View Full Version : Things you dig that everybody else don't.

DJ Yung Crunk
2014-06-06, 05:21 AM
There's a fun little thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?354871-Stuff-everyone-loves-and-you-just-don-t-get) going on right now that has the whole town talking. We all have opinions that clash with the consensus, and they come in more flavours than one.

They come in two.

So how about the positive controversial opinions? Maybe you like that crappy CBS sitcom, maybe that failed experimental album needs a second chance or, heck, maybe that loathed sequel got some things right? Talk about them, here.

2014-06-06, 05:47 AM
I really liked Prometheus. It's not like I don't recognize the flaws, it's just that I love Alien and Ridley Scott is one of my favourite movie directors so I went to see it with a really positive attitude which probably made me overlook the various plotholes. Honestly I felt that the movie was just what I expected, new developements in the Alien backstory, tense horror moments and some interesting characters, even thought the Idiot Ball got around.

I'm not really sure if this one counts, seeing how they seem to have their audience, but I'm a big fan of politically incorrect humor. Suff that crosses the line with no respect for anything or anyone. I think that it's a great way to exorcise fears and traumas, to just laugh at it and make fun of it. It maks me laugh exactly because I know it's not something I should laugh at.
My grandfather always said that he survived concentration camp tanks to humor. I never actually knew what exactly he meant, but my guess is that it's something similar to this. If you can laugh at a problem, it becomes easier dealing with it. Speaking for myself I've been through a lot of rough spots in my life, being able to laugh about topics such as rape, murder, racism, phobias, it makes me stay sane. It's not that I don't understand the seriousness of those topics, on the contrary I probably understand them better then the average person, that's why I need to laugh at them sometimes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get over some of the things I've seen or that happened to me.
But I understand that a lot of people find such humor tasteless or are unable to see the comedy in tragic topics, so that's why I'm mentioning it here.

On a lighter note, I'm a fan of cuttlefish ink sauce. Yes, it exists, here's an image of a risotto made with it:
It's an Italian dish, or at least I've never heard of it anywhere else. Even here, most people find it gross. I absolutely adore it. It's delicious, the taste is something unlike anything else. It's not exactly spicy, but it could be defined as "hot"... It's really hard to describe, which might be why so many people don't like it, coupled with the fact that, well, it's black. Not exactly the most appetizing colour out there.
Still, I would eat buckets of it.

2014-06-06, 05:48 AM
I'm about to hit the sack, so not going to be able to give a really good list, but one movie and one trilogy immediately springs to mind: The Cable Guy starring Jim Carrey. I absolutely love that movie, but it is his most hated by critics and fans. And......The Prequel Star Wars! Oh, thought of another one, I also enjoy the Twilight movies.

2014-06-06, 11:33 AM
It's a game, not a movie or book or TV series, but I really like Super Mario Sunshine. SM 64 was more influential, but I thought Sunshine was a really good game that still holds up fairly well.

Avilan the Grey
2014-06-06, 12:28 PM
hhmm... I think, actually, that I have at least one friend or relative that likes whatever I like. Weird, almost.

Roland St. Jude
2014-06-06, 12:52 PM
Sheriff: I'm going to lock this for the same reason I locked the other one. We tend to close threads that consolidate hate/rants. While this thread had a slightly more positive spin, at its base, it asks posters to call out things. (The subjective "dislike" veneer lasted a page or so before giving easy to claps that X is objectively bad or disliking X us objectively wrong.)