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View Full Version : Alchemist class idea

2007-02-20, 10:22 PM
This was an idea for a new character class that was suppose to be very versatile and non-magical in nature. Sadly I lost what little paper work I had done on the idea when I moved out my dorm. Oddly enough, even though it was meant to be a non-magical class I based it off of two magical classes: the wizzard and the warlock. It would have the same hit die as a wizard and would have to "prepare" their abilities before they could use them, though these abilities would keep and even have a weight vaule. Like a warlock they would only be able to make a handful of "concoctions" that they could bottle up and use when they need to.
I tried to come up with alot of different type of concoctions but I simpply was not imaginative to do this. I imagine that the alchemist would be able make potions that could cause damage(fire, ice, acid, peircing(shrapnel)), that could heal, buff allies, de-buff enemies, and buff weapons.

The class would need a high int score, and probally good dex. I would imagine that they would have the same weapons as a wizard, and would not be able to wear armour while making potions. They would also need a lot of skill points for craft(alchemy) and Knowledge checks. I had also intended to give them a high number of class skills(about the same number as the rogue, though not the same skills.)

I wish I could make this class myself, but I cant. So I am putting it here for any who may be interested. I do not expect for any finale version to be the same thing I wanted, not even I could do that. I do ask, however, that who ever does finish this class send me a copy of the end result(and maybe put reference me for the idea).

In the end though, this is just something to toy around with and have some fun. Enjoy

2007-02-21, 01:18 AM
I supposed no one liked it

2007-02-21, 01:40 AM
Take a look at the Artificer from the Ebberon Campaign setting, it's largely what you're describing.

It's a lot more focussed on items in general, so you'll see more wands and such with the Artificer, but that's just because Alchemical items in D&D, and to a lesser extent potions, just don't hold up to the wand, which is comparatively cheap, IIRC.

2007-02-21, 01:52 AM
Hard to comment much without some concrete ideas. I mean, the idea of "casters" that work by preparing potions/tatoos/what have you has popped up here and there, and it seems like a nice idea. The Eberron Artificer is not wholy dissimilar (though they are still casters). I've seen some Monte Cook designed class somewhere that relies on tatoos for similar abilities, but I'll be damned if I can remember where.

I don't know why they need "a lot" of skill points for crast-alchemy. I mean, they are probably going to max that skill out by definition (like a bard with perform), and they are going to be a fundamentally int-based class, so they should have a fair number of skill points anyway. I wouldn't give them more than 4/level.

You say you want them to have a broad skill selection. Obviously all the knowledge skills. I could also see Appraise, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Decipher Script, Forgery, Heal, Open Lock (maybe), Profession, Search, and Use Magic Device.

It would be kind of interesting to have some class powers (maybe optional ones) give them some secondary healing capabilities (on top of being able to make healing potions.

Lots of ways you could go with this, so it's kind of hard to comment without just writing the class oneself...

2007-02-21, 03:15 AM
My problem is that I have never been a big fan of how magic worked in DnD and when ever I found a new system for magic(lord knows there is enough of them) I could never convince enough people to go along with it. At some point of time my distaste for DnD magic became a distatse for magic in general. So I began to look for a way to replace spellcasters, and offcourse I turned to my favorite class, the rogue. For a while i had about 10 pages of notes and a full class description written up. But then I moved and gave all my notes to a friend hoping he would finish it(though he wanted to make it a more combat based class). It was not until then that I found the warlock, and to be honest I just did not have the heart to start over.

to add to cferejohns skill list:survival(to help gather materials), Disable Device, Proffesion (Alchemist), and Spellcraft(to identify magic).

I am all for in class powers by the way.

2007-02-21, 12:23 PM
The ultimate problem with this system is that it encourages players to farm for materials, and it requires you to create the infrastructure to have them farm--if you want them to, then by all means, have them do that.

An Alchemist's main concern would be to transmute substances into useable goods. You would have to create an infrastructure of how this all works. It's really dependent on how much effort you're willing to expend into creating this module. Though, to make it easier, you could simply have a GP and XP price-tag attached to each if the character'd rather not adventure for his materials.

I'm not entirely sure how you'd be able to assemble this into a class until I can see how you intend on running your alchemical systems.

2007-02-22, 11:37 AM
Also, a break of three hours is not very much for detailed analysis. Opinions flow like water around here, but what you're looking for takes a little longer!

Zeta Kai
2007-02-22, 01:22 PM
An alchemist seems to be a specialist of an Adept, a Sorcerer, or a Wizard. In my current campaign, on the party's companions is an NPC Wizard; he is an apothecarian by trade, so for all intents & purposes, he's an alchemist by occupation, not by class per se.

Nevertheless, for the record, his skills set is currently:
Knowledge (Arcana)
Profession (Apothecary)
Spellcraft, among a few other unrelated talents

Also, Decipher Script would be beneficial, & I would give any alchemist class the Brew Potion feat as a free starting feat.

2007-02-23, 11:19 AM
The perfect gnome class.:smallsmile:

Using alchemy as a substitute for the magic system is intriguing to me I think that it could be a fun exercise.
A Concoction would be the substitute for the spell. Concoction might need to be learned or researched though the alchemist might gain some for free just for advancing in levels, like the wizard gains spells.

A major ingredient to an Alchemist class would be his need for unique and special ingredients for his concoctions. This could provide interesting flavor such as harvesting of components from defeated monster. If you think this is gross or unethical read about the antics of the early royal society of England.

This excellent post http://boards1.wizards.com/showpost.php?p=7050080&postcount=91
By Oakspar77777 for his excellent DMing thread on the WotC board has some great ideas on item creation that could advantageously be applied to this concept.

A drawback to this kind of class would the need to spend a large amount of down time creating magic items…er excuse me concoctions. Another problem might be the ability of a alchemist to stockpile concoction and go nuts on adventure with them.

I hope some of this is useful


2007-02-23, 05:43 PM
The perfect gnome class.:smallsmile:

Using alchemy as a substitute for the magic system is intriguing to me I think that it could be a fun exercise.
A Concoction would be the substitute for the spell. Concoction might need to be learned or researched though the alchemist might gain some for free just for advancing in levels, like the wizard gains spells.

A major ingredient to an Alchemist class would be his need for unique and special ingredients for his concoctions. This could provide interesting flavor such as harvesting of components from defeated monster. If you think this is gross or unethical read about the antics of the early royal society of England.

This excellent post http://boards1.wizards.com/showpost.php?p=7050080&postcount=91
By Oakspar77777 for his excellent DMing thread on the WotC board has some great ideas on item creation that could advantageously be applied to this concept.

A drawback to this kind of class would the need to spend a large amount of down time creating magic items…er excuse me concoctions. Another problem might be the ability of a alchemist to stockpile concoction and go nuts on adventure with them.

I hope some of this is useful


i was thinking about doing something like a warlock in potion/concotion making, they get to make and alchemist fire like substacne that they can lvl up ever other lvl; as well as some invocation like abillities in that they can pick a few from. also, the ingredient gather i was just going to trat like spell materials, its the DM descretion to as they are used or not. and to limit the stockpiling I was going to give all concotions a weight vaule(i figure alchemist is not going to have a high str).

thanks for the help