View Full Version : DM Help Eating Tarrasque Flesh!

Dr. Cliché
2014-06-08, 08:58 AM
In my campaign, I'm intending to include a city along these lines (http://forum.rpg.net/archive/index.php/t-261519.html).

i.e. a city built around a captured Tarrasque - which survives almost exclusively on Tarrasque meat.

Anyway, here's the thing, I'm looking for possible side-effects that result from the consumption of said meat. Ideally something creepy. :smallwink:

But, I'd rather the effects weren't immediately visible on the general populous.

So, I'm looking for suggestions regarding templates, grafts (or anything else) which could represent such side-effects.

In addition, there are going to be a few people who have been around a lot longer, and so have been eating the meat for much, much longer than the rest of the population. So, any suggestions regarding more extreme side-effects for them would be welcome.

2014-06-08, 09:06 AM
First thing that came to mind was the Wendigo, as some legends say people who eat human flesh were subject to becoming these monsters. Maybe something similar to that could happen to your city's folk. Subtle changes at first like being more irritable, a liking to all carnivore diets, etc. Then slowly the teeth, the craving for raw flesh...

Not that they necessarily turn into a specific monster, but your imagination could come up with some kind of demi-human form for these folk. Scarier if the Terrasque can mentally control them once their transformation is complete! It would probable be freed!

2014-06-08, 09:09 AM
In my campaign, I'm intending to include a city along these lines (http://forum.rpg.net/archive/index.php/t-261519.html).

i.e. a city built around a captured Tarrasque - which survives almost exclusively on Tarrasque meat.

Anyway, here's the thing, I'm looking for possible side-effects that result from the consumption of said meat. Ideally something creepy. :smallwink:

But, I'd rather the effects weren't immediately visible on the general populous (unless you have suggestions regarding concealment).

So, I'm looking for suggestions regarding templates, grafts (or anything else) which could represent such side-effects.

In addition, there are going to be a few people who have been around a lot longer, and so have been eating the meat for much, much longer than the rest of the population. So, any suggestions regarding more extreme side-effects for them would be welcome.

Honestly, I want to say that a little while after eating the meat each person in the city views everyone other than themselves as having some kind of extremely visible deformity to them. Leads to fun times when one guy thinks he's normal while the other guy has two heads that are far too small for its body, and on top of that in the wrong place.

Extreme side-effects could be that without realizing it/feeling it, the way that other people view them is actually how they became, but as before, they think they're normal.

I'm certain somebody could think of something better, but *shrug*

super dark33
2014-06-08, 09:11 AM
Just a general decrease of abilities? Slowly driving allergic people insane and subjugated to the Tarrasque, making them start a cult-terrorist-group?
Being actually Subnutritous? Anti nutritious? Poison?

Dr. Cliché
2014-06-08, 09:57 AM
First thing that came to mind was the Wendigo, as some legends say people who eat human flesh were subject to becoming these monsters. Maybe something similar to that could happen to your city's folk. Subtle changes at first like being more irritable, a liking to all carnivore diets, etc. Then slowly the teeth, the craving for raw flesh...

Not that they necessarily turn into a specific monster, but your imagination could come up with some kind of demi-human form for these folk.

Hmm, that's an interesting idea.

Although, now I have an image of the peasants acting like the aliens from Galaxy Quest (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JJ83r886Kyg#t=53). :smalltongue:

2014-06-08, 10:12 AM
What about a physical/mental dependence on this meat? What happens if these Meat Eaters stop eating?

2014-06-08, 10:27 AM
Make it subtle and/or long-term, otherwise people would just stop doing it if there are any other sources of nutrition available (people generally don't eat obviously poisonous stuff).

The most notable characteristic of the Tarrasque is obviously its regeneration. And its only a tiny step from that to mutation.

Why not make the first effects positive? Maybe you recover more quickly from minor wounds when you eat Tarrasque-flesh? Maybe you don't feel the effects of age as much since your body keeps younger?
But when you eat it regularly, your body becomes used to it - and loses its natural abilities to heal (it has an external substitute after all). This could take weeks, years, generations - your call. So once you are cut off from your supply, your body starts to break down - after all, loads of cells die every day only to be replaced, but if that doesn't happen anymore...

But Tarrasque-flesh isn't meant to be consumed by humans anyway. Its not just a better replacement for our own healing, its different. Maybe cuts scab over with leathery-scaly skin since the regeneration replicates its origin? Only a minor nuisance after all, only there for a few weeks - but what happens if you become more dependent on the meat, or suffer greater injury?
What if the template its working off can be overridden by other things you come in contact with (so that you don't have to stick to a single theme).

Imagine the havoc that could wreak with head-injuries, or if it affects major organs. Your body isn't rebuiling it to human standard, but into something alien - moodswings (different endocrinal system), strange vision/noises (if it affects the senses), strange cravings (if it affects the digestive system). Again, keep the effect subtle at first.

But what about newly developing bodies? What if a pregnant woman eats tarrasque-flesh daily? Higher rates of miscarriages with somewhat malformed babies might be the first symptom, but once the community gets more dependent on it...

Oh, and all of the above can be explained as a defense mechanism of the Tarrasque too - because why shouldn't it have one against this? Its flesh would constantly keep adapting, slowly corrupting the community around it into madness and dependency, until they get careless and the monster might break free...

Dr. Cliché
2014-06-08, 10:31 AM
Make it subtle and/or long-term, otherwise people would just stop doing it if there are any other sources of nutrition available (people generally don't eat obviously poisonous stuff).

The most notable characteristic of the Tarrasque is obviously its regeneration. And its only a tiny step from that to mutation.

Why not make the first effects positive? Maybe you recover more quickly from minor wounds when you eat Tarrasque-flesh? Maybe you don't feel the effects of age as much since your body keeps younger?
But when you eat it regularly, your body becomes used to it - and loses its natural abilities to heal (it has an external substitute after all). This could take weeks, years, generations - your call. So once you are cut off from your supply, your body starts to break down - after all, loads of cells die every day only to be replaced, but if that doesn't happen anymore...

But Tarrasque-flesh isn't meant to be consumed by humans anyway. Its not just a better replacement for our own healing, its different. Maybe cuts scab over with leathery-scaly skin since the regeneration replicates its origin? Only a minor nuisance after all, only there for a few weeks - but what happens if you become more dependent on the meat, or suffer greater injury?
What if the template its working off can be overridden by other things you come in contact with (so that you don't have to stick to a single theme).

Imagine the havoc that could wreak with head-injuries, or if it affects major organs. Your body isn't rebuiling it to human standard, but into something alien - moodswings (different endocrinal system), strange vision/noises (if it affects the senses), strange cravings (if it affects the digestive system). Again, keep the effect subtle at first.

But what about newly developing bodies? What if a pregnant woman eats tarrasque-flesh daily? Higher rates of miscarriages with somewhat malformed babies might be the first symptom, but once the community gets more dependent on it...

Oh, and all of the above can be explained as a defense mechanism of the Tarrasque too - because why shouldn't it have one against this? Its flesh would constantly keep adapting, slowly corrupting the community around it into madness and dependency, until they get careless and the monster might break free...

Those are some superb ideas, thanks. :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-08, 10:32 AM
I'm going to start by referencing something I read somewhere about the Tarrasque (I believe it was in Dragon Magazine). They're from a different planet, where there's an actual species of them. Therefore it wouldn't surprise me if they carry some unknown parasites. Basically pick a creepy biological template and go to town. Or, maybe, if you don't already use them, have the humans begin to pick up symbionts. Have the people born in this city be born as Half-Daelkyr. And have the Tarrasque be one of their creations, even though it's a magical beast and not an aberration. It would be very interesting, and if you already have one CR 20 encounter ready, a second might not be too bad. Throw in an actual Daelkyr who's disguised himself as one of the humans be masterminding the whole plot. Don't forget the creepy symbionts!

2014-06-08, 10:43 AM
I think that the villagers should slowly take on characteristics of the Tarrasque. a single Tarrasque steak wont have much effect, but after a decade of just eating Tarrasque Bacon? Instead of humans you have a populous with thorns and plates coming out of their back, long finges ending in claws, small horns coming out of their forehead. Also have some demons and angels hiding out in the city trying to figure out what is going on.

Dr. Cliché
2014-06-08, 10:57 AM
I think that the villagers should slowly take on characteristics of the Tarrasque. a single Tarrasque steak wont have much effect, but after a decade of just eating Tarrasque Bacon? Instead of humans you have a populous with thorns and plates coming out of their back, long finges ending in claws, small horns coming out of their forehead.

I was wondering about the flesh granting longevity - or even immortality (so long as they keep eating it). So, to stop overcrowding (and before the effects become too pronounced), people are killed/sacrificed when they reach a certain age.

Of course, the ruling elite are not subject to this, so their features are likely to be even more visible. And, the Lord of the City has been alive since the Tarrasque was first captured... imagine what he'll look like now. :smallamused:

2014-06-08, 11:34 AM
If you're not afraid of going a little Shadow Over Innsmouth style, you could have the long term effects of eating the meat be obvious and terrifying, while also having the rest of the populace conspiring to keep those who get to that point out of view of the rest of the world.

2014-06-08, 11:56 AM
After eating a strict diet of meat and very little else, the towns people all spend an hour or two on the toilet, roughly at about the same time of day, due to obstructed bowls and constipation. Prior to this time every day, known town-wide as 'the movement' everyone is increasingly irritable and angry. After 'the movement' everyone is supernaturally calm, and increasingly vulnerable to mind altering effects (everyone takes a minus 2 penalty to fort and will saves) for approximately 2 hours after 'the movement'

Add in scheduled feeding times and it already has the makings of a creepy town, possibly with cult activity for anyone who doesn't make a high enough knowledge: local check.

Also, scurvy might be a problem. Gout as well. I'm pretty sure there are other long term consequences of eating a mostly meat diet.

2014-06-08, 05:11 PM
You've read this thread on RPGnet, right? Probably some ideas there you can use.

The City Built Around the Tarrasque (http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?261519-D-amp-Dish-The-city-built-around-the-tarrasque).

2014-06-09, 12:08 AM
Heh I'm doing the same thing in my eberron game.

I've had it so everyone in the city heals much faster than normal, but everyonce in a while someone goes mad and turns into a tarresqieling, a sort of mini big T with fast healing instead of regen.

2014-06-09, 12:34 AM
Eating Tarrasque flesh makes me think of drinking Unicorn blood in the Potterverse...hmmmmmm....

2014-06-09, 03:07 AM
Well, a diet heavy in rich meats would tend towards gout, IIRC. And not eating enough veggies could give scurvy or other maladies of nutritive deficiency.

2014-06-09, 03:15 AM
Is it bad that the first thing I thought was "There's no way peoples teeth count as epic weapons or deal more than 15 damage in one go"?

Personally I wouldn't have the Tarrasque itself be subverting the town. It's not evil, and not cunning like that. It's more an avatar of brute force and gluttony. I could see another being taking advantage of the situation though, poisoning the town for it's own ends, preparing some massive ritual to control the beast.

Dr. Cliché
2014-06-09, 06:25 AM
Is it bad that the first thing I thought was "There's no way peoples teeth count as epic weapons or deal more than 15 damage in one go"?


Um... the meat has been processed? Yeah.. processed, that makes sense, right? :smallconfused:

Personally I wouldn't have the Tarrasque itself be subverting the town. It's not evil, and not cunning like that. It's more an avatar of brute force and gluttony. I could see another being taking advantage of the situation though, poisoning the town for it's own ends, preparing some massive ritual to control the beast.

One idea I had was that basically the entire city was a sort of cult - worshipping 'The Great Provider'. The ruling elite know that the creature isn't a real god, using it purely for manipulation.

Of course, some may take it to the next level - and decide that it is time for the Great Provider to be set free - so he can devour the unworthy (or something along those lines).

2014-06-09, 06:56 AM
I don't think I can make room for this setting in my campaign fast enough!

2014-06-09, 06:59 AM
This reminds me somewhat of the Doctor Who episode "The Beast Below", perhaps even the ruling family is being duped?

May Mr Evil (demon/devil) captured the beast and gave it to the town and put some sort of symbol into the town itself, like the town in laying on top of a huge summoning circle. Once enough cruelty has insured, torture eating a creature should count, there just needs to be one more action completed.... Perhaps the blood of an innocent must spill? Well whatever it is set the party up to do it (though if they dont , make sure to have a contingency plan).

Hmm you could make all that fecal waste be part of the ritual :smalleek:

2014-06-09, 08:41 AM
There was a 3.0 disease that was pretty creepy that could be transmuted for your setting. I don't remember the name or have access to the source, but it was a strange condition that increased your constitution higher and higher as the disease progressed. So the effects seemed beneficial at first, but as the disease continued, their dexterity dropped because of the callused growths appearing all over their body. The thickening of their skin eventually dropped their dex to 1 movement speed to 0. At this point the person was so disfigured with growths they were huge and couldn't move.

This could prove for an interesting idea.

John Longarrow
2014-06-09, 09:59 AM
Tarrasque is delicious... Very delicious... so delicious you don't want anything else!!!

And you feel soo good these days! Full of energy! And everyone starts being so friendly towards you! Except those bread eaters, they just can't stand how great you really are!
Game effects, lesser vigor (1pt/minute maybe?) for 1 hour after each meal. DC 5 will save to avoid addiction. DC goes up by 1 (cumulative) per meal you have that is only Tarrasque. Drops by 1 for each meal that does not contain Tarrasque.

After you get addicted, you get a +2 to CON along with the lesser vigor, plus the duration is now 1 day after having a meal (non-cumulative for durations). You also now need to start making a DC 5 Fort save (same +1 cumulative per meal) or become dependant.

If you become dependant, you gain the Feral template. You also have a BIG PROBLEM as you need to continue eating Tarrasque. For each day you don't eat Tarrasque, you have a DC 5 Fort (once more going +1 cumulative for days skipped) or you take a permanent -1 to CON. Go too long without and you die.

Fun part, addicted gives you +4 on all CHA skills when dealing with other's who are Addicted/dependant, but -4 to those who are not. Goes to +8/-8 when you become dependant. This gives the culture a 'bonding' effect that keeps the people together and push outsiders away.

If you are really into this, you can work out what they progress to after they've gained the Feral template. Maybe a 1/week save (make it slow) to gain something extra?

2014-06-09, 10:02 AM
In my campaign, I'm intending to include a city along these lines (http://forum.rpg.net/archive/index.php/t-261519.html).

i.e. a city built around a captured Tarrasque - which survives almost exclusively on Tarrasque meat.

Anyway, here's the thing, I'm looking for possible side-effects that result from the consumption of said meat. Ideally something creepy. :smallwink:

But, I'd rather the effects weren't immediately visible on the general populous.

So, I'm looking for suggestions regarding templates, grafts (or anything else) which could represent such side-effects.

In addition, there are going to be a few people who have been around a lot longer, and so have been eating the meat for much, much longer than the rest of the population. So, any suggestions regarding more extreme side-effects for them would be welcome.

Did you read the thread you posted in its entirety? There's something akin to what you ask for (http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?261519-D-amp-Dish-The-city-built-around-the-tarrasque&p=5695318#post5695318).

2014-06-09, 10:10 AM
There was a 3.0 disease that was pretty creepy that could be transmuted for your setting. I don't remember the name or have access to the source, but it was a strange condition that increased your constitution higher and higher as the disease progressed. So the effects seemed beneficial at first, but as the disease continued, their dexterity dropped because of the callused growths appearing all over their body. The thickening of their skin eventually dropped their dex to 1 movement speed to 0. At this point the person was so disfigured with growths they were huge and couldn't move.

This could prove for an interesting idea.

Vile Rigidity from the Book of Vile Darkness, but it increases Natural Armor while reducing dex.

2014-06-09, 10:12 AM
Depending on the level you want to take this, you can get some huge mileage with the city. Easily into epic levels. Since the Tarrasque is a brute force of nature, you can always ask, "who placed him here?"

Maybe duping people into eating his flesh for generations and having kids and them also eating the flesh and more kids, etc. is a way to reproduce the Tarrasque. Even an Epic level party would have a hard time dealing with 10 of these things, all templated out and with centuries of breeding to replace the bad feats with awesome ones.

Have the party inadvertently trigger whatever metamorphosis Macguffin that turns the townspeople into new Tarrasques. There's your epic campaign ending Godzilla battle right there.

Dr. Cliché
2014-06-09, 10:12 AM
Except those bread eaters, they just can't stand how great you really are!

For some reason this had me in stitches. :smalltongue:

Not sure if I'd want it to be the inevitable result, but I think I'll definitely use the feral template for some people.

I'm also considering attempting to make a 'Half-Tarrasque' template for the BBEG who's been eating the meat for the longest time. :smallwink:

Did you read the thread you posted in its entirety? There's something akin to what you ask for (http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?261519-D-amp-Dish-The-city-built-around-the-tarrasque&p=5695318#post5695318).

I did see that - that was what gave me the idea. I just didn't like the 'troll' aspect, so I'm looking for other possibilities.

2014-06-09, 10:28 AM
Depending on the level you want to take this, you can get some huge mileage with the city. Easily into epic levels. Since the Tarrasque is a brute force of nature, you can always ask, "who placed him here?"

Maybe duping people into eating his flesh for generations and having kids and them also eating the flesh and more kids, etc. is a way to reproduce the Tarrasque. Even an Epic level party would have a hard time dealing with 10 of these things, all templated out and with centuries of breeding to replace the bad feats with awesome ones.

Have the party inadvertently trigger whatever metamorphosis Macguffin that turns the townspeople into new Tarrasques. There's your epic campaign ending Godzilla battle right there.

Not really... A mildly optimize party of level 20 could take out quite a few of them permantly. They could take out armies if they planed correctly.

Big T is brute force, brute force is nothing compared to spells and tactics.