View Full Version : Build proof reading

2014-06-08, 09:04 AM
Hey everyone! I'm building a bard for a campaign I've been running. My best friend is taking over DMing while I'm in school this summer. I'd love some quick input about things I'm overlooking or could easily do better.

Play style: I've come seeking an artifact one of the players possesses. When I arrive, I fall madly in love with the female bounty hunter in the party and follow her everywhere trying to win her affection. I'm a coward and run from every melee confrontation if it isn't with a human. But in combat I fire arrows into fresh corpses trying to take credit for the kills, hoping to impress her. My primary role will be buffer/minor caster. It's all around the dragonfire inspiration. CHAOTIC NEUTRAL.

Starting at level 5 with a level 4 artificer companion (he had to reroll). I'm dipping dragonfire adept at lvl 2 to gain dragonblood and the diplomacy invocation. I haven't rolled my stats yet, but we're rolling 7d6 then allocating them to our stats. I'm human. I'll be aiming for int 14+ and cha 16+.

1) force of personality
H) melodic casting
3) dragonfire inspiration
Bard competence) song of the heart
6) words of creation
9) jack of all trades

Skills: knowledge arcana, diplomacy, bluff,spellcraft4, performwind, knowledge nobility 5, sensmo5,UMD
(Numbers indicate that I won't invest more than what is labeled)

Skill tricks
Collector of stories
Social recovery

0: stick/minor disguise/fine tuning
1: Heroism/charm/inspirational boost
2:holdperson, alter self

As for items, I've boosted my wealth by level's effectiveness through the artificer. I have everything I need.

I'll have
Masterwork horn 2lbs 100gp/lb
+1 chainshirtofinvulnerability3.88k
+2 variable animated crystal buckler 2930gp
Healing belt 259gp