View Full Version : Fully Underwater Adventures?

2014-06-06, 02:30 PM
A bit of an odd question perhaps, but does anyone know of a premade adventure/module/adventure path that is focused primarily, say ~90% of the time, on underwater adventuring? Preferably one which involves the wealth of 3.5 deities and other entities who control the seas, but I'd be okay with a Golarion one too. Even a third party one, or one which someone made and posted online, or whatever. I just have had the strangest obsession lately about this idea, and I think it would be really cool to: a. finally use all these freaking underwater races/monsters in my books, and b. explore the complicated rivalries of underwater powers (and Powers, for that matter).

Heck, if anyone knows of one for AD&D or Mutants and Masterminds or Legend or what have you, that's fine too. I use enough homebrew and houserules that I have to convert the NPC's and some monsters anyway, wouldn't be that hard to convert systems too. Mostly I'm just terrible at coming up with good plots.

If nobody knows of any, then I'd appreciate suggestions for a plot or other ideas for this campaign too. Thanks!

2014-06-06, 05:28 PM
I don't know of any premade ones. Give all of your humanoid (or monstrous humanoid) PCs the Amphibious template and BAM. You're set.