View Full Version : help with feats :)

2014-06-06, 07:13 PM
Hey guys I have a character than I am 3 feats short of ( well 2.5 I guess)

the character is here http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=556775

and I have an open martial study for sure and then 2 more feats.

my problem is I just cannot think of any addition feats let alone what martial maneuver to take,

so any help wpuld be MUCH appreciated

my concept for my character is a ex merc captain who is VERY intimidating ( the staredown frightful presence and imperious command do that trick very vell)

id like to round out his merc captain-ness a bit more with maybe a white raven maneuver or two. perhaps even a stance?

anyways just general advice would be great as well.

2014-06-07, 05:24 AM
You may want Sapphire Nightmare Blade, so you can get your enemies flatfooted easily for Iaijutsu Focus.

2014-06-07, 05:45 AM
my concept for my character is a ex merc captain who is VERY intimidating ( the staredown frightful presence and imperious command do that trick very vell)
Take a look at this official samurai update: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x

Too bad you're human otherwise you could go with a Desert Half-Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs) and take the Menacing Demeanor feat (Races of Destiny).

A pretty standard feat for intimidation builds is the human-only Dreadful Wrath feat. Half-orcs can qualify for it either via the Half-Human Half-Orc variant (Races of Destiny, p. 50) or via the Human Heritage feat (Races of Destiny)

I recommend you read this: http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=8759.0

2014-06-07, 07:12 AM
You may want Sapphire Nightmare Blade, so you can get your enemies flatfooted easily for Iaijutsu Focus.Speaking of, I can't find the ranks of IF on the sheet? Where are they hidden?

2014-06-07, 07:40 PM
first off thanks to everybodytfor completdly ignoring my character sheet and just saying wtf ever you want in regards o the official samurai

also suggesting things for skills that I do not have at all.

also for suggesting more fear stuff where I said I have that down already an am looking for feast that support my merc captain back story.

I appreciate the complete lack of paying attention toanything I have said or how I wanted my character's gaps to be filled and jut saying whatever comes to mind.. its whatr I love about this site.

2014-06-08, 12:36 PM
first off thanks to everybodytfor completdly ignoring my character sheet and just saying wtf ever you want in regards o the official samurai

also suggesting things for skills that I do not have at all.

also for suggesting more fear stuff where I said I have that down already an am looking for feast that support my merc captain back story.

I appreciate the complete lack of paying attention toanything I have said or how I wanted my character's gaps to be filled and jut saying whatever comes to mind.. its whatr I love about this site.

The OA samurai has iaijutsu focus as a class skill. The fact that it wasn't on your sheet seemed to some as likely accidental as it is martial in nature (per your character) and so were pointing it out to you. You were looking for martial maneuver /stance advice, and the post that dud so was assuming you would want to take advantage of one of the great aspects of the OA Samurai.

You mentioned too that your character is intimidating... And while you did say two feats you had did a good job bringing out the intimidation, you did not indicate you were not looking for anything that furthered that trait.

I am surprised by your quick shutdown of those who were only trying to help. Rather than insulting them all in a passive aggressive manner, you could clarify specifically what it is you ARE looking for. And if you purposefully are not taking advantage if Iaijutsu Focus, mention why.

2014-06-08, 12:53 PM
I did notice you're using your own Samurai retool.
I just pointed out that you may want to invest in Iaijutsu Focus to go with your Iaijutsu master and be able to nova with your alpha-strike.

2014-06-08, 02:23 PM
with your manoeuvre, take the boost - covering strike, as a level 8 1/2 initiator that is the best white raven tactic for you, since you will already have your own attack methods with your power attack and other samurai stuff, every time you hit a target they cannot make AoO for 3 rounds. meaning your allies can manoeuvre freely around them. this would accent your background of being a guard captain as you make your troops better.

with the other two i would take either divine surge for when you don't have a full attack or Obscuring Shadow Veil as one feat,

then the other possibly being another damage boost.