy of my own.