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View Full Version : minor but annoying curses

2014-06-06, 07:47 PM
ive been trying to come up with a curse for a couple days and the ones ive read have either been to harsh or to lame

2014-06-06, 07:52 PM
I've always been partial to "May an elephant step on your toes".

What kind of curse do you mean?

2014-06-06, 08:02 PM
Bestow curse I presume.
Sleeplessness: Fort DC 15 to sleep, failure means you are fatigued the next day, a further failure means exhausted

You are constantly distracted by hearing your voice out of sync: -2 penalty to concentration, and all checks that involve speaking or listening.

2014-06-06, 08:03 PM
a curse on weaponry that has a good enough drawback that someone might give it up but not horrible enough no one would want it and it happens when the weapon is drawn

like the guy who im giving it to is a doppelganger so maybe he his true form is revealed but I don't want to do that one

2014-06-06, 08:05 PM
This smells homebrewish. They may have something on those boards.

2014-06-06, 08:11 PM
just checked nothing on there

2014-06-06, 08:13 PM
Assuming we're making up Bestow Curse suggestions:

Every time you drink beer, you vomit. (Reserve this for dwarves.)

If you dance while the moon is in the sky and the sun is not, you vomit. (Reserve this for elves.)

You must eat all of your vegetables. (Reserve this for naughty children.)

If anyone accuses you of stealing something that you did steal, you must admit to it. (Reserve this for rogues.)

Every time someone says "Marco", you must immediately yell "Polo!". (Save this for spellcasters to interrupt their spells.)

You must secretly and indirectly inform every good-aligned person you meet about the secret of "pazuzu pazuzu pazuzu". (Save this for when you are an evil a-hole.)

You must henceforth only refer to yourself in the third person. (Save this for a selfless do-gooder.)

Every time that you meet someone for the first time you must introduce yourself by saying, "Hello, my name is ________ and I am a pathological liar."

2014-06-06, 08:23 PM
If you ever smell bacon you must start yelling "h-Orcus p-Orcus!" Incessantly, until you are slapped by a fish

(This ought eventually summon an ornery Orcus)

2014-06-06, 08:33 PM
Every time you draw your sword you are completely covered in incredibly foul filth that requires an hour of scrubbing and proper cleaning supplies to remove.

2014-06-06, 08:49 PM
Everytime you draw your sword you must make a dc15 will save or else resheath your sword.

2014-06-06, 10:47 PM
Everytime you draw your sword you must make a dc15 will save or else resheath your sword.

I love it!

My go to curse is "every third word you say is automatically 'Malarkey'" It potentially negates verbal spell components, Diplomacy checks, Bluff checks, and I love the sound of the word. I think in this situation, the one with the weapon that is, something more along the lines of "As long as you carry this weapon, you will hear people whispering about how you must be compensating for something" or 'Any time you draw blood with this weapon, you will not be able to sleep until spending an hour meticulously cleaning it'. Maybe you could even try 'The sword stains your hands red so long as you possess it' and then have the effect persist through shapeshifting.

Oh, and if you're using Bestow Curse; the end condition is "go a year without using a verb with the meaning 'to be'" Totally possible to do, nigh-impossible in practice. Doesn't matter what the curse is, that condition is basically permanency.

2014-06-06, 11:00 PM
A large (like 2 inches across) horse fly constantly flies near you and bites you every time you try to cast a spell. No damage but DC 15+spell level concentration check or spell fails. Meaner version is to just make the horse fly a stirge but that might be too much for “minor but annoying.”

Jeff the Green
2014-06-07, 12:34 AM
My go to curse is "every third word you say is automatically 'Malarkey'" It potentially negates verbal spell components, Diplomacy checks, Bluff checks, and I love the sound of the word.

:smallconfused: This is not a "minor" curse. Not even remotely. It's probably too powerful for even greater bestow curse, since it's effectively an inability to cast spells with verbal components (i.e. almost all of them), and thus more powerful than a 75% chance of doing nothing for a caster.

Erik Vale
2014-06-07, 12:53 AM
Brilliant Energy [Whaaat?]
Impotence [Wait, no, that's also a blessing, and the wrong sword]
Shout out a challenge whenever drawn/Narrate the battle.
Shout out a challenge that actually causes you to be focused on.
Causes you to be affected by a critical fumble/success table. [Both incredible horrible and awesome at the same time]
Makes the wielder look like a fiend, could cause some interesting explaining at times.

2014-06-07, 05:26 AM
Curse of the butterfingers: whenever you draw, pick up, or try catch something you must make a reflex save DC 10 or drop the item.

2014-06-07, 05:52 AM
A large (like 2 inches across) horse fly constantly flies near you and bites you every time you try to cast a spell. No damage but DC 15+spell level concentration check or spell fails. Meaner version is to just make the horse fly a stirge but that might be too much for “minor but annoying.”

DC for concentration check from spell is set (10 + distracting spell level + spell being cast level).

2014-06-07, 05:57 AM
Some of these (http://comic.nodwick.com/?comic=2008-03-12)should be useful.

2014-06-07, 06:13 AM
When the weapon is unsheathed, it shines brightly, making it difficult or impossible to hide effectively. If the light is somehow dimmed, the weapon's magical powers do not function.
Or every attack roll you make cost a hit point.
Or if you roll a 1 on an attack roll, the weapon refuses to fight for ten rounds.
Or you gain spell resistance.
Or after an encounter, you must immediately eat a meal or become fatigued until you manage it.
Or when you strike a critical hit, you must make a Fortitude save DC equal to the damage dealt or be stunned for the round.
Or when you roll 17 on your attack roll you must reroll (unless 17 would not be enough to hit).
Or when you roll a 1 on a damage die, the enemy get a free trip attack against you.
Or when making attacks of opportunity, take -4 penalty to-hit.
Or using a different weapon requires you to roll attack and damage twice, choosing the worse result.
Or if the weapon remains sheathed for more than eight hours, it will make a loud noise at an awkward moment.