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View Full Version : Optimization Junkyard Wars in the Playground IV: BoED + Undead Type - Completes

2014-06-07, 10:51 AM
Welcome to Junkyard Stadium! It is in this hallowed pile of miscellaneous parts that we will hold a competition of Practical Optimization with three components. The catch? Competitors may not use the third item in their builds!

Contestants: You will need to present a write-up of your build at at least one of the following points: 5th level, 10th level, 15th, 20th, and a "sweet spot" that you feel is the high point of the build, as well as presenting a fully-fleshed out 20-level build in the table below. Feel free to present as many of these as you like, and please give a rundown of the build's abilities and playability at all of the levels you didn't show. The rules are as follows:

Goal: For most challenges, the "special components" will be drawn from Core plus Completes. There will, from time to time, be special challenges that showcase secret components from other books--for example, the XPH.

32 point-buy is the presumed creation method, but we have generally allowed other levels of point-buy.
If you do use a different point-buy, please make your case for its necessity in your entry. Keep in mind that for using exceptionally large or small point-buys may warrant deductions in Build Stability and/or Power.

Workshop: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon Magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Build Stability below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere as this may cause a Build Stability deduction at the judges' discretion. If you use web material, link it. Dragon Magazine Compendium is allowed.. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt and fractional saves are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em. Please refrain from using Taint unless it's necessary for one or more of the Components.

Completion Time: Contestants will have until [11:59 PM GMT on June 20th, 2014] to create their builds and PM them to the chairman, Kazudo. Builds will then be posted simultaneously to avoid copying. Judges will have until [11:59 PM GMT on July 4th, 2014] to judge the builds and submit their scores. If no judges have scored by that point, only the scores of the first judge to submit will be counted. As the precedence has been set from Episode 2, should all prospective judges have posted their rulings in a neat, timely fashion and all disputes have been settled satisfactorily (to either judges, contestants, or the Chairperson), the judging period may end prematurely to give way to a new episode. No reason to keep working on a finished building and avoid moving onto the next one.

Presentation: Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries. Also for this reason, PLEASE do not include any material that may or may not offend any potential viewers/judges/competitors OR break forum rules: It'll be me who gets in trouble for it, and you don't want that! Any builds which utterly and grossly violate forum rules WILL be withheld.

Due to concerns about standardizing entry format, I'd like everyone to try to use the following table for their entry.NAME OF ENTRY
LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features

1stNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

2ndNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

3rdNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

4thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

5thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

6thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

7thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

8thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

9thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

10thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

11thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

12thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

13thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

14thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

15thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

16thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

17thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

18thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

19thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

20thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

Table Code:

LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features

1stNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

2ndNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

3rdNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

4thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

5thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

6thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

7thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

8thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

9thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

10thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

11thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

12thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

13thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

14thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

15thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

16thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

17thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

18thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

19thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

20thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting or other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of spells per day/spells known/PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list.

Speculation: Please don't post or speculate on possible builds until after the reveal in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines.

Leadership is banned: We're creating one things, not all of the things. If your entry includes a prestige class or ACF that grants Leadership or a Leadership-like ability as a bonus feat, the feat should be ignored and is not eligible to be traded away for another feat or ACF through any means.

So who wants to sign up as a contestant and who wants to sign up as a judge? Looking for as many contestants and judges as feel like playing!

This competition has two Necessary Components and one Forbidden Component.

Your components this time around are a bit off the wall!

1. Use it to the most of its potential: The Book of Exalted Deeds!
2. Originally introduced in the Monster Manual: The Undead Type
And the Forbidden Component:
3. They need no introduction: The "Completes" Books!

We will award 1st through 3rd places, as well as a shout-out for honorable mention. The honorable mention prize is given to the most daring or unexpected build that doesn't gain a medal. Contestants are invited to vote for honorable mention via PM. Everyone else can vote in-thread.

Ready? Steady? Get to the junkyard and start building!

Previous Competitions:
Episode 1: Shadowdancer + Sneak Attack - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?342896-Junkyard-Wars-in-the-Playground-II)
Episode 2: Healing Spells + Ruby Knight Vindicator - no Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?337864-Junkyard-Wars-in-the-Playground-I)
Episode 3: Dragon Type + Mystic Theurge - Kobold (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?347412-Junkyard-Wars-in-the-Playground-III-Dragons-Theurges-Kobolds)

2014-06-07, 10:53 AM
Judging Guidelines
Welcome prospective judges as well to the Junkyard Wars Judging Box! You are incredibly valuable to this competition and we want you to know that.

In an effort to make this competition more about improving overall optimization abilities and not just showcasing those who already can optimize fairly well, I'd like to add a bit to the judging.

To begin with, judges will be expected to put their judging in four categories:

Originality: How original the build is. This can be in terms of using only other builds in the competition or the world of Practical Optimization as a whole. Please keep in mind, however, that this game is over a decade old and that originality is a subjective term.

Power: What kind of power the build can harness. How you judge power level is entirely up to you, but please exercise consistency through your judging.

Use of Secret Components: How well the build synergizes the two required components. In this particular exercise, the forbidden component isn't necessarily going to be a massive hinderance as much as safety rails. However, if any build touches Kobold at all penalize accordingly.

Build Stability: How well the build would stand up to average DM scrutiny. Such things to go here would be number of sources, use of known cheese, etc.

The above four categories will be up for dispute by the contestants. The dispute process will begin once a judge has posted their judging. PM any disputes to the chairman (Currently Kazudo) where he will either attempt to, depending on the dispute, address the problem privately or publicly to ensure that the dispute is handled. NOT ALL DISPUTES WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE JUDGES. The dispute process is PRIMARILY as a method of correcting incorrect rule interpretations, math, or similar things.

Concerning judging criteria: AS A PRE-EMPTIVE MEASURE, I would like to request that judging criteria be first PMed to the chairman (currently Kazudo) for a quick quality check. Once it is deemed worthy, it will be posted anonymously. JUDGING WILL STILL OCCUR AS NORMAL. This is to prevent any bias from individuals wishing to attempt to dispute certain measures of the criteria. It IS ok to say that you're judging, but don't indicate which criteria is yours.

Finally, I would like the judges, if possible, to take a moment and give suggestions on how the build could be improved. These should not impact the scoring or standing of the build at all and are simply a method of constructively being critical of the builds. Don't just tell someone how they did, tell them how you would have improved the build or what happened that you felt could have been done a tad differently. Please put all of these comments outside of your judging to avoid them being confused for judging points which can be disputed.

2014-06-07, 11:00 AM
FAC: (Frequently Addressed Concerns)

CONCERNING FLUFF REQUIREMENTS: Should an entrant use a component that has a fluff requirement (Defined as a requirement that has no bearing on crunch rules; see the Assassin for example) please see to it that the fluff requirement is defined and placed in the build. It doesn't have to be a narrative, but a basic breakdown on when and how it occurred, just to sate the requirements.

CONCERNING MULTIPLE ENTRIES: Currently, no contestant can enter more than two builds per person. This hasn't been a problem yet, but in the interests of keeping the pool of builds as understandably small as possible while still wanting to grow the community, I'm instituting a 2 build cap.

CONCERNING BUILD ALTERATIONS: Before the cutoff time and subsequent reveal, alterations can be submitted in whole to the chairman (Kazudo). Please format them as you'd like them to appear with instructions on where to place them. After the reveal, NO ALTERATIONS OF ANY KIND can be made to an entry, so ensure it's what you want to submit!

CONCERNING FLUFF FOR THE BUILD: In some competitions and circumstances, drastic character changes (Alignment, Race, Build Focus, etc.) may be easier taken by judges using fluff. Even fluff similar to "Then I had a change of heart and became good aligned" may suffice. This isn't really a fluff competition, but a mechanics competition. However, it may show poorly if you have a drastic change in mechanics without any explanation. This is squarely in the judges' purview.

CONCERNING EXP REQUIREMENTS: Each build is allotted exactly 200,000 EXP. This is roughly 10,000 EXP more than necessary to get to 20th level. Please take note of this when planning your character for circumstances like LA Buyoff, Item Crafting, Magic Use, Multiclassing EXP Penalties, etc.

CONCERNING PREREQUISITES FOR PRCS: The stance I as chairman take on whether one must continually qualify for a PRC is:
Unless the PrC is in a book with a clause concerning loss of class features upon failure to qualify OR the PrC itself has a clause concerning Ex- versions of the class, one does not need to continually qualify for the PrC to continue gaining benefits from it and taking levels in it.

For this particular contest:
1. Wait. No Completes. At all. What!

A. Yep. Now let me specify. You are forbidden from using the following in each Complete Book:

Base Classes
Prestige Classes
Special Materials

If the book comes up with a rule that isn't covered under that, call it fair game. If the Completes updated a rule from an old 3.0 source, you can't go back and use the old 3.0 source. The Completes exist still, but aren't viable for use. See number 3 for one exception.

2. How is a BOOK a required component?

A. Simple. You have to use the BoED somewhere in your build. How much is up to you, and how much is expected is up to the judges. Important to make it the core of your build.

More FAC to come, I'm sure.

2014-06-07, 11:01 AM
Error. All BoVD prestige classes require the Evil alignment. For the sake of clarity, please specify whether the phrase "any good alignment" refers to a need for builds to be of the good alignment or for the builds to have a focus on maiming/slaying/X-ing creatures of the good alignment.


2014-06-07, 11:04 AM
Normally the answer is "Ain't it great?"

I didn't specify PrCs, just however much of the book you can cram into a build.

2014-06-07, 11:06 AM
That's not what I was getting at. Just as a dragon slayer technically would've been a valid entrance into the last competition (the requirement is "the dragon type," not "the build must be of the dragon type") this competition fails to specify whether it's the build that must be of the good alignment or whether the build can simply focus on characters of the good alignment.

2014-06-07, 11:14 AM
The build has to be Good aligned for a focal portion of its existence. Treat it like you would a PrC. The same goes for type specifications.

Also, updated the FAC section.

2014-06-07, 11:42 AM
Idea was poorly thought out, abandoning concept and changing the components. Sorry for the mixup, must be reading blind stumbling drunk again.

EDIT: There. Changed some stuff. Hopefully this one will work better, continue as normal.

2014-06-07, 12:50 PM
ehh ... i can only count 3 ways for a player character (without DM handwaving of some kind, either changing alignment on templates/races or ad hoc'ing an LA) to become a good aligned undead (well ... 4 but [redacted] is a massive Ball&Chain) ... one (argubly two) of these ways are setting specific, and the last one doesn't seem like it should allow good aligned

2014-06-07, 12:52 PM
That's the trick on this one, I suppose. Or finding enough in BoED that doesn't require good alignment.

Any more than that is probably speculation.

2014-06-07, 01:11 PM
What about rules from the Complete series? For example, the rules for non-Clerics getting domains are in Complete Divine. If a build happens to get an extra domain from somewhere can it reference these rules without being disqualified for using the banned component?

This one's a head-scratcher. I like it. If I can come up with something, I'll compete. If not, I'll judge.

2014-06-07, 01:15 PM
Are you sure this isn't supposed to be Deathless builds, not undead?

2014-06-07, 01:15 PM
What about rules from the Complete series? For example, the rules for non-Clerics getting domains are in Complete Divine. If a build happens to get an extra domain from somewhere can it reference these rules without being disqualified for using the banned component?

This one's a head-scratcher. I like it. If I can come up with something, I'll compete. If not, I'll judge.
Or, for the all-time fan-favourite, the hotly-debated "if you later fail to qualify for a PrC, you lose its class features" text from Complete Warrior and Complete Arcane! :smallwink:

Are you sure this isn't supposed to be Deathless builds, not undead?
Now where would the fun be in something that simple?

2014-06-07, 01:36 PM
I actually covered this competition's stance on qualifying for PrC's in the FAC section. As well as a clarification point on that.

But basically if it's not a feat, class, race, PrC, Spell, monster, prestige class, item, or special material of any kind it's still permissible. Rules are ok, actual things aren't.

2014-06-07, 01:50 PM
Deathless is less simple then applying 'sanctify the wicked' to all the other undead templates.

2014-06-07, 04:42 PM
This is a neat concept - I might cook something up.

One thing, though - in the FAC, it says to see number 3 for the sole exception... but then there is no number three. :smallsigh:

2014-06-07, 04:59 PM
If I can come up with an entry idea by the deadline I'll actually compete this round.

But if nothing peaks my interest I'll be judging. Its more fun to look at other peoples ideas sometimes :D

2014-06-07, 07:51 PM
I - I think I just entered?

2014-06-07, 08:06 PM
working on a build now. hopefully, when I finish I'll like it enough to actually enter it.

2014-06-08, 10:30 AM
Are you sure this isn't supposed to be Deathless builds, not undead?

Using Undead and Book of Exalted Deeds without Deathless? Inconceivable!

This one's going to be brutal, but ... I may actually submit something.

2014-06-08, 11:15 AM
I'm sure that it's quite possible to make a build for this. The problem is dealing with all of the level adjustments and Exalted feats. :smalltongue:

2014-06-08, 12:04 PM
Hmmm I must have made a mistake, for I didn't find it difficult at all. :smallconfused:

I just probably overlooked a rule or ten. :smalltongue:

2014-06-08, 12:31 PM
Yeah, I don't think I've got anything for this that's all that appealing. Much as I'd like to go for the three-peat. I'll sit back and judge this one. I'll write up some criteria after I finish judging this IC round.

2014-06-08, 04:24 PM
I think I'll do the same judge + show what I built as last time. I had fun with that. My first build idea is interesting, but involves brutal cheese.

2014-06-08, 10:40 PM
I'm gonna have something. It's no Old Lob, but I need to get back into these contests.

2014-06-09, 08:20 AM
It certainly is an interesting combination. I know I can make something this time.

OK real life--back off!

2014-06-09, 12:26 PM
Just checking - by "Book of Exalted Deeds" you mean the sourcebook, right, and not the minor artifact that gives you a level?
I'm pretty sure that it's the former, but I could see some hilarious things made possible with the latter.

2014-06-10, 05:54 PM
Okay, first build sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That one burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.

But the fourth one? That's staying up! :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-11, 09:20 AM
Okay, first build sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That one burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.

But the fourth one? That's staying up! :smallbiggrin:Well, if nothing else, you've provided a pretty good foundation for your 4th build.

2014-06-11, 09:25 AM
Well, if nothing else, you've provided a pretty good foundation for your 4th build.
In my experience, that's pretty much how people do these competitions. It's either that or the lightning bolt of inspiration.

2014-06-11, 10:05 AM
Oh, I had a lightning bolt, too. That was build 3. Awesome, but firmly in the "No sane DM..." column. (I'll be interested to see if it turns out to be the same idea Ikeren had).

2014-06-11, 10:31 PM
Well within the realm of possibility. Last round some builds similar-ish to mine were submitted.

2014-06-12, 01:27 AM
I've got a build almost finished, just crunching out the skills and trying to make everything look pretty. Unfortunately [redacted] is suffering because of [redacted]. This competition is also doing a wonderful job of pointing out just how much i use the Completes. I know they're some of my favorite books but geez, I didn't realize just how much i used them. I've lost a lot of things I'd normally do because I can't access those books.

2014-06-12, 08:08 AM
Oh, hey, it turns out that if I use [redacted] instead of [redacted], this build I'm working on turns out to be a lot less frustrating/dumb. It's always nice (and so rare!) when something falls into place instead of falling apart.

2014-06-12, 08:15 AM
Decided not to take a stab at this, mainly because it very easily could be a contest deciding if apples or oranges is better, given that with the given ingedients you could just as well make a meatshield, as a sneak, as a healer, as a arcanist as a ... need i continue?

2014-06-12, 10:41 AM
Decided not to take a stab at this, mainly because it very easily could be a contest deciding if apples or oranges is better, given that with the given ingedients you could just as well make a meatshield, as a sneak, as a healer, as a arcanist as a ... need i continue?

Not necessarily. It's more a contest of seeing what kinds of fruit have more Fructose, Iron Content, and potential for weaponization than others.

2014-06-12, 05:43 PM
Not necessarily. It's more a contest of seeing what kinds of fruit have more Fructose, Iron Content, and potential for weaponization than others.

Technically speaking, Jalapenos are fruit. While they may be low on Fructose, their potential for weaponization is Tier 1.

2014-06-12, 05:56 PM
The minus this time definitely feels a bit weird and a big step away from the norm (of the minus being taking away the key ingredient in a normal build). Cuz as far as I know the completes don't have a magical ingredient that makes good aligned zombies work.

2014-06-12, 08:20 PM
Kazudo, did you get the judging criteria I PMed you?

2014-06-13, 03:33 AM
Temp redaction

2014-06-13, 03:40 AM
Krimson, since there's only one of [Redacted] which fulfills the criteria of this competition, I now know exactly what you're talking about. Questions like that should be asked in a PM to the judge in order to preserve anonymity, and I'd heartily suggest that you scrub your post. :smallsmile:

2014-06-13, 03:43 AM
Krimson, since there's only one of [Redacted] which fulfills the criteria of this competition, I now know exactly what you're talking about. Questions like that should be asked in a PM to the judge in order to preserve anonymity, and I'd heartily suggest that you scrub your post. :smallsmile:

I sent a pm a couple days ago and haven't heard anything

2014-06-13, 03:48 AM
I sent a pm a couple days ago and haven't heard anything
Sometimes messages get lost in transit. We won't know until Kazudo pops his head in here; it's possible that he just never got it.

Even if he didn't get it, posting it in here won't do you any good. :smalltongue:

2014-06-13, 10:37 AM
Alright. Stuff's been wonky, for some reason my inbox hasn't gotten any PMs until today.

Alright. Concerning a requested ruling from [CHAIRBOT 404 MALFUNCTION, SENDER NAME NOT FOUND]

Sacrifice is a material component of Sanctified spells. It's odd though in that it is only taken at the end of the spell's duration. Since Undead are, by nature of the Undead Type, immune to most of those sacrifices, I'm ruling that they're open for use and that the Sacrifice component is just, well, mitigated. Congratulations.

And yes, I have two criteria in my inbox I'll begin posting sometime within the next hour or so. Thank you for your patience. I've even received a few entries!

EDIT: And I actually have a handful of other things I need to deal with as well. If you sent me a request for ruling that you haven't seen posted in public forum (in case others have the same question, natch) then please re-send it.

2014-06-13, 02:40 PM
Just sent my entry in! :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-16, 12:36 AM
I dont know enough about undeaad to enter.

2014-06-16, 12:10 PM
Well, I finally got an idea that fits within the parameters. Now to see if I can get it built before the submission deadline.

2014-06-16, 12:12 PM
Sorry for the delay in posting criteria. They'll be up by end of day today. Work has gotten crazy stupid and my house is, alas, without that internet juice.

2014-06-16, 05:46 PM
Judging Criteria for Judge A:

Start from a baseline score of 3.

Up to 0.5 point of bonus or penalty based on whether the classes/race/ect you used were things I expected. Known cheese or standard handbook fare will see a deduction here.

Up to 0.5 points of bonus or penalty based on whether anyone else thought to use the same build components. You'll be worse off if you and another entrant used the component for the exact same thing (say, if you both jumped out at Paladin 5 for the special mount).

Up to 1 point of bonus or penalty to a build doing something interesting or something we've all seen it before respectively. You can fill a common niche without incurring my wrath, but I'd like to see a new spin on it. Cool factor in your crunch may see a bonus here.

Up to a 0.25 point bonus if I find your fluff to be particularly excellent.

Start from a baseline score of 3.

Up to 0.75 point of bonus or penalty for versatility. Can you contribute in a wide variety of situations, or will you spend a lot of time twiddling your thumbs?

Up to 1.25 points of bonus or penalty for how well you do the things that you do. For example, if you're a front line fighter, how good are you at hurting things?

Start from a baseline score of 3.

Each failure to qualify for a class or feat results in a 0.5 point deduction. Qualifying for all such things gets you a bonus of 0.5.

Up to 1 point of penalty for questionable rules interpretations and for any cheese stinky enough to make it onto my personal ban list (note that I'm pretty cheese tolerant, in general). Avoidance of such things gets you a bonus of 0.5.

Up to 1 point of bonus or penalty based on the overall flow of the build. A clean, flowing progression will score more points, whereas something that feels awkward may be penalized. As with cheese, I'm not going to try to be especially punitive toward dipping, unless you're really asking for it. If you incur multiclass penalties, change alignment mid-build for crunch reasons, or the like, you can expect to be dinged here.

Up to 0.5 points of bonus or penalty if the build just screams classy or is especially distasteful in a way not quantified by the above.

Start from a baseline score of 0.

Up to 2 points for material from BoED being used prominently in the build.

Up to 2 points for the Undead type (either undead traits or the abilities of the specific undead chosen) being used prominently in the build.

Up to 1 point of bonus for particular synergy between BoED material and undeath.

2014-06-16, 05:48 PM
Judging Criteria for Judge B:

Originality: 5 points: Of these 5 points, approximately half will be in relation to other builds in the competition, and approximately half will be in relation to the canon of optimization. If the build is a gish, and I open the gish handbook, and your gish build is comprised of nothing but the best options from the handbook strung together, that's not a high originality score.
Look for balance here, or a way to put in a particularly clever or original twist on a traditional option.

Power: 5 points, of which, half the score is raw power and half the score is versatility. Raw power more or less follows tiers, with 2.5 = Tier 1, 2.0 = Tier 2, 1.5 = Tier 3, 1.0 = Tier 4, and 0.5 = Tier 5 or lower, with exceptions for things that can clearly remove enemy NPC's at a rate of 1+/round. Versatility applies to in combat options (melee, ranged, casting, defense, offenses) and out of combat (skills, social encounter spells, crafting, transport, movement minigames). A character with a lot of power in one trick (an uber-charger, say) would score high for raw power (2.0) but lower for versatility (0.5 or 1) for a score of 2.5 or 3.0/5.

Use of Secret Components: 5 points: Do your elements complement each other well? Could you build the same build without one of the elements, but cleaner and more effective at meeting it's own goals (in this competition: exalted characters better off not undead, or undead characters better off not exalted)? In particular, I will not give high scores out to builds that do not take large amounts/nearly full amounts of the required elements. Prestige classes/sneak attack/whatever.

Build Stability: Mostly I'm looking for debated rulings, excessive dipping (2 or 3 dips is expected. 4+, less so), dropping casting progressions part of the way through, dropping prestige classes or base classes at atypical points, using variant rules or systems together (impulse boots to qualify for evasion), and exceptionally common cheese. Expect me to be more lenient in this category than the average judge.

2014-06-18, 06:25 PM
Submission sent, Chairman Kazudo!

2014-06-18, 07:32 PM
I sent in my submission already... it's my first time making a build for a contest, I hope people like it. Oh well, I had fun building it so I hope the judges enjoy reading it... and I hope I didn't screw up the format too badly.

2014-06-19, 08:19 AM
It took me forever to figure out what to do for this one. Then it hit me.

Now I hope I can get it in on time . . .

2014-06-19, 08:20 AM
Clock's ticking! Seems like a low turnout this time...?

(Oh, and Mr. Chairman, did you get my submission? I know you were having some PM issues.)

2014-06-19, 08:28 AM
It took me forever to figure out what to do for this one. Then it hit me.

Now I hope I can get it in on time . . .

Likewise! I had my AHA moment, but then I realized something might get a little sticky on Build Stability so I've PMed the Chair. If I don't get the chance to finish the build out by the deadline, I'll post a stub after the Reveal.

2014-06-19, 08:38 AM
I just noticed this; I've been wanting to try my hand at one of these contests. I may be able to make a last-minute contribution. It might not even be terrible.

2014-06-19, 09:39 AM
It took me forever to figure out what to do for this one. Then it hit me.

Now I hope I can get it in on time . . .

I know what you mean, the same thing happened to me. I've gotten my submission in, but not I'm starting to have both nagging doubts as to the quality of my entry, AND I've started to Vizzini myself. At least the submission is in, so I can't really talk myself out of entering it. :smalltongue:

2014-06-19, 10:33 AM
If my count is right and my PMs are up to date, I have currently 6 entries.

2014-06-19, 11:16 AM
If my count is right and my PMs are up to date, I have currently 6 entries.

Sweet! 4th place, here I come!

2014-06-19, 12:48 PM
I might be able to get something in before the Deadline (:smallbiggrin:).

I've got the concept, I'm just having trouble making it actually work.

2014-06-19, 02:33 PM
I might be lucky number seven if the chairman received my entry.

2014-06-19, 02:58 PM
Check! Got 7 entries.

Kuulv, I'm actually headscratching your competition myself at the moment.

2014-06-19, 03:12 PM
Woo! I got mine in after all!

Just realized I had until tomorrow . . . :smallredface:

2014-06-19, 04:47 PM
It was a good build, in theory. :smallfrown: It all fell apart once I realized that the undead template's abilities did not mesh with the feats I had selected. I will simply watch.

2014-06-19, 05:03 PM
Check! Got 7 entries.

Kuulv, I'm actually headscratching your competition myself at the moment.Good - it's supposed to.:smallamused:

It was a good build, in theory. :smallfrown: It all fell apart once I realized that the undead template's abilities did not mesh with the feats I had selected. I will simply watch.I'm afraid that I'm going to join you. I just can't get my idea to work by RAW, so I'm going to scrap it. I'll reveal what I had in mind after Kazudo presents the entrants.

2014-06-19, 06:36 PM
I'll post my three stub builds, too - couldn't get any of them to work. I'm hoping that fourth one will do better.

2014-06-19, 11:40 PM
I have one stub to go with my judging, but ultimately it really doesn't work by a good margin.

2014-06-20, 07:01 AM
Stupid formatting!!

Ok.... Submission sent.

2014-06-20, 08:15 AM
Stupid formatting!!

Ok.... Submission sent.

Likewise, minus the "submission sent" part :smallfrown:. Indecision on my part led me to procrastinate on getting the build together, so I won't have time to get it in. I'll post my stub after the Reveal.

2014-06-20, 10:23 AM
Well, it IS kinda getting down to the wire, but we've got at least a half-decent bunch (by which I mean the bunch itself is half-decent, not the individual contents) of entrants, two judges who have judged before, I think it's gonna be a relatively short, quiet competition this time around.

The next one's gonna be the one I get asked about a lot. Figure "why not".

2014-06-20, 05:08 PM
Well, this isn't the latest I've ever gotten an entry in. Now here's hoping I didn't FTQ like the last Iron Chef. :smallfrown:

2014-06-20, 05:14 PM
Less than two hours left! Any last minute entrants? Any last minute judges need to PM me their criteria! ANYTHING AT ALL?

2014-06-20, 05:20 PM
Less than two hours left! Any last minute entrants? Any last minute judges need to PM me their criteria! ANYTHING AT ALL?

I am not feeling the love, Kazudo. I submitted like 10 minutes ago. Isn't that enough for you?? :smalltongue:

2014-06-20, 05:22 PM
Well I just got it. So there. :smalltongue:

2014-06-20, 07:34 PM
And that's the deadline! (20 minutes ago, anyway).

So, stub builds ....

Human Necropolitan with Undead Meldshaping and Vow of Poverty, Incarnate/Vivicarnate. (Good variant of Necrocarnate, mentioned under Necrocarnate PrC). I loved the concept, but thought it was just asking for too many houserule and variant okays.

Elf Necropolitan Bard/Exalted Arcanist. Liked the idea, but just couldn't get the features to play nice with undead.

Necropolitan Druid/Planar Shepherd with Vow of Poverty. The "No sane DM" build. I felt dirty for even having thought of it. I started really going crosseyed when I saw the "turns you into an Outsider" capstone...

2014-06-20, 07:40 PM
And the polls are closed ladies and gents, the reveal will happen soon. I'll give the warning when it's officially beginning.

2014-06-20, 08:04 PM
Hilariously, I'm on a different computer and no longer have access to the build I put together to show with my judging; for at least a week or two. So...well, whatever. It'll get out eventually :smallsmile:

2014-06-20, 08:27 PM
My build that fell apart once I read the rules closer at ECL 11 of the character.

Thantar, the Lost Apostle of Amaunator.

I'd intended to keep it simple, using only one UA variant class. Everything else was purely Core or BoED, using the book as much as possible.

He would have been a human with the ghost template, the composition being Bardic Sage/Apostle of Peace.

In life, Thantar was a disciple of a temple of Amaunator, and was responsible for many of the temple rites and prayers Amaunator was so fond of. In death, he became a ghost, cursed by a pledge that forced him to remain as a ghost, and ward away evil creatures until a day came that the faithful might return to rebuild their temple.

The build fell apart because ghosts automatically deal ability damage to creatures that look at them, which didn't work with his Vows.

2014-06-20, 08:33 PM
Alright y'all. Reveal time. Hold yer posts until I get this slew of entrants out on the table.

2014-06-20, 08:38 PM
Due to time crunches, our "witty 10 characters or more" will be replaced by famous haiku by Richard Wright.

I am nobody:
A red sinking autumn sun
Took my name away.


Nament Habah
Neutral asherati wasteland druid (deadly hunter variant) 5/walker in the waste 10/

God: Solani

Str 11(13)
Dex 14
Con 10 (-)
Int 10
Wis 17 (22)
Cha 14 (16)


Nymph's Kiss

Nament had once again broken the one rule: don't enter the forest. It wasn't his first time in the forest, for its proximity to the dessert was very enticing. His father told him that theforest is probably magic else it couldn't be so close to the dessert. This only increased Nament's interest in it. He loved the sounds, the noises and the myriads of creatures to be discovered. The one thing he didn't dare to get close too, was the little lake. His body wasn't really made for water.
His favourite animal in the woods was the cricket for he was able to catch and study them. As he just petted a beautiful green cricket, he heard a peculiar noise. It ressembled a little the shriek of a hawk but it was higher pitched. He put the cricket back on a tree and followed the noise. He discovered a nest on the ground and a tiny hawk shrieking and flapping its tiny wings. Next to the lucky survivor lay his two siblings. They hadn't survived the fall. Their parents were nowhere to see. Nament picked the tiny hawk up and tried to calm him, which didn't really work. So he put him back in the nest and tried to find some worms to feed to the hawk. When he turned, he stumbled and fell backwards. Right in front of him stood a humanoid creature. She was female and Nament thought she might be an elf, because of her pointy ears. She was very beautiful. „I'm sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you.“ She reached out and opened her hand. A fat maggot was sitting in her palm. „Take it. It will help your little friend.“ Nament still sat on the ground, but he didn't feel like she was athreat to him. So he picked himself up took the maggot and fed it to the still shrieking hawk. The little fellow calmed down a little but still was flapping his wings. Nament finally managed to adress the unknown woman: „My name is Nament. Pleased to meet you.“ He bowed a little as his mother taught him to do when introducing himself. „My name is Shae. This is my forest.“ Although Nament didn't know what that meant, he did feel like he wasn't really welcome here. „I'm sorry if i disturbed you. It wasn't my intent.“ „It is okay. Don't worry about it.“ Shae picked up the hawk. „He won't survive on the ground and without help.“ Her facial expression changed. „His mother was killed by your kin for sport. I found her body close to the dessert.“ Nament wasn't shocked for many of the asherati hunted birds. If the bird fell too close to the forest, they didn't dare to get close. Many horror stories were told by the elder. „ I... I am terribly sorry.“ He bowed again. Shae came closer and put the tiny hawk into his hand. „Don't be. Take care of him and show me that not all of you are merciless killers.“ Nament stared into her eyes and couldn't say anything. Shae kissed him on the cheek. „Take care, Nament of the sand people. You are welcome in my forest for as long as you keep its peace.“ Then she slipped past him and was gone before Nament could say anything.

Sacred vow

The temple of Solani was the central building in Nament's village and it was one of the highest honors to be picked as one of Solani's chosen. Nament wanted to devote his life to preserving his homeland. Shae had him showed the circle of life, the cruelty of nature, but also its caress. He wanted his tribesmen to acknowledge this. The only position he would be able to do that was high priest of Solani.
The selection of new Chosen was always a very secretive thing. This time three young asherati applied. Aned Manah was the current high priest's daughter. Nament was sure she would get picked. Het Najeema was a loner like Nament. Nament knew nothing about him except that his family was famous for their warriors rather than their priests. There was no rule how many where picked. Once a high priest refused every candidate for ten years. Nament was nervous. He wanted this so bad, he knew he had so muchto give. The three candidates sat in the middle of the temple. The current ten chosen of Solani were present. Aned was the first called to the side of the high priest. He placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder and whispered in her ear. Nament couldn't hear what he told her. He also couldn't see her face. Aned turned around and sat down next to het and himself. Before he could think about what that meant, het was called forth. Again the high priest whispered. Again Het turned and set down beside Nament. Nament thought he would be called to the high priests side and prepared himself. Suddenly the high priest announced: „Everyone except Nament Habah, leave now.“ Nament was shocked. What was the meaning of this? Before he realised it, everyone except him and the high priest had left the temple. „Nament Habah“ the high priest whispered standing next to him, „you are not a chosen of Solani and you never will be.“ Nament clenched his fists. The high priest placed his hand on his head. „Nament, you are a druid. Your way is the way of nature. Solani's chosen are priests. You are not. Look at me!“ Nament raised his head to face the high priest. „Nament, Solani has something planned for you, but this is nowhere near being a priest. You will be the savior of this tribe. You will be the hero.“ The high priest paused. „I have a task for you.“ Nament didn't understand. He was confused by the high priests words. It took him a whole hour to understand what was asked of him, but in the end he thought he did understand. Although at that time he had no idea what colossal task was bestoyed on him. After a lengthy conversation he placed his hand on the statue of Solani and spoke the sacred vow: „I, Nament Habah, hearby swear to infiltrate the Dusty Conclave, to become a walker in the waste and to destroy that organisation for the sake of my tribe.“ After finishing his words, he turned around to receive his final blessing from the high priest. Instead the high riest unsheathed his dagger and attacked Nament. Confused he dodged and unsheathed his spear. The high priest continued to attack. Confused Nament tried to defend. „What are you doing?“ he shouted at the high priest but nothing seemed to stop him. Finally the high priest found a whole in Naments defense and the dagger wounded his left shoulder. Angrily Nament thrust his spear in the chest of the high priest. The dagger fell out of the high priests hand. Mortally wounded the priest fell to the ground. The high priest spoke softly: „Remember Nament: never lie, for a lie can be discovered. Just bend the truth.“

Heighten spell – nonlethal substitution

Nament had barely escaped the wrath of his own tribesmen a numerous times. His escape right after killing the high priest was pretty lucky, but all happened as planned. The dusty council approached him and Nament happily agreed to join them, for he was honestly afraid of dying to a patrol of his tribesmen. His believes in the way of the nature was welcomed among the other members and Nament was starting to wonder if this people really were evil. This thought was smashed as soon as he met Nemenmo. Nemenmo was consumed by the thought to expand the dessert and kill everyone who opposed that goal. Plus Nemenmo was three hundred years old and a dry lich. Nament was horrified by her appearance, horrified by her ideas and her cruelty and worst of all she seemed to enjoy that fact. While other members were out hunting and exploring, Nemenmo tasked Nament with „gathering information“, which meant torturing the poor souls captured by the dusty conclave. More than once Nament wanted to cry out loud. More than once he just wanted to be killed by Nemenmo and be done with all this, but everytime he forced himself to not give up. He was tasked and he would fulfill that task. So he discovered a way to torture without doing permanent damage: he altered his spells to inflict pain but not damage his victims. This was really efficient as the the prisoners could be used as slaves after everything the want to know had been extracted by Nament.
Nemenmo therefor named him „master of information.“

Craft wondrous item

Nament rose through the ranks of the dusty conclave. He focussed his study on creating magic items to oppose the destruction he caused in the world and to find inner balance. He wasn't the most talented crafter and soon he only focussed on enchanting and used slaves to craft the required pieces for him. Nemenmo and Nament had long conversations about the very meaning of the dessert. Nament never had to lie when faced with questions of Nemenmo: he did kill the high priest, he believed in preserving the dessert and he hated his tribesmen for almost killing him on multiple occasions. It was this hate that he had to contain and look out for. Because it was this hate that Nemenmo was looking to nurture and it was this hate that he tried to contain by creating things.

Vow of nonviolence

Nament had dreaded this day, but it was finally here: the attack on his former home. The dusty conclave had gathered enough warriors and ressources to attack. Nemenmo hat taught Nament the creation of sand golems and he happily picked it up. The creation of things still helped him to keep his sanity, but he feared he would lose it once he had to lead the attack on his former home. He felt like this was one of Nemenmo's last tests. Although he tought he had convinced her with all his actions, she still seemed wary of his real intentions.
Nament decided that he had to see it through anyways. He could not refuse this task. He contemplated dying in the attack, but everything he achieved so far would have been in vain and he still needed to know the inner workings of the dusty conclave. He had no clue how Nemenmo stayed alive. When the attack began, he saw familiar faces: Het and Aned were among the defenders and both were clad in the robes of chosen of Solani. The hate flowed through Nament. Why him? Why did he have to suffer all this time and not them? Raging with fury Nament ordered the charge on his former home, he himself facing Het and Aned. The fight was short and brutal, the sand golems killing defenders in the dozen. Nament managed to isolate Het and a wild fight erupted between them. When Nament dodged a slash by Het and his spear penetrated the armor of Het, Nament felt like he relived the fight with the high priest. Het dropped the eagle's claw he fought with. With his last breaths he whispered: „Stay strong, my brother, for you are our hero.“ Nament's rage ended immediately, his hate washed away by the sacrifise of Het. He overlooked the battle. Aned had ordered a retreat and fled with the survivors. Nament ordered the pursuit knowing that Aned and his former tribesmen would be way faster in the opne dessert than the conclave warriors. Nament stepped through the ruins of his former home. He entered the temple of Solani and stood before the now smashed statue he once took his vow. Picking up a piece of the statue, he vowed again: „This has to end soon. I cannot kill anymore. I will not kill anymore. Not the living, but i will hunt the dead.“

Vow of peace

Nemenmo was very pleased with the attack. Nament was named „champion of the desert“ after he had created a Salt mummy out of Het's body. Nament did not resent for he knew he was not the only one tasked. He would finish what had been started all those years ago. Nament was not surprised when Nemenmo summoned him and declared they would have to work together for the next step in his ascension. The ritual that turned Nament in a dry lich war gruesome and horrible. More than once Nament thought to lose every shred of sanity in his body, but everytime he managed to keep his clam by vowing over and over again. „I will not kill the living anymore.“ When his heart was finally placed in the human canopic jar by Nemenmo and he rose as a dry lich, he almost was overwhelmed by the power surging thwough his body. „Welcome my brother“, Nememno shouted, „come and rule the desert with me.“ Nament nodded „As you wish my sister“. Their canopic jars were placed next to each other and only them knew the secret to the labyrinth that protected these most precious items.
Nament planned his attack very patiently. He had summoned help from other planes in the form of four bauriar defenders and a unicorn. They ensured that the defenders of the conclave where distracted when he decided to strike. He had asked his „sister“ to meet him at the canopic jars for a strategic meeting. This was not the first time they met there and Nament was sure Nemenmo wouldn't be to cautious. When she entered, he immediately shackled her with constricting chains. „What are you doing? Playing a game?“ Nemenmo knew this spell was one of Naments signature spells. The chains would cause unbareable pain to any living being. Rose pedals fell fromy the ceiling. „Beautiful trick“, Nemenmo laughed, still not realising the danger. „Sister, I have played a game for a very long time, but it ends now.“ Nament picked up the human canopic jar that ressembled a woman and smashed it on the ground. A rose pedal landed on Nemenmo and she immediately twisted her head in agony. Nament continued smashing the canopic jars. „Noooo“ , Nememno screamed. The chains stopped her from moving and the rose pedals slowly drained her sanity away. „You shall suffer, sister. Suffer like i did. Lose your mind. Become insane.“ Before Nememno fell to the ground Nament shouted: „I, Nament Habah, hearby swear to infiltrate the Dusty Conclave, to become a walker in the waste and to destroy that organisation for the sake of my tribe.“ When he had finished Nememno was lying on the ground, unconscious. Nament stood over her, as a ball of water rolled over Nememno's body. „I thought it would be fitting for you to be destroyed the way nature would kill you.“ when the body of Nememno was destroyed, Nament rose slowly. His hand was trembling. „It is done.“ Leaving the labyrinth Nament went to help his allies in combat. „This will be the last fight of the dusty conclave.“


Nament Habah
LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features

1stDruid+0+2+0+2survival 4, concentration 4, diplomacy 4, spot 4, listen 4Nymph's KissAC bonus (as monk), Fast movement (as monk), track, favored enemy (undead), urban companion (hawk), nature sense, wild empathy

2ndDruid+1+3+0+3survival 5, concentration 5, diplomacy 5, spot 5, listen 5-Sandskimmer

3rdDruid+2+3+1+3survival 6, concentration 6, diplomacy 6, spot 6, listen 6Sacred vowTrackless Step

4thDruid+3+4+1+4survival 7, concentration 7, diplomacy 7, spot 7, listen 7-Improved heat endurance

5thDruid+3+4+1+4survival 8, concentration 8, diplomacy 8, spot 8, listen 8--

6thWalker in the waste+3+4+1+6survival 9, concentration 9, diplomacy 8, intimidate 1, spot 8, listen 8Heighten spelldesiccating touch (1d6), nonlethal substitution (BF)

7thWalker in the waste+4+4+1+7survival 10, concentration 10, diplomacy 8, intimidate 2, spot 8, listen 8-the wasting

8thWalker in the waste+4+5+2+7survival 11, concentration 11, diplomacy 8, intimidate 3, spot 8, listen 8-Desiccating touch 2d6, local drought

9thWalker in the waste+5+5+2+8survival 12, concentration 12, diplomacy 8, intimidate 4, spot 8, listen 8craft wondrous itemWithered toughness

10thWalker in the waste+5+5+2+8survival 13, concentration 13, diplomacy 8, intimidate 5, spot 8, listen 8-Desiccating touch 3d6, pillar of salt

11thWalker in the waste+6+6+3+9survival 14, concentration 14, diplomacy 8, intimidate 6, spot 8, listen 8-Create sand golem

12thWalker in the waste+6+6+3+9survival 15, concentration 15, diplomacy 8, intimidate 7, spot 8, listen 8Vow of nonviolenceDesiccating touch 4d6

13thWalker in the waste+7+6+3+10survival 16, concentration 16, diplomacy 8, intimidate 8, spot 8, listen 8-Create salt mummy

14thWalker in the waste+7+7+4+10survival 17, concentration 17, diplomacy 8, intimidate 9, spot 8, listen 8-Desiccating touch 5d6, greater drought

15thWalker in the waste+8+7+4+11survival 18, concentration 18, diplomacy 8, intimidate 10, spot 8, listen 8Vow of PeaceDry lich

16thLevel adjustement-----New --

17thLevel adjustement-----New --

18thLevel adjustement-----New --

19thLevel adjustement-----New --

20thLevel adjustement-----New --


Spells per Day/Spells Known
Spells per Day/Spells Known























For the sake of this competition I will highlight Nament mainly after acquiring the dry lich template. From time to time I stumble across threads claiming that the dry lich template is free because it is a class feature. I personally would never allow that therefor the build has only 15 levels (LA buyoff wouldn't be possible either).
Firstly I have to admit that i had the story of this character before i had the stub. So druid was a choice made primarily to avoid cleric and to fit the story. The deadly hunter variant (UA p. 58) was chosen because wild shape 1/day isn't really overwhelming and it isn't needed as a prerequisite for a prestige class (i.e. Planar shepherd). The bonus move speed and the track ability is a nice addition, the main selling point though is the AC bonus like a monk when unarmored. Moreover sanctified spells, which are planned to be abused, offer very good armor buffs. I chose to drop the animal companion for an urban companion, because I felt that delivering touch spells with ¾ of Naments HP was more useful than a rather low level animal companion. Until his ascension Nament is a pretty standard BFC caster.
After completing his ascension Nament is a pretty interesting fellow. Being undead adds charisma to concentration so Nymph's kiss gives a little bonus (+2).
AC: 10+Dex+Wis+7 natural+2 exalted+2 deflection+8 armor(greater luminous armor)+1 monk.
HP: 15d12+15xCha
This is before any equipment is taken into consideration. So an AC of 40+ is very likely, add a displacement effect and Nament can take quite the beating, which may be necessary if he cannot convince a living creature to settle the quarrel peacefully. His diplomancy is okayish, vow of peace and sacred vow substitute the missing skill ranks.
He is restricted to deal nonlethal damage to anything but constructs and undeads. So a rather logical pickup is nonlethal substitution (fire) to apply to the numerous fire spells a druid has access too (don't use it on flame strike as half of it can't be altered). Also your immunity to nonlethal damage may come handy in here: nonlethal fire seeds: decorate yourself with holly berry bombs and walk right into the enemy to blow yourself up with a command word and deal a little aoe damage. Heighten spell is used to be able to fill your slots efficiently while focusing on non damaging spells. Vow of nonviolence adds a +4 bonus on DC to these spells. Summons are avoided because why use living things to fight when Nament resents hurting any living creature. An exception are sanctifed spells such as Cry of Ysgard and Valiant Steed, because these creatures are free willed and can be used to do more than just being beatsticks. Constricting chains is Naments favourite spell and probably daily prepared (maybe even twice). It's great vs everything and doesn't violate the vow of peace. Once Nament is sick of being undead he simply casts Phoenix fire and loses his template, although this may be only viable in heavy roleplaying groups.


Sandstorm: asherati, walker in the waste, wasteland druid
BoED: Nymphs Kiss, Sacred vow, nonlethal substitution, vow of nonviolence, vow of peace, all sanctified spells
Unearthed arcana: swift and deadly hunter variant (p. 58)

2014-06-20, 08:40 PM
Keep straight down this block,
Then turn right where you will find
A peach tree blooming.

"I am the Pharaoh's vengeance, even in death."

Buried Past
Nebmakhet was once a warrior-priest of Re-Horakhty, and a devoted bodyguard of Pharaoh Ahntomines. He served faithfully and diligently for years, until the Pharaoh was killed in battle with the evil minions of Set. Nebmakhet himself was gravely wounded in the fighting, and refused treatment of his wounds upon hearing that the Pharaoh had been slain. Instead, with ragged breaths and delirious prayers he fervently begged his god and fellow priests to preserve him alongside the Pharaoh, so that he might defend Ahntomines beyond death. His wish was granted.

For centuries Nebmakhet patrolled Ahntomines' tomb. And he would be there still, if a pair of Babau servants of Set hadn't broken into the tomb to ransack it. In their haste to steal Ahntomines' badges of office, they set off one of the many traps in the tomb. The pair managed to teleport away before Nebmakhet could visit his fury upon them, and the trap partially collapsed the roof of the tomb. After weeks of digging himself out of the rubble, Nebmakhet prostrated himself before the body of his Pharaoh, swore he would recover the missing artifacts, and punish those responsible. He prayed to Re-Horakhty for guidance and strength, gathered up his old spear, and took his first steps in the sun for nearly three centuries.

His trek has been arduous, and has taken all over the Planes. Along the way, he used what knowledge he could recall from his days in the priesthood to anoint his wrappings with powerful alchemical burial oils, and has had Re-Horakhty bless his weaponry as a reward for his piety.

Anatomy of a Guardian
LG Mummy Avenging Paladin 2/Anointed Knight 5

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Mummy 1
Craft(Alchemy) (1), Knowledge(Arcana) (2), Listen 3, Spellcraft (2), Spot 3
Power Attack
Slam 1d4, +2 natural armor, +2 Str, -4 Int, Speed 20ft., Darkvision 60ft., Fire Vulnerability, Undead Traits

Mummy 2
Listen 5, Spot 5

+2 Str, Damage Reduction 1/-

Mummy 3

+2 Wis, +4 natural armor

Mummy 4
Knowledge(Arcana) (3), Listen 6, Spot 6
Ancestral Relic
+2 Str, Damage Reduction 2/-

Mummy 5

Mummy Rot 1/day, +2 Cha, +5 Natural Armor

Mummy 6
Listen 7, Spellcraft (3), Spot 7

Slam 1d6, +2 Str

Mummy 7

+6 natural armor, Damage Reduction 3/-

Mummy 8
Hide 1, Listen 8, Move Silently 1, Spot 8

Mummy Rot 3/day

Mummy 9

+8 natural armor, +2 Str

Mummy 10
Hide 2, Listen 9, Move Silently 2, Spot 9
Avenging Strike
Despair, +2 Cha

Mummy 11

+9 natural armor, +2 Str, Damage Reduction 4/-

Mummy 12
Hide 3, Listen 10, Move Silently 3, Spot 10

Mummy Rot at will, +2 Wis

Mummy 13
Hide 4, Listen 11, Move Silently 4, Spot 11

+2 Str, +10 natural armor, Damage Reduction 5/-

Avenging Paladin 1
Craft(Alchemy) 3
Improved Turn Resistance
Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day, 1st Favored Enemy(Evil Outsiders?)

Avenging Paladin 2
Craft(Alchemy) 5

Divine Grace

Anointed Knight 1
Listen (11.5), Spot (11.5)

Anoint Self (+1 Charisma)

Anointed Knight 2
Listen (12), Spot (12)
Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Unicorn's Blood)

Anointed Knight 3
Listen (13.5), Spot (13.5)
Combat Reflexes(B)
Bonus Feat (Combat Reflexes)

Anointed Knight 4
Listen (14), Spot (14)

Anoint Self (Inspired Strike)

Anointed Knight 5
Spot (15)
Sanctify Natural Attack
Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Good Aligned)

Ability Scores

Starting Ability Scores:
Str - 18 (+2 from Mummy race)
Dex - 14
Con - --
Int - 10 (-4 from Mummy race)
Wis - 8
Cha - 16

Final Ability Scores:
Str - 28 (+10 from Mummy Racial class)
Dex - 14
Con - --
Int - 10
Wis - 12 (+4 from Mummy Racial class)
Cha - 24 (4th, 8th, 12th, +4 from Mummy Racial class, +1 from Anoint Self)

Notable Deeds

Level 15 - or, "A Mummy Paladin? Have you been drinking embalming fluid?"

As per Libris Mortis, there is a racial class for Mummies, so you can play one starting at level one. And yes, Mummies can be good-aligned, which is handy given that he's both a Paladin, and Exalted.

Nebmakhet is essentially a standard mummy, but he has taken Power Attack, Ancestral Relic (the spear he carried in service to his Pharaoh), and Avenging Strike (a useful weapon against the demonic minions of Set). The levels of Paladin bring in some very useful armor proficiencies, Divine Grace (which makes his saves excellent), the Favored Enemy Alternate Class Feature (he trades away Lay on Hands for this), and another feat which is used to bolster his turn resistance (it wouldn't do for a cleric of Set to rebuke him).

Level 20

The levels in Anointed Knight finish off this build, and provide a solid boost to power. He ends up with BAB +11, but has both Combat Reflexes (for more attacks via AoO), and Inspired Strike to help make up for the loss of his 4th iterative. Nemesis is a neat benefit taken to both strengthen the theme and build on the Favored Enemy ACF. Sanctify Natural Attack is also taken to strengthen the theme, and means that Nebmakhet's slam attack can punch through DR x/good.

Component Highlights
The Undead Type

As a mummy, Nebmakhet is one of the few kinds of Undead creatures that can be of good alignment. He improves upon his undead existence with the Improved Turn Resistance feat. Aside from that, He leverages the excellent strength and Charisma scores of a Mummy with Avenging Strike, Paladin and Anointed Knight. Avenging Strike gives him a host of Smites usable against his Favored Enemy (Evil Outsiders from Avenging Paladin). Divine Grace from Paladin turns his otherwise lackluster saves into a formidable defense. And Anointed Knight leverages his mighty Charisma for access to some excellent abilities. Not only that, but Nebmakhet's Charisma also enhances his Despair ability and his (albeit lesser useful) Mummy Rot.

The Book of Exalted Deeds

Nebmakhet pulls a great deal of power from this component. Anointed Knight is a nice extension of his power (and the anointments with specialized oils carries a similar theme to mummification and burial preparations). Sanctify Natural Weapon makes his natural Slam something to be feared by any evil creature, and Nemesis gives him a thematic "divine guidance" to find his particular hated foes, as well as giving his attacks against them an extra edge. And lastly, what century-worn tomb guardian would be complete without the dusty, cobweb caked weapon he carried in life, now an ancient relic.

Player's Handbook (Paladin, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack)
Unearthed Arcana (Avenging Paladin variant)
Libris Mortis (Mummy racial class, Improved Turn Resistance)
Tome of Battle (Avenging Strike)
Book of Exalted Deeds (Anointed Knight, Ancestral Relic, Nemesis, Sanctify Natural Weapon)

2014-06-20, 08:42 PM
Make up you mind, Snail!
You are half inside your house,
And halfway out!

Selena Brightflower
She will always watch over her children, where ever they may go . . .

She grew up on the outskirts of the capital city of the Shining Empire of the Elves. Though never overly pious herself, Selena ad a great deal of faith instilled in her from her family. Since she was not of marrying age she satisfied her need of a family of her own by becoming an administrator and caregiver for the city’s orphanage. Her country always seemed to be at war with some other nation or power and there were plenty of parentless children to watch over. Though frail of body, Selena had a lovely and strong voice and would sing to the children daily. She had an innate spellcasting talent that she was able to flourish.
Selena was always known to be very good to her family and the children at the orphanage, whom she considered to be her own. She protected them fiercely when the capital city was sacked by attacking orcs and was slain. Determined to never give up on protecting her children, Selena rose as a ghost. Now she can protect them no matter where they go. She will always be there for her family and her children.

CG female elf (ghost) Sorcerer 6/Exalted Arcanist 5/Troubadour of Stars 5
32 point buy
Starting abilities (after racials)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 6, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16
ECL 4 Str 8, Dex 14, Con 6, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 17
ECL 8 Str 8, Dex 14, Con 6, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18
ECL 9 Str 8, Dex 14, Con --, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18
ECL 10 Str 8, Dex 14, Con --, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 20
ECL 12 Str 8, Dex 14, Con --, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 22
ECL 16 Str 8, Dex 14, Con --, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 23
ECL 20 Str 8, Dex 14, Con --, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 24


Class Features

Sorcerer 1
Concentration 2, Knowledge (arcana) 4, Knowledge (religion) 2, Perform (sing) 2, Profession (domestic) 2, Spellcraft 4
Plant Bloodline
elf traits, metamagic specialist acf

Sorcerer 2
Bluff +1, Concentration +1, Craft (writing) 1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Spellcraft +1

Sorcerer 3
Concentration +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Spellcraft +1
Consecrate Spell

Sorcerer 4
Bluff +1, Concentration +1, Craft (writing) 1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Spellcraft +1

Sorcerer 5
Concentration +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Spellcraft +1

Sorcerer 6
Bluff +1, Concentration +1, Craft (writing) 1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Spellcraft +1
Purify Spell

Exalted Arcanist 1
Diplomacy 1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive 1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device 1

exalted spell list, spell knowledge

Exalted Arcanist 2
Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1

exalted spell list, faster consecrate

Ghost Savage Progression 1
ghost racial bonus Hide +2, Listen +2, Search +2, Spot +2

ethereal, fly, ghostly equipment, manifestation, undeath

Ghost Savage Progression 2

lesser ghost power (telekinesis), turn resistance +2

Ghost Savage Progression 3
ghost racial bonus Hide +4, Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4


Ghost Savage Progression 4
ghost racial bonus Hide +6, Listen +6, Search +6, Spot +6

greater ghost power (corrupting gaze), turn resistance +4

Exalted Arcanist 3
Decipher Script 1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1
Irrestible Gaze, Nymph's Kiss (B, E)
exalted spell list

Exalted Arcanist 4
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1

exalted spell list, faster purify

Exalted Arcanist 5
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1
Knight of Stars (B, E)
sanctified spells

Troubadour of Stars 1
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (local) 1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen 1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1

bardic music, detect evil

Troubadour of Stars 2
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1
Words of Creation (E)
celestial spells, holy cacophony

Troubadour of Stars 3
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1


Troubadour of Stars 4
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1

Troubadour of Stars 5
Decipher Script +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +1, Perform (sing) +1, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1
Metamagic Song
song of hope

Spells per day






















Spells Known ***
0: detect magic, light, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, resistance, touch of fatigue
1: bless**, color spray, endure elements*, grease, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement
2: detect thoughts, false life*, fog cloud, mirror image, touch of idiocy, zone of truth**
3: dispel magic, displacement, haste, searing light**, water breathing*
4: black tentacles, holy smite**, minor creation*, shout
5: teleport, transmute rock to mud*, wall of force
6: control water*, disintegrate
* bonus spell from Plant Bloodline
** spell available through Exalted Arcanist
*** according to Exalted Arcanist Level 5, all sanctified spells are to be considered among spells known

Junkyard Showcase
Book of Exalted Deeds: Both of Selena’s prestige classes come from this source, as does a good majority of her feats and spells. Exalted Arcanist not only allows her spells to better damage only evil, she gains access to an entire category of spells. Troubadour of Stars seems a perfect complement to follow. The best part is that it grants bardic music even though she had none before. Her capstone feat of Metamagic Song allows her to capitalize of both her bardic music and her spellcasting.
Undead Type: Selena is a ghost and utilizes the savage progression. According to the series of articles, the savage progressions need not to be taken to completion. Selena only takes four of the five levels. The fifth level only would have increased her “ghostly” skills by another two points each. This is too much of a price to pay for losing another caster level. She could have only taken one level of the progression to satisfy the requirement but I wanted to have more ghostly abilities available to her. Selena is able to take telekinesis for one of her ghostly powers. Even though there is a recharge time inbetween uses, the telekinesis power itself and its potential are well known. Her second power is the corrupting gaze. Even though the name of the power implies evil, it is just another way of dealing both regular and ability damage to foes. This is enhanced with the Irresistible Gaze feat.
Nothing from the Completes: There are those that will note that the Consecrate Spell feat is also located in the Complete Divine. This feat is also in the Book of Exalted Deeds and is the version that Selena uses. Nothing else in this build comes from any of the Complete series.
Building for Success: Selena is able to take advantage of her undead status and her exaltedness in a couple of ways. Most of the best abilities are experienced after ECL 15. First one she reaches Exalted Arcanist 5, she gains knowledge of all sanctified spells—which is impressive enough until one realizes that most have some kind of crippling sacrifice. Thanks to her undead status, she can utilize all of the sanctified spells that deal ability damage to her physical scores without repercussion as she is immune. Secondly, according to the SRD, the undead type is immune to nonlethal damage. By using the Words of Creation along with Troubadour of Stars’ holy cacophony ability, she can deliver more damage to evil without taking any damage herself. As a Tier 2 spellcaster, Selena tries to provide more battlefield control, defense, and debuffing. Spells with the force descriptor can be cast even if she is not manifesting and would affect those on the Material Plane. Outside of combat Selena is capable of being a silent scout, and has enough Charisma and Charisma skills to participate in social situations.

Book of Exalted Deeds: Exalted Arcanist and Troubadour of Stars prestige classes, Consecrate Spell, Knight of Stars, Purify Spell, Words of Creation feats and spells
Dragon Compendium: Plant Bloodline feat
Players’ Handbook II: metamagic specialist Sorcerer alternate class feature
Races of Stone: Metamagic Song feat
Serpent Kingdoms: Irresistible Gaze feat
Wizards of the Coast website: Ghost Savage Progression http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040117a

2014-06-20, 08:43 PM
You moths must leave now;
I am turning out the light
And going to sleep.

Neutral Good Human Ghost 3/Psion 8/Apostle of Peace 2/Psychic Theurge 8

Starting Stats: Strength 8, Dexterity 8, Constitution 6, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 17, Charisma 17

Pinero the Visitor
LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features

1stPsion1+0+0+0+2Bluff +4, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Knowledge Psionics +4, Psicraft +4Human Bonus Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Psion Bonus Psicrystal Affinity(Friendly)PP 3, Discipline Telepathy, VoP AC bonus +4

-2ndGhost1 bought off at 9+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsEthereal, fly, ghostly equipment, ghost skills +2, manifestation, undeath

-3rdGhost2 bought off at 15+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsCha +2, Telekinesis (Su), turn resistance +2

-4thGhost3 bought off at 18+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsGhost skills +4, rejuvenation

2ndPsion2+1+0+0+3Bluff +5, Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge Psionics +5, Psicraft +5VoP Bonus Vow of NonviolencePP 8

3rdPsion3+1+1+1+3Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge Psionics +6, Psicraft +6Ghostly GraspPP 14, VoP AC bonus +5, VoPendure elements

4thPsion4+2+1+1+4Bluff +7, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge Psionics +7, Psicraft +7VoP Bonus Vow of PeacePP 23, VoP Exalted strike +1 (magic), 4thlvl+1Int

5thPsion5+2+1+1+4Bluff +8, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge Psionics +8, Sense Motive +8, Psicraft +8Skilled Telekinetic, Psion Bonus Improved Psicrystal(Sympathetic)PP 32, VoP Sustenance

6thPsion6+3+2+2+5Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge Psionics +9, Knowledge Religion +1, Sense Motive +9, Psicraft +9Nimbus of Light, VoP Bonus Nymph's KissPP 44, VoP AC bonus +6, VoP deflection +1

7thPsion7+3+2+2+5Bluff +10, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge Psionics +10, Knowledge Religion +2, Sense Motive +10, Psicraft +10New FeatsPP 60, VoP Resistance +1, VoP ability score enhancement Int +2

8thApostle of Peace1+3+4+4+7Bluff +11, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +11, Knowledge Psionics +11, Knowledge Religion +5, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +7, Psicraft +11New FeatsPP 60, Turn undead, VoP Natural armor +1, VoP mind shielding, 8thlvl+1Wis

9thApostle of Peace2+4+5+5+8Bluff +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, Knowledge Psionics +12, Knowledge Religion +6, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +8, Psicraft +12Chain PowerPP 60, Pacifying touch, VoP AC bonus +7

10thPsychic Theurge1+4+5+5+10Bluff +13, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Knowledge Psionics +12, Knowledge Religion +6, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +11, Psicraft +12VoP Bonus Holy RadiancePP 74, VoP Exalted strike +2 (good), VoP damage reduction 5/magic

11thPsychic Theurge2+5+5+5+11Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge Psionics +12, Knowledge Religion +7, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +12, Psicraft +12New FeatsPP 94, VoP Ability score enhancement Int+4/Wis+2

12thPsychic Theurge3+6+6+6+11Bluff +15, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +15, Knowledge Psionics +15, Knowledge Religion +7, Knowledge the Planes +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +15, Psicraft +15Positive Energy Resistance 10, VoP Bonus Favored of the CompanionsPP 113, VoP AC bonus +8, VoP deflection +2, VoP greater sustenance, 12thlvl+1Cha

13thPsychic Theurge4+7+6+6+12Bluff +16, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge Psionics +16, Knowledge Religion +9, Knowledge the Planes +10, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +16, Psicraft +16New FeatsPP 133, VoP Resistance +2, VoP energy resistance 5

14thPsychic Theurge5+7+6+6+12Bluff +17, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +17, Knowledge Psionics +17, Knowledge Religion +11, Knowledge the Planes +10, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +17, Psicraft +17VoP Bonus Favored of the CompanionsPP 156, VoP Exalted strike +3, VoP freedom of movement

15thPsychic Theurge6+8+7+7+13Bluff +18, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +18, Knowledge Psionics +18, Knowledge Religion +12, Knowledge the Planes +11, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +18, Psicraft +18Quicken ManifestationPP 186, VoP AC bonus +9, VoP ability score enhancement Int+6/Wis+4/Cha+2, VoP damage reduction 5/evil

16thPsychic Theurge7+8+7+7+13Bluff +19, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +19, Handle Animal +7, Knowledge Psionics +19, Knowledge Religion +19, Knowledge the Planes +19, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +19, Psicraft +19VoP Bonus Knight of StarsPP 212, VoP Natural armor +2, 16thlvl+1Dex

17thPsychic Theurge8+9+7+7+14Bluff +20, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge Psionics +20, Knowledge Religion +20, Knowledge the Planes +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +20, Psicraft +20New FeatsPP 240, VoP Exalted strike +4, VoP resistance +3, VoP regeneration

18thPsion8+10+7+7+15Bluff +21, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +21, Handle Animal +9, Knowledge Psionics +21, Knowledge Religion +21, Knowledge the Planes +21, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +21, Psicraft +21Extend Power, VoP Bonus Servant of the HeavensPP 269, VoP AC bonus +10, VoP deflection +3, VoP true seeing

19thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

20thNew Class Level+x+x+x+xSkillsNew FeatsNew Class Abilities

Ending Stats: Strength 8, Dexterity 9, Constitution -, Intelligence 22, Wisdom 22, Charisma 22

Powers Known: ML 16 PP 269
Level 1: Psionic Charm, Mindlink, Energy Ray, Detect Psionics, Telempathic Projection
Level 2: Psionic Tongues, Aversion, Read Thoughts, Psionic Suggestion
Level 3: Dispel Psionics, Solicit Psicrystal, Touchsight, Psionic Blast
Level 4: Psionic Dominate, Aura Sight, Psychic Reformation, Schism
Level 5: Metaconcert, Mind Probe, Psionic Planeshift, Shatter Mindblank
Level 6: Coopt Concentration, Retrieve, Temporal Acceleration
Level 7: Psionic Moment of Prescience, Personal Mindblank, Divert Teleport
Level 8: Psionic Greater Teleport, True Metabolism, Bend Reality

As a young man and the sole heir to several fortunes, Pinero came into a lot of wealth fairly early. He was also a frail boy though psionically talented.
A kind young man eager to help others, he gave generously of his wealth donating large amounts to every temple of a good deity he encountered and giving
enough to stay fed for weeks to every begger(as well as to a number of con artists). Soon Pinero was down to his last bit of money when he encountered
what he believed to be a pair of orphans(actually a pair of halfling rogues) and gave them all he had left, leaving him with nothing but his Psicrystal
Hugo. Before long, Pinero lay beneath a tree in the forest to sleep. When he awoke he found that he could not pick up Hugo. When he turned he found himself
still lying beneath the tree. Young Pinero had perished in his sleep without realizing it. Despite his demise, Pinero was not upset. Instead he hoped his
body would nurish the tree and the denizens of the forest. Pinero, with Hugo trailing after, floated off into the forest to learn more about being a ghost.
He grew in strength as a ghost over time before deciding to focus on his psionic gifts. Already a giving and pacifistic young man, he began to see that
as a ghost he had no reason not to try to spread his ideals of nonviolence and became an Apostle of Peace. As time went on he continued to learn both about his divine
quest to spread peace and goodwill and his own innate talents as a psion.

Level 5:
Pinero has just taken his second level as a Psion after 3 levels of the Ghost savage progression. Pinero has taken the vow of non violence and largely just ghosts
about finding fights and calming people down and seeing if they will try talking to each other. Failing that he charms everyone in sight before manifesting and
talking everyone into talking over their differences.

Level 10:
Having just started on the path of the Apostle of Peace, Pineros tactics haven't changed much. He still gets people to start talking to each other though he has
gained additional methods of getting people to calm down and talk.

Level 15:
Pinero is now a Psychic Theurge advancing both Psion manifesting and Apostle casting. In addition to getting people to talk and talking himself, Pinero now has a
method of dealing with other undead other than simply blasting with Energy Ray, he now radiates holy light that damages other undead. However, talk is still his
weapon of choice.

Level 20... well, 18 anyway:
As a level 18 character he has now reached manifester level 16 as a Psion and depending on whether transparency is in effect, either a caster level of 10 or 18 as
an Apostle of Peace. Despite having a vast array of spells and powers at his disposal(vast may be overstating it somewhat, but he is not without options) Pinero's
still all about talking it out. He uses his magic and powers to get people to talk and listen and be predisposed to accept his judgements. He uses bluff and
diplomacy as needed. He can also use his spells to patch people up if he is late to the party and unable to prevent combat, though he may very well end the combat
nonviolently before patching up people on both sides.

Level Adjustment Buyoff:
I saw two ways to go about buying off level adjustment for this character. Using the most permissive reading I could have reached level 20 by taking and buying off
each level of Ghost in succession at level 3. However, I felt that the cheese factor was to great using that method for the purposes of this competition. Instead,
I went with accumulating 3 levels of level adjustment and then buying them off at the appropriate levels. This sacrificed having dual 9s but only by a couple thousand
experience points, leaving him with 8th level powers and 9th level spells. Having built this character I kind of want to use him in a campaign now. I like that he gave
everything, even his body to his vow of poverty.

Sources used in this build:
Ghost Savage Progression http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040117a
Minds Eye's Psychic Theurge http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040925b (basically the cerebremancer only divine instead of arcane)
Expanded Psionics Handbook (Psion, Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal, Chain Power, Extend Power)
Libris Mortis (Ghostly Grasp, Positive Energy Resistance, Quicken Manifestation)
Lords of Madness (Skilled Telekinetic feat)
Unearthed Arcana (Level adjustment buyoff)
Book of Exalted Deeds (Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Vow of Nonviolence, Vow of Peace, Nimbus of Light, Holy Radiance, Nymph's Kiss, Favored of the Companions, Knight of Stars
Servant of the Heavens, Apostle of Peace)

2014-06-20, 08:44 PM
All right, You Sparrows;
The sun has set and you can now
Stop your chattering!

Half-Elf (to Necropolitan) Bard10/Apostle of Peace2/Mystic Theurge8
Neutral Good
Starting Stats:
Str 10
Dex 12
Con 8
Int 16
Wis 15
Cha 15


“I mean it, Robert. This is goodbye. I’m going to travel the world, just doing good. Not just for us, for everyone. No divisions, no kingdoms, just the open road and sky above, getting everybody to live in peace. Just imagine!”
His friend laughed and shook his head. “I think you’re dreaming, Jonas. Again. I mean, we all want to change the world, but …”
“No, Robert. This is my calling. By my soul, I swear I’m going to do it.”
“You? Keep a promise? You can’t even keep a job. What was the last one – did you ever even fix that hole in the roof?”
Jonas laughed. “No, I guess I just got bored. My mind wandered off.”
“There you go,” said Robert. “So don’t go pretending you’re going to go off alone on some kind of trip – and I guarantee you it won’t last but a day.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t be going alone. Rhita will be with me.”
“That Feytouched girl? I thought she was with the town guard… I’ll take that blush as my answer.” He paused. “You really mean to do this? Well then, best of luck to you both. I expect I’ll see you again soon.”

The Build
LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features

1stHalf-Elf Bard1+0+0+2+2Bluff 4, Concentration 4, Diplomacy 4, Know(Arcana) 4, Know(Religion) 4, Know(History) 4, Know(Nobility) 4, Perform(Song) 4, Tumble(4)Sacred Vow Bardic music, bardic knowledge, fascinate, inspire courage +1, soothing voice

2ndBard2+1+0+3+3Bluff 5, Concentration 5, Diplomacy 5, Know(Arcana) 5, Know(Religion) 5, Know(History) 5, Know(Nobility) 5, Perform 5, Tumble 5--

3rdBard3+2+1+3+3Concentration 6, Diplomacy 6, Know(Arc) 6, Know(Rel) 6, Perform 6, Tumble 6, Sense Motive 3Vow of PovertyInspire Competence

4thBard4+3+1+4+4Concentration 7, Diplomacy 7, Know(Arc) 7, Know(Rel) 7, Perform 7, Tumble 7, Sense Motive 6Nymph’s Kiss(B)+1 Charisma

5thBard5+3+1+4+4Concentration 8, Diplomacy 8, Know(Arc) 8, Know(Rel) 8, Perform 8, Tumble 8, Sense Motive 8, Balance 2--

6thBard6+4+2+5+5Concentration 9, Diplomacy 9, Know(Arc) 9, Know(Rel) 9, Perform 9, Tumble 9, Sense Motive 9, Balance 5Song of the Heart, Words of Creation(B)Suggestion

7thBard7+5+2+5+5Concentration 10, Diplomacy 10, Know(Arc) 10, Know(Rel) 10, Perform 10, Tumble 10, Sense Motive 10, Jump 3--

8thBard8+6+2+6+6Concentration 11, Diplomacy 11, Know(Arc) 11, Know(Rel) 11, Perform 11, Tumble 11, Sense Motive 11, Jump 5, Spellcraft 1Vow of Nonviolence(B)Inspire Courage +2, +1 Wisdom

9thBard9+6+3+6+6Concentration 12, Diplomacy 12, Know(Arc) 12, Know(Rel) 12, Perform 12, Tumble 12, Sense Motive 12, Spellcraft 4RequiemInspire Greatness

10thBard10+7+3+7+7Concentration 13, Diplomacy 13, Know(Arc) 13, Know(Rel) 13, Perform 13, Tumble 13, Sense Motive 13, Spellcraft 7Vow of Peace(B)-

11thApostle of Peace 1+7+5+9+9Concentration 14, Diplomacy 14, Know(Arc) 14, Know(Relig) 14, Perform 14, Sense Motive 14, Spellcraft 9-Turn Undead, Apostle of Peace spell list, Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells

12thAoP2+8+6+10+10Concentration 15, Diplomacy 15, Know(Arc) 15, Know(Relig) 15, Perform 15, Sense Motive 15, Spellcraft 11Lifebond, Nimbus of Light(B)Pacifying Touch, +1 Wisdom

13thMystic Theurge1+8+6+10+12Concentration 16, Know(Arc) 16, Know(Relig) 16, Sense Motive 16, Perform 16-+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting

14thMT2+9+6+10+12Concentration 17, Know(Arc) 17, Know(Relig) 17, Sense Motive 17, Perform 17Intuitive Attack(B)+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting

15thMT3+9+7+11+13Know(Arc) 18, Know(Relig) 18, Perform 18, Diplomacy 16Improved Turn Resistance+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting

16thMT4+10+7+11+14Know(Arc) 19, Know(Relig) 19, Perform 19, Diplomacy 17Gift of Faith(B)+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting, +1 Wisdom

17thMT5+10+7+11+14Know(Arc) 20, Know(Relig) 20, Perform 20, Diplomacy 18-+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting

18thMT6+11+8+12+15Know(Arc) 21, Know(Relig) 21, Perform 21, Diplomacy 19Positive Energy Resistance, Holy Radiance(B)+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting

19thMT7+11+8+12+15Know(Arc) 22, Know(Relig) 22, Perform 22, Diplomacy 20-+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting

20thMT8+12+8+12+16Perform 23, Diplomacy 22Knight of Stars(B)+1 Arcane/+1 Divine casting, +1 Wisdom

Vow of Poverty Benefits

3AC Bonus (+5 Exalted), Endure Elements
4Exalted Strike (+1 magic), Bonus Exalted Feat
6AC Bonus (+6 Exalted), +1 Deflection to AC, Bonus Exalted Feat
7+1 Resistance to all saves, +2 Enhancement to Wisdom
8Natural Armor +1, Mind Shielding, Bonus Exalted Feat
9AC Bonus (+7 Exalted)
10Exalted Strike (+2 good), DR 5/magic, Bonus Exalted Feat
11+4 Wis/+2 Cha
12AC Bonus (+8 Exalted), +2 Deflection to AC, Greater Sustenance, Bonus Exalted Feat
13Resistance +2, Energy Resistance 5
14Exalted Strike +3, Freedom of Movement, Bonus Exalted Feat
15AC Bonus (+9 Exalted), +6 Wis/+4 Cha/+2 Dex, DR 5/Evil
16Natural Armor +2, Bonus Exalted Feat
17Exalted Strike +4, Resistance +3, Regeneration (1hp/hour, 1 nonlethal/5 min)
18AC Bonus (+10 Exalted), Deflection +3, True Seeing, Bonus Exalted Feat
19+8 Wis/+6 Cha/+4 Dex/+2 Str, DR 10/Evil
20Exalted Strike +5, Energy Resistance 15, Bonus Exalted Feat

Bard Spells Known
Level 1: (0) Summon Instrument, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
Level 2: (0) Dancing Lights, (1) Charm Person, Grease
Level 3: (0) Ghost Sound, (1) Sleep
Level 4: (2) Glitterdust, Heroism
Level 5: (1) Feather Fall, (2) Invisibility
Level 7: (2) Suggestion, (3) Charm Monster, Blink
Level 8: (3) See Invisibility
Level 10: (3) Haste, (4) Break Enchantment, Hold Monster
Level 13: (4) Rainbow Pattern
Level 15: (4) Hallucinatory Terrain, (5)Shadow Walk, Mass Suggestion
Level 16: (5) Dream
Level 18: (1) Unseen Servant, (5) Persistent Image, (6) Mass Charm Monster, Heroes’ Feast
Level 19: (2) Locate Object, (6) Find the Path
Level 20: (3) Clairvoyance/Clairaudience

Bard Spells Per Day (does not count additional for high charisma)
[table="class: grid"]
Character Level0th1st2nd3rd4th5th6th





















Apostle of Peace Spells per Day (does not count extra for high Wisdom)

Character Level0th1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th





















Level Breakdown
5 You know it ain’t easy, you know how hard it can be

“I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since we were married,” said Rhita. “It’s been the happiest year of my life, even if we haven’t had a roof over our heads for more than a week of it.”
“The road’s been long, but it always leads back to us. Think of all the people we’ve helped along the way. I’m just happy you didn’t turn me out when I proposed without a ring,” he said with a grin.
She leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Your Vow is important to you, so it’s important to me, too. I don’t want a ring, I just want you. And I’ll have you, as soon as we figure our way out of this maze. That Necromancer has to have those captured children somewhere…”

Jonas is more fragile than most Bards. Staying alive at lower levels is going to be tough, with a small hit die and –1 Con penalty. However, sneaky spell selection and (after level 3) a nice bump to AC will help. Nymph’s Kiss is taken at the lowest level that Half-Elf allows.

10 You know the way things are going…

Disaster, no other word for it. He banged at the walls of the Forcecage uselessly. The Necromancer sneered at him. “As you see, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. You think your pitiful little band of heroes could harm me? No. And now, you’ll watch as these twenty children end their lives screaming.”
Jonas banged the walls again. “Stop this! They’ve done nothing to deserve it. You don’t need to, there’s always a choice!”
The Necromancer drew forth the cursed nails. “You know, Jonas, you’re right. There is always an alternative. And there is always a choice. You … could … take their place.”
Jonas cried in anguish. Rhita turned to him. “Jonas, you’re not actually thinking of…”
He spoke to the Necromancer. “Will you let them all go? Let them go, and swear to leave the kingdom in peace forever.”
“And in exchange, Jonas the Pure, the great enemy of Necromancy and Evil, will take their place? Yes. Yes, I think I’ll accept that.”
“Then the deal is struck,” said Jonas.

Level 6 gives the first really big bump in power, when you gain access to both Song of the Heart and Words of Creation. Even before you start applying Undead shenanigans, this can make your Inspire Courage ability a bit stronger. As you progress, you’ll get some more Bard abilities and nice bumps to defenses from Vow of Poverty. When you hit Level 10, Vow of Peace will give you a huge bonus to defenses; any enemy will need to make several saves just to hit you with a weapon. On the Skill front, your Tumble check is now good enough to get you through a typical enemy’s threatened squares, and your Party Face skills are developing nicely.

10 (redux) … they’re gonna crucify me.

The Necromancer made a gesture, and the Forcecage disappeared. His minions quickly bound Rhita, and took Jonas to the cross. The Necromancer drew forth a silver hammer, ready to pound the nails into Jonas’s flesh.
Jonas called out to Rita, “Don’t worry, my love. One life for twenty, and peace? Just tell of my story, it’ll be what I wanted…”
“Oh, she won’t be telling any tales,” said the Necromancer. “The deal was your life for the captives. Rhita will remain as my guest. Come then, he’ll hang there for a day, and we have a ways to go.”
Jonas shouted out after the Necromancer, but it was far too late. The zombies had begun their chant, and the Necromancer pounded in the nails. A few minutes later, he left with Rhita and the other captives. Jonas called out prayers to the gods – Lastai, his favorite of late; Phiedran, the Tortured one, to grant him resolve. As the day wore on, he began to see his life spread before him. And as the evening drew near, he shouted out once more. “Rhita, Rhita, I’ve failed you … my love will never perish, even if my body does…”
As the night fell, he began to see things. Not just see, but See. He saw Lastai and Phiedran walking towards him on his right, kind eyes and outstretched arms willing to draw him in. But he also saw the Reaper, Nerull, his dread scythe raised, on his left. Between the two of them, he saw Rhita in the distance, being taken away, farther and farther from him. And then, another form, one he did not recognize, materialized. Her skin was perfect and pale, her hair was platinum-white, her eyes were like blue pools. She held up a hand, and Jonas saw that it had a heart-shaped hole in it. She turned to each of the gods and spoke. “This one falls to my domain, for now. Nerull, you know as well as I that he did not give full consent to the ceremony.” She turned to Lastai. “His heart is pure as ever; and if his spirit departs his flesh, he will return to you. But for now, he is marked with my symbol, and is under my patronage.”
She approached the cross, and touched his arms. “Don’t worry, Jonas. It’s over now. You are undead, but you will find her. Love will find a way.”
He stepped down from the cross, the visions fading. He looked at his own hands. Where the nails had held him to the wood, there were now heart-shaped holes.

The first time you reach level 11, you’ll undergo the Ritual of Crucimigration, revert back to level 10, and become a Necropolitan. The build starts to come together right now. Your hitpoints increase from measly d6-1s to d12s. You can apply any effect of the Words of Creation feat without worrying about taking nonlethal damage: you’re now immune. The Requiem feat you took at 9 allows you to affect yourself with your own Bardic Music, though at half duration. Combined with your Song of the Heart, your allies will be quite happy to have you around. (At least when you’re not lecturing them about their treatment of prisoners). However, there is a very big catch: you have no native means of healing your own damage, other than resting for the night. You’ll need to rely on other party members to heal/inflict you.

15 Boy, when you’re dead, you don’t take nothing with you but your soul
Word spread like wildfire throughout the land. A miraculous happening, an abomination, a force for good, an agent of evil; what exactly it was, depended on who you asked. But one thing was clear. Jonas had returned as a Necropolitan, and was tracking down the Necromancer, spreading love and peace wherever he traveled. A new band of heroes had formed around him, ready to help rescue his love.

Level 15 is an in-between level. You’re settling into your post-mortal existence, still a bit on the vulnerable side (for turning) but gathering strength. Your Apostle of Peace casting is slowly ramping up, making you a secondary healer. Mystic Theurge levels you’re your Bard spellcasting improving again. Diplomacy is starting to get sky-high, and you’re probably making knowledge checks against typical enemies regularly. As always, your Vow of Poverty bonuses continue to accrue. You can cast any of the Sanctified spells spontaneously. Luminous Armor and Greater Luminous Armor (as soon as you can csat them) would be obvious choices for pushing your AC to ever-more ridiculous levels.

20 We’re only trying to get us some peace

“Maxwell, we meet again,” said Jonas. “Aren’t you tired of running? Even you can turn aside. All it takes is an act of love – it’s easy. Please. I will not fight you. Let me help you. And let Rhita go.”
The Necromancer shook his head. “It’s too late for me. And her.”
“What have you done?”
In answer, he pointed behind him. The cross had been erected, and Rhita was affixed by the cursed nails. “The question isn’t what I’ve done. The question, now, is – what will you do?”

Jonas is now at the high point of his spellcasting power: he’s casting 6th-level Bard spells and 9th-level Apostle of Peace spells (including Gate, which obviously opens all sorts of cheesy possibilities). His defenses against turning and Cure damage have been shored up. However, there are still some big concerns with HP fragility. By level 20, you’re averaging only 90hp. (10 levels of d4 classes, without the benefit of Constitution bonuses, have taken their toll). The good news is that - with your high AC, as well as your Calming Aura from Vow of Peace - you’re probably not getting hit a lot.
General Combos:
Undead Type and Words of Creation: As an Undead, you are not subject to the nonlethal damage that comes with the Words of Creation feat.
Undead Type and Requiem: At first, the Requiem feat allows you to use your Bardic Music offensively against the Undead, giving them Suggestions. When your own type changes to Undead, it allows you to benefit from your own Bardic Music.
Holy Radiance and Positive Energy Resistance: Your holy aura damages others, but not yourself.

Rules Considerations

Maintaining your Exalted alignment through the ritual:
The Rite of Crucimigration does involve the invocation of dark powers. However, in Jonas’s story, he enters it as an intended act of self-sacrifice, taking the place of innocents who (he believed) would have been tortured to death, rather than turned into undead. The build assumes that the necromancer responsible has paid the required 3,000gp fee, deliberately and spitefully turning Jonas into what he’s been fighting against. The necromancer might also have demanded ransom from the party or others present; in any case Jonas cannot pay the fee directly, since he has no money.

Holy symbols and Divine Focus:
Given your Vow of Poverty, spells requiring a Divine Focus (from the Apostle of Peace list) as well as Undead Turning will be a bit challenging. The Apostle of Peace list does not require a specific deity. Jonas prepares his spells as though he were a Good Cleric without a specific deity. There are otherwise no restrictions on the nature of a holy symbol or divine focus. The fluff and backstory provides one option for a symbol: Jonas’s own wounds, which are essentially the same thing as Evening Glory’s symbol. If the DM rules favorably, you can use this. Otherwise, you can create your own holy symbol, dedicated to whatever Good or Exalted deity you like. As long as it doesn’t have a gold piece value, he can use it. A drawing on a piece of bark would suffice.

Turning Issues and Positive/Negative Energy, Generally:
Negative energy will not be able to harm you, making you somewhat safer from the spells of Evil Clerics. (They still have Cure spells on their lists, but it’s less likely that they spend a Heal spell to damage you rather than healing themselves). Good Clerics will be more likely to stay their hand when they observe your Nimbus of Light, leaving the greatest threat from Clerics of Neutral deities. Turn Resistance, Lifebond, and Positive Energy Resistance will shore up your defenses there. Vulnerability to Turning (or Rebuking/Commanding, as the case may be) is a major concern. Native resistance, plus a few feats, will help in this area.

A Word on Nymph’s Kiss:
This is a potentially icky subject, and will require a ruling from the DM. Once the Ritual of Crucimigration is complete, it’s extraordinarily unlikely that you could “maintain an intimate relationship with a good-aligned fey” if that phrase is understood only physically. However, if this is understood to mean a deep, abiding, all-encompassing love, it would be possible to meet the descriptive requirements. The build’s skill points assume that the DM rules favorably. If not, Sense Motive and Knowledge(Arcana) would be the most reasonable skills to reduce (at least once you’ve qualified for prestige classes).

Book of Exalted Deeds: Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, all bonus Exalted feats, Apostle of Peace Prestige Class
Eberron Campaign Setting: Song of the Heart
Races of Destiny: Half-Elf Bard Substitution level
Libris Mortis: Necropolitan template, Requiem feat, Lifebond feat, Improved Turn Resistance feat, Positive Energy Resistance feat

2014-06-20, 08:45 PM
Sparrow's excrement
Becomes quickly powdery
On sizzling pavements.

The Last Warder
LG Mummified Human Crusader 5/Anointed Knight 8/Tomb Warden 3
Image by Alberto Bontempi (http://albe75.deviantart.com/art/Mummy-400855804)

A long time ago, the Warders were dying out. The hero who founded their order slew an evil demigod and vowed to guard its tomb against any who would seek to re-awaken him. For generations, the tomb was well-guarded, but as the hero’s deeds passed into myth, fewer and fewer people took up the mantle of the tomb guardians, and the order dwindled. Despairing that soon none would remain to prevent the demigod's resurrection, the remaining Warders hit on a desperate plan: They would mummify one of their own to stand guard even when the rest of the order had died out. A young Warder, her name long lost even to her, volunteered to undergo the procedure.

It didn't work out quite the way the order planned. Passing into death and beyond warped the woman's mind, and it took decades of prayer, meditation, and training before she was well enough to serve as their champion. She eventually recovered from her traumatic rebirth, and bound herself even more closely to the Warders' ideals with the use of holy oils, precious few of her fellows were left, and they soon passed on as well, leaving the mummified woman all alone. She was fervent and disciplined, but the isolation wore heavily on her, to the point that she forgot her own name, and she prayed for companionship. When her axe--the selfsame axe that the first Warder had used to slay the demigod, which had been passed down through the order to her--began conversing with her, she first thought she was going crazy again, but the woman and the weapon soon became friends.

These days, when inquiring adventurers stumble upon the isolated tomb, they find both the Warder and her axe convivial and curious about the outside world. The Warder's first recourse is always to discussion, in the hope that she can convince intruders that breaking through the seals on the demigod's tomb is a fool's errand, but she stands vigilant against the evil or power-mad who would try anyway. After all, it's what she was made for.

Ability Scores & Racial Traits

1st141210161214Starting Scores
4th1412101612154 HD Increase
9th2212-121619Mummified Creature template
12th2212-1216208 HD Increase
16th2212-12162112 HD Increase
20th2212-12162216 HD Increase

Mummified Creature Traits: -10 ft. speed, +10 natural armor, slam attack 1d8, Despair, Mummy Rot, DR 5/-, vulnerable to fire.


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Craft (Alchemy) 4, Balance 4, Diplomacy 4, Intimidate 4, Know (Arcana) 2, Listen 4, Sense Motive 2, Spot 4
Toughness, Able Learner (Bonus)
Steely Resolve 5, Furious Counterstrike

Craft (Alchemy) 5, Balance 5, Diplomacy 5, Intimidate 5, Know (Religion) 1, Listen 5, Spellcraft 2, Spot 5

Indomitable Soul

Craft (Alchemy) 6, Diplomacy 6, Intimidate 6, Know (Arcana) 3, Listen 6, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 3, Spot 6
Ancestral Relic
Zealous Surge

Craft (Alchemy) 7, Diplomacy 7, Intimidate 7, Know (Religion) 4, Listen 7, Spot 7

Steely Resolve 10

Diplomacy 8, Intimidate 8, Know (Religion) 7, Listen 8, Sense Motive 4, Spot 8

Mummified LA

Mummified LA

Mummified LA

Mummified LA

Mummified Creature traits

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 9, Intimidate 9, Listen 9, Spot 9
Extra Granted Maneuver, Combat Reflexes (Bonus)
Anoint Self (Celestial Strategy)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 10, Intimidate 10, Listen 10, Sense Motive 5

Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Good Weapon)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 11, Intimidate 11, Listen 11, Spot 10
Power Attack (Bonus)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 12, Intimidate 12, Sense Motive 6, Spot 11
Resounding Blow
Anoint Self (Deep Strike)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 13, Intimidate 13, Listen 12, Spot 12

Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Sentient)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 14, Intimidate 14, Listen 13, Sense Motive 7
Cleave (Bonus)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 15, Intimidate 15, Listen 14, Spot 13
Quell the Profane
Anoint Self (Inspired Strike)

Anointed Knight
Diplomacy 16, Intimidate 16, Sense Motive 8, Spot 14

Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Unicorn’s Blood)

Tomb Warden
Diplomacy 17, Intimidate 17, Listen 15, Sense Motive 9, Spot 15

Turn Immunity

Tomb Warden
Diplomacy 18, Intimidate 18, Listen 16, Sense Motive 11, Spot 16
Nimbus of Light
Tomb Sense

Tomb Warden
Diplomacy 19, Intimidate 19, Listen 18, Sense Motive 13, Spot 18

Power of the Dead

Maneuvers & Stances
IL: 10

Maneuvers Known: Charging Minotaur, Crusader’s Strike, Douse the Flames, Foehammer, Mountain Hammer, Revitalizing Strike, Stone Bones.

Maneuvers Readied: 5 (3).

Typical Maneuvers Readied: Crusader’s Strike, Douse the Flames, Foehammer, Mountain Hammer, Revitalizing Strike.

Stances Known: Martial Spirit, Iron Guard’s Glare.

Level Breakdown
Level 5
Welp, she’s a Crusader. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course. It’s a solid class. But the only unique thing she has at these levels is her Ancestral Relic.

Level 10
The level at which the Warder was mummified is semi-arbitrary. I chose level 6 because (a) it’s a breakpoint between two of her classes, and (b) it allows me to talk about the template in a single level summary.

Losing 4 HD hurts. A lot. This is the point in the build where the Warder is weakest, I think, because her saves/BAB/HP/etc. are very low for her level. But she’s a guardian undead, dangit, and mummies are the iconic guardian undead. The stuff she does get back from the template is mostly defensive: DR, a huge AC boost, and the Undead type itself. She’s also got the Charisma to make Despair useful. Mummy Rot could be helpful as well, but using it would be causing unnecessary suffering, so she won’t do it.

She’s just barely started as an Anointed Knight, but Combat Reflexes is a nice bonus feat, and even though she’s lost four levels, she at least has the right number of attacks per round for a 10th-level character.

Level 15
Now she’s getting back on track. Anointed Knight gives her a bunch of Exalted-flavored goodies, including bonus feats and the ability to add extra damage to attacks a few times a day. Even better, the extra damage applies to “a successful attack,” which means it can’t be wasted on a whiff the way a Smite could be. Note, though, that I assumed the Warder would have access to at least a +2 Cha item by level 13. If she doesn’t, she can’t qualify for Deep Strike, which is a bummer, but hardly breaks the build. In that case, take Divine Clarity instead. +1 Cha is never bad.

She should be upgrading her Ancestral Relic weapon regularly, but level 14 is where she gets my personal favorite boost: The weapon becomes an intelligent magic item. It’s not a huge power boost or anything, but I love the flavor of the Warder having no one to talk to but her axe. It also opens up some cool avenues for upgrading, since she can add further intelligent item powers. See the “Ancestral Relic” section for more details on her weapon.

Level 20
The Warder was always sorta fluffed as an NPC (because guarding a single location is not really conducive to adventuring), but Tomb Warden converts that fluff into crunch, because she’ll lose the benefits from the PrC if she goes away for more than a week. They’re pretty cool benefits, though: While in the tomb, she’s completely immune to turning/rebuking, and she can precisely pinpoint the location of anyone inside, effectively making her immune to stealth. She can also add her Charisma bonus--which should be pretty high--to attack, damage, and saves once a day.

That's all undead stuff, but she also adds some Exalted functionality, too--Inspired Strike is great, and Unicorn Blood (which I assume is just produced by the weapon? BoED doesn't say) and Quell the Profane give her some extra oomf against evil enemies. Nimbus of Light is honestly a bad feat, but it ties into her Diplomacy-first approach and lets good-aligned adventurers know that she's a good tomb-guarding mummy, not an evil one. Making stuff like that clear is very important.

Ancestral Relic
The Warder is in kind of an odd position for this competition, since some of her class features are closely tied to gear. Her ancestral relic is a greataxe (though changing it to a different melee two-hander wouldn't mess anything up), and the bonuses from Anointed Knight mean that, even if she’s never able to update it, it is at minimum a good-aligned intelligent weapon with 14 Int, 14 Wis, and 10 Cha and two lesser item powers. Anointed Knight specifically says to roll randomly on the lesser item power table.

The properties listed below are just suggestions. I don’t expect the Warder to be able to apply all of them, but her weapon is an integral build component, so I wanted to go into more detail than usual. From a fluff perspective, I imagine she’s sacrificing the gear of would-be tomb robbers in order to upgrade her weapon.

Magical Properties
Holy (+2, DMG): Surprise, the quintessential evil-fightin’ weapon property is useful for this evil-fightin’ character.

Metalline (+2, Underdark): Do demons have DR/silver or DR/cold iron? Oh wait, doesn’t matter.

Spellblade (6000 GP, PgtF): At mid-to-high levels, grabbing immunity to Heal is a good call for an undead character, especially because it’s so inexpensive.

Sudden Stunning (2000 GP, DMG2): She has good Charisma, which controls this property’s DC and uses/day, and this gives her a way to stop enemies who save against her Despair.

Warning (+1, MIC): Another standard one. High initiative is always better, and her Dex is not great.

Intelligent Item Powers
10 Ranks in a Knowledge Skill (L, 5000 GP): The Warder only has ranks in Know (Religion) and Know (Arcana). Give her weapon ranks in one of the other monster-identifying knowledges.

Hold Person 3/day (L, 6500 GP): Usefulness varies based on what kind of enemies she’s facing, obviously, but I like giving her more ways to paralyze folks.

Magic Circle Against Evil (G, 16000 GP): Protection from Evil is a nice effect, and this ability certainly fits her flavor.

Slow 3/day (G, 16000 GP): Being mummified means that the Warder’s speed is terrible, so she should try to prevent opponents from getting past her.

Zone of Truth 3/day (L, 6500 GP): Bluffing one’s way past guards is an ancient D&D tradition. The Warder would like to make it more difficult.

LA Buyoff: This round of JW gives a little extra XP for LA buyoff, but not enough to start buying off a +4 LA. If your DM allows it, though, the Warder's LA can be reduced to +3 at 16th level. Use the extra level for more Anointed Knight.

Feat Retraining: Ugh, Toughness. If you can get away with retraining it after the Warder starts taking levels in Tomb Warden, do so. Since axing the Completes cuts out a lot of options, just taking Improved Initiative instead is a fine idea.

Book of Exalted Deeds: Anointed Knight, Ancestral Relic, Nimbus of Light, Quell the Profane, Resounding Blow
Libris Mortis: Mummified Creature, Tomb Warden
Races of Destiny: Able Learner
Tome of Battle: Crusader, Extra Granted Maneuver, Stone Power

Core: Everything else

2014-06-20, 08:47 PM
The dog's violent sneeze
Fails to rouse a single fly
On his mangy back.

Alaska and Alzaheir, the Restless Stars
Neutral Good Ghost Dvati

Build Stub: Ghost 1 / Incarnate 2 / Crusader 2 / Incarnate 4 / Crusader 4 / Apostle of Peace 9 / Ghost 2
(For clarity: The number after a class signifies its new total number of levels in that class, as opposed to how many levels it has taken in that block. When it says "Incarnate 4" it means "there are 4 levels of incarnate.")

Point Buy (32): Str 10, Dex 14, Con -, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 18
Level 20 Statistics: Str 10, Dex 16, Con-, Int 8, Wis 22, Cha 26

Alaska and Alzaheir died in a bloody and unsatisfying manner: an undead horde, led by a priest of Nerull, swept through their tiny village and slaughtered the unprepared Dvati in the middle of the night. Alaska and Alzaheir were studying how the soul works - specifically, the intricacies of the linked souls of the Dvati people - but Alzaheir was killed in her sleep. The shock awoke Alaska, but not before she witnessed the priest animate her twin sister right before her eyes. Alaska was outraged, grief stricken, and a little warped from the direct exposure of her soul to negative energy.

Unfortunately, Alaska was also completely outclassed, and was similarly struck down and animated.

The priest's rampage was stopped by some unsung heroes, but the chain of events had already been sprung. Alaska's soul had been exposed to negative energy while alive, and something... strange... happened. The two twins awoke one morning as ghosts.

Immediately they set out for revenge, but they eventually discovered that the priest had been killed and their bodies laid to proper rest far before they even awoke. They had another purpose. A deeper purpose.

They were to destroy ALL undead, and prevent this pain from being inflicted upon others.

After learning how to extend a force directly onto the material plane, they had some mild success with unled bands of mindless undead. They had no need to eat or sleep or breathe or rest, and so it quickly became a relentless crusade to rid the world of all undead.

This was an untenable position, as they learned. A priest of Rao (a god of peace, serenity, and reason) crossed paths with them as they were hunting undead through the lonely decades. They joined forces for a time, and learned much. Their path was just that of wailing spirits, doomed to eternal agony and frustration. Rao's shepard coaxed, taught, and trained them to become so much more.

One day, it clicked. A great peace had settled over their troubled souls. To both their and the priest's surprise, however, they remained on the material plane. They may have come to peace with their existence, but they felt there was too much good in the world that still needed to be done.

In a sense, they had moved on. From gnashing spirits lashing out violently with a thin attempt made to justify their pain... to the newest apostles of peace.

Alaska and Alazheir
LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features

1stDvati Level Adjustment+x+x+x+x---

2ndGhost Level (not yet valid for play)+x+x+x+x--Ethereal, Fly, Ghostly Equipment, Ghost Skills +2, Manifestation, Undeath

3rdIncarnate+0+2+0+2Concentration +4Undead Meldshaping (MoI 41)Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Meldshaping

4thIncarnate+1+3+0+3Concentration +5-Chakra Bind (Crown)

5thCrusader+2+5+0+3Concentration +5, Diplomacy +3Sacred VowFurious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 5, Maneuvers

6thCrusader+3+6+0+3Concentration +5, Diplomacy +6Indomitable Soul

7thCrusader+4+6+1+4Concentration +7, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Religion) +1 -Zealous Surge

8thIncarnate+4+6+2+4Concentration +8, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Religion) +1 Vow Of Poverty, Vow Of NonviolenceExpanded Incarnum Capacity +1, Incarnum Radiance 1/Day, AC Bonus +6, Endure Elements, Exalted Strike +1 (magic), Bonus Exalted Feat

9thIncarnate+5+7+2+5Concentration +9, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Religion) +1-Chakra Binds (Hands, Feet), Resistance +1, Wisdom +2

10thCrusader+6/+1+8+2+5Concentration +10, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (Religion) +1Vow Of PeaceSteely Resolve 10, Natural Armour +1, Mind Shielding, Bonus Exalted Feat

11thApostle Of Peace+6/+1+10+4+7Concentration +11, Diplomacy +11, Knowledge (Religion) +1Extend Spell (CC 62)Spellcasting, Turn undead, AC Bonus +7

12thApostle Of Peace+7/+2+11+5+8Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, Knowledge (Religion) +2Nimbus Of LightExalted Strike +2 (Good), Damage Reduction 5/magic, Bonus Exalted Feat

13thApostle Of Peace+7/+2+11+5+8Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (Religion) +3-Wisdom +4, Charisma +2

14thApostle Of Peace+8/+3+12+6+9Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge (Religion) +4, StigmataCensure Fiends, AC Bonus +8, Deflection Bonus +2*, Greater Sustenance*, Bonus Exalted Feat

15thApostle Of Peace+8/+3+12+6+9Concentration +15, Diplomacy +15, Knowledge (Religion) +5-Resistance +2, Energy Resistance 5

16thApostle Of Peace+9/+4+13+7+10Concentration +16, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (Religion) +7Nymph's KissExalted Strike +3, Freedom of Movement, Bonus Exalted Feat

17thApostle Of Peace+9/+4+13+7+10Concentration +17, Diplomacy +17, Knowledge (Religion) +9Martial Study (Action Before Thought), Vow of ObedienceAC Bonus +9, Wisdom +6, Charisma +4, Dexterity +2, Damage Reduction 5 / Evil

18thApostle Of Peace+10/+5+14+8+10Concentration +18, Diplomacy +18, Knowledge (Religion) +11Holy RadianceNatural Armour Bonus +2

19thApostle Of Peace+10/+5+14+8+10Concentration +19, Diplomacy +19, Knowledge (Religion) +13-Exalted Strike +4, Resistance +3, Regeneration

20thApostle Of Peace+11/+6/+1+15+9+11Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Knowledge (Religion) +15Servant of the Heavens**AC Bonus +10, Deflection +3*, True Seeing, Bonus Exalted Feat

* Completely subsumed by being a ghost. Ask your DM if you can get the deflection bonuses to stack, but assume 'no.'
** If your DM rules that Vow of Obedience will allow some bonus against being rebuked, grab that feat instead.

Dvati Racial Features(DrComp 15): Medium Sized, 30' land speed, Darkvision 60', Twins ("A "single" dvati is a pair of creatures that shares a soul... A dvati character is actually two separate dvati twins who share a soul. These two creatures move and act separately but have a number of restrictions based on their connection..."), Echo Attack, Pair Link, Spell Conductor, Favoured Class: Bard, Level Adjustment +1.

Incarnate 1: Soulmelds Shaped: 2. Essentia: 1. Binds: 0.
Incarnate 2: Soulmelds Shaped: 3. Essentia: 2. Binds: 1.
Incarnate 3: Soulmelds Shaped: 3. Essentia: 3. Binds: 1.
Incarnate 4: Soulmelds Shaped: 4. Essentia: 4. Binds: 1.

Crusader 1: Crusader's Strike, Vanguard Strike, Stone Bones, Douse The Flames, Leading The Attack. Stance = Iron Guard's Glare.

Crusader 2: As above. Additional stance: Martial Spirit.

Crusader 3: As above. Additional maneuver: Shield Block.

Crusader 4: Trade "Stone Bones" for White Raven Tactics. Final List: Crusader's Strike, Shield Block, Vanguard Strike. Douse The Flames, Leading The Attack, White Raven Tactics. Stances: Iron Guard's Glare and Martial Spirit.

Spells per Day






















While the twins have an admittedly terrible attack bonus for their ECL, they are also practically indestructible, incredible scouts, and can grant each other a significant (for this level) bonus from flanking and aid another. Additionally, a very large number of their attacks can attack flatfooted ac by coming from behind walls and the like, gaining total concealment and denying the target their dexterity bonus. Additionally, they can invest essentia into their Incarnate Weapon soulmeld and have an additional to-hit bonus gained from that. They are ethereal but can make their melee attacks into the material plane without rolling the miss chance thanks to the bound Crystal Helm, and they have an effective armour class of 20 before equipment even comes into play (see Iron Guard's Glare below), can heal themselves and the party with crusader strikes, can 'solo' the vast majority of level appropriate encounters, and can even have one twin scout ethereally while the other stays behind to relay information. They are a very solid tank and scout at this level, and provide a small amount of healing.

Iron Guard's Glare is amusingly abusable with the two of them. By them both being in the stance, they both protect their twin with any target they both threaten. It provides an effective +4 ac under most (but not all) circumstances, since the two will work together so closely. The layered defences protect them from their frightening lack of HP (note that their regular HP pool is split across the two bodies, so average HP for either twin is only 12! Make sure to shape Vitality Belt at basically all times; Crystal Helm, Vitality Belt, and Incarnate Weapon are your standard loadout).

Even if you're forced to duck away, you can hang out under their feat and cause Iron Guard's Glare to grant them a penalty to attack just by existing. Expect angry DM glares for this, though.

For a really cheesy trick, realise that you are free to use two separate maneuvers in a single round.

Level 6 is even better. A bunch more HP come your way thanks to Crusader 2, you are practically guaranteed to make any will save you'll ever need to, you can heal on demand with Martial Spirit, and your base attack bonus goes up. About the only thing you'll see that's also incorporeal is a shadow, but your touch ac is your regular ac so you'll be fine.

Level 10 is at your peak of melee power. You have some more BAB and essentia invested in your incarnate weapon (though you will likely still rely on additional bonuses in order to hit most of the time), you grant very dangerous ac debuffs with Vanguard's Strike and Leading The Attack, and can heal the party much more efficiently (since level 6 you've had Martial Spirit - there is debate on how it interacts with therapeutic mantle, but I am assuming it interacts positively. If not, just shape something else.). You are still ethereal and flying, which is still practically insurmountable to most of the enemies you face, but you'll be invincible maybe 50% of the time now instead of 90%+. That being said, your ac is quickly fading from acceptability (28 with Iron Guard's Glare will not cut it against many level appropriate encounters, though making use of Incarnate Avatar may push that a little further) and you still lack a constitution modifier to hp which is then split between two bodies.

In short, when the situation is optimal for you, you are still very useful. If it's particularly dangerous, you'll have to be very careful and clever, using your etherealness and flight to your advantage.

They are still low enough level that they can rely on their incarnate soulmelds to do the skillmonkeying as required, though it will admittedly be rough most of the time.

Once you hit level 12, you get a really powerful class feature from Apostle of Peace in two separate ways. First, it's a no-save-no-SR mind-affecting touch attack that essentially solves the encounter (social or combat). Also note that Pacifying Touch is a melee attack roll, which means you can use it to initiate Martial Spirit healing and maneuvers. This opens up a lot of interesting tactical options.

You are just a little bit behind the full casters when it comes to available spells, but these are the levels that hurts the most. That being said, your Apostle of Peace pacifying touch and diplomacy will solve almost all combats before they begin. About the only things you will actually be fighting will be undead, constructs, outsiders, and potentially aberrations and vermin. Undead should not be a problem for you, constructs can be easily dismantled by using your etherealness and their mindlessness, you have a very high charisma and can censure most level appropriate fiends (though other outsiders may be dangerous!), vermin are similarly dealt with like constructs, and your calming touch and diplomacy checks can get you out of any aberration fight you don't want to be in.

Throw in spellcasting (from an admittedly crippled list) and you should be able to contribute at almost all times. You can, after all, still do the ethereal split scout technique!

At around this level, you'll likely stop binding your crystal helm unless you expect to strongly need your melee capabilities. Impulse boots or thieve's gloves will probably serve you better now (granting evasion and trapfinding respectively, though your trapfinding can't deal with most trap DCs you'd expect to find at this level).

End To Strife and Greater Visage of the Deities come online (though no DMM Persist because the completes are out), and you are still firmly in that "can contribute but will not dominate" tier of assistance you've been in since level 10. If nothing else, your divinations and ethereal-scouting will make you a contributing member of the team. Access to higher level spells will absolutely improve your contributions at this point, however. Nasty minmaxed clerics or wizards will be able to pop you within a few rounds, sure, but they have get around your diplomacy checks, potential pacifying touches, and so on.

Martial study nabs you Action Before Thought, which, when combined with impulse boots, should protect you from straight up blastomancy. Remember - you don't fail skill checks on a natural 1.

Honestly, there's nothing to worry about here. During the early levels, you CAN wear stuff, but it's hard to find things that you can use due to your etherealness. Your incarnate weapon will keep your melee alright. At ECL 8 you take Vow of Poverty as a prereq, and we all know how that goes.

Apostle of Peace explicitly allows you to wear magical protective items despite having Vow of Peace (but not armour). If you can find any that you can equip, there's little reason not to.

Firstly, I assumed that no level buy off is in play. If it is in play, take another level of the Ghost template for telekinesis at will (with 1d4 rounds between uses) at CL18. If the Ghost template can be LA bought off (which it really shouldn't), get a third level of the template (for rejuvenation, essentially making the twins immortal) or another level of Crusader at the end.

Secondly, I assumed that the 'game' started play at level 3. If it starts at level 6 or higher, feel free to take crusader instead of incarnate first. This nets you 8 more skill points - the incarnate was rushed first in order to bind Crystal Helm and be able to effectively hit corporeal creatures in melee. It is possible to have the game start at ECL 2 and pick up the ghost template at some point, but this is convoluted, annoying, and not really worth it.

Thirdly, I assumed that the DM would not allow different soulmelds on the twins. If that is allowed, all kinds of neat synergies begin to open up in its stead. Both twins will bind Crystal Helm until melee stops being relevant, but you can diversify into some skill soulmelds as needed.

Many DMs allow undead PCs to use charisma to grant bonus HP in some way, whether natively (if they're influenced by pathfinder) or by use of a feat. Absolutely grab that if it's an option! Extend, Quicken, and MS(ABT) are all fairly interchangeable and not necessary to the build.

If you're starting at a significantly higher level, consider swapping the charisma and wisdom scores and taking another level of Ghost instead of Apostle of Peace 10. The high charisma was a little bit necessary for low level survivability (as a single hit had a decent chance of killing one of the twins, which is essentially a death sentence for the other), but at higher levels the low primary casting stat definitely hampers the Apostle of Peace casting. If a higher point buy is allowed, pump it into wisdom. You'll want to keep a positive dexterity score so you have something resembling a reflex save at lower levels, and your low strength is a pain throughout your entire melee career.

Technically illegal RAW, the Open Chakra feats work well in place of one of the metamagics. They require a constitution score, and while it makes sense that Undead Meldshaper would allow wisdom to count for that instead, it doesn't do so.

Lastly, the Knowledge (Religion) is mostly for fluff. I figured undead undead hunters would start to pick up a few things about undead on their crusade and enlightenment, but if a party member covers that more effectively, feel free to place those skill points in something else - spot or listen seem like very valid candidates.

- Book of Exalted Deeds

- Core (just BARELY. Extend spell and Quicken Spell are the only core resources used.)

- Dragon Compendium

- Magic of Incarnum

- Online Web Enhancement: Savage Progression. Available here. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040117a) Note that the ghost template is explicitly exempt from the usual rule about having to take all of the levels first (or even at all).

- Tome of Battle

2014-06-20, 08:48 PM
On winter mornings
The candle shows faint markings
Of the teeth of rats.

Briar Rose...or...Weeping Beauty

Chaotic Good
Curst Human
Ranger 1/(UA) Eternal Order Paladin of Freedom 1/Ranger +1/Fighter 2/Anointed Knight 10/Crusader 2

The Time of Light waned toward its end. On the seventh day of the seventh month, the Prophecy was fulfilled. A child was born within the Circle.

In celebration of the Prophecy, the Circle of Seven gathered for a feast-day. The Sovereign heads came together to honor the Chosen Child and lay their gifts upon her. Once they had feasted and wine had flowed and music played, the Sovereign Seven closed their circle and, one after the next, they blessed the newborn child in turn.

The Dwarven Duke bowed first and offered her strength to give her courage in the coming years.

Next, the Elven Emir, who offered grace, that she should rise to each challenge with elegance.

Then came forth the Gurkhan Gnome to grant steadfastness, that she should find strength in faith.

The Halfling HighShah stepped forward and bestowed a sense of adventure, lest life become to dull.

Forward stepped the Darfellan Datuk and gifted to the child resolve, that she should strive fully in all she may do.

Came then the Aventi Archduke to bathe the child in bravery, that she should not know fear lightly.

After these six had presented their gifts, there left just one Sovereign remaining. But unbeknownst to those gathered there, she had been waylaid. In her stead had come the most vile and hated enemy of the Circle, the Lich-King, who, disguised as the seventh sovereign, stepped forward and placed upon the child his gift.

Death -- and an unlife thereafter.

Thus having bestowed his curse, the Lich-King burst into a swarm of bats and flew from the gathered crowd.

Those gathered were stunned and sickened. One voice after the next called for action. "Kill the child now, before she spreads vile death!" "Surely, there's a counter-curse." "Someone help the poor child!" "Destroy the monster in its crib!"

And then, from the tumult of the frightened crowd, came a soft and quiet voice. "Wait." Such was the power in the lightly-spoken word that the crowd fell suddenly silent. "I have yet to grant my gift."

From the midst of the crowd stepped an old and withered woman. The recently arrived GrandDruid of Greenwood Grove shuffled slowly forward to look over the child. Long she stood there, in silent meditation, before, finally, she spoke again. "I cannot undo the curse, such is its power. But I can soften its mischief." She gazed down upon the child and, stroking her soft and wrinkled fingers across the babe's face, whispered, "I grant to you goodness, that your heart, though it no longer beats with life, may still yet pulse with Light."

The wizened Druid then took the child from the Circle, who had sworn an oath against the darkness of the waking death. She hid the child within the Grove, held safe behind a wall of holy thorns woven so tightly as to be impenetrable. There, sealed away from the world, the Child wept, torn between the Darkness of her body and the Light within her soul.

The years went by beyond those thorns. The Time of Light ended. The Time of Darkness began. Flesh rose from its grave to walk the lands throughout the Realm. Try as they might to prevent it, the Circle weakened, then collapsed. The stench of rotting flesh ruled the land. The living, where they could be found, were held caged as cattle, farmed for food.

And now, the thorns decay. The barrier falls. And Briar Rose is unleashed upon the Darkness.....

Str 16
Dex 14
Con --
Int 10
Wis 6
Cha 14

Level bonus (in order): Cha, Cha, Str, Str

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

LA 1-3
Curst Template
NA +3; Slam attack; Fast Healing 1*; Immunity to Cold, Fire; Madness; Spell Resistance; Turning Immunity; Unkillable

Ranger 1
Craft (alchemy) 4; Craft (bowmaking) 4; Knowledge (arcana) 2; Listen 4; Spellcraft 2; Survival 4
1st: Nemisis (Undead); B: Track; H: Weapon Focus (Long Bow)
Favored Enemy (Undead) +2; Wild Empathy

(UA) Eternal Order Paladin of Freedom 1
Craft (alchemy) 4; Craft (bowmaking) 4; Knowledge (arcana) 2; Knowledge (religion) 2; Listen 4; Spellcraft 2; Survival 4
Aura of Good; Detect Evil; Corpsestrike 1/day; Undead Knowledge; Favored Enemy (Undead) +4

Ranger 2
Craft (alchemy) 4; Craft (bowmaking) 4; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 2; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
3rd: Ancestral Relic; B: Rapid Shot

Fighter 1
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 5; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 2; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
B: Point Blank Shot

Fighter 2
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 7; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 2; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
B: Precise Shot

Anointed Knight 1
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 7; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 4; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
6th: Residual Rebound
Anoint Self (Holy Sight)

Anointed Knight 2
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 7; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 6; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Good Weapon)

Anointed Knight 3
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 7; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 8; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
B: Power Attack

Anointed Knight 4
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 9; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 8; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
9th: Favored Power Attack (Undead)
Anoint Self (Unbroken Flesh)

Anointed Knight 5
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 11; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 8; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Unicorn's Blood)

Anointed Knight 6
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 9; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
B: Cleave

Anointed Knight 7
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 10; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 5
12th: Lifesense
Anoint Self (Deep Strike)

Anointed Knight 8
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 10; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 6
Anoint Ancestral Weapon (Sentience)

Anointed Knight 9
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 10; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 7
B: Santify Martial Strike (Long Bow)

Anointed Knight 10
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 10; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 8
15th: Aquatic Shot
Anoint Self (Inspired Strike)

Crusader 1
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 10; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 10
Furious Counterstrike; Steely Resolve 5

Crusader 2
Craft (alchemy) 5; Craft (bowmaking) 12; Knowledge (arcana) 3; Knowledge (religion) 10; Listen 5; Spellcraft 3; Survival 12
Indomitable Soul


Serren, Elvencraft, Composite Longbow (+4 Str)

+1 enhancement
+1 enhancement


+2 enhancement

Spellblade (Remove Curse)

Spellblade (Remove Curse)

Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Disruption

Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Disruption

Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Disruption
Bow of the Solars

Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Disruption, Swarmstrike
Seeking Bow of the Solars

Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Bane (Undead), Disruption, Swarmstrike
Seeking, Splitting Bow of the Solars

Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Aquatic, Bane (Undead), Disruption, Holy, Swarmstrike
Seeking, Splitting Bow of the Solars

Use Exalted Fury 1/day, Spellblade (Remove Curse)
+1 Aquatic, Bane (Undead), Disruption, Holy, Swarmstrike
Bane (Undead), Seeking, Splitting Bow of the Solars

There's not a lot to say here, yet. At ECL 5, a +3 LA is leaving you with just two levels. One level of Ranger and one of EO Paladin of Freedom. This is an undead hunter build. Both levels grant a Favored Enemy, and Undead is chosen each time. Corpsestrike probably isn't going to see much play at these lower levels, but it will be HUGE later on. The Nemisis feat keeps the undead foes from sneaking up.
Keep in mind that even though neither Ranger nor Paladin will be advanced enough to grant spellcasting (and that Wisdom is nowhere near high enough to allow for it anyway), this character can use wands from either spell list.

The build continues to work toward combat abilities, working the archery angle. The key draw here, though, is Ancestral Relic.
The Relic (heretofore refered to as: The Bow) is an elvencraft composite longbow made out of serrenwood. (This is actually gained with approx. half of WBL at ECL 5, but becomes enhanced throughout the build starting at ECL 6.) The serren wood ability allows the weapon to affect incorporeal creatures, and should work on both ranged and melee attacks.
At ECL 9, The Bow gains Spellblade (Remove Curse), which eliminates one of the two major threats that faces a Curst. Also at this level, the build gains Residual Rebound as a feat. This won't completely eliminate the other threat, of course, but it will make enemy spellcasters think twice before targeting Briar Black with Disintegrate and similar spells.

Eventually, Briar Rose is going to go toe-to-toe with some baddie and, with these levels, she can handle herself. Anointed Knight gives her Unbroken Flesh (not that she was overly worried about hit point damage, but it's nice to stay on your feet), Deep Strike (which ought to be able to be used in range or in melee), and bonus feats. Power Attack (and Favored Power Attack) can only be used in melee, but since The Bow is two-handed when used in melee, those feats will be used well. The extra attack from Cleave must be a melee attack, but there is nothing that says it can't be triggered by a ranged attack, making a wonderful feat for a character than mixes ranged and melee. It's an extra attack that should be available often when fighting hordes of zombies and skeletons, especially now that The Bow has the Disruption ability on its melee side.
The Lifesense feat comes in handy for Briar Rose as she seeks the victims of her enemies. When they glow, it becomes a lot easier to find them to rescue them.

Now things get fun!

Sanctify Martial Strike should work with all attacks from The Bow and adds a bit of damage to evil foes (including, but not limited to, undead).
Aquatic Shot (ECL 18) coupled with the Aquatic ability on the melee side of The Bow (ECL 19) makes it easier to go beneath the waves and take the fight to the undead in an underwater fortress. (And where better for undead leaders to hide out?)
Inspired Strike can be used either in range or melee. At ECL 20, the build grants 4 attacks per round and one extra from a natural slam attack, plus one from Rapid Shot, plus one from Cleave (probably), and (three times per day) one more from Inspired Strike.

The Bow becomes sentient. (I haven't included abilities here, since they should be rolled randomly. If the DM is granting the chance to choose them, I'd pick 10 ranks in Listen and Spot.) Another pair of "eyes" is always good, and it's nice to have someone to chat with.
At ECL 16, it becomes a Bow of the Solars, which is stupid-good for attacking undead, but it works very well against non-undead baddies summoned up by liches or vampires or such, too.
At ECL 17, The Bow adds Seeking, which couples PERFECTLY with the Nemisis feat! On the melee side, Swarmstrike certainly has its uses against shape-changing mummies and liches.
ECL 18 adds Splitting, forcing twice as many saves from the Bow of Solars ability. Undead Bane on the melee side is certainly nice, too. (As is Holy at ECL 19.)
And at ECL 20, the perfect thing for a Curst fighting evil! The ability to use Exalted Fury once per day! With the d12 hit dice of the Curst, that spell can do a lot of damage in a 40' burst. And the Sacrifice component: you die. It specifically states that "you can be raised or resurrected normally", which means that there must be an intact body left. The Unkillable and Fast Healing abilities of the Curst take over from there. Which all adds up to: a big burst where evil foes are destroyed and Briar Black falls, too, only to stand up awhile later to carry on!

Lost Empires of Faerun -- Curst template
Book of Exalted Deeds -- Nemisis feat; Ancestral Relic feat; Anointed Knight class; Sanctify Martial Strike feat
Champions of Valor -- Eternal Order Paladin class substitution (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051111a&page=7)
Unearthed Arcana -- Paladin of Freedom variant; UA Paladine variant; Residual Rebound feat
Libris Mortis -- Lifesense feat
Dragon Compendium -- Favored Power Attack feat
Stormwrack -- Aquatic Shot feat
Tome of Battle (Bo9S) -- Crusader class

Book of Exalted Deeds -- Serren wood material; Bow of the Solars; Exalted Fury spell
Races of the Wild -- Elvencraft
Player's Guide to Faerun -- Spellblade
Dungeonscape -- Swarmstrike
Champions of Ruin -- Splitting
Magic Item Compendium -- Aquatic

If it isn't listed here, you can find it in the SRD.

2014-06-20, 08:49 PM
With a twitching nose
A dog reads a telegram
On a wet tree trunk.


LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features
-LG------Str: 14, Dex: 14, Con: 8, Int: 8, Wis: 16, Cha: 16
1st Doppelganger 1+1 +0 +2+2 Diplomacy: 4Sacred Vow+2 Con, Immunity to Sleep and Charm, feat
2nd Doppelganger 2+1 +0 +2+2 Diplomacy: 4~+2 Wis, +1 Natural Armor, Detect Thoughts
3rd Doppelganger 3+2 +1 +3+3 Diplomacy: 5~+2 Cha, Change Shape (1/day)
4th Doppelganger 4+2 +1 +3+3 Diplomacy: 5~+2 Dex, +1 Natural Armor
5th Doppelganger 5+3 +1 +3+3 Diplomacy: 6Vow of Poverty+2 Int, Change Shape (3/day), feat /// AC bonus +5, Endure Elements, Exalted Strike +1 (magic), Sustenance
6th Doppelganger 6+3 +1 +3+3 Diplomacy: 6Servant of the Heavens+2 Str, +1 Natural Armor ///AC bonus +6, deflection +1
7th Doppelganger 7+4 +1 +4+4 Diplomacy: 7, Sense Motive: 1~+2 Wis /// Resistance, Cha+2
8th Doppelganger 8+4 +1 +4+4 Diplomacy: 7, Sense Motive: 1Nimbus of Light+1 Natural Armor, Change Shape (unlimited) /// Natural Armor +1, Mind Shielding /// Cha+1
9th Marshal 1+4 +3 +4+6 Diplomacy: 8, Sense Motive: 2, Listen: 2Improved Unarmed StrikeSkill Focus (Diplomacy), Minor Aura, Master of Tactics /// Ac bonus +7
10thMarshal 2+5 +4 +4+7 Diplomacy: 9, Sense Motive: 3, Listen: 4StigmataMajor Aura+1, Motivate Urgency /// Exalted Strike+2(good), DR 5/magic
11thMarshal 3+6 +4 +5+7 Diplomacy: 10, Sense Motive: 4, Listen: 6Intuitive AttackMaster of Opportunity /// Cha +2, Wis +2
12thNecropolitan / Sword of Righteousness 1+7 +6 +5+9 Diplomacy: 11, Sense Motive: 5, Listen: 7Vow of abstinence, Vow of ChastityRacial HD d12, Undead(augmented), Resist Control (Ex), Turn Resistance (Ex), Unnatural Resilience (Ex) /// Bonus Exalted Feat /// AC bonus +8, deflection +2, Greater Sustenance /// Cha+1
13thSword of Righteousness 2+8 +7 +5+10Diplomacy: 12, Sense Motive: 6, Listen: 8Vow of ObedienceBonus Exalted Feat /// Resistance +2, Energy resistance 5
14thSword of Righteousness 3+9 +7 +6+10Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 7, Listen: 9Defender of the Homeland, Lifebond, Gift of DiscernmentBonus Exalted Feat /// Exalted Strike +3, freedom of movement
15thDefender of Sealtiel 1+10+9 +6+12Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 8, Listen: 10~Defensive Stance 1/day, Shield of faith /// AC bonus +9, DR 5/Evil, Cha+2, Wis+2, Str+2
16thDefender of Sealtiel 2+11+10+6+13Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 9, Listen: 11Sanctify Natural AttackMagic Circle, Shield other /// Natural Armor +2 /// Cha+1
17thDefender of Sealtiel 3+12+10+7+13Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 10, Listen: 12LifebondDefensive Stance 2/day /// Exalted Strike +4, resistance +2, regeneration
18thDefender of Sealtiel 4+13+11+7+14Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 11, Listen: 13Gift of FaithBlood of the Martyr /// AC bonus +10, deflection +3, true seeing
19thDefender of Sealtiel 5+14+11+7+14Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 12, Listen: 14~Defensive Stance 3/day /// DR 10/Evil, Cha+2, Wis+2, Str+2, Dex+2
20thDefender of Sealtiel 6+15+12+8+15Diplomacy: 13, Sense Motive: 13, Listen: 15Lifebond, Nymph's KissProtective aura 1/day /// Exalted Strike +5, energy resistance 15 /// Cha+1

2014-06-20, 08:51 PM
9 very different builds! I'm looking forward to seeing the judging. Now then, I'll be incommunicado for a brief period, but I'll return as soon as I am able!

2014-06-20, 09:48 PM
From the beginning, I thought of rocking a Baelnorn--the good elven lich variant laid out in Monsters of Faerun. That birthed the idea for a half-elf who's constantly trying to put an end to the strife between the elves and orcs. Of course, he had a reason for this; his non-elven half wasn't human. Instead, he was half-elf, half-orc, and forever trying to reunite the two feuding halves of his family.

Mechanically, he started as a bard/apostle of peace, but then I looked at using another PrC to advance AoP casting and found Lion of Talsid. Originally meant for druids, it actually fits quite nicely on a divine bard with a few UA variants in play. The Savage Bard adds the required Summon Nature's Ally II to the bard's spell list, and the nature bard variant gives an animal companion in exchange for giving up some bardic music options. Eventually, the build came together as follows:

Pax Aeterna
LevelClassBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSkillsFeatsClass Features
1Half-Elf Divine Savage Nature Bard 1+0+2+0+26+INTFavored of the CompanionsBardic Music 1/day, Soothing Voice, Fascinate, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy
2Half-Elf Divine Savage Nature Bard 2+1+3+0+36+INTBardic Music 2/day
3Half-Elf Divine Savage Nature Bard 3+2+3+0+36+INTIntuitive AttackBardic Music 3/day
4Half-Elf Divine Savage Nature Bard 4+3+4+1+46+INTBardic Music 4/day, Resist Nature's Lure
5Half-Elf Divine Savage Nature Bard 5+3+4+1+46+INTBardic Music 5/day
6Half-Elf Divine Savage Nature Bard 6+4+5+1+56+INTWords of CreationBardic Music 6/day, Suggestion
7Lion of Talsid 1+4+7+1+74+INTAnimal Companion, Lion's Courage
8Lion of Talsid 2+5+8+1+84+INTScent
9Lion of Talsid 3+6/+1+8+2+84+INTMusic of MakingWild Shape 1/day
10Lion of Talsid 4+7/+2+9+2+94+INTExalted CompanionWild Shape 2/day
11Lion of Talsid 5+7/+3+9+2+94+INTLion's Pounce, Wild Shape 3/day
12Baelnorn Template
16Lion of Talsid 6+8/+3+10+3+104+INTCorrupted Wild ShapeWild Shape (Large)
17Lion of Talsid 7+9/+4+10+3+104+INTLion's Swiftness
18Lion of Talsid 8+10/+5+11+3+114+INTWild Shape 4/day
19Lion of Talsid 9+10/+6+11+4+114+INTExalted Wild ShapeWild Shape (Tiny)
20Lion of Talsid 10+11/+6/+1+12+4+124+INTLeonal's Roar 3/day

However, I had some minor Build Stability concerns with Baelnorn not listing a level adjustment and using an Eberron feat (Music of Making) in conjunction with a Faerun template. My main trick was combining Words of Creation, Music of Making, and Unicorn Tail Hair. My conjuration (creation) spells would have had their duration doubled twice, with a 20% chance to double the duration a third time over. Aside from that, I was going to dig being a bard with 6th-level spells, scent, pounce, the animal companion of a 16th-level druid, and the ability to wild shape into an undead unicorn with a live unicorn animal companion.

That's right: a zombie unicorn.

2014-06-20, 09:53 PM
That's right: a zombie unicorn.

And all I can say is O...M...G...PONIES.

2014-06-20, 10:37 PM
From the beginning, I thought of rocking a Baelnorn--the good elven lich variant laid out in Monsters of Faerun.

I was right there with you. My shot at a Baelnorn was going to be a duskblade/exalted arcanist who goes Baelnorn, but I Vizzini'd myself right out of it to go with my other approach instead. And now I see that NO ONE went Baelnorn.

Curse you Vizzini, curse you.

2014-06-20, 11:07 PM
I didn't submit a build for this round. Since I didn't submit my judging criteria before the reveal, I guess that means I'm not judging either.

I have mixed feelings about some of the builds here. I feel sorry for the judges, because they've got to deal with monster classes (Mummies, Ghosts), LA buyoff, Necropolitan level loss and a few alignment shifts. I'll leave that up to them, though.

Truthfully, I was working on a build. It was a Bard 9/Anointed Knight 6, who got converted into a Frostfell Ghost between levels 5 and 6 (at which point he picks up Requiem, so it works out perfectly). Words of Creation boosted Inspire Courage at the cost of nonlethal damage (which undead are immune to) Snowflake Wardance boosts Charisma synergy at the cost fo fatigue (which undead are, again, immune to). Anointed Knight was taken because the Sacred Relic could be enchanted with the Ghost Touch property, effectively allowing an incorporeal ghost to fight corporeal enemies without fear or harm. Upside: the Anoint Weapon class feature could increase the hardness and HP of the weapon, ensuring that it couldn't be damaged. Downside: How the heck does Anoint Self work when you don't have a body anymore? :smalltongue:

2014-06-20, 11:46 PM
I have mixed feelings about some of the builds here. I feel sorry for the judges, because they've got to deal with monster classes (Mummies, Ghosts), LA buyoff, Necropolitan level loss and a few alignment shifts. I'll leave that up to them, though.

LA Buyoff was specifically allowed this time around (via the extra xp). The alignment shifts or lack thereof would be more concerning to me (especially for those where the alignment precludes taking Exalted feats). But I've got a dog in this fight, so I'll cease my speculation on that.

The builds themselves though, even those few with similarities, are excellent. I am honored to be in such good company. :smallsmile:

2014-06-21, 10:42 AM
Yeah, I'm really surprised. Stripping out the Completes felt like taking the lab away from Tony Stark, then watching him build the Mark I in a cave! With a box of scraps!

...Well, time to start figuring out the next competition whilst the judges weigh in.

2014-06-21, 12:53 PM
That's right: a zombie unicorn.

That Zombie Unicorn thing was the thing that made me not totally ashamed for the Planar Shepherd idea. Attune to Lamannia, and you'd get all types of magical beasts (including Unicorns and Pegasi) and Celestial creatures.

2014-06-21, 06:02 PM
I've gone over all the builds once. I'll break out the fine toothed comb and do the actual judging at some point in the not-too-distant future.

2014-06-21, 07:08 PM
in the not-too-distant future

Somewhere in time and space (lalala)

In other news, I've got a question for my competitors:

Should a judge PM me their criteria after the reveal, should their judging be considered as long as their criteria is posted? I suppose I never actually SAID that there was a cutoff time, did I?

Should the decision be made that we only accept criteria before the cutoff time for submissions (which would make sense so that the competitors have fair chance to get their builds attuned to specific judging trends etc.), then what do we do when, in this case, both of our judges have entered their builds and the disputes process has finished grinding its gears? Do we call it or wait until the normal time?

2014-06-23, 08:21 AM
Somewhere in time and space (lalala)

In other news, I've got a question for my competitors:

Should a judge PM me their criteria after the reveal, should their judging be considered as long as their criteria is posted? I suppose I never actually SAID that there was a cutoff time, did I?

Should the decision be made that we only accept criteria before the cutoff time for submissions (which would make sense so that the competitors have fair chance to get their builds attuned to specific judging trends etc.), then what do we do when, in this case, both of our judges have entered their builds and the disputes process has finished grinding its gears? Do we call it or wait until the normal time?

I'm fine with letting people decide to judge after the submission cutoff has ended. Knowing what the judges are looking for is helpful when building, but since it's pretty much impossible to play to every judge, adding new judges after the fact doesn't bother me.

2014-06-23, 08:35 AM
Baelnorn was my first choice too. I was going to use the build that I was going to submit in the Scrap Iron Chef round with undead but I could not find my notes on it. So I went in another direction.

I also would not mind seeing extra judges come in after the reveal. More eyes are almost always a good thing. The only concern that there could be about that is that it circumvent's the entire submission of criteria beforehand.

Of course things change in real life. There could be situations where someone thought (s)he could not judge prior to the reveal but discover that (s)he could afterwards. The reverse could also be true, though it has not happened yet thankfully but real life is a cruel mistress sometimes.

2014-06-23, 10:26 AM
I'd be okay with a judge entering after the fact. The criteria would be kind of the sticking point. If they're looking for something very much different from what was posted beforehand, it could skew the results. I don't want to get into a situation where a contestant thinks a judge came in specifically to boost someone else's build, if the criteria match just one contestant's. (I hate to even bring that up, but it wouldn't be the first time I've seen someone turn into a fire-breathing crazypants on a message board). I'd be fine with leaving the criteria up to the Chair's discretion.

2014-06-23, 08:54 PM
Early judging!

The build I put together was a Human Totemist3/Monk2/Fighter2/Apostle of Peace 9/Lich 4. Libris Mortis pg 112 (I think) allows for good Lich's. It had a mix of grapple focused feats and undead meldshaping and the full exalted line that comes with getting Vow of Poverty at level 1.

The major problem with it was bootstrapping the caster level on Apostle of Peace to qualify for Lich, which would usually have been easy except for the lack of Practised Spellcaster (Complete Arcane) and the fact you can't use items. Crafting yourself a costly phylactery was also iffy --- my suggestion was either abusing Apostle of Peace's exception for defensive items, or just making a monument in a church as an act of devotion.

I had a chart, but again, on a different computer.

You guys all have lots of time to dispute --- there are probably things I missed, and one or two builds where I specifically call out requests for more information (The Last Warder: Did you just miss that? Or did I miss something in another chapter of Libris Mortis? --- and the Sworn Double Protector).

So have at me, and have fun.

Quick summary:
Briar Rose: 16/20
The Last Warder: 15.5/20
Jonas: 15/20
Nebmakhet: 15/20, Honourable Mention
Selena Brightflower: 14/20
Pinero the Visitor: 14/20
Alaska and Alzaheir: 13.5/20
Nament Habah: 11/20
Sworn Protector Double: 9.5/20

Overall thoughts: Decent build, relatively straightforward. Playable, at least until level 15 when you get the LA dump. Walker in the Waste being very expected and requiring non-good and exalted feats requiring the goodest of the good is a bit of a problem, and the lack of use of a BoED prestige class doesn't help you.

Originality: Alright, admittedly, the first thing I did when hearing about this competition was go look up Walker in the Waste and check if it did what I wanted it to do. There is even a handbook dedicated to the prestige class. So this one seems to me to be very very obvious. Then I went through the vow feats and started ticking them off, which makes me think you're building the same way I do. Asherati is original (though it's an obvious provider of a necessary feat from the same book as your prestige class)...all this says “doing it the obvious way” to me. The only thing I didn't really expect is the druid entry.

2.5 out of 5

Power: You're rocking 13 levels of druid casting...and not much else that impresses me. A smattering of skills and class features (the best of which come from druidic avenger) and a damaging touch, plus some DC bonuses from your feats. You're probably somewhere around tier 3 with a bit of versatility out of spells.

3.0 out of 5 for power.

Elegance: 5/10 split. Reasonably fair interpretation of not taking dry lich for free (a debate I'm well aware of). Walker in the Waste requires non-good, however, and your exalted feats require you to be the goodest of the good (which is the precise reason my build didn't end up being a walker in the waste), so that's kind of a problem.

2.5 out of 5 for Elegance.

Use of Secret Ingredients:
The Undead Type: You're full undead. Well done. You take a prestige class dedicated to becoming undead, and your BoED tricks...well, the sanctified spells work well with being undead (if you can overcome your alignment issues in elegance). But there isn't a huge meshing here.
Book of Exalted Deeds: You use feats and spells, which is good. Full score would go here for using a prestige class too.

3.0 out of 5 for use of secret ingredients.

Total score: 11 out of 20.

Overall thoughts: You tanked your power score to be original, elegant, and make good use of the secret ingredients. Gotta respect that pretty straightforwardly. It's conceptually and thematically a great build, but I think at the table it would get ignored and struggle to contribute. But you're daring, which is why you're my honourable mention.

Originality: Alright, I didn't expect a mummy, a paladin, though I did sort of expect a prestige class from BoED, that's not really fair since it's a required component. Take your points.
5.0 out of 5

Power: You're a primary melee combatant rocking a final BAB of 11. That's a pretty big problem. Your saves are okay (bolstered by divine grace and good charisma). You mention combat reflexes but have no way to generate AoO's, and say “inspired strike helps make up for low BAB” --- it's 3/day. That's meh. Even with the strength and the feats, I have a very hard time seeing you as a credible melee threat.

1 out of 5. for power.
Adjusted to 1.5 out of 5 for power: I missed reach and the fear aura.

Elegance: You finish the racial class. Paladin 2 is classic, and then enter a prestige class and stay in for all your levels. That many levels of a slightly weak racial progression class is a hint inelegant --- I have a hard time seeing a DM shrug and allow it at the table. Aside from that, I have few complaints.
4 out of 5 for elegance.

Use of Secret Ingredients: You devote a ridiculous amount of energy to the undead type, blowing 13 levels and a feat. A good chunk of your remaining feats and class levels are from the book of exalted deeds. Could you have amped it up slightly more? Yes. Without really sacrificing your already weak power or elegance? Probably not.
4.5 out of 5 for use of secret ingredients.

Total score: 15 out of 20

Overall: I like the recreation of a bard without bard levels. Ghosts are a little more common than I expected here, and troubadour of the stars is weak and you're asking too much of your limited uses of bardic music, but overall, well leveraged.

Originality: Good use Sorcerer. Exalted Arcanist was sort of obvious, but mixing in Troubadour of the Stars (and stopping at the decent 5th level ability) all works well. Some of the feats were a little obvious, as is the exalted spell sacrifice + undead, but it's not bad at all. Ghosts turned out a little common, which was to be expected since they can be good.

3.5 out of 5

You stop at 6th level spells, like a bard. You have bardic music, like a bard. Metamagic song is going to blow through your 5 uses of bardic music super fast, and again, words of creation also makes you want to use your bardic music. You've got an overusage problem here, but it's on a secondary ability, so it's not that big a deal. The bigger problem is that you're trying to fit the primary caster role with 6th level spells from a slightly extended list.

3 out of 5.

6/5/5 as the split, you finished exalted arcanist. Cross crass ranks of perform aren't really a big deal, but not finishing your ghost savage progression are things that while maybe are legal, some DM's will care about.
3.5 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients: 4 levels devoted to ghost, and 10 to Book of Exalted Deeds prestige classes, plus a good chunk of your feats. The sanctified + undead type trick gave you an originality dip, but it's giving you a boost here, as is working in words of creation use.
4.0 out of 5.

Total score: 14 out of 20.

Good build. I strongly like the power level, and deeply respect that. I didn't find it particular original or particular focused on the undead aspects, and it might be hard to use at a table, but it's very solid.

Originality: The ghost thing is the exact same as another person uses, and a lot of people concentrated more on BoED feats than BoED classes. On the other hand, a psionic theurge is pretty unexpected, and good use of apostle of peaces fast progression.

3 out of 5.


You're a ghost with dual casting on 8ths/9ths, which is solid, and some social skills to back you up. It's tier 1 with some versatility. Power could probably go slightly higher, but I doubt we'll see it in this competition.

5.0 out of 5.

Elegance: You're using Level Adjustment Buyoff on a Savage Progression. Aside from Level Adjustment Buyoff being iffy to begin with, the fact that it's unclear to me if Savage Progressions actually are level adjustment is a further problem --- though if you've got a quote somewhere from savage species that says “treat savage progressions as level adjustment taken over time” I'd happily bump you a point here. Otherwise, you're fine, but that's a sizeable issue. Stopping your savage progression part way through is another inelegant point.

3 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients:
3 levels dedicated to being a ghost, which tick boxes your undead element. You take a lot of Book of Exalted Deeds feats, but only 2 levels of a BoED prestige class. Further, it's not really clear how your undead-ness and you're exalted-ness mesh in a specific and valuable way for the build --- it seems like this build could totally equally be live with an identical setup --- and fewer troubles with regards to LA buyoff.
3.0 out of 5.

Total: 14 out of 20.

Overall: I like the build a lot. It's got solid power and manages to do the undead thing (and focus feats there) without the stigma of huge LA (or LA buyoff). The biggest downside is that the thing you're leveraging you undeadness for (non-lethal damage/ability damage immunity) is the thing that everyone is leveraging their undeadness for.

Originality: Another Apostle of Peace Theurge, but Bard based --- at least you're not a ghost. Necropolitan was the obvious and easy choice...which only one other person went with. So you got lucky there. The feats were used everywhere, on the other hand.

3.5 out of 5.

Power: You're not at full dual 9ths, but there is nothing wrong with that. With Apostle of Peace fast casting, it's a solid theurge with the advantage of bardic music abilities and a wider range of skills.

4.5 out of 5.

Elegance: Got a couple issues here with the necropolitan ritual --- the GP cost and the “contacting dark powers” on an exalted character, and the maintaining intimacy with Fey. On the other hand, the build is pleasantly simple, 10/2/8 --- which helps immensely. This has the advantage of not having bizarre LA and thus a DM isn't going to be flabberghasted when you bring it to the table.

4.0 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients: Again, everyone saw “undead + nonlethal damage” and “undead + sacred spells ability damage” combos, so that doesn't really get you so many points. On the other hand, dedicating feats to being undead (instead of the traditional “all my feats are Book of Exalted Deeds and that's how I'm using that book thing) helps. On the other hand again, you only have 2 levels of Apostle of Peace. It's decent, but you could be doing more with both the undead side and the exalted side.

3.0 out of 5.
Total: 15 out of 20.

Overall: Remember, check those alignments. In other peoples judging, things like this are enough to cost a build of mine 5 or 6 points --- so the 1.5 from elegance should hopefully seem measured. I like the build a lot, otherwise.

Originality: Really, the only thing anyone else used here is Annointed Knight and some of the feats. Given that this is book of exalted deeds material, I can't really complain more than a half point.

4.5 out of 5.

Power: The last mummy had a lot of problems here, but you do not too bad. The maneuvers provide some decent options (and open up the option of replacing them all with nice 3rd level maneuvers with cheap 3000gp items), and you manage to finish with 16 BAB and a passable array of melee options. As a solo defender of a tome, you'd better hope you don't get threatened by equal level casters, but that's a traditional melee problem.

3 out of 5.

Elegance: Finishing Tome Warden is a nice touch, and one base/two prestige classes is solid. Libris Mortis page 112 has a small problem for you: “Alignment: Always lawful evil.”
Adjusted up 0.5 points; this is a fluff conflict more than a mechanical conflict, as shown by the later dispute.

Dropping the Tome of Battle stuff at 5th level is a hint inelegant, especially as it's material that grows in value when applied later in the build. And Cleave is a terrible feat, especially for what is ostensibly a NPC guarding a tome. (Tome raiding parties seem more likely a handful of highly skilled adventurers than a swarm of kobolds).

3.5 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients: Prestige class levels dedicated to both of being undead and being exalted! That's super awesome --- as is the mix of feats. Your undead features mesh particularly well with being a melee character, and aside from the 5 crusader levels, 0 of your levels are either undead or exalted. Like the other mummy, you probably could have put a little more towards undead/exalted, but it probably would have tortured your build brutally.

4.5 out of 5.
15.5 out of 20

Overall: I like the power. Ghost was overused, and I'm not that in love with Dvati, and there could have been a bit more synnergy between undead and the rest of the build. The incarnate use to negate drawbacks of ethereality is interesting and clever, but would help you more if it also synnergized with being sacred somehow.

Originality: People seem to really like Dvati for this competition, which is a little odd. The ghost savage progression got used a lot, and someone use used Crusader, but good use of incarnate.

3.0 out of 5.

Power: 9th level spells from a decent list, some ghost traits, some melee capabilities. Your low levels are a little harsher than you think they are --- especially 12 hp and a 5 pt delayed damage pool at 5th --- a single fireball save fail could kill you (average damage; 17.5); your reflex is +2 with dex, and it has a 50% chance of getting through ethereal. And Iron Guards Glare doesn't help you against ranged attacks or people with reach. But it does come together in the end.

4.0 out of 5

Dvati are inherently inelegant; while Dragon Compendium is a legal source, you're fielding a double character sheet, and lots of DM's are going to have a big problem with that. You take 2/5 levels of your ghost savage progression. 4/4/9 is a not offensive split on prestige class levels, and I appreciate the simplicity (though not the lack of power) that comes with not prestiging out of Apostle of Peace.

3.5 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients: With 9 levels of Apostle of Peace and a bunch of exalted feats, you're doing fine there. On the undead side, you only have 2 levels of undead, and one undead feat. You don't get any incredible synnergy (aside from everyones “Use exalted spells, don't take the ability damage), and indeed, there is a conflict between Ghost and Vow of Poverty's deflection bonuses.

3 out of 5

13.5 out of 20

Overall: Okay, this is my top placing build. So good job. You're a bit short on power; doing something clever with your maneuvers could have helped there --- but you didn't, as far as I can tell. Cleave is, in my opinion, a totally wasted feat. Putting a bit more emphasis on your undead half (builds who got better scores devoted more levels) might have helped, or it might have injured your power more. But all this is pretty minor; its a solid and very clever build.

Originality: Curst. There was a damn fine decision. Annointed Knight was used pretty heavily, but I haven't been penalizing it much since it's from the required book. Some of the feats are a little predictable, but over all, I really like the mix.

4.5 out of 5.

Power: You're immortal-ish, which is cool. Blocking remove curse with a spellblade is a good idea (instead of the usual greater dispel magic). Pretending that Residual Rebound helps protect you from disintegrates/undeath to death is pretty much laughable (5%! Woo!); throwing in warblade and the fortitude--->concentration replacer with a max fort save would have made a good chunk more sense to me, but instead you went crusader (but didn't give me a maneuver list?). I generally love the late level Tome of Battle Dips, but nowhere in the build do you mention why you bothered. Curst calls out undeath to death, which is a will save, which probably explains crusader 2 for charisma to will save, which gives you a +3 bonus at least...but I still think you'd be better off with Moment of Perfect Mind/Action Before Thought/Mind Before Body.

And no, cleave does not give you pretty much “an extra attack every round” ; when you get it at 14th, the average CR 14 enemy has 180hp and AC 27.

These are all pretty nitpicky, though. You're a solid anti-undead melee/ranged build with a decent pack of versatility. You have the power attack you need for a 2handed melee style to back up your ranged feats, and a decent number of versatility boosting optional attacks --- especially once you actually pick maneuvers.

3.5 out of 5.

4 base classes can be a problem, but at least you start-to-finish your prestige class. You manage to stick to just Forgotten Realms material, and Curst's immortality might have some inherent trouble getting past a DM. It's a well put together build, though, that's for sure.

4 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients: 3 LA, 10 levels of exalted deeds and a few feats. Good job in actually looking at parts of Books of Exalted Deeds other than sanctified spells, feats, and prestige classes: Serenwood and the Bow of the Solars both helps me think that you combed through the book and said “alright, how can I fit this in, too?” The synnergy between Curst and exalted fury is cool, but it's only 1/day.

4.0 out of 5.

Total score: 16 out of 20

Overall: Explaining what you were doing and why would have greatly helped this build presumably. It seems rushed, perhaps someones second build --- it's also the last one submitted, so, yeah?

Originality: Doppleganger, Sword of Righteousness, Defender of Seatiel, and Marshall, are all things we haven't seen yet. I indeed, have basically no idea why you're a doppleganger necropolitan; without an explanation anywhere, I'm left guessing. But it's original, aside from the necropolitan hit and the feats.

4.0 out of 5.

Power: You're some sort of melee character with lots of Lifebonds and exalted feats --- the exalted feats are mostly terrible, which is why no one else took Sword of Righteousness; after VoP, you don't need more exalted feats. Defender of Seatiel is also awful. No surprise. And you finish with BAB 15 and no visible combat style aside from the improved unarmed strike feat and intuitive strike.

1 out of 5.

Elegance: Defender of Sealtiel requires endurance and diehard, which you don't seem to have, unless I'm missing something. I generally don't take off points for poor submissions, and I won't in this case. You're a Doppleganger8/Marshall 3/Sword of Righteousness 3/Defender of Seatiel 6. You finish Sword of Righteousness. The necropolitan ritual requires you to contact dark powers, which is a minor fluff issue. Worse, it requires some cash --- which you explicitly don't have.

1.5 out of 5.

Use of Secret Ingredients: The undead thing seems entirely tacked on; lifebond feats are interesting, but spamming them doesn't get you huge bonus points.

On the Exalted Side, you put 9 levels and a good chunk of feats in that direction. But there is no obvious synnergy, and you didn't take much time to explain where any of it would be found.

2 out of 5.

Total score: 9.5 out of 20.

2014-06-24, 08:46 AM
Oh, hey, judging! Somehow I totally missed this last night. Thanks, Ikeren!

2014-06-24, 09:08 AM
Yes thank you for judging Ikeren!

2014-06-29, 12:44 PM
The judges just might be thoroughly stumped :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-29, 12:54 PM
The judges just might be thoroughly stumped :smallbiggrin:I'm being selfish and doing my IC submissions before judging here, since this has a later deadline. Hopefully I'll get everything done before Friday.

2014-07-02, 09:24 AM
Two posts in the last week...? I know this was a tough one, but I think the crickets have moved into the junkyard. :smalleek:

2014-07-02, 10:27 AM
I imagine we will see more movement on this thread since the IC submissions are supposed to be all in now.

More judgings would be most welcome! :smallwink:

2014-07-02, 07:26 PM
I read somewhere online (enworld?) that mummies were the mostly likely of undead to be good. The libris mortis section for the mummified creature template on page 112 says "alignment: always lawful evil."

Anyone know if there is another mummy variant or fluff somewhere else in the book or something that I can't find? Or was the poster I read elsewhere perhaps talking about another edition and I didn't notice?

2014-07-02, 08:18 PM
check the mummy in the Monster Manual

2014-07-03, 06:50 PM
"Always" in the alignment list doesn't mean literally always. From the glossary of Monster Manual 1:

Always: The creature is born with the indicated alignment. The creature may have a hereditary predisposition to the alignment or come from a plane that predetermines it. It is possible for individuals to change alignment, but such individuals are either unique or rare exceptions

The MM1 Mummy is listed as "Usually Lawful Evil." It's the only undead in the MM1 that is "usually," not "always" evil.

Usually: The majority (more than 50%) of these creatures have the given alignment. This may be due to strong cultural influences, or it may be a legacy of the creatures’ origin. For example, most elves inherited their chaotic good alignment from their creator, the deity Corellon Larethian.

2014-07-03, 07:41 PM
Telonius is correct, although I would personally expect to see in-submission justification for such an alignment change (as per the norm).

check the mummy in the Monster Manual
Mummy (Usually LE) and Mummified Creature (Always LE) are different templates, but still.


The MM1 Mummy is listed as "Usually Lawful Evil." It's the only undead in the MM1 that is "usually," not "always" evil.
Ghosts have no alignment field, and are thus unaltered from their original alignments.

2014-07-03, 08:24 PM
Alright. I have two disputes I want to display, but I'll have to do so in about 10 hours. Judges, stick around until tomorrow please. Then we'll have the reveal tomorrow evening and the new contest will post.

I think that's where we're at.

2014-07-03, 10:08 PM

Ghosts have no alignment field, and are thus unaltered from their original alignments.

Whoops! Serves me right for using the SRD's monster filter - Ghost is a template, so it didn't come up as a creature.

2014-07-04, 12:33 AM
Judging is a lot slower going than I had expected and I've got a busy 4th of July tomorrow, so I'm not going to make the deadline. Sorry guys. Unless the next round is something I absolutely can't resist, I'm absolutely going to judge. No two ways about it.

2014-07-04, 10:45 AM
I'll have time to look at disputes both this evening and tomorrow evening.

2014-07-04, 11:40 AM
And here they are:

Thanks for judging Ikeren!

I'm glad you liked Nebmakhet, I certainly had fun building him! I agree with almost everything you said, but I wanted to address the power score you put out (you may have missed a couple things in the entry):

Power: You're a primary melee combatant rocking a final BAB of 11. That's a pretty big problem. Your saves are okay (bolstered by divine grace and good charisma). You mention combat reflexes but have no way to generate AoO's, and say “inspired strike helps make up for low BAB” --- it's 3/day. That's meh. Even with the strength and the feats, I have a very hard time seeing you as a credible melee threat.

1 out of 5. for power.

Combat Reflexes come into play when a foe closes with Nebmakhet. He's got a Longspear (a reach weapon) and a natural Slam attack. Of course, any foe with reach negates this, so it's not a "one-size fits all" solution.

Also, you don't mention his Despair ability at all, which given his Charisma (boosted slightly by Anointed Knight) is potent (DC 21-ish with his final Charisma). It's strong enough that he'll usually get a free round of attacks on foes paralyzed by the fear. It's a potent tool that you didn't mention at all. Again, it's not useful 100% of the time, as some foes are immune to fear or have a high will save, but it's frequent enough that it should work well.

That said, yeah, he only hits a BAB 11. Given the mummy racial class, there's not much to be done about that. At least the ridiculous strength score helps him hit like a full BAB character. :smalltongue:

This was noted to me as more of a requested clarification than anything.


"Always [Alignment]" doesn't mean literally always, because D&D is bad at words sometimes. As per the Monster Manual:

Alignment: This line in a monster entry gives the alignment that the creature is most likely to have. Every entry includes a qualifier that indicates how broadly that alignment applies to all monsters of that kind.

Always: The creature is born with the indicated alignment. The creature may have a hereditary predisposition to the alignment or come from a plane that predetermines it. It is possible for individuals to change alignment, but such individuals are either unique or rare exceptions.

There's even a pretty famous WotC example of an "Always Evil" monster becoming good entirely through fluff (rather than a Sanctify the Wicked spell or similar crunch): Eludecia, the succubus paladin (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20050824a). I was trying for something similar, with prayer and training from The Warder's order in the place of Twu Wuv, but I respect your right to say "No, you need more than fluff justification for an alignment change" and penalize my elegance for it.

2014-07-04, 07:28 PM
@Nebmakhet: Fair commentary. I did miss your reach weapon, which lets you generate AoO on medium or smaller targets without similar reach. As for your fear aura, Optimization by the Numbers shows the average will save DC to be 19 at CR 18, 19.7 at CR19, and 21.5 at CR20, so sporting a fear DC of 21 generates fear relatively infrequently. If you'd looked for more ways to capitalize on that, I could give you a higher score.

Do I think that gains you a half point...barely :smalltongue: .

Adjusting power to 1.5, and final score to 15. That puts you tied for 3rd with Jonas. Thank you for the fair feedback and commentary.

@The Last Warder: That's very interesting, and something I did not know. Thank you. Let me re-read your entry and find somewhere where you explain that The Last Warder is a "either unique or rare exception."

They would mummify one of their own to stand guard even when the rest of the order had died out. A young Warder, her name long lost even to her, volunteered to undergo the procedure.

It didn't work out quite the way the order planned. Passing into death and beyond warped the woman's mind, and it took decades of prayer, meditation, and training before she was well enough to serve as their champion.

You make it clear that this practice took time, but not that the person is unique (she is a member of an order) or rare (her deeds are not sufficiently notable for the order to even bother recording who she is).

Which makes me think what you have here is actually a minor fluff conflict, rather than a major rules one. I will edit your elegance score up 0.5 points, placing you in second place, instead of third (sorry Jonas). Thank you for the fair feedback and commentary.

Quick re-summary --- immediately going to edit my previous post.
Briar Rose: 16/20
The Last Warder: 15.5/20
Jonas: 15/20
Nebmakhet: 15/20, Honourable Mention
Selena Brightflower: 14/20
Pinero the Visitor: 14/20
Alaska and Alzaheir: 13.5/20
Nament Habah: 11/20
Sworn Protector Double: 9.5/20

2014-07-04, 10:23 PM
Alright. The reveal's gonna be posted here soonish and the new thread up shortly afterwards. It's a much-requested concept that I guess I should finally play with.

2014-07-05, 10:23 AM
Time for the reveal folks!

In first place, we have:
Macaberet's Briar Rose

In second place, we have:
Sakuuya's The Last Warder

In third place, we have:
Telonius' Jonas

And our Honorable Mention, who will be receiving the HM prize instead of the Bronze due to a tied match but is, in fact, tied for third:

Deadline's Nebmakhet

And our other esteemed competitors and their submissions:
5th Place: Dysprosium's Selena Brightflower
6th Place: Otakumick's Pinero the Visitor
7th Place: TSED's Alaska and Alzaheir
8th Place: Korahir's Nament Habah
9th Place: Weckar's Sworn Protector Double

Stay tuned for the next EXCITING EPISODE of Dragonball Z JUNKYARD WARS in the PLAYGROUND!

[Link to follow soon]

2014-07-05, 10:30 AM
A single-judge competition? Oh my :smalltongue:

2014-07-05, 01:43 PM
Yay, cracked the top 3!

So, no love for all the Beatles references, huh? :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-05, 03:11 PM
The only Beatles song in my 80gig music collection seems to be "Cry For No One". Though I am of course, loosely familiar with much more of their stuff, I didn't notice any Beatles reference, I'm afraid. Try a The Zolas or Library Voices reference next time, my odds of noticing that are higher.

Sorry :smalltongue:

2014-07-07, 08:58 AM
Well I landed about where I thought I would after reading the rest of the entries.

All of those who placed deserved it. Congratulations! I enjoyed reading them.

I wish we had more eyes for judging but the judging deadline fell around a holiday weekend in the States so it's understandable.

2014-07-07, 09:51 AM
Congratulations to Macaberet, sakuuya, and Telonius! It was certainly a strange mix of parts to work with, but I'm happy with how Nebmakhet turned out.

2014-07-08, 08:45 PM
Congrats to all! Any word on when the next round will begin?

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-07-08, 08:57 PM
Congrats to all! Any word on when the next round will begin?

It has already begun. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?360271-Junkyard-Wars-in-the-Playground-V-Dread-Witch-Reaping-Mauler-Fighter)

2014-07-08, 09:03 PM
It has already begun. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?360271-Junkyard-Wars-in-the-Playground-V-Dread-Witch-Reaping-Mauler-Fighter)

Ack! Me missie? Unpossibru!