View Full Version : New Diety for a Fallen Cleric

2014-06-08, 02:19 PM
Skip to the end if you don't care for how he fell.


Lets set the scene:

The party killed a load of elves who were waylaying a bridge robbing people at sword point, they kill the leader, and the rout 3 of them, and the good druid saves one from bleeding to death and after she answers their questions, and one thing leads to another and the party and her agree to go off and find the three that fled since 2 were almost dead and limped away.

Eventually the party finds the last elf - in the hands of an evil party, with an ogre holding the "Disabled and Helpless" elf shouting questions at him.

After a few "Let him go!", and "Go away or I'll smash him", combat erupts, and the cleric in question rolls high on initiative, summons three Celestial Bisons, one charges the enemy warmage, one charges the enemy cleric, and the final one:

Cleric: "He charges the [helpless] elf"
Me: "What? Why?!"
Cleric: "Well he's in the way"
Me: "Ok then... roll to hit vs helpless target with the bison's +8, don't roll a 1."

So yeah, he killed the elf, so he could get to the ogre, so he could save the elf, that he just killed.

The elf goes to -14 and is well and truely ran through by the bison. I am pretty sure he is now NE from NG, there wasn't much dispute on this.


So yeah, the previous cleric of Moradin needs a new diety, he seems to care little about life and is uncaring about taking a life, he likes his fellow dwarves and has like 30 ranks in craft skills, he also doesn't care that Moradin has abandoned him. You giants know of a God that would accept him and suit him?

2014-06-08, 02:30 PM
Erythnul Hextor konkreth

2014-06-08, 02:31 PM
Dumathoin(N) might take him as a metal/gem worker, Abbathor(NE) might be interesting as the dwarven god of greed. Both FRCS.

2014-06-08, 02:56 PM
So yeah, he killed the elf, so he could get to the ogre, so he could save the elf, that he just killed.

I think a god of insanity would definitely take him in after that episode. Someone like Tharzidun, Azathoth, or Erythnul.

Also, it might be fun to have him courted by the darker, sketchier gods, with the more decent ones only considering him after he atones.