View Full Version : How to force a blind enemy to see? (want to mirror of opposition!)

2014-06-07, 07:39 PM
So my party needs to fight an elder brain.

We also have a mirror of opposition which creates an opposite aligned version of a target that beholds itself in the mirror, no saves allowed.

Unfortunately, elder brains do not have eyes. The DM has clarified they see things psionically.

Methods that have been considered to mirror of opposition the elder brain:

polymorph elder brain to something with eyes. Crazy high will save prevents.

Cast dark vision on elder brain. Will would also negates.

Get DMs to allow some form of ritual casting to boost DC of earlier two. Would take too many hours targetable by the brain.

Use mirror of opposition to get a good aligned lamia. Have lamia do wisdom damage to brain until it could fail a polymorph or dark vision will test. Would not work if the brain can use a different ability for its will modifier - which knowing the DMs would happen.

Anyone have alternate ideas which might work to achieve this objective?

The DM is pretty good with considering allowing rules from any 3.5 source books.