View Full Version : 3rd Ed Two questions (Illumian & Lv6 Miracle.)

2014-06-07, 02:51 AM

I've seen a lot that using the Illumian is a powerful (yet broken) way to get access to higher level spells, however I don't seem to understand, while you have your spells being threated as a higher level, I don't get how people can abuse this, explainerino pls?

Also, I read somewhere around the playground that there's a way (a legit, but really odd and brokenish) to get Miracle (as the spell?) at ECL 6, by using some cheesy means (I think that's the word), with polymorph and a psionic power?

Jeff the Green
2014-06-07, 03:30 AM
I've heard of the second trick but couldn't tell you how it worked.

Illumian granting early access is fairly simple. You take Improved Sigil (Krau). The key text is:

When you cast one of the chosen spells, the spell's effective level is increased by 1 (as if affected by the Heighten Spell feat, but with no change to the spell's casting time or spell slot). All effects dependent on spell level are calculated according to the heightened level.

In this case, "effective level" is essentially equivalent to "level," so you can get into a prestige class a level or two early.

It's definitely not broken, though. Most prestige classes have skill point requirements, which are much harder to get around. The only ones this will actually get you into early are theurges, which are universally weaker than going straight through in one class. Early entry just makes them not crippling.