View Full Version : Pathfinder Thoughts on DSP's Dread? (and one question about ultimate psionics)

2014-06-06, 09:53 PM
I'm looking to make a dread for an upcoming game and I can't find anything on them in terms of handbooks or opinions, far less than anything I can find on basically other class, kind of odd. So I'm looking for really any input or thoughts on the class people might have.

Don't really have a build idea set in stone at all, no race either... Actually kinda thought it was strange that some of the synergistic races that had fear basically built into their racial design (dhampir, fetchlings, tieflings, etc.) seems like they'd be really good archetypal Dreads. Ah well.

Regarding Ultimate Psionics: The book's description on Dreamscarred's website claims that it has "nearly all the material in Psionics Unleashed/Expanded"... anyone know what the nearly is about? Is it missing anything important?

2014-06-06, 11:18 PM
They errated a few things. The biggest change was probably the explanation of talents (i.e., psionic cantrips). In the advance psionic handbook, the section on talents assumes that you are considering adding them to an already-existing game. It has several suggestions for how to learn talents and how many you get. It also suggests modifying some formerly-1st-level powers into talents.

Ultimate Psionics is meant to be a complete book on its own. It picks one of the suggestions in the 'implementing talents' section of the APG and makes it the default. That does mean UP is missing a couple 'alternate rules' from the APG. There are a few other very minor erratas and reorganizations.
As far as I can tell there aren't any character options or anything substantial missing, though.

It's also worth noting that UPsi has roughly 70 pages of new material that isn't in either PU or APG.