View Full Version : An evil version of sacred exorcist?

2014-06-07, 07:16 PM
Hey everyone, last week the gods of the dice decided to spit on me and I lost three different characters across three different games. This has caused me to have to roll up some new charcters, but one of them is giving me issues.

See I am planning on running a Illumain sorcerer gish and I have run into an issue with sacred exorcist. The character must be evil, the entire group is evil and I cann't just have my character turn a blind eye. This causes an issue with sacred exocrist as it has an alignment restriction of good and I was planning on using its turn attempts to fuel my DMM form my race's sigils. So my question is, is there a class I could subtitute in for SE to gain the turn attempts and not lose a caster level? Or do I just have to suck it up and dip 1 level into cleric?

Secondly Im not very good at spellcasters, I usally play a rogue or front liner so I was looking for some spell suggestions beyond the normal ones talked about in the gish handbook.

Thanks in advanced.

2014-06-08, 02:20 AM
Complete Divine errata rules that Divine Metamagic can only be used to fuel metamagic on divine spells. Is your DM ignoring or were you not aware of the errata?

2014-06-08, 03:06 AM
Alternative Source Spell covers him for this. He just operates at -1CL. Not a bad work around for only 1 feat.

Falcon X
2014-06-08, 03:08 AM
You could try Southern Magician feat to get through the Divine/Arcane barrier.

Have you thought about items? Nightstick (Libris Mortis) is the classic item that gives more turn attempts.

As far as prestige classes:
- Knight of the Raven (If Expedition to Castle Ravenloft is allowed)
- Master of Radiance (LM) - Not strictly good.
- Death Master (Dragon Compendium)
- Dread necromancer dip
- Death Delver (HoH)
- 3 levels of Blackguard
- Nomad Shaman (If the DM allows Dragonlance:Age of Mortals. If he does, check out the metamagic in Dragonlance too)
- Horned Harbringer (Faiths and Pantheons)
- Bone Knight (Five Nations variant)
- Doomdreamer (Return to Temple of Elemental Evil) - Kiss of Undeath doesn't give more turn attempts, but it will double your check when you use them the way they were meant to.