View Full Version : Need help finalizing my 3 tome of Battle characters.

2014-06-07, 02:08 PM
Let me explain. I am intent on making good and unique characters each using the classes in the tome of battle.

I did most of the work but there are some fine tuning things that I just cant figure out.
2 things to note.
My Swordsage is a silverbrow human because backstory.
My Crusader is a Catfolk
And my Warblade is a dragonkin
I used the tirr supplement for the Crusader and Warblade Races which I feel are very balanced.
Go ahead and knock yourself out


2. I don't wanna hear anything about me redoing them or they aren't realistic enough or whatever, I am fully intent on using these and I want ways to improve them.

Basically I want advice on how to finalize them not on how much they suck.(I know theres gonna be a few of them)

With that said first is my Swordsage.
My very first DandD Character and one I worked on for weeks to make just right.
The idea is to go into a level 1 dip into mageknight http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Mageknight,_Tirr_%283.5e_Class%29 (also tirr supplement, don't get on me for that there's like 5 different versions) immediately after I hit level 2 and once I have enough prestige into Abjurant champion, before finishing my Swordsage route. With the idea of having Dex, Wiz and Int all boosting my AC through the roof and that's before I cast shield and Mage armor on myself.
I also want to use the 2 bladed sword as my final weapon, but I found that the quarterstaff is REALLY good and really free. So for this guy I would like to know is what feats would be best, What Items would best compliment my guy, and whether or not I should Stick with the quarterstaff or go for the small but noticeable boost that a 2 handed weapon would give me.(I really wanna fight like Hubert or Fang. Kudos to anyone who knows those 2)

Next is my catfolk crusader.
I went in trying to make a pseudo tank, what I got out of it was a lightning fast kitty-cat of justice!
The idea is to start as a crusader then dip 2 into Monk and 2 into favored soul up till level 10(it would go something like this(Crusader, Monk, Favored Soul,Crusader, Monk, Favored Soul,Crusader, Crusader,Crusader, Crusader) Once I hit 10 I would go Divine fist the rest of the way until level 20. So you would have a fist-fighting Catfolk with maneuvers and divine spells giving it a lot of utility. Plus a decent amount of Feats to choose from including the amazing monk armor which will really come in handy. I pretty much have her figured out.

My only question is, when fighting unarmed are you limited only to your punches and kicks or are there special gloves or whatnot that count as unarmed weapons? And like the guy above any items and feats that would compliment her would be great

Finally My Dragonkin Warblade.

Holy hell did this girl come out strong. Basically made to go up in your face and beat the living **** out of you.
She was born to be a warblade, one thing to note, Yes I have monkey grip on her. No I have no intentions of changing the feats out because A. I'm going for a theme a super strong dragonkin who can easily wield weapons as big if not bigger than she is and B. Combining a 3d6 weapon with punishing stance is nothing to sneeze at no matter what your opinion is. I do plan ot get power attack but not until level 3 when I will actually get a decent return on damage.

The problem is I don't know what route to take with her.

Here's what I narrows it down to, I could either take her down a duskblade side route where she can get True Strike and Blades of Blood among other things. Say what you want, being able to do potentially over 50 damage to 2 enemies by level 3 is insane. Well worth the 5 hp you spend for it.

The other Route would be to dip into Swordsage every now and again so I can abuse the hell out of Setting sun, and add some fire into my life.
Aside from that same thing as the other 2. Feats, items and what not.

Thanks to all of your input in advance.

2014-06-07, 02:42 PM
With the first buid - Don't. Dipping for int to AC is a trap in this build.
Unless you got ridiculously high rolls, you should have about 10 in Int, meaning you won't get any real benefits from that. You'll get better returns pumping your Wis or Dex anyway. Int is your tertiary stat. At best.
Basically, Dex>Str=Con>Wis>Int>Cha.

With Shadow Blade and Child of Shadow Stance you'll get Dex to dmg with Shadow Hand weapons and 20% concealment when you move at least 10 feet. And miss chance >>> AC.

Crusader. No. Basically, no. No, no no. But if you want anyway... Monk levels give you the ability to strike with ANY part of your body as an unarmed strike. Grab Necklace of Natural Attacks.


Damage? You won't get damage from Monkey Grip. Dragonkin? Well, it's dragonblooded. Good.
Dip bard ASAP. Three levels is enough. You won't be casting any spells anyway. Grab Dragonfire Inspiration feat, Song of the White Raven, Song of the Heart, equip a Badge of Valor. Grab an item of Inspirational Boost.

+1d6 from Monkey Grip? Well, how about +4d6 fire damage at 3rd level?

Warblade2/Bard1 gets +3d6 Fire damage. Per attack. For the whole party. They'll gladly chip in for Badge of Valor.

Now with Greatsword and Punishing stance...

6d6 damage/attack. Without even trying.


2WF is better on something that gets additional damage, be it sneak attack, Dragonfire Inspiration (2WF Bardblade? Yeah).

Unarmed fighting is best done by an Unarmed Swordsage. if going monk, use Decisive Strike Martial Monk variants.

Abjurant Champion has better benefits when set on a full BAB chassis.
A Warblade5/Wizard1/AbjChamp5/Jade Phoenix Mage10 or even Warblade5/Wiz1/AC5/Warblade+11 makes a better deal than Swordsage14/Caster1/AC5.

Crusader makes a poor unarmed agility fighter, with his damage soaking abilities and whatnot.

Also - dandwiki stuff. *Cringe*

2014-06-07, 02:58 PM
With the first buid - Don't. Dipping for int to AC is a trap in this build.
Unless you got ridiculously high rolls, you should have about 10 in Int, meaning you won't get any real benefits from that. You'll get better returns pumping your Wis or Dex anyway. Int is your tertiary stat. At best.
Basically, Dex>Str=Con>Wis>Int>Cha.

14 to Str, 16 to Dex, 12 to Con, 16 to Int, 16 to wis, 8 to Cha

With Shadow Blade and Child of Shadow Stance you'll get Dex to dmg with Shadow Hand weapons and 20% concealment when you move at least 10 feet. And miss chance >>> AC.

Crusader. No. Basically, no. No, no no. But if you want anyway... Monk levels give you the ability to strike with ANY part of your body as an unarmed strike. Grab Necklace of Natural Attacks.

I believe I made it clear from the beginning not to just shoot me down just because it's not something you would do.


Damage? You won't get damage from Monkey Grip. Dragonkin? Well, it's dragonblooded. Good.
Dip bard ASAP. Three levels is enough. You won't be casting any spells anyway. Grab Dragonfire Inspiration feat, Song of the White Raven, Song of the Heart, equip a Badge of Valor. Grab an item of Inspirational Boost.

+1d6 from Monkey Grip? Well, how about +4d6 fire damage at 3rd level?

Problem..My Charisma is 5.

Well you were a great help, truly you were.

2014-06-07, 03:04 PM
1. So your rolls are high. Well, it MAY be good then. Still, you don't have enough damage for 2WFing.

2. Necklace of Natural Weapons is still your best item.

You don't need charisma to start Inspiring courage. Ergo - point still stands. You won't cast, but you can use wands just well. OR you can go Bardic Sage. Or Divine Bard. Wis and Int still high, right?

You may want to tone down the sass. If you publish your work, expect criticism.

2014-06-07, 03:05 PM
1. So your rolls are high. Well, it MAY be good then. Still, you don't have enough damage for 2WFing.
Yeah see I was kinda thinking I would Amplify my damage using Blades of blood, hence the dip I take it there is a problem with that too?

2. Necklace of Natural Weapons is still your best item.

You don't need charisma to start Inspiring courage. Ergo - point still stands. You won't cast, but you can use wands just well. OR you can go Bardic Sage. Or Divine Bard. Wis and Int still high, right?

You may want to tone down the sass. If you publish your work, expect criticism.

Fair enough. and Not really only about 12 each. Con is 18 and Str is 22 btw. with only a 10 to dex